THE SATURDAY JMLO UUVIIVG COURIBR of cottrso given up all liopo ami roiilir.od I. M. ItAVMONI), I'triMrnt. I). It. IIIOMI'SON, Vkr I'lMl.lonl r. II miK.NIIA.Vi. (i.tMilrr. I) ( WIND. AtKlAIt (Milllcr. O r. I liNKI!. IF f & fit l I 4of iImIcIii (Siii'IIioiiIn. GAPS, MUFFS, CAPBcS, MATS, AND GAKmAGIo ROI3ISS. IT YOU WANT ANYTMINO IN THIH LINE, IT WILL I'AY YOU tO OALL AND BtC a 2.1 AsM.tltt CiKlllcf. LINCOLN, NEU. e$V THE Chi AuAIlN IIIIOW nuny caret, ncn and nil llvo In the preacnt: I VuutiKttci-H art i rilrliiiR with I a null tor and indue; ('lirNtinni Indoors Is remarkably pleasant Danccxanil pitne for tho idrlsand tlio boys. , Otitaldu tlio shad ow are colder- 'tis miou'Iiir. 'Hoft flakes whirl downward and drift on tlio ' pane. 'Hound tho warm hearth, whoro the (Ire Is rIowIiik, y Old folks draw closer at ChrNtmai attaint Tho head of tho house. In the kIow of the cm born, i Stands straight as an arrow, smiling, but ' grand. Thero Is his wife, nnd soma fifty Ilccembors ljeavo her as lightly as vnes on the wind. i Sho Is to him still as fair as lio tlmiiuht her When In hor terns lilsalleKiance hosuoro. Many a son, now, anil bloiviin cheekod dauch tcr (Jatlior about them for Christmas once morel Then thero aro neighbors and cousins and lov ers; llortlo, from college, and stroke, of his crew; Sportsmen who como with nn oyo on thu cov ers; Maldensnf benuty whosecharmsaro not few Dainty Dlnna of fnwiraiiulto chary; KcRlnald, freah from thu lunch on tho plain. Learned clrl Kriultiates, Snlllo and Mary, Meeting and uicctliu; at Christmas auiiln. Still, to my fanr, the falreit of faces Yonder Is kIiIiiIiii: In slUcry curls. Framed In soft wi uppers and delicate laces, Qrntutninther sits In n cluster of Klrla, Watchllni thoiliitiieri with ejea Rrowlni; ten der, Clearer nnd dearer for Ioiir aito pain; Holding tho lovlnir hands near to defend her, Safo with her children at Christmas ai;nlii. 1 can remember when beaux by the doen Tainted her licauiy In wit and In wine; 1, too, adored hiT-thotiuli I was a cousin Many a huiikI tried lt mettle with mine. Ah, gallant compnii), vanished to hades! Swept with tho jears till wo only remain. Sho Is for mo still tho sweetest of Indies 1, her old suitor, at Christmas again! Madam, your handl Though tho dancers be plenty. Let us, too, stand not In wait, or In reel. This was "the mode," eighteen hundred and twenty, When It was voted as "mighty genteel." Ail, that was dauelui;. Then "steps" were "do rlguetir" (Not a wild ecrnmblo, nbsurd and imnno). Vou will remember that elegant llgnre Let uh walk through it at Christmas agalnl Yes, that is well! Strlko a statelier measuro. Fitting thu HiioHsand thu honor of U'nrs. Say, docs It bring in you visions of pleasure, Or has the nmsliMi tremor of team? Here let us slay. Why this laughter, joung mlses? "Under the mistletoe!" .oundsl then, 'tis plain. Grandmother, blushing, must bring out those kisses Sho has been keeping for Christmas agnlnl Latince Leo. ?' 4Atf HV si. yu.i. ICopjrrlght, 1803, by Amei-icau I'ress Associa tion.) It was along in November that Tom and I discovered "indications" at a spot in tho Piny on mountains of Novadn and started a drift. Wo didn't intend to put in inoro than a weok's work just enough to develop tho "llnd" and load up with J specimens for assay but after four or ! fivo days Tom was taken sick. Wintor was already at hand, with u foot of snow on tho ground. If you htivo novor boon among tho western mountains, I may tell you that at ubout tho middle of December, after winter has seemingly shut down, thero comes what is called a "chinook" u warm wind oil tho Pacific which melts tho snow and stands tho season off for a week, as it were. Wo had calculated to take advantage of this break to got oat of tho mountains, but fate willed it oth erwise. Tom was a Now Englandur, rough and rugged. Ho hadn't been sick a day sinco ho could remember, unci his sudden breakdown was a completo sur prise to both of us. Ho was attacked lato in tho afternoon with a violeut twitching of his muscles, and by mid night was in a profound stupor, which lasted with but few intermissions until tho end. I know that ho was In a dangeroui condition, but 1 could not leavo him, helpless as ho was, and make my wuy down Into tho valley far nolo, nor oould It " litis i" Veilcome Guest I tnlto littti iluwii In IiIh weiilt uiul hulp- U8S HtlitU tlll'lf WHS lllll (HID tiling tO dO, utid Unit was to get n shelter ready nnd taltu thu Iwst cure ot him possible. 1 found it sholtorod Hput and in a duyund i JioisTKNT.n ms ura. a half had knocked together a protty comfortablo shanty. Then 1 gathered a great heap of firewood and was as ready as I could bo for a change of weather. For some days Tom neither grew better nor worse. When I insisted on it, he would tako a bit of rabbit soup, but his appetite was gone, nnd ho lay for tho most part in a deep stupor, neither speaking nor moving. For three years wo had knocked about tho Silver Stato together in hopes of a "find." It had been a hard life and n rough one. Wo were more often hun gry than not, and up to tho time of Tom's illness vu had found nothing of any consequence, but now well, if in dications amounted to anything, we hud struck it rich, and our tens of thonsauda vrero right in sight. It seemed doubly hard for Tom to be bowled over just at this timo and harder still to know that tho chances were all against him. Tho only hope I had was that his robust con stitution would pull him through this mysterious illness, but us ho lost strength nnd grow weaker day by day even tins hopo died away. Tho "chinook" lasted nine days. It seemed as if summer had como back. I nursed Tom, gathered a lot inoro wood, made tho shanty mot o comfortablo and dug it grave for Tom on a knoll ISO feot back of the cabin. If ho pulled through, ho would nour know it; if ho died, I could not leavo his body ubovo ground to bo eaten by the wild 1 toasts. Ho had hardly spoken since his illness, his men tal faculties seeming to bo benumbed, nnd I was therefore greatly surprised when I canto in from my grave digging to find him looking better than for days boforo. I took it as a sign that ho hud passed the crisis and would now mend, and I was trying to cheer him up when ho said; ", I heard you at work. Vou have dono right. Vou know you could have depended on mo to do tho same. "Why, Tom, old man, you aro much hotter today! You ato suroly going to pull through! 1 was digging a bit to run tlio water oil' if it eamo on to rain." Dut ho was not deceived. After a bit ho told me of his old mother and a sister in tho east and asked that his share of thu find intuit bo sent them in case things turned out right. That night the "chinook" vanished us swiftly as a shad ow moves, and winter camu howling down on us It was the '.'(Jilt of Decem ber. Bofoiv morning it was far below zero, and a heavy snowstorm was raging, and Tom hud relapsed into his former lethargic stato I was in for it now for sure snowed upon thu mountains with u dying man for companion. From the morning of the ','0tli to tho afternoon of tho 21th thu man never tittered a word; sometimes lie would open his eyes as I moistoned his lips or forced a llttlo soup down his throat, but hu neither know nor saw mo. I know by tho look of his eyes that ho was stono blind. About U o'clock on tho afternoon of tho dato giv en, as I returned from tho spring with a kettle of water, Tom quietly asked: "Sam, is it near Christinas duy?" "Within a fow hours." "And you havo got tho grave ready?" "Why, man, you won't need a grave for years to como. Como, now, I wunt to try you with u bito to ent, and I'll warrant you'll feol bettor for it." But before I could get around to it ho had again become unconscious, and the next and tho lust timo I heard his voico was lato that night; I don't know but it was Christinas morn, for it was mid night or after when lie moved an arm and broke uiv uleen, By thii tin lluvd jB- -r- k ft m "vou will i:t WltLU" that it was only u question of fow hours more. His long fust hud reduced him to a mere skeleton, and during the last two days I could hardly get tho beat ing of his pulse or heart, lly tho time I was awake, he said: "Sam, where aro you? I cannot soul" I took his hands in initio and bout over him as I said: "Uore I am, old fellow. Do you feel bettor?" "I'm most gone, Sam I And It's Christmas day, ain't it?" "Yes," 1 answered, greatly surprised thnt he hud kept tho run of timo so ac curately. "Hut you aro not going, Tom; you aro betted" "Christmas day in the old homo, 8am t" ho went on. "It is years sinco 1 was thero. They'll remember mo and peak of me, though father and mot Father's grave is there, near tho old homo. Miuu they will never seol" "But Tom, Tom, yon aro butter. You will got welll" I cried, as 1 lighted a candle and bent over him to lift his head. "No, Sam. I've been dreaming, dreaming of my mother and sister ol father of tho old homo of Good by, Saml 1 know you dug tho grave days ago! Mark it, Hum. Mark it so that motlior may know it if hIio ever Mothorl Moth" And it was all over with poor Tom. 1 sut beside him till tho day came, tho day of prayer and feasting and rejoic ing among millions, and then I wrapped him in his blankets and carried him out and gave him burial and tittered the prayer which 1 know was on his moth er's lips, and shed thu tears which 1 felt wore welling up as shu thought of tho absent one. He asked me to mark his grave. 1 did so, and then 1 waited for weeks beforo I could get down into tho valley. Tho next summer when the now hud melted away from thu moun tains 1 went back to tho lonely shanty with laborers enough to develop thu mine, which wo called "Dead Man's Find," and beforo another Christmas day his mother sat by his grave while I told her tho story of his illness ami how her numu hud been thu lust on his lips on that dark Christmas morning when his soul went outinto tho great unknown Mrs. Brown That's a nice turkey, but I expected you'd havo brought some thing to wash it down with. Brown My dear, thut's a rufllo tur boy, and hu's leeu washed down al ready. 'A snake In the grass" is all tho o dungoroiiH from being unsuspected. So aro many of tho blood medicines ollered the public. To avoid all risk, ask your druggist fornyer'H Sursnpurilln, and also for Ayers Almanac, which is just out for tho now year. Water colors and etchings at Crancer'H. 212 South 11th. When you want prompt service and fuir treatment and tho selection from tho largest Block of groceries in Lincoln call on V. A. Collin & Co., HueeessoiH to J. Miller, ll.'t South Hleventh street. Trester sells over 110 kinds of coal. Best grades of Scrunton anil Lucku wunnu hard coal at the Whitebreast S10.80. Whitobrenst Coal and Lime Co. Tint I'tlliill I'lielllr Clirni ltule. Only fcJO.OO llrst class toOgden, Salt Lake, Helena. Spokane and Portland Ore. For full particulars call at city ticket olllcolOU O street. r&. l:r ' '! ji y Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. J, M'ooi.iiiniHiK, of Wnrtliuiu, Tt-X.l. saved tile life ' h r i lulil 1 the ilii of Ayor's CliiTi-y Pectoral. "dim of iiiy i'IiIIiIihi Cii'iip. T! cixew.iH nttelKleil by nlll i miiiikim'iI tn be well imiltT control. (I nlsjiit I win si.irtleil li Hie chlM's li.n.i In ft tlilnif. and nn (.'nine; ti it finiml It "ti n U'lllll.' It h.'Ul Head) cemeil til lllein1 tlii" hilil' iiinliiirrdiKllin n hail beeiiine iinxllili' In "i'l''1 "f llicliieilleln -ulveii, I reasnneii Hint sneii lenieillet wnni be of nn aail. 1 lav 111'.' p.'iit of a Ixitth- ' .)er'('lieriy 1' in I he bmixe, 1 -j . the ehllil tbiee ilnses l shmt Intel nli m I niixlomly wnlleil n'Mlll I'loln lln limin it the I'eetinal was KlM'ii. Hie elillcl's bn ill mew c.'nler, anil, In a sh"ll lllne, she . sh'epliii; inietly ami breathliii; m ' The ehlhl it alle .mil well lo-'1 'y. innl I lint hesitate tn i ,er'ii I'heii) !' total .ioil hei lit " AVER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dn J ( A rJc.'o.,Iie;i, M .- Prompttooct,allrcoct,r', Ic& - lil'fc V l-il u k'K'vr tm CAIMIAU, SiSO.OOl). SUWIMolJS, $15,001). Illiiitiirs . M. Itujiiioiiil. I'.. K. Ilnmu, M. II, Ibirnhiim, 1 . 1 '.. 'I liom t-iii, t'. (I. I)iims, ('. II.Morrlll,A..I.Snwer, Lewis (Ireuiiry, I'. W. Little. (I. M. Liinibertsou I). II. Wing, H. W. Iliiriihiiui. IOIIN II Wlltdlll I'rrtl.trnt I l liilinviii, Vice I'li'M.tetit I II Vu( I AY t .isliirr IM A AWIiS. Asst (onlilrr THE MNCOliN, NNHIiAHKA. mneoToiiH: .1. II. WriKht. TIioh. Cochrane I". K. Sunders W. L.1)iiIoii I'', K. .lohniMiti (leo, l.oure). .I.K Mill, II I'. Lull, .1. II. Me('lii), W W llarknc) (I Itailslmrk THE First I-iitipl Bfnf. O AM) II Sill Slid LIS. Capital, $()().()() SuMus, SI 00,000. (II I l I ItM rc. s. ii tuuiiiiit ! ,.i.-n t . I'll H. A. II IW I I'l' l'l"lll 1'. M. ('(mil i - i i ('. H. LirriM i i-i " nhler II. S, I'm i m i ii i imiiier. LADIHS' ANDGIIILDRIJN'S fflAlliCUTTINC AND o o o SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY, AT- SAM WEST IMF I ELD'S. HUKIl BLOCK. Real Estate Loans )n farmi In Knatcrn Nobraakn and lmproT4 pruporty In Lincoln, for a torin ot jenrt. IrOWRST CURRENT RATES. R. E. AND J. MOCRE. KICHAKDS IILOCK. t'nrner KleTcnth nnd O Htrentx, Lincoln, S1IFF IIS MI 10 n FROM $2.50 TO $4.50. Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory N. W. COIL TWBLFTII AND O RT6. ')ld Hats lllaclctd, Cleaned, Dyed and wide as ()md as new. All kinds of Repair Work done. UPHOLSTERER AM AIIIM.I MAUI ', Does all kinds of Unpninng I'lomptly All work warranted. .108 No. llth St. .Incnlii, Nob. T. C. KKItN. I). I). S. ris'ri"r. Rooms 25 ami 26, Utirr Block. LINCOLN, - - IVICI3. AGENIS WANTED ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOR THE ONLY AUTHORIZED II) (inll lliiinllliiii, IiIh literary executor, with the rn-nperatlnti of lifit faiiill), unci for Mr. IIImIiiii'h roinpli'tn wurkit. "'Iwentj Yenm nf CcniKrcsn." mill IiIh later bunk, "I'ullticiil I)1h ciikhIiiiih. One irnnieetnt for theni three bent si'lllin,' iHioks in the inarketx. . h. 1' .Ionian, nf Maine, took 112 nrilerx from llrxt lllleallii. iiKi'iitN rollt ltI..tit. Mr. Milliard, of Ohio, Icnili l.'i orderN, CI Seal ItnuHiii, in in e ilii) . iiotlt 'J(l,v:ri. 1C, N. Hire, of MiiMtiu-lninettH. took "7 Mrdera in two ilii); prollt 17.'4.. ,1. Purl rnlifo, of Maine, took 111 older from ,V!ealU. prollt 7.1. ','.. K. . Palmer, of North Dakota look Xi onlerii In !l daH prollt 1IH. '.'... Lxeln- nn Terrllor) Ktven. If jou wixlilo miikn liirue money, write immediate!) for terniH to THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO.. . CONN. 7AIJT TVO Howtoeeonomuetlme: ; M lJl'liU VJ and mnnevHo to ca; FAIR. tuo wurlii ftirtoiK'it. aiUiintiiKe, i a nun-; tion that ma; dure, inlntakt'fl bv irettintf ' puz7leil jou, Avnlil mlntakea by Kettleii; ! lotted iiimlviinre. Perluiim thnilliutratea. ; folder jimt iiieiii'd b) Santa Kn Route li; Iwhat you need. Itromiuim invrnof wnrlil'i. fair bulldiiiK", accurato map of Chiciiifo.; I mill other informa- . tlouofTaluntoilKht- Li 4 Tri1 t T?1.T. :oer. AdilrPH K. L. oAiN IA I1 ill Palmer, I. A. 8anta OAllfPl I ,Kr Itnuth, Omaha, JtU U 1 111, ' andaakfor froacop;. ; C. E. SPAHR, M. D. rdtOIICI LIUITID TO DllltXS Ol IMI t. T t,nd NOSELAXri THROAT blAttCI CARtrULLY OJUltD, 12ISOSTRKF- LINCOLN. NEB COlli H A 13 1$. VOE V. M. C. A.. tiilKllnu;. - - Ooi'. Illlh liiul NH( t5Vltrpuiiiiig done in the neiiteHt iniinner. hviihi'actidn uuaiiantkki."'R.J) WALb'PAPBR AND O O T O 1134 O STREET. S. E. MOORE. Tie Best Holiday Preseht. 1 b o sin. Will furnish you 12 Ualiluot I'lmtotfrnpliH at f.'l por do.iiu. All work llnlsliod promptly mid artistically. 1020 O STREET. XV. W. I7Jttl$Wrri pOUNDITATbAST. JUST THE BOOK I HAVE BEEN bOOKING FOR. And several thousnnd others. I would advise all vho would save time to g to II. W. BROWN'S, 120 SOUTH I ITH ST WESTER) HORITlflL 60LLEGB, Tlio (Soliool or tlo Mnaaea U OLD VOL II fl HEW LOTIOI (FOKMKKLY OP SHENANDOAH, IOWA.) MS Dapni'tinontSi Bnautlful, healthy Ineatinn.a) arrocampni. tctrlo ttrnntrar linn rum dlrectlr to emi wltbnut chaiifte. liiO.OiJO in liiillilliim, iplondid qulptnenti,auperior accommodation!, itroai faculty, eipcrler.ceil miiniiueiiieiit, rompmheniiv clrrlculum, thorough work, bbjb noral aart Chrlitun iafluenci a and low oxpe iihi-i for itudrnta. DliPAKTMIiNTS AND COURSES. We haru 21 rounex. Our mutiie, flnn art, pen art, drUarte, elocutionary, conraa and kinder car ten aad model triiiiilni; nchools (for lxth children and itudrot teacbert), are not equalled la ' WMt' STREliT CAR TRANSFERS to any part of tho city for all who attend thfi WVatera Nonnul. You can eater at any time aa1 find Juat audi clinwn ua jnil dcNirn. Write, or call and aen in. tiprlng term opena April II, It'M, and coiitluueR IU weeka. Bummer term npena June SO, 181 and continue 8 weeku, You can enter at any time, however. Catalogue! and circular! free. Add rem, WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE. LINCOLN. NEB. Prof. MAwP.V; Sulublu t.l . u.ik'il I ABSOLUTELY PASliLLE! REE TRIAL. ?(ti. i A HIMtl t'l III. WE A KM EN Our off I r still holds uood to afllay? jH TroJ pnckani. of .ir n inuh , n ml w ho arc iifciling n .sure cure for physical wt-ak-tifhs, or who itnl eiRTKy nnd sexnnl strength. W'v 'U'inl Hi iiitiliilioii l all to test our remedy free of expense have for a postal card or letter btatnp which is required when teuduii; to us for a blank on which to make a statement of case, so that treatment can bo prepared to suit, 'and a stamp for letter returning blank to us after it is filled. When the statement of case is received we prepare nnd send eijjltt days' treatment with full directions nnd prepay the postage thereon, thus making the trial absolutely free. We have supplied these free trluU of I'llOF. IIARIllg OI,rill,i: .1Ii:il ATi:i 1ASTI1MM:s continuously .TRIAL for more than ten Package, for our business. We know there are thousands who could be benefitted by this treat ment and IVi; .WITi: Till:. AIX to send us their address by postal or httir for our ami circular. ICi:iIi:.112Si:iC a i-m-ulnr describing 1'rof. Harris' Pastille treat ment and a sample of the remedy sufficient to last eight mi' suit iilisulutfU free to persons who have not had samples. '1 Ik i"-t ;ur u.ijiuiiiing the treatment is only w.oo for one mouth: " m fi r tv.o , ; ;.i for three mouths ; and i,oo for each month t'i r ii'i'. W c!i"r:e n more. We take no less, as the treatment will vnrtli tie prtet , .itul is lurtiished to all at u uuiform price. Aililit ss in i iiiilt-iiii, 1 postal or lettit i .,::',;: r I The HARRIS REMEDY CO., Stixtt:. Lvnixt r .. I oo Qookmnn Stroot, MEW YORK CITY, N. t. IvTCER. PHOTOGRAPHER US Tenotters, VM. M. CliOAN, President, or W. J. KINSLEY, Sec'y and Trru. TESTED mm j-on 1 5 YEARS A RADICAL CURE lor NERVOUS DEBILITY Organic Weakness, PHYSICAL tfj 1UUAI. I In' I Mlddl YounK nnd ddla Anod Men, all men who hnve not hud a free trial years and trust entirely to their efficacy (-"