1 Maauzz ... ftfr.. ffipJ" vr ill I 1M.-1E& HATURDAY MORNING COURIER 'A Willi IHjiwI il CnrrMpm donee, ) Nv YouK,8jpt. U7. I-UUrt IhIuikI, tlio chief Rivtoway to UncloSnin's dominions, is n llttlo spot of dry land tlmt pcopi nboro llio wnvei of Now York lutrbor not morn tliau 1)00 yurils from tlio Now Jcraey ilinrc. Most of It a Bttrliicolscov orctl with tlio vnilotts bulJilliiKN tlmt hoyd I icon cvdotcil for tho usobf tlio com irrtalanei-of iiuhilurntloii, who may lo spolton uf 3 tlio chief Ku-Qkconor, nnr - Hmn,. - KM.IS ISLAND. ht men, I paid n visit to thin llttlo spot of Inml today to soo how tlio tons of thounnml who como knocking at Undo Sain'rt door every month aro received biuI how thoso who nro not thought do slrnhlo nro prevented from ontorlnp;, nnd A most Interesting visit it wan. Only thoso who como to this nldo in tlio cheapest purl of tlio ship, tlio steer 'tigo, pawi through this gatuway, for it is nsxumed tlmt thoso who linvo money enough to pay their way in cither tho first or second cabin nro likely to ho do nimble, tlio only questions raised by tho gatekeeper being as to tho ability of tho immigrant to bo self supporting, whether or not ho comes in fulfillment of n con tract regarding employment, nnd an to their record an law abiding cltlr.oim in tho lands from which thoy come. Tho chief gatekoopor'acstahlishmont Is called the bureau of immigration. Dr. Benncr, nn energetic, earnest, scholarly man, is commissioner nt pres ent, nnd ho has tho nnlstnnco of about 00 persons, including heads of depart ments, clerks, matrons, doctors, labor ers, etc. About as ninny moro persons who nrc employed by tho railroads, tho various societies, etc., also And occupa tion on tho islnud, so that its regular day population, exclusive of imtnlg.-unts and visitors? is about 180, Immigration is light nt present, but it would not bo possiblo to pass ono-half cjf tho number received oven now with out au almost perfect executivo system. Accordingly Dr. Bonner's staff is thor oughly organised and inpludos inspect ors, interpreters, matrons, doctors, clerks audi miscellaneous employees, to each of whom is assigned somo partlcu lar.work, and all of whom perform their duties with tho utmost harmony day after day. According to tho prcsont law, steam hip companies are required to furnish tlte commissioner of immigration witli a ..;BfujBpitalnlll4tho nawea of all steerage passengers with each shipload of immigrants. This manifest must statu iu addition to the names tho ngo, sex, nativity, occupation and destination of each person, besides n lot of other do tails for tho commissioner's guidance For convcnicuco tho stccrago pnsscngors aro divided into blocks of HO, each pas acngor being numbered, nnd Ida number being set oppoto his nunio upon tlio manifest, Commissioner Scnncr'H ndvanco gunrd, the boarding officers, nro tho llrat United States officials with whom tho immi grant come in contact. Thoy go on board tho ship at quarantino nnd there begin tho work of investigation, remov ing from the ship such pnssongora ua,nro eutleriug from malignant disoasws, nud sometimes working iu conjunction with tho New York health officer, Dr. Jen kins, causing tho detention of tho chip upon which tho disenso exists with its entire quota of immigrants. Ouco quarantino ia safely passed, tlio ship proceeds to its dock, tho cabin pas sengers and citizens who aro steerage passengers disombnrk nnd go their wayt unimpeded 'by nny restrictions other than .those, imposed by UncloSam'a cur torn house officers, but alien atecrng passongors must nil enter through Dr, Scnnor'a gato and aro convoyed thither upon United States barges. Boforo leav ing the ship, n card bearing a number and U) letter, tho lattor to show tho d' vision to which tip passenger belongs, is pinned upon tho breast of each indi vidual. Ten .minutes befdro n bargo load of immigrants arrives nt tho island the loud sound of n gong echoes through the immenso main building of tho bu reau. When tho bargo has been made fast to the dock, tho gong is ngaii sounded, nnd by this timo every official Is at his post. As soon as tho gangplank had been put iu place, tho passengers string aahoro, aud a moro motley crowd was never seen under tho sky of heaven than that made by tho stccrago passengers of a ship, from Rotterdam or from one of the Mediterranean ports. Tho shipload which arrived this morniug during my presence was from Rotterdam, nnd its passengers included Germans nnd Poles and Hungarians nnd Slovaks and Bohe mians and Russian Jows. Guided by tho proper officials, they limbed tho stairs to the second story and through what must havo been to them most devious passages to tho great hall where tho inspection was performed. They first entered a space about 00 feet square, separated from tho rest of tho floor by wire gratings ,in such a way na to form an immense cage, There- raoh division was passed iu single filo between fas pipe railings in front of tho instiect orf' desks, and thoro each individual was questioned and cross questioned un til' tho inspectors were satisfied either i that be or she should bo allowed to pro ceed, without further examination or that the caw needed such other investigation ' , aeoould be obtained only by detention. The inspectors are a patient, iatelli 'ajeat. courteous lot of men, From long nerience fliay can tell at n gbnee tho , Mwaality of the immigrant, and so do ot need to wait for spoken words to fcaow fat what language to make the iu- i, of course, an inspect or will ho nt fault, hut oun syllable from tho questioned Individual will sot tho oDlclal mind right, nnd then tho questioning proceeds rapidly, but skill fully, until it Inn been determined how tho Immigrant shall be tli poiod of. Ono of tho most important questions relates to tho amount of money in pos session of the individual, but contrary to an impression which seems general It Is not required that an immigrant shall bo possessed of any specified sum. If tho doctors past favorably as to tho health of tho person examined nnd ho or sho luivo enough tuonoyor n ticket for trans imitation to tho ultimnto destination, relenso comes at once, providing tho im migrant' answers ngrco with tho partic ulars cot down In tho ship's manifest. This is tho general rulo. Tlio except loin I have boforo nlludod to. A woman with children, unaccompanied by n husband or other inalo relative n minor without money or n person who is suspected ol being n contract laborer Is nt onco sent to tho detention pen, as tho officials speak of tho largo cage In which thoso whom it is thought deslrablo to further examine nro placed. Tho detention pen is raroly empty, nl though onco or twlco n shipload of Immi grants has been received nmong whom tliero was not ono cnudldnto for this cage. Almost nil women accompanied only by thulr children pass somo titno in this compartment, for It rarely happens that tho woman's husband is nt hand to rcccivo her at tho moment of her nrrlval nt Ellis island, nnd tho authorities will not allow her to land unless her husband comes for her. This ruling may nt first thought appear to bo unnecessarily so vero, nnd it eoituinly does so nppcnr to most of tho detained wives, but as ex plained to mo by tlio authorities it seems a very necessary regulation. Tho great aim of inspection nnd exam ination is to prevent tho landing of in dividuals likely sooner or later to bo como n charge upon tho chnritnblo socio ties or tho stnto authorities. A woman with n family of small children, without a husband to provido for her support, if without money will probably need nld very soon nftor arriving here, and tho cxpcricncoof tho authorities has been such to render it necessary in their eyes that tlio oxlsteuco of tho husband shall bo proved by his personal uppcarutico to receive his family. Oftoutimea wives como to America bringing their children with them in search of husbands who Imvo beou guilty of desertion, nnd such families nro nlmost certain to bo incapablo of self support. Sometimes widows como with tho expectation of living with rein tives. In such Instances if tho relatives can show beyond reasonablo shadow of doubt tlmt they will bo nblo to support tho detained immigrants tlio latter nro allowed to Innd. Tho idens of tho immigration bureau regarding tlio landing of families not met by tlio husband nud father nro well TYrr.8 OP IUMIQ RANTS. understood nmong tho immigrants nud their friends, nud ns n conscqucnco mon go to tho bureau ovcry dny claiming to bo tho husbands of nowly arrived woinon who do not in fact sustain that relation toward them. Tho board of contract labor inspectors, Mr. John J. Qiilnhin chief, has to do with quite nuother Bort of detention. Tho work of this department of tho bu reau ia important, nnd under nil tho cir cumstances very cffectlvo, n llttlo less than 1 per cent of tho total number of alien immigrants being detained nnd sent bnck by this board nt present. This is much iu excess of tho number former ly sent back. From July, 1802, to July, 1803, only 439 nil told wero sent back under tho contract labor law. During July of this year 210 went back, and during August IK5. Most contract la borers como very well posted ns to what they shall answer when questioned by tho Inspectors, nnd when n block of, say, 10 or 15 men nil answer tho contract la bor Inspectors in practically tho snine words tho wholo block i3 rcinspected. But it is not claimed that n very large porcentago of thoso who nro really here under contract nro detected. Thoso immigrants who nro fortunate enough to bo passed without nny deten tion nt nil nro without unnecessary delay put nbonrd tho bureau's ferryboat nnd 6ent to Now York, or turned over to tho railroad pool for transportation to such interior plnccs ns they nro bound for. Those whom it is finally decided must bo roturnod to Europe nro marched to tho return pen. Thoy nro n most de jected, woebegone lot, nnd their looks and bearing aro In strong contrast to tho bright faces nnd buoyant inein of tlio others. To theso it seems no doubt that thoy have now reached tho land of milk and honey, a happy country where plenty and comfort will surely follow honest exertion. Most of them Imvo yet to learn that in America, as in tho rest of tho world, Danio Fortune distributes her rewards with a partial baud, nnd that to many life in America is n lifo of privation, and to all who wonld win one of constant strugglo and toll. I, D. Marshall. tfnlr Kaougli. Cufttooei How is thlsf You hare charged ue twice the usual price for shav ing. Barber My razor was dull, and it took nw twice as loog.-Ntw York Weekly. 11 1 11 Woiimi'b Fa i ii Oiioundh, Sopt !3. Special Coinur.n Corrosondoiiec. I hnvo been all over tho Mining building three t i met, nnd still I heMtnto to attempt n desoilptlon first, bcc&tiso I nm hi thli cano uiiumially nnxlom to do full justice, nnd, secondly, Ixjcmiso in mining mnttcn nil errors nro serious. Kven nn omission may proven sorloui error, for tliero nro n thousand llttlo variations In tho chemistry of mlncr-ili, and ijnlto ns many llttlo tech nicalities In tlio terim to dcscrlbo them, nnd ns n very inlmitii variation in tho con stituents of an nro may nnd often does malm nil tho difference between profit nnd low, so n similar variation In terms may turn Important truth Into nonsense. There nro many grades in other klndt of report ing. A Minn CnnnolMniir. If I knew as llttlo of mining ns I do (or recently did) of art, I nhould tnclclu tho sub ject with tho same conflrti'iics tliomibllmo self confidence, as It wero, shown by tho monkey of tho fablo who wound tho watch with a corkucrow. But ns I wns1 for many yearn examiner of mines nr.d writer thereon In Utah nnd Colorado, tho case is different. In tho coal mints of Indiana, Ohio nnd Nova Scotln, I Imvo often had oc casion to notice how completely nature re vcnics herself, nnd thnt familiarity with that kind of mining rather disqualifies one for understanding n silver initio. Coal and Iron nro In bsdi, so to speak. Thoy tend toward tho horizontal. Sliver and gold lodes nro In fR-iures (not quite nhvays) nnd tend to tho parpuiidlculnr. Hence, tho longer n truo iNsura vein la worked, the more difficult Its working becomes, by rea son of heat nud water, hoisting tho greater distance nud tho accumulation of such wnsto matter a-s is left iu tho vein. And hero Is where tho mining engineer gets iu his rclence, nud it is In thin lluothnt this building Is Indeed full of marvels, Tliero Is tho great model section shown by tho Calumet nnd Hecln Mining companies of Michigan, and though their output is copper tho system of timbering Is tho same m for silver. A largo space, upon tho wall represents tho mine tho opposite wnll is supposed to 1h removed nnd tho spectator to hnvo his position In its place. Then he has before him tlio long Umbered shaft or Incline, running to the greatest depth work ed, tho chamber which has been worked out nnd timbered up, nnd nil tho slopes, drifts nnd wlnzesfoi-opciihig new ore ground nnd taking out tho oro by "hack stopping." Here, too, nro tho great fans, which drlvo n regular llttlo tornado of cold fresh air to tho bottom of tho deepest shaft, nnd tho great suction fmiucN, which in turn draw up tho foul nlr. In Kubtorraiiuuii Doptlit. All theso nro running nt lightning speed, nsoverythlngdoealnumlnlngcoimtry,niid If youthlnkmich tremendous drafts iiniieo cssary consider that nt the 1,1)00 feet level In tho great Comstocl: lodu Urn thermometer in the nldo drifts Uood tho venr round nt 153 degrees, nnd tho men could work onlyLt, bvhalf hour shifts, rest Intr betwepti ' . -4 "' in tho main passages, whjcosnieTOoii had been estnbllshitlKrinr nulling down ono' shaft tlnd up another nnd sweeping nil tho iiitcrtnedlati sections. Here, too, nro tho monster pumps which iour out thoso great streama ono may seo 'lowing down tlio mountainside, nnd hero are tho monster hoisting engluc.1 nnd all tho latest appli ance for crushing, sorting, roasting, con centrating, separating, chlorinating, wash ing, desulphurizing, inciting nud fiunlly re filling, for even tho rich nnd comparatively clean milphtiret ores of Colorado muat go through lOelaborato processes after leaving tho mine, nnd uvory process demands tho highest kind of engineering skill. Don't tell me that silver will ccasa to bo n pro clous metal; It takes too much labor nnd skill to get it. Ail:. Ilvlmn'it Btutiic. In view of nil these things, It nlmost ug gravatcsan old miner to co no few peoplo lit this bulldingand tonoto that tho crowds nro nbout two or three particular sights. Olio Is tho diamond washing nud palish ing. I hnvo not jet been nblo to (;et near enough to watch tho process, for it draws tho peoplo In inns. By tho way, auother thing I havn not bcci nblo to seu is tho rcenlc theater iu tho Electricity building, for tliero nro hundreds wnltlngthere when ever it is open. Montana's silver statuo of Ada ltchan of courso draws n crowd, nnd so do tho wonderful copper exhibits. It Is indeed n pleasure to look nt the great masses, 0,000 nnd 8,003 pounds each, of tbla metal almost pure in its nativo htatu from tho mines of .Michi gan. In tho cases, too, nro hundreds of specimens of tho "fiowere.l" ore, its surface drilling in brllllunt green. Gold Is the only metal, I believe, which "flowers" or gives a stain of Its own color. Copper stain is green, iron stain is red, lead Btaln is silvery gray, and tho milpburets, gener ally in combination with other minerals, flowcroutonthoburfncQln all tho gorgeous disorder of tho ho called "peacock ores." Another crowd Is gmcrnlly found about tho net rilled woods, of which Colorado. Vnw Mexico unri Arizona Imvo sent somo truly wonderful specimens. Imagine n cross sve- ' tlon sawed out of n freshly fallen oak nnd men suddenly turned to tho hardest ngato nil tho veins nnd annunl rings, nnd even tho mlnuto variations just under tho bark, fixed in tho eternal statuary of nature. Some of theo slabs are two feet across, and whllo tho vim is left iu the "natural wood," so to speak, tho fnco Is polished to n mirror llkesnioothness. T1iom called mossngates, water agates nnd ribbon ngates attract much lessnttentlon, as, though pretty, they nro not specially curious. Other Mlurrul Curlotltlei. Thostraugo forms which silver assumes aro more Interesting. When there Is moro of tho pure metal iu a mass of oro than tho quartz or other matrix can hold in chemical or mechanical union, tho excess forms upon tho face of tho ore mass some times in fine spun threads of sliver hair, sometimes In wire silver nnd again iu ruby silver, horn silver or silver glance. In raro Instances the except coats tho oar mass iu filmy folds llkowlmt butchers call "leaf lard." AH theso interest tho peoplo as curiosities merely. Under tho Kentucky pavilion Is a repro duction of ono chamber of tho Mammoth cave. In tho Washington building is the mammoth block of coal tl.OOO pounds. Tho famous A. K. Footo collection of ISO tons of rare minerals, which was shown at tho Centennial nnd at Paris, is also here. Tho Greeks hnvo sent many things of interest as nntltpiltles. The htntuo of Liberty in salt, 5 feet S Inches high, was cut from a single block taken from a depth of 230 feet. All these aud a few more Interest tho peo plo for n few minutes each; but, alas! thoy care nothing for all tho science embodied iu these womk-rf ul machines nnd mining mod ela, Gertie How old is Maudf Ethel She has been 23 ever since a Are in ber bouse burned up the family Bible u years ago, Chicago HeeonL "HORSE HEAD COPPERS." NiMf .Irrscjr'ii IftMli- of C'lirlnu ( iilns Mniiy Yearn .". Sprclnl (.'otrr)oiiilriico.) Tiik.ntu.v, Sept. '11.- Although tho fov- crnl stntoj nro ntithorlr.i'd by tho organic lnw of tho laud to coin money, It litis been ninny years since tho prlvllego lias been taken ndvniitngo of. Now Jersey's legislature In 1780 ntithcrlzod tho Issuing of copper coin "in the mini of JIO.000." Tho coining was done tinder tills net by private parties o:i u contract with the stnto, three citizens tunned Wnlter Mould, Thomas Goudsley nud Allen Cox being the contractors. nonsr. iikad coi.v9. Tho terms of tho agreement wero us follows: Tho coins wero each to weigh six pennyweights nnd six grains, 15 were to cqnnl n drilling, they wero to bo tnnrio in thlBBtnto, nnd thoy wero to hear "such marks nnd Inscriptions" ns Bhould be directed by tho justices of tlio supremo court or nny ono of thorn." Before pro ceeding to tho work of coining tho con tructora wero to "outer into bonds to tho governor, to tho iibo of tho stnto, in tho sum of 10,000, with nt least two suffi cient ourotien, that thoy would within two yonrafrom tho publication of tho act coin tho full sum of 10,000 in copper und faithfully nnd honestly perform their contract." One-tenth of the full sum coined wtui to bo delivered to tho stnto treasurer in quarterly payments ns rccompenso to tho state for tho privilego of coining. Tho work seoina to hnvo been douo to tho sntisfnctioti of tho officials. At least I hnvo fulled to find nny record of fail ure to carry out tho contract, but thoro must Imvo been somo friction, for two ncta supplemental to tho ono I Imvo men tioned nbove wero passed later. Ono of thc30 mithorizod thocoluagoof one-third of tho ninount of 10.000 by Wnlter Mould, whllo tho other two contractors weronuthotized to coin tho remaining two-thirds. If nny of tho parties failed to carry out tho terms of tho contract, tho others wero nt liberty to iissuino the wholo. Tho other supplemental net was for tho protection of thocontractors, nnd provided penalties for 10 times tho ninount offtied for offering j;:iy copper coins mado by.jinybut tho authorized contractors'' TJietolnngo was nil nccompliBhcd in ireo yearn, und several varieties wero issued. All boro on tho obverco nn Amcricnn shield nnd tho motto "D PluribuB Unum," tho obverso boro tho legend "Novii Cn)3nrca" and n plow sur mounted by tv horso'a hend. They wero known na "horso head coppers" from this design. Thoy varied considerably in weight, tho heaviest being 0 pennyweights npd 17 grains, whllo tho lightest 'wero 4 pennyweights nnd 10 grains. They wont 'Out of circulation many yenra ngo, but nro to bo found In tho cnbiueta of numismatists. Most of them wero coined nt Morristown. II. Q. ANUEttSO.N. CHOLERA FORTY YEARS AGO. FlK'Ilt III tl Ml'llltH', of tll1 I'llMlug (li'iieriilloii Only. S echd Corrcsjiomtpiicc. RouiiKKTKit, Sept. 20.--Tho precau tions taken in Now York to prevent n visitation of tlio cholcm Imvo act some of tho older inhabitants of this city to talk ing of tho disenso in 1852-1. "I was n hack driver then," said ono old man today who has sinco got rich und retired, "nnd -I was kept busy nil tho timo durjng tlio first summer tlio cholera wns hero attending fuuernls. I wns not sick ti day nil tho tenson except for a plnguo of boils which camo to mo nnd mndo my lifo u burden. "Somo of tlio victims wero taken nwny very suddenly. I remember n doctor who was very successful in his treat ment of cholera. Tliero wero very few cholera patients iu tho families ho at tended regularly, becauso ho inado it n point to numonish them us to how thoy Bhould llvo In order to prevent tho dis ease Ho urged them to, bo careful nnd drink ouly boiled wnter nnd to nvoid eating uncooked fruit. "Ono nftcrnoon I saw him eating a muskmeloii, nnd I told him it didn't look well for him to bo breaking tho rulo ho had laid down so stringently. IIo col ored up nnd throw tho melon nwny. Bo foro sundown ho was dead of tho chol era. I don"- know, of courso, whether tho melon did it or not, but you may bo Biiro I was careful not to eat nny fruit during tho rest of that season. "You hnvo heard no'doubt of tho oc casional cubcs of cholera patients reviv ing nfter death was supposed to hnvo come. Well, I remember n case that gavo mo n great sturt. A woman who lived in a very tough part of tho town wna fouud lying in her rooms, us was supposed, dend from cholera. Sho was put into n coffin nnd taken to tho bury ing ground. When tho box wns lifted out of tho wagon, ono of tho men let go, and ono end dropped to tho ground. Tho Hd burst, nud tho woman was revived by tho shock. Sho jumped out ns lively as yon plenso nud expressed her opinion of tho men who wero nbout to put her under ground in language moro forcible than choice Sho hadn't had cholera ut nil, but had been dend drunk when oho wns found on tho floor In her houso. Sho lived to bo 'sent up' for drunkenness inuny times after that." Charles Hendkl. Rubber Velvet. A now material called robber velvet is mado by sprinkling powdered felt of sny color over rubber cloth whllo the hitter is Jiot and soft. The result looks liko folt cloth, but ia clastic, waterproof ind exceedingly light. If You Hue Fk To Invest I2VVI3'r TH1&1VE NOW! . A word lotho wlfiolsfulllclont. very fast. Wv still Imvo left n few dcslrnlto lots nnd ncro tracta, hIpo Hovenil choice fi-ucio trncln. Itomcinbcr that until Ootobor 13 22 'to offering thia benutlfiil property nt jglliSSJ- .,. . ' ' iraETAaioiv prices! jsyg And Ihoto who hnvo not nlready taken lulvuntngo of tho prices that theso hnrtl HmcHiiiofnthor to, SHOULD GET UNDER THE CANVAS ATJ BW.OXCE.JI'Koiiicniber ,ll "rfit receive their choice, mid that nfter Oct. "t EELlfi our pricr-H will BE ADVANCED.SaajSSSESiaWBJo&.i. EBB -J lriaut.H These Hue The The Largest nnd Bent Normal School in tho West; tho beat suburb to tho city, mill but ono jenr old; the finest advantages educationally mid Focinlly; tlio quickest cmnuiunicution to tho city of any mibtirb; tho purest air und water. In fact, nil tho city advantages nnd nono of Ita disadvantage!!. NO HIGH TAXES OB INSURANCE, but freedom nnd good living. No wonder that many of Lincoln'a best cltizeim nro peouting hotnoH where nfter their busiiicsB is over, they can ictiro from tho turmoil of tho city, and In u few minutes land where penco nnd quiet rolgna supreme, or take ndvniitngo of tho many entortiilnmoiiiB, educa tional or musical, nt the college, nnd como into tho city iu tho morning to do buttle with the world, ref replied mid invigorated. Such iiilvuutiigeB nro offered by NORMAL, nnd to thopo who know thnt tho tendency of nil citicB is toward Bubuibau leHldenccfl, n tip thnt tho timo to secure Bitch u homo is NOW. REAb ESTATE EXCHANGE I.KDWITII 11 LOCK, tlltOHM) I I.OOIt, COlt. 11T1I AM) I STN. ED. R. SIZER, JOHN J. GlbblLAN, A. D. KITGHEN. WESTER) - tsOLLBGE, IMic Soliool for tlio Mnsaoa rvIKTOOIlV, NEBRASKA. BH Oil SGML IU HEW LWi (FORMERLY OP SHENANDOAH, IOWA.) aes Dopcii-uiientt), nenutlful.lienllliy location, 20-ncror.imptiK, rf.cctrlo itrrctcnr lino rung directly tocampi without cliaiit-c SJWW3 In buildings, splmxlid equipments, superior nccoinmmlatlons, strong fnculty. expPiIi'ncoiS mnmiKcmrnt, coinprolirnjilvo cirrlculum, thorough work, high moral too Clirlstlau Inllueuccs und low oxpensM for Htuilcntd. .PBHARTMENTS AND COURSES. Wo hare 25 course. Our muMc, lino nrt, ppn nrt, iloln.irto, elocutional-, courses and klndor carton nnd mccbl trniiilns schools ((or both clilldion nnd student touchers), nro uot (Mailed U tho west. STREET CAR TRANSFERS to nny part of tlio city for all who ntlein! tho W'eetorn Norinnl. You can enter at nny time and Und just such clnMr-3 (ii jou clrslrn. Write, or call nnd sen us. Sprint: term opens April II, lfcttl, and continues 10 wookn. Bummer term openi Juno 20, IMS nnu continues 8 wceUs. You can enter . nny timo, howovcr. Catalogues nnd circulars frco. Ailrtrr-M WtSTERH NORMAL COLLEGE, LINCOLN. BED. GAPS, MUFFS, CAPES, MATS AND CARRIAGE ROBES. IF YOU WANT ANYTHINQ IN THI8 LINE, PAY YOU TO OALL AND SEE 1. K. VOErIS:EI2. "V. HI. C .A., llviliclliiif, - Goi lXStri ci-ncl IV f4t "iT.Ropalrint dono in the neutest munner. hatihkautio.v (iu,uantkki)."J" Found it at bAT. . JUST THE. BOOK , 1 HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR. And several thousand others. I would advise all who would save time to go to .. VV. 13IOWWS, 129 8QUTH ITH 8T FOR BARGAIXS WALb'PAPIR AND , GO 1134 O STREET. Tho cholco proneity is bolnir taken HDVfiNTRGES OF NORRIRL atS Tenohera, WM. M. CltOAN, President, or II. J. KINSLEY, Seo'u and Treaa. IT WILL ) . TO S. E. MOOR. l' Mi f if 1 1 ; -- I l j . :4 i A M -i U. - t , A t, iniiii I..SJIJ-.liiiiji'ri fe-