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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1893)
is1 " f'WfJilPr,fcSr THE SATURDAY MORNING COURIER IT'. sV : r.( - I"'. M-" v4 L& Bi rr -r- , ' :i IV Jb ,' r 11 ri' ' V iv W: ,k . V 'V v r: y VI -4-'- s Mi ' . SMinYiiNMIR SATURDAY, novbmhbk 18, IBVJ. Nut Ire Tim midprshtned hurt by Mires iii p If n llint.ll III nnl Iwt rnalulliaUiln f.lP IIP linr KIIV lll'tlt III' rtirrod. bjr employes, eirrpl tlnn fur which nil ... i. . ....llu ll.n.n.1 I.H It Tllll ill not Ih ropiMiimHiio nnier li rivoii personally puln ii liitiuimtlvp niKlllii I'J lit "- I'm hiKii Pun. Co. tKI Lincoln, Nk" Mny 1st WINTER STYLE on 'rinc iHLflP pm NOW IN. W. 1. J3oil m V Coi im 0 Stirel. Tin Courier can He round at Hotel Lincoln Nuwh Slund. Wlnilnor Hotel Nowh Btuixl. Capital Hotel Nowh Btuml. Rod Dudo Clgur Stoic, 1020 0 St. Ed. Young, 1!M7 0 Bt. Oluson, Fletcher & Co., 1120 O St. Mooro'B News Btuml, 118 Bo. 11th Bt. Chuiiikii Ollleo, lll 0 St. Archie Enslgn,217 So 11th St. ffINE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. The Courier Publishing company Ih prepared to do till klmlnof printing, line work, especially, ut moderate prices; also engraving, wedding in 'vitutlons, culling curds, etc., Cull uud oo samples. Batuuday Moiinimi Couhikii, 1201 O Btreet. Tlio licit Lauiidr) Townsouil Jtl'lumundon proprlutora, 2208 O etroot, tolophouo 571). W. C. Davis, D.'D. H., Diseases ot the teeth, mouth und fade. KoomB001-a:,lJrucoblk., cor. 15th undO. Iluw'i TliUl Wo offer One Hundred Dolluru re ward (or any case ot Cutarrh thut cun not co cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Wo, the undeislgned have known R J.Cheney for tho hut lUteen years, unit believe him perfectly honorable In all buslneea transactions und llnaneiully bit to curry out uuy obligations made by ibelr Urm. Wmt & Truax, Wholeeale DruggUitB, Toledo, O. Waldimu, Kinnam Jfc Maiivin, Wholesale Druggieta, Toledo, O. Haifa Catarrh Curo ia tukon intern ally, uotiug directly upon tho blood uru mucous BUrfucea of tho system. Testl tuoulala sent tree. Price 'loo. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Notice. Nottea ot articles of lucorporsllou of the Went I'ara tiuuU company, ui luicoln, Nubrusku, tUirtl ou luu .nu uuy ut Uciuuur, lfcW. 1. MAUK or THIS COWOHATION I 'luu uttiuo ut uiu uur.iutnuuu uliull bo tin Weal t sra t.uud luuiimuy. 11. rHINClrAL M.ACM or tbamiactinu JTl avviMksv. 'luu principal flsce ot tructlus tho butl uom oi l.iu uurpuiutiuu KUull bu i.iuculu, Luu okur ouuuiy, iuuruku, oui titiu coiputuliui. uuu uuo powur to unvuuiimi brutica uiiivv in Nsw XutKV'tyw lotK, ttiitt bait truuvueo, 0UtUtUM. ;,. III. tmm qknxsal Atuita or tub bvsimksl TO Ml TMAhkAUlM. 'luu (-vuvial uUiui of tho busluou to bo trail aciU uy tuU culpwratlou sunn bo mo puiviu sua io ut tvu t.uio ui luu nlMto ul Nubrunkk sua umvwuoro, lo nccopt sua bold uiu uu. tUMTvlu, tu orvut buuuiuv tuurvou, lo luiprva uuivt, rvpttir sua tutuuu luu kuuju, io Ioul sua outruw utuuvy sua u bivv suu isso uouo Mty Mwumy iur iuuiuu,iu rcui or iounom. or uuy ptl w( luu prupuiiy uulu oy ur pluvvU u Uie viwUHiy ol tuiu outpvialiuu, uuU ucu oliin Hiiuuuwl ss uiuy bu uuuwMitty lu ctry out His BuuttU purpvitd ol luu MUUiOM lo 00 ttUli. utwu. IV. TBI AMOUXT Of CArlTAL STOCK ADTIIOU IUU. 'ius smouut of capital stock authorUod U aa buuartHl tuou.nua iuu,uiw.uu uoiiatk, KuieU susu oo roprusuuiuu by voiiinoaus i. stock u( uuo nuuuri'U lluU.Uu) Uultats vacu. wulcti shuli do bou-MMi'Mttbiu aud tuuy paia ut Buloru tut cuuioiOui'Diutui ol busutuMi ut nu. ourpoiauon., 'iuo cupiial stock may bo lucrossoa st mi) roguur uuuimsoi luu muckuoiuiiU or auy ipv clai uiwjlius tuiluU lor liiat purpose. V. TIMB 6r COMMKNCKHKNT or TUB LlMi 01 THISCUsroSA'lluN. , 1 'luoliiuui HtM corporatlou shall comuiouct on tho fijlh day of Ovloour, lbUl, uuil suall lui tuluatu ou tuu xuu day ot uciouvr, lwa, uulvat It iUali bu dissuivoU tu luu muuuur bcruiuutiui prvscribed. VI. THK HIOHKST AMOUNT Or IMDXBTBDNKSS. Tuo nitfuom uuiouut o( luuubiuaueiis ok liability wuicu Uiu corporatlou auall ut au uuu lliuu suujvct umlr, suall bu ouu-quatlor o. tuu uiuuuui ol cupitul sloes. Vli. TUKorncKus. Tue uuaus uuu uuklnost of this corporation shuU bo tuauuitirtl by a board ot lltru uiructou, all ( wuoin siiuil bu stockiiuiavrii, uua oacu o. Wlioui suall uwu uol luss tuau luu (IUJ ilianis u. lbs capital nock, by a prvmiuuiit. u ticu prvsi dnt, a aucrvtary sua u truaiurar,uud luu prtni duul sbaU bu uiuiiblu lo tuu ouicu ut treuaurui. Fxamk L. Sheldon. lulUNBI. u. UUKB. CHAS. 1. lil'UH. CABUIS C. IIVKB. 0. li. UUBLDON. lucorporstors. HhsrlsT Hale. Notice Is hereby gfren that by vlrtuo ot nu orOur ot ssla imuuu by tlio clerk ot Uiu dUtrlci ourt of tbo 'iuird jualcial district ot Nebraska, wiuiiu siiU lor imucustur county, lu au ucuou wusrula Jsmoa K. Itsuiu is plaiiitiu, aud Clint tlaa if. JoniKUsou ct at. daivudauls, 1 will at t o'clock p. su., ou tlio lstu dsy of liecembor, A. o, 1MW, at Uie oast door ol Uiu court liiruso, lu tlio city of iiluculu, Lauctitr couuty, Nebraska, ovwrforsalo at publlo auctiou tue tollowuuj LtmrwltiMl raal MLulB to-Wlll Lots numbered iwolro Vi) to tweoty-two (22) inclusive ia block fourteen UD, lots twelro (U) tolweuty-two (Si) iucluiive in block slxtovu (M), loUoue (1) to twenty-two i'ti) iuclusivu iu Mock ten llUj, luls uuinbored twelru 1181 In twenty-iwoUCSj InciusiTu in bliick soveulij.Iott twelve I M J to iweuiy-lwo is j inclusive in block eUul 8, lou Ihrro 9 lo ttdrlueu la iucluslvo tu block ous 1, lots sistoen A1 to tweuly aj Inclu Its In Block two,' lot sevoU 7 In block twelve l&lotsWbtH la black two2, lots nlnetoou ID aadtweuty a)la,Wk four 4, lots seven 7 ami eta-tot a U block 11 W ft, lots twelve 12 to ulneteeu Itiaeltulvelubloxk threes, lots twelve VI to sixtssa M inclusivs ia block nine 0, lots seven 'i to slsvsa 11 iuclBsive In block sixteen IS, all ot .tka akovs lots sad blocks la Kurvks suditlon totaselty of Llacoiu, Lsacssler county, No- ' iMvsa aadse ssr aaa4 this stst day el October aaai ssevMti, aaf . A WOitDTJIAJ1 FAILS. IT 6UCCUMD3 TO FASHION AND 19 nCLCQATED TO OBSCURITY. rtieOilmcUed i:xirrloi. Mny Not llsve Oulllred fl Ifirfiilnra, and No New Word Mny llnveC'nme to Heplses II, but the Dictionary Is Inexorable. Word", llko cloga nnd bonnots, hnve their day, nnd when that duy is prtMcrt they ncetn to bo laid on tho nholf llko old fnihloned pieces of chlnn, to bo rcgardod only' its ourlosltlen. Tho dictionary thut still keeps them in romombriinco, but iiinrks them wltn tlio futnl "ous" (obso lete), rcprespnts tho cloRot shelf whoro tlio old chlnn li mill tolerated, not for its uso or beauty, hut becauso of itn very antiquity, Even tho presonco of theno words In tlio tllutionary tloos not nrgtio that they nro known outsido of It, for only n fow weeks ngo in nn nrtlclo do Bcriblng the old piece of embroidery known ns n sampler tho word "necend" In tho motto worked upon tho sampler was corrected by tho printer to "ac cent." "May heaven nccuud thy words with power." Less than 100 ycur.i ngo necend meant to kindlo, to Bot on (Iro. Now It is marked obsolcto in tho dictionary, nnd no now word has como to rcplaco it. Thcro Hcems no more reason for it to bo laid on tho shelf than for that littlo old fashioned cream pitcher with its quaint form nnd Indescribable decoration of green linos nnd pttrplo dots Unit repre sent no vino and (lower known to botany to bo not upon my chimney plcco. It has not outlived its usefulness just bo cnuBO it Is old. There nro other words tho dictionary marks obsolete that nro current In old fashioned country places, such us outbidder, n foreigner, which, like its neighbor outlandish, has taken meaning slightly uncomplimentary. Arnyut or nrolnt, meaning Mnud back or get behind, is still used by the milkmaid In sponklng to tho cow t' I "ill not stand in her placo to be mil d "Con trlst that followl" ono boyi n of nn other who tenses him, uud tho dictionary says it moans to inako sad, but Unit it is obsolete Wo should not nscrlho nny departure from what wo nro used to either in Grammar or pronunciation or meaning of words to tlio iguoranco or Htupldity of tho speaker. It may not bo bad, but only antiquated English such ns ourn for ours, umbrll for umbrella, afcnrd for nfraid, riz for risen, to nx for ask, outen for put out or extinguish, even "put them things nwny" for those things. However, these expressions have hnd their day nnd nro no longer good nu-JI.'h. ns they do not conform to the present use and custom that must bo our standard in speaking and writ ing. Tho btimo may bo said of certain waya of pronouncing words now used only by nnoducutcd or old fashioned people, as contrary, miscuVvous, blas phemous, instead of contrary, mischiev ous, bfasphomous. It Is easy to provo that those are not mispronunciations, bat only un old pro nunciation retained by tho itcnplo aftor tho edttcnted classes hud given it up. Dr. Johnson guvo tho accont to tho first syllable in academy, liko melancholy and parsimony, with Shakespeare as his authority, nnd Walker praises thoso "who, grieved to see the compound de part so far from tho sound of tho sim ple," with "heroio fortitude" have op posed tho multitudo by pronouncing the first of the word kuowlodgo aa it is in tho word to know. Ho says tho "pulpit and bar have for years given a sanction to this pronunciation, but tho senate and tho stage hold out inflexibly against it, and tho nution nt largo seems insensible to tho improvement." They continue oven in onr day to pronounce as in the old ludicrous rhymes: Amonit the nilulity men of knowledn That are profensors In Oreilmni rolicg-e. Lantern, Dr. Johnson says, is by mis take often written lanthorn, because transparent cases for candles were gen erally made of horn, and thoso who did not know the derivation of the word from tho Latin lanternn were satisfied that thia was true etymology. The wicker basket covered glass jars, used by European pcusanta and sailors, were by them called "Dame Jeunnes." an glicised into demijohn and known to the colored servants ou an old southern home as the "Jimmy John." Archaic is another word that in com mon use bus lost its classic pedigree and has degenerated into "arky." denoting aomothing very old fashioned, with an imaginary .reference to Noah's ark. Words spelled one way and pronounced another by some pooplo, who are what eorae other people would cull "heavy," are wreck, pronounced wrack, which gives us "wrack and ruin:" weapon, which they turn into weopon, and wound, which thoy rhymo with sound, following tho old lexicographer, who tells us "wound, woond, is a capricious novelty." Another of this class of words is chap, In some localities still pronounced chop. Walker says the etymology of this word will not Buffer us to writo it chop, and universal usage will not permit us to pronounce it chap, so that it must be classed among those incorrigible words, the pronunciation and orthography of which must over bo at variance On the other hand, the Irish are reproved by the same authority in the year 1810 for pro nouncing palm, balm and psalm, as if spelled pawn, bawn and ptuiwrn and tow with1 a littlo leu breath thut is the accepted way in England and permissible in America. Lut wilf the day ever come when a collusion will mean, aa it does In some places, any, largo or reinarkublo kind of a gathering, even a funeral? It is prob ably a corruption of collision, for in the aame neighborhood two wagons running into each other would be called a collu sion. Here also they say, instead of "lighting a lamp," "making a candle," and anythiugthat burns easily is "com bustious." But the sainu prophecy was once made in regard to "clover and "run, usituer of which could now bo spared from the laagaagt. PMiladelphla Tims. El YOUR HG 'ro We lire offering our Immense Htock of WW fcOO&S Al A i HI. Including the full line of CLOAKS FALL UNEHItWEAH. HOSIERY, ULANKETS. ' DOMESTICS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, NOVELTY DRESS PATTERNS. Especial attention is culled to the lino of DRESS GOODS und CLOAKS bought for thin BoiiBon. A special Cloiik Sole, Including tho Robertson etock ut And our own immense lino of high grade und stylish cloaks ut I I And every garment marked in plain figures. . I KRU6 60., LINCOLN, NEB. OST. 8 CHEAP i in 25 SHE WAS JUST BETWEEN. And So I'riitid of C.rrnl lii.irt-iiloti Was I llll CpilU'l.l'l, i j i ii, v I n lull, woebegone Hi'l M-.'C I'.IIIUI out to t Ittllt Illflll.VlIt woman a', tlio 111 llsll , "Si i-iii un wnter, In our ibl i fur mi 1 1. . "II s .. " . i. ., .nil Vd' w..'it. u drink of i.tiy liors n r' wiiIIitIii In nl. nnd I curt lt yir nny . I IV. ll." I il l.ltf l.irulf" I ikUiI, , I f.iini i' a r' lntiur), luu I 'I t-" uiu out. IlL-l tilulit , lltltl . i iiiilx nil day." II r I . 7 lllll-M'J" tin' m i 1'ieli- "A- ! ,1m .mi a lurk ' com would ' . f i.,m'I, luu ivn hain't hud tluit .i im I ur I In bit llvcy'iins" i ii.i t li ipj.oii l'i linve n mI) of wlili-im- cii'ilur" I ii-i-m(n.mI. tlilukliiu I do In -mil i ky in nilHiit ml-, it w,i!i huiitiipu'ireroii apliiLli. "Siniiiif. k, I fiikon a cup of corn Juice would fn.'iu'ii ! up, lnil ll'ti scarcer limn gold alioia yipt. T. v nlhcxi I kin cum tO It It Hill .llll (if II jllLC ivllldl Ill-Ill Mllllll a y'ar iiko." "You Mt.'in to Ih- lu li.'iiit luck around here," I mid, iu I uol tc:ii!. tiiijiion. "StrniiKcr, I reckon jo' i v' I ijdl," hIiu re plied iih sin- placul one of Iiit liillv fii't nn n log nmU'Xt rait id a Mlvri- "Divd, but I orlcrexplaliu-d iIiIiicm tnjo' lu lliu start, I'm sorter betwixt anil between, yo' see." "How do you iiieanf" "Willi, I burled my critter nf a huslmud two weeks nuo, and It'll lie two weeks to cum afore It'll look fiiiUitmbltt fur me tu take crUter No. U. 'I'lili Mirier leaveit me be tween conn meat ami HiHKitfiaH ctilTce, and betwixt tuourulii for Dan and sparklu with Tom. Doyo' folter iner" "1 do, uikIhIm) appi'eclatutliehltuatloii of adalrMauil am Mary toliavetiouliled you." "Stranger, I reckoned iih imicli. tilialtvt If yo' return I IiIh way, drap lu ou me. II ttint critter of a Tom gins haul; on Ids word, It'Hyouruexiclianee.aiid I'll lake yo' without axlu any luml iiie.i,iiius. Keep to the rllit arter you cm;- I lie lirnncli, and lis yo' rlbollielilll look nut iliut old Marker douti' hIiiiIj jo' fm it leveiiuiiimslfer." Do trolt Free Press. At II In Word. A one eyed man with cork soled shoes ra- vociferously oIIitIiik tn nell Vi lead pen cils fora nickel without appiecluble elTect upon tlin ebb and llow of mule. A youth JilM hiiililiuir lulu iiwinliuml with every Indication of nn arrested develop ment turned to the uialdeti ut, his hid j and said i "MIsh UuderKore, the least expected al ways happens." To which hint replied: "Thank you, Mr. Letherhed. I will taku Ice cream soda with raspberry flavor, If you please." There was a quaver in the voice of the one eyed party with tho cork soled shoes. Ilut otherwlxu men came and wont as be fore. Detroit Tribune. Hard For George. Fond Mcther Here's a Utter from Georuc. lie says he hasn't much time to write on neeiuntof tho severe head work ho Is doing. Poor hoy I Pin nfraid he'll I study himself to diuth before he gets i through college. I tWii- nt SgaStm This Is George tn the striped Jersey doing some of the severe head work aforemen tioned. Puck A YVounm' Heart. She (gently) I am afraid I do not love . WMiViS- n . &&.. - VI ,,-r. 'U- 01 m CO o 3 u s3 to o H. THE COURIER will bo clubbed with uny reputable publication in tho world, tho two publications costing only u slight udvunco over the prico of one, und in inuny cuses exactly tho subscription price of one. Remittances muy be made by post-olllco money order, registered letter or draft. 11 jou want uny puper not in the ubnve list writo for our terms. you enough to bo your wife, but I shall always be your friend and sincerely wish for your happiness. Ho (moodily) -I know what I'll do. Slio (anxiously) You surely will not do yourself nn Injuryf Ho (calmly) No, I will find happlnoss. I will marry some one else' She Horrors! fllvumo another day to consider, dear. -New York Weekly. Villainous. "John," said Do Droot's wife, "I don't know whnt to do about tho hired girl." "Why don't you flro herf" "I have, but I can't get rid of her." "H'm. I'll attend to that tomorrow morning." "Howf" "I'll get up early and show her how to light tho fire with kerot-tno. Then wo'll let nntiire take It's course." Washington Star - , Nut Prcpnrcd tn Hny. "You're from Oklahoma, nro youf" said the long whiskered passenger on his way to a Populist convention. "Well, what seems to bo the situation out theror"' "I couldn't find nny," replied the passen ger with the frazzled trousers. And the conversation liiKged. Chicago Tribune, fine Clilim Cup H veil A uuy. Have you seen tho beautiful china cups und puueers given nwny by Tun Common? They nro on exhibition in Tiif. CouitiKit olllco und in tho principal storcH iu the city. New mib'scribc rs can obtain u cup und Huucor by paying W) cents in udvunco for three mouths' sub Fciiptlon, tlio regular price of the paper alone. If you nro already it subscriber, you can obtain u cup und saucer free by paying up urreurH und tho suliHcript tion for ono year In iidvunce. M. L. Trester nells Pennsylvania, Iown, Missouri, Kiiiifub, Colorado, and Wyoming coals cheap for cash, 1211 O strcot. TlEfcON ST HAVE i A PAIR OF P. COX HIGH ' CUT SHOES They uiu warm, good wearers, And just the thing. SOMETHING NEW. THK LATEST STYLES. SHAPES, CUT AND ETC., ONLY W. THY THEM. ED. 6. YBTES I I 10 O STREET. uw Your Papoi'ti ciiacl JVIcijQ:cia:lri.oM In tin is csiicl isavo money tliesie hard times. Kwiilnr Ypnrly HeBulnr Price bub. Price. 0f Iloth. 81.50 Cosmopolitun Mugiiitino and tho Courier 83.50 4.00 Hurpor'B Mngnzine und tho Courior. . . , 45.00 4.00 Hurper'B Weekly und tho Courior 0.00 4.00 Hurper's Huziir und tho Courior (5,00 4.00 Tho Century Mtiguzino und tho Courier G.OO 3.00 Scribnor's Miiguzino und the Courier 5.00 5.00 "Puck" nnd tho Courier , 7.00 5.00 "Life" und tho Courior 7.00 4.00 Frank Leslie's nnd tho Courior 0.00 1.75 Youth's Compunion (now) und tho Courier .'1.75 . 1.00 Now York Weekly World und tho Courior .'1.00 3.00 Scientific American initl tho Courior 5.00 5.00 Scientillu American Supplement und tho Courier, 7,00 7.00 'Scientific Amorican nmiBUpplomontiind Courier 0.00 1.00 Ludies' Homo Journal und tho Courior, 3.00 5.00 Judge nnd tho Courior 7.00 3.00 Lippincott's und tho Courier 5.00 5.00 Forum und tho Courier 7,00 2.50 Domorest's und tho Courier 4.50 3.00 Outing und tho Courier 5.00 3.00 St. Nicholus nnd tho Courier 5.00 4.00 Now York Dramatic Mirror nnd the Courior. . . , 0.00 4.00 Now York Clipper und tho Courier fl.OO 4.00 Sporting Lifo nnd tho Courier , COO 4.00 Texas Sittings und tho Courier G.OO 4.00 Truth und tho Courior 0,00 3.50 Lu Modo-do-Puris und tho Courior 5.50 1.50 Lu Modo, Now York, und tho Courior 3.50 3.50 Album-do-Mode, N. Y., und tho Courior 5.50 1.50 McCluro's Miiguzino und tlio Courior 3.50 ADDRUSlSt Courier Pva.tllesliin Company, Lrlnooln, Nobroaki Mr, Jaacph Jlemmcrlch An old soldier, enmo out ot tho War greatly enfeebled by Typhoid Fever, and after being In various hospitals tho doctors discharged hun as Incttrablo with Coa-,tnptlen. lis has been ia poor health since, until ho began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Immediately his cough grow looser, night sweats ceased, and ho regained good general health. Ho cordially recommends Hood's Sar saparilla, especially to comrades In tho O, ,, K. HOOD'O PlLLO cure Habitual Comtlpatlon by restoring peril toltlo action ot the alimentary canal. CAPITAL, Steam Dyeini; AND CLEANING WORKS. No. IIM .N'.Twiillftli Ht. THREE-M1NUTE TALKS AUOUT NEW MEXICO. Is tliiillllool llll lllllHtllll ed folder ili- iTlllilllT tile fiirniD, rmii'ln-i. mines and towns of Now Miuli-n. 'I lie iirnilu rf fruit rnlslnu uuifel forth liiiletiillsiilBofurir relattvo to sheep, eiittlu and Kenrrul farinln No other country pohsrsses sitcli n (IcslnililH cllmnte all thn year arnuiul. Wrllo to E. 1.. Palm r, P. A. Santa Fe Ruut, Omaha. Neb. for fraa copy. AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOR THE ONLY AUTHORIZED ilytiiill lliiiiilltoii,hls literary executor, with tlio co-operntlnn ot li In family, mid for Mr. Illaino's einiiiiliito works. "Twenty Years of L'onnress," nnd his later iKHik, "l'olitiriil Dis cussions." Ono prospectus for these three best selling books In the markets. A. K. l'.Jonlnn. of Maine, took lia orders from llrst lid calls! OKCiits jirollt Mrs. Dullard, nf Ohio. inok 15 orders, t3 Sent Knsstn.ln oreihiy; prollt 3l).!i.1. K. N. ltice, of Mnssiichusetts, took IT! orders In two d)s; prnltt $47.'-!5. J, Part ridKP. nt Maine, took 111 orders from .10 calls! prollt 7n.ya. E.A. Pnlmer.of North IJnknta, tisik W orders In3das: prollt fllH.UA. Exclu sive Territory irlven. If Mill wlnliln mnkn inrun money, write lnimedintely for terms to THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO.. NORWICH. CONN. A Ymr's .Siibserlptlnn to Any Oiip r tlio Following IMpers LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES. To tiny ono sending us $12.00 fora yonr's subscription toTiiRCouiiimt iu advance, wo will givo tfrco it year's subscrip tion to uny ono of tho nbovo pupers, nny ono of which the regular subscription prico is 81.00 to81.(i0. Remember you got ono freo with it year's subscription to tho Courier. W.60 worth of good rending for 82.00. Ill Ah this offer will only hold gjiod for u short time, Address C()UJIIEI( PUB. CO., onico iioi o St., Lincoln, Neb. wty Our Price tor Iloth. 82.50 4.23 4.50 4.50 4.75 3.75 5.25 5.50 4.50 2.50 2.10 3.75 5.25 7.00 2.25 5.25 3.25 5.25 2.75 3.50 3.75 4.25 4.50 4.50 4.00 4.25 4.00 2.50 4.25 JAMES v ?: iv r- A 'A '.V' sMSMSwsja.isjPM .rf;.'Aiis '-i BtMsiplioajis isiillfWfcWB'TfttyiirWiisi "WWWli 9 i.M svsisf ijWKJnamtKWfiWWwm:ki mW l"Wl"f'iWWiW sjnpaiaMw ti t- - siiBsat, iJhaBjBWsj hsat