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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1893)
THE SATURDAY JV.fORIVIlVO COURIER f i I Tho ooni)lcto novel In the .January number of LlpiiincottV ia' Tho Colonel," by Harry Wlllanl Freneli, Himoil una romantic adventure, in which tho horo BiivoB tho lioroino'n life at huh, tho tnlo Koch on to Htmly tho cluiriictora of thece two hlghly-iftod itloalintH, anil to trace tho fortuiu'H of a mutual tiiiHHion which neither 1h willing to own. (lilhort Parker nuii)ioH tho oiioning chapturH of a norial Htory, "Tho Tron jiapnor," which will run through nix mini bore of tho magazine. "Kroneliy" Ih a (lomuHtic talo by Molly Elliot Sea well. "A Mother ami Hor Hoy," by Oeorgo Morloy, Ih a imthotiu Hkotcli from ovory-ilay life. "Tho I'oninmila of Ijowei California," by JaineH Knai.ii) ltcuvc, given valuable information uon cernlng that little-known region, and eorrectnBiiiulry errors of tho "Eneyelo IMudih Uritanniea" and other received accounts Mrs. Sherwood'H "Recollec tions" of Uachol, Knnny Komble. and Charlotte CuHhman will intercut many. Julian Hawthorne, in "A Poet of Man hood," jiayH tribute to tho memory of Daniel L. DawHon. The poetry of the number ifl .of unuminl merit. It in by Martha T. Tyler, Colin A. Ilnjwnrd, Kathleen K. Wheeler, Ktlward Oldham, M. S. Patlon, and the late Daniel L. DawBon. Scribner's Magazine for .January inurkH tho beginning of tho fifteenth volume. Tho ilrst great fiction feature for tho year is tho serial, "John March, Southerner," by George V. Cable, tho author of "Old Creole Days." This .is the Ilrst long novel that Mr. Cable has published in many years, and is a most dramatic story of the new south. Tho opening chapters reveal Mr. Cablo'H sympathetic stylo and clear character drawing at their very best. Serial stories by J. M. Ilarrio ami Cioorgo Meredith are announced to begin later. Another feature of this year will be a Beries of Hpooial frontispieces selected by the eminent art critic, Philip Gilbert Hamerton, to represent tho tendencies of contemporary art. Each picture will be accompanied with a brief aiticlo by Mr. Hamerton and a portrait or the artist wIiobo painting is reproduced. In this number Manet's "Fifer" is tho striking picture chosen. Frank II. Stockton, continues to make "Pomona" interesting in tho second in Btallment of her correspondence with her old "Iludder Grange" mistress. TIiubu lotterB, under the title or "Pomo na's Travels," can bo found in the January Ladies' Jlume Jouvnul. Mrs. liurton Kingsland gives some practical suggestions for a now form of enter tainment under tho title of "Fifty Cent Luncheon ClubH." "Howl Hecaiuo an Actress" is tho theme of a bit of auto biography from tho pen of Adelaide Ristori del Grillo. A sketch, with portraits, of Mrs. Donolson Wilcox, who was born in the White House during tho administration of Andrew Jackson, furnishes the biography. The second installment of Mr. William Dean Howells' "My Literary Passions" is as full of interest as the first. Miss Julia Magruder's serial, "A Ueautiful Alien," which grows in charm and interest as it proceeds, furnishes the fiction. Alice Morse Earlo is inteiestiug in "Stamps and Marks on Old China." Mrs. Fran ces Hodgson Burnett and Mr. Hitch continue "Little Lord Fauntleroy." Harriet Ogden Morison gives "EcclesutB tical Embroidery," and J. Mac Donald Oxloy writes of "Literary Recreation Clubs." Tho second edition of the December World's Fair Cosmopolitan brings the total up to tho extraordinary figure of 100,000 copies, an unprecedented lesult in tho history of magazines. Four hundred thousand copies- 1100 tons 1)4,000,000 million pages- enough to 1111 1200 wagons with '2,000 pounds each in a single line, in close order, this would be a file of wagons more than a mile and a half long. An entertaining now publication that has within tho last month or two niado its appearance in Chicago and which has found its way to Tun Couuiku's ex chango table, is Tim Chicago lUO, its name indicating its peculiar field. This interesting paper iB edited by II, R. PerBingor, who over tho nom do guerre, "Hollio" contributed a number of bright lotteiBrom tho world's fair city to Tun Couiukk during the summer. Mr. Pcrsinger is a man of versatile ability and great resource, and his paper is in keeping with his reputation as a news paper man, TEE OF THE WOTJAKS. Once upon a time a haro was bound ing along over the slippery ice. Ho ran and bounded, until all at once, pulT! he foil and struck himself a haul blow. After ho had recovered hinibolf a bit, ho said to himself: "I wonder if this ice is vory Btrong?" And ho asked tho ico: "Say, ico, are jou very strong?" "Vory strong," Bald tho Ice. "If you are so strong how does tho sun molt jou? Tho huh is Btrongor than you, that's why ho niultt jou," said tho haro. Then ho turned to tho sun, and said: "Say, sun, aro you Btrong?" "Very Btrong," naid tho Bun. "If you are bo Btrong, why do you let tho oIou.Ib cover you? The clouds aro Htrongjr than you." Then ho turned to the cIoiuIb and asked: "Say, clouds, aro you Btrong?" "Very Btrong," replied tho clouds. "If you aro bo strong, why do you let tho mountains arrest you? Tho mountains aro stronger than you." Then ho turned to tho mountain, and said: "Say, mountain, aro you strong?" "Very strong," replied tho mountain. "Indeed," said the hare, "If jou are so strong, why do you let tho mole dig into you? The mole is stronger than you." Having spoken thus, ho turned to the mole, and asked: "Say, molo, aro you strong?" "Very strong," replied tho mole. "If joti aro so strong," replied tho hare, "why do you let tho cat eat you? Tho cat is stronger than you." Then he turned to tho cat, and asked: "Say, cat, are you strong?'' "Very strong," replied tho cat." Then the hare not being able to think of any thing which got tho upper hand of the cat, gave liiu verdict: "Tho cat is tho strongest of all!" Tales of tho Wotjaks, Xikolaj Ivanor, in Zoitschrift fur Verg leichende Iiitteraturgesehechte, Berlin. ON I NICE !' I cannot understand fiom what the nice Voting Man results. Sometimes I think ho growed. Sometimes I think he is the result of over education. Sometimes I think well, 1 wouldn't dare to tell you what I think, but Dar win's theory Iiiib a great deal to do witli it. I have heard him mumble over a bit of cake and a cup of tea, just as a well-trained monkey would over some thing that ho liked, and I have seen him imitate the girls in tho movements of his hands, just as I have seen a marmoset imitate a man. Really it makes one iiuito nervous about tho future. What will be the result of him a monkey or a man? Ho hasn't tho immorality of a monkey, but he has all of his cunning; ho hasn't tho brains of a man, hut lie is built like him in miniature. Really, one is forced to mourn tho dude when one meets the nice Young Man. He is vory modestjho thinks it isn't quite nice to read books that haven't nice words in them; con sequently Shakespeare, Congreve, Wioherly, Smollett and all the writers who followed after them are unknown to him. He doesn't think it is quite nico to refer to some unpleasant habits right out in upon words, consequently he likes tho Bible and the "Arabian Nights'' revised. Ho doesn't think it is quite nico to know much; vulgar people, who study and read books, and, worst of all, write them, do that sort of thing. Ho says ho remembers his mother say ing that a girl's name ought only to bo in tho newspapers three times in her life- -when she was born, when she was married and whon sho died. "And," he adds, if that is true of a girl, how much truer it is of a thoroughly nico Young Man?" Ho knows there aro men who discover countries, who, as ho says, fiddle up things and bring out queer mixtures, that they say are scientific discoveries; but, after all, these are not tho young mon one would wish to know. They are quite as likely to have dirty hands as not. and to be thoroughly unpleasant. It is a pity that tho nice Young Man isn't spotted at his birth, for then tho wiser doctor, recognizing him, could chloroform him. I wish tho mothers of the present day would look at tho uico Young Man from my standpoint. I think if ho came to see a girl of mine and 1 wero an able-bodied man 1 should either kick all of the sense he had out of him or else kick a little into him. To put it plainly, he is an effeminate fool, and fools are a thousand times more dangerous than knaves. I like a man who is young, who is enthusiastic, who iB good-looking and who is well-droesed. Every woman does, even if she is on the shady side of 00, but tho thing that is presented under the name of Uie nico Young Man isn't manly, isn't nice and is abnormal. The question is freiiuently asked, "Why is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral bo much more elfectivo than other cough renio- dies?" Tho answer is, simply because it iB the most skilful combination of anodynes and expectorants known to medical science. Canon City coal at the Whitelncast Coal and Limo Co. Mld-Wlnter l-'alr, San I'lanclxio ('ill., Ilx- ciii'xlun TlikclH Now 1111 Nale Wltliltounil Trip, Limit Ajiill IIII'DI. The Trunk lino between Lincoln, Atchison, St. Joo, Wichita, Hot Springs, St, Loiuh, Houston, OalveBton, I.os Angles and all points east west north and south. Come and go via the Missouri Pacific tho popular chair car route. II. 0. Townsend U. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. Phil Daniels C. P. & T. A. Telephone) No. .TOD. City otlice 1201 O street, Lincoln Neb. BURLINGTON ROUTE (-'lieiip llxrumliiiiH tu Hie South, On December 11), 18!M, January 1(1, February l.'l, March tiO and April l!I, the II. & M, will sell round trip tickets at one faro to points in southern Mis soiiri, Arkansas, Tennessee. For full information regarding routes, stop overs, limits, etc., call at 11. iV. M, depot or city olllce, corner O and Tenth streets. A. 0. Zikmkis, C. P. & T. A. II Charles I). White, a San llernardino, Cal boy, is an electrician and rides to ml from his work on a bicycle, often carrying material to bo used on a job. Several times while riding before tho wind ho noticed that he did not have to use his pedals, the bieezeriirulshing the motive power. His active brain at once sot to work to devise some method whereby he could make the wind do tho work while he simply steered the machine, lie was not long in search of an idea. Ho thought of a sail, having been raised in a country where ico yachting was one or the leading winter amusements. Securing a piece of bamboo about Ion feet long, he and E. Dougherty, an luti mate friend, set lo uoik and soon rigged a mast, a strong piece of sheeting being used as a sail. The only stumbling block in his path was how lo secure the sail firmly to the wheel. After several attempts he made a head block, in which t lit end of the mast was placed ami secured. This block can be lemoved ery easily by taking oil' the buns on two holts. When the sail is removed the block docs not interfere with the use of the ma chine in any manner, nor has it a dis pleasing look to the ejo. In rigging the sail the block head is made or Oregon pine, while the two side clamps ate of oak a half an inch thick. These are secuielj fastened to tho wheel by two lion bolts. Great eaio should be exorcised in placing this paiticular part of the attachment inposition. The head block must not be fastened to the handle bars or tubing, as it will interfeie witli tho guiding of tho bicycle. It must be bolted to the joint just below the elbow, as this allows the Tiee use of tho handle to direct the wIiooI'h course. To those who will trj the invention it may be explained that they should be very caieful not lo scenic tho boom to tho machine, but fasten a small pulley to tho spring under the seat and allow tho cord attached to the boom to run freely through it. as the balance can be kept much better in this manner. The wind seldom blows steadily, but comes in short gusts or squalls, and will unseat an experienced rider should he make tho boom fast to the wheel. Mr. White's sail is attached to a ten foot mast and an eight foot boom, and weighs six pounds anil nine ounces. Tho cost complete is about $10, if tho work is performed by the individual himself. Almost ainono can make a sail and place it on a wheel. With a few hours' practice a good wheelman can easily manipulate it and enjoy a ride without any fatigue whatever. People are wishing each other tho compliments of the season and exchang ing gifts. Did it ever occur to you to send an ailing friend a packageof Axer's Sarsaparilla? If not, do so now; and try this medicine yourself, if you need a first -chtf-H blood-purifier. Water colois and etchings at Crancer's, ilPJ South 11th. When you want prompt service and fair treatment and tlie selection from the largest stock of groceries in Lincoln call on W. A. Collin .v Co., successors to ,T. Miller, ll.'l South Kloventh street. Trester sells over 'JO kinds of coal. Cup And Saucer Free. Genuine China. Head Tin: Colhiku's special oiler. W. A. Collin & Co.. gmceTU. 1 CI South Eloventh stieot. M. L. Trestei, (leuuine Canon City l'JIl Ostieet. The I 11 ion I'aclllc ( heap Italc. Only eC(0.(K)liist cIiibs to Ogden, Salt Lake. Helena. Spokane and Portland Ore. For full particulais call at city ticket ofUcolOlf O street. A Gentleman Who formerly ipihIimI in ( niitievtli'iit, Im; who now 11 Mif. i ui irojiiiii, wilier "I'nr w ais past, my wifo 11 I h.,'i u(ilAyer' Hi ir lu'ir, ami we t iiiiuti tlioiliuk I 01 which ho ami I lum liiiic, whllu him 1111 i's 1 f mil' acqtiaiut nii' . I. u or a dozen juilioiuiL'ertliaii we. evM ""'""" ' 'uij-lieadio, r'",R,iT 'i",'i 1 ,1111. mi.ii, tftf J aM 1 ill nil luilili.,. VIJD H-i .1. nl us enloi an.! tft'.w- . iiiiiii. , hc iepi),-ii y" fh'-'k "" aenf Acr' Hail -S-" !lll ' '1" !' '" nlllaiic. .1 wai nearly Laid, m.i 1 Hie ' r y" Urptl 'fC! 0 V e 1 liei v u Ayer's ITntr VlRiir, nml Viry soon, it n .t only chei'i cil any fiuther hiss nf hair, tut prndiu'i'il an eiii.ii-l) new prnw 111, which li is iciaaincd luxiiil.iiit ami flossy to this il.i I cm leooinmeml this preparation to nil In need of a iM'iuiliio lialr-restoriT. It U nil (bat It Is elaliiu'd to he." Antonio Alarrti'i, Jl.iMrop, Tex AYER'S HAIR VIGOR ii rvi Jh,&s TfHlM jur-Tr-v REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP Til U FIKST NATIONAL HANK, At Lincoln, In I lie Mute or Nitlit iixUn, ut tlie cIoo ef huelncsn December II', ilM. aiHouacKfi. Loan mul discount 11,910 071 I'J U.H. Iloinls to ecurc circulation Mum (n Hock, securities em . HWJflti IliinWInn house fairulturo mill llv turn T MI.OC0 00 Oilier real otiuo and tiorUncs iwiiimI IS.ftdl IS IIiik friiin Null mill limk, mil re servo iiki'i'In, . . i' !IT Due from state hank itml banker n,:i 11 Dm (limine rnvrd reserve IlKOnt KVMh 07 Cluck unil other cash Ileum II I TO 4i KieliniiKi'i for climrliiK limine ... ussr iu Noted of ,'olhf r national Int ik. .... (VXI (0 I'ractlnual paper curren cy, u ckcl and cmili.... Id Lawful Money Kcscrvo In mink vlr. MpiTIn MM' 8 INI li'Kiil tO'iiiT notin . KI.1W7 (K) Itoilompttnn fund with I). H.lruiiNiiier ir pec emit of I'lrcnlitltmi) S.SMI fl) r.w.ff.11 oi Total 1 1. Kill, (Ml (0 I.IAIltUTIKH. Capital Mock .-t 1 1 r 1 1 1 h . . Unul vlili'il prollts less eiieii)i't mid tiiti'i mild Nntlotiul Imnk notes oiilHtaudliiK Hoo.mii no iini ono no 7I.IWI iw IMljil no line in inner iiiiiiouiii hank I UNO Ml l)no to mute hank unil hunker . . . Ml Indlvliltiiil deposits h ab ject tOClll'I'K M,MjH n. D-iiiind certlllciiles of flepnMI '.MI.StKI III -UNI I Oil ill noIdh mill IiIIIh ri'-illi'iiunli'il . N'i.ltiouo Total f IVII.IHJ! (HI Hliito of Ni liriiMoi. Count v of ImiiciiMn , m I. K. M Conk cum lor of Die ttliuvo nmni'il l ink, ilo Hiilmnuly "weitr mit the nliivn Ntiilf iiieiit Ik true to Hie hint of my ktionl viliru unil belief, l M (!ooK. UhiIiIi r. Hubficrllii'il mid Nwnrii to before me tM.'-ilcl iluv of Ueri'inhcr, IMS' Kuank I'aiiki. Notary Public Correct Attest : N, . IIaiiwooii, O. A Hanna. .(( UN KlTOKIIAI.II, DlrejtorH REPORT OF THE CONDITION of Tin: AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, At Lincoln, In the Mule of Nebraska, at the clone of bUHlnexH December In, IH'.i.l, IIIHOlIIICKh. IimiiH midtllHCOtintN t'fyi'l Ml Ovtril rafts m-cuiciI mid iinii'inirril . :i .! AH U. ri IhiiiiU 10 Huourii ( Irculiitlo.. . .. MIKimhi "tockii. aii'urltli'H, 010 rtv.w :i" llmikllii; lioiito fiirn tare a ml llx- lurei' I 401) 07 Oilier real Dilate anil uioriitaueH owned H 100 :r.l Due from National lmnkn, nut re- Hirve iiventN l.i),rTil 2" Due frniH Male baukn anil banker.H Kl 01 Due from Hnprivod rt'kiirvu areolH , MltH'j 1.1 Obicknand otliercaMi IteniH IOH.V1 0'J KxclimiKi) for cloar'K Im ihii lu,wi 1 10 NoteH nf mliir national banks '.MM) 00 K"i actional Diipnr currency, ulckelH ami cent M7 On Lawful Money ltmurvu In Hank, vl:- lliue'o . . CI MCI 0 Ifitul lender iioU-h... I, (WO CO IM,4lll U ICi'ileinntlOH fund witli U H trunH- uteris purceiitnf circulation) ... 2.210 U) Total tHNil.'i.'e mi MAUI ITIKH. Capital Mock paid In (J.V) 0T0 00 Hurnlint fund IS.Ouo 00 Undivided proOtHless expenses anil tuxi'H paid tn :m Ta National bank iiiiIch oiitHtaiidlni: I'l.wi 00 Duo to other natloriHl hanks Xi.isi W Due to Htate banWH and bankers Mr.w.l 01 ItiJivhlual deposits subject uchock :Kjo,70flil Demand certificates of do- uoslt til.KH if. Tliiiecertlllcatesofdep islt, f.1,17 :i7 (JaMilur's checUs oiitMnnid- im? ;ci7 is-.'io:,:. iv Total .. M! f.'JO HO -talo of Nebraska count of Lancaster h: 1, H. II. iiiirnhmii, cashier of the all vn naiiied bank, do solemnly swear that the above Hatemi'iil Is true to the bent of my knowledge mid belli f . 4 I. iieiiMiAM. Ciishlor, Subscribed and sworn 1 1 li fore 11111 this '.'M day of December. Ih'M I). 0 Winii Notary I'ubllc. Correct Attest. Li:uis nitrooav, D. K TllOMpS'iN, I". K iim.ivN. Directors REPORT OF THE CONDITION ok tiii: COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK, At Lincoln, In the state ol Nebno-ka. atlbe elostuil bu-liiess Decemlicii III, Is'U lir.MH'IH 1 s Loans and dls:ounts. f l.u,,'J.'il C, Ovurdr fis, becurcd and unsecured. :iMil0l II - bonds to 8i) 'lire circulation. .M).il0 in I'rem nun on I' s bonds i',.uki id "tocks, sciirltleH, el', Ili,7:i7 01 llauklnKhouse, furniture, and fix tores 5.CKI no Oilier ' eal estate and moitK'aKes owied, .1 fevs M Duo from National hanks, not re serve mKuiiIh. 10.7M 01 Do from stutn ba ks and bankirs :i Hlo '.', Due from approved reserve ukc iiU, Zi WA (x v.'iiccks niiJ oilier cash Iteins 1 77 KxchaiiRCs for cli'arlnH'hoiiH). r,is' til Notes of other Nitt iiiiiii liaiiks uft 0 I'raclonal paper currency, nickels and cunts Ids. :i-i Lawful Monny Keierve In Hunk, vi: Hpeele. Iir.wttitt Li Kill tender notes, 0,7.11. Hi I) y uur'lf'a of deposit for leual ton- drs, 2:1,78s 'ih Itedemptton fund with U j triasurer, 5 per cunt of circulaitoii, !,'M) 00 Total, t'tu 010 17 1.IAIIII.II1I Capital stock paid In Hurplus fund, Undivided prt.tlts, lets expenses and laxt s paid National lui'ik notes niitstnnil'np, Due toother National hunks Dili to statu bank, hankers Individual deposits mb.lect to check. Demand cerlHIcates of deposit, jr's checks outsit, ndli.K, Notes mid bills re-discounted nllls payanlv. (2W.I IX) 1 0 I'ktOO 0 i.m it 11 100 on t: 00 a:m 7U IUS..UI 11 ;i kvi ift M 71 .I MJi) ttW Total. J.MHMI10 47 (Miitnnf Nebraska County of LaiiCKter, ass I.J II McClay. cakhl-r of the aliovn nanud bank, do m emuly swear that the above staten.ent Ih true to the best of my kniiwi eduo and belief. .Ill Oashler Hubs:rlbcil and sworn to before me this td day of Ducuinbur. 'X ,l..o A Amks Notarj I', bile Correct Altett, W W Hack.nkv r RJoaMoh U J KAIIMIIIlCII, Dltectori. REPORT OF THE CONDITION GERMAN NATIONAL BANK, At Lincoln, In IbeHlnteof Nebnmkn, ill the cIom) of buMncKi December Hi, iii:mioiutm. l.tmnnllllcl illnriMiiitN J'ilH.IMI IK) (hetilriilN. M'i'iii nil unil luiHeeiireil... IV7 n7 I'. H. ImiiilH In mm'Uiii I'liculnllnii 1,1111 IKI I'remlimntiin I'. 8. IhiiiiIh I.iWI no Htiii'liNi Kfcmltli in .... lil.hml Ml tlmiMiiK Iioiimi furniture a llxluien. 1,1'fiO ml Olbcr r nl eMiitc A ninilwiWMinvneil VI, III) v'll Hue hum nutlonul ImihIin lliol leieiie iiki'uIh) lJU'tl III Due fiiiiu Mule It . nkn unil ImtikiTft . . H.OIJ tri Due fmniiiiimveilicnenu nm'iitH !W,om:m Cluck unil oilier cnli Ileum. .. M in KtcluiiiKCH for elcnilnir limine.. . I.I1U '.'( Noti'N of oilier nut. ImtikH U,r0il mi Friifllniml ncr currency, nickel mul eenlN. nil If, Spenle. . lo.lln ui I.cumI tender lintel . , 7,0iH) ml lleieuiilliiii filial with U.K. ticnn- uier (ft percent of circulation). .. Due from II. H. tteiicuier.olberlbiin fi percent reileinptlon I'uinl 70.IMI 'J I I.IM 00 miii ini !IHi),MM II I Toliil i.i miii. hum. Ciiplliil hi ncl publ In $iiii,i)iii) no ninpiiiH iiiiiii Dinllvlileil iiriillls. Ickn exneiiBCK nml UMHI I CO iimcn iiiiiii .. . ;i,nriti .1(1 Nalloual biiuli liulen oulhliinill n. 'il,l Oil Due lootbcr nat liiiiikn 9 '.',"01 17 Duo In tlie Mute bauloiiiml limiknrM ... 2,7,111 "i lliillvlilunl (lcMinllHnubJccl lo ulieek . . 110,0.11 (11 Dciiiii il ceillllciiteK of ile- poMI ll.liriKH 'I'tinii eertlllealeNori'epiiHll MI.IIKI ll-Uiri,0H f7 NiiieH mul blllx reillM-iuiiiieil . in.r, .i ini llllln iii)illil(i -',() 0 W Till ill f .T0,rtH til Htaih ok NmuiAHK , i Cinniij uf l.iinciiMcr, i " I, CIiiik. , Wnlte. Ciifliler of I lie abine iiiuneil lunik, di, Nileuilily niiem Unit llm iibiim MiileinciH bt 1 1 tut in Die bcM of ui) kliuwIeilKiimiil belief. OIIAH. I'.. WAI'I'i:, CiiNhlnr HuliKcilbcd nml Hiinrn lo before inn thin V!IM ibi of December, IH'ill. Isi'.Ai, W. l MKVIlIt, Nnliirj 1'ubllc Correl AlleM; II. II.HCIIAIII-.IKI, I 1'. A. IIOKII.MKH. VDIleelniM. I'!. II. HTKI'i.MNHON, ( .. . REPORT OF THE CONDITION ok tiii: MEHCHANTS' BANK, Al Lincoln, In the Htate of Nebraska al I be eliisiiiif business December III, I MM. IICSOt'KCI.H. Loans and illscounls . ,, tlL't'.'rJ ) tU OinrdraflN, seemed and mis mul . vi .11 Oilier stocks, IhhiiIsiiiiiI iiioiIumkiiS . .'17501 Due Irinii iialloiial banks 7,5.1418 Ileal estate, fiiriilliiie ami llvtincs. '.',NH 01) Current ovpen-es and taxes paid U'C'u H Checks and oilier cash llenis '.',701 Ml LxelmiiKcs lor elearliiK house SkH f.7 HlllHof Iher banks 1,000 00 I'liiellonal paper eiiriency nickels nml e ills. XI W Hpeele . I.OS-, III Lewal tender notes. mo no r,,im ! Tot nl ( I'.lJs'l in 1.1 a 11 1 1.11 1 i:h. Capital slock paid In. .. . . I 75.U0U 00 Undivided profits r.,t.H I till Indlvhliiil deposits subject lo check 117,171 f.7 Demand eertllleiilo or deposit. .. . 7,M) 41 TIlinieertlllealeHof ili'H)slt ll,7ur, 41 Dun to statu hunks ml bankers. 4,707 1 4 Hills pa) able . lo.iibl) 00 Total .lli,ai'j u-. Statu iik Ni:iiiiahka, Coiiniy of LiuieiiHler. I, (!. M. ('iiiwrf id. cashier of tho ahiivo iiameil hank, do solemnly swear Hint the abnie statement true to the best of my kliowlcilKo and belief U. M. CltAWKOItl), Cashier. HiiliHilbed and sworn to l.ofoie mo thlk! day ol I) inber. ImiI Ihcai. 1 .1. A. MA IIHII ALL, Notary I'ubllc. Commission expires .Match 0, IH'M. REPORT OF THE CONDITION or Til H- INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, At Lincoln, III the HI11I0 of Nebiaskn, at the clo-eoi i.usiuess lliHeiiilter IV, tn'M. III.SOI'III'I'.H, 1'lrsl morlKiiKes on lniiioveil real eslate . J.T.'.OU 10 l,o,iiis anil eiillaterul seem II) . IS.liM 'i .Nenraskii sinie w-urimiiN 17,0-1, Neliiuskii sehisil dlstilel bonds . , Due Iiiiiii national banks. I'urnlluro and llxtuies Cillicnt oxpelises ami taxes paid. hecks ami other cash Items fi.lll) 01 !,.'. 4 J.T.B so .,f,fK III 11.1 Hills nl other hanks, IiicIiiiIIiik Kold nml hllverccitlllc. lies ltd CO ri'iiutlnual paper curicnc), nlukels and cents. ... 10 ,'tM 1 (iolil coin... a:, 00 hHf'le. l: Silver iIoIIiiih IN) Ml N'racllonal hIUci coin 10 0.1 l.eiral tender notes. .. ,, :ino 00 Total .J7I.IVI : I.IAIill.llll.s. Cnpital stock paid In Unilhldcd iimllts Indh Idual book deposits i!-",(ilil in Demand certificates of de- IH.sIt lis Jl Time certllleates of deposit. Ul,.'7 M- i"i,0H0 on '1.1 I'll SS 11,301 IK) Total 7,IM SS hTn: of Nkiikiska, i County of Lain aster, 1 h I. William ritlill, president ol the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the statement Is line to the best ol III) knouledKc and belief. WILLIAM HTULL. I'resl ent Subserlbed mid sworn to lie fori) me IhlsUUtli da) ol December. lh'l. Hl.Al.., II. T. I'dLSOM. Nolmj I'ubllc. REPORT OF THE CONDITION - ok Tin: - Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Co At Lincoln, lu the htate of Nebraska, at the clo-eot bus uess December III, IH.1.1 lOsiil'lu Ks. Iians and iliM'Ounts fi (.! tl" Otbci stocks, blinds ami warrants.. i.',.'is Itt Mifo ilesislt vaults, lurnltiiro and llxtuies in 110 00 Dun Iiiiiii uatloliiil bank-, i?7,'.'0.l .1 Due Iriiui state banks and luukeis III) '.'.'. dices mid other cash Hems . I.ivlo ! Illllsot other bank - 1,000 (Nl i'raet oiial apei eiirirncv, nickel, anil cents. W l Hpii'le . I.lss V, ,,. .(.s Accrued Inteiest mi securities 111SI 61 Total J 171.0 111 1.1 tuna m:. 00 (pl ,t,K'k paid III t J5.1M1 0) 00 I'udlvldcil piollts. :i,M, 5 inillv liliial issik iii'iosits iiii.aui si Demand eel tlllcates of de- li'tBM Tlmoeeitlllcalesol ileH.5l '.M,;l.s f.s- 111,71'.' tfr Total . . IT.I.ail) I Snil.llF NfllUlMKA. I ( unlit) of Lam lister, 1 1, It D Ml ler, tiea-iirerof thuiilNiieiiiiiued bank, do solemn! near that the nhoxc state ment Is true to the best of 1115 know lediie and belief It D. Mll.lLli, i'lcaMlicr Subscribed mid sum 11 lo hetoie me this .ilth da ol Dvcoiubcr, lsJ. bki JNO. II CI NMNiiIIAM. I Notury l'lu.k UNION SAVINGS BANK OK LINCOLN, NIUU. CAPITAL, - $200,000.00. lteport MkhvIiik enmlltlon ut eloNiiof liunlneM ciiniiknkkii, DECEMBER 19th, 1893. ASHPTH. f.niiim mi icul CHlate, (Mint niort- KHKli) t ItM.OOU 411 liiiiiHoiienlliiletiil 110,101 OH W'nrraiilH (Hint i of Ni'lirimku mul nllielHl S7.HIH a I'leiuliiiu on U11II11I HIateN IkiiiiU... S,fKNl on HtneKH 11,112.' SI Deimiliil biiiiin lltf.MKI f,M I'lllteil HIilll'H IiiiiiiIn fiO.IIHI Oil ('null (on I111111I mul In Imnk) :u,i:iii mi-pi'1,01 r 'I'nl 11 1 .:1HI,(H4 fvM MAIIII.iriKS. Capital Mock llainlnwN DepiiHltN lleillmiiiiiitN ... I Wi.nnn no 4,700 Vi . . !WX),12I Oil ai.lll (Nl Tiitnl Interest I'nitl on Snviiifrs Deposits. TOILET WORE Nicely decorated in all shapes and grades, at i'iiiolh that eouiuiand at toution, Is the Special Httrpon AT 241 80UTH I ITH 8T TI10 Itetall IIooiiim of THE PIH COWflH CO.'S NFAV CUOCKIOUV AND OLAHH WA UK KS'I'A MulBlIM KNT Orders for special decorations and tho replacing of broken pieces belonging to dinner, tea or toilet sets are solicited. Amateur decorated china to be fired and gilded received dally. Ull SOUTH KL'KVRNTH ST. LADlliS' AND GHILDRBN'S nAIRCUTTING 000 SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY, AT SAM WESTERFIELD'S. HUUIt BLOCK. Real Estate Loans On fnrmi In Eaitorn Nebrmkt and linproT4 proportf In Lincoln, for term of jean. UOWBST CURRENT RATES. R. E. AND J. MOORE. niCHAHDS BLOCK. Cornrr KloTcnth and O Htraata, Lincola. J. C. McXETT, UPHOLSTBRSR AM) CA1I1NKT MAKi:'.. Doen all kinds of Repairing Promptly. AH work warranted, IOH Ho. llth St. Lincoln, Nab. ' WmUT TVQ Howtoeconomnetlma. Y vJVlil O and rnonryioaa to 171 I tho world' fair to beitJ ) ivl Jl. adrnntriKe, li a nu eg-; thin that ins hart, puzzled jou. Atold tnistakri br Kettlna' ' iiotti'd In advance, l'erhnpa thnlllustratna. 'folder Jutt Issued by Siiutn Fs Route U; Iwlmt you lined, Itcnntalns Tlowsof world'a. ; fair bulldltiKS, accurate map of Chicago.; iainl other lnforma- , 'tlonotTuluntntisht- Q i TrTI A "PTJl :iht.. Address K. L. OAIN J A 1? Jl: Palmer, P. A. Santa )IrPT7 : We Itouth, Omaha, liU U 1 111. ' and ask for freacopy. I mm mm ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOn THE ONLY AUTHORIZED II) Mall lliiiiillton, his literar) executor, with tho ro-operatlou of his fiiuill), and fur Mr lllaiuo's complete works. "Tweut) Years of C'oiiKress," and his later book, "Political Dis cussinus. ' One prospectus for these three Ik'.I si'llliiK iHioks 111 the markets. A. K. P. Jordan, of Maine, took ll'J orders from first 110 calls, agents 1 rollt I llll. .ML .Mrs. Dullard, of Ohio, imik 15 orders, 1.1 Seal ltussla, in ore day ; protll H.'4.". V.. N. Uioe, of Massarliiisetts, took 'JT, orders in two dajs; protit $17. -A. J, Purt ridK". of Maine, tiuik III orders from Hi) calls, protll 7.1. ','.1. 1. A. Palmer, of North Dakota tiuik K) orders In .lda)s. protit 1IH,',',5. Kiclu sue Torrltor) Kiien, If )ou wish to makii larwo iiiune). write immediately for terms to THE HENRY Bill PUB. CO., NORWICH. CONN. C. E. SPAHR, M. D. en tot let iimitio to oitixis or thi t Y E-nd NOSE t AR (.Laaaca cuRcruuv AOJuaTio, 1215 O STREET LINCOLN. NEB I I U. G HE L