Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, September 30, 1893, Image 1

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ing Courier.
VOLUME 8, NO. 43.
Washington, Sept. 28, 1803. Special
Courier Correspondence. When tho
original corncrstono of tho federal capi
tol wan laid at Washington, September
18, 1793, by President Washington, tho
federal union had been established
four years and tho governing powers of
tho republic had barely broken ground
on tho great highway now teoming with
epochs and distinctive ovents so many
milo posts in tho history of tho nation
itself. This is tho centennial occasion
Washington introduces to tho attention
ofthiB country, and bids it pauso n
brief period whilo Bomo of tho accom
plishmcnts nnd dccdB of tho past
marshal in review.
Tho birth of tho nation's capitol with
Masonic ceremonies was tho beginning
of a building that has had many
changes and passed through many
vicissitudes. Tho result is a growth
genoraily acknowledged ono of tho
rlnest plecoBof architecture in tho world.
Perhaps tho best demonstration of tho
progress of tho republic sinco tho timo
the federal union began to assert its
right as a peer among tho nations of tho
earth down to tho present timo is found
in figures that tell a wonderful story.
Comparison nnd fact aro potential
forces in every centennial anniversary.
In 1703 thcro were fifteen states and
in 1893 there aro forty-four. A popula
tion of 3,92D,r.2S haB increasod to 67,180,
000, occupying an area of 3,580,805
squaro miles, which in tho original was
but 805,401. Philadelphia waB then tho
largest city in tho United States, having
a population of 42, 520, Now York com
ing second with 33.121, Boston 18,038 and
Baltimore 13,503. Chicago, San Fran
cisco, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and St.
Paul were noton tho maps, whilo St.
Louis, Cincinnati and Pittsburg wero
just beginning to be. New York with a
"1,710,715 census, Phlladolphln-wlth 1,-
142,053 and ChlcBgo with, 1,009,850 com
prise moro population than that credited
to tho country 100 years ago. Tho con
gress of 1703 had 135 members nnd tho
congress now in session has 448 on a
ratio of representation of ono to 173,901
of population to only 30,000 a century
A curious explanation is lmulo of Mr.
Van Alen's selection us tho first em
bassador of the United States to Italy.
It is stated that of all our legations
ubrond this has been for tho last ton
years most difficult to fill from u social
point of viow. It was inndo bo by Mr.
William Waldorf Astor, who, when
minister to Romo, "sot tho paco" in
mattors of entertainment and other
social functions on such u scalo of
lavish expenditure that no ono not
assessed of u millionaire's fortune
could hopo to follow him successfully.
Mr. John B. Stullo, whom Mr. Clove
land during his first term appointed to
succeed Mr. Astor, hud a most un
pleasant experience. Having noprivato
fortune, he was compelled to rely upon
tho salary of his office (812,000) for his
menus of living and entertaining as
minister of tho United States. Tho
contrast botweon tho economy thus en
forced and tho munificent oxtruvnganco
of tho preceding regime was so murked
that tho American colony and Ameri
can visitors mnilo Mr. Stallo's life an ex
ceedingly unhappy ono. Tho complaints
thnt poured in upon tho stuto dopart
wfeivt ulmost partook of tho nature of
charge.. It was asserted thut Minister
Stallohatl removed tho legation from tho
pulaco it "had formerly occupied and
established U over i "cheesemonger's
shop," nnd it vns aluirst intimated thut
he wus diverting the-jfmda provided by
congress foe tho nuitonunco of tho
legation to hlf. own ttfflvnto purposes.
Ho was hnttjjooned (jj.d ridiculed in
every poeeibr way Cor his alleged par
simony. 'J'tri only foundation for these
charges wi;tf, of coijityi, tho fuct that Mr.
Stnllo Jlvul within his official incomo,
wbiln'Mr. Anton ,!!d not. Similar incon
veniences weco felt, in less degree, by
Governor Porter of Indiana (who re
signed tho plnco ostensibly to enter tho
Indiana campaign,) and by Mr. Wil
liam Potter, whom Mr. Harrison appoin
ted in tho last days of his administra
tion to succeed Qovornor Portor. Mr.
Alen's inhorited .wealth us an Astor son-in-law,
it is expected, will onablp him to
restoro to tho American embassy in
Romo all tho social glories which tho
legation had under Mr. William Waldorf
United States senators live well us a
rulo, but young Mr. Wolcott, of Colo
rado.hus already earned tho numo of tho
most expensive euter in congress, Tho
best that can bo had is none too good
for him, and tho prico of an article on
tho bill of faro Is no object from his
point of viow. Ho is a graceful en
tertainer, nnd always haa two or throo
guests to tnko lunch with him in tho
restaurant bonenth tho chamber of tho
upper house. Lodge, of Massachu
setts, General Mandorson and Don
Cameron aro chums and very commonly
tablo-matcs of his. Of all sorts of gnmo
he is extremely fond, and ho is novor so
happy ob when discussing a bird and
a bottlo tho latter Perrler Jouot cham
pagne with ono or moro friends. Por
chanco It may not bo uninteresting to
copy hero tho items of an order which
tho most luxurious man in tho sonnto
wroto out for his noontido meal n day or
two ago.
Raw oysters on tho half shell wero tho
first course Then enmo u fish, which
wrtB succooded by broiled woodcock.
Chicken salad followed, and peach short
cake furnished tho dessof t. This lust
is a dish much loved by tho senator.
When peaches aro not to be had ho finds
a substitute in the homely squash pie.
Of course tho order wound up with
coffeo and cigars. Tho woods Mr. Wol
cott smokes aro imported from tho
Vuelta Abajo, and ho never buys them
at a cheaper rato than three for $1.
A romarkablo contrast to tho luxury
of this statesman syburlto is afforded by
that uniquo pcrsonago in politics, Sena
tor Pcffor. Every day between 12 and
1 o'clock ho may bo seen in tho restau
rant consuming a frugal meal, which
almost invariably consists of a slico of
applo pio and a cup of coffee. Occasion
ally ho takes a bowl of bread and milk
instead, avoiding grenso spots by moans
ol a napkin witlupno corner tucked into
his collar in front. Ho "wears iioncdr.
tio becnuso ho haB whiskers. Evidently
ho disapproves of tho tipping system,
inasmuch as tho waiters say that ho has
never been known to give ono of them a
Senator Lodgo often eats his noonday
meal in company with ex-Speaker Reed
and. Jlourke -Cockran,-who eomo-ovor
from tho house side for convivial pur
poses. Tho young man from Massachu
setts haB a weakness for broiled ham.
Usually ho takes poached eggB with it.
On other days, for tho sake of variety,
ho indulges in calf's livor nnd bacon.
Ho drinks nothing, save onco in a while
a pint of champagne. As to tho brand
of tho latter ho is not particular. Some
times ho brings his wifo and other
ladies into tho restaurant for lunch, as
does Wolcott also. Merry parties of
both boxes frequently enliven tho eating
room of tho sennto with laughter nnd
conversation. On such occasions tho
"spreuds" aro moro elaborate. Thcro is
nothing purchasable at Dolmonico's
which cannot bo got nt this euro in tho
basement of tho capitol as a rulo, quite
us well cooked.
Tho most liboral senator ob to tips is
Mr. Wolcott. Ho always gives tho
waiter at least 50 cents nnd sometimes a
dollar. Hill and Murphy arofrco with
their money in this way. also, and Brico
is likewise. Jones, of Novudn; Gorman
Cameron uml Halo nover fail to remem
ber tho colored servitor with a pour
boiro. Thoso representatives in congress who
mako any protenso to "stylo"' go to tho
restaurant nt tho other end of tho capi
tol for their lunches. Porchanco tho
dignified atmosphere which senators
breathe is an attraction. Thero is no
hurry und slap-dash in tho eating room
of tho upper houso. If u customer
takes only u slice of applo pio ho gets a
fingor-bowl. Prices aro about tho same,
but tho avorago amount paid for a, meal
on tho houso sido is much smaller than
nt tho .senate ond. Etiquotto in the
lutter resort is moro Btrict. No enntor
is over soon to eat with his knife vr to
stick his napkin in tho urmholcs of his
waistcoat bib-fashion.
Two rooms in tho sennto restl tlvunt
are reserved exclusively for the j-onntors
und their gueHts. Thoy atrord sontB for
only seventy persons and tho spuco is
not nearly sufficient. Thero is no prin
ted wino list at cither end of tho capitol,
for fear of tho prohibition cranks, but
anybody can got anything ho wants to
drink at either restuurant. Evory uow
and then tho "tomporanco" pooplo muko
an outcry about tho liquor sold ut these
places. Troublo was stirred up when
Mr. Reed waB spoukor. Tho speaker of
tho houBo controls tho houso eating
room. Mr. Reed issued an order on the
subject and for about a month whisky
was sorvod in coffeo cups. After that it
was supplied in glasses us usual.
Jack and Jill want U tho hill
Their pull to Ull-oli, tloar I
Thoy both full down and soiled JIU'i gowu-
Tho pull was flllod with boor.
Tho board of education is now con
sidering bids for tho supply of coal for
tho ensuing season. Thero Is some rea
son, tliis yenr, for tho supposition that
tho board will give a square deal. Here
tofore tho board has juggled with tho
coal bids in n way that would have re
flected Inflnito credit on tho most ac
complished aldcrmnnic body.
Tho best advertising agent for n
second rnto theatrical company is a
bubbling minister of tho gospel.
And, unfortunately, ministers aro too
willing to engage in this kind of busi
ness. (They, or somo of them, seem to bo un
ublo to conquor tho inclination to
monkey with tho stage, und when thoy
tacklo this subject they invurinbly
muko holy spectacles of themsolves.
If blacksmiths would keep to tho
forge and shoemakers to their lasts, and
ministers to tho business of saving
souls, things would go a good deal
smoother, and many persona who now
mnko fools of themselves would bo
saved that experience.
This timo it is a Presbyterian minister
in Beatrice, tho Reverend Countermine.
Tho show thut ho advertised to tho
public wub Minnio Sartcllo'a "Plum
Pudding" which was Boon in this city
Monday night.
Mr. Countermino with moro zeal for
notoriety than with righteous desire to
servo God, degruded his pulpit Sundny
evening by u sensational harangue uuent
the appearance of portraits of Minnie
rraurtellc la Btligo costume.
His sermon did not- conduce to tho
saving of souls, and it didnut reflect
credit upon himself or his cloth. Tt8-
only effect was to draw uttontion to the
Surtcllo show, and to swell tho nttcn
dunco nt its presentation Tuesday even
ing. And in this instanco .ihe-Beverend
Countermino worked a confidence gumo.
Heaven knows tho show wub bud
enough; but it tho Beatrice presentation
wus unything like tho Lincoln presenta
tion, those peoplo who wero drawn to
tho theatre by Mr. Countermine's ud-
vertisement, expecting to seo some
thing shockingly immoral, must have
been terribly disappointed. From a
moral point of view it wus no worse
than tho nverugo run of theatricals, and
thoro wus no occasion for tho Reverend
Countermine's bubbling over.
Ministers of tho gospel cunnot puvo
sinners by pitching into uctors und
uctresses, nnd thoy cunnot reform tho
stage by this method. Tho experiment
has boon tried u good many times, nnd
It hus always fulled. Every time they
mako tho venture, particularly when
thoy nro guilty of sensationalism us wus
tho Reverend Countermine, they lower
themselves in tho public esteem und
prejudice tho cnuso thoy represent.
Mr. J. M. Knox, of this city, is not a
man to flaunt his talents before tho pub
lic; ho not infrequently "writcB things,''
but ho is goncrully quite content to
permit his efforts to remain in obscurity.
A week or bo ugo, after tho Oklahoma
excitement, ho took his pen in hand und
In u moment of pootic frenzy dashed olT
tho following which fits in very nicely
with tho tuno "After tho Ball," und
which The Couiuku has succeeded in
obtaining ut considerable oxpenso:
A littlo youngster climbed his father's Luce;
8a) 8 : "Toll mo n story; do, papa, pleuso.
Toll mo of Enid, tho now Kock Island town,
"That will havo lino buildings, nil of great ro-
"Hut what of this other town now loft out lu
tho cold?
"Won't tho pooplo who wont thoro, oh, bo
drcudfully soldi
''Thoy will bo coming to our town, counting
Rock Island ties
"Uecnuso our nnmo Is written on tho bright
bluo Bkics."
Now that tho raco is over, now that tho raco is
Thoy'll b coming our way, every son-of-n-guti;
Somo of thorn begging for water, othors usklug
for bread,
Wo aro strictly in tho push, because wo camo
horo instead.
A teacher In ono of our eastern schools
has propurod a list of words ond phruses
thut should bo avoided, and it is so good
Unit it deserves u wide circulation:
Had rathor, for would rather; had
hotter, for would butter; posted, for in
formed; depot, for station; try and go,
for try to go; cunning, for smart; uboo,
for foregoing; like I do, for us I do; feel
badly, for feel bnd; feel good, for feel
well; expect, for suspect; nlco or real
nlco used indiscriminately; funny, for
odd or unusual; seldom or over, for
seldom or novor; moro than you think
for, instead of moro than you think;
nicely, in uuswer to u question as to your
kMtlth; just us soon, for just iib lief;
gtttM, for think; fix, for arrange or pro
pirn; wnl good, for really good; try an
experiment, for inuko tui experiment; it
tttms, for it rnliiB or blows; not as I
kiww, for not that I know; every man
on woman should do their duty; a nnrty.
foreperson; healthy, for wholesome.
Bho could not ting tho old songs,
And that's tho reason why
All tho other girls nro loft,
Whilo she Is Hying high.
Trow gray stripes with a dark back
ed, either blue, brown or blnck,
stylish material for suitings this
rhcn you Kot your now overcoat havo
it Jfeout three sizes too largo or you will
nof bo in style. Glvo dark colors tho
now stylo of cont shirt is bclmr in-
tnpuced. Instead of belnir onen all tho
wifdown tho front thoy aro open tho
MtflM way down tho back.
no men buy cheat) irloves and uso
thai an "carrying gloveB." Thoy hover
wAr them, but upon all occasions hold
thai in their hands when thov co ulonir
ts. Put sloves on tho linndn or
In Ke pocket.
itil cold weather sots in tho four-ln-
will bo tho proper stylo of tie to
Tho puff scarf will bo popular in
imcBtic-finish linen is fur moro cle-
gait this that which has a high polish.
Thi shirt bosom especially should hnvo
aa ittlo polish as possible.
ere was a vounif lady of flloueestrr
bono husband had frnri lin linil liuiriotfir.
i ..... ... ."..vr:.:;,;;; .
iuv no iuuuu no r, ipiuo paid,
At raro bargain salo
hlch f 12 had coucester.
', Jf He Liken to Tulk.
'jOtarltm Hoyt loves to muko speeches
bofpre a curtain," remarks un observant
NetrYork dramatic critic. "Lust Mon
dBWnight a man ridinu down town on
tC vt, platform of u Broadway cable
ittppcuea icr-Sh:i3U'UB' as no wub
ma . Twontr-fourth nirFoi. JVlr,
Horn took this for a curtain call and
ing suit ready to talk. Ho paused for
an instant, and tho man on the Broad
way cable car, who. was by this timo
down below Twenty-third Btroot,
coughed. Mr. Hoyt thought this a call
for a speech, "und ho stwko. I am told
thut when this humorist travels round
tho country with ono of his shows tho
ushers aro trained to demand a speech
from him, and ho tellB each audience
holsgoing to build a theatre in that
particular town. This is good business
management, und tickles tho local
critics. If you would really know how
to beut tho public consult Charles
Unite Hull In l.lmolii.
Thero will be un opportunity to wit
ness a crack gumo of buso bull in this
city Tuesduy October 10, whon tho
champion BostonB will pluy tho All
Americans, composed of members of tho
other Nutionnl league clubs. Tho gnmo
will bo played ut Lincoln purk. Juko
Beckloy, who formerly resided in this
city, will bo ono of tho players.
"Oi'iil (iuiitly With tint KrrliiK."
Tun hus received a copy of
tho now bong, "Deal Gently With tho
Erring." Wo give our readers tho first
verso nnd chorus.
Kiimt Vkkmb.
Deal gently w 1th tho orring I
Yo know not of tho power
With which tho dark temptation cnino
In Homo unguarded hour.
Yo may not know how earnestly
They struggled nor how well
Until thohourof weakness came.
And sadly thus they fell.
Forgot not thou hast often sinned,
And sinful ot must bo I
Deul gently with tho erring ono
As Mod hath dealt with thee.
"Man wants but littlo hero liclow,"
To test tho billing's worth,
do up in a balloon and seo
How soon lou'U want tho earth.
TuvMluy Is tho Dull-.
A leading evont next week will )io
tho grand opening nt Dorsoy's dry
goods store, which will occur Tuesday.
Mr. Dorboy's splendid now stock will bo
placed on exhibition, nnd comprising, us
it does, n full lino of nil thut is latest
and best, It will mnko u moot attractive
display. Tho full Nebraska stuto
orchestra will bo In attendance in tho
afternoon from 2 to 0:.'J0 and In tho
atoning from 7 to 9:150 and tho musical
program will be especially good und u
handsome souvenir will bo prcbonted to
every lady who visits tho storo Tuesday,
and every lady in tho city should mnko
it a point to bo present at this oponing.
For rates und open dates-of tho No-
brtiska state band or orchestra apply nt
the Couiuku office, 1131 O street, lele
phono 253.
For Sundny dinner supplies call at
Halter's tnurket, opposite Lansing Then
ter. Phono 100,
Politically Lincoln will bo very much
in tho push noxt week.
Tho democratic state convention
meets Wednesday, October 4.
And tho republicans will get together
tho noxt day,
And thero won't bo any Innocuous
deBuetudo in either convention.-
Thoro will bo 521 delegates in tho
democratic convention nnd 958 in tho
republican convention, und besides tho
dolegutes, thero will bo a quantity of
ginger in both.
Tho prcsldont of tho United StntcB
and tho congressman from tho tlrst
Nebraska district will bo on trial bo
fore tho democratic convention. Thoro
will bo n tug of war between G rover
Cleveland and W. J. Bryan, tho ud.
ministration and tho untiV, free coinage
and Biitlfrce Bllvor. Tho selection of
candidates will bo a matter of-small lin
IKirtnneo beside tho picturcsquo row
that will bo preclpitatod when tho two
wingaof tho untorrltlod come together
and ouch attempts to do all tho flapping.
. In Lancaster county Congressman
Bryau throw Grover Cleveland down
und walked all ovor him, und whon ho
got through thoro was very littlo left of
tho big president. And from present
indications it is probublo that tho Bryan
followers will be present in tho conven
tion in such largo numbers that tho ad
ministration will havo to do u good deul
of figuring to keep its end up.
And a sud thought in this connection
is that tho stuto democratic convention
will havo to bo hold mim thoso distin
guished gentlomnn, N. S. Hurwood,
Albert Wntklns und Andrew' JnckBon
Suwycr. Theso putrlotB would havo
given much eclat and other things to
tho convention andj their enforced
absence is greatly to bo regretted.
Tho democratic stuto convention will
i.bp n show such ub only democrats aro
jtbU to i :r j
Tho excitemont in the republican con
vontion will bo caused by tho drugging
in of that tiresome old man, Judge
Samuel Maxwell, und the uttempt to
force onto tho party this venerable
politician who ought to bo peacefully re
IMwlng lu somo secluded nook fur front
tho mudding crowd. Mr. Rosowutorof
tho Bee who likes to uso tho republican
party us a foot bull, will try very hurd
to cram Muxwell down tho throuts of
republicans, und tho Mnxwell-RoBowutcr
clement will muko trouble.
A considerable number of tho smaller
counties whero tho Rosowutcr bnguboo
thrives huvo been Instructed for Mux
well. But in tho list of delegates
claimed by tho Maxwell boomers uro
many tnun who uro not for Muxwell, und
who novor will bo.
Mr. Rosowutcr or his ropresentutives
will udvunco the proposition thut a re
fusal to renominate Muxwell will result
in tho Binushlng of tho republican party.
It will result in smushlng Mr. Rose-
water's dictatorship, und thero is a
growing demand for such u proceeding.
Noxt week's convention besides nam
ing candidates for justice of tho supremo
court, will select candidutes for regents
of tho stuto university. Tho terms of
three of tho regents oxpiro this year
II. D. Estubrook, of Oinahu, George
Roberts, of Crcighton, and B. J. Duvis,
of McCook.
If Mr. Cady wants to bo re-elected
chairman of the republican state cen
trul committee ho probably will be.
Tom Cooke will undoubtedly bo con
tinued us secretary.
J. 13. Cobbey, of Beatrice, Gugo
county'B cnndidtito for tho supremo
bench, hus visited Lincoln within tho
last few dnyp, nnd probably to somo
purpose. Atr. Cobboy has u number of
friends on tho Lancaster delegation, and
ho will receive somo support from this
county. Ihoro continues to bo a good
deul of Hay ward tulk.
Not always havo tho nominating con-
en t ions in this city bestowed any
seclal consideration on tho naming of
candidates for justico of tho peace, and
thero hus often been complaint ut the
peculiar vurioty of law dispensed in some
of our justico cctu ts. Ono of tho wisest
things thut the republican convention
that wus held last week did, wus to nnmo
us its candidutes for justices of the
peace young, uctlvo nnd nble young
mon who nro above suspicion us to in
tegrity, und who must bo entirely satis
factory to tho legul profession of tho
city und litigants genoraily, men who
will bo found to bo entirely roliablo in
every particular. Tho threo young men,
H. K. Spencer, L. A. McCundlep and L.
r. Gould, whom tho convention selected
commond thomselveH to all republicans
und voterH of all tmlltlcul beliefs.
Lawrenco P. Gould, of tho Sixth ward,
ono of tho throo nmnlnnna. was Iwirn In
Owiimo, Mich, May 20, 1802. His fathor
wbb juugo Amos uould, tho leading
chancery lawyor of Michigan at that
timo. Ho obtained his legal education
In tho law ofllco of tho Hon. William II.
Seward, of Now York, and practiced In
his office for a number of yours. His
son was graduated from tho law depart
ment of Michigan university in 1891,
and was admitted to praotlco boforo tho
BUpromo court of Michigan in 1890. Ha
camo to Lincoln In 1801, when tho
partnorshlpof WestormannJowA Gould
wua formed. Lately ho haa been asso
elated with tho Hon. W. S. Hamilton.
Mr. Gould hus mndo many friends dur
ing his rcsidenco in Lincolu, and ho ia
quite generally regarded ub a young
man of unusual ability.
L. A, McCandlcss, who will noon wrlto
J. P. after his name, was born In this
city in 1808. Ho wua cducatod at West
minster college, Now Wilmington, Pennu.
Whon tho collego of law that was after
warda made n department of tho state
university wub started, Mr. McCandleaa
was ono of tho first to ontor, und ho wan
among tho first graduates of that insti
tution. Ho has been engaged in the
prnctlco of law for nearly threo years.
Mr. McCandlosB' fathor, A. M. MeCnnd'
less, was u well known legul practitioner
in this city, and tho young man having
resided in Lincoln most of tho timo since
hilt birth, has u wido acquaintance. Ho
is u distinctly cnpablo young man, and
he enjoys a reputation that is a flatter
ing tributo to his integrity Und ability.
E. E. Spencer is a young man who,
having entered tho nowspuper businetf,
was wise enough to quit it and go into
something else and bettor.- Most mon
engaged in tho newspaper business are
foolish onouuh to want (rt rnfnaln In U.
Mr. Spencer, who will .mako a dijtDitied
popularity pioaaantly brought homo
whon ho opons his court, wub born in
Ogdonsburg, N. Y., about thirty years
ngo. Ho cuiuq to Ncbrasku In 1870,
settling near Omaha. Ho 1b u irruduuto
of Douno collego, und wus for threo
yours editor and manager of tho Crete
Olube. Ho camo to Lincoln in 1888 and
entered tho olllco of Hurwood, Ames &.
Kelly. Ho graduated from tho law
school of thiB city und wus udmitted to
tho bar in 1890. Mr. Spencer is now In
purtnership with John P. Muule. About
Mr. Spencer's qualifications for tho olllco
to which ho will bo elected thero can bo
no question.
TIicbo threo men, Spencer, McCand
lcss und Gould, uro n part of tho repre
sentation of tho young men on tho ro
publlcun ticket, und tho young men nro
emphatically sutlotlcd with their repre
sentatives. John Harrop, tho republican purty's
candidato for register of deeds, is an
other representative of tho joung men.
Mr. Harrop was born in Kendall county,
Illinois, in 1850. Ho moved from thero
to Michigan, and camo to Lincoln in
1870, when ho entered tho employ of
Tom Lowroy, with whom ho remained
threo and a half yours. Ho spont most
of his timo on tho roud buying grain.
Mr. Harrop continued in tho grain busi
ness until tho ofllco of register of decd6
wus created in 1888, when ho uccopted
un uptointmcnt under John D. Knight,
und ho has been in the register's ofllco
ever since. Mr. Harrop has been actively
identified with tho republican party in
this city ever sinco ho camo horo, nnd
he has uvery largo following of warm
personal friends. His popularity was
attested in n marked manner in tho
county convention when ho was made
tho nominee by tho concerted action of
tho young men. It is predicted that
Mr. Harrop will poll u phenomenally
largo vote.
J. I). Woods, county clerk, wus re
nominated with littlo opposition, und of
courso his nomination is equivelant to
un election. Mr. Woods' performance of
his public duties hus given entire satis
faction to his constituents, nnd ho is ro
gurded us ono of tho most efficient
clerks the county has hud. Ho hus
been particularly faithful in thodis
charge of his duty, remaining con
stantly ut his post, und tho work in his
olllco is always up to date. While Mr.
Woods isn't u young man so fur ub jours
uro concerned his sympathies uro with
tho jounger and better eloment in
politics, nnd known us ho is in all parts
ofthocounty his name gives strength
to the ticket. Mr. Woods deserves the
(Coiifiniu'd on Fourth Paye.)
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