MW rwwWfwyMrTw """SWK- ,?: !V Saturday Morning Courier 1 VOL. J), NO 7. LINCOLN, NEIIRA8KA, SATURDAY JANUARY 27, 1804. PRICE FIVE OHNTS. iW A ; i cm Ib situated in the geographical center of Butler county, one oft ho Uncut ngri cultural counties in Nebraska. Tho Beat of government wub located hero and tho town laid out in 187.'1 on u fine plat eau of high land, with wide streets and a public square tho size of a full hlock in tho center of tho business portion, now adorned by one of tho HncBt court Iioubo buildings in tho Btnto, built in 1802 at a coflt of nearly 870,000, It is built of red brick, trimmed with Colorado grey stono. It Ib of modern architecture and Ib an ornament to tho city and county. David'City now lww a population of 3,500 and Ib ouo of tho solid business centers of Nebraska and can boast of inoro solid brick blocks than any city of its sizo in tho state. Nearly thrco sides of tho public square aro solid brick fronts, two and three stories hiuh and all occupied by business not an empty store room in the town which speaks woll for tho business cntorpiiso of tho city, Thcro aro also many flno residences of framo and brick, several costing 810.000 each and aro neat and commodious. In J fact when one looks over this littlo city 5 ho wonders how this was all brought about in so short a timo in a codntry onco called tho sandy desert. David City is divided Into threo wards; is a city of tho Bccond class governed by a council. Tho Hon. Matt Miller is tho present mayor. Ho is now serving his Bocondtorm. Mr. Miller is widely known in this stato, having settled hero in 1870 coming from Wisconsin to this stato, Ho is now practicing law ho was appointed Judge of tho Fifth District of Nebraska and served ono year, when ho became a candiduto for election on tho cmocratic ticket and was no doubt elected, but owing to some irregularity in the count of the vote, tho other fellow was counted in, and Mr. Miller, refusing to make contest for tho plnco, lot the matter drop and is content with his practice of law; ho served in tho Nebras ka legislature two terms from this coun ty, being elected on tho Democratic ticket. CIIUBCHKS. M. K. This congregation has a largo brick edifice built in 1801 at a cost of nearly 820,000. ItB seating capacity is about COO. Rov. G. H. Woultun is tho present pastor. This is a strong church and Iiub a good influence in tho community. CONCIIIKOATIONAI,. ThiB denomination lias a tine edltlco built in 1870. It is a woodon structuro costing about 80,000. This is also a strong church. Rov. A. W. AyorB is tho present pastor. IIAPT1BT ailUROH. Tho Baptists havo a good church building, built in 188.). It is a wood strUcturo with good seating capacity. It cost about 84,000. This church has a t good iniluenco in this community. Rov. Mr. Kennedy is tho present pastor. LUTHKKAN. Tho Lutherans havo a fair church edifice built in 1800, costing about 83.000. This church has no regular pastor at present but has a supply. It is well at tended. HOLINESS OHUltOII. Havo n church building, and Geo. L. Brown flllBtheplacoot pastor at prosont. TIIK OATHOUUH Havo a good house of worship, built in 1877. This is quito a strong church, Fathor Box holrtB regular services horo overy Sunday. KCIIOOI.S. Tho Control High school is a brick structuro, two stories, built in 1880 at a cost of 810,000, and two ward school buildings built of wood in 1888, all good buildings of modern architecture. Pro fessor Vaneston Ib in charge of tho city schools. Ho is now in tho third year of service hero; ho is a gentleman of high culturo and education, and is woll liked. He has raised tho standard of tho of tho schools groatly Binco coining hero: his work Ib of high stardard and ho is liable to romuin somo timo. Thoro aro four grades and twolvo rooms; tho school employs thirteen teachers and pays from 815.00 to 8115.00 per month. Thoro aro L-ynrollod 713 scholars. hociktikh. K MaBonic, I.O. O. P., G. A.R, W. R. n a ..f r a r tt ir x.i v, j. i., .. w. j, in ,, jumiuiu Woodman, K. of P., Fraternal Order of Protectors; all well attended. WATKIt NYHTK.M. y STAN I) I'IPK. This plant was put in by tho city in IV 1888 at a cast of 8.10,000. Water is pumped from well .'150 feet deop. Tho , water supply is abundant. Tho city is woll supplied with hydrantB for tiro pro. tection, and a liberal supply for tho on tiro city for use in tho residence Hirtion Thoro is an indoioiidont lire company and hook and ladder 'company woll sup plied with hoso carts and a liberal amount of hose and hook and ladder wagon well equipped. Tho wafer sys tem is nearly self Btiportlng. IXF.CTHH1 I.KIIIT. This plant was put in by James Boll in 1880 at a cost of 813,000. It is owned and controlled by him; tho city con tracts for light by tho year, thirteen arc lights. This plant supplies tho city and the business houses and residences with all tho lighting thuyncud at a roas onablo price and is an ornament to the city as woll as being very useful. ' HAII.IIOAIIN David City is tho junction of threo systems of railroads; Union Pacific, Fremont, Elkhorn it Missouri Valley and Burlington fe Missouri, which givo lino services and shipping facilities. DAVID CITV- II AN Nino dry goods stores. Seven grocery stores. Threo drug stores. Four hardwuro stores. Two furniture stores. Four implemont stores. Two clothing stores. Throe hotels. Threo retaurants. Threo livery stable. Thrco printing oflices. Thrco butcher shops. Threo elovators. Thrco lumber yards, Three banks. Threo millinery stores. Twcnty-fivo professional men, doctors, lawyers, etc. MiWHPAPKHK. Butler County PreBB, C. D. Casper. David City News, A. II) Betzor. Peoples Banner, F. B. Lemons. Central Nriirwtkn National llnnk, Ib located on ono of tho choicest busi ness corners in tho city in a two story brick building. ItB banking room is a commodious room, fitted up nicely and conveniently arranged for business. Its furniture is antique oak. Thero is a long brick vault firo proof for tho safe keeping' of deposits, and timo lock safe. This bank was organized Nov,. 7, 1887, us a National with W. M. Buntry us President and Hon, Geo. R, Colters as Vice-President, who is now tho cashier. It has a capital-stock of 850,000, surplus 810,000, undivided profit. Tho board of directors aro composed of boiiio of tho mosj solid business men of Butlor coun ty. Tho board moots ovory Monday morning and passes on all loans and makes a thorough examination of tho bank. This bank enjoys u good patron age and has tho ontiro confidence of tho business mon of tho county and tho general public as is proven by tho business done. Their deposits will generally average 8175,000 and during tho recent financial depression this bunk hold tho ontiro confidence of its patrons. This bunk has ub exchange agents, Nutlonal Park Bank, N. Y., FirBt Nat ional Bank of Chicago. U. S. National Bank of Omaha. Hon. Georgo R. Col tors, tho cashier, is a gontlomon of thorough business ability, ns is shown by tho business of tho bunk. Ho is hold in high esteem by tho men of Butlor county. Ho served ub tho representative of this county in tho lust legislature, being elected on tho Republican ticket. Ho camo to Butlor county in 1887. DAVID CITV HTKAM IIKIUK MANIJF.W TOKV. W. II. Busholl owner and proprietor. This onterpriso wub established two yours ago, on tho old system of manu facturing brick, and is now running un der tho latest improved system of stili mud wire cut brick, with all tho latest improved machinery. Tho clay is a yol low potters, and is found horo in in largo quantities, being a 1(1 foot vein, lying two foot bolow tho Burfuce. Tho kilns in which tho product is burned aro tho round draw draft of which thoro aro four and will burn 40,000 ouch every four and a hnlf days, making a capacity of 10,000 por day. Tho capacity of tho machinery is 24,000 per day. Tho com ing Benson Mr. Busholl expects to put in a continuous kiln of sufficient capacity to burn tho entiro out put of tho yard, bolng 24,000 per day; having put in tho last season boiho improved machinery which enables him to produce tho finest quality of brick. Tho fuco of tho brick is smooth and free from checks and of oven surface, and acute angles, equal to most of tho dry pressed brick In finish und of a deep red color. Tho brick aro very donso and Hno grained. Ho is also producing a fine quality of vitrified brick, suitable for paving, also rock-faco work. ThiB enterprise is highly appro elated by tho pooplo of David City and of other towns adjacent, as is proven by tho lurgo number of brick blocks und dwellings built from tho product of this plant. On personal examination wo found tho brick in tho kilns to bo well burned and of ovon color, showing that tho work was dono mechanically, This onterpriso employs 18 men and adds much to tho Iwnollt of David City. PORT OrtKIOK. J. A. Cook took charge of tho xst olllco July 1, 1803 under tho present ad ministration so ho is in lino Kliticully with Mr, Cleveland. Mr. Cook camo to this county In 1877 from Lewis county, West Virginia. Ho is ono of tho stand bys in his party, ho has Bpont most of ids timo bIdco coming hero in tho county court houso, ub deputy treasurer, deputy dark und deputy sheriff. Ho is a gen tleman and knows how to run tho iKst office successfully. His untiring pntlonco and pleasant countenance make many friends. The post olllco Ib located In tho east end of a large room fronting tho court houso square and in tho center of busi ness. It is nicely fitted up with patent metal combination lock boxes, 757 In all besides a largo number of general deliv ery boxes. Everything of tho latest stylo und pattern. W. II. TllOltP Camo to this stato in 1800 from Penn sylvania and settled in Soward county, wus upiHilnted county treasurer to fill vacancy caused by M. A. McPherBon, ub an expert to oxumino und straighten the books of Mr. McPhorson who was a do faultor. Mr. Thorp was elected to fill tlio same olllco for three terms in suc cession und camo to David City In 1877 und opened tho Butler county bank (now the First National) continued in tho bunking business for twelve years in this bank and tho David City bank when ho sold out IiIb banking interests and went to California for his health und after regaining this he returned to David City and wus appointed stato bunk oxuminor by tho stuto board and served as such for twoyoars whon ho re signed and ono year lator entered tho drug business, which ho is now follow ing. Ho carries a ilno stock of drugs, books, stationery and druggists sundries does his full share of business in this lino. Mr. Thorp owns considerable lands and town property and Ib ono of tho Bolid mon of this county. In 1880 ho built a tin large opera houso on the south sido of tho court house squure, which he still owns and managca.the seat ing capacity of his oporu houso is 1,000. is woll patronized and is good puying property. Mr. Thorp put 81,000 into this enterprise. Ho has done his full Bhuro toward building up David City; is a gentleman of liberal ideas; Ib very pub lic spirited und Iiub had much oxper. ionco; and lias tho confidence and es teem of tho bueinsss men of Duvid City and Butlor county. KKAI. K8TATK, T.OANH St INHUKANUK. Doty it Knight ono of tho leading firms in this line; they aro doing u large busi ness, tho lust year amounted to over three hundred thousand dollars, which speaks well for thorn and tho property of Duvid City und Butler county, ob peciully when it it Ib thoir first yo-tr in business ub a firm together, Mr. Doty is woll known in thiB state us a R. R. con tractor having been interested in Uiut business for' nearly twenty yearn last past and inudo a success of tho business, ho did tho work for tho U. F. R. R. when thoy built through Butler Co. and went also to build through this locality Mr. Doty haa accumulated a fortune; he owns largo tracts of reul-estato and considerable city proporty. Mr. Knight is a young man of good business pluck and understands how to moot people, es pecially if thoyaro looking for roul-estnto making a good combination for a busi ness firm. Thoy havo on their bookB a largo number of good farms for salo at reasonable prices, for Hutler county land sells read'ly horo for from 830 to 855 per ncro for improved farms. This firm gives especial attention to business for non residents, and anyone Booking for proporty investments in this part of the stato will do well to writo or call on thorn und bo woll served. HAH.NKS AND SADDI.KKV. J. G. Blessing, owner. This business wub established in December last. Mr Blessing linos In Arlington Nebraska. Tho business is concluded und manuged oyF. E. Broniza who is a practical harnessinaker having had 12 years ex piorenco in this line. Ho ianyoung man of thorough business ability, and intends making this ono of the leading business ob of David City, and by his close at tention to business, morits tho conti donco and patronage of tho people. He carries in stock it full lino of harness, both double und single, mostly of his own make. Ho also carrion in'Btookn good assortment of saddles, trunks, va HceB and lap robes. Ho is located in a brick block ono door north of Perkins' hotelon south sido of tho court house. Any ono wishing to find him. look for tho sign or tho dapple grey horse, in tho front window. WIIOI.KhAI.K DKAI.KIIH IN IIUTrKH KUClx; POttl.THV AND PKKII. M, S. IIiok it Co.- These gentlemen do a general business in there line, buy for cash and ship to tho eastern and western market In cur load lots direct to New York, San Francisco and many other cities. They aro enterprising gentlemen and aro always on the alert for customers and aro ready with their cash to pay tho highest market prices for good articles in their lino. Their business was established two J ears ago. Thoy have a cold storage huildlng'24x50 feet, thrco stories besides the basement; It has two cooling rooms, ouo for butter and ono for eggs, with capacity for ton car loads. They also havo a factory for working over butter and packing In tubs ready for shipping. This process prepares the butter for market equal to uny factory butter. Thoy niivo a super ior process for handling eggs and can warrant every egg thoy ship to bo fresh, ihoy ship poultry in car load lots alive, or in packages dresse 1. They handle green fruits in car lots, also take in for cold storage for other parties all kinds of perishable goods. DAVID CITV ItOI.I.KH MII.I.S. Georgo Etting & Co., proprietors, do a general milling business; produce all kinds of flour, food, corn meal, buck wheat Hour and rye Hour. This mill was built in 188.'); Ib 30x50 feet, throe stories with an addition 22x30 two story, has a capacity of 100 barrels; has six doublo set of rollers, with other machin ery of first-cluss make. This mill was all refitted last your with now machinery including a now procoBB of bolting, which places it first cIbbs In every respect. Tho product of this mill is partly sold in David City und adjoining towns, und balanco ship pod to distant plncoB. Thoy buy most ly wlnteTwhcat from tho farmers in this county. Thoy also do a large exohaugo trade from adjoining counties; thoy al ways pay tho highest market price for thoir wheat, ami sell their Hour on the Btrcngcst kind of a warranty. They mako two brundn.of Hour, the Boat is tho fancy patent crystal, which haa al ready gained n igide-Bproad reputation. Tho other is DuSnond Dust, a second putont t)isalso.,hMuirgc) sale. uThls enterprise is ono of the solid tilings of David City and iJuttlor county,' and does ita full share toward building up this city. Tho proprietors havo tho full contldonco of tho people, und uro well I utroni.od as is shown in thoir increased business. David City'spcoplo aro proud of this ectorpriso. Tho firm Ib composed of Geo. Etting, Wm. Quad, Henry Glade. DAVID CITV IIIIOOM KACTOHV, Quadk ttCoi.KMAN, proprietors. This plant wus established In November last and is now doing a flourishing business. Thoy aro munufucturing fine quality of brooms. Thoy buy thoir corn mostly in Butler county, nnd boII thoir brooms all in this Btato, partly to grocery jobbers and partly to tho rotuil trndo. This is it now enterprise for Duvid City and should bo woll patronized and encour aged, ub it ul ready is. Homo manufac tures is what Nobraska pcoplo ought to encourage. IIOTKI. .IKNKINS. This magniflcont hotel was built by a Btock compuny in 1887 at a cost of 837.- 000, is 100x175, threo stories high, und bus 52 guest rooms: it is fitted up in first-class in ovory part. It is a brick structure, built of rod brick with stono trimmings. Tho proprietor, Mr. Jutnes Bell ro- fitted tho houso from bottom to ton with now furniture, curpots und fittings lust March. Mr. E. J. May. tho miinairor and landlord, who assisted in tho work, is u genial gentleman und an old hand at running a hotel und fully undorBtands his business. Ho has followed the hotel business 17 years, most of tho timo in Indianapolis, Ind., and Nobraska. This hotel is tho finest in this stato for tho alzo of the city, and is run in first-class fitylo und outers to tho traveling public and has an onviublo reputution. Tho holp and sorvico in this hotel is as good as in uny hotel in uny city, is Btrictly first-class, especially in tho dining room, everything is us neat ub wux and gives ono an appetite to step in. Thoolllco and dining rooms aro lurgo und vooy con viently arranged, have good light und vontilution. Tho ontiro building is lighted with cloctricity, and tho rooms, hulls and stairways uro ull carjKited with lino BriiBsols carpet, und the beds uro clean und comfortuble, in fact, the trav eling pilgrim finds no better accommo dations in all his travels. This hotel is well patronized by to traveling public nnd tho pooplo of David City aro justly proud of tho Hotel Perkins. mauiiim: niioi-. Charles Heainas, proprietor and own er, manufactures water tanks mado of wood, iron and stool. Brass nuttings and general repair shop, this nlaut was established 1884 in a small way; and has grown fo be quite largo in proMirtions, Is'run.iy steam engine ten horse Kiver. Mr. Heainas Is an enterprising gentle man and Is bound eo succeed In this huslmvs, Ho Is going to put In a com plate stock of farm Implements, ho has just bought his stock and will have it ready for tho sprfng trado and expects to meet ury of Ills competitors prices; und his machinery and goods will bo first-class In overy way. Ho is located on F street, just north of tho U. P. R. R. trucks, where ho can always bo found. IB It is particularly gratifying to bo able to record so many changes in Lincoln's business circles that mean additional recognition of Lincoln's iuiortnuco and appreciation of Lincoln's advantages by Lincoln's business men, Within the past mouth there havo been many changes In conctviis that wore branches of other houses or that had outsldo con nections, by which the control of the same has passed into tho hands of Lin coln parties, to tho manifest advuntngo of this city. Tho most recent of theso affects tho Whltebreast Coal and Llmo company, which now becomes a distinct ively local concern. The Whltebreast Coal and Lime company was organized in 1885, succeeding tho WhltchroaatCoal and Mining company, of Ottumwa, Iowa. It Ib the ugont of tho Whltebreast Fuel company of Chicago, and tho Colorado Fuel it Iron Co of Donvor, with both of which it has maintained close connec tions. , John T. Dorgan, tho munagor, has held a considerable block of stock, but tho controlling interest, formerly owned by J. C, Osgood, has been hold by tho Colorudo Fuel A Iron Co. Tho Lincoln compuny, since its inception, has done a largo retail and wholesale coal business, tho annual business run ning away up in tho hundred thousands. Tho treasurer of tho company hits resi ded in Chicago, und the heavy bunk de posit of tho company has of necessity boon largely, keptoiu. Chicago. Within tho past fow days John L. Dorgan,1 and Finney nnd , havo purchased tho Osgood stock In the White breast company, giving them a controll. ing interest. Mr. John T. Dorgan, tho present secretary and manager, bocomos a largo 'holder und is mado treasurer so that hereafter tho business of the compuny will bo transacted in thiB city. Tho wholesulo business, which wub bundled direct from tho mines will bo dono from Lincoln, and this branch of tho business will be rapidly extended and developed. At a special mooting hold in Donvor Monday E. Finnoy wbb added to tho board of drectors. Mr. Finnoy ono of Lincoln's most promi nent business men proves to bo a valu ublo addition to tho company. At tho nnnual mooting to bo hold in May somo further changes may bo mado. Tho WhitobrcaBt company, undor Mr. Dor gan's munugementh Iiub been slngirlarly successful, and a very rapid future ad vancement Is assured. Mr. A. C. Cuss of Donvor, it should bo stilted, will romuin president of the company. Within tho past weok or ton days thoro has boon a noticeable movement of grain, and thcro is a marked increaso in the railroad tonnage. There is reason for congratulation in the fact that tho number of foreclose ura and sheriff's sales Iiub not been so small in years ub at tho present timo. - It is tho goneral feeling that thero will bo a lively spring trado in all lines. The Lincoln Clearing Houso associa tion hold a iiiuntingThursday afternoon. Messrs. I. M. Raymond and S. II, Burn ham, of tho American Exchange nation al bank, made it report of the prelimi nary meeting of the Missouri River Bankers' association hold in Kansas City, and thoro waa a general discussion of tho purioso of tho now association. Mr. Raymond stated thnt ho hud invited, the ussoclatlon to hold its next meeting in this city, and that the invitation wus accepted. Tho clearing houso ratified Mr. Raymond's action in tho matter. This meeting will probably bo held somo timo next month, and it will bo tho most importantjyot held. Lincoln and tho other cities will consider tho advantages and disadvantages of a bank union and decide whether they want to go In. Frank M. Blish manager or Dun's Mercantile Agency, furnishes tho fob lowing business summary for the week, toTiiKCouiiiK.ii: "Tho past weok has boon a vorj dull ono locally, both with tho wholesale and retail trade, this condition being empha sised by tho oxtroino weather of tho first half. Sales for January; us nonrlv us can bn gleaned will show an nveriigo falllhg off of fully one-third us compured with January a your airo: but It mluht bn added In this connection that Jnnunrv U'l was better than common, Prices of staples continue vorv low1. sales uro in smaller quantities and re peated oftonor. ull pursuing a conserva tive policy and avoiding debts as much as M)sslble. Outside collections aro rottortod fair. showing In fact somo slight improvo- ineht. Money is in fair demand and tho legitimate wants of irood borrowers are bolng supplied. Deposits Increaso slow ly. There Is a general fooling that hotter times aro coining but a remarkable di versity of opinion as regards tho ditto ,vof thoir arrival. This contldonco In tho future Is a favnruhlo foaturo howovor, and will havo Kb effect. , Thoro havo boon no local failures of consequence during tho week, and com paratively fow in tho state. Opinions aro that fall and wintor purchases, woro so much smaller than ordinary as to mako much loss trouble from bills ma turing in January and February, than was anticipated by many. Tho record of failures thus far would Boom to boar out this supposition. Purchases for Bpring business aro vory light and tho talk is all economy, Thero will bo no scarcity in the Ice crop. Tuesday's bliz zard Bottled that matter very quickly. J, F. Morris, of tho Rudgo it Morris company, furniture, ono of tho most prosperous concerns in Lincoln, has not boon a rosldont of this city for two years. Ho is now living nt Niles, Ohio. Tho business affairs of the company wore concentrated this weok by tho pur chase of Mr. Morris' stock by O. H Rudgo and C. J. Guonzol. Tho com pany is Incorporated and there will bo' no changoin the name: , """ . M. Gi Perkins, of Omaha, manager of tho American Press Association, who conies into close contact with ihonows gapor publishers of tho state, informed a representative yesterday tha so far as ho can learn, there Iibb not been n singlo failure of any consequence among tho newspapers of Nebraska dur ing tho past your. JIo stutes that pub lishers generally report a national im provement in business, and all aro confi dent that this year will bo universally pros!orouB. The advance agents of tho various theatrical companies that como to Lin coln, all report a decided improvement n business sinco tho holidays. Mr. Blish's review will hereafter bo a regular feature of Tiir. ill II That aspiring young Lancnstor county farmer who purchased a flag and put it in the hands of somo women with ho ar ranged to havo it presented to him at a public gathering, as a gift from un or ganization to which'they belonged, and who arranged with tho same persons, to havo him selected as a delegato to rep resent their corps nt a national mooting, though thoy had their own delegates, and who agreed to pay his own expenses but desired to have it understood they woro defrayed by tho society, will hard ly reach tho lieut-govcrnorship, to which ho aspires. In tho event that Lancaster county candidates for other state offices should not bo successful in securing it nomina tion, F. D. McClusky, of this city, muy bo it candiduto for tho nomination for superintendent of public instruction. For ull Texas points via tho Missouri Pucifio route February 13th. City tickot office 1201 O street, Lincoln, Nob. II. C. Young and J. J. Buttlor art get ting up it lurgo crowd for Texas Febru ary 13th via tho Missouri Pacific mute. Call and seo them before making your arrangements elsowherc. 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb. I'nt'Minoiiln l'rttiittt, HUMPHREY'S SPECIFICS No. I and No, 7, euro Coughs and Colds, und prevent Pneumonia and Consumption. Price 2.H! each. For sale by all druggists. pJF fw id I 0 oJ n p. vi -'ajfrfiiHaa3gawawini '3 we-- z "ok .' i'w'trK,r5i. ri .s).,;, ..'. .isAji.ixa