! jyUfWotXifr fwiv T',lWr?rhrriv,,,?XJpi,,ViU' THiED SATUKDAl? MORNING COtKTE&R . re- -av V i' t lv -. f- I A . I1 ' i' I X If" k ! "?. ! I . it i "0 II 1 tf ? - ', I'. I l inil ililiilii tftaaw.g t: PUBLISHED SATURDAYS nv tun 60UUIBU PUBLISHING 60. W. Morton 8mith, Dcman C. Fox, Editor Uusiniss MANAOin llualnesa Omen 13)10 HI root. l'lmiir 2M. TBItMB OF BUDSOniPTION! Tiia Cousins, ennjr-nr lit mhnncn ,..,, 8'x Months..,. ...... i. "' Thrco Months '' " run , l to , Ml Ijinooi.n, Nmi Diwr.Miir.ii l, 181KI. Tin: fiimiHTMAH coiiuikh. TiibCouhikk will bo irwued Friday morning ooxt w ll,ul "'lvwrtlnorH who dt'Blro to nvnll themselves of tlio opiHir tunltlcH olTorod by tho Christmas Countr.n should got tliolr copy In "H curly In tlio week iih mbUIo. TIIK I'HIIMC'M MONKV. Tiik CouuiKit continues to receive tlio very distinguished consideration of tlio Journtil. Which Ih all right. Hut wo would suggest to tho oooplo who aro rcsitonslblo Tor tho dally appear unco of that paper that they nail a little closor to tho fhoro of truth. . For instance, when thoy pay that Homo ldy uecUBod Kccno of "ntlltig HUo a hog," thoy outfit to satlBfy themselves that tho accused reully Bald that. Ami ilmv nuuht not to Bay that Tiik Couiiir.it "ripped tho city government up ono sldo und down tho other on ac count of 'Itn utter nud ImlefeiiBlhlo ex tra vagtiHG,' " when Tiik Ouuhirii didn't do any buoIi thing. Wo have on sovorul occiibIoiib until that tho tuxes of thU city aro too hltf i, and liiRt vcolt wo Haiti that a lurgo iKirtlon of tho money paid Into tho clly treasury Ih thrown away In uboIcbb oxtrnviigunce. And tho Jotinuilond Mayor Weir to thocontrury notwithstanding, wo atill maintain that tho taxeB aro too hltfi and that much of tho public money Ih wasted. Tho Journal Ib In u position to prollt by tho clty'B oxtruvugunco, and it Ib not surprising that It upholds that ox travaganco. Who over heard of tho Journal advocating economy or gonulno reform, anyway? Whatever Ib, providing tho Journal Ib not a loser thereby, Is right, to our morning contemporary, and it cheer, fully throws its protection around ob tablisheti custom, whothor tho custom is right or wrong. As for Mayor Welr-itdooBn't muko any particular dlfforonco what ho Bays. Tho mayor Ib Buffering from paroalB, or something equally dreadful, and hU remarkable manlfcBtatloiiB of ono kind or another, in a paroxysm of rlghtooUH Indignation over Sunday evening sacred concerts at ono moment and sheltering criminals tho noxt, rising to tho height of supremo idiocy and asking for suggestions from "clergy men, professional men und others'BUs pondlng hlB chief 'of pollco, rt ow excusing municipal extruvagance, aro not entitled to serioua condoration. It's a pity, though, to have such a man at the head of tho city government Cities aro nearly always extravagant. In Lincoln much, money is thrown uway, not so much because tho city otllciuls are wilfully extravagant, as because they follow precedent, und become cureless ( in the disposal of tho city's money. No one body or official is alone at fault. Nearly every department of tho city is eonduuted in Buch a manuor thut more or less money is expended unnecessarily and in tho course of tho your the little leaks druin uwuy a very considerable sum. Officials iu this city nro. no worse than those in other uluctB iu this re spect, l'ubllo othciuls every whero look upon public money, not bo much ub u trust lund to bo expended in tho most economical and judicious munuer, us uu inexausiible mint, to bo tupped at will for auy purpose. The agitation that haabcon sturted in this city Ib in tho interest of good, ecouomicul government, und ulthougu tho Journal will prububly coutinuo to throw u wet blunket on tho lire ut frequent intervuls tho embers will not be extinguished, and in tho ueur future important results muy bo realized, Probably ninety-uino per ceut of the people are iu favor of lower taxutiou, and few will dispute the proposition that a decrease in tho tuxes would not necessarily lessen tho efficiency of tho city government. Why ' then, should not the taxes bo reduced? XiiMCOLM ulwuys has a question of tho hour. Just now it seems to be some thing or other ubout the homo ot tho friendless. We huvo endeavored to find out what ull tho disturbance is ubout; but we have not thus fur succeeded. It it something highly important, though. THE NEWS ANU CHKAP MONEY. The lew$ Buys: "One ot the Urst 'principles of political economy teaches that a large supply ot money tends to lower 'interest, while wheu money is sotuce rates go up." ' , Om of tketbst principles ot political s.srK"i3Easc-T- --- economy Ib common pence, and our con tmniMirury should get down to flrBt prin ciples when it iIIhciipbch tho money ques tion, Tho AVte says: "Tin: Count kh, which apKarfl to bo a worshipper ut thoshriuo of gold, cannot uuderHtiuul what botiolllH would accrue' to tho farmers of Nebraska fioin an enlarged volume of currency, and Ih evidently fearful that by some hook or crook of legislation wo may get a 'cheap' dollar.' Wo eortalnly cannot understand how an enlarged volume of currency, or tho spurious kind advocated by tho AVit'd, would accrue to tho tionollt of the fanners of Nebraska. In Argentine llopubllu there was a sudden Increase In tho vol utin) of currency, and tho farmers and everybody else were visited by tho most direful calamity. Tho per capita was large, but the money had lost Uh stability! credit wiih destroyed and overylxxly wiih poor. The llrst consideration when it comes to money iih a moans of exchange Is quality- -then quantity. A "cheap'' dollar would bo tho inevi table result of freo silver, which policy tho AYirn advocates. Tho country cuino near enough to tho yawning chasm of freo silver legislation during tho extra session of congresH to make appiucnt some of tho perils hidden therein. Our contemporary saya that tho lirnt principle of political economy tenchi-H that a largo supply of money tends to lower Interest. Why then, when tho banks of New York City, and the llnanclal centers of tho country, aro loaded down with money, aro tho loaning companies threatening to increase tho rate of In terest? Tho Now will probably Bay that It Is because there Ih not tho Hamecoutldence that there wiih some months ago. Exactly, and If congress should glvo uh free silver what little conlidenco there Ih left would bo knocked several times higher than Ullderoy's kite. There is little doubt but that the country would bo llonelltted by an lie creaso in tho volume of eunency, but the increase must come along legitimate linos. Two halt dollars are not auy hotter than ono whole dollar. CONUUKHHMAN DllVAN Ulld tllO BO called republican afternoon papers aro a unit on tho money question. Ono of tho papers also stands with liryan on the tariff question, nnd the other hasn't any opinion, either way, on this subject. lint thoy aro republican paiiere, with a big expressive It. IIHK V()H HKIllKMHKM AT IIOMK. Tho princes und duken and lords und counts who have married Amoricui) holrcBBCB have, with scarcely uu excep tion, boon dutrngoouR Bcoundrels or miserable good-for-nothings. Tho princes huvo been paupers, tho dukca donkeys, tho lords lolly-pops und tho counts contemptible cuds, or cotiBcloncolcHS cheats. Without honor, conscience, honcBty or reputation, and beBtnlrchcd with the mire of tho moral rottonuesa in which thoy huvo wullowed for yours, with mountains of debts und not one cent of money, they huvo won Amorlcun hoireHB es with tho glitter of the coronet, und tho fuBoinutkm of tho title. Nuturully thoro Iiub been very little huppincBB und much trouble in these ill-ussorted mutches. Just now the newspapers uro f ull of their woes. Tiik Coukikh this week tolls tit tho tribula tions of some of tho more notublo of hoso Amorlcun girls who huvo dropped their money into tho lup of tho titled foreigner, und oxchunged happiness for misery, df American hciroBees insist on marry. ing paupers, und puylng off tho dobts of scupegruco husbuuda, it would be much oetter ull around it they would throw themselves into tho urms of Amorlcun tUBtcud of foreign trumps. To bo Buro thoy could not Becuru u tltlo this way; but they would not 11 ml in tho Americuu puupcr-gontlomun tho distilled csBonco ot untold centuries of disblpution und vico there would bo some liopt ot reformation. And then tho mouoy would bo kept ut homo. And being rluht on tho ground tho mother-ln-luw might bo ublo to exerciBO more iutluencn on tho young man. Then if mutters ctimo to tho worst, it is much eusier to obtuln u divorce hero than in Europe. So thut thoro is every reason why tho Amorlcun heiresses should, it thoy per sist In marrying paupers, devoto them solves to the indigent umong their own countrymen. Uivo tho Amorlcun genteel trump u chuuee. l'uy off Americuu, instead of European debts. Keep our Americuu girlB uud their money ut home. Tub people who will celebruto this Christmus on uu' empty stomuch und minus overcouts, should tuke uoto ot tho fuct thut tho coming holiduy will bo u geuuiue demociutlo Christmus. Pkople who liko to live whero there is somethiug going on should go to South America. ,m i . i i !! i ii i As tuck goes on we are moro und more puiued to observe thut O rover Cleveland apparently pays no heed to the declaration in the Call uddressed to him. It the whilom genius ot the Call, one Falrbrother, wero still running thut paper, and Mr. Cloveland woro to refuse to notice what was directed at him, he would call tho president A . Mean - .lLt Htuck.up thing ).r$ And Would, If Ho could reach Fur enough, Hlap his face. Tiik ForrlH wheel poi'tiiauent lodgings head. him taken up iu Mayor Weir's Hlilo ly kIiIo t hoy roolwi u AiiilMrnJt'tlincli otlmr's curls ( Hut stupid i'MiiimI tlmlr lo o, unit Hat. lice in if" llii'jr ImiIIi wo to tiltls. The lulliienco of religion is a bettor teiichor of putlenco and forbearance than the drama. Vcu never hoard a man kick at tho size of a woman's hat In church. NEWS NOTES. IttiiK r Intrrrnt lHtli-riMl IMirhiK '" Pimt Writk. 'Creator sells over 110 kliidB of coal. WlHTKllHRAST COAL AND UMB CO. All kinds of coal. Irester's 11! 11 O stieet. Lincoln Coul company eaters to tho best trade. WIllTKHUIOAST COAL AND LIMK COMPANY. David P. Sims, dentist rooms 42 and I!) Hurr block. Joclcoll llros. Tailors, 110 north Thlr teenth street. For California take tho Missouri Pacific route, via southern rotito. M. L. Trester can suit you on coal if any dealer in Lincolucan. 1211 O street. For Texas points take tho Missouri Pacillc route. City ticket olllco 1201 O stieet. For all social doingH tho Nebraska state baud or orchestra Ih what is ulwuyB most desired. No such line ot canned fruits in tho city as shown by W. A. Collin & Co., llll South Eleventh street. Call and see samples of Ruby anthra cito irU80, ut tho Whltebreast, and you will bo sure to buy a ton. Pay 50 cents, get u china cup und cancer free, and send Tiik Couisiku to some distant friend for three months. For dances nnd outings there is no sue) music in Nebraska us that supplied by tho Nebraska state orchestra. Never order un invitation until you huvo Been tho samples of tho work lone by tho now Courier Publishing Co. Tho Lincoln Coal company, 1015 O Btreot, handles all of tho very best grades ot nnthrucite uud bituminous coul. For rates uud open dates of tho Ne braska state bund or orchestra apply ut the Couitir.it ofiloo, llltl O street, tele phone 25.'!. Jockoll Bros, now tailoring establish ment, 110 north Thirteenth street nea tho Lansing is tho populur resort for stylish garments. Why pay exorbitant prices for up holstering when Rothschild does tlrst cIubb work ut low rates; 120 North Pith troet. Burr block. llurvrnt Kicuriiloii. Via tho Missouri Pucitlc On the second Tuesday in December 1893, Junuury, Fobuury, March, Ap-il und Muy 1894 tho MisBourl Pacific route will sell round trip tickets to till stations in Texas with rlnul limit to return in !W days from duto of sulo. Stop over are ullowed in Arkansas, Texas nud Okla homa, New Mexico und Indian Terri tory. Come und tako n trip to tho south. Phil Danikls, C. P. & T. A. 1201 O street. Irurnt'M Cniinot Ho Cured. ' by local upirficutions us they cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. There Ib only ono way to cure deafness, und thut is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caUBed by un inilumed con dition ot tho mucouB lining ot tho Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you huvo u rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, und when it is en tirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless tho inflammation' can bo taken out und this tubo restored to its normul condition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nine cuscs out ot ten uro cuuscd by catarrh, which is nothing but un in ilumed condition ot tho mucous sur faces. Wo will give $100 for uny case ot deafness (caused by cuturrh) thut can not bo cured by Hull's Cuturrh Cure. Send for circulars; tree. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. HTSoId by Druggists. 75c, Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DPRICE'S Th only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Million! of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,?iHnV." l I frff& tf!X!::' Mr. L. D, JTamlcn, Of Ansuita, Mo., says i "I do not remember whan I began to tako Hood's fiarjaparlllaj It vtva several yean dro, nml I tiavo found It does mo a groat aval ul cuoa m my Uecllulng years. I am 01 Yoars 3 montlii nnd SO days old, nml my IicalUi Is per fectly uooU. i liavo no nclici or pains about me. Hood's'Sarsaparilla regulates my bow'els. stimulate my appetite, nnd help we to ulcrp well. 1 doubt If a reparation over was undo no well suited to Ilia wants of old prattle.)' I,. U. IIamlxn, Klin Btreot, Augusta, Me., Kept. SO, 18U1. HOOD'O PlLLS r mllJ, cntU, painless, ale and efficient cithtrtlc. Alwaji rslUble. TOILET WARE Nicely decorated in all shancH und grades, at imiiukh thut command at tention, Ih tho Special Attraction AT 241 SOUTH I ITH 8T., The Retail Rooms ot THE PH GOWfiH co:s NEW CROCKEUV AND GLASS WARE ESTa tiulSHMENT Orders for special decorations and tho replacing of broken pieces belonging to dinner, tea or toilet seta uro, solicited. Amateur decorated china to bo fired and gilded received daily. 211 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. YOU MUST HAVE STYLISH WW mw OUR FALL STOCK OF AND OVE) R O OATS Aro not Excelled in . . Stylo, Fit und Quulity AT MOST REASONABLE PRICFF. HTJust call in and boo thom.ISs F1SHEB s WflBFEL llOO O Street jree arms 'N Gher0p, Wrlto to E. L. Palmer, P, A. Santo Fe Routa Omalin, Neb., (or (re copy of Illustrated foldar describing Clierokee Btx-lrt and the Tonkawa, Pawnea and KickapooIUser vntlons, soon to be opened for settlement by tbt U. 8. KoTcrnnir nt. llllllons of acres in tb fin est iik'iicultural country under tbosun, waiting to bo tickled by the husbandman's plowsbarai this Is almost the last chance to obtain one of Uncle Barn's fraa farm. OMAHA'S LEADINO HOTEL 1hi$ Murray. IIIA IIIGIIY, Proprietor. Electric cars direct from Union depot pnss the door. 14th and Ilnrnoy ats,, Omaha, Nub. 1 1 1 . not fw JlflR tgr be 19E9( in BHl FAMOUS SAGRIFIGE SALE Rwiiuwn Goods. $U, 2.9, 83.98, lJFOUTIUMMED HATS. $4M, $5.98. J WORTH DOUBLE THESE PRICES. Quills 8c, Fancy Wings half price, Felt Hats, Sailors and shapes 10c. The largest Ribbon Department in tho city, and prices to sell tho goods. Wo must reduce our largo Btock, acknowledged to bo tho best In tho west. Funke's Opera House Corner. Rxclusivc Wholesalers and IT'S E&ASY.. If boys could lile Gupids buttons nor, mendng of rips would cause any grumbling to pass through our lips But the facts are that you can clothe the boys with good warm clothing with very little expense right at the present time, and the ripping nor coming off of buttons won't bother you if go to the right place. They're made right. Boys underware, hats and furnishings of all kinds at very low prices from now till holidays. RECEPTION ROOM ON SECOND FLOOR. BUM 3 I'ltclorlcK, III Ht'tiill Hturox. THAT 6AN Rudge Morris Co. i:lv iURiivrXTXRaj Fancy Rockers and Chairs, Ioeather Couches and Chairs, Combination Book Gases, Ioadies' Desks, Office Desks and Chairs, Side Boards, Dining Tables and Chairs, Hall Trees, Parlor Goods, Etc. Pocket Knives, Shears and- Scissors, Table Carvers, Roger's Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons, Fancy Decorated Tea and Coffee Pots, Nickel Bahing Dishes, Etc., Too Numerous to Mention. Btxd-g:e & Morris Co., given written ciinriinten to rurenr refund lh nonrr .. . . ..-. ... .......& or saie in uacotu, dj u. v.uuu .OF Corner 0 and Twelfth Streets. Retailers of Millinery Goods. with clothing dispense, what worry 'twould save us as well as expense! We'd give one a collar, another a cuff which all the year round would be raiment enough. No sewing on. 8 1015-19 0 STEEET. BE B0UND AT HIE Rfl ANHOOD RESTORED! MVXfJftSZr, L'tiuruuii'iil ioiuruii.i!irrvuuUicuBt',uciitta Weak Meniorf. Lots oturatn l'owtjr. lU'nrtaclie,Voko(ulnn, I.utt ManUood, Nlvlitljr Kmiitloos, Nerrout ia'i,BllUrnliiuii(ll(i.(if uuwerlnUeueriillToGrimiia ot either sezcauied DroTorexeriiun,ynuiniuirrrira, exceiiiTuusooi inuacco, opium or Slim ulanti, which lend to Intlrinltr.Cnniuraptlon or lnanir. Can lie carried In veu pocket. Ml nerlms.MturalA, lr ronll prepaid. WllliaSjA order wa HnM h al ell iDDlalnwraDDor. AUdrinNEUVKaKt;IH;o..Mu.oiiloTeiLUie.CuiCAao, uruKHiiiB. ah ur'...IUBUivl.!ilJ.r-Jini5 ."riri'i. jtimumi iiuok aonipeai ana w.n. uuuiiAKMUtiu.uruggisM. . ....... .. .. ... .-. . '-, " t 't A 1 ihtjjiwsitiwi lisjsVi k lit i'm ?iiii.iM illl..illillmrt.V,i Al. w,to i- nir" i JAAWyr, I jmmtm fH4 t'.i'it" ''vui- .miMmtmiMimtjidb0 staftt1ilsas.'i.MhWiWW4 --A!u,-;K i-"-"AaA-' '" J wt.fy iHi4ir"v