H0F 'e TJEIK HATURDAV MORNING COURIER & 4-frij 1 ! V SOc. y -.' . t ' IS J M S IV 'ft i. T. J. lllckoy loft Wednesday for Van eouver's IhIiiihI whoro ho will remain aliout six weeks. Heforo leaving Lin coln Coloni'l lllckoy duvotcd u lltllo at tention to bum) l)all, and ho assured u Couuir.u representative Tuesday that thochances aro about Of) to 1 that Lin coln will havo a league ball team next SOHSOI1. Tho prospects tiro very much brighter than thoy woro u couple of weeks ago. A noted by This Coukikk thoro baa been some correspondence between Tobcnu and Frank O. Zohrung of thlH city. Last week Mr. Zehrung, who la cnthusinstia over tho outlook but who whh nnnhlo to givo tho matter personal attention, turned tho corresjiondonco over o Colonel lllckoy and tho latter with bin 1 characteristic energy immediately took tho matter In hand, with a determina tion to bring practical results. Colonel lllckoy succeeded in Interes ting tho Lincoln Street Railway coin puny, whoso oltlclalrt arc always ready to help any worthy project, and Mr. Little, notwithstanding his costly ox perlonco in 1801, agreed to umko a liberal subscription. Tho company will furnish tho mm of tho M street park. "In W said Colonel Hickoy, "tho pay roll of tho Lincoln club ranged from 9tt,G0O to 14,800 per month. Next sea son wo can secure tho very sniuo players for Just f 1,200 per month. Salaries and ovorything elso havo coino down. Tho mon used to rldo to tho ball gVrjrndii in 'busses in tho different cities; npw thoy ride iu Btrcet cars, and .travelling ox IKMJHCS havo been materially reduced. Wo can havo Just as good a club in Lincoln next year as wo had in 'Ol fo a good deal less than half tho expense, and I am satisfied that buso ball in this city, on such -n basta ub la proposed, will pjjiy.lrvw tho first. Wo propose to form a Btock company with a paid up capital of 92,000. I Bccured subscrip tion for 11,300 worth of stock in ono day, and there aro two other men who stand ready to tako tho remainder of tho stock. Wo. can get all tho money necessary without any trouble Tho only question now is whether wo can get a franchise. Thero will bon meet ing in Chicago on tho 23th when tho re organization of tho Western leaguo will probably bo effected, and I do not think thero will be much troublo in securing a frnnchiso for Lincoln. I will not bo at tho meeting; but Jimmy Man ning will look after Lincoln's interest, and ho is contldout of success. Tho scheme Is to organize clubs at Omaha Him spi&) VOTING "THE COURIER" VOTING CONTEST FOR MOST POPULAR BICYOIS RIDGR. OOOOOOOOO I VOTE FOR '.;?..' f . f4 W and Kansas City, and that being tho caw) It will bo ory advantageous to hiuoacluh in Lincoln." Several ingenious Inventions pertain ing to bicycling have buuu made of late. Ono of these In a valve for a puouiuutlo tiio that can bo nut to any tension desired and will only yield to a pressure greater than tho normal. When tho air In pumped through this vaho it opeiiH immediately, tho limit Ih reached, allowing tho excess air to escape. Tho device Ih valuable, becaiiHo when not to a pressure eorrosiHmding to tho rider's weight it will not permit tho tiro to bo blown hard enough to Htraiu or burHt It. A dovico from France, called tho auto. inatlu pneo-maker, Ih described In a lato issuo of tho Hovuo Univorsollo. It Is a combination of a clock and a cyclometer fastened to tho head of tho machine and operated by a wiro or cord band run ning over tho hub of tho forward wheel. Tho dial shows at once, tho distanco covered and tho timo consumed in doing so, and as it is in plain sight of tho rider ho can havo no oxebso for not knowing at what speed ho Is running. Tako up both Bides of tho way. This is a free country. Ring your boll constantly. "Music hath charms," etc. Const on tho slightest provocation and save your strength. Koop your saddle away b'ack. No man should bo nbovo his work. Rido with your handlebar on a level with your eyes. You can thus sco with out being Been. Do not carry tools. If ,yqur wheel breaks you havo your guarantee.' Rido homo on that. Rido with your knees and clbowB pointing outwards. Thero is a beauty in curved lines. To calculate your speed do a fast eight; multiply by 8 for ono mile; by 10 for two miles etc., etc. Never neglect an opportunity to sud denly blow your cyclono behind a nervous old lady. It is such fun to sco her jump. After llrrakftut. To purify, vitalize und enrich tho blood, nnd givo nerve, bodily and digestive strength, take Hoods Sarsapurllla. Con tinuo tho medlcino utter every meal for a month or two and you will feel "like a now man." Tho merit of Hood's Bursa parilla is proven by it thousands of wonderful cures. Why don't you try it? A rlno lino of pianos at Cranccr's, 212 South Uth. Fino new lino of business suitings from 825 to W0 in Scotch and homespuns Jeckoll Bros., 110 north Thirteenth street, near Lansing theatre. COUPON By special nrrnnKement with the Mulr-Cowln Company ol this city, TUB COUIilBI( Is able to make the following extraordinary premium offer: To every New Subscriber who pays 50 Gents In advance for three month's subscription, we will give as a premium a beautiful after dinner china cup. and saucer, hand decorated. These cups and saucers cannot be purchased for less than 75 cents or $1.00. Gall at the office and sec them. Cutirler Pub Co., IUOI O Mtrovt, HI Champion Jim Corbett evidently meaiiH business and despite tho talk of tho governor of Now York stopping tho mill big Jim Is going right along with his training at Anbury Park. A special just from thero announced that ho is doing tho hardest kind of training but taken to it like, a duck to water. Cor bett Ih a much better man physically than ho was a year ago. Tho champion gets up about (1:110 a. in., and donning bin hu eater and IIuuiicIh run down to tho hike, jumps into a rowbout und pulls about tho pond for half an hour or so. Then ho works on tho wrist machino for fifteen minutes. By that time break fast is ready. It consists generally of soft boiled eggs, chops, pcrhnps a small piece of stake and toust und tea. After hrcakfust Corbett sits around under tho trees, surrounded by bis trainers, and gooB over tho morning newspapers and tho mall. Then ho plays croquet with ono of his men or his wife, who is a good player. Pulling tho weights follows this and then at 10 o'clock tho champion begins hitting a rubber bag. after a short rub-down with a courso towel ho then goes into tho handball court and puts on tho gloves with Donaldson. Dinner follows, after which and a rest Corbett begins tho after noon's work by sprinting with Dchinoy und winds it up by boxing DonaUlson again varying tho monotony occasion ally with u bath in tho surf. Corbett's evenings belong to himself. Ho spends thorn us a rulo, playing billiards, and about 10 or 11 o'clock goes to bed. Tho mon looking after him havo ex cellent reputations in their respective lines and compriso Hilly Delnney, who superintended ull his training for tho Sullivan fight; John Donaldson, his sparring tralnor, nnd John McVey a powerfully built man of about 200 pounds, who is his wrestling partner. Delaney is a good walker nnd nimblo sprinter, but Corbett hns reached tho point in theso exercises where ho can handicap himself und beat his trainer. After tho sprint Corbett does not ap pear to bo tho least winded. Ho gener ally follows it by wrestling with McVey, and after tho most fcrritic kind of struggle in which McVey is pretty well oxhuusted. When tho hair begins to como out in combing, it shows u weakness of tho scalp that calls for 'immediate, -Attention. Tho best preparation to arrest further lossof hair and restoro tho scalp to a healthy condition is Ayer's Hair Vigor. NOTICE! ecVc. $Wn THE COURIER will present to tho most populur bicyclo rider in Lincoln ono ot SKINNER BROS." fie WRIGHT'S Tlioyclo Suits, mndo in tho latest stylo and guaranteed to tit. This suit is furnished to THE COURIER by Skinner Eros. & Wright, ot Donvor, Colo., ono of tho loading manufacturing flrma of tho west especially for tho purposo of this contest. It can bo scon nt THE COURIER Ouloo, 1201 O street. Tho suit will bo awarded to tho rider who reccivcB tho largos number of votcB prior to November 1, 1893. Any ono can vote. All you havo to do is cut out tho coujion und send it in. Who do you want to havo this suit? Make up jou mind and sond in tho coupon. 03VK XV AY TO GUST Pay 50 cents for subscription to THE COURIER for five coupons. Contest closes November 1, 1893. I.iinit'iil of (lm l!tiriiiplo)rd. Ilnckwiird, turn backward, O time, In jour IliltM, Lot the mill whistles sound promptl) touluht; .flint nn tin')- colluded linear nnd abroad 1 Heforo wo lmil toted protection n fraud, Lotthtisiuokn pour iikiiIii out of the stacks ' And we'll pny without inurnuir "tliodluncr-pall tux." No ono w 111 Krumbln nnd no mm III shirk If jou'll Jnt ulvom work, Orator, Just kIvii iik work. i Wo linw Kriiwn tired of wulklim tlio Mreat, I.lttlo ones wnltlnir forgdinetliinK toent J Tired of licnrlnu our conuronmim Hpnut, Tired of rotidhiir that lou'uiKot tho koiU. So If )ou euro for uh iis joii pretend, Why don't joii IiuhIIomi mnttern will mend! DntiKcrnnil mitrorliiK in IiIIoiiofh lurk, (Huii8 fomli-worlf, drover, kIvo uh ramo work. If It's trnothiit tho tnrill wiim rolilitnu uh Mire, Anil with It proHperlty eouldnot endure, Hlncu wo nil toted for It, now- Itn't It Mrnnuo That not tlioflmt niniiof tisliim liny "climiKol" Kicept In comUtlon, for It'n truo Hint wo nil Ultra loMt tho kooiI jobs wo wcro holding lnxt full. Skilled nrtUnn, InlMirer, Ixiokkeeper, clerk, Wo'ro nil out ofwork, (1 rover, nil out of work. If K'h true, lis thoy cny, Hint impatient jou enrn To d( tho poor men of jour lnuil n ood turn, Why don't ou JtiHt do it, not tulk tlinuiKli )our ImtT And then tho denr peoplu will know- "wlicro jou'ront." Hny tlmt fren, traders mny clninor in vnin; Say that tho tnrltf unchntiKed bIiiiII remain, Loud, clenrnndplnln, wit houtqulblilo or quirk, And wo'll nil ro to work, drover, nil o to work. $100 Itonitrd, $100. Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that thero Ih ut least ono dreaded discaso that science has been nblo to euro in nil its stuges nnd that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is thoonly positivo euro now known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires n con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, ucting directly upon tho blood nnd mucous surfuccsof tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nuturo in doing its work. Tho proprietors have bo much faith in its curative powors, that they oiler 0100 for any cuso that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. OTSold by druggists, 75c. i Every Garment new nt tho Ashuy Cloak Co. I'utratilxn Hotaling & Son for first clans grocer ies nnd meat. Everything as represen ted or money refunded. Store 1425 O street. Telephono 010. Tlio I.ildleH Should All try that "Good Luck" brand, of Japan, Tea. New crop of their own importation. Goon Luck Ghookky. r -V? " " fc. 1 Tho following now songs aro icported by George A. Crancer: "Tho Song of tho Ferris Wheel," by Georgo Schlief- forth; "Como Help Mo Tio My Shoo String," by Walter Dauphin; "Cupid's in Lovo with Me," by Felix McGlcnnon; "When I Was a Hoy," by Paul H. Ann strong. Uolow uro given tho wotds of two of the most popular of teccnt songs, ono by Charles K. Harris, tho man who perpetrated "After tho Hall." "Thou Art Uxor In My TlioiiRtilri." IIY CIIAH. K. IltllltlX.) You nek mo to dnir 3011 my thought, love, Of jou they uro ot or entw Incd ; Then hold jou nn ear fo thnt No word jou'll ml"s. Tho rhjmes of my thoughts lotp, uro thexo: Tho xtnrs will forever their far courses run, ThoHweet IIkIiI of day l8tholft of tho fun. I will lovo joii till tliostnrx from their heavens hnvo Mown. This is my answer to jou. You wish mo to sing jou my thoiiKhls, lovo, Tho ono swelling strnln of my life, You need not bend down, lest tho mennlmr jou miss; Tho sons of mj; life, dear, is this : In wnkitiR, in droamiiiK, In pleasure, In tears, throuKh time, ThrouKh tho span of eternity's joars, my soul unto thy soul Will ever bo known. This It my answer to jou. KI.FHAIN. Thou art over in my thoughts, Thy sweet fnco is over near. Could I over: no, no, not or, Forgot thy lovo so sweet. Thou art ever in my thoughts, Never doubt, my heart is all thine. In wnklnir, in dreaming, In pleasure, in tears, Thou art ever in my thoughts. "Two l.lttlo Clirls In nine." An old man gazed on a photograph In n lockot ho liuil worn for jears. Ills nephew then asked him tho renson why Tlmt plcturo had eausod him tears. Como llston, ho said, 1 will tell jou, lad, A story that's Btrnnge, but true, Your fathcraml I at tho school 0110 day Met two little girls in blue. That picture is one of those girls, ho said, And to mo bIio was onco n wifo. I thought her unfaithful; wo quarrelled ,lad, And parted that night for life. My fnncj of Jealousy wronged a heart, A heart that was good nnd truo, For two better girls uovor lited than they Those two llttln girls iu blue. CIIOIll'H. Two llttln girls In blue, lad, Two little girls in bluo, TIipj wero sisters i wo woro brothers, And learned to lotu tho two. Ami ono little girl in blue, lad, Who won jour father's heart, Ilecnmo jour mot her; I married tho other, Hut wo hut o drifted apart. ArtUtM Miiti'ilul At Crancer's, 212 South 11th. High priced cloaks elegant fit ties. Ahiiiiv Cloak Co. m m OOXJIPOIVS CHEAP. Three Months in advance, and we will give you twenty li Hpcolnl Oifltor No. 52. -'I'll 15- IOI $2.00. Until January 1, 18!M, Tim Couhikk PuiiLihiiiNO Co. will accept subscrip tions for tho Ladies' Homo Journal and Tim Coukikk for ono jcur for $2.00, tho prico of Tin: Couumit alone. In other words, wo will givo a jour's sub scription to tho Ladies' Homo Journal freo to every subscriber who pays ono year's subscription to Tin: Coukikk, t'2, in advance. COUKIKK P&13 CO. 1S01 O NTKKK.T OMAHA'S LEADINd HOTEL 'TDi-m Murray. IltA IIICII1Y, Proprietor. Klectric cars direct from Union depot pass tho door. Kltli and llarnoy sts., Omaha, Nob. Under now managemt ut MERCHANTS' HOTEL, 15th and llarnoy sts., Omaha, Neb. HUI.KTT & DAVKNI'OUT, l'rops. Special ottentlon to stnto trndo, guest and commercial travelers. Faronm street electric cars pass tho door to und from nil parts ot tho city. Notice. In the Count j Court within nnd for Lancaster county, Nebraska. In tho matter of thocstatoof David Newman deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You nru hereby untitled that 1 will sit at tho county court room in Lincoln, in said county, on tho 'M dny of December. liM), anil again on tho Sid day of March, JMH. to examine nil claims ngniust snld ostnto with a viow to their adjustment und allowance. Tho timo limited for tho presentation of claims ngniust said estate is six months, from said ld il'iy of Sep tember, 1MI, and tho timo limited for tho pay ment of debts is ono jear from said Md day of Soptcinbor, 1WX Notice of thin proceeding is ordered published four consecutive weeks la tho Saturday Morning Courier, 11 weekly news paper published in tills county prior to Novem- berSI, 1MW. LHKA1..I I. W. LANSING, County Judge, ree. lUiYIRKillfl I -AND THE- I nim 1 -' CQfcER PVlBiSHG CO. 20 0 STRUT. ' if '. r i..v w' TTri. .T7