U,lraiJirtmitt(nfji "ft" l'?- -yfc" tr " 'r'Vtjfrfliarfa.yupw, 1 -- r -w , v f . THE SATURDAYXMORNINQ COURIER T BUY USEFUL I'JtESKNTS F0 HMfcOM: OUtt ." tt ilAYMlIISlII) If k IV , SATURDAY, MiCI'MHUlt 16, I89J, Mollrr. Tim timlcrstaiKHl Jirrrlr mitoh miller flint It a III lint Im rniioillilo for r lny mix iMit Ir. ciirroil by cmlu)r. Mccpt lliosn for wlilcli mi iinler ilMimn iinraonnlly tinned lijf it. I III ruin H liuporitllvp. CoiktMt run.t o, Lincoln, Nkii., Miiy lT WJt Tlio Courlrr mil H roiinil t Hotol Lincoln Nows Stiuul. Windsor Hotel Nows Btunil. Ci'i'll"! Hotel Nowh Stand. lln-1 Dudo Clgnr Stoic, HMO 0 St. Ed. YiimiK. I'-W 0 St. Clinton, Klotehor ,fc Co., 1120 O St. Mooro'H Nhwh Btiiml. US Ho. llth St. Couiiir.it Ollleo, 11201 O St. ArohloKiiRlgn,2l7 8oltthSt. INE PRINTINQAJMD ENQRAVINQ. Tho Courier Publishing company Ih prepared to do nil kinds of printing', lino work, especially, ut modoruto prices; aim engraving, wedding in vitations, calling cards, etc., Cull iiml HOO samples. Saiuiiday Mou.nino Couihkii, 1201 0 HtlllCt. Nollco I'rolmln t Will, In rnpntiitiMif l'nunlkii J. Hmlilt iIitoiimimI. In County Court, I, iiiiriintor County, Nub. Tim Htntii of .elriikn to Dooilnmiililt, 'olliin Htnrlic, lli'iiry Hnililt, (icrrolillnii Hlrck, Jiiiiwt Wtilior iiml to tiny tl lior Imlm iiml tuxiiif kin of tliomilil KiikcIkii ,1. Hmlill, ilm'i'iisiMl i Tnku notice, tlint uiiiiii lllliiuut it written In triiinrnt iiiriirtliiu to liu tlm liint will mill Im tnmi'iit of mill Knuclkn J, Niulilt, ilereiiKed for lirolnilo mill nlliiwnnco, It I onlered Unit sum mutter bo net for lienrlim lliu ltltli tiny of Jim luiry, A. ti. 1MM, befiirmnlil roiinty court In tlifl roitrt liouso in Lincoln, l.niirtistcr rcmity. No hmskn.nt t Ito hour of 10 o'clock n. in., ut which tlnin nny itrson lulcrinteil nuiy iiplH-nr mid content IhoHiunnj mid uotlconf this iirocwilluu Isonlvrril ulllheil threo week iircrsslvijy In tho Siilurdny Mortiti.u Courier, n vrookly iiimiiiniiiir iulilllind in lid stnto. In trstlntony whereof, 1 liuvn hereunto mt my linml ntul tliostmlof tlm county couit, ut I,ln. coin, till 13lli day of l)icrmbr, A. 1). 1MO. 1. W. liANSlNM, County Judo. Notice. Iu tho county court of Lancaster county, Nebraska. Hurry AhUIii vh. John Hy. Carr. John Hy. Carr will tnko uoticu that on tho 27th day of October. 181KI, tho Hon. I. W. Lansing, county judge of Lancus tor county. Nebraska, Issued iiii order of attachment for tho mini of bovoii hun dred (700.()0) dollars, together with in torcHt and cohIh in an action iion a promissory note, for that uuiouut in favor of plnlntilT; Binned by defendant and ponding before him wherein Harry Ankln Ih plaintiff and John Hy Carr Ih defendant; that tho property of tho de fendant COllBiBtlllg of ono stock of olcO tricnl goods, ollleo llxturcs, electrical supplies, fuiiH, motor castings,, etc. was attached there under and plain titl has also caused a garnishee ummoiiB to bo served upon tho Htuto Journal Compuny of Lincoln, Nebraska, commanding them to appear and answer ull questions put to tlioin touching any sum of money thoy may bo owing to wilil defendant, Carr, or of any rights, properties or credits thoy may have belonging to said defendant, Carr, and all of said property has been attached under said order. Said ciiubo has been continued until tho 2d dtty of January, 1894, and you aro required to answer said petition on or before wild '2d day of January, 1804, or it will bo taken as true. 1IAURY ASK1N. By Pound & Burnt, his attorneys. Notice. In tho dUtrlct court of Lancaster county, No uruitka. Auitlu Hlloy plalntllT, ti. Mnrtln Illloy, Tliomm J. Itlloy und Mary lllley Dillon do (endaut. Tliomai J. nilcy Uofondnut, will tnko notlcn that ou tho 24thdnvof Notembor, 1MO, Auttin Miloy, lilalntill heroin, lllwl liU vtltlou iu tlm dlitrict court of Laucaitor county, Nobraika. axniniit tho dofonUauti herein, tliu object hiuI frayor of which U to fororcr qulot tho title of ho iiorthomt quarter of ioctiou 14, towiuhlp 10, north of rautco 7, and cat of tho alxtli l. M., In Liancaatcr county, Nobraika, forever in tho plalntitl, and that tho dufvudanta and nach ono of theni bo decrood to havn no rluht, title, tu toret, claim, or demand of any naturo what ever in aid abovu described preinUci, and that aid Austin Kllcy bo decreed to bo tho ownor iu feu of uld jiromlioM. iou r required to auiwcriatdpotitlouou orboforotho UthUay of December. IbUU. . Dated at Lincoln till 24th day of November, 16VW. AUSTIN K1LEY. Hr Pocnd A Hck, hit nttorueyi. Notice or Chattel Morltfajte (dile. The publlo will hereby tuko notico that by virtue of throo chattol morttuKe U-arluir dato tlio 5tli day of November, 1MU, and recorded iu tho county clerk's iitlice iu tho county of Lancuiter, Ncbruakn, at 'iiii 1. in., ono to tho "Vullej State bunk" of Hutchlnon, Kmuni, for oloven thousand, lour huudrod and ten dollars (1 11.4 10.UO), und ono to the "Columbia Natiouul bunk of Lincoln, Nebrasku. for tho sum of seven thousand, live hundred dollars ($7,&UU.0UJ, and oue to MIIU4 lilbb, of New ork, tor tho sum, of two thoununil, two hundred and sixty two dollars nud twenty-four cents Ifci.'JtU.:!!), itiven by tho tlrmof J.ll.Maurltiiis&Coiiipuuy, aud uihiu which murtttase tho sums aforesaid aro uuw due uudowlnir, will on the iUstduyof December, 1HU, at ' o'clock ii. in. of said day oiler lor sale ut publlo auction, undor and by virtue of said mortRatres at tho storo room known us UUU O street, tho following described Koods und chuttvls, to-w It t The entire stock of merchandlso coutalnod In said store, 1UW O street, and belonging to tho linn of J. li, Mauritius A Compuny, together with all Uxturcs iu suid storo aud consistluK more particularly of ladles' and men's furnish intt ttomls und millinery, consisting of cloaks, wraps, juckets, shawls, ladles' hosiery ami uuderwoar, men s hosiery, kIovcs, ribbons, laces, uotlons, all art Roods, art material anil millinery, fancy dry woods, corset, wuists, knit goods and furs, tho entire stock of umbrellas, purasols, funs, handkerchiefs, towels, linens and white Roods, tho entire stock of silks, satins and velvet, nil jewelry and leather Roods coutaiued iu said stock and contained in tho various departments above mentioned and set forth; also Oue (1) Moslor ft Uobman safe, and cash drawer aud desk. One (1) cash systom of tho "Standard Storo Be rvice'' manufacture. Two (2) twelve foot oak counters. Ono (1 ten foot oak counter. Vivo (SI ton foot alass show cases ami table. One (11 fourteen foot rIovo counter in two sections. Two (2) otRht foot center shelving and count er lomblued. One (1) kIuss display case, together with AU sucIvIdk coutulued in th6 storo, basemont thereof aud stock room. Allcioctrlo liuht wiring, racks, window fix tures and curtatus, Dalcouy aud shelving thereon, chairs and counter stool . All cloak racks and hangers. Ope (1) large panol mirror. Ono (1) llrussols carpet. cUaBipIng patterns and tools. Btepradaors. VAtLEY 8TATE BANK, Hutchison. Kansas. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK, Lincoln, Nebraska, MILL!) 4 QIBU, New York. Mortgagee. Bi Ftau H otkuu, their attorney. CHtlTf.l-& IjJX'JiJlieV rJiVM" will be pleased with n pair of those new, stylish, easy fitting Congress Gaiters. I5VI5WV IVIie will be pleased with n pair of our nobby Hvcnlng Slippers, silk or satin, eiderdown lining, or a pair of high buttons, and for Til 15 I IOYH we have everything, livery parent will be pleased to sec Ills boy coining In some cold day with his face all aglow and his feet war in and comfortable In a pair of our Hoys' Best Shoes or Rubber Hoots. Try it once and 'see how it works. Our place is 10:3 O ST. VlWSTW & TO&WS. Haay is 1 1 m Tho following now iiiubIc ih roMrted by (leorgo A. Crancor: "I PioihIbo Theo," by DeKoven, eonipanton to "O, Promlso Mo;" "When tho Sweotheart You liovo Ih True," ' I'm a Llttlo too Young to Know," "MacNulty You're n DitlHy, or (W vh. IW," "Blio Ih My Picnic Girl," "Magglo tho Cowh aro in iho Clover," "Adorn, Thine, Still Thine," "Como and KIhh Mo Siijh tho Itlrdio." " Alwiiy ToRetlier," Willis Noiijr, lit n, n. nowmn, i.intoi.n, Ni:n. Ilnpi'l'. ') linppy, were tho hours of childhood, When with tho maiden I dearly loved Through thoureon menilowor tho slindy wild wood. With morry laugh I cheerfully roved; No euro or sorrow cast n dark shailo As through tho woodland dally wo striked, T'wns thorn we promised to bo truo forever. You vowed to love und 1 to defend, That no misfortune should our lieurts dlsnotor, hit closer clinging, line, to ono end. Yoars hnvo paused by llko tho breath of morn ing ( Wo havn grown old, but heart aro still truo. Only tho lengthening shadow gavo warning That Ufa's brief journoy Is almost through. Wo hnvo had sorrows, many and soro, Hushed aro tho footstops that fell on tho lloor, But wo have never boon quite broken hearted. Lovo lifts sustained when storm clouds wero ' nigh. May wo bo always together till parted, Always together, my lovo and 1. citonvHt Wo huvo been nlways togother, nothing our soul can part, Nothing can change the feelings of till quick pulsating heart You hnvo boon faithful ever, loving nud fond and true. And I delight Iu giving my warmest lovo to )oii, llurtlngtoii Itoute Holiday llntes, Decombor 23, 24, 25, 30 and ,'U, 189.1, and January 1, 1894, tho B. it M. will soil round trip tickets at ono faro and a third, between Btatloim ou Burlington lincH not over 200 miles apart, good re turning till January l. A. 0. Zkimku, City Pass. Agt. TflE&ON MUST HAVE A PAIR OF P. COX HIGH OUT SHOES, Thoy aro warm, good wearers, And just tho thing. 8 1 SOMETHING NEW, THE LATEST STYLES, SHAPES, CUT AND ETC., ONLY 13. 'rY THEM, ED. 6. KATES 1 1 10 O STREET. BURLINGTON ROUTE Cheiip llxetirnlniift lo tin, South. On Decombor 19, 181KI, January 1(5, Kobruary 111, March 20 and April 21, the 1). A' M. will null round trip tickotn at ono faro to polntH in Houthern MIr Hotiri, ArUaiiHiiH, Tennenneo. For full information regarding routcH, Htop ovorH, HmitH, etc., call at It. &. M. depot or city ollleo, cornurC and Tenth HtreotH. A. 0. ZlKMKIt, OP. & T. A. Mlil-Vt'liitcr I'ulr, Mnu I'riiueNeo 'ul., Kx- I'lirnloii Tlekets Now on Niiln Wllliltound Trip, Limit April 0 MM. Tho Trunk lino between Lincoln, Ati'hiHou, St. Joe, Wichita, Hot Springs, St. LoiiIh, HoiiHton, Galveston, J .oh AnglcH and all pointH east went north and Routh. Como and go via tho Missouri Pacitlc tho popular chair car route. 11. 0. Tmvnsend G. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. Phil DnnlulH C. P. ,fc T. A. Telephone No. 599. City ollleo 1201 O street, Lincoln Neb. The Union I'liolllo. C'henp Ituten. Only 9.'U).0U llrstchiBH to Ogden, Salt Lake, Helena, Spokane and Portland Oro. For full particulars call at city ticket ollleo 1011 O street. Clergyman's Permits, IHIIl. The Union Pacitlc will now rccoivo applications fcr permitH for 1891. Como early. City ticket ollleo 1014 O street. llilir It ill f to Tftxiis. On December 12, 1893, January 0, Foburaryl!!, March 13, April 10, and May 8,1891, tho DAM will sell oxcur hIoii tickets from Nebraska aud Kansas stntioiiB to points in Tojcub at ono faro for tho round trip. For tickets and full information regarding limits, stop overs, etc., call at li. & M. dopot or city ollleo, comer O and Tenth streets. A. C. Ziemf.u. C. P. & T. A. Cup And Saucer Free. Gonuino China. Head The Couiuku's special oiler. GHINAGUPAjraUGERFREE! A beautifully decorated aftor-diunor cup and saucer of tho finest china given away freo to ovory now sub scriber to Tiik CouitiEh who pays 50 cents in advanco for k threo month's subscription. Hi tiicbo cups anil saucers can not bo purchased for less than 75 conts or 91. Sam ples will bo placed on exhi bition at Tub Coukiek ofllce 1201 0 street, in a fow days. TH SICK HEALED, WEAK MADE STRONG. If you aro sick or debilitated, do not bo discouraged. Compound Oxygen has wrought many wonderful cureB and has glvon strength to many. Wo know this to bo truo from our own oxporionco of twenty-tlvo years, and wo aro ready to furnish ubundunt proof. It is worth your whilo to oxnmino tho evidence, which you can do by writing to us. Wo will send you, freo of charge, our book of two hundred pages with numerous testimonials and records of surprising cures of asthma, boonchitis, consumption, catarrh, rheumatism, nor voub prostration, notiralgia and othor forms of discaso and debility. Homo treatment is sent out by ox press, to bo used at homo. Ollleo treat ment is administered hero. Tho effect of both treatments is tho samo. Con sultation freo. ' ' Our success has given rlso to many imitations. Avoid 'disappointment and loss of money, as there is but ono genuine Compound Oxygen, by sending to DRS. STARKEY & PALEN, 1529 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., San Francisco, Cal., Toronto, Canada. ILLINOIS BRANCH STORB. (We have Discontinued Business in Illinois.) $25,000 STOCK At Half Price. JOIX THIS CROWDS AIVI COIVIJ5. A 1121-1123 N STREET. J. A. DORSEY. ADAMANT - -STEEL, WARR "Wore tlxeit Teiles of Granite El jOHbUwUh KHsssslsisM PRICES UNlQUAbbED. H.JJL,T Bros Co 9 1308 O STREET. Your Pnport ci&icl 2vrcitcta;lii.OM In tlaiM -way cxrxcl mcivo money tlioo liord' tlmcMi 1 CO O X h- HoRiilar Yonrly HoKiilnr Prlco bub. l'rico. ut lloth. 81.50 Cosmopolitnn Mtigaziuo and tho Courier ?:i.50 1.00 Harjicr's Magazino aud tho Courier 6.00 4.00 Hurper'B Weekly and tho Courier COO 4.00 Harper's ISazar and tho Courier 0.00 4.00 Tho Century Magazino and tho Courier G.00 3.00 Scribner's Magazino aud tho Courier fi.00 5.00 "Puck" and tho Courier 7.00 0.00 "Lifo" and tho Courior 7.00 4.00 Frank Leslie's and tho Courier 0.00 1.75 Youth's Companion (now) and tho Courior !ti5 1.00 Nuw York Weekly World and tho Courier Il.OO .'1.00 Scientific American and tho Cornier .. ftOO 5.00 Sciontitlc American Supplement and tho Courier, 7.00 7.00 Sciontitlc American mid supplement und Courior. 0.00 1.00 Ladies' Homo Journal and tho Courier .'1.00 COO Judgo und tho Courier 7.00 a.00 Lippincott's and tho Courior 5.00 5.00 Foiumund the Courior 7.00 2.50 Dcmorcst's and tho Courier 4.50 11.00 Outing und tho Coui ior 5.00 ' 3.00 St. Nicholas and tho Courior 5.00 4.00 Now York Dramatic Mirror and tho CoUiier. . . . 0.00 4.00 Now York Clipper and tho Courior G.00 4.00 Sporting Lifo und the Courior 0.00 4.00 Texas Sittings and tho Courier 0.00 4.00 Truth and tho Courior 0.00 3.50 La Modo-do-Parig and tho Courior 5.50 1.50 Lu Modo, Now V01 k, and tho Courier 3.50 3.50 Album-do-Modo, N. Y., and tho Courier 5.50 1.50 McCluio's Magazino aud tho Courior... 3.50 Our Prlco tor lloth. 82.50 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.75 3.75 5.25 5.50 4.50 2.50 2.10 3.75 5.25 7.00 2.25 5.25 3.25 5.25 2.75 3.50 3.75 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.00 4.25 4.00 2.50 4.25 2.25 THE COURIER will bo clubbed with any reputablo publication in tho world, tho two publications costing only a slight advanco over tho pi ice of ono, and in many eases exactly tho subscription price of 0110. Remittances may bo mudo by post-oflico money order, registered letter or ill lift. If jou want uny papci not In tho above llBtwrito for our tcims. Courier Lfnooln, NobroHlca, i -w - 14 ,L vfc"-