Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, November 18, 1893, Image 7

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    nJjJSrSnnsvZ.-rt-j- , V";" V'iWr WKjtt'eVt
Reginald Do Koven may have stolen
nil thomuplc In "Robin llccil," but if ho
did, ho stolo wisely and that's what
few comiosers arc iihlo to do. Whether
ho is n plagiarist or not the fact remains
that 'Robin Hood" in a uiont delightful
opera, ono of tliu bent produced in to
cent ycais. It Ih tuneful and clean and
freo from buffoonery. No ono opera of
recent production contains ho many
beautiful aire
Tlio opera wiih given hero for tho llrst
timo at tho Funko opera houso two
years ago by tho Hostoninns, with
Ilarmibco, Karl, McDonuld.Cowles, IIolI,
Jessie llurtlett DaviH and many other
IJoBtonian fuvorltcs in tho cant. A com
parloon between that performance- and
tho ono given at tho Lansing theatre
Monday night hurdly bcciiih fair, and
jot It Ifl not no unfair after all. For the
latter company, Inciting in stars, in made
up of a largo number of really compe
tent people, and thoopcra in their IuiihIh
in given with careful attention to de
tails, and with suflleiont elaboration of
Bceneryand niagnilleoneoof costumeB to
conform to tho "Robin Hood" tradition
CBtabliHhed by tho lioBtoniaiiB. Ad
miration of II. U. llitrnahcc has followed
iib a matter of couthc, but if judged
Btrictly upon their present meritB,
Jerome Sykos, who wiib the ishcriff in
thifl week's pioductiou.iH equal to tho
onorablo comedian who made our
fathers and mothers laugh, but who is
now. llkoBomcother Uostouiau favorites,
juBt u little pat-He.
Mr. Wentworth who essayed tho
titular rolo is not a distinguished suc
cess. Ho either lum too little mouth or
too much mustache. His articulation
is bad.
Agnes Dclnporto was an engaging
Marfan, throwing life and vivacity into
tho part, and carrying tho vocal re
quirements in a pleasing manner.
"There was a carefully trained chorus,
and tho singing as a whole was much
above tho average. There waa lifo and
"go" in the peiformanco, and "Itobin
Hood" was altogether a pleasant
evening's entertainment.
Tho tinkers' song, "Legend of tho
Chimes," hunting song, Armourer's song
and "Brown October Ale," tho words of
which aro given elsewhere, are among
tho many tuneful airs with which the
opera abounds.
Mis. Palmer, who is gifted with a rich
contralto voice, sang and acted with
much effort as Allan-a-Dalc. Sho sang
"O Promiso Mo," in the second act.
"The HuBtlcr" is not a reiined enter
tainment, and it appealed more particu
larly to tho gods of tho upper tier in the
Lansing Tuesday night. It is a trashy
performance, with an occasional IIjihIj of
Tho Spooneis have been appearing to
good houses at tho Funko this week.
This company is favorably regarded by
Lincoln audiences, and it is one of tho
best of tho so-called, popular price com
panies. New Youk, Nov. 15.
Correspondence. Tho following arc
this week's important attractions in
Now York: Vnudovillo at Tony Pastor's;
"A Temperance Town" at tho Madison
Squat o theatre; vaudovillo at Proctor's;
Francis Wilson in "Erininio" at tho
Broadway; "Tho Algerians'' at the
Garden; 13. II. Sothern at tho Lyceum
theatre; Joseph Jefferson at tho Star;
"1102" at Pulmer's; "Charley's Aunt"
at tho Standard; "Muino and Georgia"
at tho Fourteenth Street thcatro;
Mario Jauscn at tho Dijon then tie;
vaudeville at Kostor and Dial's and the
Imporial Music Hall; "Olaf" at NililoV
thcatro; "Tho Power or tho Press' at
the. Grand opera house; Sol Smith
Russell in "A Foor Relation" at Daly's;
"Tho Woolen Stocking" at Harrigan's;
opera and vaudovillo at Keith's Union
Square; "In Old Kentucky" at the
Academy of Music.
CinoAOo, Nov. 15. Special
Coriespondence.) "Sinlmd" continues
to crowd tho Chicago Opora house.
Thomas W. Kccno is appearing at Mc
Vickor's theatre in loportoiie. Tho
Ilostoniaiis mo playing an engagement
at the Columbia theatre. Richard
Mansllcld is drawing critical audiences
at tho Grand opera Iiouho. Nellie Mc
Heniy in "A Night at tho Circus" is at
tho llaymarkot thcatie. Rosina Vokes
in "Ciocodilo Teais," "Waiting," and
"Maid Mm Ian" is furnishing much en
tertainmeiit at Hooley's. Sienna's baud
is at tho Trocadeio. "Tho Other Man"
is tho attraction at tho Schillor. R. E.
Graham is appearing in "After Tho
Rail" at Hnvlin's.
Miss Delia Fox will bo added to tho
list of female comic opeia stais after
this season. It you should ask just
what qualifications this young lady has
to warrant her ingoing touting at the
head of a company, someone will leply
to you that sho is a "popular favorite,"
This is another neat illustration of my
frequent ohbcrvatious regmding public
taste. Do Wolf Hopper, by galloping
over a stage like a kangaroo with tho St.
Vitus' dance, can but partially till a
theutre, und yot ho is u "monoy maker"
iu thcatriculs. In collaboration with
Miss Fox this rare comedian quite
crowds n playhouse, which has up
parently proved to tho lady, and to
those interested in her wclfaro, that she
is herself an attraction. And I supKso
sho Is. These are odd times, and it is
not always genius that sips champagne.
I think Miss Fox should succeed. Her
hair is the color of a new clothesline,
her limbs aro an plump as autumnal
sausages, and sho can bleat a comic
song ll'to a Iamb calling for its break
fast. Sho has all the attributes of
success, and 1 guosB bIio is a good In
vestment for mamigeis. Town Topics.
Josoph Jefferson iu "Rip Van Winkle"
is pucklng tho Star theatre in Now
York at every performance. Matin
Jansen iu "Delmonico's at 0" has cap
tured Now York, and is packing the
Dijon theatre nlghtly.-Sol Smith
Russell continues to entertain largo
audiences ut Daly's theatre in Now
Yoik, where ho is appearing in Edward
E. Kidder's comedy, 'A Poor Relation.
The present bill is to run for three or
four weeks after which "April Weather,''
a play by Clyde Fitch will have Its llrst
metropolitan healing. Tho Coghlans,
Rose and Charles, aro busy rehearsing
Oscar Wildo's new comedy, "A Woman
of No Importance.'' The play is to bo
given a handsome production at the
Fifth Avenue theatre, New York
December 11.
Tnnrlat Cur In Cilllroriilii fin-up llnlr,
Utile Trip.
The travel from tho north and north
west territory, tapped The Great Rock
Island route, has demanded service of
this character, and beginning October 0,
tourist cars will leave Mlnneiiollrt every
Thursday morning and join the legular
tourist train out of Chicago every
Thursday afternoon at Columbus Junc
tion, Iowa, at 11 p. m.
Central Iowa and the great west slope
district of that state, demands and will
receive a similar service, and beginning
October 10, a Phillips-Rock Island ex
cursion car will leave Albert Lea every
Tuesday morning, and via Livermore,
Ft. Dodge and Angus, will arrive at Dcb
Moines that evening, and Wednesday a.
m. go west on the "Dig Five," via
Omaha, Lincoln and Hellovlllo, at which
point It will join the regular Tuesday
train from Chicago.
Full paiticnliiis iib to cheap rato
tickets for this tiip, and also as to cost
of berth in the tourist car cheerfully
given on application to any Great Rock
Island route ticket agent, or agent at
coupon stations of connecting Hues.
Jno. Smiahtian, G. P. A.
CoiultiK Atliiiellonn.
Tho lovers of high class acting, like
the loverB of any other stylo of high
class art, are always on the qui-vivo for
anything that partakes of the higher
grade. Many times have they been
called upon to pass judgment upon a
new star, and in many respects found
them wanting. Previous biicccbs, high
est praise, skillfully written articles, all
tending to the ability of a star have been
written; but when the test has been
applied, tho methods of the star, in con
junction with his intelligence and
repeat eh, defects and crudities, have
been so apparent, that dissatisfaction
has asserted itself iu spite of the plaudits
sought for. To those who analyse, rend
and study the art of acting in its natural
sense, the tragedian, Mi. Walker White
side, will best Ho simply
relics on the intelligence of his auditor
to Hash forth that electrical spark of
appreciation that seems so little, yet
means so much. Tho forthcoming ap
pearance of Mr. Walker Whiteside at
the Lansing will piovo a source or pleiih
inc. Mr. Whiteside will present
"Richelieu" Monday evening.
Clara Morris will present "Camilla" at
tho Lansing theatre Wednesday Nov. '22.
Clara Morris is now at her best. The
play and tho star are familiar, neverthe
less both tiro sufficiently potent to
attract a largo audience. Doubtless
the desire to witness and enjoy the
marvellous impersonation, tho fascina
ting acting of this talented woman, the
gieatest emotional actress on the
English speaking stage, will prove a
gieater iiitlueiiei' iu bringing about this
public favor, for iu many other hands
'Camillo" would be played to empty
bencheB nowadays.
Thousands of young women have
wept over tho sorrow b of Camillc, with
out in tho least comprehending any
thing further concerning her than that
she vtiis a most unhappy woman, who
was separated from the object of her
intense love, and who died of consump
tion just as the obstacles to tho icaliza
tioti of her passion had been removed.
It excuso were needed for retaining
this play upon tho stage, it might
readily be found in tho work of Clara
Morris, who stands today, as she has for
yeais, without an equal in tho art of
loprcsonting womanly misery. Sho re
tains and uses with surprising effective
ness her great gift of compelling from
her audiences the keenest sympathy and
tho deepest compassion for tho sorrows
and sufferings which she simulates,
rhoie is, however, no call at tliia late
day for an analyzation of her acting.
Clara Morris is simply upon the stage
with powers unimpaired and iu con
genial loles. This is the whole story.
No, not quite all of it, for she is also
well supported by her piesent company.
Mr. John Glendenuing makes an ad
mirable Armitnd Duval. Mr. F. C.
Harriott a dignilied Manx. Duval. Mr.
Mr. W. C. Kelly a capital Dc Varvillc.
Tho others in tho cast, paitieulaily tho
women, do their work well.
Chas A. Loder, tho clover ooinedhin,
will piesent "Oh, What A Night" at tho
Lansing theatre Thuisday night. This
is a popular farco, and it is said to con
tain many new things this season.
Purely vegott.blo HimkI'b Pills tWo.
Sliuiilil Know
That tho rates to all points west via
the "world pictorial lino" Union Paclllc
syrtein are vcry low. For instance
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo,
f'.t; Salt Lake Ogdeu, Helena, Spokane
and Portland, Ore., llrst class 825 second
class 818. Round trip for California
mid-winter fair, 8(55.50 Sun Francisco,
Los Angeles and Portland. As has
been their custom for years the Union
Pacific still run the faiuoui Pullman
sleepers to California and Oregon points.
Multitudes have tried them and pro
n Minced them just the thing. They aro
run dally.
These cars aro built on the same gen
eral plan as the regular tlrst-class pull
man sleeper, the only difference being
is that they are not upholstered.
They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, watm
blankets, snow white linen curtains,
plenty of towels, combs, biushes, etc,,
which secure to the occupant of a berth
as much privacy as is to bo had iu llrst
class sleepers. There ate also separate
toilet looms for ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking Is absolutely prohibited.
Full particulars cheerrully given re
garding rates, sleeping car reservations
etc,, at city ticket ofllce, 1011 O street,
corner Eleventh and O) or address
E. H. Slosson, .Two. T. Mastin,
Gen. Agent. City Tickot Agt.
Newspaper men are, by nature of their oc
cupation, kept before the public. They have
a habit, perhaps mutually agreed upon, of
sounding each other's praises, or what Is
equally effective, "roasting" each other. Any
way, their names are pictty neaily always In
print, and we consider them a good means
to conjure with. We know that when we
print In big type such mimes as
C H. Get
J. r.
Dr. T. O'Connor,
(HnroMnor to Pr. Cliarlra HnnrlM.)
'' iia mid l'llnliu without lh in ill Knit.
CMoroform or I'llixr.
II.. IliKOHtrtxt Ownn tilnrk.
"It" ilium nl lint lionil of nil perlodlfnli pull
lUlied hi llm I'uirlWIi Inuioiniro la no Inntfor ilia
puled iiiijwlnnt." Allniiiy Armu.
IN 1894.
!l00 l'iw or llm Mot MlKriittirn.
Kino Uliixtrnlliiim liy tlif'rNti-t ArlUU
or llm World.
fpllKprnirrnmnf llionnw volutin) of tlinCon
I Inrr Miiuntliie. heulnulna with llm Novoin-
Iter nutnlicr, U ono of niro interest lo pvory
render of literature. Tlio chief aorlnl fnauro U
irviic TWAIN.
Tim immt ilrnmntla iitory over wrltton by
Atiii'rlrii'n uri'iitcKt Immortal. I.lkn lorornl of
Mark Twain' atnrlci. It linn for II tcond a
mi'iiiiiliniit town on tlio Mlml-MppI rlvnr forty
I'mld nliead Wllion." n linnl-
Wo aro sure to attract attention, and just
now our one purpose in life is to attract your
attention to our imignilicoiit and specially
selected stock of furuitiiio, embracing every
thing iu this line; also carpets, draperies,
household goods, etc.
year nito.
Iii'iu t'll country Inwvnr. I
furnlMie mnrli or llm run Hint ono nntiirmiy
I country lawyer, tlm hero of thv itoi
Tim l.mlii-N Should
All try that "Good Luck" brand
of Japan Tea. New crop of
their own importation.
Good Luuk Gitoohitv.
Halter's market, old reliable market,
now moved to Thirteenth street, opposite
Lansing theatre, is wheie ladies should
call for their meat ordeis. Telephone
orderB over No. 100 icceivo prompt at
tention. M. L. Trestcr, Penna. hard coal, 1-11
O street.
Luxury of Truvi-I.
"Hello, Jack! Just come down town?"
"No; why?"
"Because you look so fresh und trim
as though just out of u bandbox."
"Well, that is natural enough, when
you consider that, instead of just com
ing down town, I have justgot into town
after a trip east."
"Hut that generally uses a man up,
and gives him that tired feeling, what
with cramped quarters and jarring and
worrying him almost to death."
"1 know that is sometimes tho case.
Hut frequently it depends ujion what
road y on ride over. There are roads and
roads. I made my journey by the
Michigan Central, and they h'uvo such
perfection in appliunccB for comfort,
such discipline among the employes,
that tho annoyances aro small indeed,
and the comfort equal to that in one's
own home, unless it is mi exceptionally
luxurious and well-appointed ono. Try
the Michigan Central, 'the Niagara
Falls Route,' next time you wish to go
euBt. You'll (liul it so." Arkunsaw
Mot lug Mouth.
Convenient markets, good soil, pure
water and excellent climate aro advan
tages to bo considered when looking up
a home, business location, faun, etc.
Muryland and tho Virginias afford these,
with many more advantages. Improved
farm lands, adapted to stock raising,
dairying, grain, grass and fruit growing,
can be obtained at low prices and upon
easy tonus. Thriving Iowiib invito tho
merchant, mechanic and business iii'tn.
Abundanco of coal timber, ore, water
power, etc. Freo sites for liianu
(actuiorfl. For furthcrinforination, address M. V.
Richards, Laud and Immigratioi Agent
B. & O. R. It., Baltimore, Md.
Tonrlnl Car 11 ami MIlilli'Hotii I'oliitx.
- Commencing October 5, a tourist car
leaves Minneapolis every Thursday
morning and rmiH to Pueblo and via
Albert Lea to Columbus Junction,
arriving at 11:07 p. m. and there con
nects with our C. R. I. & P. Train No.
Ill which will hold at that tKiint for
arrival of tho B. C. R. & N. train carry
lug that car, and via Kansas City arrive
at Pueblo second morning.
Beginning October 10, tourist car
will leave Albert Lea ovo'ry Tuesday
morning and run via Minneapolis ,V St.
Louis Ry. thiough Angus to Des Moines,
arriving at night, and there lay over and
bo taken west on "Big Five" Friday
morning, and run via Omaha, Lincoln
and Belleville to Pueblo.
Is a man of wide experience, and much dis
crctiou, and ho knows a good thing when he
sees it. It is not every one that docs. But
wo are sure that there is no one who can fail
to appreciate the particularly line lino of
furuitiiio at particularly low prices, which
we aie now offering.
nxitiH-tii Ifi flml III fi work livllin iiulhor if "Ton
InuormitM Aliroiid," liul Im niipcnri In quitn
nuollicr Ill-lit In tho murder trial wlilrli fornn
Ihe tlirllllnu climax of tlnmtory. 'I lie plot In
troilurcN 11 novel anil InKenloim employment of
ncletico Iu Hie detection of crime, and tliociinr
iirten are well drawn and tlielr every action li
Intercut Iiik. Tim century will contain
Article 011
Arllclei ilcicrlblntr
II) leading American nrtliti. wltli tliolr own
lllimtnitloiiil nrtlclea deicrlptlvo of
In nil tlio urent continent!, Including Hie ad
venture! of two vouiiK AinerlcnniwIiotraTorMd
AnIii 011 bicycle 1 n novel mrlei on
How n ynun iimn.dlnHiiUed ni n tramp, trnv
elled over America and learned nil tlioiecreta
of tlio"rofcloii"
liy tlioKreatent llvliiromp(nernndminlcln
"Jiipulilliiliud I'Miiy by
Hliort torles and novelette! liy nit tlio lendlnc
itory writers, ennajH on timely huIiJccIh, humor
nnd fun In llm "Lliilitcr Vein" department,
etc, etc. Tlio
ennliilim 11 Mormon liy 1'lilllipn llrooki, loven
complete, InrluH, n mnitnlllcent nrrnv of full
iniKii ciiKrnvIm;, n new picture of General
(Irant, lettern from ftlwln lloolli, etc.
ft4tll3lMOI'll30 NOW.
Price $1.(10 11 year. Dealers receive iiiiMcrlp
tloim.or remlltnnco may bo mnd to tlio pub
llnlicru liy check, draft, money-order, or by caili
In reentered lotter. Addreu
I'll Cen.t1a.1r5r Co.
till ICiiMt 17tli Ut.. IV. "V.
Write for n "Mlnlnlurn Century" fron.
Wo can sell you anything you want in the
furniture line, at tho very lowest pricesthe
finest stock In the city to select from
Wg Have Got
A big line of splendid stoves, all sizes and
styles, that we must closo out at once. We
aro getting rid of these stoves at the rate of
50 cents on the dollar. Come and see what
we have got. For anything iu the line of
furnituie, Btoves, draperies, carpets, house
hold goods, etc., call on us. Goods sold on
monthly payments.
For Sunday dinner supplies call at
Halter's market, oposite Lansing 'J'hea
tor. Phono 100.
Kyoitnil Dur Mirueon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist und uurlst,
No. 1203 O street, Lincoln, Neb,
Lincoln Furniture
Niv Money for Mile or Trade.
Now two seated canopy top surrey for
sale cheap or will trudo for a llrstclnss
phaeton, call or address Lou Wcsbcl,
Liudcll hotel.
(MnlnLlnon.AO.B. U.)
Rates, f CO, 175 and t90 a month, ao
iding to location. Address
'umborlaiid, ltd., up to Juno 10: after
hat dato, either Deer Park or Oakland,
hi ret t county, Md,
ic5i-i2c o s'rreisiST.
Trustor soils over i!0 kindB of coal.
1 Im had by atlilrrMln O. T,
.V I'. A., A. T. 3. r. tt. K
M cut Ion tUU papar.
PamphUta daacrlblu lb
retourcaa of
Nlcholaon. O.
Topaka, aUruu