.WKWflfflBHffW9W .,t5am-JLSw5r - ' .,-.. , '-ly-'r -- v' r jwX3mxj3Sscamw ;MaWWt,,W MfUMWIMAtttV pi rcnis &A.TTJTXATT MOIfcJVXKTO COURIER m s -I SOc. in ;1 lltV I'V 'III, ho X V t) i I .y nil Mrn Irvino Ih grunted ti divorco and tho custody of tho child and Ib allowed $30,000 alimony, besides expenses. Irvino'H case was very poorly miuinged from tho Unit, und tho result, ull tho facts coiiBidored, is not surprisinu;. Ah The Coukiiui Iiuh already mild, Irvino'H conduct since tho killing of Mont gomery hud been despicable. His treat ment of MrH. Irvino, admitting that sho iu guilty of everything that Iiuh been charged against her, was not such as to rellcct any particular credit upon his churacter iih a man, and inuny persons, whilo expressing tho HtrongeHt con diminution of Mrs. Irvino'sirregularitieB, havo not hesitated to inanifeBt their dis approval of tho pcculiur tuctics em ployed by tho huBbund. But,' ullhough tho coiiBUminution of thin revolting pro ceeding wub not ultogother unuxpectcd, uud whilo Irvino Iiuh, und justly enough, como iu for hiB share of condemnution, tho verdict cannot bo regarded other wise than us u monstrous injustice, uud a most discounting sign for those who look to tho luw to redress wrong und administered justice It is unueccBsury ut Hub time to com ment on tho jhuructer of Mrs. Irvino. This is u subject thut is und bus been tolerubly fumiliur to most people iu Lincolu, oven if tho most intorested party, Irvino himself, bus only very recently acquired adoiiuuto information thereupon. Sulllco it to say thut she is not u proper person to havo tho custody of tho child. Tho awarding of tho custody of tho daughter to her is a re flection on tho luw and tho cause of jus tico, and an insult to tho public sonso of decency. And tho decreo of divorce. Is it to bo understood by tho action of tho court in Salt Luko City that it was held that tho ovideneo introduced showed conclus ively thut Bhe, iiiBteud of Irvino, bud been cruelly wrongedY Docb tho grunt ing of u divorco to her, iusteud of to tho pluintiiT iu tho caso, mean that Mrn. Irvino is a model of womanly virtue, und tho husband a bestial villain, and that Bho is ontitled to redrew for wrongs dono by him? If so, tho vor diet must bo regarded us one of tho most unheard of and iniquitous judg ments known in tho history of legal pro cedure. Irvino may havo lost in public: respect by bis course sineo tho tragedy in this city, but ho did not deserve tho terrible slap iu tho faco administered by Judge Zano. Ho was still ontitled to KNGrRJVATIGr COURIER PUB CO. BUflllPfBMfll OIMJOK, justice, and ho had a right to expect that tho court would bo intluonccd alone by tho evidence and tho facts, and not by extraneous couHidcratioiiH. The verdict is monstrous. Titr.Couitir.it litBt week referred to l'helps I'alno's latest employ incut tho circulation of a petition among republi cans praying thudemocrutic president of tho United States to appoint Major J. D. Calhoun to tho Lincoln postmastership. Wo understand, und are somewhat reliably informed on this bead, that upwards of il(X) republicans signed this petition, not because of any inllueiico exerted by l'nino, but solely on account of tho friendly feeling entertained for Calhoun by republicans. These signers are old soldiers, the idea being to convey the impression to the powers that bo in Washington, that there is no objection to Calhoun in this city on account of his having been engaged on the other side of the fence in tho late unpleasantness dating from 'til. Tho query verynaturully arises at this point, wherein Tamo's uctivity in Calhoun's behalf what docs the peculiar republican expect to got in tho way of return for his aBsistunco to a democrat ic candidate? Our acquaintance with Captuin Phelps Paino is extensive quite us extensive as wo would wish, und wo aro ublo to say .vith a reasonable degree of positivoncBs thut Puino'svery ontbus iustiu lubor iu tho cuuso of Calhoun bus its origin und cause in the hope indulged in by him, tho captain, that he will bo given a place iu tho poBtollice in "use Mr. Bryan is sucessful in club bing Major Calhoun's nomination out of tho president. Wo uro, unfor tunately, not entirely familiar with tho grounds upon which Puiuo buses his hope; but wo judge thut ho litis good reusoii to suppose that bo will be re warded. Should Calhoun bo appointed und should Paine tlnully be given u place under tho democratic postmaster, tho redoubtable captain will at lust have reached a fitting end iu his conspicu ously picturesque politicul career, Paino has attempted, and with much system and persistency, to break into every political olllco in this county and Btato for a period embracing so many yours that tho memory of man runneth not to tho contrary. Ho has not been particular as to tho olllco- ho bus been porfectly willing to take anything. Of Into ho has been rather unsuccessful, and his admission into a political asylum under tho tutelage of Major Calhoun would, in a measure, olTsot tho keen disappointment experienced by tho captain when ho was foiled by A. JV D xdlqphonjs aas. By special arranRcmeiit with the Mulr-Cowln Company ol this city, Tllli COUKIliK Is able to make the (ollowlne; extraordinary premium offer: To every New Subscriber who pays SO Gents In advance lor three mpnth's subscription, we will e,lve as a piemlum a beautiful alter dinner china cup and saucer, hand decorated. These cups and saucers cannot be purchased lor less than 75 cents or $1.00. Gall at the office and see them. Coiirlor l'ub. Co., IfcfiOI O Nli'ool. Hugeuo Mooio iu his attempt to force his way into tho auditor's olllco. We speak advisedly when wo say that tho republicans of Ijiinetstor county would bo under a permanent obligation to Major Calhoun or any other democrat who would proselyte tho captain from lepublicau faith, by a democratic up pointinent, or by any other means. We have had Paino long enough, and wo aro not only willing, but acutely anx ious to pass him along. Tho evening newspapers in this city havo a habit of beating their pations in a most flagrant manner two or Unco times a year, namely, on tho Fourth of July, on Christmas, and on .Ian unry 1. Tho Ncwh appealed as iiBiial on Monday, but usually neither paper makes a publication on these days. At the end of tho week however, the usual sum of ten cents is collected, and no rebate is given advertisers who pay by the week or month. When a holiday comics on Monday, iih was the case withC'liristmaH and New Vear'H the people who depend on either of the evening paperH for their newB aro deprived of information, for which they pay, from Saturday till Tuesday. Tho papers make a clear profit by this skipping process. Supposing the AVir.s has, as it claims, a ciiculation of 0,000. This at -15 cents a mouth, would no88.'l,:t.'l a day u net protltou ciiculation alone of S8.'l..'t.'l, every holiday. A nil advertisers aro beaten out of a considerable sum. Tho News, if its own ligures aro to be relied upon, probably makes a profit of 100 every time it misFesan issue. Maybe this handsome prolit will induce our conteuiw)iury to cease publication altogether iu tho near future. It is u very foolish policy that causes tho Call and tho News to suspend publication on holidays. Each claims to fully cover the local Held, and there are a great many people who look to these papers alone for their information of local happenings. When an issue is omitted, readerH who desire to keep informed, aro forced to buy a rival paper. Thero is one theory upon which the skipping policy of tho Cull and News is adinissablo that it gives the readers of theso papers needed relief by an occasional non-appearance. Thero is a growing feeling nmungro publicau politicians iu this congres sional district that Church Howe has seriously injured his prospects for the nomination by his somewhat conspicuous truckling to Koso water, and ho will be earnestly opposed throughout this dis trict on this ground. The publication iaoi o (S'riui'r. iu last week's ('oriinai of the true iu wardness of the lice's account of tho secret lopuhlicnu conference and llowwi connection theiewith, has been gen erally accepted as a tiuthful expose iih it was. Some weeks ago wo stated with somo distinctness that Iliad Slaughter was not u candidate for tho lucrative posi tion of cleik of thoHiipicmo emu t, now held by Mr. Campbell, and at that time Mr. Slaughter wiih not a candidate. At the present moment wo would not as sume the responsibility of stating that tho chairman of the lepublicau state central committee is not an aspirant for this position. It is tho general opinion thatSheiilT Miller has among his appointees some specimens of citizens that aio about as unique as one seldom sees. Tho following is from IVmitt'iMt'Ti News, Milwaukee: A good joke is told at the expense of the erudite dramatic critics of the daily papers. During tho iccent engage incut of Stuart Kohson iu this city, they gave elaborate reviewB of his artistic eirortH iu tho comedy line, the most of them praising both actor and company. They usually liml fault with all tho good actors whocomo to the city. The joke comes in when the statement is made that Itobson didn't go on the stage at ull during the Milwaukee en gagement, his part being taken at each performance by his under study. Itobson wiih having a little Christmas Imt. So they havo the same kind of critics in Milwaukee that add to the measure of woe iu this city. NEWS NOTES. ItniiK oT 1 lit Tt'nt Outlined IMiiIiik tile 1'iihI Wi'ik. No such lino of canned fruits in the city iih shown by W. A. Collin ,v Co., 1 1!, South Eleventh stieet. Pay T0 cents, get a china cup and cancer free, and send Tun (.'ntiitir.it to some distant friend for tluee months. For dances and outings theie is no sue) music iu Nebraska as that supplied by tho Nebraska state orchestra. The Lincoln Coal company, 1015 O street, handles all of the very best grades of anthracite and bituminous coal. Jeckcll Bros, new tailoring establish ment, lit! north Thirteenth street nt'ii the Lansing is the popular resort for stylish garments. Why pay exoibitant prices for up holstering when BoMischild does llrst class work at low rates; l-! North 1-th trcot. Burr block. M. L. Trester, city coal olllce, It'll O street, yards M, P. and 127 1 1 1 B. M. and O street. WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS. INVITATION TO Reoeptlona, KOW IB THE TIME TO OKDER YOUR "V "1 fe 4Cfii CiiIh f 1 1 mi wlilrli "fi.tmOMliintJ iuiiri'Hnltiim (Inoll mum. Inn. Kvori IiiihIiii hh mini hIiiiiiIiI Printer, miller cily llliniry; Art Department, V MANHOOD ,;. 'Inim-mtn. Ak forlt. IIQ JfrML. Vk tk TlklOUM AJTD imil t t'..i I or miIu In iiiiuiiiiiwriiiiur. Miuiur i.ii i.r.i;tF.,.'HHoiiioii)iiiui,t;uieAUO. I.lmiilii, by II. W. IIUOWN anil W.N. ItKIUAlCNIIKII.DriitiKliU. Concise. Modern. Practical. Inexpensive. m YOUTH'S CYCLOPEDIA Now icitily in two lure;) octavo volumes. 1'i-cputcd by u corps ( riehei-H itml diieutiiiiml wiileis expiecsly for use of pupils uud stliileuls in pub ue und private schools, seinlnnries and neiideiiiies. ('(istitig but u suiiill fiueliot. til Jie prien of Hie large eyclnpirdiiiH, it is ten times mine vnhiuhlc for the purpose, Iii'ciiiim" il Ills. Ti'iicheiH me enthiisiiistie hi ilH pniise, ssying it ineetH n need vmi.i-Ii Iiuh I I) long mid deeply felt. J 'or agents it is n lioiianii. No competition; ik .ther book like it j n en. ilive nnil urgent deiniitid for .t. We have a cysti'in of .tnviiSHing Ihe hcIiikiIh vvlncli uiHiireH ipiiek wink and blgiesulls. l"ii nt ngent took I OO otdeis III lO lays, iiiiollier Iiuh taken hiiIiih lor liiKl sets iu 7 weeks, mid hiis "I liuve sold iMil(H for ten yeiiis ntid thiH Ih Ihc lust seller I ever struck." IAP UANT AfiPWTQ who will giu-iill their time mid wnnt to miikeMj' money IlL ilHIll HULlllO U e give extra tei ms mid 4'xclnsivti territory. Touchers ami Students who want profitable vacation work should write us. For full information mid tei ms, address LAUREATE PUBLISHING CO., Lakeilde Bnildinff, Chicago, Z1L INVlTflTIONb I&:1. -FOR- WEDDINGS fiECEPTIONS. BBILS. PBRTIES. lONCHtnNS. EIC. 'TIIEJ V13RY- ivo'visiTiicai iiw NPW (-' N"w "rm Mint In iIkdIkhi i..vv (.) nnil ilniwIiiKN iiiiiiIii Hiti-cliilly R,,.. ( Id Ihmiiii )iinr ImihIiii-km. Hu ll IVl. ! riv(nn, IIiichI work, nt oiio 'V" , (Iflh Inn nwt of Mono llllio (...((.(Xf) Kniiiliy. Wn ilonl In utrlkliiK iiinf rnlrliy IDKAH. If nut iinllo hiue wind rulH yon wiinl, lenvn It to im. Wo urllo und lllimtriitn nilvortlnoiiieulit in ml ililluii to miikliiu ixirtriiit cutM, iiwnniuir illiuit milium, littler IiihiiIn, Itiin Iiii-hm run In, i'iiiiiIi' nki'ti'lii'N, rover ilmltfii", lioiiilliittn mm i'iikiiihiwiI ri'HoliitluiiH mill memorial nlliniiit fur nei'rrl mii'IoIIon. cmi Im taken id from $1 up, ('liciip, nron't tiny? urn iih. I IiihI titfn nlllrii with .lolin Mollitotli, tfio eigerii Noriiiiil riilli'un, Lincoln, Noli. RESTORED! M'.nvr. MRrtiN." TIiIh wiuiiliirfiil ri.nii.ilv uimi uiii'i'it tut urn ii. I iifrvoiMiliM'tiM'N.imrii tin Wend Memory. Iimnif lirniti I'oh r. Ill ilni liii.Wiikoliilin'"", l.omMiiiiliooil,NlKluly Dihixloim, NvrToim in' iillilriiliiimiilliiraor poxiTlu Ui'iiorntmiOrKnin of either nn rniiM-d livi xironertloii. youthful rtroi, ou'i'Mlvo iimio toluirrii.iipliiiii or mine n In i i, which lnillnliitlriNltr,roiiKiiiiiJtlonir IiihiiiIIt, I'iiii i. curried In .,,"i MM'n,-i. nfi Mruo,t ior ., iij iiiiiii in-irioi. iTiumva oriier wo jttlv vrltln Hiinriinlri litrurr ni-rrruiMl Mm, miiiry, Hohl l,r Kit Inki, iiiinllier. Writ" tor frce.Mi-illi ni llnok nontni'iltii rrixtei or a IBo.ll IPirofEX'a.m.B, Etc. "i .. a