Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, November 11, 1893, Image 1

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Saturday Morning Courier.
VOLUME 8, NO. 49.
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Financial depressions a lieu t thu largo
cities first. Thu ninall country towiiR
aro the hiHt to feci tholr intluoncu.
Thoro 1h u butter fooling among tho
wholesalers in thin city than among thn
retailors because thu former do business
with thu small towns, many of which
aro in very fair condition linancially.
OrocurieB Thoru is a somewhat
marked improvement in this lino. Trade
ia better, with out of town collections
fair to good. Merchants are tooling
much better than thoy did a couploof
weeks ago.
Cigars, etc. A Hlight iiniroveiiient in
noticeable. There 1h no complaint an to
out of town collections.
I'aintH and oils HuBinesB in slow,
with evidence of slight improvement.
Furniture, etc. Volume of business
slowly expanding. Some bills aro being
discounted. There 1h no complaint au
to collections.
Drugs, notions, stationary and kin.
dred lines Trade is only fair about
holding its own. Collections moderate.
Husincss in most retail lines is always
slow about thu tlrst of the month, but
there is a much butter feeling among
the retail dealers, and the future is now
looked forward to with some degree of
In groceries there is no particular im
provement, and collections continue
Clothing, boots and shoes At this
time of the year business in theso lines
is almost entirely dependent on
the weather, and the condition of
the weather for thu past month
has been generally unfavor
able. A week or so of cold weather
would have a most benelicial effect. As
' it is business is no bettor than two weeks
3t' ago.
ViiDty goodH, ehv Trade is fair; about
Holding its own. Special efforts to
attract purchasers are beginning to
ineot with some encouragement.
Hardware, etc. Theso is very little
activity in this line, duo to kouio extent
to the weather.
There may be said to be a general im
provement, In, the amount of business
done, with collections slow.
, A prominent banker of this city in
discussing the business situation with a
CouniKit representative said: "It can
be stated definitely and positively that
thore will bo a steady and appreciable
improvement in business in Lincoln and
Nebraska from now on. I will tell you
jMu why. For nearly nine mouths there has
fc5k been a steady flow of money from this
JV-jjjjy j0 jjJ0 t,ll8 jn j,nyino(; 0 various
obligations. Eastern security holders
have demanded their money as it be
came due, and individuals and corpora
tions that huve made a practicu of send
ing money to Lincoln for real estato
loans, have refused to loan a cent. It
' would surprise you, and thu public, if
the amount of money that has gono out
of Lincoln in the last six or nine months
for thu discharge of obligations of
dltferout sorts, were known, and all this
time no money has been coming in. It
has been a heavy drain. But now there
is a change. There is no longer such
I an urgent demand for payment from tlio
'., east, and money has actually begun to
r' flow west. Within tho last week or two
commercial paper given by Lincoln
' firms has been sold in Now York, and
", accommodations can now be secured
from tho east on good security. And
;' thoru is a willingness to send money
hero for loans on real estate, and money
has reached this city fur tlds purpose.
Thn tide has turned, and with less
money going out and with an increasing
supply coming in, business will very
materially improve."
The extensive building operations
that have taken place in this city every
season until the present have brought a
great deal of money here, and helped
business generally. As a matter of fact
most of tho large buildings have been
erected with eastern monoy. Tho lull in
building has had a great deal to do in
causing the depression in this city.
Theie is a bright prospect that next
season's activity will make up for this
season's dullness.
Pioininont railroad men concede that
earnings on most lines west of the
Mississippi will show some falling off,
but they insist that the niilroad com
panies east of tho Father of tho Waters
will make better returns from now un
til the end of tho fiscal year than were
recorded for the corresponding period of
1892. Two roads havo distinguished
themselves by showing good increases
in their gross earning per mile for the
nine months ending September !10, lH'.l.'l,
over the amounts reported for tho same
period in the previous j ear thu Illinois
Central, which has a gain of 8lt.'i0, and
tho Now York, Ontario A Western,
whoso gain is 805'.) per mile. These
roads owe much of such a favorable in
suit to tho heavy world's fair tralllc, and
Borne of it, of course, to the fact that tho
Increase in earnings lias not been spread
overall increased mileage. Atchison's
gain amounted to 81 per mile. It
may have been supposed thu other
roads tho New York Central, for ex
amplewould have been among the
number with improved totals per mile.
The New York Central has done ex
ceedingly well, considering the big hole
that must have been made In receipts
Intel) by the falllng.oir in the fi eight
movement. It will bo observed, how
ever, that the late returns come from
the ope atiou of '-VVtl miles of road,
against 2.01H! u jcuriigo, and this
has brought its average down to 91)80
per mile. Soveral, but not all, of thu
big granger roads make early letums.
Of theso, wo see St. Paul with a loss of
Wiper mile, on the samu mileage this
year as last. Hock Island's recent state
ments have not reflected anything like
the contraction in teceipts shown by
other roads similarly located. In fact,
to September .'10 it has au increase of
8711,.U7 on record. It earned, gross,
811,157,971, against 8KMXV1,C5J a year
ago. Hut, looking at tho mileage, the
solution is found in an increase of 251
miles, lately in opuiation. This turns
thu gain in thu aggregate into a loss per
mile of 858.
Tho single gold standard having been
permanently adopted, the matter
next in order for consideration is thu
maintenance at par with gold of our
silver and paper money. We have now
in circulation in the country silver dol
hits, silver fractional coins, and silver
certificates representing dollars, amount
ing altogether to 8J48,7i0,000, and 850,
000,000 more aro soon to bo coined. We
havo or paper money 8-'H (5,000,000 old
greenbacks, 816.'J,000,000 treasury notes,
and 8200,000,000 national bank notes.
The silver coins and silver certificates
derive one-half of their currency valuo
from tho fact that they aro received by
the government and by the people as
tho equivalent of gold, and tho green
backs, thu treasury notes and the na
tional bank notes got the whole of theirs
from public confidence in their redeem
ability in gold on presentation. The
maintenance of thu gold standard for
our currency depends, therefore, entirely
upon popular faith, and to prevent this
faith from being impaired, as it was last
spring, by tho export of gold fioiu the
country, is of tho highest importance.
Practically, tho duty of fortifying it
devolves upon tho government nlono.
Tho banks aro not required to pay theso
depositors, nor debtors tlioir creditors,
in actual gold coin. The silver dollars,
tho greenbacks and tho treasury notes
aro by law a legal tender; tho silver cer
tificates are convertible only into silver
dollars, and bank notes are payable in
anything that is legal tender. The
greenbacks and tho treasury notes, if
tho government should fail to redeem
thorn in gold on demand, would immedi
ately fall below par in gold, and they
would draw down with them not only
thu national bank notes, but the silver
coin and tho silver certificates.
"iMatthew Marshall," the financial
editor of tho Now York Sun, suggests
that tho resumption act needs an amend
ment providing for tho issue of bonds
payable expressly in gold, principal and
interest, and at a lower rate of interest
and for a shorter torm than those which
aro authorized by it as it now stands.
Conceding that under tho act, tho sec
retary might now sell bonds to main
tain gold paymonts, tho only bonds lie
could olTor would bo 1 per cont bonds
having thirty yoirs to run, ll por cont
bonds having fifteen years to run, or 5
por cont bonds having ton years to run,
and nil payablo in "coin." To issuo any
of theso classes of bonds now would bo
so extravagantly wasteful that, as Mr.
Shorman said in advocating his proposi
tion for a short torm ') por cont bond,
no secretary of tho treasury would dare
to do it. Besidos amendment in this
respect, tho same writer suggests that
there should boa legalization of thu gold
fund arbitrarily created b Mr. Sher
man in 1877 and 1878, and maintained
by his successors, and power should bo
vorted in tho secretary of tho treasury
to replenish it whenever it is necessary
by tho sale of bonds for gold, not only
for the benefit of tho old legal tenders,
but for that of tho tieasury notes issued
for purchases of silver. Even tho silver
certificates should bo mado redeemable
In gold, as well as in silver, if wo aru to
make effectual the declaration of thu
repeal bill in favor of "such safoguaids
of legislation as will iiisuio thu main
tonancu of thu pairty of the coins of thu
two metals."
An entertaining writer In the Con
tributors' Hull in tho November Atlantic
pleads against being clover.
"In literature, still tnoio In conversa
tion, cleverness often takes the trivial
form of expiessing some commonplace
thought in big language, thus raising
an amusing contrast between the idea
and the words. This was a favorite
practice with Dickens. Hero is an
illustration, though not perhaps a very
good one, from a contemporary writer:
When wo reflect on tho dismal fate of
Uriel Froudonbcrgcr, condemned by the
canton of Url to bo burnt alive in 1700
for rashly proclaiming his disbelief in
the legend of William Toll's apple, wo
realize thu inconveniences attendant on
a too early development of the critical
faculty.' This is very good in its way,
but one can easily get a surfeit of tho
trick. There are people, Iloston-bred
people especially, whose whole idea of
conversation is to manufacture little
verbal sweetmeats like the foregoing
specimen, and hand them to jou with
a pleased smile. Ah, the ennui, the
fatigue, tho despair, that I havo sulTered
at their hands! They aro brilliant, I
acknowledge it; thoy havo brains; they
outshiuo me; perhaps, indeed, 1 am
envious of their talents. Nevertheless,
I can lay my hand upon my heart and
declaru that it is not envy, but resent
ment, that moves my pen against them.
Tho great fault that I find with clever
peoplo is this: they do not help us to
get 'forrardj' there 1b nothing to bu
learned from them, nothing to be got
out of them."
"All mankind may be divided into two
classes: (1) those from whom ideas or
facts can bo derived; (2) those from
whom neither ideas nor facts can be do
rived. Of courso this division is sup
plemental to thn still mora important
one which depends uion tho affections.
Tho chief use of human beings to one
another is to supply un object ujhjii
which alTection can bo bestowed, and
from which it may bo received. For
this purposo do wo liuvo wives, husbands,
childieu, lovers, and tho like. Somo
persons maintain dogs, and somo cats,
for thu samu reason. Hut, apart from
this iclation, tho most important use
that one has for humun beings at least
I find it so -is as feoders for the mind,
A man is liko a book to bu read, and
then either to bo put back on thu shelf
for further reading, if ho deserves it, or,
as is more likely, to bo got rid of; not
rudely, of course, but gently, and with
duo consideration for his foelings."
"Thoro aro certain men to know them
is a great privilege whom you cannot
open at random, so to say, without find
ing a jewel; men in whoso company one
never spends half nn hour without
hearing something to remember for a
lifetime. Hut how few they aro! As 1
look back, I count in my own
experience only llvo such. They are
as follows: a poet and patriot;
an admiral in tho United States navy; a
preacher and writer, a lawyer; a young
fellow who wroto squibs and verses for
thu magazines and papers. This com
pletes my list, unless I should add to it,
us I might not unreasonably, a litteia
tuur who died, indirectly, of drink.
Samuel Rogers declared, toward the end
of his life, that ho had learned far more
from men than from books; but his list
of friends and acquaintance held such
names as Fox, Hurke, Grattan, Parson,
Tooke, Talleyrand, Erekino, Sir Walter
Scott, and thu Dukoor Wellington."
Tho presence of a sooiot) in this state
whoso object is the preservation of thu
history of Nebraska, is little Known. It
was organized in 1878, and the character
of tho men who formed it may bu seen
by a glance at the list of those who
signed the call for the tlrst meeting.
Among them were: Alviu Saunders, A.
S. Paddock, Silas (larbor, Robt. W.
Furnas, Geo. L. Miller and J. Sterling
Morton, Hy act of the legislature in
188.'), tho society was mado a state affair,
and its archives became public pro
porty. Under tho secretaryship of
Professor George E, Howard, for many
yeais holding the chair of history in the
statu university, and now in Leland
Stanford university, the society became
known to tho historical societies through
out thu United States, and thu histoi
leal society was increased to 4,112 mem
burn. At thu departure of Professor
Howaid in 181)1, Professor Howard W.
Caldwell beciuno secretary. At the
last annual meeting a new otlk-o of
, assistant secretary and librarian was
I established, to which belongs now thu
fConespondoncoand the caro of the books.
In August of this j ear thu'sooloty came
into possession of Its permanent quar
tors In the new lihiary building of thu
slide unlveislly. The university gives
this splendid place to tho society,'! In
order that tho students may lie able to
uso thu society's library and read tho
papers or thu slate which aie there kept
on tile. In its present ample quartets,
with unlimited room to Increase its
library and its collection or curios the
society hopes that n new eiu has begun.
All citizens who havo any state pride at
all, should enlist their sympathies, their
care, and ir need lie, their money, In
building up the society. It may bo
asked, "what does thu society want?"
"How can It bo aided?" Hrlofly slated,
the society is making au earnest en
deavor to collect tho following elapses of
1. Hooks mid pamphlets pertaining In
any way to tho state, whether published
hero or elsewhere.
2. Old manuscripts, whether diaries,
letters, records or what not, or early
.'I. Photographs or old settlers and of
any state officers.
4. FIIob of old papersthe older tho
better. Old Now York, Hoston, Phila
delphia or other papers, me also of great
valuo to the society.
fi. Town and city records; publications
or any kind. Especially school reports.
0. Catalogues of Institutions of learn
ing that now exist or no longer stand in
7. Facts concerning thu early history
of tho territory and state. Old settlers
cannot do greatur service to tho society
than to writedown what they know or
havo experienced.
8. Holies, curios, etc., to which any
interest attaches on account or ago or
I). Indian relics. Tho society hopes to
gather a large number or things illus
trative of Indian life in Nebraska.
"There is no reason why Nebraska
should not have us largo, flourishing and
aggressive a Boclety as Wisconsin or
KumhbKj&j .Juy-'AJlarrott, assistant
secretary and librarian of the socioty,
"and it will como by a personal interest
of each citizen in the society. Open
correspondence with thu society. Tell
us what you havo or know that Is
valuable to ho preserved. Send in to
thu society all you have or enn get pos
session of, and the coming generations
will rise up and call you blessed."
There is somo interest in the project
to establish a permanent museum on
the ruins or the world's fair. Discus
sing this subject a saicastic writer in au
eastern publication sas:
"I should bo the last poison in tho
wot Id to suspect those two eminent
Chicago philanthropists, Messrs. Mar
shall Field and George M. Pullman, who
havo just piomisod to contribute 81,000,
000 and 8100,000 respectively toward
Chicago's contemplated new art mu
seum, or having what Is slangily known
as a string attached to the same. True,
thcio is some sort of condition attached
to the latter gentleman's gift four
other gentleman, I believe, are each to
contribute 8100,000 before the Pullman
check is written but who is going to
be so foolish as to suppose that the
great carman's generosity will fail to
result in bringing tho required quartette,
as it were, to tho scratch with lightning
like rapidity, and that his handsome
douceur will not lie handed over at
once witli all tho grace mid bonhomie
for which the Duke is famous? The
vorj business-like manner in which
Messrs. Field and Pullman marshal
their thousands of employes, through
whose aid thoy have grown so rich as to
make even gifts like these look trifling,
speaks brightly for tho readiness with
which, as their follow sooiot) tiiaguatos
saj, 'thn coin will bu shelled out when
tho proper time comes.' For my own
part I quite agree with the member of
tho Chicago club who confided to mo
within a few houisof tho publication of
tho Field-Pullman philanthropiu inteii
tions, his opinion that 'it would bo
worth ten years of any man's life to sou
old Geordie give away 8100,000.'"
"As for tho museum itself, 1 am assured
that when its contents are properly
classified and arranged, it will promptly
take rank as the eighth wonder of the
woild. Hare and costly cuiiosities from
all puts or tho (lobe havo boon prom
ised, and tho Chicago section alone will
be worth going miles to see. There will
boon permanent exhibition, for instance,
the potnlled skeleton of thu Hist steer
slaughteiod at thu Armour yauls after
tho the; also a thiol) engrossed copy of
tho family pedigree or the late Column
doro "Hlaek Jack" Yuttaw, a leading
eit Ien lecently deceased, whoso historic
(Coiifuiuei on Ffth Vuyv,)
il i
Times have changed In Nebraska.
Tho populist bugaboo that has cast a
shadow on tho fair nainoof the slate has
nearly spent Its force.
Tho peoplo are coming to their souses
And the party that was built upon
the quick sands of personal disappoint
ments, and led by disgruntled soreheads
and ranatlcs; thu party that sought to
advance Its Interests by destroying tho
credit or the slate, whliii started on the
down grade a year ago, has now at
tallied a velocity that will very quickly
bring it to tho Jaws or disaster that have
engulfed every parly that was ever
oigauized, whoso solo subsistence was
It is unfortunately true that many
good men are easily victimized, and It
cannot be denied that tho Van Wycks
mid thu Hurrowses mid the Looses have
drawn Into the Independent party a con
siderable number of honorable, well
meaning men, who have been misled by
thu raise teachings or these maliguers or
their state,
Hut in tho main thu third party has
been and is now composed or the oil
scouring of thu two principal parties,
the Edgertons, the Oumlllfs and the
Sehradois, who have looked upon the
new organization as a short cut to
public olllce.
And the third party.hullt up and
maintained by political bunkosteerers
appealing to the cupidity or olllce
seekers, crying distress in a tone keyed
to the pitch or anarchy, attacking state
ciedit and echoing all thu isms that
ariso from tho diseased brains of hair
crazy H)liticiiins who havo met with
disappointment in tho republican and
democratic parties, has worked an in-
jury to thu state that will not bo fully
overcome for inuny yours.
The election of Judge Harrison, who
had the bitterest imposition that any re
publican candidate for years has had to
contend with, signalizes the ro-awakon-ing
of reason among the voters or Ne
braska. 11 shows that the populist
object lessons of the last two years, in
cluding open outlawry and open revolt
against law and order and defamation
of individual and state character, have
hud au effect, and brought thn people to
their senses.
The ciedit and, to some extent, the
prosperity of the state, were at stake in
thu contest for tho election to the judge
ship, and Harrison was elected by thu
very best element of Nebraska voters,
men who love tlioir state and who wish
to see it prosper.
At a very low calculation, 2,500
straight democrats voted for Harrison.
These weie democrats who realized tho
importance of redeeming Nebraska's
credit, and were willing to vote against
their party for tho sake of the state,
just as largo numbers of republicans
would have done had tho conditions
been reversed.
As a matter of fact, aside from
party pride. lepublicans wore
not so much concerned in thu
election of Harrison as they were
in the overthrow of that incubus, tho
third party. Irvine, the late demo
cratic candidate, is piuhahly just as good
a man as Harrison, and had ho been in
thu lead at thu start, with a fair show or
winning, lepublicans would have helped
elect him.
Theie was only one issue, the defeat
of tlie calamity howlers, and tho election
of Harrison is unquestionably one of the
most important political events that
have happened in this state for a iium-
of years. It added several large marks
to Nebraska's ciedit in the east, and it
is a source or great satisfaction to that
class ot citizens to whom thu welfare of
tho state is an important consideration,
and who aro wise enough to appreciate
tho present condition of affairs.
o -
Late loturns show that there was a
republican landslide in this state so far
as county olllcers aro concerned. The
populist cotllu was driven full or mills on
Tho way is now open for certain 're
publican success next joar if the party
will name a good and clean ticket.
Too much credit cannot be given
Hrad Slaughter for his able manage
ment of thu campaign. An inetlleiont
I chairman ot the state central committee
1 would havo brought ceitain defeat.
' From the very tlrst Slaughter bent all
his energies in one direction, staking re
publican success or defeat on just one
consideration. Ho did not ask men to
, vote for Hurrisou because thoy were re
publicans, but because tho welfare of
the state demanded the defeat of thn
third party. Ills appeals were addres
sed to the, business men, and his efforts
were successful In a marked degree.
Mr. Slaughter had n verv Iiirini share In
thneleotlon of Harrison, Hocondiicted
the campaign as few men could have
conducted it. Ho was most ably assis.
ted by Tom Cooko whose long ex-
perioncu in Nebraska Do lit en and rare
executive ability havo so often con.
tributod to his party's success In the
There is some talk or establishing
permanent republican headquarters in
this city.
Hvjiits in Lancaster countvand nlnn.
wherein tho slate indicate that thn A.
P. A. is an unknown quantity that may
upset thlnus uuile unoxiinctmllv n Mu.
Inst minute,
Miller was elected sherllf, to a large
extent, by the efforts or Mayor Wolr's
rerorm fire and police departments.
- o- -There
aro republicans who think the
whole county ticket might have been
elected by skillful innnagemont.
Nw Triut t!ilnmny.
The Mercantile Trust company bus
been Incorporated with tho following
ollleors: Frank W. Lewis, president;
John J I, Ames, vice president; Honry E.
Lewis, secretary and treasurer. Tho
authorized capital of the concern is
8100,000. Tlioeompanj will transact tho
business ordinarily done by trust com
panics. It will negotiate loans, buy
Isnids, state and county warruntB, etc.
The homo olllcu will bo located in Lin
coln, and Mr. Henry E. Lewis will hnvn
charge or thu same. Mr. Frank Lewis
is now in Hoston arranging tho eastern
connections of tho comiony. Ho will
probably make Hoston his futuro homo,
whore he will act us eastern agent for
tho Mercantile Trust company.
You talk ntMitit IiIkIi kicking, .
Hut TlioroBo' nlry flight
Kicked tho clipping off tho climax
It wm simply out of light I
Overcoats should huve Velvet collars.
Gloves are being worn somewhat
The Alpine hat looks well with the
new, big overcoats.
High colors in hosiery and underwear
are finding more popularity every day.
Link cutr buttons are worn utmost ex
clusively by men who pretend to keep
abreast of the fashion.
Men who carry canes should have
them of natural wood. Umbrella hand
les also should be plain.
Neckwear is getting more eluboruto
every week, and tho gorgeous effects are
drowing out tho plain colors.
Creased trousers continue to bo the
I ropor thing, and they will likely con
tinuo to bo as long as they keop trousers
in shape.
The regular overcoat is more tasty in
dark colors and smooth materials. The
Chesterfield coat should never be any
thing but smooth material. Men who
wear the hitter garment should always
wear a silk hat with it.
A Until.. Fur HIimhI,
Is what Hood's Sarsaparilla vigorously
lights, ami it is always victorious in
expelling all the foul taints and giving
the vital fluid the quality and quantity
of perfect health. It cures scrofula,
salt rheum, boils and all other troubles
caused by impure blood.
NliiKiini Fit I In.
Next to the world's rair, all our
foreign friends want to see Ningnra
Falls, and in the minds of many,
Niagara Falls is placed first. Ono of
the first questions they ask au Ameri
can either at home or aboard is about
Niagara, but to many ot us Niagara
Falls is too near. Were it on the other
side of tho world, thousands of American
globe trotters would hasten there, who
pass it by now because thoy can go
there any time.
The Michigan Central has made it,
perhaps, too easy of uccess, for its
thiough trains from Chicago to New
York mid Hoston run directly by and in
full view of the great cataract, and
those passing b) daylight stop live
minutes for passengers to view the Falls.
The wise traveller however will stop
over there as long as his time will per
mit to view the beauties and the gran
dour ot thu rails under different aspects
and from different lHiints of view, 'ho
longer he stops tho more he will find to
repay him for whatever expenditure of
time and money he incurs.
When a quarter will buy a good ie
served seat at the Lansiiic theatre Sun.
da) evening to hour the Nebraska state
1 baud in grand concert, there's no excuse,
' f. ... i,, ,.!..,. ti... oi.,.io - ,...:.... .. .eL' J
for loafing the streets or goine to qWeit-
tiouuble plucoi.
I jJdOlW mtrir