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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1893)
y. . jjt jT '5 " ' -"-T -r-"yn"-i mi.immHh for. N (W -MSn -nf IhH W -rrr- n I' THE AOTlTJiMOATaT MOJFWVKVO COURIER r ST " "I .. ihj. " i" I Kir. ' ! p- I -J II .. IP I i W , s 1'X , V& IMYMORNHIR PUBLISHED 8ATUnDAY8 IU TUN Gouriuu PunusniNC. Go. W. MOIUON 8MITH, Deman C. Fox, . CdiTon llUSINtBS MANMItll imliiiM Olllon tailO HI root. iMintio an TERMS OF BUUHOIMPTION: TllN('otilill.n,nnienr In iitUnnrn Month Three Months fi w . I III . . Ml Lincoln, Nkii., Dkokmiikii IV), 181Ki. LINCOLN' HANKS. This Coohikii UiIh wimiIi iiiiIIIh1iih tlm dutuilt'il Bliiti'tiuMit of ovory Imnlt in tin dty, nutloiuil uiul (Unto, ami wu Invito tho nttontloii (if (iiir ri'iuliTHto tlio hIiiiw lug iiiiulu. In an nxiiiiilmition of tlm IlKiirt'H nrt'Hontoil, It hIiouIiI Imi lmrno In liiiiul tlmt tlictm HtiitfinnnlH wurt' pro jmrt'ii ul tlio climo of tlm worHt llniinriiil and ImniiifHH year Lincoln Iiiih over nx purlum-inl, tlnti UtlioKni'rul ntrliinm!y, mid that during tlio grimtor portion of tlio jcar tlio Lincoln ImiiltH liavo liccn mibjeottnl ton vory eoiiHidorablo oxtra Htruln occhhIoihmI by tlm collupmi of tlio Capital National Imnk, brought about by tlio coIohhu! HtcnlingH of tho rnm-iil MoHhor. It wim natural that tho huh PoiihIoii of thiH bank nhould luivo had a nioHt prcjmliuitil olluol on tho other in HtitutloiiH, and wo all know of tho huh pinion and dlHtruiit that went nwaltoni'd, paitlutilarly ninon tho Hinallor liaulc patroiiH. Kvury bunk in tho city had to HiilTor for MohIioi-'h monuimmtiil rawal Ity, and It wiih only by a narrow man-in that u guntirul paniu wiih averted. Money thtm frightened out of tho banlH chiiiu buu't Hlowly, and with tlm burden iiupoHed by tlm prevailing (IuIIiu-hh in lniHlueHfl tlm iiiohI pronounced com mercial Btnguutlon In many yearH, the bmikH liuvo had to contoud with iiiohI infavorablo contllttmiH. Hut through out tlm entiro year tho bunltH havo on dcavorod to extend overypoHHlblo facility to their putroiin, mid it to genorully con ceded that tlmy liavo pttrmicil a liberal and public Hpirited ixilicy in marked contntHt to the ucticnot bunking intuitu tloim in Homo of LIucuIu'h HiHler cltien. Tlm bankH in thiu city arc moHt con nervativoly iiiuiiugod, and without a single- exception they aro Holidly CHtab linhed. They nave panned through a trying ordeal in miuh a manner iih to win the entire coutUlenco of tho public, and they aro tloBorvlug of the moHt cordiul HUp))ort. Wis are pleiiHed to observe- that the Jounuil very promptly advocated tlm immediate oigttnizulion ot nomo central distributing agency tor chaiitable com tributiouu utter our Btiggubtiun on llim K)lnt. In Buiuluy'H paper theio m u timely article on tlm tlcnlrubilily ot Elder ilowo and the charity organiza tion getting together with a view to molding coufumon in the deposition ot BUpphea for the relief of tlm poor, ami u b to be hoped thut thin uemUoinlum uiuy bo uccompliBhed. Wo do not wiuli to diBpurago the ettortB of any one, oroi any orguuizutiou, thut ib utlempliiig to do chuntublo work; but we behove that uo perBou or UBnociuliuli of perBoim hau the uuauuiutuuco umong tho poor ot the city poBBeesed by Ekior liowe; thut no one iu an uble to iliBtiuguiBh between the dcBerving unit undeserving, and thut no one Iiub tho buuio fucilitiea tor relieving diBtreBB. Elder Ilowo hua mudo tlua work hia Bpeciul study; he 1b thoroughl) pructieul uud he la entirely truBtwoilhy. The churity orguuizutiou ia doublleaa doing u gool work; but in the present euiorgoncy we uro ot the opinion thut it would bo for the beat intoicBtB ot ull concerned it Elder Howe were mudo the chief collecting uud distributing agent in the city. At uuy rate there ought to bo u combination of borne sort, uud, ua tho Jouriui bujb, "theie Ib no excuse for these two iulluencea working at ciottB purposes." wiiKHK vk aiu:k. Our impetuous contemporary, the Aetc, Iiub, on more than one occasion Btuted thut Tiik Couidbu'a viowb on the tlnunuiul question uro fn keeping with thobo ot the Journal. Wo huve uot ulwuyu hud time to follow the Jottvnul'n very leurned uud usuully very extensiu editoriulB on this subject, uud wo uro uuubletobuy whether wo uro always ot precisely tho same opinion ua our morn ing contemporary; but wo chcoilully admit thut with the following expres sion trom the Journal we uio in moat heurty uccords It ia true thut since the ropvul ot the Bhermun uci, though the times uio sun Uuiu, ineio is moio money in tlm uuutvb una in uuuuluuuu m piupoitiou to the popululion Uiuu over ueloio ill the lus loty oi lliib uouutiy. tieitco mo u to cotnugo men uro Iioibi Willi tneir own peiuiu. 'lUo lepcul oi the bUeimuu ucl bui moiiey lieo lhai buU been liouiueU in BlocUinga uuu cutely ueposit vuulis, uuu uiougni il bucK trom Europe, wanner it tiuu lieu. 'Ill is wan just Wlrut liio repeuletb cluimeu woum be lUo tebuli. 'luv itu ou inul ouaiucbB doea nut iccover wuu the uuveui ot "moie money" ib uot fur lu Let the treo coinuge men ucknowl edge the logio ot eveuts uuu uesur inem wveB lu Ua twuuvttl oi tuu reul oouiuuiu ' o yiotywiiy, lUe Uuwtt ot tiro Uowo- cratio admiulHtratiou to nmnl(e with the tail IT and doatioy valueH lu ovoiy deiuirtmeiit of trade and manufacture. Nothing Ih moio certain than that tlm uuu cli of ovoiiIh during tho iiiihI nix motitliH Iiiih, up to thin date, tallli'd with every claim mudo by republican protec IIoiiIhIh and miund money advoeateH In a iiiohI HiirprlHlng way, Every IiiihIiii'hh day Iiiih added Hh tcHtlinotiy to the HouudneHii of republican HtnteHtnanwliip, from tho falling oir of imixirtH and tho (low of gold to Europe, beginning the eol( after tlm election of Cleveland and a democratic coiigrci'H, pledged to a "lariir forroveiiun only," to tho pienent mouth, when tlm bankH are clogged with idle money and tho uuiiiufaeliiring eHlabllBhnienlH all oer Ihe country uio cloned, or i mining on half time, or with half tho ordinary foreo of workmen. A CoNTii.Mi'tm.utv in thiH city, whoao ungriimiuatleal gioleHimneHH iMonly a degree lean ludlcroim than IIh expreBHed ideiiH, which grow more and moio liebetudinoiiH, iidmltH with ehaiming naivete Hh lack of facility in the cou Btriietiouof pliiuaeH and aentenceH; but prntcHtH that when It coiiich to facta, it Ih (iimsat, and calla our attention to Hh (excellence In thiH icHpcct. Wo liaaten to extend to our contemporary tho an Hiiruneo of our moHt diatiuguiHlied con Hideration, and wo aro able to any, in all candor, that it, and by "it" "wo mean tho New, iHioinowhateeiiMpicuoiiHlytu 'cchh ful in the mere haudliiigof faclH. Home (Iiuch in ltHieoiln it Ih a trlllo uncouth; but generally it leporlH thlnga iih they occur, with a iiiauifeHt attempt at thor oiighucHH auda alt iving after accuiacy that Homo of Hh rlvnlH would do well to Imitate. In tlm gathering and di aemlnation of local iiouh It Ih a glowing, and, we hope, a growing miccchh. It Ih when it ventuieH out of tlm leportorlal path that Hh auticH commeiid tlieiu aelvea to our boiibo of humor. When it grapplcHuith public qucHtloiiH and at temptH to elucidate Hh o.vii peculiar IdeiiH, uiigrammiitical debauchery viea with whimalcal vagary, and o cannot but ho amused. .MOir.VIT.HANKS 11)11 'AMllATi:s. The Honorable William I Cody went to Now York and canned it to be an nounced that he wiih a iiindldato for the nomination for governor of Nebraaka. Then, after theto hail been Hiilllcient udvertiHlug, the Honorable William l' Cody, gatheied in hia candidacy and laid it away with a view to using again sometime next spring or Bummer. The only dtlTerenco between tho Honorable W. E.Cody and aomo othei almost equally fantastic iudlvlduala whoso nnnicH have been mentioned in connection with the goveruorBhip of Nebraaka,lH that the former Is jokiug( while tlmlatter aredreadfully in earnest. In the ranks of tlio reiublican party there aro aomo men aspiring to the goveruorBhip and already laying plana to secure the nomination, who mo every whit ua grotesque iih llulTalo Hill and who do uot possess half lila merit and they Insist ou chiming a nomination. Next year will bo an excellent year for good men In tho republican party, and if Homo ot the freaka and adveu- turera who are annoying the public by their candidacy for ofllco, do not obaervo the drift of u Hairs uud promptly take theniBclveH to obBcurity where they rightfully belong uud from whence they never Hhould liavo emergen, they will doubtless experience a sensation some thing like that ot the prairie dog who popped hiH head out ot hia hole to have it allot on. There Ib a deep seated feeling among republicans thut a good man at the head ot tho ticket can achieve u glow ing BiieecBH iu 1891, uud there ia, we uio glial to Buy, a disposition to make short work of the political mountebanks that uro already clamoring for "recognition" in favor ot a man who will meusuro up to the dignity uud importance of the ollice. THIS I'OIU'l'OMO IIHI.IKii:. The world's fair was a great and glori ouh achievement; it adequately repre sented the genius of American civiliza tion, uud it ditluaod throughout the country a spirit of intense patriotism, and quickened the uppieciutiou ot the beautiful iu art ou the part of the peo ple. Its iutluence was elevating, uud keen obborvcrB huve already noted the benellciul results on the people at lurge, ot the exposition. Hut with ull the good things which it brought forth, uud the noble uud rellned sentiment which it in spired, the world's fuir was accompanied by, or we should say, productive ol, some tilings thut have u tendency tow aid niaUing us tired. We refer particularly to t lie w oi Ui'a fuir portfolios which our contemporaries iu thm city uud elbo wheie uio literully crainining into peuco tul homes. This portlolio business, in Lincoln especially, lias become uloritblo inghiniuio that stallis toi ih in ull bcu bona, uud everlusliugiy worries the lite out of quiet, luw-auiiiiug ciuzcub who Have never none any liaiiii iu their lives, mid who do not iieservo iiuiiiahmeui. uut tins oittolio piiuutusm cannot be uvonieil. It ubbuils tlio just uuu the un just; mere ib uo immunity from us ilia lupung anil ilistuiuing inlluenco. It otmius ginnly at every uoor, uuu follows every Uuiiian form us it wends its wuy lUrougu'tho city. It is omul prebeut uuu ull pervudiiig, One newspaper forces ino poitlolios upon the puulic, uud do uiuiiUB coupona and u smull monetary cousiderulion; othera tluuut tlieui beloio the public gaze, uud uiuko you pay u smull sum fur them without u coupon. liut in oiio wuy or another every paper upholds tho phantoriin, and, Hanked on all sides by (Ida abiding honor, life in becoming a burden, Weine unable to read of anything but poitfolloa.and when wo seek rest at night we dream fantastic dreituiHof portfolios and coupona. It Ih only a qiieatlon of time when wo will have to eat portfolios The world's fair, the world's fail; tli) name Ih woo; driven to desperation by tlm poitfoliim which thou haat emitL'd, wo must per force foi get all thy TieuelltH, ami call thee cut acd our aiiatheimiH go out upon thee. A NI'ISI.M.MI IIISC. I Di'iIIcmIimI to Proofri'iiiliTH KvitjhIiito,) Von Hit) tn ran Hpcll, siri llicn lie nnl ciiiiukIi In ti'll.nlr, llciw Jim Kpcll iiiii"inriillil,"lri "kjiiIIichU" mill "m'in(iili(ru," Ami ktIiiiih Jim will try "wnlntlo" mill "njt. ('iili'Kiiri'iiiullr," "llniiillullr" iiml"lifiiitla," ullli uxtrn iliiou iiiore. Ciiii Jim dpull "clirjnclcplmiillnn," "ierlilirns- ll0"llllll',I.0lllltllH'," Or llm liiiilo "iiiliinuinlliio" nnil tlm "ul- n)iiili)ten1" ('mi fun tncklo "niicli)loln7" can jiia nM "miiikI I pIohIm," "i:nlli)iiii'iii(i," "liiut)iitiK7" If )iiii enn jem're ui'IIIiih mi. HuclilltlliMMinliini "rlinln,"";iillliiiiiiifry" nnil "ilcciiUliar," Oil, lliorn'a rrully no linlliii ln wlmt inlntnkuii )nil unmet Iiiii'h "col "I'leoiutiln" "iiirnx)Kiiiiil," "eiirjiitliloh" unit "cliiirlmiinl, ' Woriln like thexo, H'h renlly illinuil wlion lliiij'ro iniNiiU lit n "l-o." So joiiM lii'llfr li'iirn "rnclllicj" can nil con. "iiiinl)tlc7" Willi "toreutic" nnil "inophltle," mill n "pen. tninnrill" Itmir-ti ; Anil lliero'it "prentlilluitntlon," "liiim-iroiil"' "riiuliiniitinn," Oh, It'M iiilln mi viliiculliin to Itwirn ortlin- umplilo IiiwmI i Homo lon wnriU iiiiiiliiinio lmc n mmnil t hat 'h rntlierciiinl?, Ami for rrnca luilliiil.'iimlo uonlil liu nlmplj nuist nliiiird. Tlnro'H tlm hIioiIit "iieriiiiiitiN" unit "piilnln- pluirjiiKfim," ".SliTiio-clmilo-innslolilctlHj" ronlil joiiclioono ii BliMplcr word! "Hjilrimtiitlr," "Irlilcwunt," "iirniniitli"," "ml- lllsi'l'llt," "I'nlKinntlr," 'iwiuiKi-rut j" tlieno urn easy Minl, jon urot "Mnmlncatlnn," "iiinrurniiic," "pi'iciitallon1" "Keoplionlc," "Animation," mitlplinnlc;" tlicrn'ii n merry HpdlltllU lll'ul St. Louis Spectntur. Tlm Stliilli Sniin Ornr. "Now, lady, look beautiful mid Imppy," wilda William htreet pliotoginpliir to tho yining woman. "So. Thai's It. There, I liuvo you. Now you may leMiinujour imt urul expression." UiilTalo Courier. Tlio Flvn lrrnl Po-r. Somo one askwl Prlneu G ., "Which ure tho great powers of Kuropuf" He answeieil, strulglit off tlio reel, "Eng land, Germany, France, Ittlsslii mid worn uu." Coiiteurdu ViuuIoIh. (I noil Ail vice. Toper What shall I take, doctor, to re move the ridness of my no-ef Doctor Tuko nothing fort hreo moat lml -Hallo. A I.imt llrlilc. An absoutmiuded groom in Rome, Gil., forgot thut he was to bo married the oth er day, and when the time for tlio cere mony arrived ho was uot present. An ex amination showed that ho had overalopt hiniBolf. lie apologized, but the father of tho brido refused to accept him us a Bou-in-law, and tlio engagement was broken. tk'ltoit Free Press. Lincoln Coal company catcia to tho best trade. The Ht-Nt I.iiiinilrj TowiiBond ii l'lainandon proprietors, 2208 O Btreot, telephone f79. W. V. DiivIh, II. I). 8., Diseases of the teeth, mouth and face. Rooms fJOl-2-.'I, Hraco bile, cor. lnth andO. 1S untl Knr. Surgeon. Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculiat and auriat, No. l'itt'l O street, Lincoln. Neb. fieri;) uiuu' IVrinltit, 1H0I. Tho Union l'acillo will now receivo applications fcr permita for 1801. Come early. City ticket olllco 1011 O Btreot. Half Hilton In Texitit, On Decomber 12, 180.1, January 0, Fehurary l.'l, March l.'t, April 10, and May 8, 1801, tho H&M will boII excur sion tickets from Nebraaka and Kansas stations to points in Texas at one faro for tho round trip. For tickots and full information regarding limits, atop oveis, etc., cull tit H. & M. depot or city ollice, comer O and Tenth streets. A. C. Zikmkk. C. P. & T. A. The Union I'aclllc Cheap Italcn. Only e.'50.00 first clafis to Ogden, Salt Lake, Helena, Spokane and Portland Ore. For full particulars call at city ticket ofllco 1014 O street. HurlliiKloii llniili" llolldny ltalc, December 2;t, 21, 20, JU) and .'U, ISO.'!, and January 1, 1694, tho D. & M. will sell round trip tickets at ono faio and a third, between stations on Jlurlington lines not over 200 miles apart, good re turning till January II. A. 0. Zkimk.ii, City Purs. Agt. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. PRICE'S ma. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. Jtfr. Chan. N. llaxter Ot Frederick, Mil., suflored terribly for oyer ten yuan with abscesses iml runtilns sores on Ms left leg. Ho waited away, crew weak and thin, nnd was obliged to uio a cano and crutch. Kvcr) t Ii In u which could he thought of was don without good result, until ho began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla which effected a perfect cure. Mr. Itaucr Is now la tho licit of health, full particulars ot his case will ho seal all who aihlrcM C. I. Hoou & Co., Lowell, Mass. HOOD'O PlLLOara tho bcit after-dtnncr rills, Mtlit itJgeitlon, cur headach and bllloaiotu. THIS FtOKISTS. Wo grow nnil ahviija have ROSES CARNATIONS, CHRYSANTIIBMUNS, VIObliTS And all kinds of Decorating and Flowering Plants. TUN GUKKNIIOUSKS and FIVK AOKKS . . . Wholly devoted to Flowers and Plautn. CITY STORE I 134 O STREET. CITY OREEN HOUSE I0IH AND D STS. TELE. 804 Main Krccu hnusul inllo west Union college. MUST HAVE A PAIR OF P. COX HIGH CUT SHOES, They aro warm, good wearors, And just tho thing. SOMETHING NEW. THE LATEST STYLES, SHAPES, CUT AND ETC., ONLY fci. 'rrv them. a 6. YATES I I 10 O STREET. Pree IN fherokee l arms ,lN V5 Strip. W rite to E. L. Palmer, l A. Saoto Fe Rout Onmlin. Neb., (or (res copy of Illustrated foldsi di'HcrlbluK Clierolcea sitrlpi nnd tlip TonWuwa, Pawnee and KickHpooRtjer inlloi'8, noon to lientieopil for settlement by th I . S, KoTernment. UUIIods of ncres in the tin i'l iiKrlcultural country under the sun, wuliins to ho tickled by the husbaDdman's plnwsharsi tills is almost th last cbanc to obtain on of. Uncle Sam's fr (arms. OMAHA'S LEADINQ HOTEL 1ni5 Murray, IltA HinilV, I'roprl.lor. Electric cars direct from Union dejiot page tbo door. Uth and llumcy sts., Omaha, Neb. cm BROS Villi FAMOUS SACRIFI6I SALE 1iihw !., 82.8, 8.8,lP0U TRIM1IBD HATS S'l'.OII, $5.(.). J WORTH DOUBLE THESEPRICES. QuillH 8c, Fancy Wings half price, Felt Hut, Sailors and shapes 10c. The largest Ribbon Department in tho city, and prices to sell tlm goods. Wo niuat reduce our largo stock, acknowledged to bo the beat in the west. Funkc's ?a Opera House Corner. UxchisivL' Wholesalers and !iXxjic Iiv On the open piano the cat 3' --);. .A rXdT A Zf&J&S&r. TT-.7T--Wt-T-Cy-f- iirr A' Sf?i&l stsi 1 'nummmi &21 axrf.'ijiv irfM m JvJv W" 'Z&zigZ; I"" 4 the housetop she plays as she sings, for her system is padded with violin strings. Cats are tough, and they'll stand a whole lot of bad usage. Boys with any life in them give clothing hard usage. We make boys clothing up tough; sew 'em double with silk thread, and guarantee them to stand rough treatment. They're in style too. Children's department second floor. BHB a I'liclorlcK, 111 Ittliill Miiri-H. WjiH3IN THAT GAN Rudge Morris Co. srsr I3V lUIJVlOMJRIt Fancy Rockers and Chairs, loeather Couches and Chairs, Combination Book Gases, badies' Desks, Office Desks and Chairs, Side Boards, Dinirfg Tables and Chairs, Hall Trees, Parlor Goods, Etc. Pocket Knives, Shears and Scissors, Table 'Carvers, Roger's Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons, Fancy Decorated Tea and Coffee Pots, Nickel Bailing Dishes, Etc., Too Numerous to Mention. revclg;3 & Mollis Co., . m. ,n uiuiH "lopwt. Auiirau n ku v esceu uu Mnsun a Temple. CaicAaiC forsaleln Lincoln, by U.W.BltOWN ana W. W. UK1UUUJJJKU, Uriiluu. OF Goods. ' Corner O and Twelfth Streets. Retailers of Millinery Goods. sw- tr .jt 5 ran the scale as she gaily kept time with the wag of her tail. The sound brought the mis tress with haste to the room, and the cat left the keys on the end of a broom. On the railroad they tied her tight down to the track, but the train cut the rope and the S 1015-19 0 ST11EET. GOODS BE BOUND AT KING MANHOOD RESTORED! lLWf'T iieM.olldralnsniirtiiijp0weriianeratlvoOr 'f Tor,I(!,r,,lr"' y.",'l errors, oxccnlve uno or tnbaceo oplnn " stlSi. ulnnu.wUlcUljairtolnllrmlty.Coniuiuptlonor In.nnlir. Con V,o Tarried In Tot porkct. Wliwrbnx.iWurllff, bf nnill prennl.l. With a order wa ulvuwrlMrniiiiuriiiitelorurrrreruiiil lliu money. BolSbr aft l,.r"l"'.'',- A'k '0r.k''"oJ",.'i. Write fnrlreeMuaieal Hook SSntsAftJ Kxxrszrmmxw :.x-t-i;