Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1893)
rl!3pr m y a1 .'Hgqgq r t TM& A.1MJR:DAY MOKWTriVO COURIER ft-. tj U k- t? ' If V f it" J i I )r, nml Mr. l..Miy Vlt-lMl II"' Tenth Aiinlirur) r Their Wihll"Ki One ot the largest nn1 muM lUHinit receptions over hold In Lincoln wiih Hint luUl at SI. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church Monday ovontnn, given ly Rov. mul Mi 8. 0.0. Lasby, lt celebrate tho tenth anniversary of their marriage. Special itHtunlili'i-Hliml labored with tlm decorations lit' tlm church anil chtiruti purloiH for Hovnml ditJH with very grati fying results. A profusion of cut Mowers unit tropical plimtn woro placed In every nook anil corner; the chandeliers woro festooned with Hiuilax, while softened light fioin beuutjful parlor luinpH Increased tho beauty of the scone. Tables with placed around tlm rooms, covered witli delicate cloths upon which woro placed vase of Unworn. Tlm many wIiiiIowh worn also, banked with a choice collection of lloworH lend, lug groat beauty anil giving a delightful fragrance. Tho guests woro umt In tlm vestibule by gallant UHhors, who con ducted them to cloak rooms upstairs. In tlm Houth parlor below tlm guestH woro again gtootod '' " presentation committee, who gave tlmin a cordial welcome ami presented tlmin to tho hoHt and ItostcsH. Mr8. Itiwby wiih ut tired In a handsome whltucropo trimmed with duchess luce. Dr. and MrH. Lasby stood in front of a profiiHlon of plantH which worn hanked In tho form of a Homi-alrclo on either side. The Stale orchestra furniHhed delightful mimic and MrH. P. V. M. Haymond favored tlm guests twice during the evening with organ selections. Refreshments woro served in tlm dining room, which wiih a veritable liowor of lioauty with decora tioim of wild v inert and hitter sweet with rod borrlPH and cut lloworH. Tlm tahle HottiiiKH woro charming, wlille thirty pretty young IndioH dispensed colTco and Icuionade with delicate wafers, from 8 until 11 o'clock. There wiih nearly a thoiiBiind people ih attendance. Mr. mill Mr. .Iiilui I.vUIit Olelmite Their Fourth UVtlillnu Aiiiilvermiry. A nuuibor of the frieudH of Mr. and Mm. John Leister invaded their homo ut 2811 S Htroet, Saturday and npont it niont delightful evening In nodal amusements. Tho occanion wiih tho fourth unnivorHiiry of tlm marriage of Mr. und Mm. LoiHtor. Tho guests wero Mr. mid MrH Jorry Martin, Mr. unil fA lf.....tAA ft utiil Afra Ti IV .l 4.0. U..., .-.., ...... ....... .... -. . Lviddon, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. CrouiiHo, Mr. mid Mrs. Parks, Mr. and MrH. O. F. Barrai, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. EriiHt, Mr. ami Mm. Durritt, Mr. uud Mrn. Will Mncfarland, MrH. Llchty, Mm. Freololgh and Dr. Jesse Crouiwo, MIhroh Fieoloigh, Brock and Humpo. Flrtci'iilli AniiUirury. Prosidont and Mre.Cnmn,ot tho WeHt crn Normal coIIoko, celebrated tho tlttconth annlvormiry ot their marriage in a most dollKhttul inannor at their homo in tho college Monday ovoniiiK. Thoy received tho faculty and HtudontH und woro tho rocipiontH of many beauti ful tokonfl ot oHtoom, Including Hovornl handsome pieces of cut ghiHH. KvTli-HI"nrii. Mr. Frank L. Everts und MIhh Anuio Stearna wero united In marriitRo at halt past twelve o'clock Wednesday, at tho renidonco ot Mr. and Mrn. T. F. LubcIi, Twenty.flrBt und J BtreotH. Kov. Lewin Gregory, ot tho First Congregational church, performed tho ceremony, which occured in tho prBonce ot relativca and a few immediate friends. After ,an elaborato wedding breakfast Mr. uud Mrs. Everts dojiarted on an afternoon train for Chicago, whore thoy will re main about two weeks. Ujon their re turn they will bo at homo ut 10-U E street. Mr. Everts, who has held a resixmBiblo position with Lasch Bros, for several years, has u largo acquaintance in this city, and his friends unito in extending the warmest congratulations. Ho is a popular business man, richly deserving the success und happiness which his friends hope will bo his portion. His brido is a most estimable and accom plished young lady, and Ih much, ad mired Those, present at the wedding wero Mr. and Mrs. T, F. LhkcIi, Mr. and Mrn. Fred Draper, Mrs. Everts, Miss Row ling, Mr. Holding, Mr. Hal Xortham, Mrs. Trigg, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Loomis, Mr. Durr Lunch, Miss Amy Lasch, Mlsn Nellie Synder, Misx Carrie. Stearns and Miss Denu Loomis. Wrlulit-Curriuit. Mr, A. C. Wright, of Governor CrouiiKo'ft clerical force, wiih murried Thuisday at noon to Miss Maud Cur rant, a well known lady in Elmwood. Tu ceremony took place at tho homo of the brido in that city. Ail I'.llt Cluli KlitrrtHliml. 'the huudsomo residence of Mr. uud Mrs. D. E. Thompson, so admirably adapted for tho dispensing ot Ixiuntiful hospitality, wuh thrown open Tuesday nl'ht to leceivo tho members of tho Au Fait curd club. High live was the diver sion, tho prizes being won by Mr. und Mrs. Walter 11. llargreuvee. Those present wero Messis. and MesdamesO, 'M. Thompson, B.ll. Cowdery, W. L. Dayton, C'ul Thompson, K, K. Hayden, A. ,G. lieeson, 11 . J. Green, W, M. Leonard, Carl Funke, E. E. Bignull, 8, J.- Alexander, Fred Thompson, F. W. Little, J. K. Honeywell, Howlette, L. C. Ml I Pi Ihur, II. II. Patrick, (). W. Webster, Henry Oliver, W. II. Hargreaves, W. H. Huirmau, MIkh Mae llurr, MIhh Anne Crocker, of Hlmbo)giin, Wis., Miss Olive Latta, Mr. CharleH L. llurr. I'l'llllllt Ht'l'I'lllllHIi Mr. and Mrs. .lohnson, of tlm Lincoln Normal college, gave a charming leeep Hon in honor of tlm faculty one evening liiHtwenk. Thoio was a largo attend ance, Including seveial friends fiom tlm city. Tlm principal fealuio of miter talinuent was tlm reading or a number of choice selections fnnn prominent authoiH, each person being ieiiieHled to give a selection from his or her favorlto author. Seoral lino tableaux were also given and dainty refreshment wero served. Ml. Tiillle'o rmnei'l. Miss Daisy Tuttlo gave a concert at tho First Congregational church Satur day evening for the benellt of tlm In dustrial school fund. Him wiih assisted by the talent of tlm oily and an excel lent program wiih londeied. There was a largo number present, tlm worth of tlm cause and Miss TuHIo'h popularity making tlm entertainment doubly mm cessful. Following in tlm program: Oiuirlolto. , Mr. MiMiliiruH, MIim HwjT, Mr. WurzliiiM, Mr. MrKcnnoy "Tlin Hi.iuifiili Miiimtn" ... MIkhTuIIIii OrKim ' j'niil mul I'l'iimilit", Mr. UrnMii violin iioiniiiiri utiil Miixirkii ii Mr. t.iuniiiro'il . . MUh'I'iiiiIm "Moiiii'' , , . .. li'Art.'TliiiKmiitliiiiH" "I'lio Wiuiilcrcr"..,.. . "Who'unl My Whitlow" CuiiriTlH (Mi'tiilolcHiiliti) .Inwi'l Hiiiim UrKiin Jlrn. HlnhMiil Mr. Wiirrixirx MUk Toll I Mr, l.iimim'ht. MUD Tuttlo Mr. Ilnmii I'liriiiiTK Clnli. Tlm southern division of the Lull caster County Farmers club will meet lit tho residence ot Mr and Mrs. .1. It, Iiowncn NoV. 5J at which tiiiui tlm following program will bo given: Music Miss "Nellie Lownes Recitation lone Cliappel Select Heading Mrs. Ijowiich Heeitation Marguerite Stevenson Recitation Nellie Watson "How Can Our FarmerH Club be Im proved?" I iiiiltPH subject for discussion. Recitation Elsie Uuaugst Select Reading Daisy Oreeuamyro "Which Ih tho Most Proutnbln Way ot Feeding Corn Fodder and Rough ness to Stock, Cut or UiioutY" Subject to bo discussed by gentle men ............................... S. W. Hr.AUitHi.KV, Pi-ch. MrH. C. H. Stkvknhon.Soc. MIhh fr'tml NurprlRiMl. MIsh Emma Ford was pleasantly sur prised Saturday evening by a few friends who helped her celebrate her iltteenth birthday anniversary with games, cards and dancing. MIhh Ford re ceived u number ot beautiful presents. Theguests wero Messrs. Win t Rat hburn, Roy Richards. Homer Webster, Charles Caldwell, George Joers, Howard Rath burn, Will Tyler, Sidney Johnson, Roy Sawyer, Jean and Lou Wekbatigh; Misses Elva Adams, Dot Dunne, Dona Hums, Lota Looks, Bailie Hurkson, Mamie Reed, Edith Pylo, Rose Scott, Olive Finney, lua Hutch, Grace Ford and Maud Tyler. V. W. V, A. The eighth annual state convention ot tho Voting Womun'H Christian associa tion mot In this city yesterday. This meeting wiih one ot the most Interesting over hold In this state, and wiih attended by many talented ladies front ultroad. MIhh Etllo K. Price, of Chicago, Hpoko ycHtordity afternoon on "Tho Association us an Ally of tho Church." MIhh F. M. Hlatchford, Chicago member of the international committee, speaks thin morning on "Young Woman's Christian Association -A Needed Help to tho Homo and tho Church." This evening Miss Price will again speak on "Asso ciation Work in Cities," aftor which tho rooms ot the local association will bo formally dedicated and tho opening re ception to tho public held. Miss Price will BMak Sunday evening in the Con gregational church. Mimic at tlir CuiiKri-Kntluunl Cliun-li. 'PI,..' ii.ltatf. Id jtlii. Pntun'tiiriil t.k.iill church, which is always good, was espe cially excellent last Sunday morning, a hjh'cuu feature living muiioy uncus "Fear Not Ye,'' beautifully rendered by Mrs. Harriot Dement Packard, ot Chi cago, wIio.Ih visiting friends in Lincoln. It was a rare treat to hear this noted solo as it wan rendered by Mrs. Packard. To an Intelligent and correct conception ot tho idea ot tho iiiubIc she adds thorough conscientiousness in its delivery, and a voice that is powerful, ilexlble and true and equal to all tho doiuundsot tho solo, Kuiplrc cluli. Mr. and MrH. D. E. Thompson enter-' tained tho Empire club Thursday even ing inn most charming manner. It wiih thotlrst of the club's series of uveitis, and with a largo attendance and manifest zest, it was particularly enjoyable. t'oiu-rt ut Mucoid Xnrnuil There wits au enjoyable concert ut the Lincoln Normal University Tuesday evening, selections wero given by Mrs. Ada Liddle, Mr. Henrich Leituer, Miss Frances Wright, Mr. Herbert Oldham and Mr. G. A, Spelbriug. An Ire Crmiii Nm'lul. A very much voxed question about u dish of ice cream, which split a church, caused u number ot resignations und removulsit prominent brethren, uud hits occupied tho uttention of every court in tho Southern Presbyterittu church dur ing so vend years, cuiuo up again ltuit week in tho Missouri Presbytery. Tho seat of tho trouble Ib tho church ut Aux Vasso, Cullawuy county, Mo. During the preparutionii for a church social there some five years ago, a difference ot opinion arose among the members as to tlm price that should bo charged for a dish of Ice cream. In tlm peculiar way Hiieh seeming trivialities do perturb and cause heartburnings through a church, did this cream question work, until it Involved tlm entire church membership and a factional feud wiih the result. Tlneo members resigned, tho elder wiih removed, the ease was carried before tho Piesbytory, appealed to tlm synod, ami further appealed to tlm gonoral assembly. In tlm latter august body, lopresenllng every Presbytery in tho church, so intense wiih tlm interest In the great question that tlm matter was finally thrown out by u votn of 70 to 71. It went back to IheMlssourl Presbytery uud lust week this body appointed a committee to visit tlm Aux Vasso church and try to settle tho trouble. No opln ions are olTored on tho result, Winni'ii' ('lull. "Hub" does not iipprmoof women'H clubs. SlmsajH: "What la tlm matter nowadays with lovely woman? When two or three of her are met together she invariably wants to call it a club and begin to lie parliamentary. Eve's daughters are not clubbable. When a few nice women meet, have a pleasant time, arrange to emtio together soon again and keep on meeting informally evcr week or so, It's delightful. Hut the very minute that the woman enters who has once belonged to a club the leaven of uuhapplness comes; a pros! dent is elected, rules are made, tlm women squabble and they earn for descriptions of their meetings to bo written up in tho ucwspupcis. I once hud for two months the doubtful felicity of belonging to a club and dining that time I heard imue bad English, Haw mote envy, hatred, malice ami all tin cliui itithloiicHH, and eame neaierto los ing my own self-respect than ever before because I belonged to the sex that all that club did." .11 1 h. I'lH'liunl In Lincoln. Mis. Harriet Dement Packard, of Chicago, has been entertained lecently M the homes of her fi lends, Mr. and Mrs. Mcnzcndnrf, Miss Demi Loomis, and Mr. II. 11. Hicks. Mis. Packard is u favorite soprano soloist in Chicago. She will give it series of concerts this fall in tho larger western cities, and later will go to New York to engage in grand opera and concert work. Mrs. Packard him delighted a number of Lincoln people while hero with her spirited and delightful art. On WodncH day evening of last week she favored those present at the sociable of tho Women's Christian association, with it brilliant rendition of tho waltz song, "Tho Cliarmer," and rescinded to a hearty encore with a ballad. Tho few frlendH. however, who woro atau informal gathering at Mis. Men zendorf'H on Thursday evening heard MrH. Packard at her best. Hho ren dered some dilllcult selections, chief of which was tho aria, "Hoi Raggio,'' front "Soinjruinido," In which Mih. Packard won pronounced huccohs at the Schiller theatre In Chicago last May. Mrs. Packard charms alike with her brilliant, clean execution of the most tlorid arias, and with the dramatic in tensity which she imparts to the grand master pieces she interpiots, exhibiting au unusual tango" of voice, perfectly placed throughout the entire compusH. Minor Mention. Miss F. M. Hlatchford, member" of the international committee ot tlm Young WoinuiiH Christian association, who Ih also the representative ot the Kvangcl tho olllclal organ of tho association arrived in Lincoln Thursday to attend the convention, A. reception was given Friday even ing hy tho membeisof tho congregation of Trinity M. E. church corner of Six teenth and A streets where a greeting wiih extended to their pastor, Rev. Dr. Huntington and Ills family. Mrs. L. Wesscl and daughter left for St. Joseph yesterday in company with her brother, Mr. W. 11. Ehrlich, to visit relatives for a week, during which timo Mr. Wessel will visit Chicago on busi ness and pleasure bent. Miss Hrownio Haum, ot Omaha, camo down to attend the Pleasant Hour club reception lust week, and remained for Hovernl days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Thompson. Mrs. Victor Vifqiiain, Mr. Charles Vifqtiaiu, und Misses Carrie, Theresa and Joslo Vifquuin left Tuesday for Chicago on their way to Panama to join the general. Mr. John K. Doane, of Denver, has accepted tho iKtsitlon of secretary' ot tho Y. M. O. A., and arrived in tho city this week. He will take up his work im mediately. Tho ladies of the" Vino Htreet Congre gational church, corner Twenty-llfth and Vine street, gave au oyster Htipper in tho cliur ,h purlors Wednesday even ing. Char (land MrH, Cantleld enter tained cut llM people ut their homo last 1 u uy evening, the occasion being it reunii of tho stuto university faculty. Mr. Earl Hridgmau, of Ohio, who has siMJitt several months in this city tho guest of his uncle, Mr. 11. C. Young, left for homo via tho world's fair Thursday. The friends ot Mr. uud Mrs. Elmer E. Henklo will egret to hear of the death ot their little child, Leonard who died at 5 o'clock Thursday evening, Mr. und Mrs. Hrad D, Slaughter, of Fullerton, wero tho guests ot Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Lansing in their box at the Lansing theatre Monday evening. i Colonel Robert G. Ingorsoll, who lec tured at the Lansing Wednesday even ing, wiih accompanied to tho city by his daughter, Miss Maude Ingersoll. MessrH Frank.C. Zohrting and Frank I Polk left Tuesday afternoon for Chicago. They will remain to witness tlm closing corcmnuicHof the fair. Miss May North, of CoIuiiiIi'ih, who has been tho guest of tho MIhhoh Cowdery the last few weeks, went to Fremont Wednesday. Mr. and MrH. 11. C. Young are enter taining the former'fl mother. Mrn. Young, ami daughter, MIhh Ella Young, of Pomcroy, O. There will bo a buslnesH meeting of tlm Pleasant Hour club at tho otllco of Tiik CouuiKii, Monday, at I'J L'lock UOOjI. Mr. William H. FiilkeiHon returned to his homo in Heat rice thin week, after a 'pleasant visit with relativeH in tills city. Tho Epworth League held Hh regular quarterly session In the chapel or the Wesleyan university Thursday evening. Mcshih. Paul Holm. A. I). Kitchen, Ed. R. Hizer and J. J. Gillllau left Mon day for tho Columbian exposition. MIhhoh Kittle and Alice Cowdery and Mr. Frank Cowdery left WedncHday morning for Chicago and the fair. Governor Lorenzo Crotinso and Hon. Church Howe occupied a box at the Lansing theatre Monday evening. Judge J. N. Dalby. of Sedalia, Mo., wiih tho guest of hm brother, Dr. S. R. Dulby HiIh week. Mr. John Kimball and Mind Kate Kim ball left Wednesday Tor the Columbian oxKnltion. Mr. W. II. Ehrlich, of St. Joseph. Mo., spent Sunday with Mr. and MrH. Ijoii Wessel. Mr. JIosh Hammond, of the Fremont Tribune, was in the city during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Foxworthy uru enjoying the beauties of the White City. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hull, Friday morning, Oct. IS), a daughter. Mr. Frank Easterday him recovered from an attack of typhoid fever. Tim Misses Cowdery and Miss North spent last Saturday in Omaha. Mr. Stuart Shears left Tuesday for Denver to remain a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Win. M.Clark are enjoy ing u visit ut tho world'B fair. Mr. Will Hammond left Monday for tho Columbian exposition. Mr. John Doauo and Miss Doane left Thursday for Aiiioh, Iowa. Mr. Will S. Jay, of the Call, left Wednesday for Chicago. Mr. Sam E. Low is enjoying it brief visit at tho world's fair. MrH. R. L. Garten left during the week for the Whito City. Mr. Georgo J. Woods returned Thurs day front Chicago. Mr. Fred W. Houtz left Monday for the world's fair. Mr. Fred Royco has returned front the world's fair. Mr. P. O. Hod hind wan in Omaha Monday. Mr. A. D. Ricketts lelt Thursday for Chicago. Whiskers that are prematurely gray or faded should bo colored to prevout tho look ot age, und Huckingham's Dye excels all others in coloring brown cr black. A choice lino of furs just received at tlm Ashiiy Cloak Co. huvrrolKii. llumphreys' Specitics cure without drugging, purging, or reducing the system, and aro in fact and deed tho Sovereign Remedies of the world. Nover order an invitation until you have seen tho samples of the work lono hytho now Courior Publishing Co. Fine now lino ot business suitings from $23 to&Oin Scotch and homespuns Jeckell Bros., 110 north Thirteenth street, near Lansing theatre. No such lino of canned fruits in the city as shown by W. A. Collin & Co., 143 South Eleventh street. TourNt fur lu Callfornlu-Clii'iip itule, Uult'k Trip. The travel front the north and north west territory, tapped Tho Great Rock Island routo, has demanded servlco of this character, und beginning Octobor 5, tourist cars will leave Minneapolis every Thursday morning und join tho regular tourist train out of Chicago every Thursday afternoon ut Columbus Junc tion, Iowa, at 11 p. in. Central Iowa and tho great west slope district of tiiat state, demands and will receive a similar servico, and beginning October 10, it Phillips-Rock Island ex cursion car will leave Albeit Lea every Tuesday morning, and via Livormore, Ft. Dodgo ami Angus, will arrive at DeH Moines that evening, and Wednesday it. m. go west on tho "Rig Fivo," via Omaha, Lincoln uud Relleville, at which point it will join the regular Tuesday train from Chicago. Full particulars us to cheap rate tickets for this trip, and also as to cost of berth in the tourist car cheerfully given on application to any Great Rock Island routo ticket agent, or agent at coupon stations of connecting lines. Jno. Skuahtian, G.-P. A. Cuioaoo. (CURES) VdS i - i tZK.x 'ur rcsvv ftljiIC i ruoo SUttr ip d, lUt. ollj CLEAR LONG LIFE m m n$-,,ii "Vhv UP' i nrvNM Hi)lti MENTALl STRONG ENERGY NERVES ,-T AUPQ'C Sarsaparilla Iv.n nt lllllilmin, vn., .vail tlili ti'illiniiny to tlm (ncriMiii Ayor's Hnrriimillm: "Hocnil j cms nen, I hurt my leit, U.i ho Inlnryleiivlng ii tore wlilclt led to crj Miwliii. My Miflerln leg, f i mil nun to (lie U1 ururiicxtieinu. inv niikln, being a nolld norc. which tie oiu K ct lie urn i mi to ex- tend to other pnrM of tlm tiody. Abet lryln unlmii remedies. I lieuim taktnir Amt' fl.irsnparlllit, mid, hemic 1 lind llnltlicil tliu Hist bottle, t experienced gieat lellefj tho second bottle, cllecled a coinplcto cine." Ayer't Sarsaparilla I'rcpwedbyDr.J.G. Ayur& Co., Lowell, Mum. Ci reothers,will cure you 'JTIM3 KfORISTS. WcKruw mul nlwnjH IniM' ROSES CARNATIONS, CHKYSANTHliMUNS, VIOMSTS And nil kinds of Decorating and Flowering Plants. TBN OREKNIIOUSBS anii BIVB ACRES . . . Wholly devoted to Flowers ami Plants. CITY STORE 1134 O STREET. CITY ORECN HOUSE I0TH AND O STS. TELE. 304 Mnlii Kreen ImiiHiil in tin went Union college. FOR CHOICE GUT FLORAL DECORATIONS, WEDDING UND FUNERAL DESIGNS Special attention given to the grow ing of now and choice roses. Carnations and all kinds of greenhouse plants. CONHISHVAYOHV, PHONE 344. COR. 6 AND 17TH SIS. AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOR THE ONLY AUTHORIZED llydiill llniullliiii, IiIh literary executor, with tlm co-opcratlim of liU fainlly, mul for Mr. lllalne's roiiiplptu vorkn, "Twenty YenrH of ('oiiuriM!i.M mul IiIh )ntir iMiok. ,l1,ilitlrl Din- ctixHioiiH, ' bun iini.ipct'tiiH for Ilii'Hii tliri'O lx'st bookH in tho marki'tn. A. K. V. .Ionian, of .Maine, took 11- orilers Iroin llrst 11(1 calls; iiweiitH irolit Mrn. Ilallanl, of Ohio, iook 1.1 orilerH, 1:1 Sent HuhmIii, in oru ilay; protlt -JI.-4A. II. N. lilce, of MimtmrliuaettH, took -J7 orilerH In two ilm! nrollt lk4?.1iil. .1. l'nrt- riilK. of Mnliie, took 4!l onlern from :l culls; lirollt V7n,-4.t. i;.A. t'almor, or ortli Dakota, took .M orilers In :i da) s ; prollt II8.',,5. llxclu-1 clvn Territory Kit en. If jouu Initio niako lnrKo 1 nionc-y. write mnneiiiateiy tor terms id ( THE HENRY Bill PUB. CO., NORWICH, CONN. A Yrur'n SiiIihi''IiIIoii to Any One of tlie 1'iillon lnf raiierK ! LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES. To any one Bonding ub 812.00 for a year's subscription in advance, wo will give Hreo a year's subscrip tion to any mm of the abovo papers, any one of which the regular subscription prico is 91.00 to 91.50. Remember you got ono free with a year's subscription to tho Courier. 13.50 worth of good reading for f2.00. SUN TOR SK1IK Nil As this odor will only hold good for a short timo, Address COURIER PUB. CO., I ,....,, Ofllco PJ01 O St., Lincoln, Neb. CHRPIN BROS i Br BEvBBBBBH Dr. T. O'Connor, (Boecoior to Dr. Clmrlci RunrlM.) CURES CANCERS. TUMORS, M 'V nn nnil FMulnn nllhiiul t tit nn nt Knit, Chloroform or lltlier. tii I3M O .Strwt-Uwetl block. LINCOLN, NEB. cnimir.ii 'lump 'J!l. ITIIMSIIINd at. I1ii!iixhi Oillro mi O St HUMPHREYS Dr, llutnplirrv' Hpeclllm nrocleutlflcnlljrand urnfullr ureiiatvd lUmcdlei. unci for renri In prtvnto practice und for over thirty yeim by tho peoplo with entire bucci-m. Every lnglo Sjieclflo nix-clal euro for the ilbcofo nanied. They euro without ilrtiRRlnir, inimliiK or reducing the njrttem and nro In fact mid deed tho Noverrlf n llrmrdlei or I ho WorlJ. yo, CI RKf. rilOBi. 1 FeTCM, Con(tetlon, Inflarnmnttonj.. .iifl a Worm, Worm Fever, Worm Colio US 3-Teethlngt Colic, Crj Inir, WakefulnoH ,39 4-Ilrrben, of Children or Adult 35 7-CoubIih. Col(t, Bronchitis 33 8-Neurnlaln, Toothache, Fnceache. 33 B-Ucadnchi-P, hlclc Headache, VcrtlRo.. .33 le-llyupcpulii. ItllloiuneM,Coiitliatlon. .35 11 HapprcHBed or I'm Infill rerlod... .35 13-WblUiM, Tool'ioluiHjI'crlod 35 13-Croup. l.nrrnttltl. HoancneM 35 14-Hnlt Uheuiii, Kolpela'.Eruptloni.. .35 15-ltheumnllNin, Hheumatlo Taliu 35 18-Mnlnrln, Chllln, Fever and Apio .35 19-C'ntnrrh, Inlluenia, Cold In tho Head. .35 3Q-Vhaoplwr Cough ''& 37-Kldnrjr IlUennen -S 38-NervauB lleblllty :" 30-Urlnnry Wcnknean, Wcttlnn lied . .35 II!!MlIIltEYH, WITCH IIAZF.I, OIL, "Tho Pile OliUiiifnt."-TrUI HUe. 25 L'li. Bald lr Prn(lti,or lint piiiTlil on rlrl of prl. Dm. llurrt' M.nuiL (III im,) muled ran. ucarHRKTB',innuiui ., biwiobi. SPECIFICS. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry, Best Dining Car Service In the World. TO THE WORLD'S FAIR TAKC THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE FROM THE "WEST. Xemtmbtr, thl Zilu ha DpotforU trains at Engiawood (luburbor Otiloago), cIom to th world' rlr Oat. TAKE THE ROCK ISLAND. JNO. SEBASTIAN, 6. T. AND P. A. CMICAfiO, ILL. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO 1 u iinutii Oil IHE CREST OflHEAUEGIIAiiltS. (Main Lino I). & O. It. It.) SEASON OPENS JUNE 15, 18. Rates, fCO, 75 and 00 a month, ac carding to location. Address GEORGE D. Df.SIIIELDS, Manager, Cumberland, Mil., up to Juno 10: aftor hat date, either Deer Park or Oakland, iJiirrott county, Mil, FREB PnmphleU deioriblng tb rosouroo of KANSAS, ARIZONA, OKLAHOMA, NEW MEXICO and CALIFORNIA, Uiir hn had by ixtdrcmlnir O. T.' Nlcliolion, 0, .V T. A., A. T. A H. V. It. It., Topeka, Ksdiii jiemion mil puper. 1 EKK3kS&PTH&&&zi A mm