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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1893)
- n., iiro a'tjrjcay morning oourtor Soialclclta GariiiontN. GAPS, MUFFS, CAPES, MATS, AND CARRIAGE ROBES. IF YOU WANT ANYTHINQ IN THI8 LINE, IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AND BEE 1HI! If IE Bllf SOUVENIRS! i 3 13. T013IvK113l. V-. M. C. -V. IIiillllni. - Cor. llltliiunlNHlc ESTRopnlriug ilunu in tlio neatest manner, hatihkaotion (Utakantki:i."'cP3 WALb PAPER a i r 1134 0 STREET. OO TO S. E. MOORB. The Best Holiday Present. 1026 0 STREET. in Will furniBh you 12 Cabinet Photographs at frl por dozen. All w - worn nnisiieu protnpiiy atui artistically. 1026 O STREET W. .,. PRJ5WITT. pOUND IT AT bAST. JUST THE BOOK 1 HAVE BEEN bOOKING FOR. And several thousand others. I would advise all who would save time to go to II. W. BROWN'S, 120 SOUTH I ITH 8T WESTER) II1J.II. COLLEGE, Tli Nohool for tlio Mnnao U OLD SCHOOL IK II NEW LOGHTIDH (FORMERLY OP SHENANDOAH, IOWA.) US Department! tst Teoohers. Baautlful. healthy location, Sl-acrecampni.ataetrle streetcar lino runs directly to campat without chatiRR. fJJO.OU) in hulltliiiKt, splondfd equipment!, superior accommodations, struts faculty, experienced mammement, comprehensive cirrlculum, thorough work, high moral ani Christian lafluencca ami low expenses for students, DEPARTMENTS AND COURSES. We have 25 courses. Our music, (Inn art, pen art, dolsnrto, elocutlonury, courses and kinder garten aad model truliilng schools (for both children and student teachers), arn not equalled It WMt STREET CAR TRANSFERS o any part of tho city for all who attend the Western Normal. You can enter ut any tlma aer Bod luit luch classes uh jou doslrn. Write, or call and see ub. opting term opons Arll 11, 1SKJ, and continues 10 weeks. Summer term open Juno SO, lt5CJ and oontinuei 8 woekn. You can enter at any time, however. Catalogues and circulnri free. Address, WESTERN NORMAL GOLLEGE. LINCOLN. NEB. WM. M, CROAN, President, or V. J. KINSLEY, Sec'y and Treat. Ttwm vrmet 1 f - Br' Prof. WW ?:', Soluble ti d'Jii Itu PASliUE mvss?.i,. .V.OSCiX- O TELY mEm Tredo UtiCy Tredo Mor1. I.IUM IB2I0 tlwcit MtTIUfd 'lEoicir t K HU 1 i mn wm m A HUH! CU'ltK FOR weak hen TRIAL. a in, W tl H wm a rauicau corc lor NERVOUS DEBILITY Organic Weakness, VPHYSICAT, & DECAY, In Younn; and Middle AKod Mon, Our offer still holds good to all men who have not had a free trial package of our remedy, ami who are needing a Hire cure tor physical weak ness, or who lack vital energy and sexual strength. We extend Hit) Invitation to till to test our remedy free of expense save for a postal card or letter stamp which is required when sending to us for n blank on which to make a statement of case, so that treatment can he prepared to suit, 'and a stamp for letter returning blank to us after it is filled. When the statement of case is received we prepare and send eight days' treatment with full directions and prepay the postage thereon, thus making the trial absolutely free. We have supplied these Tree trial of IItOI IIAKIIIS SOLI HLi: ItIi:ilATi:n PAST.M.I.S continuously .TRIAL for more than ten years and trust entirely to their effirn PACKAGE, for our business. We know there are thousands who could be benefitted bv this treat, ment and WK IXVIT.', Tlir.M ALL to send us their address by postal or letter for our blank and circular. 2Cr,:?lt:.'rini:ii that a circular describing 1'rof. Harris' Pabtillc treat ment and n simple package of the remedy sufficient to last eight days a!v s- it a'ciuUl) fie to persons 'who have not had samples. The cost fot c.ntriumg the treatment is only t.oo for one muiitli 5. co foi two iiiinths; 77.1 U for three months ; and 2.oo for each moutu 1 uurt;.- j.o more. We take no less, as the treatment 1 pj.ii, mid is furnished to all at a uniform price. 1 ' c, h; ,.0. tt letter: , ,Tit HARRIS UfiMEDY CO., ?,!- . I it Bccmn! Stroot, NEW YORK CITY, N. y! UierutlKr. Wi .i.'l o '.. r 0 ildn "i i r-vin.' iti 1 I -.COI'I'C . 1 1 1 caivtu, ,k Till Cot nil 11 is pleased to observe that tin' I'tiHtoin of forming good resold tions 011 or bofoio Jniiunt) I lias mil, not like New Year's calls, fallen into the state of disuse ho iii'oiriatcly and euplu'inlslleally characterized in Minim intntul two winds of (liover Cleveland. There me men in IhiH city who have reached the slate of HUpcrlalio good liens, (their addresses tiro on lllo in this otlleo), and who really could not imptove thulr conduct. N'uiiicioiih as this cIiihii is there are jet some who, as they look baulc upon the year 181):), now travelling into tlio past with gicat nipidity, can seo, hero and there, in the things thoy Iiiivo done and said, the relleetiou of 11 character not uhiill) ftco fiom hloiiiiHh, and vvlio lealio that with lliotu fuitlior improvoinent is still poxsiblo. Those people, with their weaknesses, nru far moid intoicsting than the superlatively good, ami it is with them that wo have to deal. Thoy huso nearly all of tlioin ro solved to paste down tlio old page so tight that it can never lie opened up again, tiiul on Jaiiiiiuy 1, to turn over a brand new leaf, one that thoy will noviir feel like pasting down. NecoHsaiily hoiiio of the resolutions thathaw) been foiined 1110 of such a character that the) would not look par ticularly well In print, and wo have therefore been compelled to nolect tho more suitable licit) ami thoio. (toverniir (Jioiiiiho, tonvoid a disngieo ablo experience later, has displaced rare good taste in hit lesoltitiou. lie Iiiih decided not to be a candidate for re nomination. Tom Cooke has tcHolcd,in his ilccliu ing years, to quit work. Ho will not, however, bo rash or ptecipitate in put ting tlio resolution into practice. At first ho will work, say, 18 bonis a day, and in the com ho of h'i.v months ho will reduce it to - hours a day. John T. Dorgan, having erected a nest egg out of the protlts of the coal busi ness, has resolved, commencing January 1, to present a ton of coal to every one thousandth patron, providing this one thousandth pation is deaf and dumb, and without the use of his eyes and legs, and sulforing from 11 malady that will not poimitliiui to earn a living. Mr. Dorgan says lie can do this and still eat five or six iiieals a da). Dan 0. Wing's resolution is very himplo. lie has resolved to bo good. Ch lie Greg ) has resolved to bo, like liertio the Lamb, a devil of a fellah and wear a iuesantheiium and a debon air air, and anything else in tin's line that comes handy. Ho will not hesitate at smoking cigaiettes if it becomes abso lutely necessary. A. Koeh-Audriano has resolved to shorten his name and lengthen his stop. Frank 0. Zehrung will go back to a resolution ho sprung ten or fifteen years ago, and try to make it work this time. Ho will resolve, not to press tho creases out of his trousers, but to really and truly fall in love. Developments are awaited with interest. Frank Polk has resolved to inako 11 trip around tlio world in seven days, after taking a brief rest. W. la. Hardy, having soino leimiroafter attending to his business and literature and prison reform and the Chautauqua work and the V. AI. C A. and somootlier things, will take tho homo for the friend less under his wing and quell tho ox- eitnllimit tllllt lmu nf Illfi.twiLf.roil nr.innfl ' that institution. Lew Marshall has icsolved not to sing within the city limits for 0110 ear. W. V. Kello), having exhausted ever) other means, bus icsolved to advertise for a wife. In tho meantime sealed pro posals will bo icceived at this olllco. Kd Church and Will Owen Jones have resolved that Thomas W. Keeno is but wo cannot say any more about this reso lution. Stuart Shears, at tho urgent request of friends, has resolved not to lot his whiskers sprout again. Fine now lino of business suitings from S25 to 8 10 in Scotch and homespuns Jeckell IlroH., Ill) north Thirteenth street, near Lansing theatre. M. L. Trester hoIIh Pennsylvania, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming coals cheap for cash, 1211 0 street. Whitebrcast Coal and Lime Co. David P. Sims, dentist rooms 12 and CI Kurr block. For California take the Missouri Paeitic route, via southern route. M. L. Trester can suit jou on coal if any dealer in Lincolncan. 1211 O street. Never order an invitation until )ou have seen tho samples of tho work lono by tho new Courier Publishing Co. HNE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. Tho Conner Publishing company is prepaied to do all kinds of printing, lino work, especially, at model ate pi ices; also engraving, wedding in vitations, calling cards, etc., Cull and see samples. SaTUIIUAV M01tNl.N0 COLUIKII, 1201 0 street. Tlio IriiriiHtirc ok lio Ih IVtxx' 011 l2clilllt loll at tlao HTER0R DECORIKUKi C0VPMWsS ROOWS, And xvlll lo Mold 1' tlitiit nt Noitilniil l'rloo. Conic Kstti'iy lltHl Ni'loot AA.lait yti -wot it t tlaO -will 0 ITi OlcHtr. tmo-is: )00O0O0OO0O HOYiTOM &Q0fcS " A t 1 I . ll t i. 1 til 1 I wi coiiiho you me 1101 going 10 101 1 urisilllllH go iiy WIIIIOUI soiuil appropriaio gut 10 leiutlveM or rrleiulH, ami, or coiiiho )oii will not fail to visit tho BEST PbAGE In tho city to obtain a handsome and tasty gift, whicli, of course, is our store, brim full of tho newest mid most attractive lines of Jowolry, Silverware, ote. WE ,' )ou anything ou may deslio in tho way of Silverware, Fancy Articles, Kings, Watches, Pins and Jewelry Novelties, many of them Inexpensive. j,J.fc.TRCKEN5C0. .liSwiSLyisias, lOItn O N'rMICICT, MNCOL.N. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOCOOOOOOGC' o o o o o o Can show rfS JWfr'tXiUS " NEW vBm1 Tia New linn Artlitln ilcsiuns () 11111I drimiiiUM iiiiiiId specially firm ' '" '"""" our IiiihIiii'SH. I'.n-I-1 1 1 (VI () uravltius. Ilui'st work, at 111111- ,a"" (i) Iff I, 1)111 runt of Htoiin lltlin- ?'?4JSj Kriiphy. Wo ileal In atrikliiK . ami eairiiy inr.AM. ir not iinlte Hiirn what nils you Mant, leave It In us, Wit wriln and llliistrato ailverliseiuenlH In ail. tilt ion to makiiiK porlralt ruts, newspaper Illustrations, letter heads, hnsiness ranis, rnmin sketrlies, rover iIi'Ihiik, heailluu Mini eiiKrosseil resoliitiims and uii'inorlal nlliunis ror scrrel sorlelles Amerienn Idea, thn American Spirit. Them: Jlmt, taut, and all the limn, for evert THE SUNDAY SUN IS TUB UKBATEST SUNDAY NMWSPAl'Klt IN THE WORLD. Price fie. a copy Hy mail, 12 a your Dally, by mull, ffl a your Dally and Sunday, by mall, IB a your Tho Weekly, - - $1 a yoar ,ililr Tilt: NUN, New York. Cuts from which "r,(XKJ slriuiK iuipiesslotm flood ones. loo. Kierv hnsiness mini should 1'riiiter, under city lilirnry; Art Department, Western Normal colleue, l.lncnln, Neh, ran lie taken at from $1 up, Cheap, aren't they7 sen us. Iluslness olllre Ullli .loon AlcluloMi, tlm PlITfS Bngravecl -FOR- WEDDINGS REBEPimS. BflllS, PARTIES. LUNCHEHNS. l In thU line we thoxo all the New Effects for 1893 which include several new and and odd diapes together with new faces of script. Call and see samples, Our work speaks for itself, CAbblNG GARDS WITH AMPLE EXPERIENCE IN THIS PAUTICULAR LINE, WP ARE ENABLED TO EXECUTE THE MOST ElegjOLixt; 'Woi.rl: j At Popular Pricat, at the same time guaranteeing CORIiECR FORMS and and all the Very Latest Styles, fQR 894. Special Inducement to Subscribe NOW to TOWN TOPICS. fl.HHulll imyfor the uiitlrn year IhUI, and jou will recelvu KH1CK from ditto of sulncrlp t Ion I ho issues of Town Tonics for thu remainder of tills jiuir, lucludluK I fin special Christmas number (doiihlu number, prlcu 'a cents), con tiilniiiK A Marvelous Tale by Ambrose Ulerce, Kntltled "Tlo I3aamocl 'ri-alrx(c. $(1.00, tho ri'nuliir cluh prlro of Town Topic mill tales from Town Topics for 0110 year, will Kt you not only Town Topics as aliovo to thn end of IMM, hut tho four volumes of talec for that jear and thn holiday number of tales, out December I, this year, with thu OltlCAT I'ltl.i: NTOUV, Aixtlxonar K:exxt A Thoroughly Cosmopolitan Novel. PRICE 60 CENTS. V Critics aureothut this Is thestroiiKest and most intensely Interestlm; of this remurkahle series of I'rlzu Htorles. Itemlt in check, money order, postal note, to TOWN TOI'ICH, ,'1 West :iil HI., N. V. N. Il.-lluvn you road AMELIE RIVE8' latost mid best novel, TANIS, THR SANG-DIGGER? JUST OUT. I'-'mo, cloth, Kilt, $l.f0 postpaid. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Iliinuilirrvs' Murrlllrs arasclcntincallrand carefully pn-iun lU-uutllrs, umi! for years In private practice and for over thirty yeari by tba Iiropln with entire ucciim. Kvery Inlo Bpcdflo a special cure for tlio illsease tiameil. They cure wltlioiit dniKKliiK. jiuruliiK or rrdudnc tho system ami nru In fact and deed Ibu Hot rreln Itcuirdlrs or llic Uorld. so. evs . rsiest. 1 FeTora, Congntloiia, Inflatmnatlonf., .'J5 U Warms. Worm Fever, Wonn Collo & 3 Trelhlugi Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .38 4-Olirrheu, of Children or Adulu 33 7-CouiiUs, Colds, IlruncliltU J15 H-Neurnlula, Tisithuche, Kareaclie,.,,,. ,35 B-Ilciiiliielirs, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .38 10-l))peisln. llllloiuueM.Coiutlpatlun. .38 1 1-Huiiri'Nsel or l'lilnful 1'rrloda.. .38 I'J-Whltex, IooI'kiJum) 1'erloiU 38 13-C'ruup, l.nryngllla. Hoarseness 38 M-Hult Itheum. Kr)tlielas,Eruptloua.. .38 13-ltheuiniillsiii, Hhcumatlo Pains 38 lU-AInlnrln. Chills, Fever and Ague .38 lO-f.'nlnrrb, Inltiienia, Cold In tho Head. .38 30-WliunpingCuugb .38 37-Kldncy Diseases .38 UN-Nervous Debility 1.0(t .'lO-ilrlniirj- WrnknrM, Wetting lied . .38 IIUMIUIKKYH' WITCH HA.KIi OII, ' Tho 1'lle Olnliiienl."-Trlal hire. 25 CU. Sold tr Prnfil.u, or nl Mt.i4 en rrtrt of risa. Ds. HimpHlKII' tl.MU.L (U P'f ') MiltBD VBKB. uuariiiiKis', lira iiiniuua8i.,iiwTtu. SPECI FICS. Going to Buy a Watch? If so, buy one that cannot be stolen. The only tbief.proof Watches are those with tie mm Publishing cohii felcnU OirdoraB Solloitod. 11S4 0 StrMf lZv BOWS. rr ri I & Here's the idea: Ths bow ha a groove ontachend. A collar ..l!i '.. I tuna down insid th vWH YlkS pndnt (stem) and Hif fit Into th groov, -fV-V. firmly locking th. j bow to tb pndntJ ' 0t 1 '.1, 1 'l! o ina 11 cannot Di iv 1 'TSc pullad or twitted of To be sure of getting a Non-pull-out, se the case is stamped with this trade mark, it cannot be had with any other kind kind postal tor watch cist optntb lamout nasi rlllta vast aaatrj Keystone Watch fitlUAIM.U'I