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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1893)
tnr V? 1 &' - r f i j v" fe $ &. J." i 1 r? ,. ,4 DftYMOiM PUBLISHED 8ATURDAY8 nt tiiu 60UUIBR PUBLISHING 60. W. MOHTON 8MITH, EoiTon and Manao ftailiirm Ofllrn IVOt O 8lre t. I'linno,! TERMS OF BUpSOnlPTION! Tim Cnumnii, inn yonr In nihnnco B'x Moulin,....., II Tlifco Mtiiitlin... ,.,... ii.h.ii mi ! Limioi.N, N:ii., Ootoiikk 'il. IBM. AMU8EMENTS. ,8ATUltDAY (TonlKht)-"A NutmcK Mulch," ut tho LiuihIiik theatre. JfOAWH -ThoiniM Q. Si'itbrooku In "IbIo of Chumpnitnp " lit tho Luim- Ing thrurru. WNDNJiSDAY-HxAicrl (1. liiKornoll, looturu on "ShiikeapenrcV' nt tho Lunalng thoutru. Fill DAY Tho Old HoimhIciuI," nt tliu LunnliiK thoutrv. 8ATU UP AY "TUo Mtwltwl Hnll," at tho IiUtnilnff theatre MONDAY mA nil wcck)Sioouor Comoily Co., utFunkoVoiiornhouHo. A fOOMHll OMJKOTION. A religious pupor puhliBhod iu Omaha criticises tho Ilea for giving a faithful account ota prise tight. Prize llghlH are, unfortunately, an Incident of tho lifo wo llvo, and aa audi nro properly within tho roportorlal eoo ot the daily nowapapor whoso mlslon it is to report current happening Perhaps It would bo more agrooablo to n ccrtalu oIkm of roadera it tho nownpnporH would dovototho larKor portion ot their apace to accountn ot religious conventions and church sociables! butrcadorn genornlly would not approclato mutter ot thin kind, and riewspaiwrs, it should bo ro reinemberod aro tnado for tho masses and not tho classes. Aa long an prizo fightaare tolerated they must come In for a reaaonablo amount ot attention fronuenterprUdng newspapers. Those people who object to reading accounts ot fistic enbountoramay"nkip" thorn; or, bettor till, they '.might address thorn wlvca to tho task' ot ao shaping public sentiment that prize fights as they aro new known, would not bo possible ' ' Burglaries and yacht races, and rail road accldonta and butt lea and tiros tiro reported without objection. Why. then, must the lino bo drawn nt tho prlae tight? Thcro must be something radically wrong with our religioua eon torn porury if, aa.we tako it, tho article to which it take oxcoptlou was written by Sandy Orkwold. Sandy Gris wold's base ball and pugilistic Roma can't hurt anybody. Iu tact, unless a man's liver is past all hope, ho must necessarily derive much good from Mr. Griswold'H brilliant con trlbutious. Tiik other day Ferdlnund W. Peck, on behalf ot the World's Columbian exposi tion, paid to John J. Mitchell, trustee ot j the bondholders, tho balance duo tho holders ot tho bonds issued by tho ox position company; Tho money was paid by check and the amount was 91,065,. 310.70. Tho Inter Octan asked a num ber nt prominent people what they would have douo with the money it the check had boon made payablo to them. It tho. check had boon mado payablo to ua we would havo endeavored to pur chase a big balloon, ono that was guar anteed never to coino down, and then we would havo tried to induce E. Rosewator, Josoph Oarnenu, Jr., and Captain Phelps Paino to got in tho baskot boforo wo cut tho ropo. Tho balance ot tho money wo would apply toward relieving the distress caused by theeo men und repairing tho injury they havo done. It would be used up very quickly. AHKANT NONSKNNK. One Pholpa Palno suys that the ban quet ot tho Vouug Mon'tt KcpuhWcdu club recently held In thl city, will ctwl tho republican ticket one ihutiKiud votes. " Paine is silly. If the republican party in Lancaster county can't stand u lain uot such as that given by tho Young Men's club, it had hotter dlo. But it won't die. It isn't an easy thing to Still a party that can stand Palno. Thus far threo-fourths ot tho on thuaiwm'ot republicans for tho cause to thw campaign has radiated from tho Youagv Men's Republican club, and the activity of the young republicans who jcowfoaa It will coat the democratic aadldates toany votes. Whatever incites repuoucans to ac tivity, whatever arouses their enthusl jmb is a good thing, whether it bo a fcasqoet, a ataaa meeting or a stroet jarofliaslaii., ' "'Waiui.t eeea to coal contracts it -. iwi iulnlttad 'that the board ot ''Staoatioa Heaa'hnoek tke city council fcWM What'aoie'.ot the ifiembeni ot efc-iwiawldauwtknow about Juggling iihlAm Uat worth kBOWlOK, iA WyVt attdxofa ihicm runniiiK tho puroly mluuntlonut ilopiirl hunt ot tho clly nchoolnjlnilll In n ijrimt iiml KlurhiK miccr-nn In tho manipulation OftlmiU tomiilco tho city pay extor tionate priced for coul and other mip pi leu. TllliMAYOtl rosiis. Mujor Wolruiul hln voto nro biicoin nur very tlroHoinii. Tlicri)lHnlarORl.(;dHUBplulonthntthi) ma) or iihi'b tho voto noluy for tho pur ponoof inaiuifauturluK Hltlcul oapltal. IIoIiiih JimtHiit I ho noulofhls iIIh ipproviil on tho ordinauOo porinllthiK u.un'il coiicoiim to ho hold on Sunday. Mu) or WolroxhlhltH a moat picture. IIO lllL'OIIBlHtUUOy. Jin allowti ho-imIIoiI "Dutch duncon" which aro hoiiioIIiiioh rathor hllarloiiH orKloa, to ho hold regularly ovory Sun day oronhiK In tho down blockn; ho toriullii tiuuilny optritunllritlo onturtnln luontH to ho hold iu tho LuiihImk thoutro and ho vinkn nt no ond of tihocldiiK (hliiKH that aro douo on tho Hubbuth, and yut ho violently opponoa Huurml concerts, which nro Ktiiirunteod to ho pruclfloly what the iiiuuo implies. It Mayor Wolrlnln earnest lot him run tho whole gamut mid atop tho Bunday dancoH and tho otlior "uimiHumuntH" (hat nro allowed full hwIiik on the ehtblmth. Very few people want to hod what Is known iih tho "Open Bunday" iu Lincoln hut it Ih dllllcult to iinderBtand Jiow tliuro can he any valid ohjootlomi to Bunday livening aacred ooncorlH. Tiik Ncw, n pronounced MukwoII organ boforo tho convention, Is nupport- ing tho nominee, Judge T. O. C. liar rliion, with a zonl 'that does credit to Hh good Henso and lln repuhlicanlBiu. There la no reosou why any republican news ouner should rofiiHo to alvo Juduo Har rison tho heartiest kind ot supportTuml there is no renson why any republican should not voto for him. Wk like Judge T. O. 0. HnrrlBon be cause ot the ho cnllcd republicans who aro opposing him. Ilosowater's opposi tion is a pretty good certlticuto of character. FOOT NOTE8. A Roowtor ooatlnuon ou lilwar. malctim i dlulor Hiotacln of Mmiolf ot(ry ilay,tlicuii vlcllou U lrriiltlbly lirtuirtht homo to tho oborTorof Iilsicoii)tnrnuduiiinrnltotoilniittc4i that tho illsitno4li ot Roiownter cmo uinilu by tho Jnurnnt mimo nuintliii uko wnit entirely cor rect. Tho Uttlo man must bo Imano. II li con duct cannot bo natUfaeturity uxptalttoit on any otlmr IiyoathoiilA. Ami tho query nuturati) arUoi, oiuht hobo pormlttcil to remain at Unto and unroitralnod) Tho miflfcrur Im reached tho point whoro ho Is tnciblo of Intllettni any Injury on othorti, but he mn hurt hlnnolf Uurltui uno of his bud spoils, unit to avoid uch inUtht bjadfUiiblo to haro n oommUilon apttolnted to look of tor him. ThU lugVMtlon Lt not inudo In tho Intor et of "Imrmony," but sulclyln thu luterput of 11. Uojowntor. Tho Call haa within tho pntt fow ilajHro noratod Its ofllco, hnd tho wnlU freshly papored and scattered a lot of good paint in a rather promiscuous fashion. All of which Iu ox tremoly credltnblo. Hut In tho mnantlmo tho bottoms uro koUIiir worso nnd worse, nnd Mr. Dushtiell neomn, to bo Indltforent as to what bocomen ot thorn. Ho has tirowii weary of the crusade, and lnstondofcloanliiRUptho bottoms ho contents hlin'olt v. 1th cleanlnttup tho Call ofllco. Such, nlas, Is tho history of human endeavor. It starts out with n HourUh of trumpot.t to turn tho world upsldo down, and It KoU that tlrod foolltiR In about tlftoon mlnutei after klcklnir. up a handful of dust on tho hlxh way. Cleaning up tho Call otttco, wo must re mind Mr. Dushiioll Is In lUolf a ory commend nbla thtnff, as nil who haro orer toen thoro will testify, bnt It is as notlilnj comparod to that othor undortnklna, cleanlnit up the bottoms, which ho no recently and so enthustastlcall) In nuiturotod. Hood'H Pills aro eo-sy to take, easy in action und sure in effect. ." cents u box. For correct styles and nice garments go to the Askuy Cloak Co. Professor Johnson's dancing ucadomy in tho Lansing theatre is now open. Classes for ladles and gentleman. Tues day and Friday nttoruoou und ovouirig. Juvonllo classes Saturday morning and afternoon. Jcckell Bros, now tailoring establish mont, 119 north Thirteenth street nea tho Lansing is tho popular resort for stylish garments. Never order an invitation until you lavo neou tho samples of tho work dono by tho now Courier .'uulismng L. j High priced cloaks, elegant styles. Asiiuv Cloak Co. Fino now linn ot business suitings from $25 to $10 in Scotch and homespuns Jeckell Bros., 110 north Thirteenth street, near Lansing theatre. No such lino ot cannod fruits in the city aa shown by W, A. Coffin A Co., 143 South Elovonth street. W. A. Coffin A Co.) grocers, 14.'l South Eleventh street. Cheap cloaks styles at tho and, furs beautiful Akhrv Cloak Co. Cropo and tlssuo papors at Crancer's, 313 South Uth. ' 1 Artistic plcturo framing at Cruncer's, 21- South 11th. Althoa toilet preparatories at Rector's Pharmacy. Only exclusive cloak house In Lincoln Asiiuv Cloak Co. Lincoln Goal bit trade. company caters to the A fine line ot nianoe at Cruncer's. 212 ut South Uth. THE STUDY OF A WORD. Ttu It men 'trs nnd nrlnty of Inrormutlon H 1 I Ikrly to furnish. Tho great illctlonariei aro n library in tlionificlvca and furuliih an oxlinufltleB sotitco of iiiforiuatiou. A study of n singlo word like cross in tho Ceuliiry Dictionary shows tho resources and vn rloty of informntlou that n fatuillar word may furnioh. There nro 151 col ninns devoted to this word and its com binations, Thoro urn. I pictorial lllttii tratlorm. All in all thoro aro 257 differ ent words .undo out of cross which have to bo ik lined. In the gn-ut Oxford Dic tionary there are 11 pages given to this word, or twlro as tnich aa in tho Cen tury. In tho Century tho study is highly fascinating. Tliuro nro 14 radical ly dlfforcnt uls of definitions to tho word itself. Tho fundamental idea is, of coum1, tho cross, tho crux for crucifying, hut it has coino to havo u variety of meaning as n monument, u crucifix, tho atone ment, tho Christian religion itself, any suffering for Christ's snlie, anything that thwarts or vexes, u mixing of breeds iu animal breeding, u term used in chang ing plants, a joint in n pipe, the acci dental contact of two electric wires, a sportsman phrase for n contest dlnlion catly decided. Then cross becomes im adjective, with rovcral meanings, as falling, athwart, passing from ono of two positions, per verso, etc., to tho other, being opposed, being peevish or fretful, ill tempered, thoroughly contrary, iu tho breeder's vocabulary, Then it becomes an adverb, meaning transversely or adversely. Then it becomes a verb, with nil hinds of sig nificance, from tho running of a lino to cross ti thing, to cancel by crossing, to cross one's self iu devotion, passing from side to eldo of u man, to go over u body of water, to obstruct, to cause to inter fere, to cross plants, to hoist from tho deck to its place on tho must any of tho llghtor yards. Then thcro is tho preposition, iu riding cross-country or walking cross-lots. All this with tho simple word itself, which goes cavorting from tho most sacred thought iu tho world to tho breeder's and tho sportfltuan'B language of tho coop and ranch. After this tho mysteries begin. Thero aro crosses unserated, arellune, bczau ty, bretcsM), cntoosed, commUsu, cto nclo, estoUo, litche, rleury, grlngolo, lam bcuux, molino, nowyed, nylo, mmtro foll, tnltlur, surele, resarceled. Then thoro uro tho innumerable compounds of cros3 from cross-armed, cross-bated, crosd-biter, cross-bar and cross-bun. through cross-flucau, cross-ruff, cross sower und crosE-spulo to cross-wort. Thou thero uro a cross-grained set of crosses, such as crostmrchinal, cross archus, crossetto, crosoopinnl, croshop teryglu, crossopteryglan, crossopterygi dao, crossopterygll, crossopterygla, cross optcrygium, crosdopus, crossorhiued uud croseorhiiduae. It is incomprehensible that u word so simple should have gono rollicking all ovor tho earth, into tho bowels of the earth, into tho depths of tho sea, among tho fowls of tl:o ntr, tlio horse upon tho turf, to card tablo, to tho Bhips upotuthe sea, to tho fishes in thoir gleo, to the sharks in their ferocity, to tho urchHect und plumber, to the farmer iu his ltur rowfnj, to tho railroad in its building, to tho erigiuO in its working, to the seam stress in her labors, to the spider in his, wobbing, to tho spinner nt his login,' to tho lawyers iu their pleading, to n uhrow iu her wrangling, to tho gunner in the fort, to tho miner at his lode, to tho Turk as ho sits, to tho sword of tho glad iator, to tho expert with his telescope, to tho woman in her gazing und in her dressing, to tho athletes iu their wres tling uud to tho swindler at his arts. A. E. Winshlp in Journal of Education. Quaor riivnoui villi oT 1'ullluc llutlles. I am unable to say who first noticed tho peculiar caprices of a stono or other heavy body dropped from tho top of a high tower, but it is nevertheless n curi ous fact that such objects invariably fall slightly to tho east of tho perpcudieular line, rontons of inquiring tunt of mind who ask w)iy this is as it is may find nu answer in tho following: All fulling bod ies partake ot tho earth's eastward mo tion to n greater or lesser extent. There fore during tho time occupied by a stono in fulling from tho top of a high tower or other emiuonco tho earth's rotary mo tion has carried it an appreciable dis tance to tho cast. The initial impetus of tho stono has carried it to the east ward also, thoreforu it strikes the earth to tho east of the perpendicular, vary ing in degree according to tho height from which it has fallen. A curious nrticlo on this subject may bo found in tho Lcipsic Zeitung of May 9. 1889, pago tl. The author of the nr ticlo, who has given it tho titlo of "Tho Nonperpendlculurity of High Towers," claims that tho tower on St. Peter's ca thedral at Romo leans 18 inches to Ihe east. St. Louis Republic. Lawyer Anil now "pli-'aw -tutu the re-, maiuder ot tho conversation between you1 and tho defeuduut. WltneJs I do not remember it, sir. The ubttnncu of it escapes me. . Lawyer (wltherlngly) Never mldd tu'o' substance of it. Tell us the wors,"md I fancy the jury will have the Intelligence to gat at the substance. Harper's Lloznr. What huvo you to trade for u Yost typewriter w 1th eight drawer cubiuet, in good condition, also u now twoseutcd canopy top surrey? Call or address Lou Wessol, Llndoll hotel. oBPRic-rs m Tfce oaly Pure Cream of Tartar Pewder. No Atatuonia; No Alum. Used in Million! of Homes 40 Years the Standard 8P00NEn COMEDY CO. -t Week's I'roxrnni t Hie I'unkn Oprni lloixe. At thoFunko opera house- one week commencing October '.M at popular prices 10 '20 IK) cents, Monday ovoning ladles admitted free, the Spooncr Comedy company will appear In roper lolro. Mr. II. H. Hpoonorund Molllo G. SiKioner, aided by tho talent of their wonderfully clover daughters, Eilnu May and Cecil, hiivo in a fow jenrH succeeded In the face of hard limes and harder competition in making tho Spooncr Comedy company a tcprcrtoutu tlve repertoire attraction, and one that tho very best houses und shrewdest managers recogul.o as a money-winner. Their territory extends from Chicago to tho coast and in that territory they draw like tho Midway IMalsauce. Thus season ought to ho tho crowuleg ono of all their efforts. Mr. Kpooner, with n otroug desire to ulwajs ho iu the lead with tho best, has been spending money with a freu huml In tho purchase of new plujH, new scenery, calcium effects, and tho engagement of a stiong and effi cient company. The repertory consists of ten of their own copyrighted plays: "A Fight for a Million," "Esthers Guar ded!," "Ine.," "Littlo Miss Mab," "Tho Judgo'n Wife," "Wanda," "His Littlo Bister," "Tho Doan." "108," "Eccles' Girls," and other -Kpular dramas. Mips Cecil SiKHMior Is tho coming soubrette und premier dausouso ot America. A Citrtl From Kr.-il Schmidt. As the withdrawal ot tho nominees for tho ofllco of county treasurer on tho democratic and indepoudent.tickots has created a vacancy thereon, and having been urged by prominent republicans, democrats uud dependents to accept tho nomination for that office, I havo this day douo so. Not having tho op portunity iu the brief time between now and election day to see all my frlonds, I talro this method of informing tho vot ers of Lancaster county that I will bo pleased to have their support iu my candidacy for tho oftlco and their otes on November 7 next tor county trcas tirer, pledging iu return that 1 will do my best to faithfully execute any trust that may be confided in me. Yours most respectfully, Fkkh Schmidt. New cloaks und fur garments recolved daily at the Asiiiiy Cloak Co. Tho Lincoln Coal company, 1045 O street, handles all of tho very best grades of anthracite and bituminoUM coul. For rate-) and upon dates of tho No braska state band or orchestra upply at tho CouitiF.n ofllco, 11.11 O street, tele phono r;t. All orders via telephone 'JOS will reach W. A. Coffin & Co. und receive prompt ind careful attention. Fruited ice cream soda water mado ;om the natural fruit, at Rector's Phar macy. C.iuoa City and Rock Springi nice y screened at Lincoln Coal s co.ll com- uny. Every Garment now ut tho Asiiiiy Cloak Co. Tin- Villon l'uclllo Clieup U.iteri. Only SHO.OO first class to Ogdon, Salt Lake, Helena, Spokaho and Portland Ore. " For full particulars call ut city ticket office 1044 O street. Homo St4-kon Excursion. Hy Missouri Pacific Ry. August 22. September 12 and Octobor 10 180CJ. with stop ovor privileges, going but continu ous puss-go on return trip good for twenty dus, this gives very low rates, to Texas, Aikausas, Oklahoma and other IKiints. Call at 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb., Missouri Pacific otliee, J. E. R! Miller ticket ugent.for further particulars and tickets. Notice. Articles of Incorporation of ttu- Hall lirorf. cummin). 1' licit of record Octobnr 10, a. d,, llXl, t'lwt Tlio tiamo of thii corporation nlmll bo tin Hull llrotlu'ry company. Second Tlio principal placo of transacting Its bulnp.!i shall iMitlinCityof Lincoln, County of I.nncasti'r, btato of Nebraska. Third Tlio uenornl nature of tlio bmlnt'dd to bo trauftnetou is that of tho solo of sUnod, nuiKcs, furnace, Iron castlnus and manufac Hired urtlrlei and tlio manufacture of metal work of nil Uimii -wtnlnltur to thU btHlness, Fourth 1 ho amount of capital stock author feed ii ton thousand (10,(WU) dollars, Ufty jer cent of which is to bo pnlil in boforo tho com nioncnnont of business of tlili corporation, Tind tlio lialanceupopcull of tlui directors. Fit tti-Tho limn of llin coiliirtencenlbnt of Iho lifo of thiscorporntion shnll Ihi tho 16th day of ucioocr, i-ui. anu inau u.-rminato inu ist uay Jnnuarj, 1UU. Sixth Tho lilshest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which tlio corporation nt any ono time is to subject Itself is two-thirds of 'tho amount of tho capital stock paid in. bo, out li The atfnlrs of tlil-i corporation shall be conducted by prosldont. vico president, sec rutnr) and treasurer, which oUlcor shall con ktituton bourtl of directors. Dated nt UncoU thU lath day of Octobor, 151-J. (Signed,) II. J. Hall, (.'hah. K. Hall, J. E. Hall, J. L. UXTHR. Incorporators. owder: i - p CONSIGNED TO US SO Iiimted PnnEBu Hits! 50 The very Latest Designs will be on sale today and all week. To' make them go quickly the Consignee has. made the prices about ONE-HALF of their actual value. Gome and see them Funke's Opera House Corner. Exclusive Wholesalers and TS UrvPPtflEo At last we're open for business, and we want all the j- - LADIES .S'xmif ninc-lcntlm of what men earn. They know how to he is likely to axt shabby. It costs to more to dress ' -a boy in the latest Styles of well made clothing than to dre.s him the other way. ' ' j We fit a boy out completely, SUITS, FURNISH INGS, HAT, EVERYTHING BUT THE SHOES, INVESTIGATE. I-urxuat Mamiriirturt-rn unit IttulWrit of :iotlilni; In tho World. iwm.Kme lOtCS-10 O 61'TRECIS'r. RuDGi & 1118 TO 1124 N STREET. Li IDnl E -AGENTS CELEBRATED GARLAND STOVES. RICHARDSON & BOYTNON CO., HOT AIR FURNACES?,. FVlRHfKiESPVlT H OH SHORT H0TCt Favorite Oil Heaters are well named. The best Oil Heater for only $7.50 each. just iiOKrrir A NEW CWJBER svins And at prices that surprise all. wilt not be UNDERSOLD. Rviclge & ixis-iiaa blch H PI 91 "8 m Tunt pocket. liruiRiaU. Aik f ui 'It. Vvt la in IJucoln. bj U. W. BUOWN alvuuwrttoniiuarautcf)loureorrrHad Ike atnrr -niruTU umu. in bmia wntDsvr auuivh m mm t jtauaii uu.. MftiouiaivrnD. at the Corner 0 and Twelfth Streets. Retailers of Millinery Goods. Ladies to have a look at our splen did Children's Department. It is not yet in as nice condition as we will have it, but the clothing is there. If a boy is shabbily dressed & . IINCOIN( IVEB. Morris Co. IE HE III CITY. FOR THE- X. LINE OF Remember that we Morris Co., in: 'riE;i5T. FURNITU MANHOOD RESTORED! fflKSEffJJSSS; uurutiiwU tot urun.i iifrvi.ijui.tini, ua V'uak Momorr.Ionof Uroln 'UTur,lloiirtactii.Vakolulhii. l.iitMinboU,NliihtlTuii,lon. Nrrou nrwi.olldraliminalnKi'f (iwfrimJuiiDriUroOrn of ollber aoKcauwd tr UTeroxnrtlon, ynnihlul rrrara, oxcexlro Uo of tobacco, opium or itltu- umnii.iraicu ii-auiuiiiiiruiihr.f'iivuuifjiionor iiiBniir. uin uit cArrtedm t PurDix.iur.. vj niii pronam. wiiubba order wo Dfnnmlri. tukwnootlifr Writ tor fren Modlcml Hook w Hold tr all wntM i.tiUIC I'U tul V. N. IIKULAKMOKK, UrujUU. r4 ,tf k-1 t r .. !"- K!-J i