Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, October 21, 1893, Image 8

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    Pw-m "
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Th umlrniUnwl hereby lM
notice tlmt I
in .,i in rtoimiial hln fur or imr any nem n
e tirrwl by cmpi
. nnler U aiv
rule 11 Imtiers
employe'", nirept th.-ir wlilelt 1 1
iven iiprminntly slum! ".".,"
mi., Mny it i"'
ow 'rnic
ddhlop urn
JV- ! Xotil Jte Co.
J37 O Street
The Courier run He found at
Hotel Lincoln Now Bland.
Windsor Hotol News Stand.
Capital Hotel Nowa Stand.
P 4 Ihulo Clgnr Btoro, 1020 O St.
h'l. Young, law 0 St.
Glason Fletcher A Co., 1120 O St.
Mooro's Nowa Stand, 118 So. 11th Bt.
Coubikr Onico, 1201 O St.
Archio Enalgn,2l7 So 11th Bt.
. puRATtya.msTLe., , , t
Wlll-j'ottwarrr a curate, Mis Kliielr ' '
Will ni wed llh ft rjivcri'iiil linn,
Willi Imitilriil nml twpiity pmimM yearly
Ami Klml loRot tlmt lfliocnT
Will you never iiiIm vricrHi)rTnntln?
Will you visit the pour In the rain?.
Will )'i vlvn up your nllkn unci your ratln
Ami ear nliittliKin anil moumcllnc ! lalae?
You have very nice ankles, dear Kthel,
And ii flKuro with scarce any fault".
Can you bear, then, to give up tho lauccra
And tmlv look on nt ft waltz?
Will yon lay by Mozart ami lkethovon
Tho Courier Publishing
company la prepared to do nil
kinds of printing, lino work,
especially, at moderuto prlcon;
also nngravlng, wedding In
vltatlona, calling enrda, etc.,
Call and wo samples.
Satubuay Morminii
1201 0 otrcot.
To teach Buntlay ichoot ohllilren to squall,
And Initeatl or your puiiuiuit aim (ikiucmng
Draw maps oftho journeys of Paul?
Can you pleam tho entire cotia-rejrallou
Krep all the soclotles hoi
Barely "rained If you'ro fit for the station
And roundly abated If you'ro not?
Can you dUrcsard sneering and cnrnlnit
Cause at homo you'ro to work llko n beet
Will you help to make ths bed In the morning
And out bread and butter (or tea?
Can you drudge all tho day without pltyr
Can you darn, aew and stitch andnot tiro?
Will yuu til on tha ladles committee
And warble your belt In tha cholrf
Will you aland by your husband whan alighted
By men who wake light of hie pains,
Who have far mora than ten times hla Income
And far leaa than halt of hla brains
Married bishops may esslly mingle
Worldly wlidom with warning ao dour.
Bat I've taken no vowa to keep tingle,
Though p'rhapa I may always bo poor.
Then If aa the wlfo of a curat
You could live, dear, aay "Yea' without fuss.
Don't be daunted by prelate obdurate
And vladden your own Clcrlcui.
London Tit-Bite,
both standi nml well dUclpllmil I'l.e
nicnus.of fxlt were kIiii lot utniuli. A i " -
of Iron trellis tamo up tmvltliln inyiuioli
of tho whitlow nml Imlilliuilly invd b,"
all three of tia when modestly niixtotin Id
avoid p'llilla J'otla'. Harold climbed tkflly
down tho porch llko u white rut, I. a
nightgown glimmered u nument mi ti i
pmvuk'd walk cro ho waalo.ttoalfjitl
tha darkness of the shruhbciy, A bii
Interval of sllrnco ensued, brol.tnsmMii 1;
by a aound of aculTlo mid then a hIiiI
lotiK drawu aqtienl, na of uitlnlllcMirfut
In friction. Our acouthnd fallen lutotu
handaof tlmehomyl i
Indolence alone had dcvolvu tlm
taak of luveatlftHtl(n on our younuct lnolh
rr. Now that danger hod declared lud
there waa no healtatloti. In n accund wo
wcro down tho nldo of tho porch nml cr.iw !
InK Cherukre wlae throii((h the luiireU to
the back of the (tardin acat. Pltcoux wai
the eight that Kreetcd ua. Aunt Mnrlu win
on tha aeat, in a wlilto ovoulnic frock, look
Ing-for an auut-rcally quite nice. On tho
laws atood nu luccnard ouruto, gruHplnp;
our amnll brother byn large ear, which
Judglnn from the row ha wim inukliiK
aeunitd oh the point of parting coinp.iny
with tho head It adorned, Tho erewaomo
1 nolae ha waa mittltiK did not really aflect
ua otberwlne tlinn tethetlcally. To one
who haa tried both, the wall of uonuine
phyalcal aaguUh la easily dUtlngulalmblu
from the pumped up ud inlscrlordlam blub
ber. Uarold'a could clearly be recognized
aa belonging to tho latter claim. "Now,
you young" (whelp, I think It warn, but
Edward atoutly maluUilim it waa devil)
aald tho curate aternly, "tell ua what you
mean by III"
"Well, Uggo of my car, theul" akrillud
Harold, "and I'll tell you tha aoUmn
"Very well," agreed tho curat, relenting;
K-" ' I
Nos. 5
Whltebrcaat Coal nnd Llmo Co.
Bathing capa at Rootor'a ritarmacy.
Jocltoll Broa. Tallora, 110 north Thlr
taonth atrcot.
David P. Slnw, dontlat, rooma 12 u
13 Hurr block.
Canon Cty coal ut tho WliUobrcuat
.Coal and )Cilmo Co.
Imported and domeatlo toilet aoapa ut
Reotor'a Pharmacy.
An entire now line of ladlea' card caaea
and pocket booka at Boctor'a Pharmucy.
"The Boat" Laundry, !WM i) atreot
telephone 670, II. Townaond k Co., pro.
Yrfetprt, Uacoln, Neb.
'Por dance and outlnga thera la no
met muelc In Nebraaka aa thataupplled
by the Nebraaka atato oreheetra.
, Reduced Bate by Mlaaourl PaciHc
will be given to St. Louia from July 20
to October 31. Very low ratoawlll bo
oaaale and thla will bo an excellent
chance to vlatt tho Rroateat carnival
elty in America. Cull on noaroat ticket
aaentM. P. railway for Information, oi
jTk R Mlllor 1201 0 atrcot, Lincoln
Neb., or H.O. Townaond G.P.A. St,
Louie, Mo.
When, you want prompt aorvico and
fair treatment and tho eoloctlon from
the largeat atock of grocerlea In Lincoln
all on W. A. Coffin & Co., buccoaaora to
4. UUler, 113 South Elovonth atrcot.
Ualter'a market, old rellablo markot,
ttow moved to Thirteenth atroot, oppoaito
Laaatng theatre, la where ladlea ahould
all for their meat ordera. Telephone
orders over No. 100 receive prompt at
tention. Protector Swala'a ladlea tailoring and
drew cutting achool. Thorough Inatruc
tioae. Leatona not limited. Oreasmuk
tag done with diepatch on ahort notice.
Patterns cut to moaaure and all work
Aak your groceryman for tho "Wllber
Rolling Mills" Flour, Chua. Harvey, pro
prktor. Inquire tor
'Little Hatchet,"
"Nlcklo Plato," and
"Bakcra" Conatanco."
Every aack warranted.
W. O. UavU, . . K.,
Diacaaca of tho teeth, mouth and face.
Rooma G01-2-3, Braco blk., cor. 15th und O.
Kye and Kar Hurgvon.
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculiat and nuriat
No. 1203 O Btreot, Liucolu, Nob.
The Union I'aclHo Cut lUtea.
Denver, one wuy. t 9.00
Denver, round trip '.u.t
Pueblo, Colorado Sprlnga and Chojenm
thnaamo ruto.
Chicago, one wuy
Chicago, round trip 11J5
St Louia. round trip 10.05
Full Information cheerfully given m
1D14 O atreet, aoutbweat cor. O and 11th.
J. ,T. Mamtin, K. B. Slohhon,
City Ticket Agt Cen. Agt
Moving KontM.
Ooavcaient marketa, good soil, pure
water and excellent climato aro advan
tages to bo considered when looking up
a home, business location, farm, otc.
Maryland and the Virginias afford these,
with many more advantages. Improved
farm lands, adapted to atock raising.
dairying, grain, grass and fruit growing
can be obtained at low prices and upon
easy terms. Thriving towns invito the
gsrrchant, mechanic and business mm.
Abundance of eoal, timber, ore, water
pswsr, etc Free sites formanu.
'For fHrtksrlnformation. address M. V
Wshards, Land and Immbrratioi Ageat
1740.11 R., UsrtiSMKO, Id.
It waa much too fine s night to think of
going to lied nt once, and ao, although the
witching hour of 0 p. in. had atruck, Ed
ward ami I were atlll leaning out of tho
open window In our nlghiahlrts, watching
the play of the cedar branch ahadowaon
tha moonlit lawn, and planning schemes of
freeh duvlltry for the aunahlny morrow.
From iwlow, strains of the jocund piano
declared that the Olympians were enjoying
themaelvea In their lUtleaa Impotent way,
for the new curate had beta bidden to din
Ber that nlul.t and waa at the moment ua
clerically proclaiming to all the worW that
be feared no foe. Hla discordant voclfera
tlona dnubtleaa started a train of thought
1b Edward'a mind, for the youth premmtly
remarked, apropos of nothing tbnt had
been aald be' re, "I believe tho uowcurate'a
rather gono on Aunt Maria."
I acoutcd tho notion. "Why, she's qulto
old I" I aald. She mutt havo aeeu aome
flvoand twenty aummers.
"Of courao ahe la," replied Kdward acorn
fully. "It'a not her, It'a ber money he'a
after, you bet."
"Didn't know aha had say money," I ob
served timidly.
"Sure to have," said my brother, with
confidence. "Heape and heaps."
Silence ensued, both our minds bolng
busy ou the snnio problem how thla con
ditlnn of things, If it existed, could be
turned to advantage,
"Bobby Ferris told me," began Edward
in due course, "that when a fellow was
spooning bis stater onoe they used to em
ploy him to carry notes and meaaageM nnd
things between them, and he got a snilllng
almost every tltael"
"What, froaaeaaa of thessf" I lunoosutly
V.l.-t lukta&Ji b .I.L a.1 mIIm
"Girls never have any money," he briefly
explained. "Butsbodld bis exercises and
got him out of rows and told stories for
Elm when he needed it and much better
ones than he could huvonutdu up for him
self. Olrla areuxeful In aome ways. So he
was living in clover when unfortunately the
two quarreled about something. Bobby
waa fairly cornered, for he hud bought two
ferrets ou tick and promised to pay n -.hilling
sweek, thinking this happy state of
things would lost forew. Something had
to be done, of eourxe .sowhen tho week wss
up, and taewus living dunned for tho shil
ling, be went off to the fellow nnd saldt
'Yoir heurthroken Dulls implores you to
meet her this evening at sundown, by the
hollow oak as of old, be it only for n
moment. Do not fall I' He got all
that out of a book of course. The fellow
looked putzled nnd Mid. 'What hollow
oskf I don't know any hollow oak.' 'Per
hape It waa the Royal Oak?' sstd Bobby
promptly, seeing ho had made a altp
through trusting too much to the book,
but thla didn't stem to make the fellow
any happier, for tho Royal Oak, you know,
is rather s low sort of bouae, ss pubs go.
At last the fellow said, 'Well. I think I
know where she mesas, the hollow tree la
your father's paddoek. It happens to bs
sa slut, but aha wouldn't kuow the differ
eaes. All right; say I'll bs there. Bobby
hung about a bit, for be hadn't got hU
mosey,. 'She was crying awfully,' bs said.
Then be got his shilling."
"And wasn't the fellow riled," I Inquired,
'when he got to the place and found noth
tsgf" '
"He found Dobby," aald Edward Indig
nantly. "Young Ferris waa a gentleman.
av.ery Inch of him. lie brought the fellow
another message from Bellst 'I dare not
leave the bouse. My cruel parent immure
me closely If you only kuew what I suf
ferl Your broken hearted Belial' Out of
the same book. This made the fellow a
little suspicious, for it was the old Ferrlses
Who had beeu keen about the match all
through. The fellow, you see, hod tin.
However, he couldn't exactly call Bella's
brothers young liar, ko Bobby escaped for
tho time. , But when he whs in a hols next
week over a stiff French exercise, and
tried the same sort of game on his sister,
she was too sharp for him, and be was
caught out. Somehow women seem mors
mistrustful than men. They're so beastly
suspicious by nature, you know I"
"I know," s.ld I. "But did the two the
fellow and the sister make it up after
ward!" "I don't remember about that," replied
Edward Indifferently, "but ' Bobby got
packd off to school a whole fear earlier
tuun ma people una meant to stun mm:
which was just what He wanted.
see it all eanie right la the cud!"
I was trying to puasle out the moral of
this story It was evidently meant to con
tola one somewhere when a flood of gold
en lamplight mingled with the- moon rsys
on ths lawn, and Aunt Maria and the new
curate strolled out on the grass below ns
and took the direction of a garden seat that
him; "now go ahead and don't llo moru
than frnil run linlt, "
Wa sbode the promised disclosure with
out the least nilsgivlni, but oven wo hud
hardly given Harold due credit for his fer
tility of resource and powers of Imagina
tion. "I had just finished saying my prayers,"
began thatyounggeutlemanslowly, "whin
I happened to look out of the window, and
on the lawn I saw a sight which frozu the
marrow In my velnat A burglar was np-
E reaching the bouse with snakelike trcaul
shod a sco .and a dark lantern, aud he
waa armed to the tecthl"
We listened with interest. The style,
though unlike Harold'a native notes,
seemed strangely familiar.
"Go on," said the uurute grimly.
Pausing In hla stealthy career," con
tlnued Harold, "ho gave n low whistle. In
stantly tho v-blstlo was responded to, and
from tho adjacent shadows two mora llg
bresrgtldwl forth. The mlscreunU were
both armed to the teeth."
"Excellent," said tho curate. "Proceed."
'The robber chief," pursued Harold,
warming to his work, "joined his nefarious
comrades and conversed with them in silent
tones. His expression was truly ferocious,
and I ought to have sold that ho wan armud
to the t"
"There, never mind hla teeth," inter
rupted the curate rudely; "thero's too much
Jaw about you altogether. Hurry up and
inve done."
"I was In a frightful funk," continued
the narrator, warily guarding his eut with
his hand, "but just then tho drawing room
window opened and you and Aunt Maria
came out I mean emerged. Tho burglars
vanished silently Into tho laurels with hor
rid implications!"
, The curatu looked slightly puzsled. The
talewaswellsustAlued nnd cert alnlydrcum
stantial. Afteralh the boy might have really
seen somethiug. How was the noor man to
kuow though tho chaste and lofty diction-
might have supplied a hint that tha whole
yarn was a free adaptation from the last
penny dreadful lent us by the knife und
boot boy? "Why did you not ularm the
house?" he oiiked. "
"I was afraid," said Harold sweetly,
"that they would not believe me!"
"But how did you get down here, you
naughty little boy r" put In Aunt Murla.
Harold wus hard pico&ea ny hi. oWn
flesh aud blood tool At that moment Ed
waid touched me on the shoulder mid
glided off through the laurels. When sonic
10 yards away, ho gave i. low whtstle. I' re
plied by another. Tho effect was magical.
Aunt Maria started up with a shriek.
Harold gave onu startled glance around
and then fled like a hare, made straight for
the back door, burst In upou the servants
at supper and burled himself in the broad
.bosom of the cook, his special ally. Thu
curato faced the laurels hesltatiugly. But
Aunt Murla fluug herself ou him. "Oh,
"Mr. Hodgltts," I heard her cry, "you aro
brave for my soke do uot bo raibl" Ho
was not rash. When I peeped out a second
later, the coast waa entirely clear.
By this time there wcro sounds of a
household timidly emerging, and Edward
remarked to me that perhapa we had bet
ter be off. Retreat was au easy matter. A
stuuted laurel gave s leg up onto tho gar
den wall, which led in Its turn to the loof
of an outhouse, up which, at a dubious
angle, we could crawl to the window of
the boxroom. This overlund route had
been revealed to us by the domes
tie cat when hard presKvd in tho course of
an otter hunt In which the cat somewhat
unwillingly was fllllug the tltlo rolo, mid
it had proved distinctly useful ou occasions
like tho present. Wo were snug iu bed
minus some cuticle from kuees aud olbows
aud Harold, sleepily chowiug something
etlcky, had been carried up Iu tho arms of
the friendly cook ero thu clumor of. tho
burglar hunters had dlud away.
The curattt's undaunted demeanor, as re
ported by Auut Mnrlu, was generally sup
posed to have tetrilled tha burglars into
flight, and much kudos accrued to him
thereby. Somo duya later, however, wheu
ha had droppeO Into afternoon lea and was
making s mild curatorial joke about the
moral courage required for taking tho last
piece of breud and butter, 1 full constrained
to remurk drvamily, und, as It were, to the
universe at large, "Mr. Hodgltts, you are
brave formy sake do uot bt rash!"
Fortunately for me, the vicar was also a
'caller ou that day, and It wiu always a
. sv-kni t-vsi -ss r I(j'lv uA.v hiBttAn t ttiuirtn mV
OO lO&kt itntVaV' wtMaarl fflfefwi tti tliu rttu.vs k't.nriHtk
'ctransmo in isauonui uuserver.
Tipping thu Hat to Ladles.
It Is believed that the custom of raising
ths hst In saluting ladles is derl v. d from
the days of chivalry, when the knights un
helmed before ladles, that bv so dolint ther
wss backed by a dense laurel shrubbery . nilglft forego the, advantages which their
reaciuug ruuuu iu nun cncie to me Armor couierreu upon litem rviiuuring
house. Edward meditated moodily. "If
ws only knew wt they were talking
about," aald he, "n 'd soon see whether I
was right or not. Look berel Let's send
the kid down by the porch to reconnolterl"
"Harold'a asleep," Isold; "it seems rather
a shsme"
"Ob, retl" ssid my brother, "he's ths
ysungett, SBd he's got to do aa he's told!"
So the luckless Harold was hauled out of
bed and glveu bis sailing orders. Be wss
naturally rather vexed at being stood up
suddenly ou the cold floor, and the job bad
as Bartieular iatsrsst for him, but bs wss
them defenseless end st the same time by
such set declare their belief thut woman
wss the soul aud fountain of houor. Pitts
burg Dispatch.
A ContHM'ls i.
Foreigner I don't liks your Amerieaa
Native Why notf
"Ob, It Is ao new."
"Well, It la better to have It new snd
fresh than old aud decayed, aa yours la, I
guess." Detroit Free 1'ress.
1121-1123 N STREET.
o.ii.i-I?fi)ox,M rind JMxigecaasli-soa lx till as
nnd escavo money tliosie licircl til-no.
3 2
O -
Regular Yearly Regulnr l'rlco
hud. rnco. fit lioth.
$1,50 Cosmopolitan Magazine nnd tho Courier $.'U0
4.00 Ilurpor'n Magazine and tho Courier 0.00
4.00 Hurpor'a Weekly und tho Cotirior 0.00
4.00 Hurper'a Bazar and tho Courier 6.00
1.00 Tho Century Mugnzino nnd tho Courier 6.00,
3.00 Scribnor's MiiKiizino and the Courier 5.00
Ti.00 "Puck" and tho Courier. 7.00
0.00 "Lifo" and tho Courier 7.00
4.00 Frank LcbIIo'h and thu Courier 6.00
1.7ft Youths Companion (now) nnd tho Courier .'1.75
1.00 Now York Weekly World und tho Courier .'1.00
3.00 Sciontiilc American and tho Courier 5.00 .
5.00 Scientific American Supplement and tho Courier, 7.00
7.00 Scientific Amoricun unci Bupplomentnhd Courier 0.00
1.00 Ladiea' Homo Journal und tho Courier .'1.00
0.00 Judge and the Courier 7.00
:i.00 Lippincott'a and tho Courier 5.00
5.00 Forum and the Courier 7.00
2.50 Dcmorcats nnd tho Courier 4.50
3.00 Outing and tho Courier 5.00
3.00 St. Nicholas und tho Courier 5.00 ."
4.00 Now York Dramatic Mirror and tho Courier. . . . 6.00
4.00 Now York Clipper und tho Courier 6.00
4.00 Sporting Lifo und tho Courier 6.00
1.00 Toxiia Sif tings and tho Courior 6.00
4.00 Truth and tho Courier 6.00
.1.50 La Modo-do-Puria und tho Courior 5.50
1.50 Lit Mode, Now York, and the Courior .1.50
,1.50 Album-do;M(cle, N. Y., and tho Courior 5.50
1.50 McCluro'H Muguzino und tho Courier 3.50
Our PrW
for Roth.
THE COURIER will bo clubbed with uny reputable 'publication In tho world, tho two publicationa coating only u
alight advunco over tho prico of ono, and in many curoh exactly tho Hubecription prico of one. Remittance!) mny bo ntiuV
by poBt-ollieo money ordur, regiatcrcd iotter.or diaft. If jou wunt uny rui-er not in the nlovo list write for our tciniB.
: Courier
PutliilaiimiE Company, ,
Lincoln, NeorasBlsm
Worlds Frir Rates
"Tpke i Tuple.
it .".'
Any timti between October 15th nnd ,11st you can buy u round trip
ticket oi!rtlti nurlliiKton Hottto to Chicago for 911.55,
good rcturniiiR until November lfith.
This is tho latst cnll. Go now or nover. In two abort weeks tho gates
closo on tho grandest exhibition tho world haa over known
You cannot
afford to mina it-
Tho Burlington oiTer you tho cholco of eight daily passenger tralun
botweon Lincoln und Chicago. Apply to Bonnell at B. & M. depot, or
Zieuicr at city oflko, corner O and 10th streets, for full Information.
xt . yr "A 4
t, u