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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1893)
m w OLMrlJB SATURDAY MORNING COURIER at . ; c. HlJ M so l Hy special atrniiKeiiient with the Mulr-Cowln Company ol this city, THIS COUNIl:l( Is able to make the followlnc, extraordinary prcniluni offer: To every New Subscriber who pays SO Gents In advance for three month' subscription, we will p;lve as a premium a beautiful after dinner china cup and saucer, hand decorated. These cups and saucers cannot be purchased for less than 75 cents or $1.00. Gall at the office and sec them. Courlerl'ubi Co., luoi O Htrovt. f m u in Tlio fancy bull dresses designed for tho mld-wlntcr feHtlvul hciiboii uro par tlciilnrly fiiHolnutiiiK, for they uro Krueo fill and ttccnutlnp;. Naturally our inodclH uro presented In Ii1k1i.i'Iiikh materials, but each dtesH can bo duplicated In Inox poimlvo HtutTH, If ouo cannot ulTord tho inoro iMwtly fabrics. In iiuiny Instances tho foundation dress can bo lined for otlior purposes, after It Iiiih served iih a fancy coHtiuno, mid to lenvo It frco from UIoiiiIhIi It Ih woll to how nil docorutlvo features on to u not, instead of pliiolne; thoin directly on tho dress (jowls. For iiiHtuuco, If ii dresH Iiiih spanKles or stars over tho HUlrt, lot these ornn iiicntH bo secured to not drapery, which enn bo oiiHlly roinovcdj or, If bordorB of embroidery uro deBired, luivo them in bands or BectloiiB, and biiHto on hi correct position. Tho Von ii y LinUta' Journal IoIIb of B0I1H1 IllOHt exquisite toilettes. EiiHtcrn Night wears it dresH of deep nziiro-bluo faille, sttulded with silver ntarti, mid showing on each side it panel of blue veliitlnii, edged with it bund of pink Bilkf uiul pink and flilver embroidery. A scurf of pink, white and silver j?aire 1b loosely knotted at tho Hide, ami edged with silver. A shooting star hi Bllver Ib embroidered on tho bodice, and a zouave of blue volutinit Ib edged with Bllver grolot fringe and Bttidded with stunt. ' Tho long-hanging hIcovoh of mauve gauze uro pulTed on tho HhouldorB, mid edged with Bllver frlngo. Upon hor lovely blonde hair tho lady weara a turban of mauve-spangled gauze, llnlshed in front with it largo silver crescent and star. Tho accessories to this suit consist of u silver necklace, snuko biaceletB, inauvo gloves, silver shoos, and a spour of blue and white or liver, surmounted with n pink-and-whlto foathor fun. A quaint-looking suit is that of tho Troubadour. Thoskirtisot tan-colored, thin sorgo, patched In front and ragged at tho odgo. A scurf of multi-colored stripod cotton, finished ut tho ends with pompons, Is knotted at tho sido. Tho full undor-botfice of white nainsook is worn under an ovor-bodico of velutinu, which is Incod in front, being cut low, und finished with it tum-dowu collar. Tho slcoves of nainsook uro flnlBhed at tho top with large whlto pompons. A red silk handkerchief Ib tied, round tho head, under it largo brown folt hut, which is trimmed with two heron plumeB uud rosotto. Brown shoes and stockings complete tho costume, and tho troubadour cnnicH a mandolin in hand, Tho dress Hiintu.u wears Im pietty and inexpensive. Tho short skirt is of green cashineio with punier drapery of poppy led cashmeio; tho apron Is of Itniuuu embroldory edged with frmge. A coiselet of black velvet Ih laced iiciosh with ted, showing a full chemisette of lino nainsook with an over bodice of red pongee. Tho sleeves mo vor.v full, ami mo llnlshed with culm of black velvet or velutiua. Tho head dress is of nain sook, and tho stockings and shoes mo green with variegated strappings. Very graceful is tho Mowing gmb of a (ireok maiden. Tho umlordrcss Isof red pongee, embroidered ut tho hem with gold thread. Tho drapery is of white croiou, llnlshed with it border in ke pattern hi red silk. This drapery Is fastened on tho shoulders with gold agrafes, and tho armlets, suako brace lets and tho baud around tho throat mo of gold. Tho hair of tho lovely wearer is parted in the middle, waved ami knotted loosely at tho back, and is orna mented with it gilt tlllet. On tho feet uro flesh-colored silk stockings uud suu dills. An intensely American girl with dark complexion will fancy tho gurb of the Wild West huntress. Tho skirt or this odd dress isof blue veiling, trimmed at the foot with vandj ko bauds of gold braid and led ribbon. Tho full bodice of spotted veiling issccured by a leather waistband fastened with u jeweled clasp. Over this Is worn a cloak of fancy cloth edged with red galloon. Hy way of ornament she wems a necklace of fish bones and beads, bracelets of beads and it headdress of feathers uud gold. Tho tomahawk is slipped in tho belt, tho quiver Biting at tho back, and she carries tho bow in hor band. Tho Egyptian princosn wcitrn a really elegant dress of Btrlpedsllk embroidered with gold ut tho toot. Tho drapery uud train uro of bayadere striped pekiu edged with fancy gold fringe. The bodice is of satin with chemisette of richly embroidered silk. The giidlo Ih of striped satin, embroidered with gold, and fastened with it gold clasp. The capo of embroidered satin has drapery of white gauze, and Ib fastened in front with it gilt clasp. Tho head-dress Ib of satin, edged with gold, and finished with u gilt oriiiimont, and tho bracelets uro of bluo-uud-white enamel und gold. Flesh colored Bilk stockings aro worn with sandals, und in tho hand Ib carried it stulT of whito-cuumolcd wood (hushed with an Egyptian ornament. This cos tume is very striking, and can bo worn to advantage by it statoly, dark-ejed beauty. Purely vegetable Hood's Pills 25c. IB II IE Society Ih ever seeking something now in tho entertainment line. Afternoon tea has become u part of tho day's routine, sit) Hi ho New York llcmhl, and cannot beconsideied in tho light of on teitainiueut, so meager Is the faie allow able at those most unsatisfactoiy func tions. A newer fad with feminine devotees of fashion is the small iufoimal luncheon served in tho early afternoon. It forms a pleasant icluxatiou fiom the loundsot calls, etc., uud olleis moio inviting to fieshinent than paper) slices or hi cud uud cups of too often miseiublo tea. At the piesent these luncheons mo strictly feminine alTairs. This is the way tho invitations read: MltS. UOI.AM) l)i: UOIi.VNl), . Ml Avenue Do l'ejster. Thtirsdajs. Luncheon, 'J lo I, These luncheons aro as elegant as one can alToid to inako them, aro alvva)H cold, with the exception of tho tea und colTce. Sautorno und clmet mo the only wines used and they mo on tho bullet and not on tho table. Tho table, which is set in the middle of tho dining room, is always deeoratcd with tlowers, and tho dishes ate made iih attractive us possible. Theieisalso an endless vurii t of dishes that may bo served ut such mi entertainment. The following bill of fine will servo for one of them: Consomme. In cups, mill. Mnjonnalso, Meats (.'olil. Ilollml Hum. Honst Href. Clilckun Salad. Cheese. ('renin mul (lurKiHizolu, lltacutts. Iru Cream in I'orms. Collet). Timi. Chocolate. Fruit. These luncheons are informal aliuirs, and tho guests will bervo themselves without trouble, und it is only necessary to liuvo ono waiter or waitress about, who should ulvviijB bo ready to serve tho vviuo and other beverages fiom tho buiret mid side tables and to remove tho dishes and to keep the table in older and to carve if requited. (.'incKr.N Salad There should bo two bowls of tho salad, and tho mayon naise should bo put on tho salad when It goes on to tho table. To make tho salad have tho chicken boiled tho day piovloiiH and set away in a cold place; when ready to make tho salad remove all the skin fiom the chicken, cut it in small dice In a largo bowl, season with salt and pepper, a little oil and tanagon vinegar, and add some small capers. Then cut jour celery in dice and ink It with the chicken. Put it in the salad bowls and piess it down a little with jour hands around the sides so It is the shape of a mound, dust befoie jou put it on tho table pour the majouuaiso over it and decorate it with olives from which tho pits have been lemovcd, with hard-boiled eggs cut in quarters and lemons cut in the same way, with seeds lemovcd. Garnish the edge of the bowl with white lettuce leaves. Have tho joints all cooked the day be foro and served whole. Garnish them handsomely with parsley mid a little jaucliu favors. Hull it whole salmon und lay it on a long platter in a bed' of lettuce leaves. Pour over It a bottle of capers or some tarragon vinegar. Decorate it handsomely with sliced lemon hard-boiled eggs cut in length way slices and some HprigH of painloy. Stand the dish of majonuaise dressing near it so ono may use it as liked. Wlmt llo You InUf Medicine for? Hecauso you mo sick and want to got well, or because von wish to prevent illness. Then remem ber that Hood's Sarsapaiilla cures all diseUBis caused by impure blood and debility of the svstein. It is not what its pioprietors say but what Hood's Sarsapaiilla does, that tells tho story of Its merits. Ho sure to get Hood's and only IIood'H. Illll-Vi-nl lUlUlxloll. Via the Missouri Pacific On tho Becond Tuesday in December 18i.'l, January, Febuary, March, Ap-il and May 181)1 tho Missouri Pacific unite will sell round trip tickets to all stations In Texas with llnal limit to return in .'(0 days from date of sale. Stop over are ullowed in Arkansas, Toxub uud Okla homa, New Mexico and Indian Terri tory. Como and tako a trip to the south. Phi i. Da.niklb, C. P. & T. A. 1201 Ostieet. Thk Couhiki: can furnish pleasant and profitable outside einplojment to ono or two young men or women. For Texas points tako the Missouri Pacillc route. City ticket ollice 1201 O fltreot. For all social doings tho Nebiasku fltutn band or orchestra is what is FOR CHOICE GUT pi0MRS, FliOHA Ii DECORATIONS, WEDDING AND FUNDI! DESIGNS, V SSllSOI.i'Vr.vTY. Special attention given to the grow ing of now and choice roses. Carnations and all kinds of greenhouse plants. CON813WVATOUY, E 344. COR. G AND I7TH SIS. - Are Just lit. (guruWu as Ollur Disease Treated oxcliisivel l lilt. l.i:iMIAltlT, Lincoln, Neb. OFFICE 1437 O IT. HOUnt 3 TO S DAILY LARGEST, CHEAPEST, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Send for Free Sample Copy of he Drovers d 01 L Tint leadlnu lim stock newspaper mid mar ket reporter or tlio Mint. A paper for STOCK KAISBKS, FARMERS, line stock breeders, Kriiin dealers. Wrj latest mul correct market report It telegraph from all the principal stock markets, Aililrt-nn DAILY, 94 OO PER YEAR, I thi DHOVERS JOURNAL, SEMI-WEEKLY, 3 " I MOV STOCK V Vltllf), WEEKLY, SI.SO " South Olllllllll, Nell. Under now nianiiKemrnt MEB CHANTS' HOTEL. IIIFI,I:TT .1 DAVKM'OHT, I'lops. Special attention to state trade, unest anil commercial travelers. I'linnim street electric curs pass the door to and from all parts of tlio clt). u m n l'OW 1N04. The Best Literature. The Newest Knowledge'. Fully Illustrated. 15 CUNTS A COl'V. l.r0 A YEAR. IflMlERFREE Sonin of tliu featuri'.i aro: TIN EDOK OF THE FUTURE. Tlio marvels of science anil achievement, presented in a popular way. FAMOUS PEOPLE. Tlielr llfo-Ktories told by word anil pictures, tlio materials licliur in all cases olitnlned from sources Intimately connected ultli tlio snlijects. TRUE NARRATIVES OF ADVENTURE, DARING AND HARDIHOOD. I.eoparil liutitiiiu In North America. Lion limiting In Algeria Tlcerlmntlmjln India, r.lopliant linntiiu,' in Africa. Adventures in tlio Upper lllinrUMjna. GREAT HUSINESS INSTITUTIONS. Tlio lonuest railroad In tlio world. Tlio Hudson llaj compaii). Tlio Hank of Kiik land. Tlio business of tlio greatest mer cliant ($1II0,(IIIII,IMI ii ear). HUMAN DOCUMENTS. l'ortralts of famous people from clilldliooil to tint present day. SHORT STORIES Ily tlio best writers NOTAHLE SERIALS by IIOUKItr I.OUIS STKVKNSON anil WIM.IA.M I:aN 1IOVVKI.L8. AmoiiK tlio contributors for the coming j our nro : I'KOIT.SSOK DltUMMUNI), KI.IXAIIKTII STUAUT I'HKU'H, AltOII Iir.AOON 1'AltItAlt, llltKT IIAIITK, ItUDYAltl) KIPUNO, OOTAVr. TIIANK.T, ANDKK.W I.ANO, W. I). IIOWKLI.S, ' OII.IIKKT I'AUKKlt, 1'. It. STOCKTON, JOi:i, (JlIANDI.KIt MAItltlH, conan novi.i:, It. I.. HI'KVK.NSON, CIIAUI.I.S A. DANA, lOltlir.H, and many others. 15 CENTS A COPY. $1.50 A YEAR. Itcmtt b) draft, money order or rewlstoreil lottor. I I MI, LIMITED, 743 & 74G BROADWAY, N. Y. OITY. always most desired. A Iteiiutifully dccoi sited after-dinner cup and situcer of the tlnest china Kiven away free to every new sult bciibertoTiiK CoritiMt who puyB fit) centH in advance for three mouth'H subscription. These cups and sauceis can not ho purchased for less than 7.r) cents or tfl. Sam pies will lie placed on ehi liitiouat Thk CouitiKiiotllce l'JOl 1) street, in a few days. OMAHA'S LEADING HOTEL I HA II Hi II V, rroprl.lor. Electric cars direct from Union depot pate tlio door, llth and Harney Bts., Omaha, Nob. NEW MEXICO. THREE-MINUTE TA LKS mustn't! .,,,,,, .P ed folder do- farms. ranclirN. mines anil towns of Now Mexico. 11m profits rf fruit raising aro set forth in detail; also facts rolutlvo to sheep, cuttle and general farmiiu;. No othnr rounti) poisessc-j such a desirablu cllmato nil tint ear aroiiinl. Write to K. 1,. Palm, r, V. A. Santa Yd Houu, Omuhu, Neb., tor frw copy. iV Dc ENGRAVING OURIER PUB CO. ?roxEr;pHoisra ass. r OIMIOI, IfiOl O AIMUSIST. ITIEJ Xr15IT- Lvrisr TY:L,;Esi WEDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS. rrvrviiArioiv tpo 9 Receptions, Jar-tioja, Bto. ivo'vi5i-,'i.,iii;s ix . 9 Ball IP:roe;r,EiLms, Menus, EJto. KOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER TOUR mm -l- -k :-