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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1893)
JbJ.mi'rmn yKim THE SATURDAY MORNING COURIER ;' rt i' I" ! IV" i . v f ri . n ffo f"t U 1t SAlWYiRNIlIi) SATURDAY, OCI'OMiU 28, W)i. N.illrr 1 ho unilomlmifd lierolijr two notion tlml ll a III mil Ihi roiuiiililo fur or pay nny tlit In curred W iiinloye, oxrotit tlttwo for w'llcli nn onlcr U imcii iieriMiiiiilly ImihI liy ll. Him rnlniilmiieriitlie. , OiimMl VliH.t . MNnii.N.Ni.n., Mn lux lW VAX,! STYIvB OH 'I'lllC DUMLflP (HIT. :vox' irv. W. 1. Dei l 1 1 Se Co. .Y7 0 .S'irc. llm Courier run Hi' 1'uiunt l Hotel Lincoln NnwuBtund. Windsor Hold Nowh Slund. Ci'pllul Hold News Htund. Rod Dmln Clgur Btoia, 1020 O Ht. Kcl. Young, 1U07 O St. Chimin, Klotehor .fc Co., HBO O St. Mwiro'H Nowh Slunil, 118 Bo. lllli Ht. CouiiiKU Onicc, 1201 O St. ArchloEnslgn,i!17Bblllh8t. FINE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. Tiio Courier Publishing company Ih prepared to ilo nil kinds of printing, Hun work, especially, nt modcruto prleen; aim) ongrnvlng, wedding In- vitatloiiH, calling etirdH, etc., Call and see samples. Saturday Moiinino Couiiikii, 1U01 O Htreot. WhilobroiiHt Coal and riimu Co. Hathlng capa at Reotor'n Phnrmuoy. Jeelccll Hros. Tailors. 110 ninth Thlr teonth fit reel. Dnvld P. SiniH, dentist, rootim 4'J III Purr hlook. Canon City coal at tiio Wbltobronst Coal and Tiinio Co. Itn)orted and domostiu toilet wrnpH ut Rector's Pharmacy. An ontiro now lino of ludleH'euril cuhcb und jxHiket bookH at Roctor'fl Pharmacy. For dunces nnd outings thero Ih no buc) nuinio in Nobrnsku aa tliutHiipplied by tho Nebraska stnto orchestra. Reduced Rutea by Missouri Pueltle will bo given to St. Lou In from July 'JO to October .11. Very low rutoHwIII lo on buIo nnd this will ho an excellent chaiivo to visit tho grentcst carnival city in Ainorica. Cull on nearest ticket agi'iit M. P. rnilwny for Information, or J.E. R. Miller l'JOl O street, Lincoln Nob., or II. C. Townsond 0. P. A. St. LouIb, Mo, When you wunt prompt sorvloo uiul fuir treuttuciit and tho selection from tho lurgest stock of groceries in Lincoln cull on W. A. Collin & Co., successors to ,T. Miller, 1411 South Eleventh street. Halter's market, old relinblo inurkot, now moved to Thirteenth street, opposite Lansing theatre, is where ladies should call for their meat orders. Telephono orders over No. 100 receive prompt nt tentlon. ProfotMor Swain's ludies tailoring and dress cutting school. Thorough instruc tions. Lessons not limited. Dress mnk. lag dono with dispatch on short notice. Patterns cut to mousuro and nil work guaranteed. Ask your groceryniun for tho "Wilber Rolling Mills" Flour, Chns. Harvey, pro prietor. Inquire for "Little Hutohot," "Nicklo Plato," and "Bakers' Constance." Every sack warranted. The llent I.muwlry Towusond is. Pluuiundon pronriotoi s, '2208 O stroot, telephono 570. W. C. l)aU, . 1. H Diseases of tho teeth, mouth and face. RoouiBoOl.U-:!, Ilraceblk., cor. loth uudO. KyiiHiiil lliir MirKcon. Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and midst, No. 120.1 0 street, Lincoln, Neb. . Tim Wiilou IWIIIe l!itl ltit.. Denver, one way 0.00 Denver, round trij 20.00 Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Cheyenne tho same rute. Chicago, one way . , O.lfi Chicago, round trip j 11.55 St. Louis, round trip 10.05 Full information cheerfully given ut 1044 O street, southwest cor. O und 11th. J. T. Mahtin, E. 11. SLOShON, City Tickot Agt. Gen. Agt. Moving Houlli. Convenient markets, good soil, puro wuter und excellent climate tiro advan tages to bo considered whea looking up u home, business locution, farm, etc. Maryland and tho Virginias afford these, with many inoro advantages. Improved farm lands, adapted to stock raising, dairying, grain, grass und fnut growing, can Im ohtuined ut low prices und upon eusy terms. Thriving towns invite tho ' merchant, mechunic and business mm Abundance of coal timber, ore, water power, etc. Free Bites for manu facturers. For further information, address M. V. Richards, Land and Immigratioi Agent 9, k O, R, R., Baltimore, Ad. EVEN THE Wealthiest Ladies Thnsn who In otillnnry times urn ox trnvnguutly llltt'iiil in tlmlr puiohnscM, hesitate to spend their money for even tint most necessary clothes these HARD TIMES To these and otheiH ll intiHt ho InteicHt ill)! to know that wo have purchased tho Htoelc of E.C.WBWTS0H For a remarkably low llgHio, and will place the miiho, amounting to On sale at our stoio at wrcs ON THE DOLLAR. Mr. Robertson was only in business seven months, hence tho stock is entirely new, including a full line of FALL UNEERWEAR. HOSIERY. , ., , HLANKETS, ' DOMESTICS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS.." DRESS OOODS, AND NOVELTY DRKSS PAT TERNS. v Especial attention is called to tho lino of DRESS GOODS and CLOAKS bought for this season. Tho goods will bo removed to our store and put on sale MM! OCT -30H Call in time' and Isectiro )nnr pick of bargains. Prices willlieannoneed in the daily jiajiers. mi ea, LIIKOlll, NEB, OST. n Mil IDS &m, nn r -.i.-m BESIDE THE DAY OF MONTEREY. ' llonlilo llio Imy (if Monterey, When inorit In mi Did tiiiiiintnlnf, Wluit Joy In liciir nisi know not four, Tim cry of wulxirn finiutiilntt Aons llio Imy of Monterey The den fiu, till nly ilrlflhiK, Tim Iniul ntU'iiU or nlioru Loncenlt, Hon fcrtiCB, tlko tiinslo, ulitfllng. lksltUi Die luty of Monteroy How rui'i'l tottnlk at oven, WIivii MifUincd tljcn f nun minot nkles Htciil n p llio niMipliIro licivvonl Aloiiu tin) renoli of rocky bench Oti, Joy it In to follow, Wlicio blooms tiio urn mieinone In (ncry ummvorn liollow. On ulnnl lock (tint frontx tho nhock I liu uprny Met urnnRONKlliitun, Yliord iirenka tho M'nvo on clllr und iuv Tliu rlnHrra lioml nml llaton. I count tho tTirn by alt my tenrs Anil nil llfo'M Rtoriuy Menthor, einco by llio li.ty of Monterey Wo Miimloruil, loo, toKcthor. I wnlk uIoiik ttio olinimliiK slioro, Oh, Hint nml htruiiKO Itneomnl Anil If Jim heiir llio billow ronr, You hear tlirm but In dri aim. For mi Iiiimi tilviit now ninny n dny UMm llionhoronf Monterey. -Banili L. btllhM'll In Oorlulul Monthly. Irot Kill Wiim. Boiun tlmo ago I dlscovuied uccidental ly that frogs are voracious outers of wasps. I linvo in my ganlun a tank for watering, with mi island of rockwork, which is u favorite haunt of tho frogs. Tho wasps just now nro carrying on a raid against iny fruit, and when I wish to gratify at oucu my revenge and iny frogs I catch a milt under hot ween npost card and an inveited winogliihs, carry lilm off to tho tank, wet his wings to pre vout ills flying, and set lilm on tho rock work before tho frogs. After u moment's pnmo u frog ad vances, and in an instant tho wasp has disappeared, drawn lutothufrog's mouth by u single dart of his long tongue. Oc casionally tho wasp reappears, wholly or partially, having luiulo it unpleasant for tho frog, but ho is almost always swal lowed in tho end. Usually convulsive movements may bo noticed in tho frog's throat and body, as though tho process of deglutition weio not quito easy, but that they like tho diet is evident from tho fact that a single smallish frog has been known to take three wasps, one aft er uuother. Indeed it is remarkablo what very small frogs, quite infants, will swallow u wasp with avidity. This afternoon a tiuy frog Bwullowed a full grown wasp, when a big relative went for him quito savagely, like n big schoolboy thrashing a small ono for presuming to bo helped before him. It. E. llurtlctt in Loudon Bpcctntor, i Tiio World' l'nrl lament. Tho British parliament compares fa vorably iu sizo with those of other na tions. With 070 members in tho hotiso of commons nnd over r33 in tho upimr house, it is far nml away tho lurgest in tho world. Franco comes nearest with 68-1 in tho chamber of deputies and U00 in tho senate. Spain comes noxjb with 481 in congress und !)01 in tho cortes. Then comes tho Austrinu rcichsruth with 053 und S 15 iu tho lowor and upiier houses respectively, followed by Ger many with U'.'T in its rclchitag and C8 in its bundosrnth. Tho United States has 830 representatives iu congress und 88 enntors. London Tit-Bits. Iliipllitnl. Raphael experienced temptations to nicido. Ho himself says: "I tied tho fisherman's cords which 1 found in tho boat eight times nroiuid her body mid mtno, tightly us in n winding sheet. I raised her iu my arum, which I had kopt free in order to precipitate her with mo into tho waves. At tho mo ment I was to leup to bo swallowed for ever with her, I felt her pallid head turn upon my shoulder like a dead weight and tho body sink down upon my knees." Now Y6rk Times. Tliu Truth Out. Clara Therot I know It He has pro posed this oveningund she bus accepted. Dora They nro acting liko other peo ple. Merely polito, that's all. "That's only a bliud. Look at her yachting cap." "It's on hind sido before." "Yes. A man can't kiss a girl undor one of those peaks." Now York Weekly. Women'. I'atunU. Among tho patents recently taken out by women nro ones for a now folding bath, folding dish, cup and glass holders 1 for uso on shipboard, improvements in artificial eyes, now method of sounding whistles und tho liko in combination with bellows, and n regulator for slow combustion fireplaces. The greatest nnvnl review of modern times was by Queen Victoria in 1854, nt tho beginning of tho Crimean war. Tho fleet extended in an unbroken lino for five mlloB and comprised 800 men-of-war, with twice that number of store and supply ships. Tho fleet was manned by 40,000 seamen. It hns been computed that in a single cubic foot of tho other which fills all space thero are locked, up 10,000 foot tons of energy which h , hitherto es caped notice. To unlock this boundless storo and subduo it to tho service of man is a task that' awaits tho electrician of tho future. It is an old belief of nativo Hawaiians that tho spirits of their warrior chiefs inhabit uftcr death tho bodies of their favorito horses. Thero U u fine white Btalllon in Honolulu in which, it is pop ularly behoved, lives the spirit of Boki, who led u rebellion iu Tahiti years ngo. A viuo nt Hampton Court, wh'ch was planted iu 1708, is believed to bo tho largest in tho world. Its branches ox tend over a space of 2,U(M) feet. It usu ally bears upward of 3,000 bunches of grapes annually. Tho stock of pait notes for fivo years in the Bunk of England is about 77,745, 000 in number, and they fill 18,400 boxes, which, if placed side by aid, would rMh Si miles. aAiu$ 1 Hi Vri3 OIIJSI MOiJOiVY.. $25.00 Pbusn gapes ..'.;...;....' ..:.'. $13.50 20.00 ASTRAKAN CAPES ,.., '.s 1250 15.00 CANADIAN SBAb CAPES r iy.v. 10.50 12.50 60NEY CAPES ....&i.' O.IU tr Z ' 10.00 CONEY CAPES .-. ."". 4.50 J. A. ' ' 1121 l'Vnlted ice cieam soda water made from tho natural fiult, at Rector's I'liur- j macy. . j Ciopo and tlssuo papeis at Crancei's, 212 South 11th. What have you to trade for a Yost typewriter with eight drawer cabinet, iu good condition, also a new two-seated canopy ton surroyY Call or address Lou Weasel, Lindell hotel. Lincoln Coal best tiado. company cateis to tho Artistic picture framing at Crancer's, 212 South 11th. Althcn toilet preparatories at Rector's Pharmacy. Only exclusive cloak hotiso in Lincoln Asunv Ci.oak Co. A tine line of pianos nt South 11th. Crancer's, 212 Mw-n of poets ntlll remind ua We en 1 1 mnkit our liven realised, And, ilopurtliitf, leave behind lis Stump for iiiiiliii8crlitn declined. Spoolul Otffor 2Vo. 'mis- - AND THE- FOR IfllS.OO. Until January 1, 1801, Tiik PunusiiiMi Co. M'ill accept subscrip tions for tho Ladies' Homo Journal and The Couiiikk for ono year for 82.00, tho price of Tiik Couhikii alone. In other words, wo will give u year's sub scription to tho Ladies' Homo Journal freotoovery subscriber who ims one year's subscription to Tiik, 82, in advance. COURI1SH 1UI3 CO. ijoi o sTiti:i:.r : Are Jusl ai tiunble as Other Dlveasts. Treated oxchmhely by lilt. l.KOMIAItllT, I.lneoln, Nell. OMICC 1417 O IT. HOUR! 9 TO S DAILY . ", "T M STIMSET PAI1K. TO-DAY, 3 P. M. BAKER UNI. VS. STATE UNI. I Mil iER lEOWOil DEPflRTiTIEHT mm DORSEY, - 1123 N STRgiT. UcisliinliiQ; :Morclc- Oot. ll'O. CARPETS 1000 YDS. ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPBT ONLY 1!Hj PER YD., 1500 YDS. PART WOOL ONLY RUGS. SMYRNA RUGS ONLY 81.a-, REGULAR PRICE S1.00. SMYRNA RUGS ONLY 82..T), REGULAR PRICE 84.50. BEST MOQUETT RUGS ONLY 82.75, REGULAR PRICE 85.00 BEST MOQUETT (largo size) ONLY 84.00, REGULAR PRICE 87.00. Ladies should not fail to attend this sale. bINCOLN FURNITURE 60 a iaiN'2o o es'.rii3ii-'' INVITflTIOHS - Engraved -xroic- WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS. BRUS, PARTIES. LUNCHEONS. ETC.. At Popular Pricy, at the same time guaranteeing CORREOlt FORMS ami and all the Very Latest Styles, CALLING GARDS WITH AMPLE EXPERIENCE IN THIS PARTICULAR LINE, WF ARE ENABLED TO EXECUTE THE MOST Elegant Work In this line tM show all the New Effects for 1893 which inolude several new ami and odd shapes together with new faces of bcript. Call and sett samples. Our work speaks for itself, TMM PUBLISHING WTO fa.ll Orvaetrat aolloltetl. :ms r-. REGULAR PRICE 75c :iTc, REGULAR PRICE 55c. 1134 O Strts' . .yK '&: ,1 I i wmir:.vjB