Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, September 16, 1893, Image 3

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The state fair and a wedding of
acneral Interest gave some llfo to social
circle this week. Turtle to tho state fnlr
race are still popular. Thoro worn tho
Usual merry companies of young people
thhi week. Hut society contlnuen dull
and there Ih ho immediate cause for
belief that thing will soon mond. Tho
world's fnlr will continue to interfero
With entertaining until Novomlwr or
later, and the husine depression will,
i la thought, affect society more nr lew
seriously nil winter. Of tho woddlngs
In prospect ,uh 1,M,ro are several- fow
will occur More Bpring.
Ttio miwt notable function of tho week
in j6clnl circle was tho beautiful cere
mony unltiag ia marriage MIsaMlnnlo
DcPuo nml Mr. Geargo L. Molssnor,
which occurred at tho renidenco of Mr,
and Mrs. O. W. Webster, undo and aunt
of tho bride, on J .street, Tuesday ovon
lug. Tho bonne presented n Iwnutiful
.appearance, being Invlahly docoratod
with tropical plant and iloral trimmings.
Promptly at 8 o'clock tho bridal party
entered the parlor preceded by two
pretty little llower girl, Helen Lawa and
Louise Hurnham, attired in white awls.
The bride was charming Inhandsomo
White hongallao with white laco and
pearl trimming. She carried a large
tmauot of white rosea. Mine Maude
Hammonil presided at the piano, play
ing Mendelsaohnn'a wedding march
very Hweelly. The Impreaalre
ceremony wan parfonoed ty "
Edward II. Curtl in the presence of a
largtv gathering of relative and a few
friend of ike family, tad wa followed
by a weddlag supper. Both young peo
ple are well known la Lincoln. The
bfid U the paly daughter, of Mrs. Nellie
DcPu. She i a graduate of the claaa
of WW of the state university, and la a
very attractive aad accomplished young
laty. Mr. Mekamer hold a responsible
portion ia the Aaierlcan Exchange Na
Ueaal bank, aad la one of the prominent
young men of the city.
They were the recipient of many use
fid aad ooatly' present. The groom's
rKscnt.tortha btkUwas five 'share of
lock in the baak with which he I con
acted. Mr. and Mrs. Mekamer left on
tat 10:30 train for the world' fair to re
jutfr about a week, after which they
wtH vk4t Mr. Mekamer' old home la
: Webster City, Ia. On their return they
Will occupy their handsome new reel-
" aaauiiim D street, and wUl be at home
to their frieada after October If .
AaMag those present were Mr. Edgar
MMaaer aad Mi Mary Mekamer,
brother aad sister of the groom, of
Webater City, la.; Mr. J. P. A. Black, of
BkxMBlagtoa, Neb.; Mr. Lucius Oapp, of
Hasting. Neb.; Miaa Lyle Hover, of
Fall City, Neb.; Mr. W. W. Webster and
aoa Homer, Mr. and Mrs.O.'W. Wobstor,
Mj. Josepb Webster, Mr. Richard Web
ster.Rev. and Mr. Edward H. Curtis,
Mrs. McClellan, Judge and Mrs. S. 11.
Pound, Mr, and Mr. Charles Ham
mond, My. aad Mr. S. II. Burnham, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Kirker, Mrs. Quy
Brown. Mr. and Mr. Archibald Scott,
Mr. aad Mra.louglaa Shilling, Rov. and
Mrs. O. Vf. Fiter, Mr. and Mra. L. 1).
TTsmatae.Mr.aadMra.0. G. Dawos, Mr.
CjV.M. Maitlaad, Proteaaor and Mrs.
ftfe, Mr. aad Mra. Mark Wood, Mr.
Md Mr. Fraak Blum, Mr, and Mrs.
Oscar Fuake, Mr. W.J. Phelps, Miaa
gdfe Burahaat, Miaa Lottie Olark, Miss
gtaUa Kirker, Mia Gertrude Law, Mia
Maud Hammond. Mias Clara Hammond,
Miaa Pouad, Mia Waal McClellan,
IDm Josepklne Trsaalae, Miss Matle
Trsatalus, Miaa Nettle Oaborn, MiaaEdna
Kkfcer, Mia Edna Tuttle. Miaa Wing,
Mr: Da WIr. Mr. Great Watklaa,Mr.
Bert Howie, Mr. Fred Howie,. Mr.
Eugwa Brown, Mr. Larue Brown, Mr.
WU Otark. Mr. Ckarkw Clark. Mr.
Marry Evaaa aad Mr. Carl Frollok.
A Lltorary LwmIhm.
A .very notable luncheon was that
gke at the Union League club in Chi
sjp, Friday eveaiag of last .week, by
Mr.aadMrf. Kugeaa Field in honor, of.
Ilka Gurti. and Mr. Edward Bok, both
clPkUadaJakia. The lady and gentle.
in'aiiTirrT1 are enUaoed, aad their, nup
tials wm.take piece u tae near, ruture.
1f: Rak is ike editor of the WiV
Htme oariMf, of Philadelphia,,, and.
the prospective bride' father, W. K.
Curtis, i the proprietor of the same
journal. A number of ladies and gen
tlemen prominent in literary and
theatrical circle were Invited to meet
the yousg people, aad the affair waa
of more than urdlaary attractiveness.
The decoration of the table were ferae
ad red rose. MkaCHwtkidaeiwa
Miarked by a latfe beuauet of bride'
rea. Mra. 8. Q. Bk,o( PhUadelBUa,
aat on the right of the boat,
amlMrs-W. K. Curtkaatae the left,
'law ladUa are th mother of the
youag people that war ispieiallyaom
pMaiiatil At. tb omIwm of ths
laaeheoa there waa aa impromptu
musicals. Mr. Field rsad "Caaey'e
.TMUai'Mai aad"Boohr Sol Smith
teoited "Nethla'. to Bay" and
Mr. John W.
gave-, a whlssUng seleoUoa.
ferta sf PbMdJpJa; Hart Taylor,
i aw hi i AAm-.
Mary X, Obapia,
Kate Maua,
Mary Mngee, May V, Field, Georgia
Cnyvnn, Kalo Field, Grace Dundordale,
Curtis, Phllndelphln, and Beatrice Dun
derdnle, Memr. James W. Scott, Pro
fessor II. Hoyencn, New York; Sol Smith
Russell, Mow P. Handy, Paul do
Ohattlu, M. F, Stone, A. C. Wllkle, Ed
ward W. Hok, Philadelphia; rlward a
Wlllnrd, FrahklinH. Head, and II. II.
IllrlliiUjr I'nrJy.
Mm. Kit I). Flint celebrated her
twenty-eighth birthday at her
roaldenco 00ft South Second ntroot,
Tuemlay evening. After an elo
Kant nupper was dlMeed of tho evonln
was upent with dancing 'd paiwcd
most pleaHantly. TIiukiiohI woro: Mr.
Dlven, Mr. and Mr. William Law lor,
Mlm Mattlu Divon, Mr. and Mr. Wil
liam Wetherald Mr. U.S. Payne, Mr.
and Mr. LatiRorinan, Mr. and Mrs.
Danek, Mr. Fiahor of Utica, Mr. Norton,
MIhh 0' Uounell, Mlm Weeeol, Mlsn Job
son, Ml Annin McColly of Heaver
CroHHitiK, Mr. T. L. Tnckctt of Tainorn,
Mr. Gompflliorn, of Wnnettn, Mrs. Pill
ion, Mr. Jan. McNeil, Mr. Lotipoup, Mr,
and Mr. Chan. Stuphcr, Ml Martha
Holthner, Miss Ida Uolthner, Mr. Ed
Uoilhncr, Mr. and Mr. Fred Cooley,
MIhh Annio Cooley, Mr, Jan. A. Condon,
Mr. Oha. Shedot and other.
Mimlcnl nml llrntiiMllo Kiilrrlnliiiiirnt nt
Ibe Wrlorn Nnrnml.
A vory ontortaining inimical, dramntlu
and elocutionary ontortainmont waa
given Wednesday evening at tho West
ern Normal college. Thoro waa a vory
largo attendance, including a groat many
state fair visitors, and tho entertainment
waa a great auccoss. Following ia tho
mao solo-l'olonalfo. ,,u,.
Mr, i
veesi toio '
mTyta OrrnjiUon". . . BebomaBa
r. Clemrm Moriui.
.l4 ..
riw nwo '..-,. . . , ...
VlolVn toiitii)
. . . .him Lucia w . KalnM
, ..
Mr. WUhelm Lamprooht.
Vlolla dust, from Hucoaotd M warboer
'. Hovlsi and Mm. Latimer Gray.
cast or chAactsh.
Mra. Major Phnbba. Ml Lucia W. Ralnea
Mtf. CapUln Vhobba., Un.. M. CralJ
Captain rkobba Mr.8.0. Wllaon
Captain Hpruee ..Mr.A-M.Cralu
Moreland... Mr. J. (1. PerkTua
Ham, waiter., , Mr. J. J. Gleeaon
Mr.QolUhUjr Mr. W. J. Klnaley
Tableau rrpreientlnt Grecian iiUtuary.
rieaeor'a AaaocUtlon.
The Territorial Pioneer association of
Nebraska held ita annual mooting at tho
Lincoln hotel Wednesday evening. The
object of the meeting waa made known
in a few word by Mr. J(JA. MacMurphy
who acted aa chairman. The following
Were elected: President, Robert W.
Furnaa; drat vice-president, John W.
Pray; second vice-president, Andrew S.
HoUaday; secretary, J. A. MacMurphy;
haakdaat secretary, John Qillespio;
treasurer, William R. Bowen. Presi
dent Furnaa announcod tho following aa
member of tho oxecutlvo committee:
Byron Beall, William A. Gardnor and J.
T, Hollo. A committee waa uppointod
to decide upon a more beautiful and
euphonious namo for Nebrankann than
"Bug-Eatera" and report at tho next
They Mww the Haven,
The following morry party wout out
to tho state fair races Wednesday af tor
noon in tho band wagon: Misses Ollvo
Latta, Graco Oakloy, Mary Mlllor,
Hnllle Hooper, Mnmo Careon, Lily Tukoy,
of Omaha, Mao Burr, Nelllo White,
Measrs. Frank Burr, Guy Hurlbut,
Harry Lansing, Fred MatthowaMatt
Baldwin, Fred Houts, Pryor Markol
Dr. and Mrs. O. F. Ladd.
Tliuraday afternoon, invariably tho
"big day" at the state fair, tho band
wagon waa called Into requisition. This
timo those who witnessed the races in
this manner were: Miase Anno Funke,
Hallie Hooper, Lillie Tukey. of Omaha,
Rachel Brock, Grace Burr, Mae Burr,
Measrs. Frank Burr, Pryor Markel, W.
F. Meyer, W.B. Morrison, R. M. Joyco,
Charlea L.Burr.
Derosa Clb.
Several little girl in Eaat Lincoln
have formed an organisation the object
of which k to .benefit poor children, and
given St the name "Dorcas Club." The
'members of the club have apent the
ast two week making pea wiper and
pin and needle; cushion and doylies and
then gave aa entertainment at the
residence of Mr. Thomas Maraland the
other evening at which they sold their
needle work for 1104)0. The member
of this worthy organisation are Fannie
Marshmd, Ella Mamland. Edith Lewis,
Helen Wood, Edna Gund aad Margie
Thtr Party.
Aa informal theatre party witnessed
the. perfermaace of the Ideal opera
company Saturday eveaiag. The
party included Miss Mary Miller, Miaa
MeMurtry, Mr T. W. QrMrtk, Miaa
Olive, Latta, Miaa Ma Burr, Mr, Robert
Jeyee, Mr. W. Faraham Smith, of
Omaha. Mr. Matt Baldwin, Mr; Fraak
Burr, Mr. Mathews, of Caieago.
Ob O'cteek LliB.
Mr. A. Ai Sooty invited a number of
youag ladle to meet Miaa Lyle Hover,
of Fall City, at on o'clock luncheon on
Monday last. Covers were laid for
eight. Those present were; Miaa
Minnie Gaywrd. Miaa Leiaad, Miss Erb.
Miaa Carrie Ukud, Miss Jeani Erb,
Maude Hammond and Mia
The city
v. p. a. c.
yaloa of
the aociety of
evening in the Y. M. 0. A. parlors for
tho pur)oo of making arrangement for
a reception to Imj given by the Y.P, B.,C.
E. to tho students of tho different
college at an early dato. A commltteo
waa appointed to Invite the Enworlh
league and Baptist young people'
nocloty to tako part In tho reception and
nlso to arrange n place and time for
holding tho namo.
Minor Mention.
The ntato fair visitor were given an
opportunity to witness an exhibition
drill by tho Lincoln light infantry on N
street Wodnesday ovonlng.
The Lincoln light infantry company
will givo u danco to tho Omaha guard
ut Lincoln park this ovonlng, tho dance
will be followed by a bnnquot.
Two nioro Lincoln young Indies, promi
nent in society circles, assort that they
will enter ono of tho Chicago hospitals
for tho purpono of becoming trained
There, may lw Homo nicor and cooler
place to onjoy a pinto of delicious Ico
cream than Cha. Juno pavilllon. but
thoy arc not to bo found in this neigh
lorh(Md. The uiarriagoof Mr. Jeromo Wont
full, of Montnnn, and Miss Ella Dowoll
will be Bolmnlzod at tho renidenco of
Profeeeor Lnuronco Hrunor on south
Seventeenth Htroet, noxt Wednesday
ovonlng at 0 o'clock. Tho bride Isn
cousin of Mrs. Hrunor.
A email company of young peoplo
wont to Lincoln park to witness tho
performance of the Ideal opera compang
Saturday evening The Participants
Wore: Miss Nelllo White, Miss
Anna Funko, Miss Rachel Brock,
Miss Hallio Hooper, Mr. Lew, Marahall,
Mr. Clarence Smith and Mr. George
Aa noted elsewhere there have been
two deaths in the Engolsido club since
its organisation. Mr. Fairfield and
Mr. Zehrung, and it iaa rather singular
fact that the funoral of Mrs. Fairfield in
1882 occurred from the same residence,
ho old Cropsey mansion, where the
funeral services of Mrs. Zehrung, will be
hold tomorrow.
Cards havo been receivjd in thla city
announcing the wedding of Mr. Harry
HcfToinnger and Misa Maude Loraine
Plumb, in Marion, la., Tuesday Septem
ber 5. Mr. Heffelflnger will be re
membered by a number of Lincoln
young peoplo aa a former resident of
this city. Mr. and Mra. Heffelflngor
will bo at horn,o at the Droxo), Omaha,
after October 1.
Sufferers from dyspepsia havo only
themselves to blamo it they fail to teat
tho wondorful curative qualities j of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In purifying . the
buood, this medicina strengthens . ovry,
organ of tho body, and oven the most
abused stomach is soon restored to
healthy action.
Nrtiruekft Conftervntnry of Mimic. -This
institution has attracted tho at
tention of Nebraska and surrounding
ntatca to tho city of Lincoln aa no other
school lina dono, for tho reason that
while thoro aro numerous colleges and
unlvermtlcH 6verywhoro, there in only
One Conservatory oMttsio in tho entire
went. And tho oycsof music students
all over tho United Statea are turned to
thin school. In tho four years of its
existence It has won a reputation for the
most thorough work. Tho following
aro a fow of ita advantages: Elegant
building built expressly for it use
concert hall containing fine pipe organ,
boarding house for students, complete
course in all departments of mimic, elo
cution and And arts; faculty of' sixteen
teachers selected from tho leading con
servatories of this country and Europe.
Do not get the conservatory confused
with other so-called musicschools, which
are simply departments of some college,
or two or three, rooms rented by private
teachers; but remember there, i but
one. genuine, vi the Nebraska Con
tervatory of Mutie. For .catalogue
write to O,, B. Howr.Lt, Director.
Pen ArtUU.
There are four firet-clas pen artbta
at the Western Normal college, all, of
whom devote a large share of their time
to teaching. Many specimens of their
work were 'seen at the fair, and, written
card wore given away aa rapidly a they
could be turned out.
rine Prlatlaw sad Kacravln.
The Courier Publishing
compauy ia prepared to do all
kinds of printing, tine work,
especially, at moderate prices;
also engraving, wedding in
vitations, calling card, etc., '
Call and see sample.
Saturday Mokmimo Courixx,
MM O street.
The Lincoln Business college i mak
ing a great exhibit at the state fair and
carrying off nearly all the prises. It ia
Without doubt the beat place to prepare
young men and women tor business,
The teacher employed are gentlemen
oc national reputation and thousand or
itagraduate in business testify to it
superiority. Applktwna.fw admkuaon
received at the college, southwest corner
Eleventh and O streets.
For rate and ppendates.ot the, Nc
braaka atat band, ot, orchestra, apply at
the Couriks oftyoe, 1134, 0 street, tele.
phone SOa
Furs stored for the suauaier insured
tree from moths and theft at F,:S.'
Voetker'a, practical furrier, Y. Hi C. A.
"i ' '
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akajsBBBsm. sW"B asV bbbb LBasi asBBsSBhl aV ssVgaasV .gk sbbLbbbV xLsaV LsaLlaaVLsS l.I Lm.' VyTVf,
v np'-f-f,. Boy's hard wear, spring heel, lace shoe, ' ' "'"'..
"" '?r '?.V,'-',' elegant and.durable, 8's to IOH ll.SO. S' (
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'? .-'' --1 Mifcf' straight-goat button hQ. Espe.; ".:--W,, '. ? '4 ...-,,
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A solid indestructible heavy sole, excellent
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In 8's to 0H
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