Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, September 23, 1893, Image 4

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nt TMN
W. Morton Smith, ioitos ano manaom.
Huslnr Olllco ISU O Htrcct.
Phono 2M.
Tub Covataa, one year In advance 8 01)
HI Months. ...
ThrwiMontl W
LimioiJi, Nkii,, PKPTr.Miir.ii 3.'), 1803.
Tho kindcruarton convention
natod u kindergarten ticket.
Composed to a largo extent of young
men who aro Identified with tho heBt
olomont in polities, and dividing tho
honor between tho city and tho coun
try, tho ticket la ono that appeala to tho
voters of tho county with particular
Tho candidates aro rcllablo, compotont
men, who can bo dopendod on to per
form tho dutlen of thoofHcca to which
they naplro.
It ia in many renpueta tho beat county
ticket over nominated, and republicuna
should bestir thomsolvca and see that it
ia supported aa it deserves to bo ut tho
It la especially incumbent upon tho
young men In tho party to promoto tho
success of tho ticket. Tho young men
have received splendid recognition and
they should evldonco their appreciation
by leading all possible assistance in tho
campaign. A, responsibility 4a upon
them. Thk Co'urieh predicts that they
will be equal to tho occasion.
A littlo of tho kindergarten in politics
now and then la a good thing.
Thk Couriek has on several occasions
ventured to tako isauo with tho Honor
abloLorcnso Crounso, governor of Ne
braska, and we are free to admit that
perhaps our expressions havo not always
been characterised by that humility and
respect which should properly mark tho
attitude of a subject in the presence of
his excellency, Lorenso I.
But be that as it may, wo are, to our
own surprise, at last lost in admiration
for the most recent Important public act
of the governor, and It gives us pleasure
to inform his excellency that for what
he has this week done we desire to
assure hint that he once more has our
most distinguished consideration,
We forget Garaeau and his idiocy as
we contemplate the latest gubernatorial
manifestation, and we salute the ex
ecutive. A lot of befuddled nincompoops con
ceived the grand idea of a secession on
the part of tho western and southern
states and tho organisation of a com
mercial boycott against Now York and
the east. A convention waa called, and
the governor of Nobraska, togethor with
the governors of the westeru and south
ern states, was asked to name delegates
to this proposed gathering of addlo-patod
And the governor of Nebraska, to his
credit be it said, not only refused to
lend his sanction to any such idiotic
scheme, but went farther and proceeded
to reel off a few truths to the promoters
of the scheme in a manner that must
have a salutary effect within and out
side of the state.
In his letter Governor Orounse said:
"Nebraska through no consent of mine
will Join in sowing the seeds of secession
atBt. Louis. It she appears there it
will be through volunteers. Not un
like some states in her neighborhood
she has plenty of individuals who no
doubt could delight your convention.
They are for tho most part men who
have not earned a place on our assess
ment rolls, and who, having demon
strated their inability to conduct their
own affairs successfully, think thorn
selves qualified to join Florida, Old
Mexico and the Argentine Republic in
instructing the world on tho subject of
finance. These gentlemen whose finan
cial ability holds no parity with their
ability to talk,1 would gladly, engage in a
crusade up to their 'bridle-bits' against
the imaginary conspirators of London,
Berlin, New York and Boston."
Governor Orounse also lifts the cover
off the pretended bl-metallism of these
precious revolutionists. He mistrusts
"that the bimetallism your association
professes is but the pretext for the free
coinage of silver with silver monometal
lism," and that's exactly what the
populist freaks who are ''making such a
stir about "bimetallism" are after.
The governor in this instance goes
iter the nail, and he hits it squarely on
the head, and he hits it hard.
The "kindergarten" convention that
was held in this city Wednesday after
k noon will, we are certain, be found to be
productive ot important results.
For the young men who so largely
composed the republican cotlnty conven-
'Hon will not fall asleep now that the
nominations have been aaade. Their
'Jnterea4havlaf.;fc)a aroused as never
before, and having received the reoognl
taw whleh thejr deserved, tey wUl eon
thra their aetWty until eUotion day,
unci th hnllot Ik In Novomhcr will tell
tho atory.
No H)lltlcnl party can make r mlatakn
In accordion n dejrroo of consideration
to tho omif nton. Old men inny
achomo; but tho young men orpotuato.
Tho party that onllata tho .co operation
of young men ia tho party that la moat
llkoly to win tho conlldonco of tho peo
ple Our contoniporury, tho Ncich, apropos
of thin subject, Bays:
"Tho Nowa la pleased to notlco tho
gradual Increase of young men upon tho
variotia delegations. It la a g
Wlinn thn vnuns? men tako th
ood sign.
young men tako ino neim u
means a nrosrrcaal venose in Ideas, tho
inauRuratfon of now methods and tho
disusing with tho back room caucus.
Tho hope of tho republican party la in
its young men, because from that clo
ment It (receives tho stimulus of pro
pretwlvonewi that has always distinguish
cd It from tho domocratlu party Hut
thn young men should not ask from tho
men who run tho caucus tho boon of
being placod on a ward delegation. It
la tho surrender of a right that ia dis
tinctly their own. If thocaucua leaders
do not aeo tho wisdom of sufficiently
recognizing tho young men, then tho
young men should givo tho caucus load
ers it practical demonstration of their
forco in politics. Tho young men should
go In itolltics more, not tho politics of
tho saloon or tho joint, but tho politics
that makes men better, wiser and mure
respectful of ono another's opinion.
Their inlluonco will bo for tho bettor,
and tho only hope of ridding tho party
of its llfo-sucklng octopi, is for their
active participation."
Of course tho young man to inako
himself felt must got into tho caucuses
and tho conventions, and there ia somo
danger that in tho effort to accomplish
this, ho may forgot tho high resolve that
should bo and naturally ia tho portion
of young men. It young mon forgot
this they aro then no hotter than tho
mon whom they displace, and there ia
no particular reason why they ahould bo
In politics.
Tho two counties in this atato where
Judgo Maxwell is best known, are Dodge,
where ho lives, and Lancaster, whoro he
spends at leaat halt of hla time.
In both of theso counties tho ecnti
mont of tho republican voters is over
whelmingly opposed to his re-nomination
and tho delegates to tho atato con
vention aro against his candidacy.
It has been charged that tho railroads
aro tho only onemios ot Maxwell, and
that hla defeat in Dodge, Lancaster and
other counties ia duo wholly to railroad
This is not true.
Judgo Maxwell's unnatural pruriency
for everlasting political preferment is
opposed by republicans because, after
having watched the erratic course of
and making duo allow
ance for age, thoy havo come to tho con
clusion that he is a tircaomo political
humbug who has allowed his desire for
office to obscuro his recognized legal
ability, who has of lato years been coat
ing anchors to tho windward with a seal
not befitting a justico ot tho supremo
Demagoguory has over boon tho moat
alluring temptation to tho politician,
and in theso times of populist clamor,
the tomptatlon haa taken on an added
attractiveness, Judgo Maxwell, in n
manner altogether unworthy of hia
years and his intelligence, haa yioldod
to the temptation, and for tho sake of
the approbation of the shallow crow
that cannot distinguish between true
metal and counterfeit, has forfeited tho
respect of sensible people who aro not
deceived by demagogic jawping.
It Judge Maxwell ia sensible ho will
tako tho hint given by Dodgo, Lancaster
and other counties, and tako himself off
to some secluded nook and thus avoid a
row at the state convention that will, if
he persists in having a row, result in a
blow that will utterly disfigure him.
The now duke of Saxe-Coburg and flotha la
making a collection of titlea. In addition to
hla latest acquisition hla accumulation com
prises the following t Royal Frlnco of Great
Britain and Ireland, Dukn of Edinburgh, Count
of Ulster and ot Kent, also Duko of Guellcb,
Cleveand Berg, also of Engea and Westphalia,
Landgrave aud Thurlngen, Margrave ot Hols
sea, Princely Count of Mark and Ravonsberg,
and Ucnnoberg, and Lord of Ravcnsteln and
Tonua and Fuergcrgen.
Chief Inspector' of the Bocrot Scrvico Drum
mond excuses U. S. Cochran's theft of fcM,57fl
worth ot gold from the Philadelphia mint on
tho ground that "ho had a passion for gold,"
and Intimates that the government may not
prosecute tho offender. That's what's tho mat
ter with most of us. We have a passion for gold,
or mosey ot some kind; but when we gratify
our passion by stealing, we aro rudely gathored
in by the law and wears not let off because wo
havo a "passion for gold." The safe blowor
who breaks iuto a store and blows up a aafo
has a passion for gold or It -equivalent, but he
Is not excused on account of hla kfeaaMh. ' Mr
Drummond appears to bo too kind hearted for
hla business.
More than one Nebraska newspaper in re
ferring to the ease ot Dick Thompson, of Hast
ings, who was sent to an a)lum tho other day,
spoke of him aa "one of tho brightest news
paper, men in the state." Which moved Roaa
Hammond, of the Fremont Tribune, to remark t
"Thla waa, la fact, never true of Thompson, and
while the compliment ta paid In a spirit of
kindly feeling for an unfortunate, It U never
theless mistaken. Thompaon waa for years
hard drinker and simply bocauao he wrote
mediocre stuff there was a disposition to say of
him as U aald of all others who possess any
abUlty aad yet who make a specialty of punish
ing whisky, 'they are very brUllant.' There aro
seeree of hard drinkers who are spoken of as
possessing a rare order of genius and 'might
distinguish themselves it only they would let
whisky ikwi, whs la fact they at very ordl
aary toalvhtaala. Thk aoH ef hwiatlea of the
drlaharta aet fait te the sebsc aaaa. ItesTm
nti Inducement fur Mm to experiment with bun-
Juleo In ortler Hint ho may bo simkon of a bril
liant. A flash of Intelligence, shine miiro tv
splcmlcntly from tint nutter than from the pul
4l or lirrM, because ixmplo are used to It in tho
latter two. Thnro la nu'doubt but a Brest many
Die k Thompsons of tho world tmomo such be
cause tlicjr think ther will attract attention in
tho suitor when their would fed" over
looked anywhere nine," Mr. Hammond tsliulto
correct. Many a man with a modicum of ability
nml a belly full of sin successfully palm him
elf off ai a senilis. In tome way not easily
xplalnml tho atuff that a man driaka masnl
He, In tho eyes of other people, whatever good
qualities ho may possess , and many an ordinary
man dlea bemoaned a para son of ability who
had tho "mlafortuno" to be addicted to drink.
Dick Thompson waa never brilliant, and thero
ant n hundred aober, hard-working newt paper
men In thta atato who have tenfold mora ability
than Thompaon ever had, but who havo boon
kept In the back ground by their oonrentlonal
respectability, and who, bocauao they have not
mado froaka of thcmselvea by sotting on tho
otttaldo of an unconscionable amount of tho
fluid, that inebriates, will noVcr be accorded tho
distinction nt being collod "ouo of tho bright
est nowspapcr men in tho atato."
Hut thero la noTorthelcss an apparent con
nection botwoen dissipation and genlui, and
tho Urea and works of somo notod lltoratburs
suggest tho query I Docs wit spring up out of
tho decay of sobrlotyT Somo such thought ns
this occurred to tho writers few years ago when
O. II. Rothacker died In Omaha. Hero was a man
whoso motoorle brilliancy waa wont to flash
across tho horlton of western Journalism with
thojudiienness and tplondorof electricity, who
waa n Ilohemlon of Bohemians. Ho knew littlo
of tho comforts of tho domestic flrealde, pro-
furring tho excitement nnd llfo of "tho street."
Ho drnuk ot tho forbidden cup, and drank
deeply Indeed, It might bo said ho drank In
cessantly. Ho know socloty aa It exists on tho
lowest lovel, nnd ho waa quallllod to speak and
wrlto ot llfo llfo with lis disappointments, tta
sorrows, Its pain, na well aa Us pleasures and
Joys. Hla work was Infinitely pathetic, nnd
booauso pnthotlc, natural. For who will say
that thero Is not pathos in a human llfo and In
tho history ot human (West Ono could almost
aoo tho sparkle, ot wlno in hla literary essays.
They contained nothing that waa cold, method
ical, arithmetical. Instead thero was tho warm
breath of llfo, tho nctlvo thought ot a living,
thinking man, tho outpourings of a aoul. In
stead of tho artlflcal, there, waa the real, tho
truo, tho natural ring' In all that ho wrote,
tiontua flows not liko a placid rlvor, but flashes
and sparklea like, a mountain stream. Roth
acker's gonlus waa meteoric. And many of tho
real geniuses of Journalism nnd literature, aro,
unfortunately, mon liko Rothacker. They are
erratic, nonrous, emotional. Few mon of his
ttmo possessed tho genius In hla particular
sphere, ot tho author of "Tho Raven" and the
llfo of Edgar Allen Poo, aa overyono knows, waa
n prolonged debauch. And of Lord Dyron and
Robort Durna nearly the samo can be said.
Dut It does not nocessarUy follow from this
that dissipation la the. prlco of literary
guntus. Oonlusesaro born, not made. Highly
developed mental faculties aro often co-relatlvo
with n ncrrouH tomporament, a restless dis
position. Theso sock excttemont and change,
and thus it is, mayhap, that Bohemia is
peopled with unoasy spirits and that aqmuch
brillianco emanates from the gypsy band.
A Texaa Iaraon Who had Tee MaayJobg
nHd dot Them Tangled Vp.
Parson Downycoucb, of Cedarylio,
Tex., is not only given to absent&jnd
edness, but he is also addicted to over
stimulation, henco it is not strange that
ho occasionally gets things mixed up.
Not long sinco ho waa called upon to
bury an inebriate, McQuzzlo, at 2 o'clock.
At 3 o'clock ho was to marry a cbuplo
from tho country, and ho had tuq, ap
pointment later to moot Colonel Yorgor
and hia wifo with a view of bringing
about a reconciliation, they having had a
serious falling out. ' ,
In order to bo equal to tho emergency
Parson Downycouch quaffed a few flow
ing bowls, honco when ho stood at tho
gravo of poor McGuszlo ho bocamo
somewhat confused, particularly aa
Colonel Yergor and his wifo happened
to bo among tho mourners. He also got
tho idea into his hoad that he was per
forming tho marriage coromony, which
was not to tako placo for an hour later.
Raising his hands solemnly over tho
sarcophagus, Parson Downycouch said:
"Beloved bridal couple, you should
remember that this is a sad and solomn
occasion, and, if not for your own sakes,
you should for the sake ot your children
hero present lot bygones bo bygones, and
love each other aain the day thataro
paat. I hope the fair bride will novor
bocomo tho -victim of the intoxicating
bowl; that aho will love and cherish in
sickness' and in health the remains ot
this unfortunate man, which aro about
to bo consigned to the silent tomb, Lot
ua hope that tho bridegroom will register
a solemn vow never again to look upon
tho wlno when it is red, for It bitoth liko
a serpent and atingoth liko an odder.
And abovo allthings,-learlyrdoloved,
would I admonish the silent form now
cold in death to remembor tho awful
rcsnonsibiliticB imposed upon him by
tho mtirriago vowa ho la about toussume
so I now ask you, Colonel Yorger, will
you take theso sad remains to bo your
lawful wedded wifo, to lovo"
Tho parson paused in his remurks, for
a chunk ot Texas limestone weighing
about four pound struck him in tho
Hficinlty ot his ,equator, and whllo tho
remains ot the inebriate were consigned
to the gravo tho friends of tho parson
jammed him into a hack and hurriedly
drove off.
Hummer Weakness
And that tired feeling, loss of appotito
and nervous prostration are drivon away
by Hood's Sarsaparilla, like mist before
tho morning suu. To realise tho benefit
ot this great medicine, give it a trial and
you will join the army of enthusiastic
admirers of Hood s Harsaparilla. ,t
Something good, "White Loaf Flour'
11.40 per sack.
Miller A Gifford.
Fine new line ot business suitings
from t2B to WO in Scotch and homespuns
Jeckell Bros., 119 north Thirteenth
street, near Lansing theatre. i,
l HI
Medical Director Gihon of tho United
States navy takes a gloomy view of tho
future of the American race. Ho thinks
that tho "6nco puro lako of American
coplo" is being contaminated by tho
"pestilential sower" of immigration, and
that tho refusal of our women ,to bear
children will lead to th'o early extinction
ot tho natlvo stock. Dr. Gihon boliovcs,
however, that tho creation of a national
department of health would settle tho
wholo trouble, and under Its lead tho
rnco would rovlvo and improve
Thero aro several curiously Inconsis
tent codojiof ethics relating to tho nub
jeet of tho porpotuatioaof tho species,
and sometimes two or moro codes aro
professedly held by tho samo person.
Thero Is tho conventional theory of tho
physicians, which is that women should
havo children just as fast as natural
laws will lot them, and that any pruden
tial limitation of tho sizo of families,
with its corresponding curtailment of
medical foes, is a crimo against society
and tho profession. Thero is tho theory
of tho orthodox Malthuslan political
economist, according to which tho In
crease of population threatens tho world
with starvation, and its limitation is an
imporntivo social duty. Thero is tho
prudent business theory, which is that
tho number of children in a family
should bo determined by tho family in-
como. And finally, there is thofeminine
theory, hitherto silent and unnoticed,
but now coming to tho surfuco and
quietly regulating tho wholo subject.
This is that tho bIzo of her family ia tho
personal affair of each individual
woman, with which no physician,
preacher, economist or secretary of
health has any business to interfere.
Tho Gihons may chatter, but tho
women will do as they pleuse, for they
havo reached tho conclusion that ub
thoy havo tho burden to bear it is their
business to decido when and how fur
thoy shall bear it. This is tho truo
women's rlghta idea, infinitely moro mo
montous for tho raco than any question
of suffrage, and upon it suffragists and
remonstrants are united.
It discloses a singular narrowness ,of
mind on tho part of physicians that
thoy can boo nothing in tho alleged do
clino in tho sizo of Amoricun families
but tho tendency of women to "put
social pleasures abovo motherhood,' and
to "prefer tho strains of tho 'Blue
Danube' to tho cry from tho cradle." If
they could havo a few children them
selves the subject might present itself
to them in a now light. There nre
frivolous women, ot course, and tho
fowor of theso bocomo mothers tho
better for tho community, but tho
principal causes for tho divergence be
tween tho fominino and tho medical
codes of pthics aro two a natural fear
of torturo and death and a desire to givo
every child born tho best possiblo ad
vantages in lifo. Dr. McNutt recognizes
tho effect ot tho latter consideration
whon ho saya that American babies aro
healthier and better cared for than tho
children of immigrants, and that thn
number that Burvivo to maturity ia
enough greater to muko up for any
oxcessot foreign birtliB. It is simply
tho cubo of an orchard of selected trees,
properly spaced and cultivated, as com
pared with a neglected thickot choked
out by weeds.
Tho American raco is all right. Tho
population is increasing quite us rapidly
as desirable in tho interest of tho
national welfare. Excessivo immigra
tion is n danger, of course, but that will
be regulated by legislation. Tho sizo of
Amorican families is not a mutter thut
con bo affected by acts of congress or
rules of secretaries ot health, but
hannllv it may bo safely left to tho srood
sense andVtho' conscience of American
mothers. . ... ,
, ,
Dr. Hurras' Is the Place.
So Bay a an old gentloman ot about 70
years from Oakdalo, Neb. Ho Bays, for
tho past year I havo Buffered a great
deal with poor teeth, after trying nearly
all tho dontal butttiwackers and spending
over 94&.M and still not ablo to got a sot
of teeth that I could use. I waB.about
to givo up in dispair, when I huppencd
to read one of Dr. Burma' advertise
ments, seeing that ho mado a specialty
ot making sots for old gentlemen. I de
termined to mako ono moro effort und
givo him a trial, and can truthfully say
that I at lust found tho right placo. Mr.
Burrus Tiit tho nail on tho head tho first
lick, and I am now going homo feeling
20 years joungcr and with a not of teeth
that aro perfect in overy respect.
Mr. J. M. Craw Bays ho ia going to sond
up all tho old boys in Oakdalo who want
a good sot ot teeth to Dr. Burrus, at 1208
O street, Lincoln, Neb., as ho is certain
that ho knows his business.
Home Heekera Kxcnralons.
By Missouri Pacific Ry. August 22.
September 12 and October 10,1803, with
stop over privileges, going but continu
ous passage on roturn trip good for
twonty days, this gives vory low rates, to
Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and other
points. Call at 1201 O Btreet, Lincoln,
Nob., Missouri Pacific office, J. E. R.
Miller ticket agent, for f urthor particulars
and tickets.
Fruited ice cream soda water made
from the natural fruit, at Rector's Pharmacy.
Funke's 'A
Opera House
iii RtAW
This heavy complected felloio is
-n. . yu?j "
ssy' y
country, and the stock will lie our own make of high grade
clothing., Merchant tailors are Vie only competitors we recog
nize. And we knock them away out on prices.
. We are the largest manufacturers and retailers of cloth
ing in the world.
loiex-io o a'rMi5i'r.
Weu piiK It
P fill II iinaa
H SM I I I I I I I I attV "
KtraniradtucureaiTiiert uusdlssaass.auali tiWHk Manor;
aVTat! eYsr
bbbT Tl.aOT -WW1 aw
Fot saHfr Iicol,bT . W.aUtOWM
JaaT : '-ksil "T
3 aVJJ isSBVSk lanu.
P Coiner
O and Twelfth
4 1 -
all ready for hit clothing. We
wish tee were. Our ttore should have been
ready September 1, but we'll be in luck if
we get it by October 1.
When tee get into it we will have the
grandest opening ever seen in the west. The
store will be one of the handsomest in the
Dhilt Lueli
Line for the Fall and Winter and
will begin at once to quote such
prices in all departments as will
make competition quiver. Gome
In and see our new patterns-and
you'll buy nowhere else.
And all fancy and staple pieces
at prices that touch the pocket-
' book easy during stringent times.
Won't you favor us with a call.
.vie hchs."
wonderful rt wsdr
icdlotsnf power In UorsllTOrKsns of altbsr sax cans)
.thtail arrcra, xmsslT asa of tobacco, oploaa or sUaa
asaorr. Loss of a rata
orlt-takaBooikar. Writ for fraaMaltMl
-InnKimwrajMwr. liHrnilalVIIIIHW,, timnHTiai I IWlfliaff.
m4 W.W.KnUiaBWDaUt,Onmisu. '
&&&M&j-:&k i