mmaasaa "TFW THB ATUHBAY MOKUVIBfG COURIER CROWDED ALL THE TIME. f 7 !i Hi i I Wi Our Buyers have just returned from market with istocks consisting of HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, GbOVES, CORSETS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOAKS and MlkblNBRY, of latest styles nt prices that were never before in the history of toincoln 'heard of. We have received our .Lewis Underwear, and ladies desirious of usintf same would do well to purchase before sizes are broken. We are also agents for Munsing Wool and Lisle Plated Underwear. j. i hi i 1039 O STREET. W. 1). SHIELDS, M. D. PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. OFHCn. I1J6 0 ST. Residence, 2731 Pear Street. Te'orili(nt 764 e ARE YOU IoOOKING FOR GOOD INVESTMENTS? Then lot tia havo your attontion for a Public Atiction to the highest bidder, on At 2 o'clock p. m., tho choiccRt Real Estnto, consisting of Lots, BIocIcr and Aero Property In this part of the country. Tho univorpul verdict in that Real Estato is tho surest investment that can bo made. That NEBRASKA is tho best fltato in tho Union to invest in, and that LINCOLN in tho best city in Nebraska. Wo wish to call your attention to tho inside suburb of Bf orxxacil Lincoln'H brightest fltnr, only .') milcH from tho center of tho city, and connected with it by loctric street cars and Normal boulovard. Only ono year old and n villngo of even hundred inhabitants, with thrco stores, post-office, livery Btublo, etc. Tho .aoatof THE LINCOLN NORMAL UNIVERSITY. -:. SkSSiH "THE LARGEST NORMAL SCHOOL IN THE WEST, with an ablo faculty. Opened Sopteinbor C, 1S!j-. Over seven hundroU students regintorcd tho llrst year of its cxistonco. No wonder that homo buildors seek its advantages, which in an educational and social way uro unsurpasRod, having all tho advantages of tho city and nono of its disadvantages. No high taxes or insurance In fact, an ideal pluco to build a homo and educato your children. Theso aro a few of tho advan tages. And wo propose to put up and sell for what it will bring in thoso hard times tlio best of this Choice Real Estato. Remember that you will probably buy for lcsH money than you over can again- so do not fail to bo on baud. Small in vestors will hnvo tho hiiiiio opportunity that larger ones do, iib property will bo offered by tho Jot ami aero, with tho privilege to tako ns many as desired. Ladies especially aro invited toattond. Como early in tho day and look ovor tho beauti ful buildings, dino with us without oxpenso to yoursolvos, and havo your property picked out, talk with tho residents already there, post yourselves upon all tho points you winh information on, and bo piepared to bid intelligently. Non-residonts tako agents receipts for your railroad faro, and it will bo applied upon your purchases. Remember tho time, i?:rei:ixtw, sisip'rjSiiviBisi aa, .And tho placo arosmcil tako freo cars at comor Eleventh and O stroots, -at 1:30 p. m. Tkrmh op Sale Ono-fourth cnBh, balunco ono, two and threo years, at 8 per -cont interest. Ten por cent discount on deforred payment for cush. For plats and full information, nddross Gorner Eleventh and P Sts., Uincoln, Neb. ED. R. SIZER, JOHN J. GILfolLAN or A. D. KITGHEN. CAD 0. PACE, MNfJOLN, NEIL, ) AllllM,.,,,,ru "1'JIOH. CALLAHAN, runatu, jikii., Auctioneers. ''T t "ffs milte Tillbrook Bon of Mayor Tillbrook of MoKoesport, To., had n Scrofula bunct' under ona car which (ho physlcan lanced and then It became, a running sore, and was followed by erysipelas. Mrs. Tillbrook gave- liltu Hood's Sarsaparilla tlio soro healed up, ho becamo perfectly well and Is now n lively, robust boy. Other parents whoso children suffer from Impuro blood should profit by this example. HOOO'8 PlLLOcuro Habitual Couitlpallon by tutoring perUtaltlo action ot the aUmentnry eaiui. Hiiiimi Sit kern ICxciirnloii. Hy Missouri Pacific Hy. August 1W. September 11! nmt October 10 18!).'l, with stop over privileges, going hutcontlnu otm passage on return trip good for twenty days, this gives very low rates, to Texas, Arkansas, Oklitlioimi nntl other points. Cull nt 1201 C Rtreet, Lincoln, Neb., Missouri Pacific onico, J. K. It. Miller ticket agent, for further particulars ntul ticket h. TImi Union I'uclllii 'lii'ii lliitm. Only 8:K).(X) tlrnt class to Ogdon, Suit Lake, Helena, Spokane- ami Portland Ore. For full particulars call at city ticket office 1011 O street. few moments. Wo uro going to offer at mmaMmmkM MtvHEflHHBvMUi BKsflHlEft.-. . jr5x m I 1-. -E VIKlKirlf fNHV ' . .'MK V aL3T m rrri fi r, i" r " i ,. 111 iri- GOLD COIN PREFERABLE. Mllver I lleptuliilled Th round tliti Country 'for Until, A fact In relation to silver that has been under dismission muionr less nt the Btnto fair thin week wan that tho ratio of gold coin wits increasing enormously over previous rt)orts and the prospects as they now nppear intllcatesthat within a short time Gold Coin will bo looked Umii as the only reliable standard. In Frank Lahr's commodious anil coutmnlly located building, which is found directly north of mercantile hall, locolved duo and lit oral discussion, the Hold Coin stoves being tho centre of attention anil furnished endless amount of food for thought and worthy comment. Mr. Luhr should bo given ctedit for generous enterprise such as no other Lincoln sttivo house has shown. In jeaispiiht ho has nhu.H had a lino showing of stoves and this jeur mtno than over notwithstanding stringent timer, his dlnplay is certainly worthy of commendation. Mr. Corby n tho gentlemanly road representative of this famous line of stoves was on hand to entertain visitors and give them pointers about tho vaiious styles and sizes. Certain it Is that no more handsome Hun of heaters has ever been seen on tho grounds and as for the reliability of these well known stoves tho best proof that can bo given for them in this connection Is 'that the out) house in this city has handled the gold coin RtovcB and ranges for ten earn and will continue to sell them heieafter. Mr. Lnlir has often been offered othor makes of stoves at much better prices, but realizing a good thing when ho has it, ho has continued from year to jear to re-iutroduco tho now gold coin and Iiiir never boon ablo to 11 ml its equal. This is also tho verdict of the citi'eiiB of Lincoln. Althett toilet preparatories at Rector's Pharmacy. Otrrrnleil. In r certain part of West Virginia somo year i ago there was n local court presided over by itu honest old farmer, who In his earlier years lnul been an attorney nt law. Tim judge trnsa quick tempered, Impatient man, nut by no memm ungenerous, and possessed of a keen si-iisa of humor. Onu day while on the bench huwiw in the nudleiiconnold negro whom ho Imdcngngitl to haul coma timber fiom liln sawmill near by, but who had been afterward penumded to do tlio same kind of labor for another person, to the neglect of the judiciary. Ah fioati ns he caught night of liln recre ant toller the judge suspended the trial, quitted tho wool wick, and appronchlng tho old African said, with great indignation anil n very red face: "You old rascal! Why didn't you haul timber for mo us you promised to dof You'll have to bo taught a lesson." The old negro gave one look nt the Indig nant judge, then ho hfpinred off, and throwing liln coat to a bystander said cheerfully: "Como on, masu,. DIs olo chile used to spank yo' when jo's n trlflln boy, un 1 melt on ho can jls' do It agin if it's necessitous." Tho judge's motion was overruled on that occasion as the court resounded with merriment In which lie was obliged to Join. Youth's Companion. A I'roblem. Frank would tip his chair while in the kindergarten, and one day ho tipped It too far and full over. The teacher, thlnklngshu would Impress a lesson upon hlin then and there, told of a guutlemau who was tipping his chnlr in his oltlce and fell over his desk and cut his head badly such a bad cut that tho doctor had to sew It up. Frank listened very intently and eoined very much in terested. After thinking n moment ho suldi "I don't hue how the doctor got hid head ou tho uiuchine." Harper's Bazar. TUoufc-M Sko Wouldn't. Why Mist Le Grande decided not to bathe. Brooklyn Life. Iu the Intureati of Accuracy. "Mr. Pi'iiiiersby," said the city editor to tho reporter, "did you writo this sentence, 'The congressman stood speichle8 with amazementf' " "Yes. Is there anything wrong with It?" "Well, I don't know. Unless you nre vcrysuroof your facts we'd better change it to 'the congressman was amuzed."' Washington Star. The- l-olice Were Nut In It. First Thief How did you succeed In tcnllng that bag unseen by tho police? Second Thief Thero Wasn't nny police around. Flrt.t Thief-Why notr Second Thief There was a fight near by. Beef Yaukeo llliule. llooiti at the Top, Jinks There's always room at tho top. Winks What have you struck nowf Jinks Here's an account of a mnn who began as a newspaper reporter at $15 n week, and now hu makes $100 a tiny as a race horse starter.-Xew York Weekly, Nit Doubt A limit It. "Whin dots a mnn weigh the heaviest V "When he treads ou your corns." Uu ere Gchcllschuft. l'nrtlcular. "So Mr. Onedge, Is uvcrso to tnuslof " "I hhould say mi. He won't even tue rub btr bauds iu his otllce." Vogue. l5cSfr-1 T. ir- Tlio Mut I'opiititr IteMirt fur l.mllrn In Lincoln, Tho state fair attendance was fully up to expectation, and tho town has been full of people all tho week. Tho tint) placo In town that attracted particular attention was tho handsome atom of it. It. Krug ,t Co., 1101I O street. Tho very latest things In dress goods, cloaks, capes etc., and all kinds of dry goods urn to bo seen at Krug's. Every lady In Lincoln should sen the splendid llun of new cloaks, capes ami Jackets just received; making ono of tho finest displays to bo BKsi MM- & r til seen in tho city. Tho new styles In cloaks aro strikingly pretty, with Worth collars and rich trimmings. Tho fashionable colors are blue, gray, grctin and gray-blue and theso cloaks, every ono of them a beauty, aro shown In endless variety, at prices ranging from 8'2.W) to 850.00. Everything that is newest and best in all Hues of dress goods at Krug's, 110!) O street. HIGH CARNIVAL AT ST. LOUI8. TIIK MhTltOl'OMH OK TIIK MISSISSIPPI VAL LEY AOAIN I'UKHKNTK A PUOOUAM DP )'Al.tiPKHTIVITlKHTl(AT FOIt IlltlL. LIANOY AND VAWIKTY OUT HIIINEH TIIK OAIINITAL ' '' CITIES OP TIIK OLD WOKM. Paris, tho most lungniticont city on either continent, bus for ages held the proud title of "tho premier carnival city of tho world." However, during tho last ten or twelve years an American rival of no mean pretensions has con tested for that high honor, and today St. LouIb holds what Paris so reluctantly relinquished, the titlo of "the carnival city of tho two continents." Not content with the succeflsful ox hihitionflof previous years, the autumnal festivities association has arranged a program for IBM that for brilliancy and variety will bo difficult to improve upon. Tlio lirst of tho great attractions, tho St. Louis exposition, will thiow its doors open to the public September fl and con tinuo until October 21. Tho world ro nownetl Souhu'b band has been engaged by tho management, which in itself is u BUtlicicnt inducement to crowd the magnificent building during every con cert. Special attention has been paid to tho street illuminations, and on tiio evenings of August 111, Sopteinbor 7, 11, '21 and !28, and October .'I, fi, 11! and 10, tho most magnificent disjilny yet attempted will greet tho eye of tho fortunate visitor; electricity playing a prominent part. Tho evening of October .1 tho Veiled Prophot and his followers will pnrudo through tho principal thoroughfares, and immediately after tho great ball, which has received considerable piom inenco throughout tho world, will bo held. Tho thirty-third gieat St. Louis fair and zoological gardens, October 1! to 7, will bo tho crowning week of tho carnival season. This institution has no peer, and Ir known in every land where tho footprints of civilization oxists. The Missouri Pacific railway and Iron Moun tain routo being distinctly St. Louis lines, and having at all times the inter ests of the city iu mind, havo made a ro ninikably low round trip rato fiom all (Miints on tho entire system to St. Louis and rot mn during tho festivities. For further information In re-ard to rates, routo, limit of tickets and a copy of tho fall festivities program, address nearest Missouri Pacific or Iron Moun tain ticket agent iu jour territory, or H. C. TowiiBcnd, G, P. &. T. Agt., St. LouiB. A Oroat Cunibliiiitlun. "I nvtekul her old man's consent Uwst night." "Did you como out with flying colom, old man." "Yawn black and blue." Kate Field's Washington. Not a Iturcutn. "Well, James, tho Stpiawktown Herald has accepted my 'Ode to the Dying Day.'" "Good enouuhl How much n lln" 1 "I haven't llgured It out. The check was for &0 cents, and there were IK) lines." , Truth. V h 0E WiSTRV Y Has been the rallying cry of Ne braska people for years past, and if you are really interested in Home Industry, if you really care to sec some beautiful 'A YWM, ; Goods you can do so at our establishment. We have placed on our main floor a handsome display of fine upholstered fur niture, covered in Brocatelle and wilton Rug, both plain and over stuffed, and all MADBinLINGOIsN A' I -.. When you have been through our furniture department do not fail to visit our carpet store. THE H. Q. Furniture Department, 211 South llth St. TyINCOI,N, IVI313W-A.5SICA. i r s M ,T'JS "-TO ) ' r ' ' DAVIS GO. i Garpet Department, 1112 o St. Y'k V ... . i n 7 1 1 1 Ml 'Jl 4 n i JUl yemn