Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, December 02, 1893, Image 2

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Sill 1 Pill
Tim Mnkc.l lull.
Maintain o( tlio Pleasant Hour club
had looked forward to tlio iimnkad bull
arranged for TliHiikiHclvliiK Kt with
moro RPnulno Intercut thuu linn Hum fur
boon manifested hi any social event this
season, and not n fow of them, togothor
with tho ladles, mndo specially elatarato
preparations for thin entertainment.
Several yearn had, oIiihhm1 since tho
last maiicrado, and thoro wan a
determination to iiutko this ball, If
posslblo.Jlhognjt'stand most attractive
of fancy dress entertainments given by
tho club. Tho'so who "wore fortunate
enough to bo picsont at the ball in the
Lincoln hotel Thursday night will
probably ngroo that tho nntUlpatloiiH
wore realized.
It wan a imrtloularly brilliant and
gay nnMiuhly. Much tasto and 'eon
sldorablo Ingenuity wore displayed in
tlio costumes, some of which wore very
gorgeous. Tho disguises w,oro, In most
InBtanccB, vory erfectlve, and thoro wore
any number of amusing complications.
Thoro wiib u largo numtior of spectators
who derived almost an much enjoy
inont from tho ball an tho participant)
Tho Btato band orchentru an usual
furnished tho music, and im belltted tho
occasion, tho aim wero particularly
lively and inspiriting. Tho daneora un
masked at ton o'clock, and sat down
lator to an elaborate repast In tho small
dining room, after which dancing was
resumed. It wart quite tato when tho
orchestra played "Homo Sweet Home."
Mr. Frank 8. Hurr was most effectu.
ally 'disguised as an attractive young.
Woman. Ho woro a stunning dross 01
a' subdued shadoof red.
Mr. Dan Q. Wing and Mr. U. G.
Dawes woro attirod in tennis suits of
whlto Han no).
Mr, George J. Woods was a dashing
Othello, his costumo being particularly
Miss Rose Carson represented Martha
Miss llortlo Hurr was Chrysanthe
mum, a Japanese maiden.
Mr, Frank Polk waaa wiener us Undo
Miss Marquette and Miss Lllllbridgo
created much amusement as twin
Topsies, the disguise being most effective.
Mr, Ned Keating completed tho
Uncle Tom combination by appearing
M winsome Little Eva.
, Mr. Lee was a gorgeous Sir Joseph.
Mies Mame Carson characterised
Dolly Varden in a strikingly designed
costume. ,
Miss Marie Jones was Lady Teaalo, in
a rich costume.
Mist Emerald Jonea was Little Bo
Peep, with the traditional crook..
Mr. Askin waaa stunning Little Uoy
, JDr. 0. E. Spahr inspired torror as
,Mum Cushlng woro a very pretty
dotted blue costume with appropriate
Mr. W. B. Robinson inspired awe as
an Indian.
Lieutenant J. J. Pershing wore his
West Polat cadet uniform.
Miss Fay Marshall wore a stunning
riding habit
Miss Mae Burr was a charming school
girl la a short dress, carrying lunch
basket, slate, eta
Mr. Will Johnson Was Sir Peter Zeale.
rery elaborate and beautiful costume
la silk and gold lace.
Mis Bertie Clark represented Harle
aula in a pretty costume of pink and
black; and powdered hair.
.Mr. Matt Baldwin was vivid in an
'exaggerated evening drees suit of red
and white flannel.
Miss Mary Miller, of Chicago, was a
picturesque and dainty dairy maid.
Miss Latta was a bewitching Quaker
Miss Grace Burr personated Priscllla,
enure gray and whito, with powered
Miss Jnette Wilson and Miss Ward,
o! WasecaMinn., wore merry little
school girls wCth jumping ropes, etc.
They wt'V muchdmircd.
Miss AUce Coydery appearod in a
regulation Umuls jostume.
Mr, Charley L(' Burr's fancy dress
excite 4 genial "admiration. It was a
brilliant Ntuxlcan costume, with som
brero, etcVy
MiFeyorMarkel appeared as a cow
puncher, with a murderous looking six
11 shooter. n
' Mr. C. A. Haaaa was a minstrel,
carrying a banjo.
MiM'KeUie White waa particularly
'whMoaMaad tetchlag as Dot Dimple,
'her cdttune being'regarded as one of
'the prettiest present.
"Mr. Friti Westermann cut a wide
v'wath as a colonial gentleman.
Mr. R.M) Joyce was a graceful and
brilliant Sir Walter Raleigh.
" Mr.' W. G. Morrison appeared as "one
of the finest,'' wearing a genuine police
i's uniform.
Mias Rachel Brock waa a pretty High
Miss Anne Funke as a peasant girl
waa charming, aa usual. Her costume
waa very tastily designed.
Mr. John T. Dorgaa waa a dashing
nUittwjr bum, appearing aa a lieuteuaut
efaitveiry. Earlier In the evening he
im m iMrarttasr Meahwitnnhslsa
WOT VJs) IBP wibbb ssssjajam efisBBsaejjsjBjsBp
Mr. Krug also iitpoared In several cos
tumes, the liiHt being a military uniform
In which lie wan notably swell.
MIxh Taltat wore a pretty pink gown
and blonde wig.
Minn English's contunio wan of green
and gold, with blonde wig.
Lieutenant llamford of Otiiaha, wore
hi lleuteuant'n tinlfonn.
Mr. G(Hrgo Hlmlon CHmiyed tho role of
Uncle Bam.
Mr. dough wan a colonial gentleman.
Among the uncoHtumod dancers and
spectator were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Haum, Mr. W. Farnam Smith, of
Omaha, Mr and Mrn. S. II. ilurnham,
Mr. and Mrn. John W. McDonald, Mr.
Charlen Todd, of Chicago; Mr. and Mm.
F. W. Drown, Minn Bennett, of Omaha;
MlnHlIallio Hooper, Dr. and Mrn. C. F.
Ladd, Mr. Fred W. Hontz, Mr. Oncur
Kunko, Minn Jennie Underwood, Mrn. J.
E. Whlto, Mr. W. F. Mojor, Mr. 0. Y.
Smith, Mm. Latta, Judgo and Mrn.T. L.
Norval, of Seward, Mr. W. F. Kolloy,
Hon. Gi M. LnmbertKon, Mrn. Hujes
Thompson. Mr. and Mm. L. 0. Burr, Mr.
and Mrn. H. Kchlaondor, Mm. N. U.
Brock, Mr. and Mm. W. J. Mamhall, Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Thompflon, Mr. Frank
U. i.ohrting, MIhh Price, of Chicago; Mr.
and Mm. W. M. Leonard, Mr. and Mm.
A. G. Bcvnoii, Mr. and Mm. It. J. Green,
Mrn. A. B. Clark, MIhh Margaret Clark,
Minn Margaret Balrd, Mr. and Mm. H.
H.Oukley, Mr.O.E.Walle.Mr.Frank M.
Cooko, Mr. and Mrn. W. C. Wilson, Mr.
and Mm. O. K. Oakley, Mr. and Mm. C.
S. Llppincott, MifM Wells and MIhh
Genevieve Wells, of Cincinnati; Mr. C.
E. Mugoou, Mr. A. K. Aiulrlauo, MIfh
Ruby Jones, Mr. and Mm. C. 0. Uphum,
Mr. and Mrn. 0. C. Burr, Mr. and Mm.
Frank L. Sheldon, Mr. and Mm. John
B. Wright, Mr. and Mrn. H. R. Nlssley,
Mm. Stephen Brock, Mrs. Carson, Mr.
J. C. Mason, Misses Hoover,. Mm. Van
Duroii and sister, Mr. and Mm. H. J.
Hall, Mr. and Mrn. J. I. Underwood,
Miss Mary Underwood, Mr. Charlen
Lano, of Omaha.
Ilnril Tlmm Wlilst Club.
Minn Bertlo Burr entertained the
"Hard Times" Whist club hint Satur
day ovenlng. Those present wero Misses
Hullio Hooper, Mao Burr, Anno Funko,
Bertie Clark, Olivo Latta, Nellie White,
Fay Marshall, Joannotto Wilson, Rachel
Brock, Maine Carson; Messrs. Charlen
L. Burr, B. G. Dawes, W. F. Moyes, D.
G. Wing, W. F. Kelloy. II. R, Krug,
Frank 8. Burr, R. M. Joyce, W. B.
Robinson, John T. Dorgan and 8. L.
Geisthardt, Charley Hawloy.
Tim KnulUtt Wsy of Doing It.
General Adam Badeau, who was
factotum to Qoneral Grant, and who
know only too woll how to tako advantage
of tho social and other opportunities
that camo to him by reason of his rela
tions with Grant, has an urticlo in u
recent number of tho Coamowlitan on
"Some English Forms of Invitations"
that enables tho writer onco more to
impress his importance upon tho public.
Badeau accompanied General Grant
ubroad in 1877, and ho illustrates his
article, which Ib readable enough, with
fao-slmllcs of Invitations that woro ro
ceivod by him at that time, when at tho
elbow of tho great American ho jostled
dukes and carls and Bat down to dino
with milords and ladies.
At tho outset ho re-produces u form
of "command" from tho queen, as fol
Mai rocelreU itor Majesty's commands
To Invito
Gcnersl llsdoau
Turtdajr, as Juno, and romntn until the
folluwing day.
Windsor Caatlo, 25 June, 1S77.
"No subject," Bays General Badeau,
" nor oven foreigner, may retain tho in
vitation of Her Majesty, which has been
declined." So tho following is placed
on the reverse of tho invitation:
8hould tlio Ladles or Qontlomon to
whom limitations aro sont bo out .
ot town and aro not oxpoctod to ro-
turn In time to obey the Queon'a
commaud on tlio day the Invitations
aro fur, tli cards nro to be brought
General Badeau ovidoutly accepted
tho queen's bid, as ho retained tho card.
Hero is tho queen's invitation to a
Is commanded by tlio Queen to Invite
Qcnoral Iiadeou ,
to A BALL,
On Friday, tlio 22d of Juno, 1877,
At 10 o'clock,
Buckingham Palace.
Full Dress, Court Mourning.
The following is self explanatory.
17 Cavbndiih SqUABK.
Tho Minister of the United States
and Mrs. Flerrepont prrsent their
compliments to Qoneral Badeau and
have to announce that In obedience
to the Queen's commands they will
dine at Windsor Castle on the 21st
. of June, and their own Invitations
for that day are consequently re
called. June 12.
Saya General Badeau: "The high
English, men and women, are more
gracious when they sit down to write,
their notes than in any other act ot
their lives. ,They write so many ot them
that the pleasant words Blip off their
pens almost unawares. In
fact, to judge by their notes, tho Eng
lish are a far moro polite people than
you Hnd thorn in reality."
It would, perhaps, be unjust to infer
that the countesses who wrote such
charming notes to tho literary general, '
did not, when brought face to face with
that consequential personage, glow iion
him with a corresxindlng ardor.
Tho I'rlnco and Princess of Wales
when they invito do not commaud; they
only "desire," for example:
To (into tho honor of inorling lliolr
Imperial Mnlrntlon. tint I'mperor and Kmprem
Of llratll,
Tho Comptroller of tho Hoimoholil
Is ilctlrnl by
Tholr Hoynl HlKhiipmrs,
Tim l'rlnrn nml I'rliice-M of Wales,
To Invito , , . i. ..
. . ...Iltlumllor (icncrol llnilcnu.
On Tuesday, tho lDth of Juno,
At ohdit o'clock.
Mnrlborotiith Himko.
An answer Is requcMt!.
If by any chance one in absolute!)
unable to attend one of these royal en
tertainments the exact reason must be
given in full, and, In any event, you
must writo your name in tho royal hook
at (ho palace immediately after tho en
tertainment; )ou cannot leave a card on
a roal personage. Tho i'llncesa Louise
has ii book; but her husband is not you write jour name In her
book, and leave a card for Lord Lome.
Ho will return your card, but the
princess never.
"Mm. Gladstone's parties are vcr
simple except In the splendor of the
company, which, of course, is unsur
passed." " 'At Home' cards always hao the
name of tho guest written in ink at tin
top and aro often sent without envelopes,
the address written on tho back. In
vitatioiiH to balls and evening paiticH are
invaiiably In the name of the mlntiesr
of tho house It the host Is married.
Mm. Gladstone's cards omit the name
of the premier, even when she receive
tho Prince of Wales."
"Tho English are very apt to notify
you of the size or character of a party.
writing 'small,' or 'smalt and early,' on
the pi luted card; or announcing in the
same way If there is to bo some pecul
iarity in tho tho entertainment, as 'a
ball,' 'Mile. Bernhardt,' 'Corney Grain,'
'Hungarian Band,' and they oflon naj
'weather permitting,' or oven bluntl)
'unless wot.' Only duchcsscH and such
nort, however, take the last liberty."
Tho Lincoln Light Infantry company
ban arranged for a military carnival to
bo given in tho representative hall at
tho capitol, December l.'i to 1(1. The in
fantry coin puny organized only a year
ago, has ovor $1,100 worth ot equipment.
Tho coming curnival Ib for tho purpose
of realizing a sum sulTiclcnt to muke
needed additions to tho equipment'
and tho company is confident that the
ontortainmont will bo accorded a
generous measuro of patronage. Each
night thoro will bo an entirely differout
program presented, and many now and
unl)Uo features will be introduced,
among which will bo a representation of
tho Midway Plaisvnco. A moro definite
announcement will bo mndo next week,
KuglUli Ojiern In Lincoln.
Miss C. C. Tennant Clary htutbeon in
Sioux City this weok in tho interest of
tho Wcstorn Opera association. 3ho is
expected to arrive in Lincoln Monday or
Tuesday. There, is every prospect that
Lincoln's grand opera season will be by
far tho most Important musical ovent
thut haB occoured in Lincoln for yearn.
Tho company ot 40 people, embracing
tho best English opera artists in tli
country, will bo imeasureably superioi
to tho company that appeared in Omaha
last spring ut tho Initial operatic fcatival
given by Miss Clary in tho west, and
tho indications are that the local cho
run will bo especially strong. Thoro in
much interest in tho enterprise and
thoro seems to bo no question but that
it will meet with tho encouragement it
Tim VanderblllH Are Not Itetrenrlilng.
Tho latest Vanderbilt oxploit calls
forth tho following from a Now York
"Tho world reads In tho newspapers
that Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt sots sail this
week for a ten months' cruise on tho
lirgest and handsomest steam yacht
afloat. Ho takes with him a party ot
guests, nnd it is easy for anyono ot
imagination to conjure up tho perfect
indolonco and ease in which tho luxuri
ous party will glido through tho blue
waters ot tho Mediterranean, cooling
their casual thirsts with iced winca.
appeasing tholr recurrent hungers with
ornamentul viands and listening to
music from tho romantic guitar. Tho
sybarites ot ancient days know no
greater rapture than tho Messrs. Vandor
bilt, Belmont, Rutherford, Webb, Beach
and Keys will experience during their
voyage. It would bo extremely sour
and anarchistic to envy them thoir
happiness or to hint for a moment that
they do not deserve it. They are all
noble gentlemen that have labored
throughout their lives for the good of
mankind; they have stood before tho
world as examples ot industry, philan
thropy and unselfishness, and now, after
untold deprivations and herculean labors
they are sailing away to quiet seas, to a
woll earned rest, and thecongratulations
and good wishes of all mankind go with
them. It was thoughtful and generous
ot tho daily nowspapers to describe to
their readers the beautiful plans ot this
yachting party, It is comforting read
ing for the paupers in tho downtown
wards. The mechanic who gets a half
hour at noontime iu which to cat some
stale bread and cheese will bo encour
aged to renew his toll when he reads of
how Mr. Beach or Mr. Belmont will take
their siestas each afternoon amid pale
silk cushions In a whito and gold cabin
after eating themselves into a condition
ot drowsiness. It is, In fact, most
gratifying to all society to know that a
littlo company of worthy men, men of
great intellect, great character and grcut
charity, are to oxporlonco such Hrfect
bliss. Tho canaille will labor moro
blithely for learning of it, and even the
anarchist tvill chortle iu bin joy at hear
ing of that ten months trip through seas
of champagne. Wo are told that timet
are hard. They are, methinkn, ratliei
soft for the Messrs. Vanderbilt, Bel
mont, Rutherford. Webb, Beach ami
Tim I.hIi-kI Nor I ill OritiiiiUntloii.
Friday evening last Miss Jessie Lo
land entertained La Neuvitad club, the
newest social organization. Whist win
tho principal diversion of tho evening.
Those present were: Misses May Moore,
Helen Hoover, Grace Oakley, Grace,
Burr, Stella Curtice, Blancho Garten
Jo Lottrldge. Lucy Griluth; Messrs
Harry Evans, Frank Cowdery, Hnrrj
Lansing, Bert Davis, Homer Honeywell
itoy Chapman, John Lottridgo and Freo
White Miss Grace Cakley will be the
next to entertain tho club.
Mttltlllir llio I'iick III C'lilriiKO.
Society says "thumbs up," "thumbs
down," an between tlio Palmers and
Pullmans and their probable annual ex
penditures iu the social swim. Those iu
a position to know assert that tin
Palmers never reckon on less than I'J'm.,
000, and for this exceptional year ol
princesses, dukes and potentates tliei
check book stubs will in good llkelihooi
sum up In the realm of a cool half mil
lion. The Pullmans are never hi tli.
tear, unlike Iheir cum, either socially o
llnanclally, hence it is fair and sate U
presume that Chicago has two fainilki
ln'soclety who spend it million a year ii
"feeding tho brute" as the Duchess ol
Berwick In "Lady Wlnderinec's Fan
would say. The Chicago 400.
.Minor Mention.
Miss Nellie Cochrane entertained tin
W. E. C. cooking club Saturday after
noon. Those present were Misses Flor
en eo Marley, Lizzlo Smith, Qeorgii.
Camp, Mabel Metcalfe, Stella Curtice
Grace Huntsiiiger, Blancho Garten,
Maud Lyon, Edith Parish, Daisy Coch
nine and Etta Parish.
gflnvltntloiiH havo been received in thd
city to tho wedding of Miss I re in
James, ot Hot Springs, Aakansan, ant
Mr. II. Archibald Ensign, ot thin city,
which will occur Thuisdny evening
December 7, nt the bride's homo. Thoj
will bo at homo in Lincoln at 1109 1
Lieutenant Bamford, of Omaha, in ir
the city. Ho attended tho masked ball
of tho Pleasant Hour club Thursday
Professor Georgo B. Frankforter left
lint Friday for Minneapolis, where he
will continue 1i!h work in chemistry,
with a full professorship.
Mrs. L. C. Burr entertained a few
friends Monday evening at cards iu
honor ot her cousin, Mrs. N. P. SImonds,
of Kansas City.
Mrn. D. E. Thompson will glvo a
dancing paity Monday ovenlng for her
sister, Miss Mary Miller, ot Chicago.
Tho society of tho Hall in tho Grove
mot last evening at tho residence ot Mr.
and Mrs. H. M. Leavitt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wcssel, ot Omaha,
spent Sunday in this city the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. L. WcbsoI.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 0.,Uradloy, of Omaha,
formerly of Lincoln, wero in this city
several days this week.
Mr. Charlen Todd, ot Oak Park, HI.,
In in tho city tho guest of Mr. and Mis.
D. E. Thompson.
Mr. nnd Mm. John L.Camon returned
Monday from Chicago, where they spent
sovcral months.
Miss Sarah Harris loft Wednesday for
Denver, whero slio will remain a couple
ot weeks.
Miss Bennett, of Omaha, Ib in the city
tho guest of her sister, Mm. F. W.
Mr. und Mrs. II. S. I'Vocmon are ex
pected to return from their bridal trip
Messrs. W. Farnam Smith nnd Bald
ridgo, of Omaha, spent Suiutay in Lin
coln. Mr. Ed A. Church, ot the Lnnsing
theatre, returned from Now York Sun
day. Tho Ravola club gave an enjoyablo
dancing party last ovoning.
Governor Crounse was detaiuod at his
home this weok by illness.
The Empiro club will glvo a party at
tho Lansing tonight.
Miss Iioso Carson returned Monday
from Ogdeu.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum, of Omaha, are
in the city.
Miss Grace Griffith has roturned from
For pity's sake, don't growl nnd
grumblo because you aro troubled with
Indigestion. No good was over effected
by snarling and fretting. Be a man
(unless you kuppen to bo a woman,) and
tako Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which will ro.
Hove you, whether man or woman.
M. L. Trestor, Pennu. hard coal, 1241
O street
Our large stock of Furniture, Stoves and Household
Goods, marked down to pi ices that attract purchasers,
is moving rapidly. We are making a
Ssr150IiVJ.y DRIVE
A large stock of Chairs at 'way down prices.
Furniture, Household
SSolcl on I5n4y !Pciyiinri.tM.
M. itVH& & CO .
Books, Sttitlonery, Wcb.11 Ezixer9
, Window. Slincleta, 15to.
SSetilealclrm GtirmentN.
Y. 2VI. C. A. UullcllaYif
ESTRonniriiifr dono in tho noatoHt
TIub is a vory lino rstahlcshmoiit prohahly hotter than nnythimr of tho kind
in tho world.
Capacity, 1,500 hatha daily.
Artesian minora! water is used.
Soparato accommodations aro provided for both soxes.
1re Great Iltiiia; 811.111.
Holds about a ouartor of a million gallons of Sea Grcon Salt Water
And ib nearly 150 feet lonp, '20 foot wide and to 0 feot deep.
Its clear as a crystal, too.
Thoro are some sprint? hoards, trapeze and automatic needle bath in this de
Tlx3 Bed Roqms
Aro for transients who do not caro to lonvo the huilditifr after a bath
Patients taking treatment upo them nlso.
And many other diseasos can bo CURED in tho Hot Salt Department
Tlie 'Tcxi-lcifc.lx 13(itiiM!
Now wo'ro coming down to business,
Marblo walls, Mosaic Doors, rich Rugs, Carpots and Draperies.
Great tiro places, easy chairs and divans.
All sorts of baths aro given. Thoro 1h also a HARDER SHOP
Ladies' Hair Dressing Department, and even a Manicure. Chiiopodist und
Hoot Ulack.
LfUiiolieM A.v& tei"ecl
And Turkish coffeo and lots of other things good to eat and drink
And tho half hasn't been told.
T A.
Goods p Carpets
- - 0i Ititti ctsd IV .
inannur. satisfaction ouauantkki)."Ejj
BiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiB ' I II
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