Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, October 21, 1893, Image 5
'f'Xl'SSVi' thb ATuifcrAY morning courier Tf CARL BUNDER'S AD." IT BRINGS HIM ALL THE CATS WANTS, ANO MORE TOO. HE -Oats of Alt Port uml Conditions of llrnprct ability Crowd In nu Mr. Ditmlnr Until ' lie la Driven Almott Fruntln it ml Ap peal to tlio I'nllcn Hprgrnnt. , Copyright, 18X1, by Charles II. bowl. "Sergeant, vhtll you coma oop by my place mlt der patrol wagon?" exclaimed Mr. Dunder ah La rushed Into tlio pollcu sta tion yesterday und stood punting before the ergennt's deik. "What's tlto mnttcrr" calmly nnked tho fat pollccnmu m he wiped tho ink front his pen. "I vhns being killed 10 times oafer, unci I like about ono t'nttsnnd peoples arrested! Please get out dot wagon unci go oop on a gallopl" "Mr. Dnnder, you nro excited. IMcascslt down and calm yourself and" "Cf course 1 vims oxcltcdl I vlias neffer bo oxclted in my life! I douti' sit down uud be calm until I haf onet'ousnnd loafers iu state prlsout" Tho sergeant talked to him In n soothing way for n few minutes, mid after awhile ' Mr. Dunder cabled down enough to say: "Vhcll, you see, shu vhns like din. Our , cat runs oil about two weeks ago, unci my oldt womuim feels mi bad dot 1 Ilka to get I another. I vhas willing to pay $1 for a lino cat, unci somebody says I shall advertise iu a Sunday paper. I advertise dot I like i cat of fine fur mid good habits, unci before daylight Monday morning somebody pounds on my door. I look oudt at him, unci ha yells to me: "'Come down here, Mr. Dntulerl I haf got flfo sober. Industrious uud respectable 'cats for yon to select from I Come und tako your pick! " "Advertising always pays," said tho ser geant ns ho scratched the end of his nose. I "It shall neffer pay ma again! Dot man throws fife cats into my yard unci goes olT, bnt in fcefteen minutes somebody vhas pounding aguln. I look oudt, uud she vhas another loafer mlt a cat under each arm, , und ho says to me: ' " 'Mr. Dunder, I can positively guaranteo der correct habits of dese cats, having known 'cm from infancy. It vines ft for one, or two forll.M, Come down und see 'em.' " "I yell at him to go away," said Mr. Dunder as he grew excited again, "und he throws dose cuts In my yard, culls mo a liar und goes off. Seex different times be fore breakfast I bnf to shump oudt of bed und see some lonfers mlt cats, und vhen I goes down shtalrs 1 11 nd SO cats howling in my yard. I goes by my saloon, but before she vhas swept oudt a loafer throws two cats in der door und yells: Here she vhas, Mr. Dunder der finest of fur unci der highest standard of morali ty, und I doau' shurgo you a centl' " "Then you got n cut?" asked the ser geant. "How I got a catf" shouted Mr. Dunder. "Didn't doso cats shump all oafer shalrs and tablos und me und run lu der back- I "ADVEB.TISIXO always tats, yard? I doau' recofer myself before some body heaves a bug of cats iuto der door und screams oudt nt me: '"Seex cats, Mr. Dunder, und nil vhas so respectable ash uefer vhas! Somo vhas married und some single, but all vhas der highest society!'" "Then you got n cat?" repeated the ser geant. "Howlu donner und hlltzen I got a cat vhen I vhas drlfen oudt of my place und almost kilt?" yelled the victim as he point ed to the scratches on his hands. "Oh! I see! It is curious how many people read the iidvertlhements iu a news paper. I suppose you got a cat later on?" "Yes, ten t'ousnuu oi -cm mora usu ono t'ousand a day! Dose loafers brought me cats In baskets und, boxes cuts under deir arms unci in bags cats of all colors und sizes. Aboudt cafery flfo minutes nil dls week a cat conies in by der door or window und somebody yells; " 'Hello, Mr. Dunderl Here vhas your fe line of flue fur und correct habits! If you look all oafer America you (loan Unci a cat whoso conduct vhas so Irreproachable in all particulars!' " "Seems to me you ought to have got the cat you wanted out of tho lot," mused the sergeaut. "How so?" demanded Mr. Dunder as he galloped urouucl. "Can a muu select somo cats before duj light? Can ha select 'em vhen dey vhns shumplng arouudt und spit ting und drlflugenfey body oudt doors? Can bo solcct some cuts when dey vhns on his back und trying tokillhlm? If tomo loafer vhas yelling nt you und 18 cats vhas fight ing on der floor, could jou do some pees- ues8?" "But they nronot coming yet?" "Of co'lirse! Moro ash llfu hoonered be fore I left home, uud shoot iu-Ii I come oudt doors a feller unloads a barrel of catsolT au oxprestt wagon uud rolls 'em luto my place und yells: " 'Ilero vhas doM; reespectable cats, Mr. Dunder, und I vhlll call dls cafnlnga forder money I1 " "Well, I'll see what can bo done," said the sergeant ns he turned to his report. "Now right off, iu-ek?" "In a day or two." "Sergeant," exclaimed Mr. Dunder ashe 4rew himself up, "you needn't put yoursef oudt for me! I shall go home! I shall kill one t'ouinil.lo.ifers und ten t'ousand cats mlt a club before night, und vhen I vhas arrested unci liungeit maypo you vhas tickled oafer her! (iood clay, sir! Doau' be At some troubles on my account!" THE ARIZONA KICKER. A Ilounillcw Premium That Uuit Ha Tarn ierril With Good Heme, TtUM'.s JlAVK Ciianhkd. Up to a year ago every local subscriber to THE Kickki: was supposed to liaye certain ouUldu priv ileges, such asiulllugtheedltorby Ms front name, loaflug about the ollice, inviting hint to drink and borrowing small sums of mon ey of him. A special privilege was that of ipjttlms drunk .and whooping around town II und finally riding a rnyuo up tho front step nnd through tlio ollleo, coming out by way of the alley. Some 10 or 13 mouths since wo gave notice that all thunbnve prlv. lieges would lie lopped olT, uud that Tilt! KlCKl.n would henceforth bu conducted on Ilia lines of metropolitan Jounmllnm. Tim bojswent back on us pretty hard, but we tood llrm, mid they llniilly ciiino to see things iw we saw thuiu, We were rongrntu latlug ourself thatwu had the county under pretty good control, when on Titedny lnt nu old critter named Jake Blicllbauk, who runs a riittluMiiiko ranch over cu: I'luiu creek, camo into town, filled up on moun tain dew, and then attempted to gallop his old mule through tho nllk-u of tho greatest family newspaper lu the Unlttsl Stales. Wo stood In the door and protested. The old mossback, who heard of Noah's ark tho other day for the tlret time, persisted, nnd his hoots and jells drewu largo nnd excited crowd. Wo didn't feel Justllled in shooting him, but after ho had exhausted our patience wu pulled him olT his mule and walloped hlmtlll ho hollered llkuuboy lost in the scrub. 1 (a afterward appeared so contrite and humble that wa made ar- ikikkrJ i WK BTOOD IS TIIK poott AND PlinTUSTKD. rangements for him .to ride through'the Dlue Mountain saloon and tako a drop of eight feet from! the Imck door. Wo want It distinctly understood thnt ho is tho last man wo shall go light on. We aro tho last editor who would attempt to circumscribe tho boundless freedom of tlio glorious wc9t, but that boundless freedom must bo tem pered with common sense. Things have changed and are continuing to change, nnd tbeoldinoMbuckHluthls locality who can't conform to the new order of tilings must Hunt for caves in tlio mountains. We Ksr.w It. Six months ago n man camo through here, from Iowa, with tho outfit of a weekly newspaper iu a wagon. Ho was an editor seeking a location, and somo ono hod recommended tho towu of KockvUlo, just over the north lino nud in Utah. We extended to him tho usual ci vilities, nnd something was said about a game of poker. He probably mentioned the subject first, as most of our callers do, and we probably expressed a willingness to assist him lu passing a pleasant hour. Wcnreawnroof the fact that In some lo calities poker is not looked upon as an ed itorial game, but in tills country it seems to naturally attach itself to every well reg ulated newspaper ollice. We soon discov ered that our fraternal brother was a bluffer, and iu tho course of a couple of hours, much against our inclination, wo owned his old outfit, nnd ho was a dead broko mnn. Iloforo wu could make him a present of what he had lo.-t nud want him to take checkers for his gamo he began to squeal and tried to commit suicide. We returned everything nud gave him half a bundle of white paper to boot, and hn went away happier man. Wc had sized him up, however, and was confident that he was not up to editorial caliber. Ho went on to St. George, set up shop, and had ho been tho right sort of man would have achieved success. Last week his paper sus pended, and the sheriff sold out tho ollice. Iu .some way tho people had heard that he was a "squealer," nud they went right back on him and rejoiced iu his ruin. Strangers who may coino this way are warned to let our poker alone. It Isa buzz saw which is ever iu motion. Should thoy take a hand, however, they will be expected to stand the consequences. Even editorial courtesy will not allow us to bo raised out of tho gamo when we deal the hand and know thnt our opponent ha only two pairs to our threes. THE DIAGRAM MAN. na ITn Got Sho Uu ami Everything Waa All Klglit. The moon was inr her' third quarter, nnd as sho looked down upon mountain, valley, stream and forest theru was a buttermilk softness about things which mode every body feel gentle and reverential. For near ly au houi'DcSoto Hlgglns and Hritomaite Jones sat in silence. Kucb wns seated on a stiitnn in tho front yard of her father's hum ble cabin, with bare feet swinglug to nnd fro iu rjtlim with the diurnal revolution of I tho massive globe on which we manage to glean n humblu and honest living. They had boon talking about snakes and wildcats and breakbone fever, but their voices had gradually died away to t-oft whisperings and finally ceaoi'd altogether as the softness of the night struck lu and produced afeel lug of simplicity and awe. "Ilrltty!" It was the voice of De Soto Hlgglns breaking the slU-nco ut hint. Sho was ex pecting It and wondering why In Sam Patch he sat there like a clam, but of course she gave n start and uttered a low scream of surprise. A girl hasn't got to go to a semi nary to catch onto thus) little things. It was the first time he had ever called her by her trout name, and shivers of shyness shiv ered over her us sho halt realized wbut was coming. "Ilrltty, I nxed mam today," ho contin ued in a choking voice as hu looked away into tho thicket wherein the opossum had her lair and reared her young. "Yo' nxed yo'r mum, eh"' sho queried as her heart fluttered about like a wounded bird. "Yep." "And what did yo' ax yo'r mam'" "I axed my mam" He paused nud gasped and choked. Sho pitied him and came to his relief with; "Yo'r mam is n powerful good woniun." "Yes, nnd I lived her 1 nxed" Ho was overcome again. Us old reptiles who havo been through thu mill three or four times will .siiillo in contempt, but it had that same ell'ecl on u-i the llrst time. "Soty, shell J cum over tharf 'queried tho girl a tho stlmco grew long nnd pain ful. "If-lf yo' dast w," ho replied. "I dast," A mlnuta later she f-at cm tho stump be. sldu him. It wan a small stump, and ho would have been n human liyena not to have put his arm around her to prevent a calamity. When shu had got nestled and tho thrco-quiiiter moon had assumed her duties, the fair Ilrltomartu looked up nt his ear and softly queried! "And did yo'r mam answer Ilka my pop did?" "Did yo' ax jo'f pop?" "Yep." "And did yo'r pop say fay" , "Ho tin said 'yep', Audyo'rmamsliaHnld L-gald" "Sho uu said 'yep' tool" Old Jones and his wife, sitting lu their cabin without n light in order to fool the mosuultocs, wcro suddenly amazed nt a lu rid flash which turned night Into clay fot an Instant nnd plainly revealed every knot holo In the floor. They waited with bated breath for tho expected thunderbolt, but it did not come. That flash was simply thu reflection of the happy grin which over spread tho faces of Do Soto Hlgglns and Ilrltnmnrtu Jones when thoy realized that they wero nt last nctually nnd really and truly engaged, and he was liable for breach of promise It ho went back on her. And old Jones got up und went to the door and looked out to spot thu situation of affairs uud growl: "Wall, ha nu has got she tin, and sho tin han got ho uu, and diirn tlinr pesky hides but I hope they'll bu fit to bo lltteu!" An American Fable. Ono day tho Unround tho GlrnlTo met on one of thu paths lu tho forest, and they had scarcely saluted each other when tho Hare oomplalningly observed: "I just saw tlie Fox taking his morning walk, and such ntull as he carried behind him! Dear me, but how unkind Nature was to tho Hares. If I had a brush like Reynard's, I should bu ono of the happiest animals in the world." "And got on to that mnn over there!" re plied the GlralTe. "When ho has walked until his legs nro weary, he can sit down on a log nnd look even moro graceful than when on his feet. If I should attempt to tit down and cross my legs and smoke, n 10 cent cigar, every living thing lu this forest would get up nnd howl in ridicule," "Yes, Things aro very wrong," mourn fully observed thu Hare, "and I movo thnt we call a public meeting and sco what" At thnt instant there was a great com motion nt n point not far away, uud it wns soon learned that thu Fox hail caught his tall In a trap as lie proceeded on his way. Tho Giraffe was just about to remark that tho Hare would not have been caught in that trap when the man who had just sat down for a rest und a smoko sprung up with a "Whoop! Uy tho great horn spoon, but I must have sat down on at least half a bush cl of 'cm, nnd by'tbniotrow I won't bo able to get out of bed." MOIIAL. "If you had been provided with a long, bushy tall like the Fox's," remarked thu Giraffe, "you would now bo lu the bunds of the hunter." "And if it had been possible for you toslt down on n log," replied tho Hare, "you would now bo dusting for tho nearest drug storo for a remedy for hornet stings. That chap hit about 15 of 'cm iu n bunch, and all got mad at tho sumu time." M. QUAD. Ve Modern Trainer. I, "Now, Teddy, mind mamma, and don't you go out. Hut if you should go out, put on your overcoat. Harper's Uazar. On thn Horn Shin. Tho wanderer assented. In thu violet calm of evening he stood at the bock door of tho humblo cot. His trousers wcro I rayed nt tho bottom, and his coat had known tho touch of the bull dog. "Yes, madam," be said, "I was driven to it by fate." The lady in tho green npron with tho yel low spot in tho corner looked sympathetic. "With" Retrospectively ho gazed into space as he spoke. "all these train robberies and rail road accidents there's nothing to do but wnlk if ou want to be on thu safe side." Sho vouchsafed him u slab of apple pie without further comment. Detroit Trib une. nUnppolntrtl. "Did you havo a good time on your west ern trip!" snld one girl. "Iivcly." replied tho other. "I'm sure you saw everything tbero was to see." "Yes; I suppose so." "You say thnt as if you might have missed something." "Well, you fee, to tell tho truth, our train didn't get robbed once." Washing ton Star. Tho Outline View. Average Man There's a run on another bank. Just look ut these depositors crowd ing in. The fools! That's what makes money tight. That whole crowd should be carted oil to a lunatio asylum. Friend You nre allowing your deposit to remain, I presume? Average Man Urn r I haven't any fnuds in that batik. New York Weekly. ; Agalutt Her Will. Mother It that young man kissed you gainst your will, why didn't you call me? Daughter He be held mo so tightly iu bis arms I couldn't call. , "Why didn't you call utter he let you go!" "Oh, there wasn't anything to call for then." Good News. And It Wanld Ileum In HU. "What time have you " inquired the oily p'.ckpocket, approchlng thu stout man, With the heax J uateii clialn. "My own," .l I tho stout mau without tiik lug bis wate Chicago Hocord. t ,, 1 IB UAIM'Ali AUTOCRATS. OFFICIAL!) ' ONLY IN WASHINGTON WHOSE LAW IS THEIR WILL. A ntrll.lng KMiinpIn Ik (tie I'lrnt Comp troller of li Cm rem-), 'lmn lleclnlnn Cnmitit l.wn llo Vetoed li ttm I'renlilenl, Who lins tlm I'ouer of llentntnl. Among tho most rcinaikiiblo fnitumi nf tlila government by tho pcoplu Is tlio L'xtrnimliiiurynutliorlty vested iiicortniu mibotdiiutto oflli'lula nt Washington. Tor instance, no man in thn United Btntcs wlc'hla such power in money unit tern n.i tho first comptroller of tlio rtir feiiey. Ho In entirely Independent of tho poerctiiiy of tho tieustiry, nnd even tho president linn no ineutt'i of eoch-lrig hint, na the followluir i.tory itliowa: When llraiit vu In tlm Will o Ilouce, 'Fiiht Cotnpti oiler Tuylor refused to counterHlyn a w.trfant for tho payment of n big i'h itn out of tlio ftiniln of tlio treasury. 'Shu provident Hiiiiunouutl lilni anil nald: "You mtit nlgn." "1 will i cit. Mr. rrcniilent," replied tlio rccnlult) mt olllelul. "Then 1 v ill compel you loclo ho," said General Grunt. "You lm o not tho power," rejoined Uio coniplrc.ler coolly nud respectfully. "Wo will boo nbout Uml," said Uio president. "I will consult tho attorney geneuil." Tho attorney general, on being con mil led, Htuti l that tho comptroller won right ho cetiltl not bo forced to coun tersign tho warrant. Next dny tho pres ident ntmimoncri Mr, Taylor nud Hnltl:, "I find Hint I cannot compol you to countersign tho'vflrrnnt. Ilowovor, I enn get nnothor first comptroller." "Very well, Mr. President," roplied tlio ofllcer. "Yon can havo my resigna tion, but iiol my Blgnuturo." In fact, tho only way in which tho president can ovcrrido n decision of this powerful ofllcinl Ih by dismissing him nnd appointing another man. All of tho accounts of the government, except those which rein to to customs nnd tlio post office department, nro settled by wnr rnntfl counter&igucd by tho first comp troller. Without his Blgnuturo tho pay ments cannot bo made. Thero nro two nutocrnta in tlio post offlco department. One of thorn is tho assistant uttornoy general, It is his function to decido whether matter of fered for limiting in humoral or not. Ho nets us censor for tho people. Whonover n postmaster in any city Ih doubtful re garding tho morality-of a publication that is sought to lo mailed, he forwards a copy of the suspected work to tho third' aeslstant postmaster general, by whom it is referred to tho assistant attorney general. Very likely tho latter may 1k too busy to investlgato tho subject personally, in which caao ho turns it over to ono of his clerks, who perused it uud marks uuy passage which ho considers indecent. Thus tho law lord hns simply to glanco over tho selected tidbits of Impropriety nnd pass on them. Tho assistant uttor noy general also (lotermines what mail matter shall bo considered fraudulent und Iki excluded as such from tho post. Tho third assistant postmaster general is himself nu autocrat. Hu has authority to exercise his own discretion in depriv ing periodical publications of tho ad vantage of Hecond class postal rates. Publications intended for advertising purposes primarily aro not allowed thoso rates. On account of tho "Kroutzer Sonata" a whole nerles of books, of which it was one, was chut out of tho mails. Publishers commonly got out vol umes iu series, bccau&o in this tthnpo they go second cIurh uti periodical publi cations so long ns thoy nro issued ar least four times n year. Tho decision against that work did not actually ex clude it from tho post, becauso it could bo uud was sent nt first class rates, eealed, so that nobody could lawfully open tho package and tlud out what was iiisidfi m, .. , ii i . .. Tho nutocrut of tho department of ngriculturo is tho chief of tho bureau of animal industry. Ho has authority to kill any animal houiaychoosonnywhero in tho United States. When ono of his inspectors reports that such nnd such cattlo aro afllictcd with an infectious disease, ho orders them purchased nnd slaughtered. Tho valuo of tho beasts is judged by two appraisers, ono chosen by tho owner and tho other by tho bu reau. If they ennnot ngrco, they ap point a third person to decido. Iu enso a man refubed to havo his. livo stock thus disposed of, tho police und United States marshals would bo summoned. Tho payment adjudicated is made by check. Tho chief of tho bureau's author ity iu such mutters is nbsoluto over tho territories uud District of Columbia, For operation;) iu any state ho must huvo tho consent of tho governor, but tho gov ernor's consent ennnot bo withheld bo- , cnuso lie is iu a position to coereo the state. If ho chcosee, iio can quaj antino tho state, preventing all animals from going iuto or coming out for an indefi nite period. St. Louis Globe-Democrat Wiro a StreiiBtlienor. Tho method of Btrcngthening copper steam pipes by means of coiled metal wiro bus been quito gcnorally adopted ... ).., i ,, Tlw. ..:.l., i- tiH.tabM,wTth.u.T;rin of wiro wound under tension, Tho method la not considered uppllcablo to other than straight tubes. Tho wire is of sufficient strength to carry tho full load of steam, and tho tonslon used lu winding is about tons per square inch. Tho wiro hi put on in two or three inde pendent spirals, uud tho ends of each aro independently fastened to tho (lunges. Safety Valvo. Ami Dick K.ild Nothlnu. Mrs. Nowed Uick, dear, I'm glml yot ion't forget to oxeeuto any order I give you. Tho other dny I told you to order totno kindling wood, and you must havo though), of It constantly, poor boy, for l hat nigti: you kept sajing iu your sleep, "(live mo a dolhir'.i worth of chip-d" Music, uud Drum:.. 20.PEIIGMNTOJW. All next week Von Can buy goodit At II. U. KrtigV, lit!) O Hi i eel nt lit) per cent olT, CloattH Hllloi DlCMMgOOlltt, All new IhlngM Latent nlylt I lent material Twenty per cent off Tho Chance of tho Hcunon to buy lino goodn Twenty per cent oil Call at KlIlg'H And Hen their Splendid stock ut Twenty per cent oH All next Week. New Hurrt'y for J4jiI or Trade. Now two-Huuteil canopy top surrey for nale cheap or will trade for a llrstelasH phaeton, call or mldresx Lou WeHsel, Lindetl hotel. Mrs. Anna Sutherland Kalamazoo, Mich., had swellings lu tho nock, or ., 1'rorahcrlOth M - w Goitre year, causing 40 Years grcatsuftcrlai;. WhcnsliocaughtcoldcouUlnot walk two blocks without fainting. Slio took Mnnrl'ci SareanarillA i . , , , ... s, . I AnJ ' "()',v frc0 'rom " bH" 8l10 ni" ursei1 many othen to Uko Hood's SaMaparllla anil ,i1.i1.vnni,i.1.(.,.r.,i nm,invnirn0H. HOOD'S PlLLa Cum all Llror till, Jaundice, lick lioacUcbo, LUioaineu, lour ttoniMb, naaaaa. 39 i ' Are Jujt as Curable is Other ObciiM Treated tiicludveb by l)lt. l.l'.OMIAItDT, Lincoln, Neb. cnci itir o r xavm J TO 8 on.r fi) ! I AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOR THE ONLY AUTHORIZED II) (.nil Hamilton, hi literary exi-cutor, with thn riMii(ratln of lih famll). and (or Mr. I.IiiImo'h riiiuiiloti' work, "Tut-nt) of t'i nitres." nud liU Inter IxHik, "1'olltlcnl Din-, ' eiiaHioiiH. Ono iiro.piH'Un for tliee tlin-o Ix-it Melllnu iMHikti in the market. A. K. I'. .lonlnii, nf .Mnliif, tiHik ll'J ore lorn from tlrst ItOrnlU; nueiitH rollt tllHI.nn. Mr. Ilnlliinl, of Ohio, took Uorilorrf,'.il ore ilny;pmut ! M.'lrt. IC. N. Kice. of M.ujncl.uctH. took 'H lonlprj in two diiii protlt I7.,.M. .I. Part-1 riilo. of Mnino, tiKik . onleM from rUrulU, protlt 7.VJ;). i:. A. I'nlmur, of North Dnkotn, took M onlvrj In a Ui: iirotlt aus.--'.. t-.xclu NlinTcrrlioo iven. If joiiwUlitomukelBrso I money, writo l.nine.liately for term to THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO., NORWICH, CONN. THREE-MINUTE TALKS AUOUT U thiultloof an Uliutrnt--d folder de criliini; tlio fa rum, runclii-K, t NEW MEXICO. mines nnd towns of Now Mexico i no prom of fruit rnUlnijnro set forth linlrtAilialwifnctit rnlatlto toslieep, ratllo uml eenerul farinliur, No other rountry rMVjiho susli n ilKsirnlile rllmnta till tlm nniunil. WritH to II L. Pal nu r, V. A. .Santa or fr- copy. Ho ItouUs Onialia, Nub., CAPITAL I It gj -- T-w-k.1-.-. --.. ' and tlio Tonkawa.Pawnaa and KlekanooRjjar 5I.'c5cA17Ul JFjir3XiliLJ, I vntlou, oon tobooncnod Mr settlomnnt by tha U. S. KOTprumcnt. Millions of ncroa in tha An ANO Cl FANINR WDPlfQ ejtiuirlriihural country under tlio sun, valltn AINU LUtAINIiNij WORKS), i to,M, tl(.tiwl by tlio husbaniliuaa'a plowshara: m.Y . ...--.-. ... . , lids Unlmost tho last chance to .obtain ono of No. UU N.Twelitn Mt. I Undo Kum'j freo firms. - TOILET WARE Meely ileeoruteil In nil Hluipen uml graded, at imiiokh that command nt teiitlou, In tho i SOUTH I ITH 8T., Itutall ItootiiH of THE PH COWflH CO8 MOW (JltOL'KKHY AND OLAHH WAKH KHTAIIIjiHIIMBNT. ' Ordom for Hpectal decorations unci Uio ' replacing of broken pieeim belonging to dinner, tea or toilet until tiro solicited. Amateur decorated china to bu fired nud glided received dally. 211 HOUTII HIjHVKNTII ST. "WtfcOl u ill AT 241 Tho 1 1 Mi It MUST I1AVB I , A PAIR OF - . . i i P. COX HIGH CUT SilOKS, They aro wurni, good wcarera, And junt the thing. SOMETHING NEW. THE ' LATEST ' STYLES, SHAPES, CUT AND ETC., ONLY W. i 'I'MfV THIOL ' EO. 6. KATES I MO O STREET. VOt MU.ST IIAVi: STVLH1I CLOTHES. OUR FALL STOCK OF JVJVV SUITS A.ND , ,vwv--v -mr-m . -v -w-a C VTl 1 d 0V TSi Am not Excelled in .. Style, Fit and Quality AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES. tifJust call in and seo them. "3 FISHER t WW. 1180 O Street. ree in Cherokee m V Strip. .. 1 cl arms Wrlto to E. I. Palmer, P, A. Santo Fa Rout Oniiilin. Nob., for freo copy of iUiutrated folciar ilcdcrlbmit f -m t m 31