qrnE& -ArrjiuAY morning courier ft m h?r t ' , 7" . Ik- a - v . V. ! ta S If attractive lithograph advertise ments anil expensive costumes make u good show, then Minnie SnrtelloV'Pluin Pudding'' which was opened at the Lansing Monday night, is an excellent attraction; hut the. public has somehow got In the hnhit of expecting something clue, and the public, or that portion of the public that wan present Monday night, wiib visibly disapiolnted. Of the play tho less cnltl tho better. It is a '. ; ,A' V- mill i ks u K sMl 1313..V'X'1IG13. In "The Limited Mail.'' f- hodge-podge of everything in which there is nothing of paiticular impor tance. The jnniutaro of tho coini.nry presented a picturesque appearance. Somo of them wcro built, physically, on an original plan. Hut there were somo good voices in tho company and tho songs were on tho whole, very well received. Minnie Sartcllo in "Plum Puclding" carries too heuvy a burden. In a moro appropriate piece she would appear to much bettor advantage. Sho has cleverness, sings as well as the majority of soubrettesand is suflleicntly attractive to give her real valuo in an adequate play. Spence, "Hobo Dill," hi his own line, !b a capablo comedian. Tony Farrell presented James A Ileamo's play, "My Colleen" at tho Lansing Wednesday nigni. jur. mr - well and his company gave an adequato, representation of Irish life, suchasuo Lansing Wednesday night. Mr. Far aro used to seeing on tho stage, and thero were somo particu larly taking DClalromndo features in tho play. Nellio a distinct impiossionoy nor winsome cleverness. Tho company gave Mr. Farrell efllcicnt support, and tho en tertainment, as a whole, was very cordially received, and it deserved tho recognition accorded. Chicago, Aug. 28. Special Caumr.it Correspondence. Tho theatres aro all doing big business. At tho Auditorium, "America,'' with its gorgeous pageants and charming ballots, will continue to bo tho attraction. At the Chicago ' I opera house "All liaba" holds tho boards i till "Sinbnd" comes.-At tho Grand , opera houso Mr. Sol Smith Russell pre-! sentshis revised edition of Mr. Kidder's , "Peaceful Valley."-At tho Columbia theatre Mr. Daniel Frohman's Lyceum theatre company presents Tho Wifo"' all of this week. At tho Schiller theatro tho celebrated Coghlan company continues to present Sardou's famous comedy, "Diplomacy." A t McVickor's theatro "Tho Old Homestead" gives place to William II. Crano in his leccnt success "Hrother John. At Hooloy's, theatro Evans and Hooy appear in their latest edition or "A i'arlor Match.' - i Trocadoro; Sandow, Jules Lovy and Mrs. Alice Shaw aro still tho chief charms.- Custer's Last Cliaiye, tho grand historic sceno, is still presented at Bul'ulo I)illaH Wild West performances ovory day.Tho Haymarkot; "Tho Span of Life." Ilavlin'sj John L. Sullivan. Nkw Yoiik, Sept. t!0. I893.-Special Couiiir.it Correspondence.) Tho fol lowing aio this week's attractions in Now Yoik: .Vaudovllio at Tony Tistor'sj "A Teinperanco Town" at tho Madison Sijuaro theatroj vaudovillo at Proctor'sj Do Wolf lloppor, Uroadway theatie; "Tho Othor Man" at tho Ourden theatre; "Tho Prodigal Daughter" at tho American; E. II. Sothern at tho Lyceum, Wurdo-James company at the Star theatro;1 "Tho Black Crook" at tho Academy of Music; "Liberty Hall" at tho Empiro theatro; "1-tOU" at Pul at tho Standard theatre: Ifnlton & Hart in "Tho Idea" at tho Fourteenth Street theatre; Kuweit' Comedians In tho "World's Fair City Diroetory"at tho liijou theatre; vaudc. villo at Hosier and lllal'H vaudeville at tho Imperial MiibIu Hall; William Harry at tho Park theatic; "A Triji to MarH' at Nlblo's; "Hands Across tho Sea" at tho Grand opera house; "L'Enfant Pro. digue" at Daly'p; "Dan's Tribulations" at Harrigan's theatre; English Military Tournament at tho Madison Square Garden. SaBii London correspondent: Tho theatrical and inimical world of Loudon ti- Ky t? ' m is anxiously awaiting tho new Gilbert and Sullivan opera at tho Savoy theatre, "''ch i is. honed will bo produced eaily in October. Mr. Gilbert has dis covered a "jewel" in the way of a prima donna, and it is almost needless for mo to leiimrk that sho is an American. I have heard Miss Nancy Mcintosh sing at concerts frequently, audi can bo pretty tmfo In predicting hint? by rea son or her really splendid and cultivated voice, her charming presenco and her gieat vivacity, sho will tako London bv storm. Sho is a sister, by tho way, o'f Durr Mcintosh, known as "tho blonde Adonis in Philadelphia and elsewhere. Miss Mcintosh Is favoied in being a special favorite, both of Mr. Gilbert and aimrumr aujlivan, who hao prae lically written their opera "lound" her f;"" """ '"" ui course, tJio sub Jct;' am' ul period of tho now piece by ul "m team" is kept a profound seciet as a central rgnro. Of course, tho sub "hum, out 1 liao heaul a whisper of , thesceno being laid in tho timoof Queen Elizabeth; Sir Walter Raleigh and tho Earl of Leicester forming tho two princl- pai pans lor tho men. Whether tho "comic opera" is to beomo n tragedy bv tlio Introduction or MiVs Mcintosh as Ami llobmrt, I know not, but perhaps Mr. Gilbert's fertile brain may oven have disco vei ed some "comic relief" in that illfatod damsel's, career. "A Temporanco Town" had its first production in Now York tho other night. Tho critic of Town 7'opien savo: "The wit and intellectuality of Mr. Cliiiilnn fffittf !... . i ""' l ""; im" Uil d npoplectic, ,,M,"renyi " feeding too long uikjii l, Uot mtitic- Mr. Hoyt's new y' A le'"I'cranco Town,' seen Wo !."r !' ""i'"0 on Monday ijight at the m,la "I111"-" theatre, is to dramatic i v ' Iun"H s to fruit. It ww,HupononoB intelligonco like pulp. It is dull, deadly dull, and not a bit liko Mr. lloyt." "Vonus' has turned phenomenal succees in paporB thero puliiishcd out to ho a Hoston. Tho travagantly lavish eucomiuins upon it Tho l'ark theatre, at which it is nlaiiinr uio inosi ex. Pliu ing. is packed niL'htlv Itieo's iiioiintliiir r n .. , . , " " iiiuuiiuniw a dream or loveliness, and tho cast is about as strong a ono as could ho put in a comic opera. Camillo ... .mi-, uiuii wiiom no moro magnetic woman is seen on tho stage, is simply delightful as Prince Kam. Her shapely fouu is seen to great advantage tho music piecibely tits her lovely voice, and she has tho dash and magnetism that betoken a genuino artist. Cuming Alliiicll.niH. Witli tho beginning of October tho theatrical season in Lincoln assumes a lively gait that will bo kept up till spring. Manager Church of the Lansing, will havo his houso open oery night next week, with a matineo on Sat in day. .i Madeliuo Merli coinen to tho Lansing next Monday and Tuesday, October 2 and .'J. On Monday night sho will prohent "Tho Story of u Kibs," a new play from tho French, from tho pen of'Eniilo nier'flj "Jano" Zola. Tho plot in laid in Franco at th present time, and deals mostly with tho lives of two people who are ruled moro by their nerves and feelings than by their reason. Thero aro several start ling situations, one especially In tho lth act where a paralytic tries to expose n murder, and another in tho third act, in which tho portrait of a dead man llgiires conspicuously, Tuesday night Miss Merll will present her version of "Thereeo Raqtiln," the play in which Mrs. James Drown Potter and Kyrlo Hollow appeared last pciihoii and which provoked ho much discussion. "Tlieieso" is decidedly realistic, and Miss Merll's version Is said to bo quite as startllngly "reallBtlc"as any that has been pro. seated. Seats a. o now on sale for tho Merll engagement. "Tho Limited Mall," which returns to tho Lansing theatre next Wednesday October 1 is of tho comedy drama order, and was written by Elinor E. Vance, a former Columbus tologrimh operator. who has utilized his tiaiuing to intro duce many startling and wonderful in volitions In stage effects, many of which aro produced by the aid of electricity, and servo to worlc tho spectators up to a high pitch of excitement. A railroad train two hundred feet long and twelve feet high dashes at lightning speed across tho stage, rccupylng jiiHt six seconds to do it in. A wreck scene, a saw-mill scene, and somo unique featutes of telegraphic manipulations aro among the other triumphs of rea lism. Unlike most nlays of its class, it has u well defined plot and around this is woven tho interesting situations that go to make an enjoyable performance. Whiloa night operator at tho Union depot, Columbus, Mr. Vance conceived tho idea of writing a novel depicting in a truthful manner tho'many incidents and episodes by which ho was dailysur lounded. "Nellie Harland; A Homauco or tho Kail and Wire," was tho result. And the little volume had such a largo sale, and tho critics were so enthusias' tic over his maiden effort, that it was finally decided to dramatize the work which was done, and it was christened "Tho Limited Mail." Tho royalties from tho book bring him an income of several thousand dollars a year, while from tho play ho derives, it is said, no less than e.r,000 a month. Tho sale of seats opens Monday. Tho loverB of sensational drama, and they aro legion, will greet with delight the return to Lincoln, for one night, of Harry Williams' spectacular production or Kn'tib SRj!""tfH groat play, "Tho Waifs of Now York." "Tho Waifs" will hold tho boutdtr..:. tho Lansing theatre Thursday, Oct 5. Tho sale of peats begins Tuesday This American melodrama has been a pronounced success, and it has coined money for Thero seems to bo n fascination to see tho darker side of life, and moro especially or iNcw ork Ijfe, and this play might liavo been christened "In Darker Now York." Theieisa strong vein of con temporaneous human interest in "The TIIK WAIFH." Waifs" which seems to bo infec and which takes with all classes of our people. Tho company is an excellent one, Manager Williams having given much time and care to its selection. Tho Harlem river bridge railroad scene, with its passing trains; tho Tombs police court; old Trinity church, Castle Garden and tho ultra sensational tire sceno at tho Five Points, in which scene is introduced a genuino Watrous ilro engino operated by llremon and drawn by trained horses.aro tlio salient features of scenic elfcct in this popular play. Tho following is tho cast of characters: Willlo Itufus, a Sew rk liootliluck . . ., I'lfilmic. If..linB... II e-l 1. 1. .-I I. . , v .w..i., ib iXiidrnw Amiiiui IUtIktI KiiiKlctiin Hurry Jnnurt. rictro llama , , , JiuIko Hiikith , Jnliii Jiirilnn . , , l'rosocutliiK Attorney I.nwier ItiiiMfU OHIeurO'ltnirorty Alien llalilw in Kntrlnii . l.ltlludcrtlo (awalf) llitldy McSlianu. . . I If riiiiirnt . ''oiiriiiU'iinUwii .. .bilnri('iriiri ";." "HKOIIH U.Cl.Tliorpo " .ViI"!"M I'MtlT . .h. Iliittnrjlclil . ,.. hilwnril t'nlo - Mrutnln limy . JuHonlifitn Amiiiui ... .-..UtlloVlrlo Mrs. Kitwnnl Cllironl Charles Dickson will appear at tho Lansing Friday and Saturday night, next week, and Saturday matinee. On Friday night the bill will bo "Admitted to Tlio Har," Mr. Dickson's now play. Matineo and evening Saturday ho will pienent "Incog" A Universal Ueautiiier.--Harmless, eiTectlvo and agreeable, Ayor's Hair Vigor has taken high rank among toilet articles. This preparation causes thiu, weak hair to become abundant, strong and healthy, and restores gray hair to its original color. AN ASS v.; te,t, , " ' (f. Is not supposed to know much. The com mercial instinct is not very well developed In some people, but anybody, even a child, knows enough to buy when we make prices like this: A PAIR OF MEN'S CASSIMEftE PANTS FOlt A WELL-MADE SUIT E0.ft S3 BOYS' KNEE PANTS FOJt tteSfTS FOR v. - V- BOYS' GOOD SIHTS EOIt Our other Prices are NUFF ?RMi, COIi J OTJl AND P STS, N is1- $1.00 .OO l.JO in proportion. SED. JJNC0LN, NEB. 20C 60C W. J). SHIELDS, 3r. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8URQEON. OMICIl, IIMOST, ItftlJriKf, J7JI I'enf tilrrtf, T!itinnf 76 CAPITA Steam 13y lixjgp AND CLEANING WORKS. ivo. u xv.rwoifti mt. t'oititu:u l'liono SM. rillll.lNIIIMl CO. lliirlnrMOIIlcniailOHt. Dr. T. O'Connor, (8ucnrur to Hr. ClinrlnHanrlit.) CURES CANCERS, TUMORS, W'( 1 n.tulni wlltmut tho UIO of KDlft, t'lilurnform cir llllicr. I.lti 1300 O hlrrvt Owen lilock. LINCOLN, NEB. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. WoMJ)JC Host Dining- Car Service In tho World. TO THE WORLD'S FAIR TAKS THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE - FKOM-T-HE-WEST: nimimliir, tliti line baa r Oapot for tl trnluoKtKntrlwoodfinburlotOblcro) oloaa to tbo World's I-air Oatt. TAKE THE ROCK ISLAND. JNO. SEBASTIAN, 0. T. AND P. A. CHICAQ3, ILL. TO T. LOUI AND ON THE CREST OF THE AILEGHANIES, (Main Lino II. A O. H. It.) SEASON OPBNS JUNE 15, 1893. Rt"VcP. 37G and 500 a month, nc cording to location. Address GEORGE D. DeSHIELDS, Manager, Cumberland, wd., up to Juno 10; arter that dato, cither Drcr Park or Oaklaud. uarrett county, lid. Fr ree Gherokee Strin. IN arms Wrlto to E. h. Pylmer, P, A. Santo Fa ItouU Oinahn. hcb., for trco copy of Illustrated foldar ui'bcriblng Cliorolceo Strip, ami tlio Tonkawa, rawnpe and Ktekapoo rUjer yntlong, aoon to booiymwl foriettlomont by tha U. 8. ifovprnmpnt. HUllonaof acrca inthodn- ii Vi li'iI" couuiry nnuor tuaiun, waiting In bo ticklca by tho Imibandman'a plowaliaroj in oo iiokicu oy tno imibandman'a plow tliia iaalnioattba last cbanco to obtain Uncla Sam'a fra fartnt. ono of THREE-MINUTE TALKS AUOUT NEW MEXICO. latbotltloot an llliittrnt ihI fulilcr ilo scribinn tho fumia. mlnra and towns of Sew .Mexico. Tim pmllu of fruit rablnearetet forth Indetnllinlwifncta rplutWotoalMH'ii, emtio and Rtyieral furmliia. No othor country posjtso uch a drairnbTa climate all tho oar around. Wrlto to K, V. Palmer, P. A. Santa Fa Houte, Omaha, Neb.. lor fra copy. ' Pi 1 ENGRAVING "I 'Him J (i ii i rn--.iif.Mii BEST LIE CHICAGO E PI Oil i MirifTfl, riifijjMiliift- xrim1kmimMM TSZZiwrfSarSIaSwSaiaSMIaMa