tjtljgaa3 THE A1MJ0A.Y MORXINa COURIER BV M I PUDLISHED 8ATUF1DAY8 nr Tim 60UUIUH PUBLISHING 60. W. Morton Smith, toaon ano manaosii. Ituslnr-M Oniro 1) O Street. 2M. TBHM8 OP SUBSOniPTION! THR Count, one year In ad-onco. ... Six Months ..12(0 . I ID Throe Motitli iMHUtllltlHl !( W Lincoln, Nkii Swtkmiikh .10, 1601. AMU8EMENT8. JOiVi)arMiMliiHno Morll In "The Rtory of ii Kliw," nt tho Limiting theatre riJJSMr -Mntlellno Merit In'-Thercim Hnquln," nt tho Limning thoatro. WEDNESDAY "Tim Limited Mull," ut tho Lntiulng theatre. TltUIiSli AY "Tw .WnlfH of Now York," nt tho Laiiriliig thentro. F11IDAY-Cure Dickson In "Ad tultted to tho liar," nt tho Lnimlng theatre &iriifZMV Mntlnoo-GhnrlcH Dick, son In "Incog," nt tho LniiHliig thentro. 8ATUJIDAY KvonliiK-CharleH Dick on In "Incog," ut tho Limning thentro. HOW LINCOLN HTOOH TIIK TKMT. Lincoln has a population of 00,000 peoplo moro or lew. And it nil tho kickers woro Buhtrnotcd from thin number It would ho consider bly Iom. Bomo people, when tltey got into para dine will douhtlosH havo tho molnncho. lla every tlmo thoy boou spect of iIubI In tho Roldon Btrnots. They will kick ami wnnt to got out. Eomo peoplo complain bitterly when ovorythlng Isn't coming their way nnd when ovorythlng does coino their way they nro only halt sutlHllcd. Some people, unmindful of tho good nnd bright things, boo only that which is dark nnd unpleasant. Bomo iieoplo nover ilnd out that they havo or ovor hud anything to bo thank ful or grateful for. Bomo peoplo aro chronic fault ilndcrs, utterly lacking in appreciation; who, if they know a good thing when thoy wo it, make no sign. mmmJm&M. ), wiwla T.liwuiln liaii n auu n .uuwi iajojiik. i.iuLt.4i ..wx u narfinilv. mm-n than tin uhnri.. '!'-'? . .. ...v. .. .--.. . Pew oltlea in tho United States nro In a healthy and prosperous n condition Ua Lincoln today few havo suffered bo Blight au Interruption of business on account of tho prevailing depression, and yot, with Lincoln's splendid record back of her, and with tho posltivo as suranco ot redoubled prosperity in tho future, Bomo of our citizens nro wont to put on long faces and tnlk through thotr UrOtS. Thoy aro vory shorl-Blghtod. Notwithstanding tho fact thnt busi ness generally is still a trlrlo dull, unit is every place in tho country, tho man who looks on tho bright sldo ot things, can lhul many things in Lincoln which nro reassuring. In tho tint placo thoro havo boon fow disastrous failures, as compared with other cities. And not withstanding tho failuro of tho Capital National bank, which was mashed by a colossal steal and by that alone, tho immodlato effect ot which was to unsettle the conscience ot tho community, rendering the hard times peculiarly hard for the bankors, thoro has been no other important bank failure, ami the strength of tho remain ing institutions had been amply demon strated. In March tho national banks of this city had about 113,090,000 in deposits. In July tho deposits dropped to $2,404, 000, and yet, after tho banks had paid out nearly 91,900,000 within four months they still had on hand in cash and eight jK?wjchange thirty -one per cent ot tholr ng ffrsgate remaining doposlts. ,x The year 1892 must havo been a very prosperous period for Lincoln. For after paying out 91,900,000 since March inis year mo, national banks bad on deposit in July 9900,000 moro than thoy had in July, 1801. In these figures tho reported tlopositsof tho Capital National bank aro not included. Business in this city has been pheno menally good. Wcrhave boon phono, menally prosperous, A 'slight tilting of the scales should Trh't, cause alarm. Alretyly bvsineaiMc Materially im proved, and Is alowjiWt surely reviving,' and bank deposits jf', steadily, creeping "Ft 'The city is entering into a new era ot progress. The present year should be regardod .byevery business man as the best possible test ot tho stability of the city, 'JMi ot its commercial and financial in stitutions, ami. should bo looked back upon, sot so much with regret aYto tho loss of uroHts, as with pride at tho record of strength exhibited. ,N An Intelligent consideration of con : ditkms in this city as they havo exlstod , to tks past and as they exist today 111 MillRi niunt neecHrnrlly yield much encourago mont. Tho peoplo who hao lieon doing tho complaining. In mot ciuich, nro thono who never ntop to coitHldor. Tub United Slates sonnto could do much to Kipidnrlio tho secret session Idea, of which It has for years been such a strong supiMirler, by going Into secret tension and remaining there until tho silver debate Is ended. Ui:i'tmt.lOAN OI'I'OIITUNITV, In Nebraska and elsewhere tho popu list party Is rapidly losing its strength. The third party Ib dying becnuso tho theories it advocates aro Impracticable nnd visionary, and yet, strango to say, tho democratic, party is embracing these same theories--following in tiiu root steps of tho crunks. The democratic party is becoming tho populist party. It has long been a favorite saying among republicans that the democrats can always bo depended on to cut their own throats, and this is it true saying. Tho democratic party, in control of tho executive and legislative brunches of the national government, is in a post tion to strengthen itself to such an ex. tent thirtdlslodgement would bo exceed Ingly dlfllcult; but already tho demo crat spirit of demolition and strife and disintegration is manifesting iisolf to a rcmarkablo extent, and tho republicans, ns they view tho destructive internecine strife now waging, nro in a very equable frame of mind. Cleveland is beyond question ono of tho safest men who havo hold the ofllco of president. His mind is evenly bat nnced, and his views nro, in tho main, eminently sound. Woro tho democratic party to tie to G rover Cleveland, nnd obliterate nil discord, tho outlook for tho republican party would not bo dls tinguished by its present roseato hue. Hut tho gulf between tho president nnd tho party, or rnthor, botween tho ad ministration wing of tho democratic party, nnd tho freo-sllvor, or nnti-ndmin-lstrution wing, la daily widening. It is becoming a yawning chasm Into which tho party is liablo to lie preclpltuted. Tho conditions for republican succebs woro novor brighter than they aro today. Tho third party is rapidly disappear ing. Tho democratic- party, hopelessly divided on tho silver question and tho tar I IT, is unnblo to give tho country the legislation it demands, nnd, lacking tho courngo nnd cohoslveness necessary to fulllll its platform promises, it has for feited public contidenco. And while tho democrats havo wave red nnd halted beforo tho issues of ilnunconnd tarilT, tho country mean whilo Buffering as it has novor suffered before, tho republicans havo closed up I their ranks. jnd today tinder a,4blwA Runners, honest protoouorrto" American in rev I ' Imlurtry, and honest money for honest labor nnd honest goods, presents nn un broken front. After tho democratic fiddling and diddling tho peoplo will very naturally turn tho country ovor to tho republicans again for another reconstruction. Strvk Bkodik, tho bridge jumper and nil around sport of Now York, has been to tho fair, nnd it any ot Thf. Coukieh rendorahnvo decided not to go to Chi cago boforo tho 1st of November, thoy may bo induced to change their minds by tho following enthusiastic endorse ment from tho distinguished Now Yorker: "Well, I'll toll ye, cull," ponderously howlod tho colobruted Gothamito, "sho is do great es' show I ever got u flash of, and tlio guy what cornea back here nn' rousts it is screwy. I got tnnglod up in do Midway an didn't go in vory strong on do ordor graft, but what I did tako in was four acos in a right gamo ahoyd of all do odor shows I ovor seo git un. I am in for a Bquaro deal, no matter whero do cards aro dealt, and I must say dat do folks out dero has topped do heap in running dat circus." IT MCADK THEM ALL Tho democrats ot Lancaster county havo held tholr convention, and with tho ticket named by tho republicans as an incontivo to good works, thoy havo tailed to put up a ticket that appoula with a spocial forco to tho votora of tho county. Without any unduo disparage ment, The Coukikk can say that the ticket nominated by tho republican con vention is far nnd way abovo that named by oithor ot tho other parties, and thoro is no reason in this campaign why any voter cannot accept tho republican ticket. Every man on it, from ton to bottom, is a representative citizen and a good republican, and tho tickot na n wholo dosorves nnd will rocolvo tho rnost enthusiastic support ot tho party. It is ono ot tho cleanest tickots ever uomiivited in this county by anv nartv. It. is a ticket tor which no apologies aro twjwssary, and on election day in No V6n'ber it will prove to be a great vote gottur. 1LKNTY Or CtOOD MEN. Thoro is an abundance of good material for tho making of a justice of the supremo court in the republican party, and there is no reason why tho party should pass by .good and able men who aro consistent republicans, for a man like Judge Maxwell, who has loaned toward tho populists until ho is permanently twisted out of shapo. Maxwell has no reasonable basis for a claim to a renomlnation by tho repub lican purty. For tho last fow years hn has played into tho hands of tho popu lists Tho third party, notwithstanding, would have bono of him, and hln own having repulned him, them In no reanon why tho republleunh should take him In. Of tho other candidate! for tho ropuli. llciin nondnatlon, any ono of them would ho hotter than Maxwell, FOOT NOTE8. Wall Mntnn linn furankcii thu world. itolllo la Ilcntrlcn, Ho will After tlio train la captured, After llio rohlxr) linvu Konn, Then emtio n tlioiipnud sinwosllnns Of linw thliiK should limn boon done. Tltiin mny m money, tml llinl Wind of money, unfortunately, Isn't leijnl tender, KUo tliu ill tltiKiilshod gentlemen wliogrnco tlio corner of r.lorontli nnd O streotn would bo millionaires. Wo trust Hint In Hit) incitement of tho mlltl calcninpiiliin tho Cnll will not fornot Hint tlio Imtlmn nro still tliero. llnTltitf Inaugurated n crusado aicilnst this iiidcnunt locality vu sincerely hopo Hint our contemporary will not top until tho bottom urn wiped nut. It l nn undertaking iiuttn worthy of our contemporary' prourosslvo spirit. Mnjor Cnlliouu liitlnmtos thnt tin) editor of TmkCouhikii will soon "Join tho hrond huntlnn procession" If ho continue his "fnvuilmj servility to tho Wnll streot kings." Tho mnjor linn n linhlt i f accusing OTorjImdy who doe not fnll In with tlio honrso cry of tho silver nilno owners In Colorado, ncry thnt Is echoed liy n vnst army of deluded enthusiasts, of sub Joctlon to tho plutocrat of Wnll stroot. Tho editor of Tiik Cot'iilKii Ih-ks Icnro to nssnro tho mnjor Hint If tho ndvoency of nn honest dollnr Implies serlvllty lo Wnll street, then ho must Im In servitude, lint ho does not tnko thnt view of thoiunttor. As to Joining tho "hrond hunt lint" procession, tlio writer hns curried n hnnner In thnt pnrndo for n number of years, nnd ho expects to Imroto koep It up n few yenrs Iniutcr unless tho newspaper business should suddenly boom nnd proro unexpectedly remunerative. THE 80UBRETTE. How It Fveilato Appear Ueforotlie l'ulillo In Nliort Dressrs. Said a woll known soubrotto tho other day: "It is n pity that stago-struck girls cannot bo mado to realize tho ordeals that a novico has to go through during her first engagement. Tho vory dreeses that they uro so nnxioim to wear nro somotlmes tho most sovero triula. I remember my first appearance in eoubrotto drchs. I felt all legs. Tho samo sensation can bo obtained by mounting stilts for tho first time. Full tights, however, aro much worse. I was cast for second boy in pantomino beforo I had boon on tho Btago u year nnd had a tolerably good part, with ono big patriotic speech, in which I was sup posed to electrify tho audience nnd tho entire company of artists. I was qulto pleased with mysolf at rohonrsal, but on tho opening night when I was supposed to take tho contorof tho stngo (that is, tuko tlio middle of tho stago, induce mo to como to tho front. I llvcrcd my lines over tho back ot tho couch vory much to tho annoyuueo of two experienced actresses who woro seated beforo mo nnd over whoso honds and in front ot whoso fuces I waved tho Union Jack. I think that in theatrical lifo it is in tho dressing rooms that tho most amus ing .studies ot character can bo found Of courso, I'm not spoaking ot tho dressing rooms in tho llrst-cluBS thontroa, but tho dressing rooms thnt nro found in both England and America by companies ot tho fifth, sixth, sovonth nnd possibly tho eighth grades. It is dlfllcult Bomotimcs to properly placo thorn. Possibly four women, that is gonornlly tho limit in such companies, havo to dress in a room scarcely lurgo enough for ono to stand in. Lot nny woman with tho wit to know her slster-womon imagine tho possibilities ot such n situation from u character-studying standpoint. Tho loading lady, generally a vory groat por- sonago in hor own estimation, must havo tho choico ot .tho best placo. '11 o character woman tho noxt, for she gen erally has to double another part and has hurried changes of dress. Tho others dlvido up tho infinitesimal space loft ovor. Many a time I'vo sat on my trunk with my groaso paints in my lap and mado up that way. Yot even dress ing rooms liko theso aro luxuries some times. I romombor ono of tho small towns in Ireland whore thoro woro no dressing rooms at all and portions of tho etago wero divided off, on ono side for tho mon and on tho other for tho ladies. Our consternation may bo imagined whon on tho second night, wo woro play ing repertoire, that Ib, a chango ot play each night, tho property man camo and demanded tlio screen that wo ladies had hung up. Ho wanted to use it for a sen cloth." An Inexpensive Luxury. I Horn I a thing, my darling, That soemi extremely quoor Your kisses cost mo nothing, Yot they aro very dear. . , In an age ot fraud and adultoratlbn, it is certainly gratifying to know that auch an extensively-UBod preparation as Ayer'a Saroaparilla may be implicitly rolled upon. It nover varies oithcr in quality, appearance or effect, but is always up to the standard. For latest atylca in wraps r Asiinv Cloak Co. Tho Lincoln Coal company, 1045 'O street, handles all of tho very beat grades of anthracito and bituminous coal. Fino now lino ot business suitings from $25 to (MO in Scotch and homospons Jockell Bros., 110 north Thirteenth i street, near Lansing theatre jMHolrr ggy.i !. r seo m; ., x wua securing di contlnua remarked 1 Ill II (Continued from First Page.) handsome endorsement ho received ut tho hands of tho county convention. Tho rapidly growing business in tho county dork's olllco maken it impcrutivo thnt this ofllco should bo in tho hands of a practical, capablo man, and Mr. Woods has In tho last two jeam shown himself to bo just such a man. That ho Is thu right man in tho right place is the. verdict (if all thono who havo had business transactions with tho county clerk's ofllco. Tho independents and tho democrats can generally bo depended upon In this county to concentrate their oncrgles upon ono or two of tho principal oIIIocr, and from thoiudicntioussofarmaulfestit Is apparent that this campaign will bo no exception. Tho hardest contest will undoubtedly bo ovor tho ofllco of sheriff, but Alva Smith, tho republican candi date, serene in tho conviction that ho has tho solid support of tho party, is qulto nt enso with regard to tho outlook, Mr. Smith is a well known citizen of Wnvorly; but ho is us woll known in Lincoln nnd other parts of tho county as ho is at his own homo, nnd tho people who know Mr. Smith nro gonornlly Ids frlondp. Ho Ib specially udnptod for tho duties which will fall to his lot In tho ofllco of shorllT, nnd ho will adequately perform tho important work of thnt im portant brunch of tho county govern ment. All kinds of combinations will bo uttempted ngaliiBt Mr. Smith, but ho will bo warmly supported by tho party that nominated him, nnd tliero is no fear ns to his election. High priced clonks elegant styles. Ashiiv Cloak Co. Old Mother Hubbard went to tho cupboard To net hor poor boarders n lunch ; When sho got tliero sho was combing her linlr And left In tho butter n bunch. Low priced cloaks correct styles AsmiY Cloak Co. How Ho Tinned Their Heads. Two Harlem Indies were talking about an English nobleman w ho liaa been making tho tour of the states. "They say that in Hrooklyn he turned the pcoplo's heads completely," remarked the first young lady. "I expect ho caino late to church with Jtl"!.8L "P-lSBSK&l. VAM UIIMtlS, r children with him?" "I think not. lint why do you nskf" "If ho has, I Mipposo they nro singing, DnddyWouldn'tHuyMo n Uowwow.' " Pittsburg Chronicle-Tclegragli. To und Fro. Lawyer (In cross examination) So this woman was shot In her doorway f Smart Witness No, sir; sho was shot in tho nrm. Lawyer (excitedly) You think you're smart, don't your Witness (calmly) No, sir; I'm Ilrown. Truth. , Mother nnd Dnugtiter. Little Ethel Mamma, I wish you'd wash Willie Prettlo's face. Mamma Tho Ideal lie's a neighbor's little boy. I have nothing to do with him. Llttlo Ethel lint I lmve. We'70 became engnged, an I want to kiss him. Good News. Clear Sailing. Beloved Papa says ho sees no reason why wo shouldn't bo mnrried. Lover (ecstatically) Then ho wasn't rlnched In that Inst deal after all. Detroit i'riouno. Patrolman Julius ZeidUr Ot the Brooklyn, N. Y., Folks Force, gladly testifies to the merit of Heod's Susaparllls. Ills wife takes It for dizziness and Indlfestlon and it works charmingly. "The children also take it with great benefit It Is without doubt s saost excellent thing for That Tires Feel tag. I cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla sad Rood's Fills to every one who wishes to hate health and comfort." Get nOQD'fl. HOOD'S PILLS ' eonsUpaUoa, UseMaess. Jaaasiee, and sleb headache. Not lee. In tho County Court within and for Lancaster county, Nebraska, In tlio matter ot thocstotoof DotuI Newman ilncoasoii. To the creditors of said estate: ,. , You aro hereby notlflod that I will sit at tho cnunty court room in Lincoln, In sold county, on tho 'k day nt Uecnmber, 1MU, and aanln on tho Ski day ot March, 1884, to oxnmlno nil claims against said ostato wlili n vlow to their adjustment and allowance Tho tlmo limited for tho prruentatlon of claims nualnst said cstato is six mouths, from said 21 dsy of Hen- ivmuur, low, nun nil) lllliu lliuutni jur ii uj- ment of dobls Is ono year from suld Mddayof Hoptembor, 1WI Notlcoof this iroceodin I ordered publmliod four consocut publmhod four consecutive weeks in iinoor publlshod in tills county prior to Novcm may Unrnlnir lYinrlnr. a weomy lions or .1, lev suit.) I. V. LANSlNfl. County Judifo. sUP'SrSkBBsN$SBi I ss lwsBr?.sWPSStl I JisCJP NEW FAbL MILLINERY NOW BEING SHOWN BY THE Funke's ' Opera House Corner. VWFZ6 iWi Rivtn This heavy complected fellow is lr .N.- X country, and the stock will be our own make of high grade clothing. Merchant tailors arc the only comjwtitors we recog nize. And tec knock them away out on jtriccs. Wc arc the largest manufacturers and retailers of cloth ing in the world. I g'RF'V" QTir'gg..--J.ZZ. urn iwir ill rrEo . WATCH FOB BROWNING. ioics-io o 'riisi3r. Well pis It 191 lllS-ll&a 1ST Vl I "sjssssW I SBJsjgkfaj aBsjgaBBBjga BBBa Saaw MANHOOD RESTORED!: BuamnU-eU to euro nil norTuudleaao,suolias Weal gaaflW'SBBBBBW A Tent pocket. SSI perbox.afi Bl ta written uikriintea umni, wuicai'iaioiniirnuir. t untuiapiionur insanur. i;an na ilruitclsu. Akfurlt. InDlalu wraunor. Address tor sale In Lincoln, by 11. V. IIUDWN STYIs.ES i ty Corner O and Twelfth Streets. $ ull ready for his clothing. We wish we were. Our store should have been ready September 1, but we'll be in luck if tee get it by October 1. When we get into it wc will have the grandest opening ever seen in the west. The store will be one of the handsomest in the ."' "3-rAWarYTES. 0UII OPENING. KING & CO LlXCOLrX, IV IS 13. Decidedly Lively 'ATI 13 Line for the Fall and Winter and will begin at once to quote such prices in all departments as will make competition quiver. Gome in and see our new patterns and you'll buy nowhere else. - 1 And all fancy and staple pieces at prices that touch the pocket book easy during stringent times. , i Won'tjyou favor, us with a call. f 8TRBRT. "MEltVK Tlila wonderful romndv MR GITG 1 DINING M uaraiiU'oil tocurun.lnor'uuKlUeaaaa.suGlias Weak Memory. Loss of Urata owor, Ueanacb. Wakel uliiors, Lost Manliood, Ntsbtly Uaiistlons, Norrous neis.alldralnsandlnfsiif pooerlnOoiieratlTeOriians of either aezcauted tiroiorexertlnn.ynutl.fnl errors, oxcssalreusoof tobacco, opium or stlni- Iskonoothor. Write Jc M EK VB SKUU CO.. JJotoclaTemDle.CuiCAQO. and W. K. UKULAKNDBU, UrusgUU. f is . ( V . 1 l V " i J u ry m ' sn 'as Jimi ; JUJW Jan.1 J imssaii, Eij