Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1893)
k THE IATXJKDAliP MOVIIVG COURIER hi i SOc. v. I' v ! irr iht - ?.; ;f J ,. m h K ' i ? ' 1 v .. v 'It, . -.j-y Tim following now iiiUhIc reported by (leoi-go A. Crimcen 'Columbim' OloriiiHN tllrl," by Hlidiop; "Truo llourlB Can Ne'er l-rutt" by (Mbort; "Tim Sweetheart of All the Venr," by Franco; "Ah Wo Hiiiiu; and Played ToKclhor," by Hnrrln; "Ih Life Worth MvIiikt" ' HiirriH; "AlwnjH Toethcr," by (J. X. Now lln "Silence Ih Clnlden," by Worn bcrtf. Of thu HonuHof which the wouIh are given Imlmv, "Daisy Hell" Ih the reign ing HetiHatlon In ludou, and tlio chorim Ih eatohy. "Sweet Nellie Hiiwn" Ih ming by Mlnnlo Si'irtcllo in "Plum Pudding" "Tho Prodigal Son" wuh originally Ming by Svabruoko in Hill Njo'h play tluit lUaleri, "Tho Cadi." IT haa Blncoming it in "The Mo of Ghumpugne." Tin I'roillffNl Hon." Thoro wn mi old man nml li lint) two kiii lln hud, hn linil. Ho lived uu n runcli, ho tlm utory mm t He did,' hn did. 'Twim Imllt on tlio koo' old Queen Anno plan Hltiht unit to tlio Ncw.lcruulciii. The vicinity It doe not mutter nblt. Hint tr la U U In In In hIiik trn In U In lain In. Tlm elder Mtn wn n uoodly uinn. lln win, lio Ml, Anil built oil tlio Moody nml Hankry iluii, Hu win. tin unH. ( ' .. ( ,. With calm nml unnolliiiiuiloiiii fin'r, lio tnlkrd nbout love nml Umljlnv sraco, nml lixil fur u nont In tlio' liearrnly pluco. Sliiutrii In In. Tlio jomiKor olio im n Hiniiif u tm, IIiiwiih, liiiwnn. llunlmlllril tlincnriUniiil lu lilujiil for nmn. Hoaiil.lioillil, Ho wuru n nil tlounil u IiIkIi stiiiulluu- collar; woulil ito with tlio Ihiji AmlKot full nml then holler. Ot liowami riin- lnr Jim claiuly lollor. Shut train In. Tlioolil tollim'it inirno i lnn nml Int. It wnn, tt Mi8. , Tlio ro(llnl ho ui tiiltain to Hint. Ho was li wt. , , And ho of thu nanctlmoiilouti emtio. juit kept tits wonthorrjc On tho iUc, anil hopctt ho would ct thoro nttcr 'awhile. Hlntf tru la In. ToilWUIenn tho nquiiro hv it tit hU Ik'I. Ho dld.lioUlil. Tho Prod took hi uliiirn and went out wrvt. It did, he did. VM in with mimo cowboy f and had a uront time, Wok tip In tho moraine with nnry n dlmo tttrtnded way out in a foreign cllmc. WiMftraUU, Atcliraph man lu hi oIVIco vnt. Out woet, ouiweat. When in rushed a tramp without n lint or coat or vott. "Como aend this meanaffe rllit orer tho truck, Tho Prod Li a wreck and U coming back, llato plenty ot Tent for ouo on tho nick," Hluic trn In In. The aniwor he sot wa both nhort and direct. ' 'ff'K I H IB S?ii "X v-oiMixro jf9F WTEE COURIER" -FOR POPULAR BICYCLE RIDRR. ooooooo I, VOTE jFOliK,. m ' . ri.'fj m ,, 4.-, t?-' .. I. , .V 1"' '' It WIIH, It MIH. It ri'iiil: "Yottr'a rea'diKO to hlnreaj collect," Hillil, Itillil. Tlm I'ruil lio mm iihimI to thin knock iluvtn of fiitn So i 1 1 mil IiIh Miiiinil(TH unil put ou n cknto Ami Ntnrtril fur Iiimiuikii n limited frclidit. Slim tru In In. To ii luvcr'M olllco lin went next tiny. Ho iltil, ho illil. Ami Kited tlio nlil fulkH for iuy whlln nwiiy. Hoillil.hodlil. (lot nut uu Injunction nml put thorn out. Ot Iiowiih ii In In, Yiiii licnr mo hliout, tliiit'd the mitt of n l'roil 1 iiiukIiikIiii; uhout. Hlnit trn In In. Thnt'n nil of tho yum )ourii truly known. It In, It Ik. I'yo (tone u fur n tlio pnnililo noon. 1 line, I luivo. l'to never liennl what Ih'Ciiuio ot pu. Tho rellidoiiH brother In temllnK bnr. And thu l'roil I belle vo Is ilrlvlutt n cnr. Still? tru In lu. llnUy Hell. til Harry Dacrk.1 Thero in ii lluwer within my heart, Dnlny, Dnlny, I'lnnted ono ilny by n Klnuclnu dnrt, l'liiuteil by DnlHy Hell wliotlmr alio lore mo Not, Hometime lt'n Imnl to tell yet 1 nm I.oimliiR to nhiiro tho lot ot beaut IfulDulny Hell. We will ro tmwlem iih nmn und wlfo, Unlxy. DnUy, lKxtdlliiK awny dowu tho rond ot life, I nml my Daliy Hell. When tho rond' dark Wo enn both dcplHo policeman und lamp n well. Thero arobrbjkt llglit In tho danllna cyo of HcnutltulDnlnynell, . I will ataml by you in ''wheel" or woo, Hatty, I)nly, smi'll bo thn bell(o) which I'll rlu. You know nweot llttln Duly Hell )ou'll Tnko thn "lend" in enrh "trip" mo take, then If I Don't do well, I will permit you to uto the .liriike, MylMnutirull)nlHyllell. CIIOItllH! UnUy, DnUy. kIto mo )our uuiwor, do. I'm Imlf rrnxy, nil for tho lovo of you, It won't Ik n 8tjllh murrlmte, Jcnu't iilford A currliiee, but you'll lmik sweet on tlio Sout of blvyclo built for two, "Sweet Nellie lliinu." Btrotl tlirouKh tho mondow,cniKH o'er iiHtroum, You'll noil inydnrltiiK, nho'a poet drenm. Soft flowtiiR troKgc, olro low nml tweet, Nonn hnlf no hnudiiomo, none halt no nent, Vnlr n the Illy, fnlr iih tlm nKP, Mio'm Ah tho Klin hhlno wliero over nho eoos; I'm nlwny lonely when hIio is itone, Shu Is my durllnu, sweet Nolllu Ilnwii. When wo nro married enrly Innprlnir, Thoro'll bo rejoiciim, church boll will rliiK. And llttlo Nelllo, kIio'11 bo my wlfo, And at u suubcnmnll tlironuli my life, Her wny I simple, tliouulit over pure, 1 will bo hnppy forever I'm suro, And with my treiiKUro now thero U dawn, My only dnrllnir, sweet NoUlo Dawn. ciiunvs: Yen. sIio'h my Nellie, no fnlrer son, Mfe with my ilarlliiR seems UkcVa dream ; Ye, vo entrancing, grnco Ilka a fawn, Who would not lovo her, sweat Nellie Hawn. Hall'H Vegotublo Sicilian Hair VkT nowcr bun restored gray hair to its original color and prevented baldncBH In tbounnnda of cubch. It will do bo to you. COUPON VOTING CONTEST M0S1 By special atranneiiieiit with the Mulr-Cowfn Company of (his city, THU COUIflEh) Is able to iii;ilc (lie following extraordinary premium offer: To every New Subscriber who pays 50 Gents In advance for three to month's subscription, we will , as a premium a beautiful alter dinner china cup and saucer, hand decorated. These cups and saucers cannot be purchased for less than 75 cents or $1.00. Gall at the ollice and see them. Cotifler Puli. Go., IUUI O Htruul. HI I TalkiiiK about tho coming battlo bo tweuu Corbet t and Mitchell, DotupHoy hujh: "I unheHltatliiKly predict that tho prenont American champion, .Tunics J. Corbott, will retain tho proud title. Not that I underrate tho MworH of tho Hilton ono iota. Ho in ntrong, clover, tricky and guino. So Ih Corbott. In all thoHO attributcH biivo trickincHR bo Ih, I think, Mitchell's equal, if not hu per lor, Even in tho matter of cunning he may HiirpriRO thu Englishman. Americans, iih a rulo, do not indulge in any of that 'jockeying,' which Hritons, bo they oars men, runners, wrestlers or lighters think a necessary part of tho gume. They light, run, tow or wrcBtlo 'in the open.' Corbott, however, who studies ovcry adversary will, I have no doubt, niako it a point to got on to all of Mitchell's curves and meet strategy with strategy should hu find it necessary to do ho. Personally, I do not think ho will, for possessing ovcry point that tho English man docs, quickness, strength and cloverness, ho has a tremendous advan tage in height, weight and reach which cannot but tend to Mitchell's discom forturo in tho end. Whother it bo tho Englishman's plan to rush or make a waiting gamo of it tho result will bo tho HUtuo. Should ho rush, iih Is generally assumed, Corbett's rcinvrkiiblosliiftiness on his feot will keep him out of harm's way, while his wonderfully long, quick loft arm will iutllct stinging and per sistent jabs on tho Englishman's head piece. Should Mitchell stand on the defen sive and mix matters when driven to the wall, ho will prolong thu contest, but bar lug accidents, I do not see how ho euu do hotter. Ah ho is a rugged fellow and capable ot bearing greut punishment, tho buttle may last from thirty to fmty rounds, but I hardly think it will. I think too that Corbott will dofeut Poter Jackson after his buttlo with Mitchell, although they aro of nearly tho BUino height, weight, reach and skill, bocuuso ho is younger and nioro endur ing. Morcovor, hu 1b a tritlo qulckor and has lod a moro'toinporato life. Vory uncortuin will bo tho buttlo be tween Dixon and gallant little Hilly Pllmmer, of England, who rccontly 'out pointed' Dixon, it tho boys fight at 114 instead ot 120 poundB. At that weight I should bo inclined to favor Pllmmer, as hu can bo strong and woll at that weight, which I scarcely believe possiblo of Dixon, although his backer asserts ho can. John Griffin, of America, will defeat NOTICE! BCVCiE TnE COURIER will present to tho most popular bicycle rider In Lincoln ono ot SKINNER BR08. & WRIGHT'S Bicy do Suits, made in tho latest stylo and guaranteed to Ut. This suit is furnlshod to THE COURIER by Skinner Bros, k Wright,' of Denver, Colo., ono of the leading manufacturing firms of the treat especially for the purpose of this contest. It can be seen at THE COURIER Office, 1201 O. street ' Tho suit will be awarded to the rider who receives thelarges ' number ot votes prior to Novombor 1, 1893. Any one can vote. All you have to do Jb cut oat the coupon and send it in. Who do you want to have this suit? Make up you mind and send in the coupon. OKTia WAY TO OSST OOXJIPOIS: CHEAP, . Pay 50 cents for subscription to THE COURIER for Three Months in advance, and we will give you twenty five coupons. Contest closes November 1, 1893. Fred Johnson, ot England, In their ap proaching content, iih bo Ih taller.Htrong er and a far banter hitter than tho boy from Albion'H shoro. In point of eloir ucfh they are about equal." Am You Xoi-wiiih, Are jou all tired out, do jou have that tired feeling or sick headache? Vou can be relieved of all these symptoms by taking Hood's Sarmipurilla, which gives nerve, mental and bodily strength and thoroughly purities tho blood. It also creates a good appetite, cures in digestion, heartburn and dyspepsia. Ale You Looking For choice young chickens or table luxuries of any kind, such tin let tuce, spinach, celery, all kinds of fruitw, New York peats, quinces, grapes, apples, etc., call on Hotaling &, Son. Ik'tnembcr wo cater for tho best family trade in meats und groceries. Store 1425 O street, Telephone 010. ArtlHt' Mxterlitl At Cranccr's, 212 South 11th. Every ludy in Lincoln should visit tho Ahiiiiy Cloak Co. und see tho hand some cloth and fur gurments just re ceived. Tho l.mllrn Should All try that "Oood Luck" brand of Japan Tea. Now crop of their own importation. Goon Luck Giiookky. Lowest rates. Missouri Pacific will huvo on salo October (i 7 and 8 tho round trip ticket to St. Louis at $10..'10 and to Chicago and return 911.55 and good for return till October 18th 1K1. Call at 1201 O Btreot Missouri P.icillc ticket office. J. E. It. Miller C. T. A . $100 Hound, $100. The readers ot this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least ono dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only positivo cure now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces ot tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disease, and giving tho patient Btrongth by building up tho constitution nnd assisting nature in doing its work. Thu proprietors hnvo so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer $100 for any case that it fails to cure. Sond for list of testi monials. AddrcsH, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. CSTSold by druggists, 75c. I t ftp ;. This af lei noon an oppoitttnity will be presented to see an exhibition of root ball. Two elevens of trained unit burly men will chase the leather up and down thu Held, and it will bo a greut strugglo for the mastery because there is no lovo lost botween Doane and Nebraska and each will give anything to win. The Doane eleven has had the best of training this year, and thev seem to have a good deal of confidence in them selves. Many or them expect to win, but Nebraska also seems conlldent of victory. Tho Nebraska men are nil in good condition. They ure playing good Hteady, uggreHBivo foot ball and if Doane witiH hIio will huvo to be ntronger than sho was hint year. There will only be three guiiien in Lincoln this year, audit is likely that there will bo a largo attendance at this gome, for it Ih recognized iih a Hocioty event und tho local 400 will bo there in ull their glory, to encourage by their presence und enthusiasm tho Statu University on to victory. Crete will bo abandoned und deserted todny for everybody is coming to Lin coln ( with colors Hying, und Doune college will not bo wanting in "heelers." This gamo will substantially decido thu championship of tho state, mid tho heroenof tho day will be those who win tho victory. If you wish to secure a certain and speedy result, when using Ayer's Sarsa pnrilla, l)o careful in observing tho rttloB of health, or tho hcnctittuuy bo rctarted. A fair and persistent trial ot this medi cine never fuils, when the directions are followed. Ahiiiiy Cloak Co. 1111 O streot. A beautifully decorated after-dinner cup und saucer ot tho finest china given away freo to every new sub scriber to Tin: CouiiiKit who pays 50 cents in advance for threo month's subscription. These cups and saucers can not be purchased for less than 75 cents or I. Sam ples will be placed on exhi bition nt Tin: Coukikii office 1201 0 street, in n few days. iT Will PlAY 11 II OHM NRHE V . . . -, aj0s1 t)f Spoolnt Ofttor 2Vo. 22. 'I'lIlS- AND THE- FOR ttS.OO. Until Junuury 1, 1894, Tin: Courikh Pl'iilihiiino Co. will accept subscrip tions for the Ladles' Home Journal and Tiik CouitiK.n for ono year for 12.00, the price of Tiik Coukikk alone. In other words, we will give a yeur'H sub scription to the Ladies' Homo Journal free to every subscriber who pays one year's subscription to Tin: C'oijhiki:, 2, in advance. coi:hikh ijii oo. - run O STItKIT OMAHA'8 LEADINQ HOTEL 1HA HKlllY, I'roprli-tnr. Electric enrx direct from Union ikiot pats thu door. l;itli mill Hnrney stt Omiilin, Neb. Under now miiiiuucmnit MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Kith nnd Hurney sis., Oiniilni, Neb. HHI.KTT& IAVJ:M'0!IT, I'ropn. Special Attention to Htnto trade, kuoM und commercial travelers, l'lirmim utieot electric cnr 8 putt tho door to nml from nil imrtM of tho city. r Not lee. In tho Count Court within nnd for LiincnsMr count, Nebraska. In the mutter of thocstnto of Diivid Newman iliwitnunil ' H'ft I III, frminr,rt. nt unit I iiklnlii You uro hereby notillnd that I will sit nt the county court room in Lincoln, in dnid county, on the -11 dny of December, 1803, nnd nguln on the Zld day of Mnrch, 1HM, to exnmlno nil claims iiKalimt Kntd estate with n viow to tholr adjustment and nllnwnnce. Tho time limited for thn presentation of claims nnninst said estnto Is lx months, from unit! '.Sid dny of Sep tcmbcr. IMtl, and the tlmo limited for tho pay ment of debts is ono jenr from said 53d day of September, 1MKI. Notice of this proceeding ordered published four consccutWo weeks In tho Saturday Mornintr Courier, n weekly now- Eaper publinhod In this county prior to Notcm it a, 1M. (hkal.1 I. W. LANSING, County Jude. . IlIAYi IBIIIJUIIl A - 1 20 0 SYRttT. " '- i r i r. . ' Kt'Xf I ilitftWs. Vt':fc- iuam&4u&JA&j iji TtV - , tofctR plfcism CO.,