Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, September 30, 1893, Image 6

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M Ittl B
Usually with tho waning of September
and tho approach (if tho li;llit October
days, when tho nlr In crisp iiiul buoyant,
and when aweary of tho monotonous
heat of tho summer, wo begin to look
forward wlthcager Interest to tho winter
with itn enforced activity, society l wont
to mmumio n llfo and gaiety In keeping
with tho season, ami if soclnl activity In
not already apparent, society Is at leant
busy making plium and Hitting Itself in
rcadlnctw for tho demands of tho season.
Hut thin year tho boiiboiib change, and
society remains ntattonary.
Society in wrap-ied In dullness, utter
dullneBB, and tho Knrmont Wnw to
abide. No ono npiwara to ho ready to
tako tho initiative, and plans which
should ho unfolded, arc held in abeyance,
while wo wait for tilings commercial and
ilnanclal to lighten.
Hut tho stagnation cannot long con
tlnue. Lincoln will not, it la thought,
ho conspicuously lively thin winter; but
thero must ho amusement, and there aro
)ooilo who havo tho meann and tho
inclination to entertain, and they will
dispenso hospitality an of yore, and there
will ho plenty of people who are per
fectly willing to ho entertained.
Wlille tho mituoroiiH social organlzu
tlonH that aro tho whecla
around which Hoclety revolves,
havo not, with ono or two ex
coptlonn, taken any detlnlto stepB in tho
way of preparation for tho coining boii
Bon, It In quite probable that ouch will
maintain its organization as heretofore,
and thero In a pronpect of ono or two
now organizations for social enjoyiuont.
Tho Pleasant Hour club will reorganize
sometime about tho middle of October,
and tho Empire club and tho Patriarchs
will undoubtedly successfully continue
their existence.
, Two or three weddings uro in prospout
for tho noxt six weeks, and thero
promises to bo a sufficient number of
weddings scattered through tho winter
to keep interest alive. From present In
dlcationn they will nil bo comparatively
Perhaps tho lively theatrical season
which is now assured will to boiuo ox
tent make up for tho scarcity of events
in society. It in poailblo that oro tho
holidays aro reached tho comparntivo
quiet of tho autumn will havo given
place to h galoty all tho more,, pro.
nouncud becauso long deferred.
Tho residenco of Mr. and Mrs. S, D.
Lcland on north Blxtoonth street wub
thesconoofa charming, though quiot
weddlng.Tuesday evening,, tho contract;
ing -parties being Mlaa' llattic, oldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lcland, and
Mr. Edward Keefcr. Tho hoMso was
jirofusely docoratod with smllax and
golden rod and presented a beautiful
appearance. Promptly at 8 o'clock tho
bridal party entered tho parlors to tho
strains of Lohongriu'a wedding march,
played by tho brido's youngor sister,
Miss Jessio Lcland. Tho marriago
ceremony was performed by Ilov. John
Hewitt. Miss Lcland who is u very en
timablo and popular young lady made a
charming bride In n white ollk costume,
trimmed in white luce. She carried a
largo boquet of bride's roees. Tho
ceremony was followed by a wedding
BUppcr. Mr. Kccfor iBin tho employ,
ment of tho State Journal and both
young pooplo aro well known In Lincoln
whero they havo a large circle of friends
who wish thorn much happiness and tho
greatest prosierlty. They wero tho re
cipients of many beautiful and costly
presents. Only a very fow of tho lu.
lucdiato relatives and fssoitds wero
present, Including Mr.' and Mrs.
Henry Keefer, Mr. tond Mrs.
Charles Keefer, Mr. Bennett, Miss
Qraco Bennett, MlsoIIattio Keefer, MIbs
draco Burr, Miss Bottum and Miss
Bennett, of Oshkosh, Wis. Mr. and Mrs.
Keefer will bo at homo to .their friends
after tho 15th of Novcthbcf'wt, 1203 Q
rUHCllB r.Miiie&''
Mr. William O. Panchor of Lincoln
and Miss Bollo Munley of. Gcnova, wero
quiotly married at tho homo of tho
brido's parents in that city Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock. Bov, Bakor of
tho Methodist church performed tho
ceremony in tho presence of im
modiato friends and rolutlves of tho
contracting parties. After partaking of
a wedding breakfast tho happy couplo
took tho train for this city and aro now
pleasantly Installed at 1829 0 street.
Tho brido is a daughter of Mr. and JJrs.
J. W. Manloy and Is well known in
Lincoln, having visited hero on Bovoral
occasions. Tho groom has lived in
Lincoln Bovoral years and is in tho om.
ploy of tho Evening News.
Org-uu KcrlUl.
Tho First Congregational church wub
completely tilled Friday evening last, tho
occasion being an organ recital given by
Mr. William L. Gray, of tho conservatory
of music, assisted by his wito and Mr.
Wilhelm Lauiprecht, violinist. An ex
ceedingly fine program was given, und
Mr. Gray demonstrated his ability in a
marked manner. Tho number which
called for tho most applauso wub tho
"Concert Faniasia on a Welch March,"
by Best, which brought out many lino
orchestral effects. At the close of this
umber Mr. Gray waa the recipient of
a beautiful bnnketof (lowers and n largo
bunch of rones. Mrs. Gray rendered
two songrt In a most pleasing manner.
Tho llrnt, Handel's "Largo," with violin
ohllgutn; tho fecund an Ave Maria, from
"Cavallerla Hunticann.'' Mrs. Gray wan
enthunlaHtically re.enlled, Mr, Lam
procht appeared in tho obllgato with
Mm. Gray. Tho program mih cloned
with HatlnteV grand olTerlolro.
l'rrr.lilMt nntl Mr, (.'rutin Kntrrtnlii.
President and Mrs. Win. M. Croan, of
tho Western Normal, entertained tho
club compoHod of tho faculty of tho col
lego In a most delightful and novel manner
Friday evening. Tho form of entertain
ment wan very unique. First thero wan
an old-fashioned spelling match, after
which tho gentlemen disappeared for a
fow momenta and reappeared manked
and wrapped In nhcotn, all being the
name height, nlnu feet, and tho ladlen
had to choose a puitncr from among tho
ghontly crowd. Tempting refreshment
wero then nerved and a delightful tltuo
wan enjoyed by all prenent. Tho next
meeting of tho club will bo devoted to
tho study of Shakespeare. Different
authors will bo taken up during tho
winter, and every other meeting will bo
devoted to plcumiro.
Ml (irncc Oulilry I'lilcrtKliiia.
MIbb Grace Oakley entertained a fow
friends very informally Friday cu'iilug
at her pleasant homo on M ntreet.
Those present wero MIhh May Moore,
Miss Lucy Griffith, MIhh Grace Burr,
Mr. Guy Hurlbut, Mr. John Lotteridgo,
Mr. Harry Lansing, Mr. Bobs Curtln.
Mnroln Tiirmercln.
Tho Lincoln Turin oroitt guvoirvory
onjoyablo danco at their hall at tho
corner of Tenth and N streets, Wednes
day evening. Tho hall was beautifully
decorated with evergreeiiH and cut
llowcrn. It wtm tho tlrst danco of tho
season, and a pleasant time wan enjoyed
by all prenent. It wan participated in
by nearly all tho members and a num
ber of their friends.
C'hitiitiiiitnm Circle.
A meeting of tho South Lincoln
Chautauqua clrclo for tho purpose of
making uriaugomontB for tho coining
scanon, wan held at tho residenco of Mr.
and Mrs. 8. M. Benedict, ll'JO Vino
street Tuesday evening.
Mr. i:tirln n it Wit.
Mr. W. M. Evarts, who has just been
celebrating his golden wedding, In a man
of wit not too often used for telling
effect. Ho tlashcB bin fltcol to good pur
poso now and then. Tho story Ih said
that oiico at a dinner of tho Now York
Potters, a port of family reunion, ho an
their counsel had been asked to dino
with them all. Thero wan a bishop and
thoro was n doctor of divinity, and thero
woro other distinguished bcIoiib of tho
family treo present, and tho after-dinner
speeches had all boon (very naturally
for such aiuoccuslon) on tho f nuio and
tho successes of ono another. Tho his
tory of tho Potters slnco they first camo
to this country was told in all itn glori
ous details. Then Mr. EvartB waa asked
to make n spoech, and they say ho said
that ho felt ho must really bo excused.
In this reverend pretence, however, ho
might bo pardoned for uttering a para
phrase of Scripturo which had como
into bin mind during the speeches of tho
rest -"Lord, Lord, thou nrt tho clay,
and wo aro tho Pottoro?'
Tribute, to MUh Hell.
Thero la a portrait ofMins Lilian Bell
of Chicago, in tho curront number of
tho Uuhes ioms Journal. Tlio editor
Mr. Edwnrd W. IJok, pit) b it somewhat
enthusiastic tributo to this young lady
who has a number of friends and udmii oi s
In thin city, and whoso recent lxok,
"Tho Lovo AlTalrB of an Old Maid" haB
occasioned such favorable comment.
"Miss Bell may bosuid to bo in overv ro-
spect, in birth, family und instincts, a
representative typo of tho Ameri:nn
girl," remttrksMr. Bok. "Born in Chicago
her nature ia full of that brightness and
vivacity which tho atmosphere or tho
west gives as its birthright."
Minor Mention.
An oyster supper and social wbb gion
last evening at tho First Presbyterian
Tho funeral of Walter Ackormnn, tho
infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Acker
man, occurred Thursday afternoon from
tho residenco, 1007 J street.
Mr. Nowlin, who has charge of tho
musiu department nt Crancer's, has com
posed a waltz song entitlod "AIwuvs
Together." It will bo issued uext week.
Miss Olivo Muy, of Beatrice, known to
a number of joung peoplo in this city,
has loft Stuart Bobson'B company to
accept an engagement with Nat Good,
win who is now playing "In Mizzourn."
Mr. and Mrs. J). II. Sherwood and
family havo gone from Beatrico to Lin
coln, whero thoy will make their future
home. Miss Sherwood will visit Mr. and
Mrs. OlTut boforo joining her family
there Omaha Beo.
Graeo Lutheran chniwl, Fourteenth
and F etrectB, was dedicated 'Sunduy,
Rov. Dr.Clutz.of Atchison, Kas., preach
ing tho sormon. Tim chapel ultl bo
used temporarily by Rov. Ludden's
congregation, pending tho erection of n
church building.
Tho members of tho fuculty of
tho Btato university woro entertained
Saturday evening by Chancellor and
Mrs. Canfleld, ut their residenco on S
street. Thero wero seventeen mombers
and tholr wives present, and a most en
joyable evening waa spent.
Mlsa May North, of Columbus, Neb.,
who last reason achieved much success
on the stage as a member of Iho Bam
nay Morris company, has decided not to
accept an engagement this ncm. Sho
will visit In thin city in tho nea future
and will bo tho guest of the Mlsnes
Tho Sons of Veterans held an open
meeting Wednesday evening. Thero
wiih an Instrumental solo by Minn Bed
ding, an addrenn by Judge Strode, a
duct by MIhsom Hedgen and Uobbn, an
address by Mm. Davln, a solo by Mr.
llalrd, and army reminiscences by Mr.
Manteruiau and Dr. Matnon.
Thursday afternoon at tlio residenco
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Colo, 22Tm Vino
ntreet, Minn Edith Avanelle Cole, and
Mr. A. Wadden Fisher, wero united lu
marriage, Bev. S. D, Badger, of Croigh
ton. Neb,, nu uncle of tho bride, officia
ting. Mr. and Mrn. Fisher nro now at
homo nt 1 105 north Twenty-flrnt ntreet.
Tho outing given Wednesday at Lin
coln park for tho benellt of tho Tabttha
home, wan not iih largely attended an
was hoped and expected, and tin it would
havo been had tho weather been warmer,
but those who did go wero amply repaid
by having a good time anil receiving tlio
beautiful Honors given away by tlio
management of tho park.
The marriago of Dr. Samuel L. Ans
pitcher, of Paducali, Ky and Miss
Edith M. Blsiiiger, of Lincoln, Neb.,
daughter of Mr. William Rlsinger, wiib
solemnized at tlio Hotel Savcry, Des
Moines, la., September 20. Tho groom
ia the popular representative of tlio
Haurmaun Vinegar company of thin
city. Immediately after tho ceremony
Mr. and MlEHAnnpacher left for Chicago
and other points and will malco their
homo in Peru, la. Omaha Bee.
Mrs. Katharine Fisk, contralto, of
Chicago, who has been heard in this
city in connection with tho concerts
given by tho Lincoln oratorio society,
represented Chicago at tho Worcester
music festival, appearing thero Septem
ber 28. with Nordlen, Edward Lloyd,
Henri Marteau, tho celebrated joung
French violinist, and other well
known artiste. Mrs. FibIi'h ad
mirers in this city may Le
interested in tho following expression
from tho People's Journal, London:
"Mrs. Kat limine Fink, an American
contralto endowed with a remarkably
Hue voice, made a brilliant success an a
concert singer In London last year, and
it was hoped that she would make Eng
land her homo, but sho was induced to
accept a tempting otfer to bcco:no chief
singer of a fashionnblo church in Chi
cago with annual holidays, permitting
her accepting of concert engagements
for Be oral weeks. Sho is expected to
sing iu London at her next holiday."
(ImKlp ConceriiliiK the. Wittily Cly' 400
Note of Chlenuo.
Hon. Carter H. Harrison has gono to
West Badon, Intl., whero Mrs. Cat tor II.
Harrison, Jr., and tho mayor's iiauceo,
Miss Howard, tire sojourning. It in now
definitely Bottled that tho wedding of
Mr. Harrison and Miss Howard will
take place in November.
Iowa day at tho fair brought Governor
Boies and his richly uniformed stalT,
with a number of tlio leudiug society
IndicHot tho Hawkeyo state, including I
Mies Jessica Boies, tho governor's
daughter, Mrs. Secretary McFarhind,
Mrs. Colonel J. S. Wylie, of Davonj ort;
Mrs. John F. Dunconibe,of Fort Dodge;
Mrs. General Greeno and Mrs. Judge
Bothrock, of CcdarJlapids, and others,
iu fetching caningo gowns and millinery.
Iowa had nothing to mar its prido in
gallantry, beauty and fashion.
Michigan ucnuc, tho most imposing
of Chicago's drives, especially on these
bright September das, is onco more
gladdoned by tho sight of Mr. B. Hall
McCormick and his drag. Mr. MoCor
mick is ono of tho crack whips of tho
town, and can tool a quartet of spank
ing nags through u jam in a space just
tho width of tho coach about as skilfully
as anyone I know. Among his guests
on u recent excursion to tho Washington
Park club wero Lady Boughoy, tho
Hon. Miss Campbell, Colonel and Mrs.
Hayes-Sadler, Hon. George It. B. Cock
burn, M. P., and Mrs. Cockburn.
"I cannot refrain from expressing my
deep surprise und regret that tho peoplo
of Chicago should have thus far neglected
to take any steps to reimburse Mr.
Georgo M. Pullman for tho loss of 8,'WO..
000 by lire iu his lumber yards at tho
town of Pullman last week," Bityfl "The
Sauntcrer" iu Town Topics. "Mr. Pull-
man, as la well known, is much too jioor
to stand Bitch a Ions unaided, and tho
readiness with which ho announcod his
nilliiignehS to subscribo to tho relief
fund it wan recently projiOHod to create
for tho Duko of Veragua, seems to call
at least for something more than a dis
play of indiirerenco from his follow citi
zoiiB. Several leading Chicagoann havo
oxpreBBcd to mo tho opinion that if it
wero advUnhlo to raise a fund for tho
benefit of a crippcd duko abroad, it was
imporutlvo that Mr. Pullman, who is
himself a duke by tho patent of King
Humbert, should bo recompensed by his
sympathetic follow citizens nt homo for
tho loss indicted 111011 him by an always
inscrutable providence I sincerely hope
that by tho titno those lines nro read
Bomo of his follow millionaires will havo
como handsomely fenvurd to thonfllicted
Duko of Pullman's relief."
Sir Henry Trumau Wood, ono of the
commissioners from England to the
world's fair, is ono of a largo number of
well known Englishmen who havo
moneyed interests iu eastern Kentucky
and Tennessee. Not long bIiico ho
stopped at a luxurious hotel, of which
ho In a stockholder, in tho wilds of tho
Cumberland Mountains, known an tho
Hotel of tho Four Scanonn. Sir Henry
wan given a neat iu the dining room at a
table with two lojal Britons, well known
London nton, who wero strangers to tho
man of title, and who had just returned
from a visit to tho world's fair. All
Ignorant of tho relation of their vis a vis
to tho British Interests at tho great
show, they began abusing tho British
"Did you ever seo such rubbish?" said
"An absolute dlngraco to tho English
nation," said tho other.
Sir Henry, who had put them down
from tho start its two anglomaniitcs just
out from Now York, called ono of tho
head waitern, and iu a tone ho took no
trouble to disguise, said: "Wiiitah, I'll
bo moved at onco to another table," and
in an aside, which was plainly heard,
"I cahn't abldo theso American brawl
ers I"
Tho story caused much amusement
about tho hotel. And Sir Henry never
know ho had administered tho reproof
to two of his own countrymen.
Chicago in becoming noted for its lit
erary luncheons. Tho last of theso
functions was given by Mr. J. W. Scott
in honor of tho distinguished author, J.
T. Trowbridge, at tho Union Leaguo
club. Mr. Trowbridge is probably best
known through his famous book,
"Cudjo's Cttvo,"' which during tho war
of tho rebellion so thrilled tho hearts of
northern renders. Ho is an uncle of
Mrs. Scott, and, in company with Mrs.
Trowbridge, has been in Chicago for
several weeks seeing tho fair. Quite
a galaxy of men distinguished in letters
and art wero tho guests of Mr. Scott,
and had tho pleasure of welcoming Mr.
Trowbrldgo to Chicago. Tho tnbio con-
tallied a centerpicco of Duchess of
Albany roses, relieved by borders of
mnidcii-hair ferns. After the repast
Eugene Field recited boiuo of his verso
and Mr. Willard and others told stories'.
Sol Smith Russell 'electrified his audi
ence, with an imitation of John B.
Gough, tho eloquent tempcranco orator.
Mr. Scott's guests wero: Messrs. J. W.
Scott, Sol Smith Russell, II. II. Kohl
eant, Dr. W. R. Harper, J. T.Trowbridge,
Franklin II. Head, Major Kirkland, Paul
du Chaillu, Melville E. Stone, Eugene
Field, William Ordwny and Edward S.
f. ut I rely DMcrent.
Chorion 1'redi rick DlUliighum had a chock
which lie iv I sheil to exchange, for Its fnco
value tu legal tender. Ho tripped gayly
with the prt clous paper to the Unlimited
Tnut nml Deposit company's bank. Mr.
Dillingham had never dealt with this bank,
but ho wits sure ha knew the cashier well
enough to get tho money without tho slight
est trouble', as ho had enjoyed a very agree
ablo interview with him less than 48 hours
before. So lie walked up to the window, said
"Good morning" pleasantly to tlio owner
of tho head which appeared at the opening
and handed in his check with tho utmost
confidence. "I'd like cash for that, Mr.
Mtiun," ho snid. "Let mo havo It in fives,
Mr. Munn took tho paper, rend It care
fully, saw that tho endorsement on the
back corresponded to the uamo of the payee
on the front, examined it upside down and
right sido up, scrutinized tho edges and
held it up to tho light to see the water
mark. Then he handed it hack with tho
observation, "You'll have to bo identified,
sir "
"Whntf " gained the checkholdcr. "You
know me, Mr. Miiuul Why, I'm tho man
your daughter ii engaged to, and it was
only tho nlftht before last that I had a Uttlo
talk wlh you, and and secured your
consent to our marriage."
"Yes, J. know," assented tho cashier.
"That's Kl right, my dear Mr, but when it
conies t-Jl'ttlng go of largo round dollars
that's mother thing entirely." Harper's
Uazar. "
Stauuiiig Up Tor IIU Rights.
"Aro von the editor that takes in tho so
ciety Itemsr" Inquired tho caller, an under
sized man, with a timid, nppcullug look on
his face.
"Yes, sir," replied tho young man ntthe
desk. "I can tako iu any kind of items.
What havo you f"
"Why, it's this way," said tho caller,
lowering his voice. "My wife gave a swell
party night, and I'm willing to pay to
havo this writetip of tho affair put iu your
"We don't charge anything for publish
ing society Items," observed tho young man
at tho desk, taking tho proffered manu
script and looking it over.
"That's all right," was tho reply. "You
don't understand. I wrote this up myself,
and I put in n lino or two that says, 'Mr.
Ilnlfstick nsslsted his distinguished wife in
receiving tho guests.' That's the way I
want it toco in, and I don't caro It it costs
(1 it Hue. I want my friends to know, by
George, that I still belong to tho family!"
Chicago Tribune.
Hit llontom.
"No," said a henpecked husband at he
scratched his bald head, "I am not a be
liever in Mormonism not by a long chalk."
"Why not?" asked tho Mormon sympa
thizer with whom ho was conversing.
"Because," replied tho henpecked tnnn,
"I don't believe In a man having two wives.
No man can nerve two masters." Texas
That Explains It.
A. Kranse will havo it that ho tnodo a
speech of two hours' duration at the meet
ing the other night, but I see it only takes
up the space of half a column In the papers.
II. All! lint mil Irtiitir TtrnnsA nlnm.
- ., .., w.. ... . , . H...
mcrs. Hutnorlstlscho Blatter.
A Ilattlu fur lllooil.
Ib what Hood's Sarsaparlllu vigorously
fights, and it is always victorious in ex
polling nil tho foul taints and giving tho
vital fluid tho quality and quantity of
perfect health. It cures scrofula, salt
rhouni, boils and all other troubles
caused by impure blood.
VtouK. urowmv
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Has been the rallying cry of Ne
braska people for years past, and
if you are really interested in
Home Industry, if you really
care to see some beautiful
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Goods you can do so at our
establishment. We have placed
on our main floor a handsome
display of fine upholstered fur
niture, covered in Brocatelle and
wilton Rug, both plain and over
stuffed, and all
f1 t
When you have been through,
our furniture department do not
, iv vioti uui
Furniture Depa nent,
211 South 11th St.
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BtBTTiffyTW WW i... . .i i.i. i. , ii Li.1 '' " 2-