IriUKSdH " .. i ,, THE SATURDAY MOKIlSGr COURIER ill 111 HR 1 1 HE ".: Cfi ' .if ,. v R , ' .S tnv u.fc. iV-. . I o t SPEClAb SALE MONDAY, SEPT. 18 , rf ;., v ,;jj nL. J. -A.. DORSEY liai-usra iv street. ain!ifji IB 16, 1893. SATURDAY, SEPTBMBEK fti Nut Ice. o unclcriltninl lioroby itlvrt no atlertMneti nerney aivro nouco uint . t bo rwmnlblo for or jny an by employes, except tliono for i mnnnaiuio lor or twy but two in- nmpl von L.l.imn.r.t! Lincoln, Nas., May 1st, 18). atHul hv nmnlnVM. nxci rder 1 siren Dornmnlly lenoU by It. TliU w lilcli nn (,'OUKIBH TUB. Co. iivXv styib op riiE0 Chnrllo known nn himself light, walk. Duvies of Chicago bottor the "Pnrmm" hna declared the Corbott and Mitchell Ho nays Corbott will win in u But whnt DnvleB prophesies docs on PUIPPffl NOW K. K V-, 1 VIT. R. JO3Mi dto Co. 1J37 0 Street. Til Courier can H Found at Hotel Lincoln News Stand. Wlndaor Hotel News Stand. Capital Hotel News Stand. P -a Dude Cigar Store, 1030 O St. M, Young, 1307 O St. Claeou, Fletcher k Co.. 1100 O St. Moore'a Now. Stand, 118 So. 11th St. Courikr Office, 1134 O St. P. Peine. 1433 0 St. Archie So 11th St. Fura stored at F. E. Voelker'a. Whltebreaat Coal and lime Co. Bataiag capa at Rector's Pharmacy. JaekeHBrokTaiiora, 110 north Thir iaeath street. , David P. Sims, dentist, rooma 42 43 Purr block. Xry Club Houae coffee, none ao good. ftUfec Gifford. Imported and domestic toilet aoapa at JUctor'a Pharmacy. Sampson Sisters, artiatio dressmaking, 1133 N aireet, oyer Dorseys. Buffalo Fjour.fl.OO per, sack. Mlllor A Gifford, grocers, opposite Burr block. An entire new line of ladiea card cases ad pocket books at Rector's Pharmacy. All orders via telephono 306 will reach W. A. Coffin St Co. and receive prompt vd careful Attention.' v"The Beat" Laundry, 2308 O street telephone 579, H. Townsend & Co., pro. yrietbrs, Lincoln, Neb. No. such 'line ot canned fruits in the ity aa shown by W. A. Coffin A Co., 143 South Eleventh street. For dances and outings there is no awe) music in Nebraska as that supplied by the Nebraska state orchestra. Never order an Invitation until you aaVeaeen the samples of the work done by the new CourlerPuWlahlug Co. , When you wan prompt service and fair treatment and the selection from .- . . i l ". . I the largest stock of groceries in Lincoln-) not always come true. I wna with Duvies and Kllruln just before tho hitter's light with Sulllvun and accord ing to DavipB then, Kllruln would win in u walk. But ho did not. Tho shoo wub easy on tho othor, foot. In fact Duvies has proven himself a falso prophet. Ho may, however, have called tho turn on this Corliett-Mltchcll affair but whether he haa or not romaina to bo seen. For myself I too, think Corbott will got there, but to boat tho Englishman I beliovo ho will havo to put up tho very best fight that is in him. Even at that a chanco blow may turn tho tido br an accident docido tho day. In fact Mitchell Iihb a chanco to win from Cor. bott, but not a very rosy one. Ho is acknowledged to bo as clover a boxer as ever donned a glove, and while Corbott has tho boBt of youth, hoight and reach, ho will moot in Mitchell tho shiftiest man on his feet and tho most scientific Knight of tho Knucklo ho has over stopped into tho ring with. Corbott will not have a Blow tighter on his hards that ho can cut down at hia ease, but a shrewd, crafty and shitty tighter, who is a master ot tho art, thoroughly up in nil tho tricks ot tho game, quick to avoid punishment and capablo ot inflicting much damage to his opponont.and Cor bott will know that ho has boon to a battlo royal before ho finishes tho Englishman. Tho young Californian should win, but ho will surprise many good judges of tho gamo if ho cscapcB punishment at the hands of the invader, who will bo likely to test our champion's stamina." Sporting News. all on W- A. Coffin C!o., antecessors to J. MUWri'U'J South Eteveeth .street. ,; HaMetV market, old reliable market, mow aSoved'io ThirteeBtk street, opposite Lanalng'theatre, is whwe, .ladies should aail Jor .their meat orders. Telephone orders over No. 1C0 receive prompt at 'ifcatlmj f . , Professor Swain's ladiea tailoring and cutting school. Thorough, ins true- .:LesaBna not limited. Dress mak- iag doM with diepateh oft short aotiee; st to msaaurs aad ail work 4 r 5K 1 . I havo noted, but without any sur prise, of tho Southern and California base ball leagues going under. Un doubtedly this is owing to tho high salaries paid. It is really astonishing to see how, year after year, managers will persist in financiering minor loaguo teamB which haa always resulted in a breakup. To my thinking ono cause is very apparent in that of paying doublo tho money than that it received to tho ball players. Although personally I vyould like to see tho players recoivo 9100 a day, what is not got cannot bo given. I could mention tho names of a uozen ultierent well Known managers who havo been doing this sort of thing year after year and no douty will be ready to start on the sarao kind ot pro gVaru next year. It 92400 bo taken per month at tho gate and 94000 paid out it remaiuseusy to bo seen what will re sult. , In corresponding with some ot tho leading Bperita of the old Western league I find that the old timo tiro and seal has by no moans been extinguished. A number of well known old standby a have their very heart and soul in tho welfare and success ot America's great national game. George Tabeau (bettor known aa Fat's brother George) writing from Denvor and who is likely to repre sent that city with a team, wants im mediate action and recognition ot the league. Sandy Grlawold of Omuhu thinks that the present' depression In sporting matters is but temporary aud that already signs are looming up which txlnt to u BUcceBHf ul Bcaaon noxt year. L. C, KruuthotT, tho old president ot tho Western Icngilo, writes mo; "I huvo never doubted that n properly organ ized circuit coin)K)Hed of clulm having financial backing would bo BUcccKRtul. The great dllllculty will bo to evolve fwmio arrangement making it impossible for clulm to lie down during tho season. If this can bo arrunged I am suro Kun huh City can bo induced to enter the UHBoclatiou and that your plan will bo crowned with huccchb." Con Strothers, an old manager and umpire, writcB mo in tho sumo utrtiln in regard to St. Joo and adds that Truekeninlllcr will buck tho St. Joo tcum in u good Western loaguo. Ex-Muuugor O. II. Cushman ot Milwaukee 1b ulso very much pleased ut tho prospects ot tho Western loaguo being rovivod again. Similar letters I huvo received from Duluth, Dee Moines, Sioux City, Aim Dovinnoy of Eau Cluiro and W. II. Lucas; an old manager ot noto. I would now like to hear repre sentative opinions from Detroit, Toledo, IndiunnpoliB and Lincoln. In my opinion tho timo is opportuno for tho formor'citlcs to got their heads together and organizo a league which, with their former experience, would bo ublo to overconio all difficulties tho coming season. I am conlidont tho twin cities, St. Paul and Minneapolis, will come to tho front as I shall personally put up inonoy and back u tcum. Out of tho many different cities named wo ought to havo un eight club league that could stick not only for noxt souson, but muny to come., John S. Baknks. Hood's Pills may bo hud by mail for 25c. ot C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Dr. llurrl' In the lMncc So says an old gentleman ot about 70 years from Oakdalo, Nob. Ho 'says, for tho past year I havo suffered a great deal with poor teeth, after trying noarly all tho dentists in Lincoln and spending over 945.3 and still not ablo to get a sot ot teeth that I could ubo. I was about to give up in dispalr, when I happened to road ono ot Dr. Burns advertise ments, seeing that ho made a stecinlty of making sots for old gontlomon. I de termined to mako ono nioro effort and give him a trial, and can truthfully say that I at lust found tho right pluco. Mr. Burris hit the nail on tho head tho first lick, and I am now going homo fooling 20 years younger and with a set of tooth that aro porfoct in ovory respect. Mr. J. M. Can says ho Ib going to send up all tho old boys in Oakdalo who want a good sot ot tooth to Dr. Burris, nt 1208 O street, Lincoln, Neb., as ho is ccrtuln that ho knows his business. ftyrllnR Notrx. Thorn was no club run last Sunday and there promises to bo nono this noxt Sunday; go where you please. Captain Milmino in managing tho races at the fair grounds for tho stato fair association management. O..L. ShudeVirt no longer a novice, having won tho ono mile novice raco Tuendny, and a very neat raco it was, timo 2:5425. Owing to other numerous attractions no mooting wan held Wednesday tho l.'lth. Thero will bo a called meeting Tuesday night. Wheelman aro going to play quito a part in the rush for Cherokco lands on tho 10th and they will huvo many ad vantages, but tho desire for water after their rido will conternct a groat deal ot their gain over those who travel by other means. Our old timo friend and suro winner, Eb Mockott has surely lost his grip, whether ho will over gain his form again in doubtful, an ho should havo been iu tho pink of condition thin weok having put in notno good training to that end, but it wan no go; bin old time contidohco wan missing. Tho rnceB at tho fair grounds Tuesday and Wednesday wero very interesting, some fairly good timo wan made for competition races. Had tho manage ment neen lit to havo gono through tho grounds with a bund just before tho cycle races announcing that they wore to tuko pluco, they would havo druwn at least twico as muny spectators, as it was, thero wero about 1,000 an the first day and less on tho second as thero wero few who know that thero woro to bo cycle races Wednesday. As tiio name indicates, Hull's Vega- I ffl. it ' 0 - pwmm W3FP f'tofflB -v. &??' - : COUR8E I Consommo. Our Competitors In tho Soup. COURSE 2 Mountain Trout, Western Style. Nothing too good for patronn ofr C? imvv tablo Sicilian HairRenower in a renowcr ot tho hair, including Its growth, health' youthful color, and beauty. It will please you. At IlurlliiKton llriirli. Notwithstanding tho recent cool weather Burlington Bench has continued to bo weli patronized. Sailing, rowing or riding on tho big steamboat in just as enjoyable in weather nuch as wo hnvo had for tho past week as when tho ther mometer Is wayupintliu nineties, and tho public is well aware of this fact. Tho dancing pavilion, with ono of tho finest Doors in tho stato, is nearly always filled with merry dancers ut night, und tho beach presents nn animated and at tractive appearance This iopulur resort is so ounily accessible now that thero ncod bo no hesitation about muking tho trip at uny timo ot day. You curi tnko your choice between tho street car from tho Union Pacific depot or tho carryulls from tho postoffico square Not Space KimiirIi. It is a fact that tho Western Normal college could havo used fully three times tho space assigned to it in mercantile hall at tho stato fair, but from tho few departments represented something ot tho work of tho college may bo judged. IlurllttRton Itoute Hair Hate to Chicago And Iteturn. On September 10th and 11th tho B & M. will sell tickets to Chicago und ro turn at ono faro for tho round trip, 914.50, tickets good for return to Sept. 17th. They may bo obtained nt B. &. M. doitot, or city offico, Cor. O and Tonth streets. A. O, Zkimkr, City Puss. Agt. Tho finest grocery store in tho city. Miller & Gifford. "Tho Hub." COURSE 3 Now givo tho boy a chanco. Trent him to ono .of, ''Tho Hub's fresh Full Suits; cxponso light, ntylo and Bcrvjco all you can desire. Garnished with'Flunnol Waists for school, n natty tlo and hat. Wo add a big; foot ball froo wit,h purchases 910 and upward. ' . N COUR8E A A big spread" of now, clean styles In Men's Suits'; 95.00 pays for a. 97.50 quality, 97.50 pays for n Business Suit "as true as steel," 910 pays for. choico of twenty fetching styles in Fidl Suits. COURSE 6 Quail on toast. Entree: Tho cream of tho feast. A collection tit f Dress Suits; Soft Clay Worsteds, finely tailored, perfectly fornuxL, handsnmo garments, and ut prices within tho reach of every man Sido dishes of lino Neckwear, Gloves and Suspenders. COURSE 8 Tho raco; tho human rnco needs protection. Fall Overcoats sorvod all day at very modorato prices. Browns, Blacks, Blues and Tana are tho colors. You will liko to bo a wearer when you sco thorn. COURSE 7 HatB; enormous stock, hand-made to "Tho Hub's" special order;. wido brims, narrow brims, straight brims us you liko thorn. A. potpourri of 50 ditTerent styles nt tho round price of 98c. COURSE 8 Haberdashery; Paris and Now York styles in All Silk Ncckwoaiy , 50c; lino Lnundorcd White Shirts, 50c and 75c; 50c grado of Silk Embroidered Black Half Hoso, 25c; 91.50 grado of flno English. Derby Ribbec). Underwear, 91.00; Genuine Jap. Silk Initial Hand kerchiefs, largo size, 50c; collars, ull styles, 10c You Are Invited to Dine With Us. THE HUB 104 A.IWID lOO NORTH TBNTH 8TKEET. For all sociul doings tho Nebraska stato band or orchestra is what is always most desired. When you und your bcBt girl aro out for a stroll always mako a bee lino for Juno ico cream puvilion Thirteenth und O streets. ATICTIOIV! JPXXBIIO SA.XyE -O 1? 200 IvOTS A'r SEPTEMBER 26, AT 10 A. ML' Jeckcll BroB. now tailoring establish ment, 110 north Thirteenth Btreot near tho Lansing is tho popular resort for stylish garments. Juno tho caterer, Thirteenth and O streots is anxious to servo all parties, picnics and festivals with ico cream ices, cukes, etc., and will appreciate a call from ull intending entertainers. " ,; For Sunday dinner supplies cull, at Halter's markot, opposite Lansing Thou tor. Phono 100. . A full lino of Imported Sardines and canned soups. Miller & Gifford, opposite Burr block. Canon City coal Coal and Limo Co. ut tho WbitobreuBt W. A. Coffin & Co., grocors, 143 South Elevonth atreet. , Western Normal at the Fair. During tho stato fair thousands ot pooplo examined tho work in tho booth of tho Western Normal, college and then sent their friends to peo it. Fine new lino of business suitings from 925 to 940 in Scotch and homespuns Jeckoll Bros., 119 north. Thirtoontb street, near Lansing thoatro. ' " ITS LINCOLN'S BEST SUBURB. IT JOINS CITY AND CONNECTED BY ELECTRIC LINE. 1300 STUDENTS ENROLLED LAST YEAR. . MORE THAN 50 RESIDENCES BUILT LAST YEAR. EVERYTHING OCCUPIED. MUSIC BY STATE BAND. FREE TRANSPORTATION TO BUYERS, NO MATTER IF YOU. COMK 1000 MILES. FREE LUNCH ALL DAY. FREE STREET CARS. SPEECHES, &C. ' F.' M. WOODS, Auctioneer. DANCE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; N Alum, t Uied in Millions of Homes -40 Years, the Standard Concise. Modern. Practical. Inexpensive. , TIE YOUTH'S CYCLOPEDIA Prepared by a corpa ot Now -roady In two luriro octavo voIiiiiich. teachers and educational writers expressly for use of iiuulls and students in pub lic und private schools, seminaries und academies. Costingbut n small fraction of Vie price or tne largo cyciopadlus, it la ten times more valuable for thepurjiose. bocuuso It lltH. Teachers nro entliUBiustiu in its praise, saying it meets u need which has been long aud deeply felt. For ugontH It Is u bonanza. No competition; no other book like it ; positive and urgent demand for- It. Wo hnvo a system of canvassing the schools which insures quick work and big results. First agent iook l(JO orders in lO days, another lias taken oitlers for JJOJt sets in 7 weeks, and says "I have sold books for ten yoars and this is tlsu best seller I ever struck." . , tUC lif iUT IftCyTC who will give all their timn nnd want to make bl money.. lit ft Unl AUkn 1 0 We j;ive extra termB and uxtiiiHlvu territory. Teachers and Students who want profitable vacation work should write us. For full information and terms, address lATOUBATB rUBLXSKXMCr CO., Lakaalde BaiUlsg, Chicago, 111 '-"XI r.l ,?ii ... .&&. Ji$L..&tt& '