Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, September 16, 1893, Image 5

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lit Til II
W.MoftTON SMITH, corton ano MMMatn.
Plump 2M.
Om'HlKii, oiio jrcnr In mlvniirn. ,,,.. fj til
Mamlhs , ..i .1(11
.Months , . . . IW
lilNUOI.K, NUM., BKI'TKMIIfU lit, 1803,
Tii pro woro lnil(tHiu1ontH oven hofnro
ketimoof Oliver Cromwell, ami thorn
wSH Ih) people eiillliur llit'inwIwH Iitiln
pwuVuitH until time nilliilcH with otor
wSty, untl tlio i'owh eoino lionio to ntuy.
Uixlor 11m word Inilopniulcucn him
lawm lilrtilon wiuo of t ho immt narrow
MMltulJiiotry that oor oxIhIciI. Not
atmny, Imt ory often, tho )ieoplu who
Veil Uielr IndeKndencu with u capital
larolildo hound fuimtlcH,
And Inde)endout now npnpmH.UHU rule,
amnltlutr eonttuh'iiei'leHHchi'alH, or willy
Ly tunxjlinonii or JouriiiillHtluiiuheulllty
feat jrnto twaddle In tho place of hoiiho.
A nowHpnpor that doenn't atand for
MmMliititf. a nitf that Ih wafted to and
haJiy-ovory varying lireeze, anon hiiinr
fcajr. limp in it dead calm of editorial
ftiifuutinn, diHn not have and cannot
s any considerable place In thecHteem
(UiinklDK men and women, An aetlvo
14 noocfmiully pnrtlmin:lt Ih human
Auro to lnko nldeM.
There uw icpuhlicaiiH and deiuocrata
i), 4ukrUhHtandlii(r tlielr adherencu
Hwty -nro iievortheleHH independent,
m tuHidy enough to make an honcHt
nil (or tho nuke of connulencu anil
n, and there are repuhllcan and
ocratio nuwnpaperH whoeo indepon
Awl thought, vlgorounly expreHHed, Ih
Ah- more ootiHpluuuuB than their pnrtlHtui
Thoiwmo routton Unit imiKdla a dally
awiliNjer to alllliato to Homo extent,
wUh Home one nollticnl imrty. iuidIIoh
i oqunl forco to u weekly paper, and
CouRiKK, without MirrenderliiK
jrool that true indoiiendonco that
uld cliaracterixo everv non-Hummr
individual, will henceforth bo con
mm roiiubllcHn nowniwnor. If
i k uo opening in this city or state,
i irnpO80 to inako ono. Hut Tiik
kr will earnestly try to be indn.
nd fair, thoutrh romiblican.
a believe we can succeed in this
of the features which have for
been a nart of Thk Coukikh. will
fttained with such improvomonts us
uuilo to ruako.
Tjw Young JMenVi Republican club, in
.lag William NoKinloy, doubtless
Hie Bonthnont of tho tonublicans
thie ,Uy. McKtnloy is tho louical
idential candidate for 1806, and it ia
itlior probablo that tho younir inon
voUd for tho resolution Monday
itwavliavo an onnnrtnnltv In cnln
MuKlnley presidential electors in lib.
TSomb of Hluino's warmest admirers
o democrats, and many republicans
jitPRsou to pay tribute to Qrovor
lwland. Senator Sherman Ih reported
ikavo said tho other day: "I am an
hi man, and perhaps I have taken on
bat narrow-mindedness of ago." It is
I for mo to belle vo that any demo-
lean lie a patriot. I lived through a
I and trying jwlod in our country's
f, when wo republicans came to
rupwiall democrats as traitors and
ieaof tho government. Tliat Ixsllef
iMunalncd with mo as tho ears have
m in-, uad I repeat it is not eav for
i to ao rfect grxxlnesa in ouo of tho
sratto tiorsuasion. Hut no one mm
- the conduct of G rover Olovoland
Jt belrut convinced of thocroutnoM
lodnee of tho man. His Integrity,
ssledesBiH8, his gifts of mind immt
apluin to every one notuttorly blinded
rpartisanship. Cloveland is, iwrhaiw,
kliroadc8t-minded man that over sat
iftho preeident'B chair. Hoyond any of
bjfwJeeeflsorfiheliUB tho counigo and
iKanaityor pusliing all cabal and in-
asido anil of address nir hlmsnlf
ctly to tho people. Friends, per-
following, party, aro nothim? tn
twa-eoiujarod to tho pwiylo. With
atural distrust of all democrats I
I bo tempted to look upon Clovo-
oniuuot merely as a bit of tlm
tof.ixjiitics, but in honosty I must
tthat I havo watched this man In
tho crises of tho national life in
Jiohaa had a part, and I cannot
ttM the conviction of his nuiMirb
iBlUlrsnd his magnitlcont patriotism."
in is Bomethintr of a stole, and
iiUaragant laudation of tho demo-
SMweJueiit does not seem nulbi in
imt with Lis character and tempera-
at. Jkit there Is something in Clovo
iithat compels admiration. Iloro is
, educated in tho most degrading
schools in tho world, whoso
Instincts found nothinir revolt.
ftlKia the duties of the sheriff of But
Msvwho grows out of himself and his
nwiadings into a new character; who,
develops, fnterstbe white house
M beeoAM Utesmaa. It is a pro-
, ,y
:.. -s
KieHH that him had few parallels. Mr.
Cleveland Ih a broad minded, patriotic
prenldeut, and he Ih very ifonernlly re
Hpeoted by inrinltorH of all partlcH.
Majoii Calhoun In a clever nrtlnt.
lie hiiH Hticceeded In making hln paper,
the Mucolii Herald, a very nklllfttl
tyiMKraphlcal rcpiiMluctloii of tho Hon.
William JennlnitH llryan. The gentle'
men who aro running the AVica are not
nearly no mircePHful. Hut then they
have Kot a more dlfllcult job on hand.
They aro trying to reduce Mr. IJryan
and IiIh theorleri to typo and paper, but
there in Mt ill hoiiio reiiiibllcanlHin In tho
iVcit'A, and Homehow tiling get pretty
badly mixed.
Nkw Voiik Houlely Ih Junt now In a
perturbed Hlato. It Ih trying to deter
mine the miutence to be imported on
Mth. Field, daiiKhter-lu-Iaw of tho late
OjnmW. Field. TIiIh ladyH hiiHband
Ih heavily In debt by roiinon of tho
failure of IiIh brother, and to iihhIhI him
In meeting tho obllgatloun renting upon
him hIio him gone into tho millinery
buHlnetw in Fifth avenue. Whether.
after having entered trade, hIio hIiiiII bo
entitled to tho Name Hocial rilHtlnHlmi
which filio him hitherto enloved. or
whether Hoclety hIihII put the hoiiI of Uh
disapproval gently but llrmly upon
IIiIh ontorprininir. woman, Ih a mibJoct
that ih occaHlonlng connlderablo con
troversy in tho metroiKillH the head and
tho center of which, from tho Hocial
Htandpolut, Ih a family denuended from
a crafty and penuriouH trapper and
trader of tho fur bearing aulmalH of the
north, ThoHocloty that admltH a Waul
MuAlllHter and acuordH a meiiHure of
coiiHideratlon to (IiIh Heck of froth, and
opeim Uh iloora to men who made their
money by manipulating railronda and
HtookB, ciowdlng widows and poor Htock
holdem to tho wall for their own aggran
dlHoment; men who have wrung money
out of sugar, iiuIIh, gaH, lead, iron, potro
leum, guano and other lll-mnollliig
fertilizers, patent medlclno and lottorles
of dlirerent kinds, hesitates and proposes
drawing tho lino at Mrs. Field because
she becomes n partnor in a millinery es
tabllshment. Mrs. Fiold is said to bo
Intellectually qualified for association
with tho most cultured people in tho
metropolis, and there in no reason, con
slstont with American institutions, why
she should forfeit tho place she already
holds in Now York society. In fact if
tho nature of ono h occupation has any
thing to do in dotorminintr ono'snlaco in
tho social Bcalo, Mrs. Field, having bo
come a milliner, should bo given a niche
several notches alovo tho noonlo who
have made and aro making their money
out of lard and old Immiob and sloh.
Rkpuiiuoan voters will elect dolo-
gates to tho county convention Monday.
in yns years ante-convention contest,
as in all others, there aro somo strong
wir,o pullers who will inako weak can
didates beforo tho people; but thero is
every prospect thnt tho ticket that will
bo made up Wednesday will bo com
posed in tho main of strong candidates
who will bo elected.
Tub editor of tho esteemed and
tastily tinted Herald, Major J. D.
Calhoun, is an excellent gentleman
whoso naturally optimistic turn of mind
has boon Boriously affected by a too ox
tended adherence to tho principles of
democracy, or more projwrly speaking,
tho principles of tho democratic party.
Ho would like to tnko a cheerful view of
things; but ho has preached calamity so
long that it haa becomo second nature
tohlm tollnd fault and scold.
To tho Cr assuranco that tho
"sound of tho resumption of business
is heard In tho land," Major Calhoun
pipes a melancholy wall.
"Huslncss as wo havo known It in tho
brisk and booming west will never bo
resumed," chants tho major, "unless
thero should bo un entire chango in tho
monetary iioiicy that now seems to
dominate tho country,"
bomobody must havo stopped his
subscription to tho Herald, or boiuo-
tntng equally disastrous must havo
happonod. Tho mnjor continues:
"Thero in no remedy; what is dono can
not bo undone Our situation mnv bo
ameliorated to tho point of bare ou
durauco by tho oxorclso of much
patience and great self-donlal bo that
woof tho west may nurvivo until tho
slow and gradual return of bettor times.
TIiIb is tho best that can bo honed for.
and a cheerless prospect it is, and who
expects moro or hotter will bo disap
pointed." llcally, wo nro alarmed for Major
Ilccauoo tho government refuses to
cheat tho whole country for tho benefit
of a fow Bllvor mino owners in Colorado,
because it refuses to listen to men like
Mr. Brian who would destroy tho
stability of money, mon who would run
tho financial policy of tho nation to tho
tuno of tho wheels in tholr heads; bo
causo tho government insists on running
its finances on business principles,
Major Calhoun is convinced that wo aro
doomed to irretrievable disaster.
It is a settled fact that tho govern
ment will pursuo an honest policy with
roforencoto its finances, tho silver kings
of Colorado who want to unload, and Mr.
Bryan and others of that ilk, notwith
standing, and factories are opening,
wages are being restored, banks aro
resuming business, money is Wing put
in clruulatlon and business Is steadily
IJuslness in tho brisk and booming
west Is getting bettor ovory day, and it
will continue) to Improve.
Major Calhoun in just now looking at
things through a particularly dark glass
presented to him by Mr. llryan. He
ought to smash it. Ho would then bo
able to hco things as they are.
TiikV, M. C. A. needs a good presi
dent, and Chancellor Canllold 'In do
dining to servo Interfered with tho pro
gress of that institution.
It ih said that Ingalls Ih getting into
tho current of politics again with a view
of reaching tho United States senate
through thogoernorshlp of Kansas. In
other words Mr. Ingalls will bo a candi
date for governor next year, and if
elected, with a republican legislature,
will bo a candidate for senator. Mr.
Ingalls might with a great deal moro pro
priety become a candidate for tho ofllco of
grand-sachem of tho order of professional
cranks and txilltleal prostitutes. This
place ho might easily secure much
moro easily than ho could win IiIh way
back into tho esteem of sensible people.
IjigallH and our own Van Wyck woro
made out of tho same stun. Both aro
frauds. Tho Kansas statesman-out-of-a
job Iiiih a pepper box in the top )f his
head in lieu of brains, and somo people
aro deceived into mistaking his spicy
pyrotechnics for intellectual brilliance.
Ingalls is in politics for what there is in
it, and most people havo wearied of thin
political will-o'-tho wisp. But tho peo
ple of tho state to tho south of us
worship cranks and burn frankincense
beforo fanatics, and it may bo that
Ingalls will bo able to bunko himself
Into a political job once more.
Fiiom present indications it is proba
blo that tho republicans in this county
who aro anxious to send a Maxwell
delegation to :ho state convention will
receive a blow on tho same spot, rela
tively, where tho chicken got the axo.
Tiik republicans of Dodgo county
settled tho Frick-Maxwell contest a
week ago; but some of the brethren out
side of tho county havo since insisted on
meddling with tho affairs of tho county
to an unheard-of extent.
All of which Ih in exceedingly bad
Judge Maxwell Iiiih no reason to com
plain of the treatment ho has received
from tho republicans of Dodgo county,
and it is timo his adherents thero and
elsewhere accepted tho inevitable
Maxwell hasn't tho Bupport of his
county in this campaign, and ho cannot
bo considered a candidate
Tho Maxwell talk won't amount to
anything any way, and it might just as
well stop.
The judgo has earned a rest, and
should bo given to him.
Tlioro should Im mmo way of conrlncltiu poo
plo that It woro well for thorn to k oIT aomo
whoro mill full nilecp, whim thvy lmvo urrlveil
nt tho point wliuro thoj- mnio tho rest (it tho
pcupto tired. JuiIko Mnxuoll renchod that
IKilut ami turned tho corner nurno tlino nj,o,
nnd jot ho IrmtatB In keeping In thowivy. Tim
Jmltfo hnvlntt refuged to tuko n tumblu to him
self 111 In n very short tlino Ito sent Into n dozo
with such BiiddonucM mid forctflhnt ho will bo
likely to remain there.
Within tho past tuoorthroowookstherohnvo
been many oncounitnmj oxldonceN of tho re
storation of coiilldeucn find rehabilitation of acthlty. Hut It Is doubtful If mi)
thlnu lu this city linn hnil such n wholoxomo
elTect us tho resurrection of tho Musco baud.
It wus not to bo expected thnt conlldonco could
bo maintained whou thoMuxea band hnd ceased
to play. Now that Its tremulous tunes urn
nitulu heard, Lincoln is hnrsvlf attain.
Wo havo no data at hand touching tho bl
otrraphy of It. W. Furnas, except his ago, which
is 74. Kx-(loornor Turnas Is the jouiiffest old
nan In Nebraska. In tho raco which ho lias
been runnlnti with tlino for soTontj-four joars
ho has alwa)s miuiatied to keep a few paces
ahead, nnd now when ho Is turning tho 1-st
Hiiartpr ho Is milking n spurt that is leaving
time away behind. Optimism Is this gentlo
man's most distinguishing characteristic, mid
whllo follows who aro many years his junior,
aro corrugated with wrinkles and noarlybent
double, ho U straight and sound and smooth
all tho result of optimism und a careful diet.
Tho px-gorcrnor is as happy ns tho day Is long,
mid with him tho day is unusually long. Tho
stato fair, or tho preparation for tho state fair,
Involves sovorul million separate Items, and
any other man burdenod with this groat caro
would fumo mid fret hlmsolf into a sickly skele
ton, but with Furnas work Is play, and ho
seems to grow heartior ovory day. Hero's to
Furnas I May ho contlnuo to grow younger
ovory j ear, ami may his gonial prrxemo grace
tho stato fair for many jours to omo.
Tho Focloty editor of Tub Cockier regrots ex
ceedingly that In this week's rush mon t Ion of
tho Junto club was unfortuuatelyscrowded out
of tho society department. If It woro not for
the police this would doubtless bo ore of tho
mot successful social organizations in tho city,
as under tho guldauco of those ro al geutloman,
Mr, Courtuuy mid Mr.Ous Sandors, It could not
bo othorwlso than delightful for those who
appreciate that kind of entertainment which
it was tho purposo of tho club to promote
Hut, as Is alwajs tho case, thero aro pooplo ou
tho outsldo of tho club who aro joalous and
who want to break it up, and this week, Mr. V.
J, Cooper, (u his capacity of chief of police, t,o
far forgot hlmsolf as to matorially clog tho pro
gress of tho organisation, Mr.Courtnay and
Judgo Lansing trlod to restrain Mr. Cooper,
butthnt gentleman wouldn't bo restrained ami
tho result was that tho club was pretty nearly
smushod to pieces. Tho authorities do not
sooiii to endorse tho object of tho club or tho
practices of its member, nud at the prosont
moment tho .outlook for this newest and most
unlquo social organisation is not particularly
brilliant. Wetwecn hard times and the police
society In Lincoln is having a tough time of It.
Orntli r Mrs. r lining,
Within the past fow weeks death tins
mado cruel inroads in thin cfty. And of
those who have boon taken many woro
old residents whoso removal is keenly
felt, particularly by thoso who hao long
resided in Lincoln.
Mrs. John Zohrung, whoso death oc
curred Wednesday evening at 10:59
o'clock, iit tho residence on II street, has
been so long Identified with
Lincoln life and wan so generally
known and esteemed that her
demise caused genoral sorrow. Mrs.
Zehrung wiih tho daughter of Danlol
Council. Sho was bom October 7, 18:i.'i.
In 185,'J she removed to Buckingham,
Tama county, la., and on November 27,
18.!, sho was married nt that place to
John Zehrung, of Toledo, la. In 180!)
Mr. and Mrs. Zehrung emtio to Ne
braska, settling In Lincoln, Juno 11, 1874.
Two children were born to them, of
whom CharleH, tho eldest, died lu in
fancy." Frank C, tho remaining son Is
a prominent joung business man in
this city.
Mrs. Zehrung wiih a member of tho
First Congregational church. Sho was
for many yeaiB prominent in society in
Lincoln, and sho wiib over actively en
gaged in dispensing hospitality to her
countless friends, and performing such
friendly and charitable ministrations uh
woro prompted by a generous nnd loving
lteart. Her gracious hospitality, kind
liness of manner, and tho many acts of
dovotlon known so well by her friends
will long bo remembered. Recontly ill
nesH kopt hor in comparative seclusion;
but up to within a fotv wvcltH of her
death sho was aldo toseo her Intlmato
friends who gladly tcstilled their
affect Ion in such a manner iim to lighten
as much as could bo tho bunion of tho
approaching nflllctlon. For tho last
few weeks sho Bank rapidly. Sho
passed away in perfect peaco, sur
rounded by those who wero dear to her.
Hor death is a very severe blow to her
family and brings sincere grief to many
loving friends.
Mrs. Zehrung wiib a member of tho
well known Englesidoclub, hcr's being
tho second dentil In that organization
sinco its formation, thirteen years ago.
Tho other member was MrB. K. B. Fair
field, who died in 1882.
Mr. Zehrung, Mr. Frank Zehrung, Mr.
D. Connell, of Gladbrook, la., Mrs.
Zekrung's brother, nnd Mrs. Wood, of
Truer, la.. Mrs. F. A. MoBrido, also of
Traor, In., undothor relatives nnd friends
wero at tho bedside when tho end camo.
Tho f uneral services will bo hold to
morrow, Sunday nftornoon, ut .'I o'clock,
from tho residence. Tho remains will
bo interred at Wyuka.
No iwrson should travel without a box
of Ayor's Pills. Asa Bafo and speedy
remedy for constipation nnd all irreg
ularities of tho stomach and bowels,
they havo no equal, and, being skillfully
sugar-coated, aro pleasant to take, and
long retain their virtues.
Reduced Rates by Missouri Pacific
will bo given to St. Louis from July 20
to October 31. Very low ratcB will bo
on sale and this will bo an excellent
chanco to visit tho greatest carnival
city in America. Call on nearest ticket
agent M. P. railway for information, or
J.E. R. Miller 1201 O Btreot, Lincoln
Nob., or II. C Townsond G. P. A. St.
Louis, Mo.
K) mid lUtr Surgeon,
Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist and nurist,
No. 1203 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
1 You Know?
Do you know that tho Western Nor
mid college pajH your faro from your
home to Lincoln, tho only school in tho
stato doing this? This will make jour
tuition 97 for one term.
Notice of Itemoiiil.
Tho business ofllco of tho Satukday
Mounino Couriek has been moved to
1201 O Btreot.
A Iture Cliuiice.
If jou want a lino rcsidenco lot,
at your own prlco, dont fail to attond
tho auction salo, of 200 lots at Westoin
This property is rapidly increasing in
value and is a sure and safe investement.
Freo Btreot cars, freo lunch, speeches
and etc., a good Ih assured. September
20 at 10 a. tn. Read ad on pago 8.
The Unlou l'nrlllo Out Ilntes.
Denver, ono way $ 10.75
Denver, round trip 20.00
Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Choyonno
tho same rato.
Chicago, ono way 0.15
Chicago, round trip j 10.10
St. Louis, ono way 10.05
St. Louis, round trip 18.40
Full information cheerfully given at
1044 O Btreet, southwest cor. O and 11th.
J. T. Mastin, E. B. Slosson,
City Ticket Agt. Con. Agt.
Moving South.
Convenient markets, good soil, pure
water and excellent climato aro advan
tages to bo considered when looking up
a homo, business location, farm, etc.
Maryland and tho Virginias afford these,
with many moro advantages. Improved
farm lands, adapted to stock raising,
dalrjing, grain, grass and fruit growing,
can bo obtained at low prices and upon
oasy terms. Thriving townB Invito tho
merchant, mechanic and business man.
Abundanco of coal, timber, ore, wator
power, etc. Freo sites for manu
facturers. For further Informntipn, address M. V
Richards, Land and Immigration Agent
B. 4 O. R, R.f Baitimoro, Md.
-I IV-
Opera House
101? TO 1Q19
IMt. entire Stock
'will Iy yot to wait.
Well fm. It
111&-1.12223 3V
m mfjwztizZiJsml
Rucl&e & Morris Co
Busraiilecl lu i uru u.Tiiervuus uljaa,sui.U u Woak Momorr. Loss o? Brain
P'fl If W
rot sal Ut Lincoln, br U. W. BUOWM
iat V lM'''ilj' , t A'J'f -,,ai .
: f. : . . ". ". . i r".TJr" "' " utoujioducco, opium or stint
uIsnts.wlilchljaltolntlrinUr.Cprisuni.llonor Intanltr. fan bo carrlsdln
Te.t pocket. SJ1 per bos. a for (JA. br mall prepaia. With "i & order
! m wrltlen BuaraMteo la ier or rTiimH the miner, T Bol br U
arnwlsts. As7or It. lake nootn7.r. Wjila ror freo Medical Hook sent aeal4
iDDlalnwrauuer. AddrassllleMVasiKieiBiiu.. u.JiXZVnJ.7..?
and Twelfth
-will to ne-vv it
Decidedlt Liielt
Line for the Fall and Winter and
will begin at once to quote such
prices In all departments as will
make competition quiver. Gome
in and see our new patterns and
you'll buy nowhere else.
And nil fancy and staple pieces
at prices that touch the pocket
book easy during stringent times.
Won't you favor us with a call.
ici, ii-uiiutnu.iT unci uiiiiui, i,(j,i anuou,M,lUtYKulit(lni. Nervous.
'i. xakjmnci,