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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1893)
',fS THE SATXJKDAY MOKaVKVO COURIER 1 Tho following now music is roHrtod by George A. Crnncer: ".Minnie! Come Kihh Your Honey Hoy," iliuitut!oii song; "SereniulorH," serlo comic song; "Alny Dawn,"' waltz song; "Sweetheart Mini', Awake," "Nor to do Sky," Kthiopiun song and chorus; "Miiuimu's IjovoHong,'1 it lullaby; "Forgot Mo Not." "Sim's My liest Girl," song In lloyt's "A Trip to Chinatown." Soiik 'f All Nations. Isloof ChnmpuKiio. I've roamed thin wide world mor, Seen many n lovoly fnco Willi rosy lltK, spnrklllur ojes iiml willing furiii of Krnco. In Franco 1 loved a inniili'ii, Ami I linked lior fur her IiiiiiiI, Hlio liml to iK'clliK', aim woiililn'l Im mine, Fur my Frcncli she omilil not understand. Cllllltl'MI To Jours In mnlmo inotiir eheri Al tcz vons zomt (jca, vor) i i Cafo auliilt Rnllan tltioilmliii ilny Infant terrlblo tnl ley lions. A tpz vons Banco In mo Here. Tnblo d'hoto dinner ono dollnlro, Ji'ii ncz ci tins tra In In la. Clliiuot In I'er-rl or Jon et. In ltnly I wnndorcd 'nonth soft Italian sklo, And often would my heart lion) fast Wlitln kiizIiir In Jot lilnck eyes. I loveil n sweet Italian, and 1 asked tier for lier hand, Shu nlso declined, alio wouldn't he mine, For sho couldn't undoritiind. client's: llniiil orKiiu Trovatoro 1 los a di monk limit k! o ro, Nor tl allegretto ipanhettl stl let to. l'nr mo milt clieoso eld utiti Lucre! in Morula. Orslul,Muplcsun, Cumpnhlut. Ah, con A more Halvlnl, Itlstorl- n In liniinnn peanut. InGormniiy I wandered to llltwn on tho Hhlne. Tlio.Suxunirlrls linto flaxen curls and cheek like tho rosy wine, I foil iulouo with (Iretchen, On my suit hIio would not smile. My Froncli In had, my Italian' snd, hut my Herman's simply vile, ononis: Icli llo bonllcli iiinlii liort ton elii zwl Drlo mncht oln schmcrt zon. .(o her my aclmtznn uuil often oln lilot zou, bonder uml lilltzon spiels, Frnnk rurter schwut ten. Llo her mclu schnotzcls Milwaukee mid pretzels Wolner worst, pickles nml beer. "L'iiIiwHi Wnllr. ?oiir." Bo nt lust In n Rlnss Kriof will pus Llko n dream, So farewell, so farewell. Llfo Is sliort, 'TIs n thoiiKht.and tho sport of a Urenm. Faro theo well, faro tliee well. For nlns, ho will laH, oh, so fast To tlm tomb. So ndleii, m iiilleu. Let tho Islo resound with Kind anil cheerful sound, Let tlioliellsnll rliw, nil rliiK, for our worthy "klutf," Tlio kin Lot tho valo resound with wind and (Iheorful sound, lot the bells nil rlliK. all rlnir, for our worthy klntr. Seo it How, sen It kIow, see It How, see It spnrklo brink!. We'll nil survive Ihls sml blow. Now 'tis all sweetness and Llnht. Seo it How, seo It How, seo it flow, seo it Sparkle bright, see it How, see it Blow, seo it How, Seo it sparkle bright wo'll all survlvo this sail blow. Now nil's sweenies' nnd Unlit, so nt lust to tho tomb. So adieu, so ndleu; ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, nil, nil. We'll bid n last adieu. Kv' ry Garment new at tho Ahiiiiy Cloak Co. Jeekell Bros, now tailoring establish ment, 111) north Thirteenth strcot nea the Lansing is tho popular resort for stylish garments. HUMORS OF DANN PUBLISHING. Annouiiceiiirnls of .IIitrrlHifi-s Thnt llnva Been Uiicereiimiiloiisly Intvri'iiiteil. A fow years ago a ludicrous, albeit vexations, incident occurred at a church in Larkhull. A rustic couple, af ter hav ing had the banns published tho pre scribed number of times, proceeded to the church to bo joined in holy wedlock. Tho scrvico was conducted without a bitch until tho officiating clergyman nr rived at that part where ho asked,"Wil liam Wisher, wilt thou have this woman to bo thy wedded wife?" when tho brido groom replied with soino astonishment that his narao was not William Wisher. Tho ceremony was of course suspend ed, and on investigation being mado as to .tho cuuso of tho mlstako it transpired that tho bridogroom had written to tho sexton of tho church requesting him to havo tlio banns published, and concluded his lottor thus, "So no inoro from your well wisher and Mary Williams." Tho sexton, supposing that William Wisher was tho niinio of tho intending Benedict, fmbllshed tho bdnus imvordingly, and ho disappointed couple wro compelled to await tho publication of the hums in iholr proper names. Tho precentor of a iwuntry parish church near Arbroath ono Sunday an nounced from his place thai "tbero was a eolomn purpose of marriage between Alexander Spink of Fisher's loan and Elspotu Hackott of Burn wynd," whon tbo parish beadle, who was eomothlng of a charactor, suddonly aroso and un ceremoniously interrupted tho proceed ings by exclaiming: "That's wrangl That's wrangl It's no Sanders Spink o' Fisher's loan that's gauu to marry Els- peth Hackott, but Lang Sanders Spink o' Siniddy croft." Tho nuino of ono of tho parties had been wrongly stated in tho proclamation paper, and this was tho way tho beadlo took to correct it. Some years ago a middle aged agricul tural laborer called upon the session clerk of Alloa nud asked him what the charge was for publishing tho "cries 'J e., banns of marriage threo times on tho samo Sunday. "A iund," replied tho clerk. "Ayo," said tho other, "an what d'ye tak' when yo tak' two Sun days to do't?" "Half a guinoa," was tho reply, "An whut d'yo chairge when ye tak' threo Sundays to't'c" was the rus tio's next quory. "Soven and aix." an awered the clerk, with an unaaad air, 1 "Aye, nmii," rejoined tho quorlat, "I oe; tho langor yo tuk' to dao't tho cheap er It gots. Junt cry awn till yo pay yer- ; boI'1" And ho took his departure without mora , ado.- Loudon Tit-Bits. Milord, Mlit and the Dog. A travolor'n tulo of British phlegm L told in tho following tortus: A French man was seated in a smoking carriage, and had for his companion a "milord Anglais." Enter a British miss of oonrso with a plaid nnd protruding teeth and a Skyo terrier. Shu sat opposito tho milord. Ho politely informed her that ho had by mistake got into n smoking carriage. Sho tnado not tho slightest an swer, but sat grimly on. Tho milord throw away his cigar, much to tho astonishment of tho Frenchman, who, according to tho story, nit watch ing what would happen. When they reached tho next station, tho milord said, with tho cold dignity of his nice and cast: "Madam can now change into u nonsmoking carriage If she does not, 1 shall UKmiino that sho docs not mind sinoko and shall light another cigar." Madam wild not n word, but stared in front of her. Tho train went on again, and the milord lighted up. When his cigar wan well alight and tho train in motion, tho lady bent forward, took tho cigar out of the milord's mouth and threw it out of tlio window. Tho milord not only did not uuiko any remark, but ho did not even seem disturbed. All ho did was to wait u minute, and the i to bend over tho lady, seizo tho Skyo ter rier, which was lying in her lap, and fling it out of tho window. Of this net tho lady, to tho complete astonishment of tho French Hpect..ii r, took no notice whatever. At the m .t station both tho lady and tho milord got out, but without exchanging a word in regard to tho cigar nnd dog incident whilo tho Frenchman turned over in his head an etude on tho subject of "Les Anglais taciturnes." London Spectator. MeUl That Hardens Steel. Tho reason that tho mixture of tung sten with stoel gives tho latter ho grcatn' degree of hardness that it readily cratches glass and quart, seems to bo revealed by a discovery recently made in Germany. A definitely crystallized compound of iron and tungsten has been discovered, tho crystals being ho hard as to scratch topaz. Tungsten is a brittle white metal, almost as heavy as gold. Tho crystals, romarks Tho Paper Trade, as formed by its combination with iron, in tho proportion of one atom of iron to two of tungsten, aro silver gray and very brilliant. It is thought that when tung sten is alloyed with steel some of the compound just described is formed in tho mass, thereby producing the remark able increase in tho hardness of tho stool. This is an interesting example of tho value that oho metal may lend to the oth er, for, until tho discovery that it could be used in hurdoning steel, tungsten, al though it occurs in considerable abun dance, was practically useless and with out vnlno. New York Times. All orders via tolephono 308 will reach VV. A. Collin & Co. and recoivo prompt md careful attention. Notice. Notice of articles of incorporation of tlio West Park Land aompnny, of Lincoln, Nebraska, tiled on tho 'J7tli day of October, lbl. I. NAMIS OF THIS COKPORATIOM Tlio nnmn of this corporation shall Ik) th West l'nrk Land Company. II. I'lttNClrAI, l'LACI", OP TIIANSACTINO ITS DUHINEHH, Tho iirlnclpal place of transacting tho busi ness of this corjioratlnn shall bo Lincoln, Lan caster county, Nebraska, but said corporation shall bnvo power to establish branch otllces at Now York City, Now York, and San Francisco, California, III. TUP. OKNKH.U. NATCUF. OP THE IICHINKSH TO HE TRANSACTED. Tliouenernl nnt uro of the business to bo trims acted by this corporation shall bo tho purchase nml snlo of real estate in tho stnto of Nebraska anil oltowhoru, to nccopt nnd hold tho title thereto, to erect buildings thereon, to improve, eulnrKO, repair nnd furnisli tho same, to loan uuil borrow money nml to kIvo and take neces sary security for the same, lo rent or lenso nil or any part of tho property held by or placed la tho custody of said corporation, uuil such other business as may bo necessary to carry out tho Koncrnl purpose of tho business to bo trans acted. IV. TUP. AMOUNT OF CAPITAL HTOOK AUTHOR IZED. The amount of cupitnl stock uutliorlzeil is ono hundred thousand ( dollars. which shnll bo renrosentei! id by cortltlcntes of stock of nun hundred iflOU.OO) dollars each. which shall bo non-assessable nml fully paid up before tho commencement of business of this corporation. Tlio capital stork may bo increased nt any reKUlar meellnifof tho stockholders or any spe cial ineetliitf called for that purpose, V. TIME OP COMMENCEMENT OP THE LIFE OP TIIIHCOKPOIIATION. Tho life of thin corporation shall commence on tho th day of October, IMM, mid shall ter minate on tho IMth day of October, Will, unless It shall bo dissolved in the manner hereinafter prescribed. VI, THE IIKIIIEHT AMOUNT OP INDKlllEONEHN, The hluhest amount of Indebtedness or liability which this corporation shnll at any ono time subject itsolf, shnll be one-iiuurter of the amount of capital stock. VII, THE OFFICERS, The nlfalrs and business of this corporation shall bo mnumred by a bonrd of llvo directors, ull of whom shnll bo stockholders, nud each of whom shall own not less than ton (IU) shares of the capital stock, hy a president, u vlro presi- dent, ii secretary ii u irensurer,iinu mo presi- dent shnll bo elmlblo to tho nillce of treasurer. Frank L. Sheldon, i Lionel V. Hum: Chah. L. Iltiuu. Incorporators. Carlo. C. IIcrr. ('. II. Sheldon. Notice. Articles of Incorporation of the Hall Urns, company. Filed of record Octolior 111, A. !., 1MU. First Tho name of this corporation shnll be tho Hall Ilrothers company. Second Tho principal place of transacting Its business shall botliet'ltyof Lincoln, County of Lancaster, State of Nebraska. Third The ueuerul nature of the business to tie trmisncteil is thai of the sale of stoves, rniiuos, furnace, Iron custiuus uuil manufac tured articles and tho manufacture of metal work of nil kinds portuinluu to this business, Fourth Tho amount of capital stock author ized U ten thousand (fi),uan dollais. Ilfty per rent of which Is to be paid in befoio tho com mencement of business of this corporation, mid the balance upon call of tho directors, I'lfih -Tliollnmof tlio commencement of tho , llfo of this corporal Ion shnll bo tho'lUth ilny of , OcuiImt, imo. u J"li-',TluI h wcioiht, IH'.M. mm sumi it-niioimo ,nn isi iitt luhesl amount of Indebtedness or liability to which the corporal Ion at anyone time is to subject itself is two-thirds of the amount of the capital stock paid in, Hoenth- Tlie alfairsof thiscorporation shall bo conducted by president, vlro president, sec retary mid treasurer, which otllcers shall con stltutea Isiardof directors. Dated at Lincoln this 10th day of October, 181111. (Sinned.) II. J. Hall, t.'ii is. V., Hall, J. K. Hall, J, L.llAXTEII. Incorporators, HOW MOI ill I In a letter to the .S'iocfnj AYicn Cor bett snjs: "Ah jou are fully awaie, my training milliters aie situated at Anbury Park, about a mile inland from the cot tage whern 1 trained for Sullivan. Tho present iiiurters are known iih 'The Farm,' and have been formerly used hh a road house by Mussel llallek. Tho properly covers elghl acres and Ih shielded fioin all winds by mauytrccH. I have three cottages; one is used for cooking and the principals' sleeping quarters, another for a gymnasium and the third for general use. I have a bil liard room with billiard and pool tables, a croquet grounds, quoits, n safety bicycle, n racing shell, as the 'Farm' borders on Deal lake and I have two miles straightaway, a punching bag room, a wrestling room, pulley weights, wrist machine and an immense hand ball court fit) feet long, ill feet wide, 158 feet high, as perfect iih any ball court In the country. My companions are Mrs.Corbett, Miss Blanche Howard, who Is a companion of my wife. William A. Brady, William Delaney, John Donaldson, John MoVoy; my brothers, Joseph and Tom; Dennis Costigan and Jack Dompsoy, who lias been with uh for three weekH. My daily routine: Mho at 7:.'I0. One-half hour in shell on lake. Short walk. Breakrast at 8:.'!0. One-half hour at wrist machine. One-half hour at pulley weights. One-half hour at punching bag. One-half hour to throe-quarters of an hour wrestling. Hub down. JVVrE oiiEiej OS" ' O s X THE COURIER will bo clubbed siignt luivnuco over tlio unco of one, by post-olllce money order, registered Lunch at l'J:!IO. . Best to 1:110. Ten mile walk, vailed wllh running. One hour hand ball. One-half hour in shell, More wrestling. Knit down. Dinner at l o'clock. ' Billlaids or down tn the town of Ashury in tho evening. Bed at lth.'tO. 1 keep this up every day but Hunday. I HUpposeyou would not consider this letter complete without houo icfciciicc to my opinion of my chances with i Mitchell. Well, I sltnpl) have lliis to say; I will do my best to win. I con ' shier Mitchell n very haul innu'to beat, ! llo Is very Intelligent, well wised in all ring tactics, very strong anil roll of en ! durance. Ho Ih not old in fact, Ih In tho prime of life, has not dissipated one tenth as much as people say he has, Is tho father of four children, him had oceans of ring experience, and last but not least, has tho advice of Jack Me AulilTo, the American lightweight champion, who him had a splendid , chance to Htudy my stjle when he seconded John L. Sullivan against me; also the aid of Jim Hall, tho wondei fully ' clever middleweight, who sparied with ' me, and whom 1 have iiIwiijh given tlm credit of being one of the cleeiest men I ever met. Mitchell Is no doubt tm cleer as 1, So it settles down to this: I have youth, height and leaeh on my side, Mitchell luiHHtrcngth and harder punch ing ability on his Hide. I expect him to light for my body. I also expect the contest to bo a very long one, say forty rounds, and tho better general will win." HihhI'h 1'IIIh may be hud by mall for '2fc of C. 1. H(M)d it Co., Lowell, Mush. Cheap cloaks styles at the and, fins beautiful Ahitnvdi.oAK Co. Your Xnioi.M rtiicl MduriliicM lit tlilM .acl irtct-vo money tlicMo littcl tlnicM Heirulnr Yearly ItcKulnr I'rlcn Hub. I'rlco, of lloth. 81.50 Cosmopolitan Magazine and tho Courier f.'I.M) 1.00 Harper's Mngalue and the Courier (1.00 1.00 Hurpor'H Weekly and tho Courier d.OO 1.00 Harper's Bazar and the Courier (UK) 4.00 The Century Magazine and tho Courier 0.00 11.00 Scribner's Magazine and the Courier 5.00 n.00 "Puck" and tho Courior 7.00 fi.00 "Llfo" and tho Courier 7.00 1.00 Frank LchIId'h and the Courier 6.00 1.75 Youth's Companion (now) and tho Courier .'1.75 1.00 Now York Weekly World and tho Courier :.00 .'1.00 Sclentlllc Americun and the Courier 5.00 5.00 Scientific American Supplement and the Courier, 7.00 7.00 Scientific American and supplement and Courier 0.00 1.00 Ladies' Homo Journal and tho Courier .'1.00 5.00 Judge and tho Courier , 7.00 .'1.00 Lippincott'H and the Courier 5.00 5.00 Forum and the Courier 7.00 2.50 Demorest'B and the Courier 4.50 .'LOO Outing and tho Courier 5.00 I1.00 St. Nicholas and the Courier 5.00 4.00 Now York Dramatic Mirror and the Courier 0.00 4.00 Now York Clipper and tho Courier 0.00 4.00 Sporting Life and the Courier fi.(K) 4.00 Texas Sittings and the Courier 0.00 4.00 Truth and tho Courier 0.00 .'1.50 La Modo-de-Paris and the Courier 5.50 1.50 La Mode, New York, and the Courier .'1.50 .'1.50 Album-de-Mode, N. Y and the Courier 5.50 1.50 McCluro's Magazine and tho Courier .'1.50 with any reputable publication in the and In many curoh exactly tlio subscription letter or draft. If you want any paper not Courier JPtitoli Mixings Compciny, Jvlnooln, XelirriMlcfi. WORLDS FfllR ROTES Ml I TUPIBLE. Any time betweon October 15th and .'list ou can buy a round trip ticket over the lSurllrkistoii Kotttu to Chicago fur IL.Ti. giunl roturning until November 15th. This is the last call. Co now or never. In two short weeks the gates close on the grandest exhibition tho world has ever known. You cannot atrord to niibs it YOU MUST NOT. Tho Hiirliugtiin oilers you the choice of eight daily passungor trulns between Lincoln and Chicago. Aily to llnnuell at It. V M. iIumi, ir .lemur at fit nllice, curuer O and 10th streets, for full iufnrmatiiin. V'''''L' !k. rv Jv jhfeyl;.i sV mmmslm Jlfr. Uhn. AT. ltauev Of Frederick, Md suffered terribly for over ten yoaM with nlnceiHot mut runninu sorei on hl left Icr. llo waited nwny, crow weak nnd thin, mid wm obllitcd to mo a cnao mid crutch, Kvrr Ihlntt wlileli eoulil bn tlimiKlitef win don without i;ood lomlt, null! ho Ir-riiii bikliiK Hood's Sarsaparilla which effected u perfect euro. Mr. Hnncr li now la tlio licit of health. Full particulars of Ills caso will ho seninll who million U. I. llooo Si Co., Lowell, Mam, HOOD'0 PlLLB rtlioliUfter-dlnnsr Mlli, atilit digestion, curs lisuUcti and llllomntu. THUKH-MINUTKTAIiKH Aitoirr NKW Micxiro. Islhnllllnol mi llllistrat ed fohlel il- serlhiliK tin fiilius. lalielies The nrolll, mines mill lowns of New Mexico, t f fruit rnlshiK nro set forth in detail i also fiirt relative to snecii, ennui ami Ki'iierni iiirmiiiit No oilier country possessei such u ilMslrnhli rllmntn nil the )ear around. Write to IC. I, l'alm r, 1'. A. Hniitn Fu lloiilr Oinnlin, Neb, or finariipy. CAPITAL AND CLEANING WORK8. No. llll IV.'I'-vv'C-llfll Mt. wf$r Our 1'ileo for lloth. $'2.50 4.125 4.50 4.50 4.75 11.75 5.25 5.50 4.50 2.50 2.10 11.75 5.25 7.00 2.25 5.25 .'1.25 5.25 2.75 :i.50 :i.75 4.25 4.50 1.50 4.00 4.25 4.00 2.50 4.25 2.25 world, the two iiublicntioiiH costiiu; only a unco of one iCcmittnuccH may Do made . . . i- - in the above list write for our terms. TOILET WHl Nicely decorated In all HhapcH and grades, at ciiioi-.h that command at tenllon, Is tho ftiiii n AT 241 8QUTH I ITH ST., The Itelall l( ih or THE mUlR 60WHH 60.'S NI-JW CUOOKKUY AND (IIjAHH WAUH KHTAIILINHMKNT. OnleiH for special decoratloim and tho replacing of brnkon pIcccH belonging to dinner, tea or toilet hoIh are solicited, Ainaieiir iiecoraien enina lo lie ureii and gilded received daily. 1 i!ll MOUTH UMWI'INTH ST. "tttot MUHT 1IAVH A PA I It OF I oox HK1H CUT HIIOKH, They me warm, good wearorH, And junt the thing. HOMRTIIINa NEW, t THE LATEST STYLES, SHAPES, CUT AND ETC., ONLY n. twv tuisai. ED. 6. YflTES IIDO STREET. VOI MUST IIAVK STVI.ISII CLOT HI NG! I MM fill ul ZjBH ImiSm If OUR FALL STOCK OF OVERCOATS Are not Excelled in . . Style. Fit and Quality AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES. UST.Jiist call in and seo thuin."tg Fin i WflRFEL llOO O Street Cree l arms iim Cherokee IN" Strip. Writs to E. L. Palmer. P. A. Santo Fa Rout Omaha. Neb., for free copy of Uliutratad foldat describing Clieroke Strip, and the Tonkawa, Pawnee and ktckapoo R. i vntlons, toon to be opened for settlement by I V. H. uoiernment. Illllloni of acrea In thai est mirlcultural country under tbeiun,atlln to ihi iickiou uy tne nuitnaman uiowsnarai this U almost the last oasbm to obtain one of uncie uam'i free rami. IbM rdrf