Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, October 21, 1893, Image 1

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    ' '"tPP'Wi?
Saturday Morn
VOLUME 8, NO. 46.
ing Courier!
Wasiiinotoh. Oct. 18, 189.l.-Spcciul Corrcspondonto. TKo Boli
vian Kovorntitont, through Kb minister
at Washington, has entered a protest
ugalnBttho Bonding of tho negro, lny
lor, its u roprcsontutivo lo them. Hail
Mr. Clovehind searched tho wholo globe
over ho could not lmvo dlBcovcred
another hind whero the black mini
would bo looked upon with mora din
favor than In Bollviu. And the
ntrahgest pnVt of It oil Ib, that Taylor
' had never tho rumotcot Idea of the
Bolivian mission aB u possibility for
him. Can It bo poBBiblo that tho worthy
geographers In charge of our depart
tnjfmt of state got their geographical
lore bo sadly mixed us to confound
Bolivia with Liberia?
;Tho 82,500 contribution sent to tho
conscience fund of tho treasury the
other day was tho largest save one that
has been received in seven years. JubI
about that long ago tho halves of eight
1,000 bills camo by mail, with an anony
mous noto saing' that tho other halves
would' bo, forwarded if acknowledgment
of tho llrst batch was mudo in tho news
papers. This was done, and Undo Sam
was richer by 8,000. No explanation
was otTcrcd. and tho nlfuir remains a
mystery. Tho exception abovo noted
was u "wud" of 94,91)6, simply folded in a
sheet of paper, with tho word "Con
science" scrawled on it. On ono occa
sion 'Postmaster General Wnnmmiker
got a letter with 91,000 in it and tho
written words:
, This is tho balanco of intercut I owo
on u sum of money I stolo from the
government in -lHGTi. 1 have now paid
principal and .IntercHt in all 917,000.
No man Iiub suffered lor hi crime more
than I, and now I pray tho Lord's for
giveness for my sin.
Letters with inclosures intended frr
the, conscienco fund are usually ad
dressed to the secretary of tlio treasury.
By him they are sent to tho public
moneys division', which makes noto of
the amounts and deposits them witli
tho treasurer of tho United Slates. Tho
sums received aro almost always hi cash
with now and then a draft. They are
never uccompaniedby tho names of tho
Bonders, except ouco in a while in tho
cases of persons who hnve made mistakes
as to payments of customs duties. Tho
writtcu communicutior.B relating to
them aro vory brief as a rule. If other
wise they contain elaborate apologies
und appeals.
Some of thorn uro funny. For ox
umplu, ono conscience-Btricken porsor
wroto not long ago from Suspension
Bridge, Eiiying:
Since tho emancipation of negroes I
havo taken two pairs of shoes of a ship
that tho gunbouts captured. I tuck
the shoos whiloshe lay at Key West.
Tho letter was signed, "An Irish Man,"
and with it was enclosed S2.60. Another
eoricsDondent eoiuIb 9600 "in settle
me. t of' Incom tox." IBb note, ad
dressed to tho "Conclanco Burough" of
tho treasury, explains that when tho tax
referred to was levied ho whb not able
to state his income without injuring his
business. Only tho other day a re
mittance of 9.'i.40was "received from n
man who felt sorry for "having beaten
his pussago on n government train
during tho war." Another sum of 9100
camo from an individual who regrettod
having been u party to certain underva
luations in tho mutter of customs duties.
It was poBttnurked "London" and wiib
signed, "Ono who is Suffering." Wrap
ping two pontage stumps was a scrap of
paper with tho words, "Money that be
longs to tho Government."
I wish boiuo of tho Huprcmo court
justices would write their autobiograph
ies, I would like to know just how
Justlco Brown Bhot that burglar who
wus attempting to rob him. You know
tho story? Tho burglar stood beside
Brown's bed when ho awoko in tho
night and covered him with a pistol.
"I want jour watch und koy, Give
them to mov.tnd I'll make no noise, and
your life is safe." "All right," said tho
future justice, mid putting his hand
under his pillow,' he pulled out a re
volver, got' (lie drop on tho burglar and
killed him ' before ho had time to say
Jack Robinson, This is the outliuo of
tho story and it may not bo exactly
correct. There is no doubt, however,
that Judge Brown killed tho burglar
und in Fumothiug like this way. Take
tho life o JiiBtjco, Stephen J. Field.
What stories., hq ,oould .write? His
wholo cuiecr bus been tilled with in
teresting episodes. OhV'Ihuvo' heard
occuried while thtJlxllibleru wns raging
in Asia Minor. Tho missionaries
worked among the people, and Judgo
Vlold, then u boy, acted m u nurao for
cholera patients. Ono night ho was at
a dinner and ho saw ono of tho servants
who were waiting on tho tablo fall
dead. Thero wiib a cry of "tho plague"
and in a moment tho house was empty.
Think of his early 'struggles iu Cali
fornia. Ho landed In San' Francisco
with ten dollars in his pocket, und the
next morning, after paying his bills, ho
found ho hud just ono dollar left. He
had, however, sixty-four old newspapers
which ho had brought from Now York.
Ho got it boy to sell theso, offering him
hulf. They sold for 904-n dollar a
piece und tho $.'.2 thus gotten stitrttKi
him on tho road to fortune Ho hud to
defend himsolf iu those days, and while
lie wus in tho legislature ho sont a
challenge to a mini named Moore, who
had insulted him. The man who carried
tho challenge wus Duvid C. Broderick,
who wus afterwards shot by Torry, und
Terry wus, you know, shot not long ago
by ono of Field's friends. Broderick
saved Field's lifo early in tho fifties. As
I hear the story, tho two men were
standing in a hotel in San Francisco,
when Broderick saw a Spaniard throw
back his cloak und level his revolver at
Field. As quick an thought ho flung
himself between tho two men und
pushed Field nut of tho room, und his
uction saved his life. Such stories told
by Justice Field would bo full of in
terest. I doubt not tho other judges
could give him something, almost as
romantic, but thero is little probability
that they will bo heard from. just now.
A recent development of u most un
expected nature, which has come to puss
in tho cureor of ono of the fastest of
Washington's jennrawe ilova;, is now
creating somowliut of n seiisution among
tho friends of tho youth in question.
The hitter, it appears, has for some
timo pust been pursuing u course of
behuvior of a particularly unsutls
factory character, thereby causing the
most inteiiBo anxiety to his numerous
family circle, who uro all, young and
old alike, men and women of inflexible
virtue All efforts to lure the prodigal
son back from tho fai -off country into
which ho had wondered wcro unavail
ing, until within a few days ago, when
ho happened to drop into u hull whero
some members of tho Salvation Arlny
were holding one of their vigorous und
soul-stirring meetings. Our guy young
thoroughbred thought it tit first the
best fun in tho world "the rummest
thing, in fuct, ho had over struck," us ho
expressed it to ono of his boon com
panions who happened to bo with him.
As tho evening woro on, however, tho
affair seemed to him to loso its comical
aspect, and to tuko on a more serious
side; so much so, indeed, tliut though
ho hud como to scoff ho stayed to pray,
und beforo ho loft tho hull ho had en
listed in tho Washington corps of tho
"Army," with every appearance, too,
of being tho most sincere of penitents.
Now, tho amusing part of tho story is
that tho rigidly righteous of tho con
vert's numo and family, who belong, by
the way, to ono of tho most fuahiouuhlo
churcheBof the city, instead of being
grateful to tho instrumentality that
checked their erring kinsman iu his
downward course, aro indignant at
what thoy cull "tho low taste exhibited
by Churlio in tho manner of his conver
sation," and unanimously ussert that
"thoy would much prefer seeing him
twico aB bud us ho over wus to knowing
him leagued with sucli u hopelessly
vulgar set us tho Solvation Army."
Tho determination rocoutly formula
ted by tho ladies of tho cabinet, to the
effect that "small und ourlies" will bo
the principal feature of their social
program for too coming season, is
meant, I imagine, ns n sort of preparu
tiou for tho very moderate amount of
entertaining which may bo oxpeohtl
from them during tho winter, Tho
declaration has Hounded a note of alarm,
as it wero, in the fashionable world,
though thero are thoBo and they mo
many who assert that Washington
socioty Ib by no meruiB dependent on
tho oflicial circle to keep tho ball of
gayoty rolling, und that, in spite of the
many prognostications to the contrary
with which tho air is tilled, the execu
tive capital will bo as lively this winter
us it over litis been before Of course,
several rather hospitable houses will bo
closed, among others those of the
Barneys, Cumorons, Townsends, Tylers
und McT.anes, but in it city whero, like
Washington, tho social circle is by no
moans small or exclusive, no one Is
indispensable, and tho ubrionco from
tho ranks of four or flvo' entbrtniners
will not prove a vory great cidumlty.
The German embassy, too, looks as if
jt wero preparing to udd Kb quota of
guyoty, judging by tho magnificent
ball-room which I now. rapidly up-
preaching completion, under tho per
sonal supervision of - Buron Sativum
himself, . . .
Tho Turner will case, n local eauso
colebre, after having been tried three
times, was finally decided in favor of the
Tumors. Dr. Turner, as everybody
knows, was not in u proper condition to
make a will for a long time before ho
died, and most people will conccdo that
his soiifl hud u bettor claim to his money
than tho associations to whom it is
alleged ho bequeathed it.
Twico recently has tho crying baby
'nuisance been exploited in the Lansing
theatre to tho manifest annoynnco of
(lie nudieiico ub well us tho people on
the stage. A couple of weeks ago when
Charles Dickson was doing an impres
sive scono iu "Misjudged," tho curtain
raifler for "Incog," at u moment when
the audience wiib wrought up to a high
tension und when tho actor hud every
thing coming his way, a child in the
parquet sot up a bawl that filled the
theatre and utterly distracted audience
and actors. Mr. Dickson wus visibly
annoyed. Ho made no attempt to go on
und demanded that tho child ho im
mediately removed. Somo people iu the
audience thought ho was unnecessarily
sharp; but tho provocation was vorj
great. As it was tho most effective
scene in tho play was spoiled. And tho
other night when "A Toxiib Steer" was
being presented, thero was a child pres
ent who mudo more noise than tho whole
company combined, and that is saying a
good deal. It wiib aggravating in tho
extreme. Babies aro undoubtedly tho
nicest things in tho world; but the
theatre isn't tho nlaco for them, and
parents who insist on bringing them to
tho thcatro ought to bo punished (o tho
fullest extent of the law.
Al Fairbrother was in tho city a few
days ngo. 'Way back in the palmy dujB
iu this state when journalistic genius
nourished liko u green buy treo; when
Fred Nye und Rothuekor in Oinuhu
and Walt Mason in this city gavo to tho
daily newspapers u brilliant hue that
they havo mover known since, Fair
brother was fairly entitled to a place
among Hiceo notable Bohemians. Ho
made tho Call a paper that people
liked to read. Three or four years ugo
ho married and moved to Durham, N.
C, where ho purchased the Globe and
in very short order lie achieved a fame
or notoriety that reached from ono end
of tho country to tho other. Fairbrother,
who was a westerner in Nebraska, be
came a southerner in North Carolina
and Lo discussed pensions and other
questions in u particularly unique man
ner. Fairbrother became as well known
in New York, by his rod hot stuff iu tho
Globe as ho used to bo iu Nebraska.
When ho departed from Lincoln the
writer sized him up us follows und what
was written then holds good today:
"Of marked individuality und pos
sessed of not a few cranky ideas, ho
makes and leaves un impression where
over liu goes. Rough and hairy, ex
ternally, he litis u warm heart und a
kindly disposition. His ferocity is only
skin deep. And his bruin it somewhat
erratic, is ample and strikingly original.
It is an active brain and tho dust of dis.
uso never clogs it. Mentally ho is some
thing of a cross betweon Walt Mason
and tho lute O. II. Rot hacker. While
lacking to somo extent tho pathos of tho
latter he has all of tho quaint humor of
the former, and his literary stylo par
takes somowliut of the nature of both.
Iu delicacy of expression lie does not
equal tho iinforttiiiuto Rothackcr. The
ideas he bus; but his pen's blunt nous
gives u peculiarly robust form to
his most pathetic work. A feature of
Fftirbiother's style is the western breezi
uess which is a part of everything ho
does. His cranium is chuck full of what
they call in tho east 'westernisms,' and
ho doesn't hesitate to draw from his
Btoro on every occasion."
Fairbrother was accompaiued on his
trip west by his wife, Thoy uro now
taking in the world's fair.
In a conversation with a Couiukk
representative Fuitbrothor expressed his
surprise thut Walt Mason should have
quit Washington where he wiib making a
hit, and como to Nebraska to bury
himself in Beatrice, and this isums
tery. Mason's department in the Wash
ington AVici wuh attracting general
attention, und it wuh auposod that ho
was a fixture in tho nutional -capital.
Ho had hu optiortunity such as seldom
comes to a ue.wspaper man, und then
when the tide was swirling along in his
direction, he suddenly pucked his grip
arid came back to Nebraska, Why ho
Uiil bo no ono has us yet found out
There is a big wheel of somo kind, in
Walt's head, and it is pretty pure to
ruunifest itself beforo long, lie is mow
conducting u departmcnlof tho Beatrice
G. N. Nowlln, who has chargo of the
music department at Crancer's.hiiH com.
posed a beautiful wait?, song entitled
"Always Together." It was rendered
Monday evening at the Lansing theatre.
Mn Nowlln evidences unquestioned
muileal ability, and it Is pleasant to
record that his effort is meeting with
tho recognition and appreciation that
It deserves.
A clever versifier once ground out u
string of vim-hob of a jocularly philoso
phical sort, beginning:
"Tim path that load In n lonf of bread,
winds through tho wllili of toll,"
A fid proceeded to moralize humor
ously on the Ell prutmRltion of "getting
theis," tho sum and substance of which
was hat he who travels that goal ot
achjovoment called success, will have
many u stone brulso to bear him com
pany ii fact which has been hinted at
by philosopliersBovornl times since high
gritdo Greek intellcctuullsm wus llrst
put' on tho market. Thomas Q. Sou
broolte, the effervescent nttir comedian
of that effervescent entertainment, "The
Isle of Champagne," which will bo seen
at tho Lansing Monday night, is u case
In point. Ho httB had, perhaps, an much
experience (embracing till sorts of haul
knocks), in his twclvo years on tho stage
as is usually crowded Into that period of
lime. He has travelled tho corduio)
roads with backwoods companies, has
been, stranded in towns not on tho map,
has been held up by insolvent mauageis
for salary, has been forced to play villain
roles, juvenilo parts, and even "heaviei"
und, in short, has been knocked down,
figuratively sjieaklng, many and many a
time in his contest with circumstances.
But ho camo up smiling at each call of
"time," und his opponent, having become
somowliut groggy it good while ugo, hus
now thrown up tho sponge entirely.
Tho only murks left on tho talented
comedian by his hard fight, is a thinness
of front huir. Seen off tho stage ho im
presses you ns ono whoto character
tukes its color from intelligence und
energy. Ills face iu clean cut', the
feutqres regulur and ovonv.hundsomo,
tho eyes keen und quick; und un in
tellectual brightness gives animation to
its general expression. When jou have
talked with him five minutes you under
stand why und by what melius tho man
bus overcome till obstacles. He is u
bundle of nervous energy, strong, tire
less und determined. Similarly equipped
any mun will, sooner or inter, gallop
briskly down tho avenue of success.
Mr. Seahrnoko is not quite thirty-two
yearB old. Ho is u native of New York
state, though that ought not to weigh
heavily against him, since hu wan en
tirely hlamelcRB in tho mutter. At the
ago ot eleven ho went into a bank, and
after nino years of desk work he had
become teller and unhealthy. So he
quit banking, and after giving his lungs
a chance on out of-doois air, concluded
to try tho stage. He began in the usual
way, as "un angel;" thut is, ho invented
some money .in a theatrical venture. It
fulled, of course. But this brought him
in touch with the people of stugeluud
and beforo ho knew it, ho was acting.
Being exceedingly modest ho began his
career in tho most diffident state in the
Union Rhode Island. But having
taken tho plunge, ho launched out like
u new racing yacht sliding off tho skids.
Beforo he had beon a year on the stage
he had been in three different com
panies, played a dozen or more roles and
been stranded over in Michigan.
Thin only whetted his appotito, and lie
returned to the chargo with renewed
vigor. In the next season ho disposed
of three mote companies, and with the
third mm made his first appearance in
Now York city. With un average of
three or four different engagements a
boiison, ho continued for four yearB more,
steadily going forward, though man
agerial ventures went to pieces. Dur
ing these six j ears ho was required, in
an emergency, to play it comedy part in
Philadelphia, and the discovery was
made that ho was a comedian. This
fact having boon demonstrated, of course
it wasn't long until llojt discovered
him. Theatro-goern remember Mr. Sou
brooko'n unctuous impersonation ot tho
plumber in "A Tin Soldier," which
marked his first appearance on Com
fortable avenue.
This wns six yea re ago. Having ouco
come out ot tho ruck, Mr. Scnbrooko
forged tu tho front liko a handicap
winner and, having been twico a star, is
now u star for himself. - It was his own
money that put on "The Isle of Cham
pagne," and it was largely his own
energy, seconded by his unquestionable
talent that inado it the remarkable sue now is it success beside which
the best of comic opera hits with tho
most brilliant of comiu opera comedians
shines Ickh brightly.
Captain PholpH Paine.
Awuy bunk in tho dim recesses of
time, when some enterprising person
evolved tho name of Pal no und es
tablished it family to perpetuate It, he
doubtless, foresaw thut some time, Homo
whero, u mun hearing thut name would
visit those around him with an allllc
1 inn touring tho satuonuniri us himself,
and thus prove tho eternal fitness of
It wIih reserved for Cnpluln Phelps
Piilne, tho only truly great politician
that Nebraska can claim as her own, to
fulfill tho destiny of his people, and
give those with whom ho comes In
tact a pain so violent and lasting
lhut that
It is it hundred times worse thuu
"lired feeling" which somo of thu
tain's colleagues distribute among their
Tun CouitiKU is discouraged. It
tried to speak of Captain Paino In u
kindly way, with tho friendliest inten
tions, but tho captain wouldn't have it
that way. To our friendly remark
about climbing a treo and removing
hiiunolf-pcrmanontly fiom tho earth,
ho took decided exception, and he
callcduptlml, picturesque, lumper of
his, und uncorked tho nunc, .to tho
manifest amusement of I ho public.
After this wo will not try to bo cendder
ate. When wo havo anything to say
we will say it.
Because, forsooth, wo mentioned the
desirnbility of PuIiio'h quitting tho
earth, ho got angry, and refused to
patronize tho banquet ot tho Young
Men's Republican club, with which he
asserted vu wero coui.outed. That's
the reason Paino said he did not go to
the banquet.
Tho real reason wan thut tho price of
admission wuh 91.60 und the captain
was unable to jar himself loose from his
However, tho banquet was u distin
guished bucccfh, notwithstanding the
captain's absence. In fact wo are not
sure but that its success was in a great
measure duo 16 the fact that tho cup
tain was notthcio. It wouldn't do at
all to havo a Paino at a banquet.
While wo aro on this somewhat dis
iigrccnhloBuhjcctwomuyiiBWoll finish tho
jot), and adding to what we have hither
to said, wo will say that Phelps Paine,
clearly coming under tho head of public
nuisances, ought to bo suppiessed.
Ono of the worst things about Lincoln
is that Paino lives here; ono of tho worst
things about thu republican party is
that it shelters such it mistake. Paino
is woiso than tho cholera or thu yellow
fever, or the small pox; for they have
their particular season. Hu is always
in evidence.
Whenever thero in n ciio.cub or u con
vention Pulno is thero; not because ho Is
Invited, hut becaiiso ho juiehes him
self iu.
Paino und his proxy arl1 yrovorblul.
Tho cuptuin huB long since outlived
his usefulness, politically, und ho ought
to gei a move on himself, and get out of
tho way.
It is said John B. Cunningham will
boa candidate for the county judgeship
after Iko Lansing gels through with it.
At any rate hu is getting his hand in.
Thero is a hugo sized revolt ngaiust
Rosewuterism iu Omaha. Mayor Bemis
is regarded an a creatine of tho little
old man ot tho Ike, and that accounts
for tho nut! Bemis feeling. Ono or the
ninety-seven things that make republ!
cans dhgusteil with Roewater is the
course ho pursued in his successful at
tempt to keep thu government ofllcsrn in
the lift', building. Ropewuter's plea to
Cleveland through influential Omaha
democrats, for tho retention ot the
ofilces, was thut ho and bin puper had
performed such valuable servico to tho
democracy in tho election of McShano
to congress, and Boyd to tho office of
governor. It is a wonder that republi
cans do not tiro tho littlo nuisance out
of the party instanter.
Tho central llguro of the now novel,
"Tunis, tho Sand-Digger," by Auielio
Rives, is another of those strange, high
strung and passionate females that tho
author is so fond of representing as
heroines, and after a reader Iuib followed
Tunis through her lovo adventures, tho
verdict must bo thut this low-born und
Wretched "poor white," this long-llinbed,
hundt-omu Uigger of ginseng root, is a
creature of intense fascination .and re
miirkabla characteristics. Tunis is a
t big, fresh and lusty young savage of tho
Virginia mountains, wllh (ho llguro of a .
goddess, which wlmn wo first met ,hjnty
Is screened fiom tho breozeii niitlJty'qr'
gimi of man by it single garment. Ji;a
long hair sweeps, about Ijiir )M; u vitllA,
and shn mums tfm woods' in tho wiV&
and vigorous manner of tho iiiUoIhYkV
Sho is beloved by u young giant ot hfftj
own class, it mammoth briile, possessing,
ii uplundld phjnlcal beauty, and wleX
exeiclseH an nliuosl Irresistible ifjiijjl'
over her. Her battle against tho pas
sion and tj runny 'or this man Is. th
motive ot tho story. Shn knows hlni
for a fickle, heartless betrayer ot glrhv
utul tho omi shining quality of jifr
character Is her vlrtne, which nuatuiW
her at all times, which teaches her U)
desplsu tho cliiirueler of men lllto him!'
und tu demand from it lover deep resiHiot,
and constancy as well un passion. Thai
big briifo that worships her In muntiilljr"
und morally unable to comprehend tlito
part ot Tunis' nature, and we find thorn'
opposed to each other In it most ntrungo
and interesting battle. Sum, thu reck-
less lover, h bound to gain full control
of Tanln without going Into any argu-l
incut over tho matter, while Tunis, tuY
though on flro with love for him, scj
him in all bin wcukiicun and wlckednosaii
mid knows that if ho cols her ho will
lovo her for it day and it night, anil
afterward loathe her. And It In on)y by'
u wretched scheme on tho part ot Burn:
that Tunis Is driven into into marrying
him. Sho becomes u.miu-tyr to save the'
friends that have been kind to her, nntt,
at tho end she bows to fate und ylolity
herself up to Sum, beciiuno sho in power
U'kh to light him longer. Tho story l ,
in it sharp, aggressive und oftoA
dazzling stylo peculiar to Misa Rlvoii,'
Shu describes thu scenes in which hoi
characters move with her customar,
poetic facility, und probably tho mowi
diumutlo dlaloguo that sho bus ovrifi
written is that which pawscs between,
her hero and heroine In tliiri book.
lariro clement of tho tiuhllc will
accept Miss Rives as rcpicflcirtaUvft-tcli-
...... .,,, i ... '.i.-.? ',nf
mat which is neaiiuy nu oxcenoiii,
literature, but tho number Ii mnalhil
will nrguo against her ability, to attrftot'
and hold tho attention by Inveutlaf,
strong characters Hud putting, tho
through nn absorbing series of emolmM,
und adventures. "TiuiIb, ,i0( i-taioU r
Digger"' will eurely Uo. regarded wVifij
interest by tho reading public. Town,
Topics Publishing company, 121 west (
street, New York. Cloth, !.).
Yacht caps have been much tho go.
Tho yacht races mudo them tho fad.
Frock coats urn gutting longer und
longer every week. If they continue, i
grow in length it in hurd to tell wher,
thoy will stop.
Ah nion nro dally getting more adopt
in tying a scarf the Do Joinvillo will
continue to grow in popularity. Somo
of tho lies', designs are shown in thrit
Polka-dot ticn nro being rcvivcrl.
SotornI yearn ngo they wero run into th,'
ground, and it wuh predicted thut thojr,
were dead, but iu thu next few weeks',
thoy will bo revived in nil their nplnndot.
Tlio Vrry Ittimt.
The following is tho latent purody o
"After tho Bull," taken from tho Poliei
"Wlmt Is it, vnjiainiiU'iVprnn lixk.flo gum?
linn poor imp n pnitiT' Tull mi' pluml '"
Wliy in it, ilmlily, you wwir n honriJt
Wlmt linn Iwiit your f.icuT Havo' you-'hoea
"Onco I wa liniulMuniv-jenre, years aco.
Wlint clmriccil my look, pot, you will rau)
I.lxtlo my Mnry, I'll toll Hull,
How I tilcil to umpire cuno of h.ill,"
"Aflrr tlio bill If oer; after t!m camo N tltmn,
Killltu: the umpire, Virile' is part of trmfuu
Xlnuj'n thnbonatlmfy lrtkcn in hN-iorl.-it-
Icrril frumo;
Many tho hopr fur his funeral afUrthORniixCi
'Tliticnmuwim a close mm, nam Juttu tio.
Wlii-n Qiilim rapped tlui hall- up wont a My ;
My I mirh n noise, pot, thmi Mich a howl;
1 unit) 'tuns 'fair ImIII thoy tialil 'twnn Houll'-.
IJutmi kept n-Koint;, mailu a homo run;
Then (omrthluK utrnrk mo It wriuhed a Ion;
Demi thoy nil thought moI lboil, tht'tnVt
Por weeks I nsrrny afler that ball." N '
"For months I was sick, child : ul;k,ujjji ld,(
And to jour mothor era wo vroro wed, '
1 tried to tell her, tried to explain
Why I vtaiiiihapelo, why 1 wnnlaino.
Ono day a letter rnmo, and Urns it road:
'Wo'ro ruIii' to Mioot ou, you'rrt Imttvr'flonfl.'
That's why I'm homo ninhtH-not out at nil l
I'm not hunting niter tho ball."
I.roKon In t.'lilim 1 tp.
Figures it specialty; oi in Xiiiab.
novelties and portraits.
Samples at Lincoln Frame and; Art
company. Edith Uvshkil,
WJiS Prospect SL
For latest styles in wrupH
AhhrvOi.oaic tjoy.
For Sunday dinner Btipplico call'jVt
Halter's market, opposite learning Tlum
ter. Phono 100. " ,
iMmff&IGf 4
-" ;rtfrwrP5fiM2sl