Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, November 25, 1893, Image 7

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    ,-i s-- Vl -VftljisJri Vf$
SSVH8' l' WW' "4'w.'(MHW,"l
HjviW'wyyaKH yr!t'7vy
Tho ntithur of Camlllo never had in
mind such a woman us Clara Morris.
Almost every personal characteristic
of tlita great actress in optxwed to the
qualities which are the component parti)
of tho' lovely anil bewitching Cmnille,
and yet, with tho disadvantage of ago,
and lacking in beauty, Clara Morris,
who at HrHt repulses, gradually wIiih the
favor of the audience, and llnally
achieves a triumph that in complete.
Thcro is no other voice on tho stage or
anywhero olso in this wido world that in
quito like Clara Morris". It is hnish,
Hat, und but it detles discription. It
is almost impossible to imagine anyone
falling in love, particularly mi exten
sively as did Armmul, with a woman
with a voice like Clara Morris'; but this
same voice that 1b at first repellent is
capablo of such intlection under tho re
markable control of tho actress, that it
becomes at times almost dulcet in its
tones, and whispers to Arnuind an
invitation that is bo sweet, so gentle,
that it is all but irresistible.
Miss Morris is not beautiful, but she
cannot help that. She has a disagree
able voice, but she cannot help that.
She has defective teeth, and this she can
help, or rather remedy. Love, the sages
tell us, is blind, and Avmunil might
not observe the absence of beauty in his
Camilla but he could not avoid seeing
tho black teeth of tho mistress of his
heart, and who could love a woman with
a black tooth?
These things, howovor, are suporlleial,
and porhaps should not bo considered.
Clara Morris in her chosen Held has
no serious m-nlB among English speak
ing actresses. Wo have had tears, and
breaking hearts; but wo have had no
tears and no breaking hearts like hers.
Her favorite parts are thof-o in which
there is u constant play of conflicting
nmntinnp. mid luir traiiHitions from one
...nn.1 l.t .itwiMw.e .ficallur ti'llll tlw.Wfltldf, '
swiftness from tho reckless gajety of
tho dotni-mondaino to tho tender sweet
ness of truo womanly love, jr from tho
tenderness of lovo to tho abandon of the
heartless woman of tho world, are truly
remarkable The ompt) laugh of tho
coquotto and tho sigh of love, tho ex
presBion of inelTable contempt and the
manifestation of tho most abject
humility follow each, other with startling
rapidity, and her powor in each of the
varying moods is tho same. If she
brings sympathetic teais when sho dies
in tho arms of Armand, lighted in the
eyes of hor lover when it is too late, she
compels admiration when she quails
before 31. Ditval,um llnally disarms her
accuser by hoioiu Half sacrifice.
Many plays have been written that
have attempted to make manifest tho
almost insurmountable dilllculties that
besot tho path of tho woman who has
sinned, and who would rise f una herself
and hor surroundings into an ntmos
phoro of purity and tho companionship
and love of those who are untainted;
but tho atory is nowhere told with more
tolling efTcct than in Camilla, and as
this unfortunate woman speaks through
Clara Morris, tho effect of the Btory can
not bo otherwise than moial.
Tho audience at the Lansing theatie
Wednesday was large, and gratifyinglj
appreciative. Tho company supporting
Miss Morris contains some capable peo
ple, and some who could veiy easily lie
improved upon. Mr. CJlondonning is
not a conspicuously effective .lrMw.
History gives us tho impression that
Richelieu was a man in whom tho cur
rents of human emotion ran swift and
deep, but seldom, if ever, disturbed the
serenity of an outward demeanor that
9(x?iflHHHI'-'i' ll
was at once the admiration and do pair
of tho enemies of the great cardinal who
wan greater oven than tho king. Hleh'
, elieu wan no ordinary man to blush at
soino unexpected thrust, or Htart at
somu Hiidden denouement; ho lieard and
1 paw what was paid and done around
him, lie listened to revelations, Issued
decrees, without losing that equipoise
that Ih the concomitant of gicntness.
Tho cardinal wIioho boast it was that he
re created Franco, wuh a auperb actor,
masterful in sclf-eontiol. He did not
give way to purely emotional manifesta
tions in the manner represented by
Walker Whiteside, the brilliant joung
tragedian, who made Ida Hint appearance
in Lincoln at the Lansing theatre Tues
day evening, in one of the most difllcult
roles in the realm of the legitimate
drama. Hut it seems to ub that the
joung actor gave a most intelligent and
forceful interpretation of this great
character. At times his articulation
was not distinct, and his Itiehelieu to
some critical minds may have been on
one or two occasions a little too enthu
siastic. Hut these uro minor defects.
Ho is unquestionably an actor of much
strength and versatile talent. Hooth's
Iticltclien was a much feebler man,
physically, and in Ins supreme moments,
when confionted by tho murderer, and
humiliated by Aoijj'k, the contrast be
tween his phjsical weakness and his
incomparable self-possession and will
power, made tho cardinal more majestic
than Mr. Whiteside's rojnesentation.
The latter is original in some of his
methods; his slight form lends effective
ness to the part; he shows with great
power tho craftiness and subtlety or
Richelieu's character, and in tho softer
passages with Julie ho is admirable.
The scene in tho chamber of tho cardi
nal, and tho one in the gardens of tho
Louvre, where calling to Ids aid tho pent
up energy of yeais, he rises to the
supreme effort of a life almost spent,
and throws around Julie tho protection
of tho church, and makes De Baradas
quail before tho curse of Rome, are vivid
siago pictures, in wnieli tlio young
tragedian is distinctly powerful. Mr.
Whitctiido wss supported by an evenly
balanced company.
Charles A. Loder's "Oh, What a
Night!" drew a faiily good house at tho
Lansing theatre Thursday night. The
show is a farce of the most farcical sort.
Tho state bund gave its third sacred
concert at tho Lansing theatre Sunday
evening. An inteiesting program had
been arranged, and the selections were
given with tho brilliance that almost
invariable characterizes the peifor
mimces of this: highly creditable institu
tion. Miss Emma Moffitt sang, and Mr.
W. S. Fulton gave ntuhn solo, and re
sponded to an encore.
Nr.w Voitic,Nov.U.X- (Special Coukiku
Conespondonco.-Tho following are
this week's important attractions in
Now York: Vaudeville at Tony Pastor's;
"A Temperance Town" at the Madison
Square theatie; vaudovillo at Proctor's;
Fianciu Wilson in "Enninio" at the
Broadway; "Tho Algerians' at the
Garden; Joseph Jefferson at tho Star;
"U'Jl!" at Palmer's; "Charley's Aunt"
at tho Standard; "Maine and Geoigia"
at tho Fourteenth Stieet theatre;
Evans and Hoey at tho Hijou theatre;
vaudeville at Koster and Hial's and tho
imperial Aluslo Jinll; James O'Neill in
"Monte Cristo" at tho Grand opera
house; Sol Smith UuhkoII at Dalv's:
"Tho Woolen Stocking" at Harrigan's;
opera and vaudeville at Keith's Union
Square; "In Old Kentucky" at tho
Academy or Music; Henry Irving and
Ellen Terry at Abbey's theatre
Ciuoaoo, Nov. 2.1. Special Coukiku
Correspondence. "Blue Jeaus" is tho
attraction at MuVlcker's this week.
The llostonlnns are presenting "The
Ogallalas" at the Columbia. Mrs.
John Drew in "The (load to Hutu" is
pleasing large audiences at the Schiller,
"Africa" is at the Grand opera house,
lames T. Powers in "Walker l,oudon" is
at the Chicago opera houho. Itoslua
Voltes is in her last week at Hooley's.
CoiuliiK Attractive".
Ilobert Downing the popular Ameri
can tragedian will appear at the Lans
ing on next Wednesday evening in a
grand production of Sheridan Kuowles
tragedy "Virglnius." Graduating from
John T. Ford's Washington Stock
company and supplementing that
schooling witli an experience of several
years in the support of John MoCul
lough, Mary Anderson and Josoph Jef
ferson, Mr. Downing's stage career has
fitted him well for careful endeavor in
tho higher forms of (lie drama and
developed his art in the direction in
dicated by his pcisouallty and (lie bent
of his genius. Since he began his
stalling touis in tho legitimate drama
half a doeu jenrs ago Mr. Downing lias
giowu steadily in the estimation of the
public. Ilin (lltidiutw is legal (led as
one or lite stiougest eharacteis on the
stage. Eugenie llltiii a handsome and
talented lichens who has suppoited
neat l all of the tragedians or of teeent
veins is the leading woman in Mr.
Downing's company, and her pei pollu
tions of the jouthful heroines of the
classical drama lend no small charm to
Mr. Downing's pioduclions. The com
piin in mi) port is without doubt one of
the stiougest orgauiatiousof legitimate
plajcrsnow befoie Hie public, and in
cludes such artists as that sterling and
well known actor Edmund Collier for
mum eius tho leading man for the
late lamented John McCulloiigh. Koho
Osboin a lady who has played leads and
who iiIho has starred tlnoughoiit this
count iv are both members of Mr.
Downing's talented company. Tho
l other membeis are artists of well known
, ability having been engaged especially
for the pur's iipHigued to them.
The Thanksgiving day attraction at
tho Lansing theatre matinee and even
ing, will bo "The Silver King." It has
been several years since this popular
play has been seen in this city. Mr. Carl
A. Haswin, will assume the leading role.,
his characterization of the part of
Wilfiml tie Vcre, the conscience
stricken hero, is said to bo a piece of
iiowerf id acting. He will bo supported
by a thoroughly competent company.
Tho scenic effects are on an especially
elaborate scale, and the play will be
presented with careful attention to
detail. Tliero will bo two performances
of "The Silver King," afternoon and
"The Span of Life" is duo at the Lans
ing eriday, Uccombcr 1, and I'll nine
Rice, Saturday tho 2d.
Tho smalleBt "cat-boil" islargo enough
to show that the blood needs purifying
--a warning which, If unheeded, may re
sult, not in more boils, but in something
very much worso. Avert tho danger in
time by tho use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Cured others, will cure you.
Will Sen e Hot NmIii.
Hot soda will bo served at Rector's
pharmacy all winter. A now apparatus
has been put in, and to meet tho growing
demand for hot drinks a largo list of
broths and flavors will bo kept on hand,
including chocolate, clam juices,
chicken broth, cocoa, beef hnuilhon,
leinonndo.oto. You can always find a
delightful drink at any time day or
night, at Rector's, and this cold weather
joh will find that a hot soda such as is
hero served, will go straight to tho
right spot. When you aro down town
drop into Rector's pharmacy a full
line of drugs and toilet articles.
NliiKHiit 1'iiIIh.
Next to tho world's fair, all our
foieign friends want to seo Niagaru
Falls, and in the minds of mffhy,
Niagara Falls is placed flwt. One of
tho first questions thoy ask an Ameri
can either at home or aboard is about
Niagara, but to many of us Niagara
Falls is too near. Wero it on tho other
sideof tho world, thousandsof American
globe trottois would hasten theio, who
pass it by now because they can go
there any time.
The Michigan Central has made it,
perhaps, too easy of accesB, for ita
through trains from Chicago to Now
York and Boston run directly by and in
full view of the great cataract, and
those passing by daylight stop five
minutes for passongeiB to viow tho Falls.
The wise traveller however will stop
over there as long as his time will por
mlt to view the bounties and tho gran
dour of tho falls under different aspects
and from different points of viow. Tho
longer ho stops tho more ho will llnd to
repay him for whatever expenditure of
time and money he incurs.
Why pay exorbitant prices for up-1
bolstering when Rothschild does first
class work at low rates; 12(1 North 12th '
treet. Burr block .
IiniKirted and domestic toilet soaps at
Rector's Pharmacy.
Now Nnrrojr for Sale or Trade.
Now two seated canopy top surrey for
sale cheap or will trado for a flrstclass
phaeton, call or address lxu Wessel,
Lindell hotel.
M. 1j. Trester, coal and
O street.
lumber. 1211
Newspaper men are, by nature of their oc
cupation, kept before the public. They have
a habit, peihaps mutually agreed upon, of
sounding each other's praises, or what Is
equally effective, "roasting" each other. Any
way, their names are pretty nearly always in
print, and we consider them a good means
to conjure with. We know that when we
print In big type such names as
C H.
J. r.
We are sure to attract attention, and just
now our one purpose in life is to attract your
attention to our magnificent and specially
selected stock of furniture, embracing every
thing in this line; also carpets, draperies,
household goods, etc.
Is a man of wide experience, and much dis
crotiou, and he knows a good thing when he
sees it. It is not everyone that does. Hut
wo aro sure that there is no one who can fail
to appreciate the particularly fine lino of
furniture ut particularly low prices, which
we are now offering.
Wo can sell you anyUiIng you want in the
furniture line, at tho very lowest pricesthe
finest stock in the city to select from
We Have Got
A big lino of splendid stoves, all sizes and
styles, that we must closo out at once. We
aro getting rid of these stows at tho rate of
fJO cents on the dollar. Come and seo what
wo have got. For anything in the line of
furniture, stoves, draperies, carpets, house
hold goods, etc., call on us. Goods sold on
monthly payments.
ir5i-iiO o
Alii' 'Ka i .i.41
Dr. T. O'Connor,
(HncrMir to Dr. Ctmrln flunrlM.)
w ti nml r'lhiln wltlinut Hi iim ot Koll.
Cliliiriiloriii cir Kttinr,
lid- linn l Mtr't-Owen lilunk.
I(n ttlurn lit Ilin linml nf nil linrlmllrnla milk
Iinml of nil
IIMiiui In Ilin Kiatlmi )miKiinn In no ImiRor (!!
(iiiti'il im wlinro."
Allinny Arum.
IN 1894.
run nniUTKNT or am. this mauazink.
lone ihKi. r in i iimt i.iieriUurn,
t00 llliixIriilliiiiK liy llilritlrt ArtUU
or III" Worlil.
flllli: ITnyrnm nf tlinnnw volllinnnf tlinCan-
I tury MiiKiuInn, hf'iritmliiK with Ilin Novom-
Imt miiiiiImt, In mm of rum Inlnri'iit to erorjr
tcmliir of lltcriiltirn. Tliu clilvf aurlnl fouturo l
Tim iinml ilrnmiillo Htnry avnr written by
Atnirlrn'n uriulit liutiinrlat, l.lkn lorernl of
Murk Twnlii'a ntorli-M. It linn fur It iconn a
li'Miiilioiil town on Ilin Mlnlnliiil rlvnr forty
iniir nun, "I'iiiIiI'iiIiimuI Wllmia.1' n hnrcl
liimtlfil country liiwsnr, tint Imro or tliu ilory.
fiirnlnlii' iniicli of llio fun Hint onn nnliirnlly
; 1 1 ico In lollinl In ii work liyllin inilliorof "Tim
liiiiiicriitu Aliroiiil, hut lin iiiHiviir In quitu
ntiiitlii'r llulit In tint iiiiinlcr Irlul which form
tlm HirlllliiK cllinux of tint Htnry. Tim plot In
trniliiri'N it novnl nml liiKonlnim iiniloyinnnt of
cli'iirn In tlm li'ltclloii of rrlmn, nml llio rhar
iirtnm urn will I drawn mid tlmlr urory notion In
Inlari'itlnu. Tlio runtnry will contain
Articled on
Article describing
llylemlliiK American nrtlst. with tliolr own
llliiMmtlmiainrtlclu doecrliitlru of '
In nil tlio urvnt cnntlimiit. Incluillna the ad
venture of two yonriK Amorlcnn who trnvonad
Asia on blcycleHj n enrol ierlo on
How a younu inun,illnHiilcil o n tramp, trav
elled over America nml lourncd,'oll".t!io tocreU
of tlio "profcHnlnii;"
liy tlio Krcnte'tllvliifr composer and musician'
Uripuouahed essay liy
Hliort storied nml novelettes by nil tho leading;
story wrllera, exsnj a on timely subjects, humor
nml fun In tlm "Lighter Voln" department,
etc, etc. Tlm
contain n sermon by Phillips llrooks, sornn mimiiltlrent array of full,
jingo onKnivliiKs, u new picture, of (lunoral
(Iruiit, letters from Ldwln llootb, etc.
I'riro $1.11 n lear. Dealers
tloiiK. or reinitiation miiv Imi iiiihIi, tn tlm mi'
recolvn aubscrlp-
Unburn by check, draft, inuncy-onlor, er by cash
hi reKisiiTiHi leiier. Allures
Tl Century Co.
Ol HiiMt 9tXx t., IV. v.
Write for u "Mlninturo Century" fron.
(Mala Lino B. O. B. U.)
Rates, f CO. 175 and 190 a month. o-
''ording to location. Address
, GEORGE D. Df.S1IIEL.DS, Manager,
Cumberland, wd.. up to Juno 10: after
'hat dato, either Doer Fark or Oakland,
I'i'itrrott county, Md,
Pamphlst dMcrlblng til
resource ol
May Imi hail by addresilnf Q, T, Nlcholsoo.O.
t A T. A., A. T. 8. F, B. E., Topt, Ksdm
iieuiion uiis pstwx.
i ; m
- ,,