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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1893)
fm M i I ' i I: I U I 1 "4 .a ' t :. :,:::& . . V- :f"fc' J?' ' f " lr iff-ftyf W,l. , . .1M0WT UTr-.- J A: ' 1 ". ' IT 1 4 4 .... s v 4 'V ., ,:-rt 'f ' H i 'a '' t-t-tt-t-t-tt-trrrrrt-trrrt-t t talMWtH4Htttt-ttfttttt-rti$ . i ''& '9kim)( , j . tis '', a 4 f ft !.V TO THE bADIES OF LINCOLN: j''.':.' 'is V B tf ff " ' " n-'J 1 ft .' j n k. . -Ji iff - BR. . B. . tJf ' , I 2 t: ' HI ( LINCOLN ( ( iMA8888t8MtttS't,S Our groat Oarpot Salo In now going on. Wo haro purchaaod ov6r 15,000 worth of Ingrain Carpets conalgnod to M. 8. Noah, of Donvor. This stock comprlioa all grailos of Ingrain Carpets. Tho gooda woro bought at a very low figure, anil will be sold at about half regular pricea. 0 NOTE SOME PRICES - Cotton Ingrain, Yard Wide' Good Heavy Ingrain Part Wool Ingrain All Wool Ingrain .Best Quality, All Wool t is i .-(jfj. ' 23c. Yard . . 35c. " ,;' . 45c. " . . , 55c. " ' . . 65c. " None can afford to' be without carpets at these figures. BARGAINS IN CARPETS : : H . W' h t ' ' hi '.v.;1 w H w Twenty-flvo rolls Light Colorcil DrUBeola ofTocta in H-plya and Ingrain juat rocolvod. Those patterns and, colorings are entirely dirToront'froin tho ordinary Ingrain. Tho ladles are invltod to call and soo thorn. FURNITURE 1318-1520 O STREET. S-t4))S4t4444444Sa44t4 COmPflHY 1 t'tt) , '. " '.? ..., ' ' "J1 .' -.,.; i )"-" '"' , -" '.' I ',.. :!..' . ; lf '. t .',- vf' ' . . ' , ? f ' rf -v A-. J. u a. 4&i r L . t. . OV - . .' Vt ..wfci. M '"v iif-' i-A'. 'r ' V.," 'k' if 'V V ' ' i't .Mv Ml 1 Do you seo tho man? I do seo tho man. Who is it with him? It is his wife. So ho is married? Yes. Happily? Average. How is that? Well, sometimes ho is glad ho is mar ried, and somotinios ho wishos ho wusn't. Are all husbandB so? Most oi mom. Always? Oh, no; tho first year never, and then, again, when thoy are quite old. Why in tho first year? Novelty. And latterly? No use worrying tho few remaining years. Taking it big and largo, however, thoy rather prefer tho married stato, don't thoy? Yes. Why can't they make it happy all tho time? Sometimes thoy don't caro to; their wives won't let them sometimes, and, besides, it isn't human, nature to bo happy all the time They would have boon unhappy ib bachelors? Certainly. This man doesn't seem to bo very at tentive to his wife? No; sho doesn't expect it. Why not? Custom. Custom? Yes; nobody does that. People would laugh if ho wub as dovoted as ho was when ho was courting her. Would ho caro for that? It isn't pleasant to bo ridiculod. What does sho think about it? Pretty much as ho does. Sho likes thoflu smaller courtesies of men to women, doesn't sho? Yes, but sho would rathor not have them than to bo tho subject of com ment. Who makes such comments? Mostly persons not as happy as tho average. Are thoro enough of them to count? It appears so. Isn't there somo other reason besides that? Possibly. Men and women, as husbands and wives, get a little tired of each other, don't they? Enough to muko lovo-llko attentions rather oppressive. Docs this man have a club? Yes. Does ho go to it? Yes, ho finds it pleasant thoro somo timcB. And how about business? Ho finds business cngugomcntB occasionally interfere with ongugemonts with his wife. Did ho find it so beforo ho married hor? Not often. And ho could forego tho preBsuro of tho club also in the courtship days? Ills' friends tit the club say so. Sho knows about It doesn't sho? Oh, yes; they've talked it over many a time. What does sho think of it? , Sho only laugliB. Takes it us u matter of course? Yes. Quito satisfied? No; but submissive. Ho is kind to hor? .Yes, gives hor lots of nice things, thinks u lot of her, und all that. Still ho is not as in tho courtship timo? Hardly. Does ho like to talk to hor? Oh, yes, but thoy don't sit up talking until tho milkman comes around in tho morning as thoy used to do. Ho doesn't spruco up in his appear anco for hor as ho used to either, does ho?' Ycb, when sho scolds him for being cureless in his uttiro. Is ho a good provider? Very. Does ho growl when sho wants money? Only occasionally. Somo husbands do, don't they? That is tho gonorul impressiuu. Don't their wives say so? Thoy do, indeed. A man should trust his wife in respect of thoso things, shouldn't he? He shouldn't huvo muiried hor unless ho was willing to trust hor in all things. There should bo perfect confidence between them, then? Absolute, Is it bo with this man? Ho thinks it expedient to do a little concealing ut times. Is it for tho host? Theoretically, no; practically , yes. Another case of ignoranco being bliss? Yes. A wifo has no right to bo over inqulai tive, has she? Of course not. A man has, though? Of course, And still tho twain is ono flesh? Legally or spiritually or morally, as you please. Would this muu marry again it his wife should die? Probably. Would his courtship of the second be anything like his courtship of tho first? Vory similar. Exporienco makes no difToronco? Not nt all; he will promiHo anything. What of fulfilment? That's another thing. Thero is evidently a wldo difference between tho wifo and tho Bwcotheart? More than thoro should bo. Women know it, don't thoy? Yes, but a woman can como very near being a fool at times. And tho man? He's more fool than knuvo also. Ho moans well? Always. Why doesn't ho live up to his inten tions? It's hard work to bo nice all tho time. Docb ho lovo tho woman any less? I fancy not; it is only man's way. Which are tho most devoted husbands? Thoso who lovo their wives inoro than their wives lovo thorn. Don't husbands and wives lovo equally ? Ono timo in a million, possibly, How is that? Nobody knows; tho fact exists, though, that tho proponderanco of ufiection is to the ono side or other, and that side on which it is is over the active side. What is tho causo? At a guess it might bo said that ono lovo never quite felt that its object had boon fully won, und it continued its efforts. How is it with this husband? Judging by his inditferenco, so to say, it might bo concluded that the wifo loved him u degree or two tho more. Ho could iniKno on her, then, if he felt so disused? Very easily. And does ho? It would only bo human. Would the wifo do tho sumo it thocaso were reversed? Of a surety. There's u good deal of six of ono und half a dozen of tho other in this mar riage business, isn't there? There is, indeed. Will it over bo different? Never. Is this husband joalous? No; ho leaves that to his wife. Is she? Yes, more or less. Why? Sho is not as cortain of him as ho is of hor. Do women liko joalous husbands? Thoy Bay not. Would most women bo satisfied with such a husband as this ono seoms to bo? Ask thorn. Tho finest grocery store in tho city. Miller & Clifford. PARENTAL ADVICE. Fcclln itrittkld, ain't yc, Jobnnyt Wall, tbU U tho way I view It, That I he train would Uko to love ye, Hut you'vu tfot to make 'em do it. Don't go browiln nt a distance In some pastur' way oil yonder, Don't bellovu what Idiots tell ye "Absence makon tho heart grow fondw." 8t';p up to 'em, Johnny, smarter; Sorry Kato ulvo you tho mitten; Bho'd iuiIiI, "Yes," as suro as gospel K you hadn't been such a kitten. You will learn to vluw this matter Illmoby Jest tho way I view It, That tho gals would Uko to lovo ye, Hut you'vo got to mako 'cm do It. Everybody's bound to havo 'era All, at any rate, but few' are; An w'en I was young an lively I was taken jest as you are. An I went an popped It to her Skeercd completely out of natur', Trcmblln like a frightened rabbit, Hluxhln Uko a red tormater. After alio had told mo "No, sir," I was Jest about as you bo, Ooln round limp an kinder dumpish, Fcclln Uko a blasted booby. But I (ln'ly spuukud up courage l.lko a man to go an win her, An hho's Iwn a blrssln to mo; I can't say a word agin hcrl "Did I get her?" Now you'ro crazyi Do you b'iioso I'd get another W'en I lived tho gal Uko I did? Go an ask her, she's yer mother. Blnce that timo I tell tho youngs tors Jest tho way I alius vlow It, That tho guts would like to lovo 'em, But they'vo got to make 'cm do It Sam Walter Toss In Yankee Blade. 1PNIN E Kemp Hint Horaiipiiin. The hotting is 2 to 1 on Gritfo against Lavignc, and may go.') to 1 on account of tho heavy moneyed Interests behind tho Australian. Another dicislon bus been rendered in Philadelphia on the question of boxing. Even sparing exhibitions uro prohibited there hereafter, and the promoters nro trying to work up interest in wrestling. Eddy Foy and Joo Donor, the comedi ans, claim that Gritfo can whip any of the present American lightweights. Donor, who himself is a stout boxer, had the gloves on with Griffo in a try-out and says ho wants no more of it. The challenge issued in Chicago by Jimmy Carrol, backer of Jimmy Whalen, to fight any Impound man in tho world except Jack McAuliffo, for 1,000 aside has been accepted, 'John Considino sent word that he would accept the Llncoln.Nob,. Aug. 10. 1893. Sulpho-Salino Hath Co., Lincoln, Nob. Gentlemen I havo been a victim of rheumatism for soveral years past. I have suffered intonFo'y at timo.-i, and have gone to tho Hot Springs of South Dakota and the Hot Springs of Arkan sas live times seeking relief. I havo also taken much medicine under the directions of able physicians. About ono month ago I suffered from ono of the most violent attacks of tho disease and at once beuun takimr hot salt water baths ut your now and splendid bath house in this city. Under tho cure of your gentlemanly und efllciont attend ant, Mr. Honry Shmutto.I have, I think, entirely recovered. From experience and my observation of tho results of troutement of muny patients at tho hot springs above named and at your bath houso, 1 am convinced that bettor and quicker results can bo obtained by a course of hot salt water baths at your bath houso than ut any other place in tho country. I do not hesitate not only to recom mend, but to urge every ierson suffering from rheumatism to try u course of baths ut your bath houso under tho caro of ono of the physicians in charge. I believe your new and mauniliccnt bath house will prove a great blessing to tho many victims of rheumatism in this vicinity, and I hoie it will receive the liberal patronage ft merits. You havo not requested of mo any tistimonial, but I deem it proper that 1 1 should acknowledge tho great relief I ; have recioved at your hands, and you may use wnat 1 nave said in such manner as you may deem proper. 1 Very resiicctfully i (Copy) J. U. STRODE The above from Judge Strode is but a sample of many similar testimonials sent us without solicitation of which will upKur from timo to timo in these columns. Sulpiio-Samnk Hath Co. Fourteenth and M streotB Lincoln Neb. Muny people, not uwuro of tho dan gors of constipation, neglect tho propor remedy till tho habit becomes chronic, or inflammation or stoppage results. A dose or two of Ayor's Pills in tho begin ning would havo prevented all this. Fino now line of business suitings from $2T to $40 in Scotch und homespuns Jeckell Hros,, 119 north Thirteenth strcot, nonr Lansing theatre. For Sunday dinner supplies call at Halter's market, opposite Lansing Thou tor. Phono 100. Attention (1. A. It. Men, By taking tho Uurlington routo to Indianapolis you can visit tho world's fair either going or returning without oxtru charge for rail road faro. Apply to Honnoll ut HAM dojiot, or to Ziemor corner O und Tenth s't roots for tickots und information. Through HlcorWinil chair care via this routo. Our entire Handkerchief Stock for one week at ONK'HAIF ill IB There is more catarrh in of the country than this section all other diseases put together, and until the lust few years was supjxned to bo incurable. For u great many years doctors pro. nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, und by constantly failing to core with local treatment, pronounced it incurable, Science has proven catarrh challenge for Spidor Kelly, tho fight to j to ,,u tt constitutional disease and there- take place beforo tho club offering the ,oro rcqulrm constitutional treatment. lurgest purso. ' H,l"'B Catarrh Cure, manufactured by 1....1, r ' .-.. ....i.. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is tho . li xi v i o ,.' only constitutional euro on tho market, of one week, left for Now Wk Sunday,., ,'. ,. . . , , and will ut onco go into training for his contest with Dick uurge, of England Gome in and examine them, it will be to YOUR BEST INTEREST. It is taken internally in doses I drops to a teasoontul. It acts from 10 directly . . 1. . ion tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho Dempsoy is very much unnoyed ulwiut , ,. , -... , ,. !, 4 , . I, 4 it. .system. They offer HOO for any cuso t tho reports sent out us to his mentality' '. . 0 , . . ' ;, .. ........ . . - anil claims tnut it is tuo worK or ene mies who are trying to curtail his chances for getting on u mutch. Hy using Hall's Hair Renewor, gray, faded of discolored hair assumes the nutural color of youth, and grows luxu Hunt and strong, pleasing ovorylody. fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Tolodo, O. LW Sold by druggists, 75c. For ull Bociul doings tho Nebraska state bund or orchestra is whut is ulwuys most desired. .Hi 1039 O STREET. W. D. SHIELDS, M. D. PHY8ICIAN AND 8URQEON. OFFICE. 1136 O ST. KsMoct, 17)1 Pwtr 6trt. Ttbphoae 764 ;,iu itiutimiAm t3. , toiil.mthi iiiiln ,.JAt ?.. yi.TTaBjl fj ?-i M ? t Vi, :'M M fi ,n H; K M i i i i i I . M tfJUHWIKPi