'mis lvr '')"'WJBPP! "" v "f t THE SATURDAY MOKJVtLVO COURIER yr'yfrrtrrf, .1 4 - . It; ir tf J 1 , r J ' '1 v' 1 "" ., If ' rJ ' THE Fust jhrnw Bw 0 AND TENTH STREETS. Capital, $400,000. Surplus, $100,000. OFFICER! "it 8. Haiwoou, President. Unas, a, uansa, ice rresiaeni, & U. Coos, Cashier. f. B. Fbskman, Assistant Cashier. B. l V inhttifuMii ialalaul faalil&a WMBIH 1101 BUNK. LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL., $250,000.00. Ofacers and Directors. , John B. Wiiqrt, President, f . K. Handkm, Vie President, J. ft. MrCLAt, Cashier. F. C. Johnson, B. P. Lan. The. CeekftsS. E. R. Hlier, T. W. Lowrey, W. L. Dayton. General Banking Business Transacted. COLLECTION! A BPBCIALTT. per cent o Deposits Paid at the AND 8AFE DEP08IT CO. Cor. P and Eleventh 8U. ThetnfySqfe Deposit Vaults in Lincoln DIRECTORS. teiWeOSJU H. I). Hathaway. J. Z. Brit coe. fieLauhllB. ?l ;. j. Ernst. V.A.Selleck. .o.fi town. i. bUlles. ViHUr. Biter. kWatklns. Henry Veltb. Henry E. Lewis. 1 Wllllana. acfcel Lloyd. 1 OMAHA'S LEADINO HOTEL The Murray. 1KA HlilllV, Proprietor. Electric ran direct (rum Uiiliin doiot puss tlio door, 13th and Haruoy Ms,. Oinalin, Nob. Under new mnnairement MERCHANTS' HOTEL, 15th and Harney sts., Oninhu, Nub. IUII.KTT Si I'AVKNI'OIIT, Props. Speciul attention to Mate trade, guest and commercial traYi'lem. Foruam street electric cnrH nana the door to and from all parts of tlio city. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S HAIRCUTTING - o o o SHAMPOOING A 8PECIALTY, AT SAM WESTERFIELD'S. BURR BLOCK. 'IXJiTDT TVQ Howtoeconomtzattma! TT.vJV-l.il O and money so as to see! FAIR. tno wonu a rairtooest. adrantafe. la a one tlon thai ma bar. puzsieu you. atom mistaken by getting . posteu in advance. reriiupa tiieuiuatratsa. folder just Ulued by Santa Fa Routs U; . what you need. 1 1 cont a Ina t tews of world . fair buildings, accurato map of Chicago.; .and other informs- . Ster-Ste SANTA FE- Palmer, P. A. Santa TJATTflVI? ! :Fa Routh, Omaha, 11U U J. J!t andaskforfraecopy. rnrr Tuition I Fall term, In men different f til courses. Only high rrade Independent Normal In the atate. Thu Finest BuUdinn. Equipment, and Ablest Normal Faculty. No experiment, bnt an established Management. 40 conrsos, as teachers and lecturers. A lira school for the masses.' Write for catalogue. E. R. 81ZER, Mgr. Lincoln, Neb. UPHOLSTIRiR AND CAHINF.T MAKK't, Dom all kinds of Repairing Promptly All work warranted. sea Bo. nth st, . Lincoln, Neb. T. C. KERN, 1). I). IS. Roorris 25 and 26, Burr Block. LINCOIVN, KBBi FRE Paraphleta describing the resources of KANSAS, ARIZONA, OKLAHOMA, NEW MEXICO and CALIFORNIA, May ho had by addressing Q. T. Nicholson, O. P. A T. A., A. T. A S. F. R. R., Topeka, Kansas. Mention this papor. f FROM S2.60 TO S4.B0. Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory N. W. COR.TWBLFTH AND O 8T6. Old Hats Blocked, Cleaned, Dyed and wide as jood as new. All kinds of Repair Work done. Q.T.BOM WMUfc 8IIFF S MHO rffiilii MIm Bcrtio Burr U in Chicago. Mr. P. Burton loft for tho east Tuofl tiny. Mrt. A. L. Fuiiko luw kiio to Ijn don, O. Mr. W. P. Kulloy Bjwiit LalKr tiny in Omaha. j Mr. J. R. Wcbfltor left Wodneaday' for Chicago. , Mr. C. E. Wulto njwnt' Sundny In Beatrice. Mr. D. Q. Courtney wiir in Boatrlco Tuosdiiy. Dr. Stanhope Iiiir returned from the world's fair. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kieth are at the world's fair. Mist Mabel Metcalf hua gone to tho world's fair. Mr. and Mra. J. II. (jlurk loft Monduy for Chicago. Mr. T. S. Alton haa roturned from Washington. Mr. C. R. Richter, of St. Joseph Mo., is in tho city. Mias Alice Orr Is visiting her brother Mr. II. W. Orr. Mra. C. R. Hall is visiting frienda in Mt. Vornon, O. Mr. Rezin Welch loft Thuraday for tho world's fair. Mr. R. H. Oakley haa returned from the world's fair. Judge S. T. Cochran left iMontlay for the world's fair. ' Mr. and Mra. C. S. Llpplncott are at tho world'a fair. Miss Mary Miller returned from Omaha Tuesday. Mr. P. L. Wing hue roturned from Cotdwater, Mich. Mr. II. C. Ames left Monday for Portland, Oregon. Mra. W. B. Ogden in ,ertjoying a visit at tho world'a fuir. Mra. S. D. Cox is enjoying ti visit at at the world's fair. Mr. Charles A. Hunnu is enjoying a visit at the world's fuir. Mr. Churles L. Burr was an Omaha visitor Wednesday. Mr. Arthur Walsh roturned Wednes day from Chicago. Mr. P. M. Cunninghum hits returned from tho World'B fuir. Dr.T. C.Kern loft Tuesduy for tho Columbian exposition. Miss Lillian Sterling is in attendance U)on the world's fair. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Butlor left Mon day for Hunnibnl, Mo. Miss Lillie Munsey is enjoying u visit with friends in Omuhu. Ex-Congressman Laws has gone to Oklahoma on business. Mr. und Mrs. M. W. Polsoni loft Mon day for tho White City. Mr. W. G. Roberts has roturned from u visit to tho world's fair. Misses Anna Barr and Gertrude IjUWs left for Chicago Sundny. Mr. G, 0. Fox, suierintondont of Brudstreets, is seriously ill. MissNellio ManBlield.of Peoria, HI., was in Lincoln lust Saturday. Mr. und Mrs. J. L. Daly loft Monday for tho Columbian exposition. Mr. und Mrs.'D. E. Thompson have ro turned from Coldwater, Mich, Mr. und Mrs. L. W.. Hustings left Wedncsduyfor tho world's fuir. Miss Ida Gunison haa returned from u week's visit to.tho world's fair. Mr. und Mrs. John L. Cursou huvo returned from Colorado Springs. Mr. G. M. Lumbortson left Sunday for Montanu for u few days recreation. Miss Helen Hoover has roturned from u visit to tho Columbian oxixmitiou. Miss Murio Marshall left during tho week for South Bend, Intl., to attend school. Miss Kuthurino Kloutsch 11 ml sister left Thuraday for York, Neb., to uttend school. Miss Alice Luwrence .has returned from a two week's visit with friends at Aurora. Miss Currio Wusmor, of Grand Island, wan the guest 01 Miss .Nellie Willie this week. Miss Mury Green, of Beatrice, has been tho guest of Miss Gertrude Hill this week. Mr. und Mrs. Walter Noel of Beatrice spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gurroutte. Rev. C. F. Creighton and family are enjoying u visit with friends in Cleve land, Ohio. Misses Sudio and Olive Graham have returned from a pleasant visit to the world's fair. Mr. J. D. Calhoun and party have ro turned from a visit of several weeks spent in Wyoming. Mr. h. WesFcl; Jr., hits leen joined by his family. They are ut home at tho Lindell hotel. Tho Misses McMurtry, of Los Vegas, Cal., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McMurtry. Dr. E. II. Curtis lottirued Tuesday from Chicago where he spent the sum mer, Mrs. Curtis und children arrived u fow days lator. Mlaa Maine Carson retutnod.. Wed nesday from Pennsylvania und othor points in the oast. , t Mr. and Mm 11. W. Or. arc now st homo to their friends nt Twenty-second and South streets. Miss Olive Latta returned Tuesday from Omaha, whore she was tho guest of Mlaa Nellie Daunt. Mr. O. R. Oakley und daughters Mra. Grinith and Miss Grace have roturned from tho world'a fair. Hon. Wi J. Bryan hua roturned from Washington. He will remnln in tho city only a fow days. Miss Kute Stoddurd haa returned from a visit to her former homo in Indi ana und tho world's fair. Misses Lulu nud Clara Lcmmo, nro enjoying 11 brief visit in Omaha and are expected buck next week. Mrs. J. P. Cunninghum und daughter huvo returned from it throe month's viait with relatives in tho oast. Dr. und Mrs. Holyoko and Mra. Snell ing und son have returned from a month's visit to tho world's fair. Mr. J. It. Clancy of tho Allan Royal Lino steamship, Montreal, is tho guest of his sister, Mrs. John P. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. T. Jones and Mrs. Paron Engluud huvo roturned from n visit to tho Columbian exiosltion. Miss Jeunnetto Wilson hits returned from a visit with relatives in Minne apolis und to tho Columbian exjxmltlon. Mr. und Mrs. O. A. Mullon und Miss uyuia million nuvu returned rrom a two month's visit in New York and tho east. Miss Pearl Minnick hits gone to Dan ville, Va., whero she will till tho position of instructor in music in tho Danville academy. Judgo und Mrs. A. S. Tibbots huvo roturnod from u two month's visit in Now York, Pennsylvania, Ohio und Maryland. Miss Kuthurino Saum, of Nowton, Iowa, who camo on touttond tho Means Covort wedding, loftjfor her homo Thursday. Mrs. L. C. Lowe, of Marion, Iowa, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ellu Hutchins, of 1OT5 O street, loft for homo this wcok. Mrs. Robert M. Simons has returned from Manltou, Col., accompalnod by her duughtor, Miss Adelo. Mrs. Simons is much improved in health. Mr. J. W. Sherwood who wont south ubout u year ago for his health, haa returned greatly improved and spoaka very highly of Arkansas as u health resort. Messrs. S. II. Burnhum, C. II. Morrill, Hudson, Imhoff, D.'G. Wing und B. G. Dawes returned tho first of tho week from Bigelow, Mo., whither thoy wont fishing. Mr. D. L. Brnco has sold his handsome rcsidenco ut Twenty-second und Wush ington streets, formorly owned by Mr. C. T. Brown, to Mr. J. K. Honeywell, for 820,000. MiflH Lulu Summers, sister of Mr. W. S. Summers, deputy attorney gencrul, arrived in tho city from Colorado Mon duy. Miss Summers is seriously ill with typhoid fever. Tho now board of pension examiners for Lancaster county was organized this week us follows: G. M. Smith, M. D., president; Thomas F. Britt, M, D., sec retary; J, R. Haggard, M. D. treasurer. Chancellor Cantleld, of the state uni versity, has been elected president of tho Y. M. C. A., L. A. Bumstead, secretary; O. T. King, treusurer; Dr. II. L. Paine, L. G. Buldwin und F. W. Taylor, vice presidents. Miss Alico Wing will spend the winter in Now York, where she will attend tho Women's School of Design. She left for tho oust yesterday intending to stop in Chicago en route. Miss Bessie Wing will sturt for Chicago tomorrow. Mrs. Bigelow has been elected presi dent of the Women's Christian Temper und Union, Miss Helen Kingman, cor responding secretary; Mrs. Louise S. Guile, recording secretary; Mrs. Minna Plumb, treasurer; Mrs. Tyler, assistant treusurer. Miss Maude Richards, instructor 011 the piano ut the conservatory of music has returned from a vacation spent at her homo in Iola, Kiis., bringing witli her her sister Miss Blanche Rlchurds, und Miss Stella Davis, who will take, up their studies in tho conservatory. Mr. C. R. Heath of Chicago stopped in Lincoln during the week with the family of Mr. GV'C. Morse. Mr. Heath started June liTilh from Chicago to make the journey to Situ Francisco on his .bicycle. Ho met Messrs Mode Grif fith and James Hadley, who lire making the trip from Lincoln to Chicago, at Mornnzo, Iowa. Mr. J. W. Cutright and family leave tonight for Washington intending to to stop in Chicago en route. Mr. Cut- right, who severs his connection with tho AVii'h to become Congressman 1 Bryan's private M'orctury, is a gentleman of great capability and Mr. Bryan is ! assuied an assistant who will bo a valuahlu helpmeet, , Tliere may bo some nicer and cooler places to enjoy a plato of delicious ice creams than Chas. Juno's pavllllon, but they are not to be found in this neigh liorhood. SOME SUMMdlt PROBLEMS. 14 like to know a lot of filing-. 111 sever m 'derstamlt " '"' No crtilnpedlik ran explalni a hundred I'have scanned. 1 eare not now for inutile ma that hare ye ted the world for ajrl ' ' ' An mine In their essential points nipMrely f, today. f ,Y V Mow first of all I'd like to know why lannel trousered men .u. Dowenrthetn at the ankles lamed, nor t dm tlicmdown mtnliiT ' Vre they too long to wrar, erehaiiee, the Way that they were made Or Is It that I he wearers feel that they may have to wade? And why Is It that lovely maids, who never sneer at alt, if When they do happen to attend a tourney of a ball, ' Affect lurgnetiea, despite the fact their dyes , are Miprrtlne. And, looking through them, eeem transformed to snobs of ancient line? ' Again, I'd know why In .Inly, and all through August, too, " ' Young men and mnldeiia van do thing that bo one else may do Why la It that they am engaged rtom'JntT un til fall, ni.t 'i Tat In the winter seem lo know eaoh other not at all? And why do folka In search of rest go from a restful home, And like a baud of gypsies round about the oeantry roam? I want to know these things ao much that If you'll tell me I'll Reward you when wa meet with my moat fas. tnatlng smile. -Harper's liasar. . Ha fleit There. ll3 en: "Wait a ml mi to, darling. I tear a Ger man band around the corner. I can get up there. Have a little patieBeet' In a Had Way. WiUlav-I'd hate to he as Broker seems to be. Wallace What Inula you to think he is mini up? Willis Why, he's been to see mu 10 times ;hlh week to get that liver I borrowed from bint six months ago. Tlt-lllts. HollUry llllss. Klrht Little (llrlWi went to the piculc. mil you wiun't even Invited. Second Little Girl No, lititmammagave lie u whole lot of money to buy cnudy and t'lku and ice cream ami lemoimilo for ray ivlf, awl I'll bet I was sleker'n you were, (Jixxl News. The HruM lliuid. She lliut baud has i-oiiKlderiiblo cheek, (liiying under our window. He Yes. It' m bra- bund, you know. Vwikee Blade. I I ' I lTL- r1 i i 'i i - satjU" -"""' ' - -- W&m. ,, HOUSEHOLD ROODS i' ivr vis JTi I Tlrw LJlLU-ilnii fflMkV 1 agsgsgsgsgsgsLIP ' mJUWmG,.VI, BBBBBBBBgSgsV "All right, gan do it. Ged oopli BH ' I ' -f'l ' i ' I AjV iagagagagagagagagagagagal Sa i i i 'i V; m gsgsgsgHffSaWHgsHagsH UlllaTL " BE liOW P'" AM) EASY TKKMS. g Sii I TTTnuirn 01 Duirnniunru mm- ; wtvm fl onmninut", '5-n f ' I ' 127-120 NORTH FOURTEENTH STREET. Ik f : SUIPH0-8RUNE Bill 111 i i I Q.ir 7 : . 'i 'n' (jrUIL ' ' ' I I 5;. "Yum, yum, yum!" Truth. Willie I'd hate to he as hard up aa Broker seems to be. I lBBgaf . v hi BLOCH & KOHN'S Proy;rssilv 'Dvy Goods Brir?orltassa. 1 141 AND I I4t O STREET FURNITURE,, STOVES, BED ROOM SETS,! FObDING BEDS, CHAIRS, LOUNGES BOOK CASES, TABbES AND FURNITURE OF ALU KINDS. CURTAINS, CARPETS AND A COMPLBTK IrlNFi Ol 147 H AND M STREETSLINCOLN, NEBRASKA. TliiH is'" eiy lino estableHhmcnt--probably better than anything of tho kind in the wo.ld. Capacity, l.oM) baths daily. Artesian mineral water is used. r-.eiaiate mronuuodutions me piovided for both K'.m'H.' I Tn3 Greut Pltinue Holds about a quarter of a million And ir- nearly lot) feet long, 'M feel lis clear as a crystal, too. 'Ihete are some spring boards, 1 1 apeo and automatic needle hath in this dor purtment. 11 e Heel Roomsi Are for transients who do not euro to leave the building after u bath. Patients taking treatment use them also. reii&MiiintlMrri And many other diseases can be CUHED in the Hot Salt Department. , Tilt? TllKlclMra l?fltl! Now we're coming down to business. , Maible walls. Mosaic Hoots, rich Bugs, Carpets and Drapeiies. Great lire places, easy chairs and divans. All nuts of baths are given. Tliere is also a BARBKK SHOP. Ladies' Hair Dressing Depaitmeut, and even a Miinieuie, Chiropodist and Hoot Black. ! , Tviiiiol)ON Are Sei'veil j And Turkish cotTee and lots of other thing good to eat and ilvinkt Antl the half hasn't been told. Wo Invite -xoti'". V - I ) ' to Innpuototif Xuw l()W MISSKS ANDCIMhURIW. t i 'JtTtO I4flt,Ut IClOflM, Igirifoaat Wsamortainorat Lowemt l"tlooas nm wmm 10 eiy buyers. i i i gflgflSHJgSgauuuyi 'I FUIiL LINE OF Ucatl gallons of Sea Gieen Salt Water.. wide and '2H to 1) feet deep. ' urn r'"M . JtoL-J.iL,,..,, LifcfeJ''4 J. J.JB.J..' - -Cr. && smtmi ILaaTsal U flj.'i"W iia t ' -"v$t i lT