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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1893)
rv i ..1 :us ( n . KV ffff M' W u i ii cm 0ii'lllllK f Hio Sflioil. Tlm uhihIu of tlio wiiltx 111Ip1 lln IiiuhI aotno tlnnoliiK hull of tlio Hold Lincoln lant ovonliiK.uiul echoed In tlm corridor, mid tho lirl(;lit lllumlniitlon iHhuIikwiI aaurltllitK ojt'rt, mul Iwiiutlful fneeH. iinil rich K'Wiw, '' 1W0I fulr iiihIiIciih nnd bravo nun pnyliiK liomiiK" ' , Muso Tirwlolioro. It wiw tho miiIiik ncoption of tho fwiiHon, rIvi-ii dy tho ,llcwmiit Hour clult, uml thorn wiih all tint Hparklo ami life and Kiiynty Incident ti thoHCHHoiiV oponlnn, hoforo tho plenn jurcnof tho hall room hnvohogun to pall on mocIoI.v'h dovoteca, and moil and woniiin havo heoomn wintry of i)venln fwtllvitln. It wiih Hiiuh ii Kiithorlnc of happy HHpl an doc ono' heart kinmI to Vw, nnd if tlio Interest in an 1 rented Itmt ouiiin may Ik taken an an iitiKurj of tho M(iif in, t hero are many bright thinpt ia riMect. ,.It Iuih for yeara been tlio uiihIoiii or thciilnbto lender a reception tomem liern tin they marry, and tho ball lnnt qvonlui; wn for Mr. and Mra. Ownr I-', l;inlo. Mr. and Mrn.(ioorKU It. Mi'Ihhiwi' nnd Mr. and Mr. Vm 0. Howo. . There wiih h ltiri;o attendance of prominent nocloty icoplo, n number of KiientH from IIiIh city and abmad, lend ing their proHonco to the .enjoyable w cuaion. , Owing to tho early hour at which Tiik Couitinu goi'H to preHH, It in IiumhhIIIo t(gVO ill tlUH iwtlW II IIhI Of tllOMO l'CK- rnt. IVrlrli-UIII. ',1 dm) one year ago, barring live iIiijh. x8tate Treimuror and Mm. J. K. Hill benUminl the hand of their daughter, Mfcw Carola, on Mr. Joseph II, digger, si thin week they wero called upon to Mirt with another daughtor, MIhh (It'll tlidc, to Mr. Hcxln Weluh. Tho wedding, though quint, wiih one ot tlio prettient that have occurred In Xilncoln for a lung tiiun, Tim HtraliiH of tho wedding march Mero heard at, 8 o'clock, and the bride nd groon!', ntvoodod by tho hridcHiunidH, JliM Winifred Hill, pUtor or the bride. and Mlw Kate Kimball, enteml the ' hrwiug room, and advanced to tho Ixiw (l winnow, wnien wan ncauuniiiy tiriiHci with llowera mid foliage. H ' Ir. H. Ill Ciirtla, pastor of the Flint ' iSrmbyjtcrfim church, ijerforniiHt the ,', ccrtmuiny, which' accompaniod by n noft , rjifraln from tho orcheatra.'BecniU'd at a ,4 dlfttimiTivWjtH particularly imptviwive. ' ,( J'TIim bride 'wm lovely in a rich toilet of 'white HiiHiii, trimmed with old point Iq7 Hho wmm much admired. Tlio briuHmalda,drer80(liii pink, wero radiHiit with youth and beauty. 1 Twining the bnlustradcn ami cluin 1elfora, and mianondod and draped from ery nook and corner woro garlauda ad leHtooiiH ot Mowers. Tho decora tionH (tut otT tho bright toilotH of tho iitawfl prespm, umong wnoin were wv- '' en briden in their wedding continue, nnd tho Mcena proRontod wiih twith nni- mated and1 pretty. 'Mr. nd Mrn. Welch wore warmly .. ongratulatotl, und ut 0 o'clock the party ' natdown to a dainty repast. (i A .feature of tho wedding va the pretience of, bo vend bride ot u year or " kwnamong whom wero Mrn. Mi-ariH. if Annsttu City, formerly Mlm Ouvort. of tacity;Mrn..T. V. llull, or Ueatrlw. ' formerly tUlin Graco Yule, and Mrv. "" BiM(fr. The bridal uouplea were waleil t the table of honor. ' Mr.'ttnil Mh. Welch left on the even ing train for Chicago. They will remain About two week, nnd after' November 15 they will be ut hoiun'ut 170i li ntreet. Tho high regard in which the young couple iin) held wUh oxeuiplitted in an t mty of iH'aiitiful gifta. Amoug those pretiont from out or town were Mr. anil Mth. J). ,T. Mean, or Kun ,j, Mw;Uity;, Dr.. and Mra. jj, W. Hall, or 'itetitrlco; Mis Mary Green ami Miiw Alice Harer, of Heatrice; Mitw Arnold, otChleago; Mr.'Prank Stowart, or Alii nnce, Neb.; Minn Moore, of Hloomingtoii. ' 111. Unumiid inlen-at attached to the rjrlbMng: on iicniiint of the prominence -of the purtioH concerned. The bride, -ntaoe tlw family niovctl to thm city from HeMrioe'p tmveral years ago, him eujoyed the warn etccm of u lurge circle of friemaa. She i u very nttractivuglrl, poMaonmMl of many charming and udinir- h .able iualltl6. Mr. Welch, who bun , .lea connwtwl with tho bunks of this city far u uuuiberof years, is well known, -aad.'his stunding in business circles und imcially is of tho highest. .H'JUnn-llcthuiio. Mr. 'Kichurd Mcllluq, of Voungs- ,'Uwn,)t)'..1andAliKs Jiugenloi, lathuno, 4C this clly, wero uuIUhL in marrlngo Waduesday eveniug, October 1H. at the jvakieucu ot the brido's iwreuts, ir!tO SontU Twenty-third sireot, in the pres- eae of relatives and u few intimate .friends. Uv, Uouno .iHirfornied the . catcntony. Iatorin the evening there was 'n 'ri'coption ut the residemni ut- tteotlodbya Urge number of friends or hibViilc, who is an exceedingly populur .yeuag lady. Mr. und Mrs. McLcllau ' WiH wuku their home in this city. MnrltH-t'lsliburii. ., . v The residence ot Mr. J, P. h'ishbiirn, north Twenty-sixth etroot wus the of a beautiful home wedding .nHNwday evening: The contracting 'jpartiea were Mia Minerva Fumburn i 'A 't ,! f and Mr, ,lohn Martin. The ceremony was performed promptly at 8 o'clock by I. P. lmddcu, pastor of Grace liUllicin church, Miss Nora Miller ami Miss Mildred Parks were brides maids, no cumpnulng tho beautiful bride to tho lastrully festooned Isiy window where tho ceremony took place. After tin happy couple hail received tho con gratulations ot all present u sumptu ous wedding supper wan served. Misi Fishhurn has only recently moved to Lincoln from Ilelle Fonto, Pa., and Mr, Martin Is caHhler of the Lincoln branch r drowning King ,iCo. Xltnmerman.Itrrtl. Mr. Klinnr K. Zimmerman and Mlns lulio L. HH)d worn united in miirriugn Wednesday nfterniHin nl 1 o'clock, at tho residonco of Mr. Joseph II. Hhoon, 1KI5 Q street, IUiv, Luther P. Lmldon ofllulut Ing. Only Immediate relutlvi.-s wero prescut, Mr. Zimmerman is In tho am. ploy ot the First National bunk, Omaha. Tho young couple left later in tho day for tho east. They will bo at homo In Omaha utter November 1. Witt IIk Mitrrbil -JR. Wednesday, October 'Si, Mr. Frank L. F.vaits and Miss Angle Htearns will bo united In marriage. Tho ceremony will bo crforiucd at tho resilience of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. l.nsch, tho latter being Miss Stearns' cousin. I to v. lowls Gregory, of tho Find Congregational church, will ofllclate. Wooilrn WimIiIIiir. . Tuesday evening Mr, uud Mm. T. J. Curtis celebrated tholltth anniversary or their marriage. Many handsome and useful blfts were nrericnted by tho guests, who wero Messrs. and Mesdames Ij. W. Kldredge, A. M. Halrd, J. It. Helms, K. W. Tobln, W. H. Goodwin, F. A. Green, George II. Hogets, JoMeph F. Katron, Ij. Drew, John Descher, Mr. J.J.Owen and daughter, Miss Myrtle, Mrs. J. Hnyder, Misses Descher, May, Halrd, Goodwin, Maude, Grace and Hmimi Kogors, Messrs. Gibhart, Cush lug, boor, Thomas, Cull, Hhugart, Whit man, Hnyder Holberg, Adolph and ('harles Weber, Luwis and George Tobiu. Kapim Kiiu OiuinnM. Kappa Kappa Gamma fraternity or the state university held a meeting with Miss Muriel Gere, BIO I) street Hutur day, for tho puroso or initiating several new members, Misses Dora Hurley, Kuu Iticketts, Lottie Whedouiind Alice Malt land, the first two in the tlrst nnd second degrees, uud tho last two in the second degree only. After tho initiation cere mony a tempting lunch wus served. Those pi esent were Minuet Mnry Whit ing, KlUubothHencrest, Florence Winger, Maude Hissor, Baltic (it oh, 'Anna Hroady, Nellie Griggs, Mabel Lindley, Stella Kirkor, Martha Hurks, Altheti Itoborts, Mury L. Jones ami Miss Conk- tin; Miss Minnie Gaylord was present as ti guest. Illrlhilit.v Purly. Miss loulse Hoover entertained u few young friends ut the Liudell hotel Inst Thursday from 4:.10 until 7:1111 p. mcelo- brutiug her seventh birthduy. Mrs. .Hoover, Mrs. V. O. Strickler und Miss Dellu Scotleld helped her to entertain the guests, who wero Winifred Bhermnu, Hessie Guult, Edith Daly, Mury -Humor, Vera Nobtsi, Jessie Newmnrk, Nelllo NewmurJcJRuth Haker, Kdnu linker, CleniMooreTJussie Hurkitt, Clyde Ndibs, Alice Gibson. Wntson Smith, Ne.wman Lnshy, Wjilter Davis uud Paul Yutvs. ,MI l.f mi IfTr'?r Kulir(',f,H, Miss licuu Dowew enicriained the tttute university whist cliib, ut her home, Rid South Sixteenth street, Suturdity evening. Tho participants wore Misses Minnie Gaylord, Maud Hammond, Pud- dock, Kisser, Stella Kirkor, McDonald, Pound. Miss Pollock, or Coldwutor. Mich.; Messrs. Forbes, Spuldiug, Craw ford, Weeks. Hicketts, Wenver. Johnson. Hurnham, Victor, and Walter McLucus. ('('i'otliin ('hull'. The students of the conservatory of music havo re-organized the Cecelian cnoir lor mo coming year. ov music has been selected, and unusual interest is manifested among tho students. Sev eral young ladies or the city who nre not students huvu expressed it desire to join the orgtini'utioiMiud tin excellent chorus is assured. It is also the intention to organize u Indies' mchestrii to co-operate with the choir. K. O. T. M. IIiilrrtHlutiifiil. Adusii Tent "No. Ill, Knights tr the MttcciilH'es, gave u delightful entertain incut ut the Lansing theatre Monday evening. Tho program included ltd diesst'S by Mayor Weir, Major N. S. Hoyuton iiml Miss Himi M. Welch und numerous enjoyable musical selections. A reception was held in the Hulter bloek after the entertainment. Trm-lu'iV AttkitrUtloti, The Luncuster County Teachers' iirko citi t Ion met Saturday ut the ollice or tho county superintendent, with lOOteUchoitt prcFent. Mr. J. K. Spain, or Holland; presided, and discussions on graduation and course or study, records and rojorts, pupils rending and teachers reading cir cle were indulged in. Prof. Strong, of the city schools, addressed tho meeting, und u pleasing feuturu was the ehuriot nice recitution rroui Hen Hur by Miss Lucy Haines, or the Western Normtil college. Tho teachers appreciated tho newly decoruted rooms nnd extended a vote ot thanks tor tho Paine. Ti-ril' Itt'lurl. Tho presence in Chicugo or Mr. Henry Irving has readied u charming bit or graceful repartee, ot which Actor Ter riss, of Irving'B company, wuHthoauthor. It was at the limit of tho last Irving in vaslotior tho Windy O. Stone, who loves to entertain bright profrsHional tcoplo, gave u luncheon in honor or Terriss, und all through tho meal fairly deluged her "lion1' with pruiseof his art, finally climaxing her laudations with u query us to why ho did not start out us u star on his own account. To this Terriss rofls;udcd reverently: "My dear iuudiiui,you over I whelm me, I have seen just two Hhtruoy stones In my life, but I regret to say I have only kissed one." Ksrulty Com-nrl, All excellent und well arranged pro gram was rendered by tho faculty of tho conservatory ot music at their concert Tuesday evening. Following in tho pro grunt: ILitltte-ClruuilUtTitrtolm.., '.Urau CtiioNl on Tlietmt from tlm KroulMrNeiiiilri Mr. Wlllitun Leonard llray. wionutwki-"Msurku". .. !!.":;:: vloll Hr. Wilholm l,uutirnclil. Chaiiln - lltitorti, Un. IOD . . . , Piano Mlii Mntiilc A. KlcliariN. I)iinlrittl--I(t'uimviiupl Hllomlit Viict "1'iittltin" front litteU ill Iinttimi'miiMtr, , Mm. Mnry Inllinnr Orny. MnrW Iwtiln-Uur lliililn Front Uonos to H'e.. . .. ...., UcttdliiK .. . . Mm. Kllritd, IIoIIIim,, Mottili'Uioliti Concerto In (I Minor.. .....Plnnu Anilnnto-l'rt'Kto-Mollo Allcsrolu Vlvure. , , Mr. (Irny. ..'rolii'Mrnl imrln plnyinl on lii-coml plunn by MI-h Itlrliiinls. Ill.ot -'I'orreinlor (from t'annptt).. Vocitl ,,, . Mr. ('lmmminx MovIum. ioiutcmpM - I'olotiiiUn , ., ..,r,,,,Tlolln , Mr, I,miiirpt-lil. Mpjerllelintiil-MiMlrul lllnliiiitie .Voosl Duct Mrs, limy, Mr'MtivlitK. Tlii(.Vntur.r!liil. Tho second meeting or tlio Century club wus hcltl ut tho residence or Mrs. D. A. Cumpbell, Flfteentli.uud K streets Tuesday itfternoon. Tho subject under discussion wits France. Mm. W. II. Mc Crcery read an interesting pitH'r on tho French Itenulssuuco uud Mrs. Garten followed with u sketch of tho Castlo or Chiimbonl, Foutuiuobleiiu, tho Tuileries and the Palace of Vcrsullles. Tho progrutn closed with u puper by Mm. C.I. Jones on Historic Places, Orleans, Toulouse, ami Avignon. Tho next moot ing will bo held October ,'U ut tho resi dence of Mrs. C. I. Jones on D street. TJroso present wore: Mrs. D. A. Cump bell, Mrs. Frank Campbell, Mrs. K. II. Curtis. Mm. Garten. Mrs. Henry Ilurtlcy, Mrs. K. II. Howell, Mrs. Puul Holm. Mrs.C. I. Jones, Mrs. W. E. Kirkor, Mrs. W. II. McCreery. Mrs. Milton ity iiootnotrpn Scott, Mrs. Teeters, Mrs. M. E. Vun Hrunt, Mrs. It, T. Vun Hrunt, Mrs. Chariot Wnlte, Mm. J. W. Winger. Tho club has issued beautiful programs con taining the parts assigned ouch member for the season; it also contuins u list of, the members of tlm club and places of meeting. -w York' Itoliiitantit. Miss Ethel Duvies, daughter of Mr. uud Mrs. Julian T. Da vies, whoso mother in u sister or Hrudley-Martln, will be ono ol tho prominent dobutants of tho neason; she in uu extremely good looking girl, ot tho tuli, dark und robust type. Miss Kearney, u grunddaughtor of tho luto Geuerul Philip Keurnoy, who has been with her parents, Gonoral und Mrs. Johu Watts Kearney, is to bo brought forward next mouth, und an she is quite pretty and vivacious, will probably bo a Buccess. iilis.- Grunt, who bun really boon greatly admired ut WcBt Point since hor return from 'abroad,' will 'very likely fare as well us any of this year's girls, as no doubt some of her grand father s old friends will do some enter tulning for her. t'iirtinri-11 lt-ri'illon. A farewell reception und supjier was tendered the fumlly or Geuerul Victor Vifquain, consul-general ot the United States ut Panama, at the rooms of tho Catholic Union club Wednesduy even ing. There was u large ut tendance und the reception was given under tho auspices of the Indies' sodality uud tho Catholic Union club. Siol. Sorosis has hardly resumed her regime us or yet owing to tlio neccssury deluy in filling vneuneics, electing oillccrs, arranging programs etc. A largo number were present at Mrs. Sawyer's on Monday, Mra. Miller, Mm. Wheeler und Mrs. Fling were elected to membership. The question for dis cussion wus s)stN)ned, owing to tho ' lateness of the hour, but will bo tuken up October lit) ut Mrs. Kicketts. Those present were Mesdumes Sawyer, I lurtley, Rickets, Guthrie, Howen, Adams, Hodge nuin, Harbour, Hill, M linger, Heobe, Seniors, Hrueo nnd Hnlyoke, Mr, lliirr I'tirkrr Kiitrrtulim. Mm. Hurr Parker entertained u few friends on Tuesday evening in honor of Mm. CD. Hardin, of Monmouth. 111.. who is visiting her daughter, Mm. Frank ' Krowncll. Covers wero luid for severul, land the menu embraced all the deli cacies or the season. Tho beautiful table service and charming munnor of ' the hostess made tho evening mentor ! able. Those present wero Mr. und Mrs. Fruuk Hrownell, Mr. und Mrs. Hurr Purker, Mm. C. D. Ilnrdiu, Misses Whit more uud Hamilton. I'iuuo 11,-iltul. Mr. Lichtensteiu, un English piunist stopted in Lincoln Saturday evening on his way to Denver und gave u rccitul in tho V. M. C. A. hull More a largo uudl donee or local musiciuns. Ho presented a very well selected program, including numbers from Moszkownki, Heothoven, Hair, Liszt, Chopin und Gottszkowski. Mr. Lichtensteiu is just returning from it concert tour und expects to locute in Denver. Ho is u luusiciun of marked ubility. Iliivulu Club. The Ituvolu club.i sociul organixation ttiut has enjoyed murked succean, was this week reorganized for the season or WIDI. The following went elected olll com: President, Mr. Homer Honeywell; vice president, Mr. Merrill; secrelury, Mr. Hairy Hurley; treimurer, Mr. Frunh Kitchen; master or ceremonies, Mr. Guy Hurlbut. It Is the intention to give tlm first jtarty sometime about November 1. Tho club sturts with ugood membership uud with excellent prospects for tho winter. Another meeting will beheld in u row (1)H. Kntrrlnlhril Their Cln-. t. Mr. W. J. Itohlnnou und Mm. A. L. Moteulf onlortuined thelrSunduy school clusscs or St. Paul's church lust Wednes day evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Metculf. Thonn present wero Misses Murluy, Hicketts. Seubrook, Lyon, Howcm. Moteulf, Smith, Hood, Muttheivs, Morrison, Piorson und Schelb inger; Messrs. Lyon, Smith, II. Hicketts, H. Kicketts, Nlles, Hay. II. George, It. George, Mutthows and Sinull; Mr. uud Mrs. Prewlthund Mr.und Mrs.Hoblnson. Sir, nnd Mrn..lHliir llriilnii Kntcrlnln. The huiidsonio residence ot Mr. und Mrs. Jiiiirw Heuton, 1100 E street wus thrown ojten Wednesday evening to tho visiting sisters to tho st'Uo convention or tho Daughters or Kebeccu. Mis. Heuton wus assisted by tho members or the Columbian lodge No. JK). I), or K. Tho house was tastefully decorated and tho visiting ladies wero given a most cordial welcome. Delightful music wus tendered during tho evening and an elegant luncheon wus served. Minor Mention. Tho V. W. 0. A. opened its first mar ket last Saturday afternoon ut Miller Ac Glfbird'B grocery, 1211 O street, ut 1! o'clock. They hud for side hoinc-niudo cookies, pies, cukes, rolls, bread and other dainties that should ho appro elated by housekeepers. Tho market will bo it Saturday feature hereafter und will be held wherever u merchunt will ullow spueo so thut tlio locution will bo ehuugod ouch week. It will not be open later than " o'clock. Miss Duisy Tuttle gives u concert this evening ut tho First Congregational church, for tho benefit of tho Industrial school fund. She will bo assisted by the tulent or the city uud no effort will bo bo spurod to itiuko it u greut success. Tho fumu of tlio fulr singer uud the worth or tho cuuso should muke success doubly successful. Professor llugeuow returned Wednes duy from New York. He will resume his residence in Lincoln. Mrs. Hugo now und daughter will remain lit New York tcintiorurily, studying. The members of the Plymouth Con- grcgutionul church guvo u supper in tho church parlors Wednesday evening, which wu followed by a splendid literary und musical entertainment. A sociul uud reception wus given by tho young people of tho First Hnptist church in tho church parlors Wednes day evening, for tho purpose ot welcom ing students nnd strangers. Mrs. Kebeccu Hee'son arrived in Lin coln Tuesday from West Liberty, und will remain with her son, Mr. E. L. Boeson, or 2007 South Sixteenth street, during tho, winter. Miss Mury Green und Miss Alice Harlor, ol Beutrico, came up to Lincoln to attend tho Welch-Hill wedding. They were tho guests or Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph H. Higgor. Miss Mury Welch, or Cadiz. O.. came to Lincoln to attend tho wedding or hen etrothor; iMr. Kozin Welch. She is tho guest or her sister, Mm. John H. Cun ningham. Misses Mumo and Hose Carson ro turned to Lincoln a week ago toduy. Miss Hose left Siinduy with Mrs.,McMil Inn, whoso guest sho will be at Oinlen. Utuh. Mr. uud Mrs. A. E. Kennurd. Mr. und Mrs. Charles M. Keefer, Miss Gruce Ashton und Mr. und Mrs. Ed P. Keefer left Sunday far the Columbian exposi tion. It hi understood thai the Cheese uud Cracker club, un organization of young Indict thut mot uf teriioons onco u week lust winter, will shortly bo re-orgunized. Mr. and Mm. H. J. Means, or Kunsns City (tho hitter formerly Miss Amv Covort), uro in tho city, the guests of Mr. unci Mrs. Covert. Mr. und Mrs. II. Zehrung huvu ro turnod rrom a visit to tho Whito City. They join in tho multitude in admira tion of its beauties. Mr. Lou Storrs, of Denver, formerly u populnr resident ot Lincoln und ii well known member of socioty, spent Sunday iu this city. Tho Comus club will givo its first party November 12. Tho club bus a vory lurgo membership, und will huvu u guy scuson. Messrs. F. E. Price nnd S. Seligsohn left Saturdny for Wollsville, Cul.. to look alter their mining interest in that placo. Tho Misses Cowdery entertained a fow frionds Suturduy evening in honor ot their guest, Miss North, of Columbus. Mra. P. O. Hedlund und hor sistor, Mrs. K. T. McGrew, of Denver, loft for Chicago Tuesduy to visit tho fuir. Miss Anno Crocker, of Shoboygan, Wis., is visiting Miss Muo Hurr. Sho expects to remain about a month. Mr. D. W. Hand, Jr., of St. Puul, Minn., spont Monduy und Tuesday with Messrs. Frank anil Charles Burr. Professor F. W. Taylor returned from ChlcugoISuturdny, nnd ho left ngiilu far i no world s ruir Wednesduy, Mrs. W. C. Griffith returned from Chicugo Tuesduy. Miss Grucs will re lutiiii'severul weeks longer. Messrs. Curl, Phil uud Fred Eusferdliy und Mrs. O. M. Ennterdny left Monday far the world's fair. Mrs. Mnry A. Heed has mturnnd fmni it six week's visit at Springfield, III., uud Uto White City. Miss Muy North, of Columbus, nnd Miss Alice Cowderv wero Oin.ilm vtalt iors Monduy. Dr. J. O. Everett, Oliver Everett uud Miss Inez Everett left Tuesduy far tho world's fair. Mrs. Clark uud Misses Lulu, Miirgnrot und Hertio Clark returned Trom Chicugo Suturduy. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hurr, or Jersey City, Neb., uro visiting Mr. uud Mrs. (Win. Untitling. Mra. E. Ifullot li-ft Monduy evening far u visit ut her old homo in Ottiiinwu, lowu. Mr. uud Mrs. C. N. Leighton lert dur Ing the week tor tho Columbiun exitosi. lion. Misses Gertrude Mtirquotto und Nannie Lilllbridgu visited Oimiliu Mon- duy. Mr. Pryor L. "Murkel'hus gone to Omuhii, where ho will in future reside. Mr. D. G. Wing returned from the Columbiun oxitosltion Suturduy evening. Mr.S. T. St. John, ,f Junliilti, for nierly or Lincoln, wus in town this week." MissEttu Hotuling returned Tliiirs duy rrom Chicago and the world's ruir. Mr. Bert Ilowoy, nutionnl bunk ex unilner, hus been in tlio city this week. Messm. Chirk Kedick uud Bert Cook, or Oinuhu, were iu the city this week. Mr. Frank O. Zehrung will leuvo for Chicugo tho eurly part of next week. Judge und Mrs. A. W. Field spent the week ut the Columbiun exposition. Mr. nnd Mra. C. II. Morrill will re turn this morning rrom Chicugo. Mr. J. D. Calhoun und family huvu returned from tho world's ruir. Miss Surah Hurris returned from the world's fuir Suturduy evening. Mr. und Mrs. F. M. Ettstcrdiiy lert Monday for tho world's fair. Mr. und Mrs. John A. Van Dtium, lrrt Siinduy far the world's fair. Miss Arnold, of Chicuuo. is tlio lrui'sl of Mr. uud Mra. J. E. Hill. Mr. GeorL'o J. Woods left Wetbiesdnv uttornoon far New York. Miss Muttio GriftlsisenioviiiLMi week's visit ut tho world's fair. Mr. Joseph F. Hutchins returned from tho fuir Thursdiiv. Mr. Frank L. Ilutliuwuv was an Omuhu visitor Tuesday. Mr. E. S. Huwloy und duiiuhler hiivo gone to tho world's fuir. Kev. E. II. Chimin left Stinduv for the Columbian exposition. Mr. W. J. Lamb hus irouo to th. Columbiun exposition. Mr. nnd Mis. Fred 0. JIo'wo huve been in Chicago this week. Mr. A. D. Kilpatrick. of Beatrice, wiih in Lincoln this week. Dr. und Mrs. Bull, of Beatrice, wero in tho city this week. Mr. Koss Curtis is enjoyiue; a visit at tho world's fuir. Mr. C. E. Huughinnii left Sunday for the world's fuir. Mr. J. E. Erb is in uttendance upon tho woi Ill's fair. Mrs. H. M. Bushmill left Tuesday for Bucklin, Mo. Mrs. W. S. Lattu hus been visiting iu Pluttsmuuth. Mr. Frank S. Burr hus returned from Chicugo. Miss Efllo Stoon is visiting iu Wnhoo. A choice lino of turn just received ut tho Ashiiy Cloak Co. A Yrur'it Nolnrrlptlou to Any One of I ho 1 oIIowiiik I'aporH LADIES'. HOME JOURNAL. CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES. To uny ono Bonding us $ 00 for u year's subscription toTm:CouiUKit in udvunce, wo will givo roo a yeur'n subscrij -lion to uny nuo of theiibovo pupers, any ono of which the rogulurjuubscrlption price in $1.00 to 91.50. Komemboryou got ono froo with a year's subscription to tho Courier. 9'l.t'0J worth of good reading for $'.()0. SEND IN YOUR SUBSGRIPHONS NOW! As this ofTur will only hold good far it 2;S short time, Address J agff COURIER PUR. CO., Ofllco 1201 O St., Unuohi, Nub, ViilllllllllllllllllK iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 'KliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB Dr. T. O'Connor, (BaccMtor to Dr. Chariot BonrlM.) CURBS CANCERS, TUMORS, Wni aiil Flotalni wlthunt th um ot Kilt, Chloroform or tUfaer. mile 13M O Htrw-t-Owfii liloek. LINCOLN, NEB. ('OUIlIHIt rilllLI.SIIINd CO. l'liimp m lltulnpii OQlee 1:111 ( St HUMPHREYS' Or. Humnlirrv' Hprriac ttroKivtiUaeallr and carctullr rvuarwl liemcdlri, ud for ytnn In prlratn practice aud fur over tlilrty yeun hy tho people with entire lucofyut. er.v xlntclb 8ccJno a peclal cure for tliu I1mo tmiiicl. They cure without UruRtloir, purKtiiK or reducing the ytm and aro In Tact and deed Ute Not errlin Hemrdlea of the World. no. niu. rnou. lFerers. Congestion!, InlUmmatloni.. ,ia Warna. Worm Vater, Worm Colio.... .13 3-Trethlngi Colic, Crylin. WakefulneM .9.1 4-Dlarrhea, of Children or Adult as 7-Caaih. C'oldi, BronchllU aa H-Nenrlcla, Toothache Faceachc. S -Ueadachea, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. M l-Djra)eaialM. DIllouineM.Conatlpatlon. .98 1 1-Hareard or ralafal Perleda... .113 Itf-Whilca, Too l'iofuo l'criod. .a 13-Croap, l,Kryacltla, Uoancneax 98 14-Hattkheam, Krjflpelii,Eniplton.. ,HS lS-KheMMRtlam, Hheunutla I'alni .93 lS-MaUrla, Chilli, Ferer and Ague .93 lV-Catarrh, lnfluenxa.CoM In Iba Head. .93 Ua-WhaoplnrCoaih .93 UT-Kldaer Dlaeanea JVl 98-Nenraaa Uehllltr ! 38-Vrlnarr Weakaeaa, WeUing lied.. .93 nCMPIIRBYH WITCn HAZKFi OIL, " The Pile Olnlment."-Trlal Blxe. 3ft C'la. alt kr DriKftiu. or .! (io.i-f.ld an rclr at frlc. Da. llonrNiitf m.huil (III Ml".) "-i rua. anrMtin' aKA toiUAimruiaai m., n nc. SPECIFICS. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rj. Uont Diniiiir Car Service In the World. TO THE WORLD'S FAIR TAKE THE GREAT RUCK ISLAND ROUTE FROM THE WEST. . ZCamembar. thla Idna baa Dapot for ail iraina at snr lawooai auburttorducaffoi, eloiato tbaWtftld'aratr Data. TAKE THE ROCK ISLAND. JNO. SEBASTIAN, G. T. UNO P. A. CHICAfiO, ILL. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS AND Pill ENGRAVING OmSBfBSSSSSSSSKm I -o if . ,C , CHICAGO ON THE CHEST OF THE AILEGHANIE8. (Main Lino B. O. K. It.) SEASON OPENS JUNE 15, 1893. Ilatnn. fflO. t7f nnH tnn corduyr to location. Addrora ' OEOimi.1. r nVnuiP'.T.Tci . Cumberland, ud up to Juno' 10; after iimi uuio, oimer woer rutt or UaklantL uurrett county, Md. FREi Pamphlato daaoriblug tat reiourcat ot KANSAS, ARIZONA, OKLAHOMA, NEW MEXICO ad CALIFORNIA, Mny bo had by addraaalnir O. T. N jcholaon" O, Uohtion tbU papar, 1 Oil j- 1 $ A v'l 1 'J -1I 1 1 ''"'A i . . ;m V j . ' 11 ,4. j "u. .(l 711 ' .f. : ... i l '. tt ,