Z'STpflfi, It'jMSVPRu'MGttPttSMIRMIttMlftwVIMlHfi r i w 1 f r ?A L-. H. y TThb Printirigr E:qrretvirx THE COURIER II 11 IS "Gloriunu' wiih given its third preson tntion in this city Tucsilay evening, be ing preceded by a one-act curtain raiser entitled "Sweet Will," which like nearly all curtain raisers was notable chief iy for its dreariness. Thoro is something the matter with tho people who write one-act plays. The humor in these plays in quite apt to be sickly, and tho pathos is generally bathos. Stupidity is almost invariably ono of thodistinguishing characteristics. Miss Emily Hancker, who has a par ticulurly charming stage presence, was a very pretty Glarutna, with not quite as much vivacity asMissCroBBinan, who is bo delightfully remembered in con nection with this part. Mr. Pursons as Fitz Jiwelyn did noth ing" that entitles him to any considera tion. Sj)inkn and Count Kvititff were cleverly done, and other minor parts were well taken. "Gloriana" is a very clover farco, and it was thoroughly enjoyed Tuesday even. Coining Attriictloint. Milton NobloB in"ThoPhojnix"willbo seen at tho LaiiBing Tuesday, January 1(1. "Tho PhcL'nix" was produced in 1875, and in it Milton Nobles was first scon us a star. Yet thoro are people ready to swear they saw it thirty years ago, and that Nobles is at least seventy live years old. In ono of tho o.xchangcs last weok, Mr. Murray, Mr. Nobles' manager, was conversing with an elderly gentleman who has recently built an opera house in u western town and who was in tho city filling timo. "So Nobles is going to revive tho old 'Phienix,' eh?" said tho manager. "Well, I am glud of it. It will carry me bauk to my boyhood again. 'The Pluenix' was the first play I ever saw. I waB a kid in my shirt sleeves und I nearly fell out of the gallery when tho first scene cume on." NoblcB was Heated in an inner ofllce and heard tho remark. lie sauntered out, shed up tho speakor,who looked old enough to bo the actor's father. ' Introduce me," said Nobles to his manager. "So you saw me play 'Tho Pluenix' whon you wore a kid in the gallery, ehY Let mo see, where was that?" "Old Arch Btreet theatre, Philadel phia." "Yes. I nlayed there in 18(8 for the first time." "Oh, it was long before that. It must huvo been in tho '(X)s." "Hold on," suid Nobles, "tho play was THE - R K M 0 V A. Iv - Courier Printing TUB written in 1875.'' "What! 1875? Well, I thought you looked mighty young. It must have been your father I saw. What did he used to play?" "Rip Van Winkle and Davy Crockett." "Oh, yes, sure enoHgh! Davy Croc kett! That is the pieeo where tho Indians set tire to the cabin and tho soldiers arrive on a freight train just in time to rescue the girl." Morrison's "Faust" will be presented at the Lansing theatre, Wednesday, January 17. The version of Gnotho's work which iB presented was made by Mr. liuylo Bernard, of London. Tho general arrangoment of tho scenes fol lows very closely that made familiar by Mr. Irving, but it should be said that there is no evidence of any attempt to copy the production of the English manager. Miii'diicrile is imprisoned, charged with the murder of her mother, and not with the killing of her child and indeed tho fact that shoever had a child is ignored. The piece is staged well and tho pictures are ellective. Electricity is used with good efTect in several scenes, tho duel with its flashes of electric light is a startling incident. The apotheosis Is iiIbo interesting, making a fitting close to the weird and singular performance. The scene on tho summit of the Jirockou is thrilling and impressive, 'is was the casein the Irving production. It holds tho attention of the audience and its close made brilliant by a dazzling dis play of fireworks is iiuite a novelty. A great many supernumeraries are used, and tiiey aro handled so skillfully that they add to tho naturalness and elTec tlvoness of tho picturss. The culcium lights aro also cleverly placed and utilized to good udvantngo. (J rent caro HHhi !3liCIIIf 491kVCiIi9I VI9B i M WSVMI SATURDAY JVJLOISJVXJLVQ COURIBH IS PREPARED TO DO ALL -- COURIER has been used in selecting the company, each member of which is peculiarly adapted to the parts for which they are cunt, thus assuring a harmonious whole. "A Trip to Chinatown" will be pre sented at tho Lansing theatre next Fri day evening with a regular lloyt com pany, and adequate accessories. This farco of all that lloyt has produced in recent years, has been the most success fill, having had a continuous run in New York of over four years. This play abounds in striking songs and catchy novelties, and having on its form er appearance in Lincoln been greeted most enthusiastically, it is sure to repeat its former success next Friday. "A Trip to Chinatown" will be given a most enro fill prebentatiou and admirers of Hoy t are looking forward to a treat. Aro inn eivoii, ; Are you all tired out, do you have that tired feeling or sick headache? Von can bo relieved of all these symptoms by tak i lug Hood's Snrsaparlllit, which gives nerve, mental and bodily strength and thoroughly purifies the blood. It also i creates a good appetite, cures indiges ' t ion, heartburn and dyspepsia, Till' I lest l.lllllldr,) I Townsond .VPlniiuindon proprietor, "JOS O street, telephone 570. W. '. lint U, ii, I). ,s Diseases of the teeth, mouth and face. HoomsoOl-U-U, Mraceblk.,cor. Kith andO. Dye mill i:nr Mi recoil. , Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and aurist, j No. lt0:i O street, Lincoln, Neb. I For all social doings the Nebraska I state band or orchestra is what is always most desired. M. L. Trester, Penna. hard coal, It 1 1 O street, 1134 IV where, in commodious quar ters it will continue to keep step with Lincoln progress. Jn.fievrxrc h! 113 IV Street, WNCOIvN, IVE, lls pliiru nt Hi" licuil of nil iitirloillculs iiub- lishcil In tli" hninlsli liinuutiKo U no longer ills- lulled mi) where." Alliiiiiy ArmiK. THg CENTURY MAGAZINE IN 1894. Tiii:nti:Ti:sroF am. tup. maoazini;. 'UUHi I'iiki-h of I lit- Hfnl Literature. I IOOO llliiNlriitluiiH by llio i ronton! ArllHtk of IIik World. flUlK prouniui of llio now wiliiuiu of thitC'ou-.-L tury MiiKiizino, hcuhihlni: with tliu Novem ber number, Ib iiiii) of rnru Interest to uvory render of lituriitiirc. Tliu cliluf serial feature it A NEW NOVEL BY MARK TWAIN. Tlio most ilraiiiiitic story ovor written lijr Amcricn'H unmteat humorist. I.lko Hcvurul of I Mink T xvii Ill's HtorleH.it Ims for Its srenn n Hte.iinlxmt town on tlui Mlnlaljl river forty jciirs hum. "I'llilil'nlii'iul Wilson." u luirif hcutlcil country lawyer, the hero of tliu story. fnrnlslii'M iniiofi of tliu fun that ono naturally exnects to llml in n work liv tliu initlmr of "Tlui liiiincuiitH Aliroiiil," lint lie appears In (juito mother IIkIiI in thu inurdor trial which forms tliu thrllliiiK clininx of the story. Tim plot in troiluccH ii novel unil Ingenious employment of sclcncn in llin detection of crime, and thorhiir arters nro well drawn anil their ever) action Is IntcrcitliiK, The century will contain StibHorlbe Nowi l'rlcofl.OOn ji'r. Dealers reecho subscrip tions, or ruintttnnco may ho matin to tliu pub lishers by check, draft, money-order, or by ensh In registered lot tor Address 1?l- Ciatvn- Co. tttt UciHt lTtli tt JV. Y. Wrllo for ii "Miniature Century" free. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Iliiniiliri'v' hpc cities urn scientifically and carefully prepureil lU-iiuillcs, Ukcil for years In prlvato practice anil for oer thirty years by the Iieoplo with entire Miccewi. Kviry single Becino I a siieciai euro lor me iiicafto named. They rum wlilinut IrtiKitiiiK.Piiruliiic or reducing L tho system and aro In fact und ilcca tliu hot rrrlmi J llciiiriilrs ufllic World. '"run no. n mi. ricit. 1 Fovora, Councstloin, Inflammations., ,V13 M Wornm, Worm Fever, Worm Colic 'J3 3 TrctbliiKi Colic, Cry Ihr, Wakefulness ,J5 4-IUnrrlicii, of Children or Adults J5 7 Cough, t'oliln, llrnuchllls j5 H-Neiiriiluln, Toothache, Faceache as II-lleildiiclii'H, Sick lit ailachc, Vrrtfito.. ,115 10-Dynpcpnlll, llllloilkiicHft.Coiiiitlpatloii. ,'JH 11 Hupprenoeil or Painful l'rrloil. , ,'JS t4-'lille, 'luol'iufiiMilvrlikls US 13-C'roup, Liiryiiullla, IloarseneM US 11-Salt Uheuiii, hr)nlx'laii,Kriiptloiii.. ,3 lA-UlieuiiiiitUni, ltheumniluraliis US lU-.Miiliiriii, ChllK Kcvrr ami Aruo .115 ln-Cntnrrh, Intluenra, Cold In tho Head. .US UO-WhoopliiBt'oimh US U7-Kldiiny IM.eii.c 'iS UN-Nervoim llelillliy. 1.00 30-I!rlnnry U'eiiUnr, WcttliiR lied .US lII!.lIIIIltKYh, WITCH IIA.F.I. OIL, "The 1'lle Ulnliiienl."-Trlal HUr,2SC'ls. Snltt br Prurclilt, or nit ui-iM on rtftlrl f pries. Da. IIUHrmtit' UmviL ill! 'ci) wiisu r. UlrilKKTS'Mi:U.(l).,lltllinilUB'Bt.,BIHTOIK. S p e cTFi c s . FREg rssUli staaortblac Us rMomreM! KANSAS, ARIZONA, OKLAHOMA, VRW MEXICO and CALIFORNIA. May b.t had by adrirrssinfl O.T. Nickolsoo, 0, I' i T. A., A. T. 8. P. &. ft., totMka. Taosss Mint Ion tkla ptptt. O () () O (1 STREET (MCINTOSH PRINTING OFFICE) KINDS OF FINE. wwm WEDDINGS BVIIM. III!. Pill!. KM. ill. TIE MIK PUBUSHiHG Ci W THE NorthWetern Is the Only Line TO Hot Springs and Rapid City, S. D. DIRKCT KOUTU TO leadwood, Sioux City, St. Paul l Mileage Ulilwaukee And all Wcnteru Points. Aud all I'oluti l!t. The lUkhorn Line is now mulling Reclininu Chair Cars daily between Omnlin and Deadwood PR1JK to holders of fir&t class trnusportatiou. liiformation in Regunl to ony point to which you may wish to go will be ".ivusi by a. s. maniNG, w. m. siiipman, C. T. AkciU. Gen. Agent. 1 133 O St., Lincoln. Neb. H. G. BURT, J. R. nUCHANAN, Gen'l Munnger, Omaha, Neb. Geu'l l'ass. Agent Mijjouri Pacific f nHvcnoco Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Arkansas, Indian Ter ritory, Louisiana, Texas. Old aud New Mexico, Arizona and California. For pamphlets and full ilescribtion, mklresa. J. K. R. MILLAR. II. C. TOWNSHND, C. T. Agent. Geu'l l'ass. and Tck. Agt. mo O St., Lincoln, Neb. St. Louis, M. m -jr- -.. n(w J&xfi?arr&eL -FOR- ISllllllll 4 , -ir--yTy- yMjygai3tBE ' 7Sjts:aJtMmw m i urt-uumi-