Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1893)
tr- Ntlrlliilny rnrlyf Unt party was ghen in liVii Robertson nt tlio f mints, Wedncsdiy oven--Wli, being her eighteenth order of entertainment Minos, music iiuil refresh. m llvu received inimy tokens Pibraneo. 'I'hoBo tirt'Hont wore: Alice llontnn, Helen Tut tie, lobart Hesslo Kiiiiup. Mabel irdlo Moehan, liiitli I lentil, TrftneH Siindonbutg Dempster ami niIiuii, Mossr Allen, Rliatzull, lurron, .hi tic, Robertson) Kuiipp, Alloy, King, son) Km iiirg.Lliis Hi forty- ctlulil liildltltin Tml twenty- Fk Ihltt)-(iin) nli-tllvliiloii nf liroo !U. (it I'nlr- i ron II. in I'lldior A tluunat Inil r uf thn : nw'i uf llin Kinilliwi'st Tun iiiiiiiImt hliii'tci'ii III "rntiKii .Men 7, ciiht of tlio Biiir of lot IX Murk Furk nilillilim In Urn rlly of block dull! ft. In ICIntii't'K () n tlio clli nf Lincoln, nrronl- I cil iilal tliircnf. iin fur ii rntiriiiliitlnn of mild vniiitiri. mill ii kiiIii uf mild IiiihI TUl Jiiiluniciil, mill KiiniTiil rrlli'fi r.'iMinircii in minuet- iiiniutiir nti liKinrn III" Mli tiny of IVIiriuiry, IMM. AN I.. H III , )ON. V III utllT. fj, (lr.iHMiATiiii, Attorney. lK for EWYORK. i 3S JtMAGY of 'ERFUMES 'the Laboratories of PSkUH, COLGATE, SlilSLY, JHT, LUNDBOHGand others. Hrb, Viindenburg, Unsay and DfiupHtur, H. II. NlHlmt aiul wife left (IiIh cil) Thursday for HvaiiHvlllo Inil. NEWS NOTES. IIpim nf Inli'irol (liillii'iiil llinlnu din not Wii'k. - No lino of canned frtiitH in tliu ell iih shown hy W. A. Collin A Co., Il.'l Booth Eleventh sheet. Pay 50 cents, got u china flip and cancer fieo, and send Tun to sumo distant friend for thtoo inontliH. For mill outingH (hero Ih no miIc) iiiiihIo hi Xohiiiakit as that supplied hy tlio Nebraska Hlato orchestra. Tlio Lincoln Coal coinpany, 1015 O Hlreot, handles all of tho wry best grades of anthincllo and liitiunlnoiiB coal. .lookoll HroH. now tailoring establish incut, 110 north Thhteenth Hlirct non tho Lansing Ih tho popular icsorl for stylish garments. Why pay ti.xothitant prices for up holstering when Ko'lmeltlld does HrHt class work at low rates; 1-0 North 12th trout. Iliirr block. M. 1 4. Trcstor, city coal olllec, 12 It O stteot, junto M. 1. and 27th H. M. and 0 street. All kinds of coal. Ircslor'H 1111 O BtlOOt. For St. Louis Puoillo mute. City Htrcot. Uonulno Coal Crook Kook Springs eonl at tho ILLINOIS BRANCH STORE. (We have Discontinued Business in Illinois.) $25,000 STOCK iVt Hali IPjrice. joiiv 'vim ckowds vivid ooivm. A 1121-1123 N STREET. J. A. DORSEY. ADAMANT - -STEEL) WARE tako tho Missouri ticket ollli'o 1201 O Can) on and Whitobroast. JTINT13J Bift Books. id ill HLtH, oniiicii mil. Tho Society of tho Soiih of tho Re volution havo placed on tho lniiiding owned and occupied hy tho llutiip- Iiicnh' llouieoiathlo Medleino Conij any, comer W'illiain and John HtteetH., Now York city, a hronzo tahlot to eotuuieiuo. rate tho hattlo of "Golden Hill," where tho llrnt hlood waa nhed in tho war of tho revolution. 1lxe Nev Ware tlaot Place oi Oi?OLxa.ite INAHDSniFI OHIIiDKEN'S HOOKS. IVuichor'B, ComiirohonBivo, mul Pockot IvBS, TOlkET CASES," bATEST GAMES. Tir lind lirry r ih lu ilc- elee Ictrical ke, etc. iilain jshce lipou. Loin, lieur M until you are 1 on or KM, or IKIN. ye. !l N.t.BiRiQ.m, 1120 O STRKET. Clason & Flotcher'n Old Stand. A heautifully deeoratiMl after-dinner cup and muicer of tho llncrit china ivttn away free to every new mih HcrihcrtoTiiK Coukikk who pa)H 50 conta in advance for three inonth'H hiiIjhci iiition. TheHoeupH and Haucera can not ho purchased for lens than 75 cents or 61. Sain pleH will bo placed on exhi bition at Tiik CouitiKitolllco 1201 D atreot, in a few daya. HHSS&k. f h'; '(AP TlVlt TlP ?or One PRICES UNEQUAblgED. hBAll. iNob. Rim'Ic. Junnu i unit ut kill Ei written lt- rlll lllul tt'tt tceukvil for II that hiu lny ( Jan In 1 hn fcouuty. No- 1,. ut which Liinnar mill I iuul (nir rucci'ilTtly Ir, a vfuokiy punto sot my loutt. at Liu- Id. 1MU. kity JuiUto. TTC SICK HEALED, I T'i IT. WEAK MADE STRONG. If you uro bJo'k or debilitated, do not bo dincouraged. Compound Oxygon has wrought many wonderful ourcs and has given strength to many. Wo know this to bo true from our own experience of twonty-tlvo years, and wo aro ready to furnish abundant proof. It jb worth your while to oxainino tho evidence, which ou can do by writing to ub. Wo will Bend j 011, freo of charge, our book of two hundred pages with numerous testimonials and records of surprising cures of asthma, beonchitls, consumption, catarrh, rheumatism, ner vous prostration, nouralgia and other forms of disease and debility. Homo treatment is sent out by ex press, to bo used ut home. Otllco treat ment is administered here. Tho etTeot ot both treatments is tho same. Con sultation free. Our success has given riso to many imitations. Avoid disappointment and lossot money, us there is but ono genuine Compound Oxygen, by sending to DRS. STARKEY A PALEN, 1629 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pu., Snn Francisco, Cal., Toronto, Canada. iHH Hrrv JBros. Co., ( 1 TFrEjlB xStigKM w-m--j-w-wVXSJ i "Vo.r ticr,t cict AUi)alnoiii Ira trial m way j HHHHHPpHpHHH -W jRL.JLWMJfMX. and wave money tlicMO lati-cl timet). A Yur' SuliHi-rlplInn to Any O1111 or tln I ItcRiilnr Yonrlj Hi'Biilnr I'rico Our Prlca Followlnir Paper. I blIli- Krleo . . ...... , w. ... "Lli$U' ,0Inlkill,l ci.ou uHiiKJiiuiiiuu itiuuxiiif nun uiu gunner c.).im c-.uu a I I Jul 11. . ai.. ...t 1 i.,. n..inu lf A itL Vt Irlrlup ot an ttlio district f Nobrutka. Fin an action land Kdwnnl 1 I will, at Z house, lu tho ir, Nebraikn, US IOIIOWII1R Pmt.u (7) In to tlio city ot k. rot Decern- rlS. FREE! LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES. TUREE-MINUTE TALKS AUOUT Uthntltlool an UliiDtrnt cd folder ilc Krllitnn tlii NEW MEXICO. rarc'1(, mine anil town, of New Mexico. Tlio prnllti rf fruit forth In detail: alto fact reUtlre to iImhiu, cattle and generul furiniiu. No othir country poueuct tuch a dralrnbli rllmaU all Uie year around. Write to K. U Palm r, r. A. buu re boum, umaua, nn. turfnaMpy. I 1 To any ono sending ub S2.00 for a j cnr'B Biibpcription toTiiKCouitiKit in advance, wo will give ioo a jour's subscrip tion to any one of tho nbovo papors, any one of which tho regular subscription price is 81.00 to 11.50. Remember you get ono freo with 11 j ear's subscription to the Courior. 93.50 worth ot good reading for 82.00. SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW! Aa this offer will only hold good for 11 short time, Address COWUEK PUB. CO., Office 1201 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. OS H o X H (Riilnr Yonrlj ItcRiilnr I'rlco bub. Price, of llotli. 81.50 Cosniopolitan Magazine and tho Courier .'1.50 4.00 Harpei's Magnzino and the Courier 0.00 1.00 Harpor's Weekly and tho Courier 0.00 4.00 Harper's Uazar and tho Courior 0.00 4.00 Tho Century Magazine and tho Courier 0.00 .'1.00 Scrihner's Magazino and tho Courier 5.00 5.00 "Puck" and tho Cornier 7.00 5.00 "Life" and tho Com ier 7.00 1.00 Frank Leslie's and tho Courier 0.0.) 1.75 Youth's Companion (new) and tho Courier Jl.'ifi 1.00 Now Yoik Weekly World and tho Courier 11.00 .'1.00 Scientilio American and tho Courier 5.00 5.00 Scientific American Supplement and thoCourior, 7.00 7.00 Scientilio American and supplement and Courier 0.00 1.00 Ladles' Homo Journal and tho Courier 1 1.00 5.00 Jndgo and tho Courier 7.00 .'1.00 Lippincott's and tho Cornier 5.00 5.00 Forum and tho Courier 7.00 2.50 Domorest's and tho Courier 4.50 .'1.00 Outingund tho Cornier 5.00 .1.00 St. Nicholas and tho Com ier 5.00 4.00 Now York Dramatic Mirror and tho Courier.... 0.00 4.00 New York Clipper and tho Com ior 0.00 4.00 Sporting Life and the Courior C.00 4.00 Texas Sif tings and tho Courior 0.00 4,00 Truth and tho Courier 0.00 3.50 La Modo-do-Paris and tho Courier 5.50 1.50 La Mode, New Yoik, and tho Courior 3.50 3.50 Album-de-Modo, N. Y and tho Cornier 5.50 1.50 McCluio's Magazine and tho Courier 3.50 82.50 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.75 3.75 5.25 5.50 4.50 2.50 2.10 3.75 5.25 7.00 2.25 5.25 3.25 5.25 2.75 3.50 3.75 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.00 4.25 4.00 2.50 4.25 oor; tup. will lm nlubbod with nnv renutoblo nublieatioii in tho world, tho two publications costing only a slicht advanco over tho in ice of one, and in many cases exactly tho subscription prico of ono. Remittances may bo made by post-otlico money order, registered letter or diaft. If jou want any pi ( 1 not in the above listwrlto for our terms. OVa.'!! lPviaJlifealiiriiz Company, Lincoln, Nobroatlca. J 1 J: r V