Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, December 23, 1893, Image 7

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Tim Hithluii Comedy company lui
continued to tittraet laro audiences to
tint Lunsine; theatre all this week, pre
senting a iHHerent hill nightly. There
will ho performances iih usual tonight
mid tomorrow night, with u nintinoo on
Saturday, and thoongngcinont will close
Monday (Christmas) evening, with a
special hill. 1'opular prices Ht 11) pro
vull with thin company.
Thursday evening, December US,
Hoyt'H"A llruss Monkry" will ho pre
sented at tlm Lansing theutro hy a com
puny containing a number of old
favorites. This farco-eoinody in familiar
tontostplnygoors. and it id way h received
a warm reception in Lincoln. There
aro some now things In "A llrnss
Monkey" this year, as well aH boiiio now
faccB, and tho theatre will doubtless bo
tilled with admirers of Hoyt's fun.
Till' Mrnlt'lii l.riiKHr.
A correspondent of Spurtiny A'cira
says, apropoHof tho now Western league:
Mr. T. J. Ilickoy will most likely have
hold of tho Lincoln uluhand Dave Kowe
will handlu Omaha.
Souio of McCaull'8 friends will' see to
Des Moines and George Hruckot will
put a club in at lVoria.
Hnldwin will look after Quincy, Guy
Heckor will seo that laulcHuiivillo in wall
Ah to St. Joe and Rook Islnnd-Molino
thoy hoth huvo knocked at tho door for
A mooting will ho held in Chicago
some timo in January, when tho usso
elation will ho organized and the sign
ing of playera will cominonco.
All tho teaniH will play Sunday games.
From Pottstown, Pa., coini'B tho re
port of "an astonishing oxhihition of
girlish charms which fnrniflhed a theme
for an innnoiiHo lot of gossip. A camp
of tho l. O. S. of A. gave a henetlt en
tertainment, tho chief feature of which
accordion to tho ollieial program, wuh a
'nightgown drill.' ThiH drill wan just
what tho name implied. Tho lightH in
tho room woro slightly lowored, to givo
tho Hceno a more realiHtic elTect. Tho
uudieuco Bat hrcnthlcsn for a iniuuto or
two, and then, from tho wingH cf. tho
Btage, emerged a vision of maiden loveli
ness. A pretty girl, of interesting
years, walked slowly heforo tho foot
lights. Her oidy robe, so far as tho
charmed spectators could Bee, was a
whito Mowing gown of the simplest
make. Tho soft material clung nicely
to tho prettily rounded shoulders.
Those delicate curves of tho young
woman's physique seemed all tho more
entrancing beneath this bewitching
garl). Her hair fell Iooho upon her
shoulders. Her snow-whito feet and
ankles twinkled beneath tho tllmy lace
at tho bottom of the gown.
Hardly had tho audience recovered
its breath before another girl, dressed
just as tho first, appeared. Then
another and another, until seventeen
bewitching girls, witli loose thing hair
and twinkling feet, were upon tho stage.
Each young lady carried a lighted
candle. They marched back and forth
across tho stage and performed various
evolutions. Thoy refused to respond to
an encore.
With many clergymen, public
speakers, singers, and actors, Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is tho favorite remedy
for hoarseness and all atTections of the
vocal organs, throat, and lungs. Its
anodyne and expectorant elTectH aro
promptly realized.
Genuine Coal Creek
Rock Springs coal at tho
Hotaling & Son cater to tho best fam
ily trade in GROCERIES ami MKATS.
Store, MiiTi O street. Telephone (510.
Got a picture for a Christmas present
at Crancer'B, 212 South 11th.
All orders via telephone .'S'.)3 will reach
V. A. Collin & Co. and receive prompt
und careful attention.
M. L. Trester,
1211 O street.
Genuine Canon City
N lnnni u I'iiIIh,
Next to the world's fair, nil our
foreign friends want to see Niagara
Falls, and in the minds of many,
Niagara Falls is placed llrst. One of
tho thst questions they ask an Ameri
can either at homo or aboard is about
Niagara, but to many of us Niagara
Falls is too near. Were it on tho other
side of tho world, thousands of A meiican
globe tiotteis would hasten theie, who
pass it by now because thoy can go
thoro any time.
The Michigan Central has made it,
perhaps, too easy of access, for its
through trains fiom Chicago to New
York and Boston run diiectly hy and in
full view of the great cataiact, and
thoso passing hy daylight Btop live
minutes for passengers to vlow tho Falls.
Tho wise traveller however will stop
over there as long as Ids time will per
mit to view tho beauties and tho gran
deur of tho falls under dilTcicnt aspects
and fiom ditioront points of viow. The
longer he stops tho moio ho will tlnd to
repay him for whatever expenditure of
time and money ho incurs.
They were talking on tho rear platform
of the car, when one suddenly turned to
the other with:
"Woro you over in California?"
"Oh, yes."
"Great country, Isn't It?"
"Lot me sell you some property there."
"I was about to propoto tho same
thing to you. Where Is your property?"
"About fourteen miles from Uliuilt
"Minn is just fourteen. What did yon
"About $S(X) per acre."
"So did 1. Did you buy for an orango
"So did I. Any hill on your land?"
"Vch- all hill."
"So is mine. You paid 800 per acre,
and ou'll take about $2T?"
"So will I. Ileautiful climate, isn't
"Perfectly lovely."
"Then I can't sell you?"
"Not today. Never told any one you
got left, did you?"
"Nor 1, either. Always claim to have
made $20,000 on my deal. Good day."
"Good day."
Luxury of Trine I.
"Hello, Jack! .iiisteomo down town?"
"No; why?"
"lieenuso you look so fresh and trim
as though just out of a bandbox."
"Well, that is natural enough, wlion
you consider that, instead of just com
ing down town, I havo just got into town
after a trip east."
"Hut that generally uses a man up,
and gives him that tired feeling, what
with cramped quartern and jarring and
worrying him almost to death."
"I know that is sometimes tho case.
Hut frequently it depends upon what
road you ride over. There aro roads and
roads. I mado my journey by tho
Michigan Central, and thoy havo such
perfection in appliances for comfort,
such discipline among tho employes,
that tho annoyances aro small indeed,
and tlie couuort equal to that in ones
own home, unless it is an exceptionally
luxurious and well-appointed one. Try
tho Michigan Central, 'the Niagara
Fidls Routo,' next time you wish to go
east. You'll tlnd it so." Arkunsaw
Moving .Smith.
Convenient markets, good soil, pure
water and excellent climate aro advan
tages to lo considered when looking up
a home, business location, farm, etc.
Maryland and tho Virginias alTord these,
with many more advantages. Improved
farm lands, adapted to stock raising,
dairying, grain, grass and fruit growing,
can l)o obtained at low prices and upon
easy terms. Thriving towns invito tho
merchant, mechanic and business hihii.
Ahundanco of coal, timber, ore, water
power, etc. Free sites for manu
facturers. For further information, address M. V.
Richards, Land and Immigratioi Agent
H. &. O. R. It., Halrimoro, Mil.
Superior Train Scrvleo to 1'ltlnliurKU.
The Baltimore & Ohio railroad oilers
tho public tho most convenient train
service between Chicago and Pittsburgh
The route is via Akron, Ravenna, War
ren and Youngstown, G. Two solid
traiiiB aro run every day, both carrying
day coaches and now vostibulod sleepiug
cars through without chango.
Tho Pittsburgh oxpress leaves Chicago
at .'1:00 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburgh
the next morningat 7:05. Thovestibulo
limited leaves Chicago at 7:!K) p. in., and
arrives at Pittsburgh tho next morning
at 11;10. The vestibule limited also
carries a Pullman sleeper to Cleveland
via Akron, arriving at Cleveland at
8:00 a. in.
All H. & O. trains depart from tho
Grand Central passenger station, corner
Hth avenue and Harrison street, Chi
cago, the finest and most commodious
station in America.
llluli l'lwi or lluclmt I'iii-IIcm
Should send at onco to John Si:iiastian,
G. T. A., C. R. I. & P. R. R., Chieirgo.
Ten Cents, in stamps, per pack for the
slickest cards you ever shutlled. For
81.00 you will receivo free by oxpress ten
Ili'iirurkH Citimol II,' (,'uri'il.
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of tho ear.
Theieisonly one way to juro deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused hy an intlamed con
dition of tho mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
tlamed ou havo a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, deafness iB tho result, and
unless tho iullammation can he taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever; nine cases out of ten aro caused
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in
tlamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Wo will givo 8100 for any caso of
deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Send for circulars; free.
F. J. CHKNEY it CO., Toledo, O.
t5TSold by Druggists. 75c.
For St. Louis
take tho Missouri
ticket olllce 1201 O
Pacific route. City
J, FrnuclH Payne, a smooth shaven,
dark-complexioned joung man, very
nattily attired in a blue cheviot suit,
left the Union Paeillc ticket olllce
on Broadway, Oakland, Cal., just after
dark one day ret cull) and walking
away down to the railroad yards steal
thlly hoarded a fieight train which
forty lnlnuteH later started for Sacra
mento. Ho walked down to tho yards
hecauso ho couldn't ride. Ho was pos
sessed of only 1 cent, and on that he and
a companion mimed Sydney had lived
seventy-eight days and travelled .'1.8(H)
miles, and on the same cent he is com
pelled to live twenty two dajs more and
to travel 2.21X1 miles.
Payne is a Chicago newspaper man
who in the interest of a Chicago journal
and for u wager of85,(HX) is striving to
travel (1,01X1 miles in 1(H) das on a
capital of one cent.
Just seventy-nine days ago he and
Sydney left Chicago.
Tlie conditions of the wager were
that the combined capital for the trip
should not he more than 1 cent; that
they could not travel on tickets or
passes and that they should stop one
day in certain large cities.
Payne still htm the 1 cent piece that
they started with, hut it is now polished
to a bright golden hue from contact
with his pocket. Hut his companion,
Sydney, iH not with him. Thoy alighted
from a Hying freight at Los Angeles,
and in the confusion incident to an
accelerated roll down an embankment
ind their subsequent landing in a ditch,
Sydney broke his leg and Is now living
with some degree of comfort, notwlth
standing his broken limb.
The journey of the two young men
to the coast has not been such a harsh
one as might he imagined. Judging
from the neatness of Mr. Payno'H rai
ment and the absence of grime from his
hands and face, ho has not been obliged
to rido very far on hreako-beams or
conceal himself under the seats of pas
senger coaches or do any of the things
that tramps and professional "hobos"
are supposed to do. Hut ho doesn't
care to tell just how he manages to get
along. Mr. Payne expects to write a
good deal about his trip, and ho does
not want to havo his material made
stale by premature publication. He
admitH that his journey bo far, except
for the accident to companion, was
rather enjoyable. Hi. iys he has had
plenty to eat, but ho will not tell how
he manages to persuade people to feed
him, and to feed him well, too, or how
ho induces conductors to let him ride on
their trains just as though ho had a
Ho hinted that ho had some mysteri
ous scheme by which tho proprietors of
hotels were to he advertised, and he
said that they were all more than anxi
ous to feed and shelter him in return
for the benelltfl they will derive.
Aftor leaving Chicago they proceeded
to New Orleans by means of freight
trains and obliging train hands. They
were there honored by the famous
Olympic Club, which ten.iered them a
banquet. At this banquet they met
Vice-President Tliorne of the Texas and
Pacific Railway, the young mail who
rumor says is going to marry Miss
Helen Gould. Ho offered them passes
over his lines, which they were com
pelled to refuse, but he told them they
would havo no trouble in getting over
the road, and strangely enough they
did have no trouble.
From Now Orleans thoy went to tho
City of Mexico by way of Laredo and
thence to Los Angeles by way of El
Paso. Down in Mexico it was rather
moro difficult. Payne does not under
stand much Spanish and he found it
rather hard work sometimes to make
the people undeistand that ho wanted
to eat. That is, it was no great task to
let them know that he was hungry, hut
they could not comprehend from his
signs and imperfect talk why they
should feed him.
Pay no lost six days in caring for his
unfortunate companion.
Ho jot has twenty one days left and
in that time lie must travel from
Sacramonto to Ogden, to Salt Lake, to
Denver, to KynsasCity, to St. Louis and
thence home to Chicago. Hut at Salt
Lake, Omaha and Denver he must Btop
ono day, according to the terms of the
Payne is allowed sixty eight pounds of
baggage, which is forwarded for him
from city to town and vice versa by
Wells, Fargo it Co., and this baggage
has enabled him to keep supplied with
clean linen and starched shirts and
Ho expresses himself as being fully
confident of reaching the point ho
started from within the stipulated
A llllltle I'or Illood,
Is what Hood's Saisaparilla vigorously
fights, and it is ulways victorious in ex
pelling all the foul taints and giving the
vital fluid the quality and quantity of
perfect health. It cures scrofula, salt
rheum, boils ami all other tiouhles
caused hy impure blood,
The Elk Mountain and Ruhy authra
cito from Colorado mo fast taking tho
place of eastern anthracite. For Bide at
tho Whltobreaat company tO.80.
Future Store,
jii mmith i:i.i:vi:ntii sthi:i;t.
Something for the home is
the nicest present you can
H. PI.
inn o NTiir.irr.
Buy something useful and
you will not regret the ex-
Dr. T. O'Connor,
(HnrrMior to Dr. Churln AnnrlM.)
Wi'ii anil KIMnlna without tha uaa of Knlfa,
Clihirotoriii ur Kthar,
Mien ISM O Hlrwit -Dwell block.
"It iilnrn ill llm liiwul nf nil iinrlodlrula pull
IIaIikiI in llm Knitlinli Iiimiiiio a no Inuirur ill"
lmtcil iiiiywliurn." Alliiiny A rutin.
IN 1891.
HUM) liiKi,it or llm Ileal l.ltiirnlimi.
KMIO lilimtriitliitm lijr tlindnuiltiat ArtUta
ir I hi. World.
fltllK iirouMiin of tlihtinw minimi of tlm On
I tury MnKitzinn, Imulnulntf with tlm Nornm
Imr iiiiinhiT, In linn nf rani In lor out to nvory
ruiuliir of litiiriitiirn. Tlm chliif hot In I fnntiiru li
Tlm niimt ilriiMiiitln alury nr wrlttnn liy
Ainirlrii'n unmti'Ht hiiiiiiirlnt. Iilkn mivoml of
Murk TwiiIii'h nturlpn, it linn fur II ncciin n
HtcnmlHiiit town on tlm Mlmil'ltiil rlrnr forty
imira nun, "I'mlil'iilnmd Wllnon." a Imnf
lioiiilcil roiinlry Inwviir, llm Imni nf tlm itory.
fiirnlnlii'K much of tlio fun Unit mm nnlurnlly
iiipi'd tit Mini In n work hy tlm nut Imr of ''Tho
liiiiornul Aliriinil," hut Im niiiinr In quitii
iiimllmr IIkIiI In llm iiiiinlor Irlnl which formi
tlm tlirlllliiK climax nf tlmMory. Tlm plot In
Irniliici'H a novel anil liuc'iilou einplnyinmit of
Hcli'iim in llm ili'ti'cllnn of rriiim, mill llm char
artiTH urn wull ilriiwn nml lliolr ornry action it
liitnruHtliiK. Tlm cnutiiry will contain
Artlclna on
Art Idea iloacrlhlnit
Ily lomliiiK Auiorlcnn nrtlata. with tholr own
lllimtratlmia; artlcli'i ilnacriptlvn of
... nil 111.. it.nal kjihI Ii.bhIb I .! .. il I a .! n ! .
r it'll. i.ifii,iii'iiiii. iihuuiijk iiiv ,ir
two youni; Amorlrani who trnraraod
Aaln on hlcyclrn ; a novel anrli-a on
How ii youiiK inun.illHKulseil as ii tramp, tray
illicit over America unit luurnoil nil tliutocrota
of tlm "profesalon;"
hy tliuuronteat llvlni(ComM)aarannilmiialclani'
Unpuhliiilieil usHiiy hy
Short RtnrlfM li nil novelettes hy nil tlm leaillnw
atory writers, eHtny on timely auhjecta, humor
nml fun in tlm "l.lKliter Vein" department,
etc., etc. Tho
contain a iiermoii hy I'hllllpa llrooila, anrmi
complete rtorli'M. a miiuulllcent array of full
jiiiKu ctiKruviniia, n new picture of (lenera
(Irnnt, letter from Kdwlu llootli, etc.
64iitMoi.''lto Now.
1'rlce $1.(10 a year. Dealer receive Hiibucrlp
timia, nr remittance may Imi mailn to tho pul
lUliem liy check, draft, money-order, or hy cuah
In reentered letter. Addrea
1Alo Oentviry Co.
ttii ISiiMt ITtli Ht., IV. v.
Wrltn for n "Mlnlaturo (Century" fren.
(UaU Una B. 0. B. U.)
Ratwi, ICO, $75 and 90 a aonth, o
iMrding to locution. Addreaa
Cuiuherlund, nd., up to Juno 10; utter
that ditto, either Detr Park or Oakland,
Garrett county, ltd.
ransaUto 4mocUU Ua
rMoartM !
1st b had bjr addrMtM O.T. NleaoJaoo,
. i T. A., A. T. A R. t. STB., Tfk, IM
Uaatlaa UU Mr.