TM-IJtt SATURDAY MORNTIG COURIER I V ' v. m ii us McChiro'n Mnrnlno for liiiiunry l iw nttnintivn in illustration iih in wmling mutter, and what llrpt strikes ono In KliinciiiK tliroHKh It Is tlm nptiililo wealth of iortrallM. Ono of larkiiimi tho historian, wirvi'H as frnntiflplrco; and in the "llninan Dioiiiiionts"iiomrtim)nl (which, by tho way, ttlmti'S nono of IIh interest ami novolty),aro others of Park man, iih well uk ii norleHof Hitler HiiKKnnl the novellut, anil a stales of tho eminent French h)siuliiu anil scientist, Charcot. Tim arttolo likeliest Ln llrst hiiImj tho render's attention Ih (Jy Wurman's vivid ileHurlitlon of tho rlilo ho took on tho onulneMof tho "ExHsltlon Fljor" from New York to CIiIciik. For twenty hotirH, anil through nearly u thousand miles, without Bleep or icHt.Mr. War man, liiniBolf an old engineer, kept IiIb place in tho "cab," and took noto of all that wiib dono in "keeping them going" at a Bpeed attained by no other train In tho world. Scarcely lesH thrilling than tho account of thin unparalleled jour ney, though, aro hoiiio of tho proiulBCH of progress recorded in a BorleH of prcdiu tloiiH contributed by Professor Huxley, Max Mullor, Professor K.J. llouBton, ArchbiHliop Ireland and other Amorl caiiBanil Europeans of Bpeclal authority in religion, science and literature. A ntudy of Jules Verne at homo, largely autobiographical, a biographical and critical Btudy of Francis I'arkman, and an account of tho Maxim air-Bhlp, tho newest and most promlBing appliance for aorial navigation, aro also notable artiuleB. W. I). HowoIIb, G. W. Cable, Elizabeth Stuart PholpH, Professor Tyn dull and others contributo a series of retloctloiifl and mottoes suggested by tho now year. Tho short Htoriesof tho num ber aro by Gilbert Parker, Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton and I. Zangwlll. Wo tu'co great pleasure in announcing tho publication of a work Interesting and valuablo tn all. "Neoly's History of tho Parllamont of Religions and ltollg ioufl Congresses at tho Columbian Ex position." Issued completo in ono largo volunio of about 1,000 pages. A careful compilation of tho proceedings at once a fascinating Btory and a book of unl versal'valuo. A nnrrativo of tho grand est achievement in rmxlern religious history, Tho book contains biographical sketches of Dr. John Henry Harrows and President 0. 0. Bonnoyj origin of tho parliament of religions; proceedings of tho meetings of tho parliament; speeches delivered and papers road at tho various sessions; tho beliefs of the various religious denominations; opin ions of omlnpnt divines; intluonco of the parliament upon tho religious thought of tho world; a condensed report of the proceedings of tho religious congresses. Many full-pago illustrations with por traits of many of tho speakers and for 'elgn delegates. Published by F. T. Neely, Chicago, Price: Cloth.H5.50j full snoop, 94.00. Agents wanted. Tho short days and long nights of winter givo tho Atlantic Monthly quite suftlclont reason for making tho Januarj number particularly strong in its llctlon. Mrs. Deland's new novel, "Philip and His Wife,'' opens with the greatest promise of interest. The heroine ot Miss JewettV story, "The Only Bote," has been mar ried three times, but it is not through the treatment of any "question" that the. story Js delightful. Humor and sympathy and skill give is a high place in Miss Jewetfs beat work. "Wolfe's Cove," by Mrs. Catherwood, a story of the taking ot Quebec, and tho continua tion ot Charles Egbert Craddock'a "His Vanished Star," supplying the rest ot the fiction. Captain A. T. Mahan, the well known naval writer, contributes a careful study ot the career ot Admiral Earl Howe. A hero nearer our own da) is General S. C. Armstrong, .of tho Hampton inBtituto. Th'o Rev. J. II. Donison, his classmate at Williams col lege and his lifelong friend, tells, with appreciation ot a rare charactor, tho story ot General Armstrong's life. Miss Edith M. Thomas appears in yet an othor ot her delightful studies ot nature, "From Winter" Solitico to Vernal Equl nox," and shows tho poet's hand both in the verso and in the proso of which tho paper ls"mado up. Ot uncommon inter est to studentsot literary history aro ten lottors, hitherto unpublished, from Colo rldgo to Southey.and "Down to Towor'd 'Camolot," a "Talk at a Couutry Houso," by Sir Edward Strachoy, himself tho editor of tho Globo edition ot Sir Thomas Malory's Morto I'Arthur, with which tho' "Talk" is concorned. Pro- lessor Shaler says another word for the colleges in his "Transmission of Learn ing Through the University." The two poems ot the number are ot unusual charm, and one of the'book reviews, on "Lowell. Brooks and Gray in their Let ters," has especial contemporary interest. II GIRL WIT WE. In Oklahoma City, I. T., there is a most extraordinary young lady, who illustrates true American grit better than anybody that we have heard ot for owe Maw, ,TShe is Miss Ada Curuutt, 1 and she m ckrk of the district court and also a deputy United States marshal. The other day she got a telegram from United States marshal stating that two well-known despcrato chnriictora who were badly wanted woro at Okla homa City, nnd to Bond an experienced doputy thoro at onco to arrest them. As It happenod all ot tho deputies wero at that tlmo out on the "scout" with warrants, but tho men must bo arrested, and t'-o plucky llltlo woman took tho train herself to Oklahoma City. Arriv ing them she learned that tho men wero In a gambling houso and saloon. Miss Curnutt is a slender woman about twenty yours of age, .well dressed, modest, but with determined-looking gray ojes and unllinclilng courage, Bho found tho toughs, who wero des perato looking creatures heavily armed and very much under the Inlluoncn of liquor, read tho warrants and placed them under arrest. Tho totigha con sidered it quite, a joke at llrst and re fused to accompany her. Hut although flho was entirely unarmed, in a locality whero tho only thing that commands thorough respect is tho Winchester and tho revolver, sho told them that they must go with her and that sho could instantly summon every man on the stieel iih her posseman to assist her. Tho men a Lnved her to fusion thorn together with hiiudculTH. Bho marched them to tho railway station, took them to Guthrie and turned them over to tho authorities. Miss Curnutt wont to Oklahoma very shortly after the country was opened to settlement with her sister and brother-in-law, and her ability noon won her u placo in the court clerk's ofllco. She known nor curcH nothing for politics, but sho un derstands her business and sticks to it. Sho is tho daughter ot a Methodist clorgymau nnd wuh born in Illinois. Sho dovotes most of her sparo tlmo to china painting! I hoar that tho frock coat him re ceived a severe blow In England and that the cutaway, with longer tall, and in grays and drubs, bus been seen ut afternoon functions. This is hard to beliovo, but it Ih important It true. Tho cutaway, or morning coat, Is a very comfnrtablo garment and ono which Is oxtromoly serviceable With tho ad vent or rather revival ot tho cutaway, comes tho adoption of tho tio ovor tho four in -hand scarf. Men also wear colored shirts with whito collars much moro generally than formerly and I know many well-dresecd men who woar them at afternoon functions. In fact, Englishmen aro dovotod to tho colored shirt. I think myself that it varies tho monotony ot a man's dress nnd gives a bit of color to sober apparel. Notwithstanding tho effort to intro duce tho paddock coat, with long skirts and volvot cJlur and cuffs, tho over coat worn by tho smartest mon is tho melton, dark bluo or black, with simple velvet collar. Tho skirts como only a littlo below tho knoo, nnd thoro is no attempt at oxuggoration. As for tho frock coat, I Bhould bo sorry to boo it go. It is to mn a very distinguo and useful garment. A man always lcuks well dressed in a frock coat, whorcus tho cutaway or morning coat gives him, nolens volens, a slouchy and un kempt appearance I am partial to tho sack in the morning it is comfortablo and becoming. It has tho laisor alter air about it, which makes tho charm ot a morning coat. Voguo. 1 VOGUE III JEWELS. Turquoises and diamonds havo be como tho vogue in jewels, sinco tho daughter of tho-Duko of Edinburgh, now Crown Princess of Roumanin, has decreed that this combination is the prettiest imaginable. It is ono that has been growing in favor with the smart est pooplo since tho marriage of Prin cess Louise ot Wales, but in tho Grown Princess of Roumania's case there is anothor and personal reason also, an Intensely womanly one, for this pro foronco namely: tho turquoise is ex quisitely becoming to tho seventeen- yoar-old royal brido's pretty pink and whito complexion, her bright, wavy, fair hair, and her blue eyes. Tho tiara, necklet, and orringa given to her by her father aro most exquisite, and thoro is one ot her evening gowns with which they will look qulto perfect. Tho emeralds in tho queen's present, a very beautifully-designed pendant, aro ot wonderful beauty, but sapphires and turquoises aro tho jowols most suited to a fair girl. EmeraldB and rubies look superb on brunottes, and of course all must bo sot with diamonds to secure' effect. Fronch and Russian women aro having broad flat bands of turquoises mounted as collars and belts, which look extremely pretty, and the soft, vel vety blue gems are also used for shoe buckles, garter fasteners, and even chatelaines. After llrcakfaat. To purify, vitalize and enrich the blocd, and givo nerve, bodily and digestive strength, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Continue the medicine after overy meal for a month or two and you will feel "like a new man.1' The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is proven by its thousands of wonderful cures. Why don't you try It? Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Tub can furnish pleasant and profitable outside employment to one or two young men or women, I Corbett has been intorviowd by n ro portor of a Florida paper and this ninco Ills arrival in tho land of bruugcH. Tho reporter asked Corbett: "What do you think ut Mitchell as n ilghtcrr" and Corbett replied without hesitation: "I don't beliovo ho will stand up to be knocked out. I believe my advantages, however, of four Inches in roach and four yours In ago will win the light for me. In addition to this I can out-wind him." "Weren't you a littlo bit afraid of Sullivan when you faced him in Now Orleans?" "No; It I had been I wouldn't havo fought him. I felt of him for a few rounds to llnd his mciipuro mid some ot his friends begun to hiss mo. 1 know after tho llrst round that 1 bad him beaten. Ii. tho fourth round I gave him u fearful rap in his wind and ho called to mo not to taku any unfair ad vantage of him. I replied, 'I don't havo to, 1'vo got you whipped now.' Sulli van In a bravo man, ho took a tremen dous lot of punishment. I only felt one of his blows and that was tho ono in my side. I wanted to finish him early in tho light, but Dolaney would not allow it and cautioned mo to tight carefully and take my time. I saw tho whito of hlseyes several times in tho light, they looked glassy and death like." "Didn't you feel a littlo sympathy for tho old gladiator when exhaustion overcame him and his arms dropped to his side and you deulth him that awful smash tollnish him?" "Oh, of course, but there was too much depending on it to hesitate." "Prize lighting like ull other sciences is improving." "Thoro aro now things in electric lights, phonograph and all that. Tho lighter ot today Ih far superior to tho tighter ten or oven ilvo yours ago." "Ono of Sullivan's upper cutH would havo put mo to sleep, but I easily saw ull ot them coming in tlmo to avoid them., Speaking ot being afraid, I was not frightened but just that nervous tension which makes tho raco horse fret at tho polo expresses what I felt at tho s'urt ot tho light." "Do I smoko during my training? Why, yes, modorutoly. I tuko a good cigar utter meals. I novor found it to injure my mind." "No I don't drink except u glass ot clarot or possibly a littlo chumpugno ut dinner." When 1 am out ot training I occasion ally drink but I novor lush." Ill Ono day as I sat in tho door ot a Kentucky mountuin town, which was ulso u postofllco, u long, gangling youth ot twenty-two or twenty- threo camo in. Tho town of 2,000 was u great city to him, and ho was ono of tho most vor dunt vurioty of yap. "Is this tho postofllco, mister?" ho askod of tho postmaster. "Yes, sir," wus tho polite response "Is thur a lottor hero for Miss Liz Smith that I writ from Short Hun lust week?" Tho postmaster looked over tho list but found no lottor. "Shore thar ain't nono?" ho askod persistently. "dure." "Is thar any other postofllco in town?" he asked. "Two moro," responded tho post master, who was catching on, and the young man wont out to look for them. In halt an hour ho returnod. "Say, mister,' ho said sheepishly, as tho postmuster appeared, "I made a mistake. Her name ain't Smith, it's Gipson; my na'mo is Smith und I got kinder tungled up, novor boln' in town much. Is thar a letter for Miss Liz Gipson?" The postmaster looked over tho Gs, but thoro was no letter. "Well, mister, I'm oblocgod to yor," said tho caller. "I writ her a lottor t'other duy suyin' as how I'd bo comin' up to sco her sho lives over on Cross Crick ami I reckoned I'd just tako tho letter along with mo. Good. by o," and he went out without showing in any way thut ho wusn't doing tho thing just as it should bo dono. OF IHIERESI 10 HER. I used to think tho luxuries of lifo cost moro than tho necessities, and always subscribo heartily to Dr. Holmes's immortal sentiment, "Givo us tho luxuries ot lifo, and wo will dispense with tho necessities," but I am begin ning to doubt tho truth of my belief, remarks a contributor to a New York society journal. Certainly flowers aro luxuries, and food is a necessity, ulso the times ut present aro very hard, but I find at many ot the wedding and re ception feusls that I have attended this season luxury in tho way of flowers was evivent, while necessity in tho way of food -wus decidedly in tho vocative After all, porhaps tho luxury ot tho floral displuy on theso occasions was moro uppurent than real, for if there wero a good many flowers there was In B HI proportion much grconory, and greenery Is not expensive I linvo been told of a most effective nnd unusual trcutmont of chrysanthe mums which was seen on a dinner tablo a few days ago. Tho blooms woro of tho anemone kind, which aro lighter looking and moro easily adapted to un artistic table decoration than tho larger and fullor varieties. Tho (lowers wero arranged in fun-llko shapes in quaint blue nankin china vases. Largo funs, in rather high ones, for tho center, and Atnnllor ouch round at intervals. Farloyouso'forn was used nB a back ground, und a fow sprays woro loft care lessly drooping from tho funs, taking away ull appearances ot stiffness. On the center pieco, which wub richly worked in gold cord und heavy gold cmbroldory, mimic funs of fern woro scattered about. Tho candlo shudes, too, woro fun sliapo, nnd mado of gold network with sprays of tho fern at tached by Invisible wire Tho vurioty of ways to nrrango these Dowers is almost inoxhaustiblo. They uro ut their best grouped in bold masses. I mean tho deep bronzes and yellows together, tho whites in tho sovoral tints, tho brilliant reds, which shado down Into tho palest pinks and rich crimsons. Thoy scorn to blond moro happily with tho quaint bowls and jars thut como from tho cast, with their littlo odd HgurcH und eccentric scenes; porhaps it 1b because they both origlnuto there, cortuin it Ih that this season tho great bowls of nankin bluo china nnd Japan ese vases thut have boon banished for some years, uro again in ovldonco, nnd always filled with a mass of these gorgeoiiB blooms. Tho promptness with which Ayor's Chorry Pectoral slops a hacking cough und induces refreshing sloop Is some thing marvelous. It novor falls to givo Instant relief, oven in tho worst cases of throat und lung troublo, and is tho best romedy for whooping cough. Fino now lino of business suitings from 925 to 8-10 in Scotch nnd homespuns Jcckoll Bros., 119 north Thirteenth Htreet, near Lansing theatre Jeclcell Bros. Tailors, 110 north Thir teonth strcot. David P. Sims, dentist rooms 42 and 13 Nurr block. Chuod City nnd Rock Springs coal nictly screened at Lincoln Coal com pany. Tho noxt excursion for Toxas loaves Lincoln January 0 via Missouri Pacific. Got ready und tako a trip to tho south. City tickot oftlcol201 O strcot. Ono of tho duintiost ot tho now ,ycnr culandors is that issued by tho proprie tors of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It will fully satisfy every expectation us to beauty und utility. "Sweot Sixteen" is tho hend of a beautiful girl, tho lovely picturo being lithographed in many delicuto colors. Tho pud harmonizes with tho oxquisito array ot color abovo, while tho dates aro easily read. Hood's calendar may bo obtained of your druggist or by Bonding 0 conts in stamps for ono or 10 centB for two, to O. I. Pood & Co., Lowell, Muss. For Toxus points tako tho Missouri Pacific route City tickot ofllco 1201 O, strcot. For all social doings tho Nebraska stato bund or orchestra is what is always most desired. WORLD'8 FAIR JURY. Grants Highest Award to Dr. Price's Cream Halting- Powder. Ciiioaoo, Jan. 4. On the analysis and recommendation ot Dr. Wiloy, Chief United States Government Chomlst at Washington, and greatest living authority on food products, tho world's fair jury today gave tho highest uward to Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdor for strength, purity and ex cellence This conclusively settles tho question of superiority. Dr. Wiley ro jectod tho alum powders, stating to tho world's fair jury that ho considered them unwholesome Florida! Florida t Buy ono of thoso tourist tickets via Missouri Pucitic; good until June 1. City tickot ofllco 1201 O street. MId-Wtnter Fair, San Francisco Cal., Kx curslon Tickets Now on Sale Wltliltouml Trip, Limit April 30 '04. Tho Trunk lino botweon Lincoln, Atchison, St. Joo, Wichita, Hot Springs, St. Louis, Houston, Gulvcston, Lob Angles und all points oust west north und south. Como and go via tho Missouri Pacific tho popular chair cur route II. 0. Townsond G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. Phil Dunlols O. P. & T. A. Tolephono No. BOO. City ofllco 1201 O street, Lincoln Nob. A beautifully decorated after-dinnor cup und saucer ot tho finest china given away freo to ovory now sub scriber to The Coukiek who pays 50 contB in advanco for threo month's subscription. Theso cups and saucers can not bo purchased for less than 75 cents or tl. Sam ples will bo placod on exhi bition ut Thk CouitiEK ofllco 1201 3 street, in a few days. flHflPMBIBE .CAPITAL AND CLEANING WORK8. No. no Nrwoifta sat. Neely's History of mi PARLIAMENT 2 RELIGIONS AND RELIGIOUS CONGRESSES ATTHK COLUMIItAN EXPOSITION. Illustrated with full-pngo Engravings. Complete in ono volumu of about 1,000 pages. Holiablo nnd authentic. Compiled from original manuscripts nnd stenographic reports. Holng n nnrrativo ot tho grnndost nclilorcmcnt mill the limit important ovont in modern reunions history. A Fascinating Ntnry. A I look of Universal Ititracst. A companion ot tho scholar; ol tho greatest voluo fur reference. Tho book contains blographlcl sketches of Dr. John Henry Harrows nnd President 0. C. Honiioy: origin of tho Piirliiimcnt of Hcllglnns; proceeding of tho Pnrllnmont ! speeches de livered nnd papers road nt the vnrlonn sessions; tho beliofs of the various denominations ; opin ions of eminent divines ; Inlluonco of I lie I'nrllii monttipon thnrollglnus thought of tho world. A gcnornl roviow ot the Kcllginus Congresses. Comploto in ono largo volunio ot about 1,000 pages. Illustrated. Non-ttcctarian and Impartial. Prion: Finn Rno-llpli ninth flnlrl Rl.ln nnd Back, 12.00. Full Shcop, Library oiyio, si.uu. aoni postpuiu to any ad dress on receipt of price ArchI's Comploto Ouint, Pontbnld floe. F. T. NEELY, Publisher, Chioaqo. Special Inducement to Subscribe NOW to TOWN TOPICS. $4.00 will nnyfnr tho entire yonr 1894, nnd you will receive FItKB from dato of subscrip tion tho issues of Town Tonics fortlioromnindcr of tills joar, including tho special Christmas number (doublo number, price. 25 cents), con taining A Marvelous Talc by Ambrose Blerce, Entitled "Tho Damnod 'Flilrxig. 'po, tlio regular club prlco of Town Topics nnd Talcs from Town Topics for ono jear, will got you not only Town Topics ns abovo to tho onil of 1804, but tho four volumes of talcs for that )oar and tho holiday number of talcs, out Docombor 1, tills year, with tho aitKAT rmzi: stoky, Anthony Kent A Thoroughly Cosmopolitan Novel. PRICE 50 CENTS. V Critics agree, that this is tho strongest nnd most Intensely Interesting of this romurknblo series of Prlzo Stories. Remit in check, money order, postal noto, to TO'W TOPICS, 1 West 83d Ht., N. Y. N. n.-Hnvo you road AMELIE RIVE8' latost and best novol, TANIS, THE SANG-DIGGER? JUST OUT. 12mo, cloth, gilt, $1.50 postpaid. THE ATLANTIC FOR 1894. Will contain, among othor attractions, PHILIP AND HIS WIFE, A SERIAL STOKY 11Y MARGARET DELAND. Tills Is undoubtedly tho most important work of tho author of "John Wurd, Pronclier," in volving somo of tho lending problems in modorn social lifo, studied very thoroughly, and truatod with udmlrublo skill and grnco. SHORT STORIES, By Miss Jewett, Mrs. Cntbcrwood, Joel Chandler Harris, Mrs. Wiggin aud others. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY Will bp vory otrectivoly represented by papors from (.apt. Mnhnn, l'rolessor McMnstor, tho historian, Hon. J. !. liancrott Duvis, Profes sor Mundcnhnll and others. LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM Will bo mado attractivo by letters of Colo ridgo and Thoreau, and by papors on engag ing themes from Sir Edward btraency, Prof. Kittrougo cf Harvard, Professor Tyrrell of Dublin, and othor very competent writers. NATURE. Oollghtful sketches on tho soasons and tho aspects ot naturo in Florida. Utah and Can nda aro promised, by Miss 1 human, Bradford Torroy. rrnnk Holies and OUvoTliorno Miller. EDUCATIONAL TOPICS Will bo treated with care and thought duo to thoir Importance. This is regarded as ono ot tho most usoful parts of tlio work or tho Atlantic. Articles aroassurcd from Professor Slialor, lloraco E. Scuddor and other" wiio aro ablo to spouk with authority. MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Spoclal attention will bo given to dramatic criticism dud to tho development of tho thcutro in America, with reminiscences of famous actors and actresses, TERMS: W.OO a year in advanco, postngo lrca;35 cents a number. With now lire-slzo Eorlrait of Whittior, Lowell, Huwtliomo, merson. L.otiRfo.Uuw, llrynnt or Holmes, 15.03; each ndchtiOliHI portrait $1.00. Postal notes and monoy uro nt tho risk of tho render, and therefore remittances should bo mudo by monoy order, draft or r 'gistered lottor. Houghton, Mhhn & Company, 4 Park St., Breton, Mass. is stamped in the best watch cases made. It is the trade mark of the Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia, the oldest, largest and best known factory in the world 1500 employees, capacity 2000 cases daily. Its products arc sold by all jewelers. It makes the celebrated 'fas. Boss Fitted Watch Cases, now fitted with the only bow (ring) which can not be pulled off the case the A WATCH CAII OPINII SENT fill. w U IH KOW 1804. The Best Literature. The Newest Knowledge. Fully Illustrated. 15 CENTS A COPY. 1.D0 A YEAR. Somo of tho features nrot THE EDGE OF THE FUTURE. Tho marvels of iclonco nnd achievement, presented in n popular way. FAMOUS PEOPLE. Their llfo-stories told by word and pictures, the materials being in all cases obtained from sources intimately connocted with tho subjects. TRUE NARRATIVES OF ADVENTURE, DARING AND HARDIHOOD. Leopard hunting in North America. Linn hunting in Algeria Tiger hunting in India. Elephant hunting in Africa. Adventures In tho Upper lilmnlnjns. GREAT BUSINESS INSTITUTIONS. Tlio longest rnllroad ln tho world. Tho Hudson liny company. Tlio Hunk of Eng land. Tho buslines of tho groatost mor cliiint ($IU0,0UU,CW0n year). HUMAN DOCUMENTS. Portraits of famous peoplo from childhood 1 to tlio prosont day. SHORT STORIES l)y tho best writers NOTABLE SERIALS by KOUEIIT LOUIS STEVENSON and WILLIAM DEAN 1IOWELLS. Among tho contributors for tho comlngyoar aro : PItOFESSOIt DItUMMOND, ELIZABETH HTUAItT PHELPS, AHOHDEACON PAItllAK, IlltET HAUTE, ItUDVAKD KIPLING", OCTAVE TIIANCT, ANDItEW LANO, W. D. IIOWELLS, OILI1KRT PAHKElt, F. It. STOCKTON, JOEL CHANDLEIt HAKIMS, CONAN DOYLF, K. L. STEVENSON, CIIAKLES A. DANA, AliOUlUALI) FOKUES, and many othors. 15 CENT8 A COPY. $1.60 A YEAR. Remit by drnft, monoy order or registered lottor. I I Mil, LIMITED, 743 & 746 BROADWAY, N. Y. OITY. URGESt, CHEAPEST, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Send for Froo Sample Copy ot i Tho tending livo stock nowspapor and mar ket reporter of tho west. A paper for STOCK RAISERS, FARMERS, fine stock breeders, grain dealers. Very latest and correct markot reports by telegraph from all tho principal stock mnrkots. Address DAILY, S4.00 PER YEAR. SEMI-WEEKLY, ! " WEEKLY, I.SO " THt DROVERS JOURNAL, UNION STOCK YARDS, Soutli Omahu, Nob. FOR CHOICE GUT FLORAL DECORATIONS, WEDDING AND FUNDRAL DESIGNS, A SPBOIAItTY. Special attontion givon to tho grow inp; of now and choico roses. Curnntionn and all kinds of grconhouso plants. CONSERVATORY, PHONE m COR. G AND I7TH STS. " : Are Just ss Curable as Other Diseases. Treated exclusively by Dlt. LEONIIAKIIT, Lincoln, Neb. OfflOt UJ7 O ST. MOUBt a TO S DAIIV, : Undor now mnnogoraont MERCHANTS' HOTEL, IIULETT tt DAVENl'OIlT, Props. Spoclal attontion to stato trade, guot and commercial travelors. Farnam street electric cars pass tho door to and from all parts ot the city. THUEE-MINUTE TALKS & mus'iES about d folder de- AD0UT scribing tho NEW MEXICO. '""!( . . ...... ranches, mines and towns of Now Mexico. Tho profits rf fruit raising nro set forth In detail! also facts relittlvo to sltecp, cattle and general farming. No other country possesses such a dosirabla climate all the year around. Write to E. L. Palm r, P. A. Santa Fa IlouW, Omaha, Nab., nr fr" copy. mm ii V V y iPs ip, ffiwi L4xJi Lai H' ! JS-Jg V-"" I iAworl'i'X-'