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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1893)
fm HHBS .vay7" -rrmrw 'fwn T t i!3K I ii Mr u " V V E? C I . fc: fr .A V. . ai$ ( U'i r, n " "' 5 ft. la S-S t k (r r ? SIMYMWNIMI) PUILIIHED SATURDAYS COURIER PUBLISHING 60. !. PrasMsal Mi MmHWi bbIsbsmAajM amJ YaaAjBBhalaa MSClWff SJSHl AlWWvvi v WHfV BVTTSf oaMiiMomiMi TINMI OF tUMOMPTIONl Ohmm, om rear. U aavaass IMS IBS.... IHMMllHIMMMIIMKMMttl M iMlMIHM ........ 10 OORMIPONDINOt. .Osatrtsatloae aad all eowaisa'jalsMa nl nd all eofa'jaWHM tela sews aea Miioru 1 1 Trt Ihft Mtltnr. aad editorial atte aVmUTsssi- tsetses istters asd walrttMW tfteald irssMs le Ts Ooosiia rcsMSsrw Co., As. NK Drafts, check ant peaieflce MomM be aaaae payable to tat tar of jr. TUB OOORIKB rUBUMtra 00. W. MORTON MITM, ISfTSft. IIknry Wattkhhon Ik unkind to Mr. Bryan. Ho says thoro aro only two men in Waahtngton who know anything attiout silver, Stewart and Daniel. That waa unquestionably a great pooch that Mr. Bryan delivered ,in Waahhigton a couplo ot wooka ago. And It la mid that ono million copies of It will printed. Yet the majority agalnat free ailvor after his speech, oxcoodod tho wildcat calcula tion" mado before his ablo effort. And notwithstanding tho ono million copios the senate is suro to voto for repeal. Thr Indkpkndknt state convention Will be hold in thla city next week. The lame amHhe halt, the blind and the dumb, the frauds and tho fanatics, tho -croalsers and the demagogues, along with considerable number of woll Meaning but misguided pooplo will bo hero and the welkin will undoubtedly ring with tho iriorry din o! Jangling booms '.It is one peculiarity of tho lndopondont party that nearly overy morabor of it ia u caadldate f6r nearly overy office to which he ia eligible, and tho third party conventions are alwaya Interesting events Thr republican county convention Is only twenty days off, and a great deal ot talk ia heard about job and pot-house politicians and rings, etc., and the an nual, clamor for reform cornea welling up from the corner ot Eleventh and O atreeta with an occasional echo in tho newspaper oftcea. In Lancaster county polities the other fellow the fellow who waaU what you are trying for, or who elands in the way ot your getting it, la always a pothouse politician, and he ia invariably putting up a "Job," or man Ipulatlng a "ring." And the cry of "re form" always comes from ono candidato who ia trying to down anothor candidato. After all Is said and dono tho result is always practically tho same. Whon tho fellows who havo yollod tho loudest for reform got into office tho public isn't nble to boo any material dlfforonco between thorn and the men thoy hnvo displaced or doteated. Hut thoro Is tho same clamor at ovory spring and fall .lootion. In fact it would bo imioaaiblo now to ruu a campaign In thlscaunty without the Injection ot reform thunder, not as an evidence ot good faith, but for political purposes only. t Tan editor ot tho Boatrico Expreaa is be congratulated on his 'penetration. - He visited Lincoln the othor day and ho nays that overlooking the Mosher liasco, the viaduct troubles, tho street cur franchises, the school board porploxities, the' immoralities and debauchory ot tho bottoms, and other things now rampant in this lively city, he was really "agree ably surprised",, when ho entered tho city's gates. ' He saw homes that are ,modela ot architectural novelty and beauty, vast public improvements and conveniences, and ornato business blocks. He observed that our business district, "even in these day ot stagnation and dearth, presents an animated and ' altogether cheering spectacle.' Mora over he found tho city "cleanly, sym metrical and inviting." Ho discovered unmistakable traces ot "wostorn thrift , nHd energy." and ho run plumb into something which ho callod "culture." Bumming up he comes to tho conclusion that the "capital city is worthy its proud name and reflects honor and credit upon tho state." Thr Couuikk congratulates its vigilant contemporary upon its discovery ot Lincoln. To bo sure we have been discovered before, as waa America before Christopher made his memorable voyage, but there are things that can't be disebvored too often, and Lincoln is one ot them. Tho editor ot the Expreat is a gentleman who ia able to appreciate a good tiling wkejfbeseealt. Or the many able speeches in tho house of representatives on tho silver attention, that ot Congressman Bartlett waa notable, It not for its eloquence, for Meaouad sense. Answering Mr. Bryan land others who have plead for free 'aaWsir because, aa they contended, it 'wonld benefit the worklngman, Mr. ' JsVrtlett aldi'r-T--.---' v -a. ' , '.'."It weald as a aswew view to asMaae that W sear laawsts M ear vast territory are asos IMIssBMetNshstakaerte themUesof Colo 1 sadwetM ThsMsshHaMaatisW , JBSBjttaaad at Ms Isms, me eraater, the ffl M) nrllsan, or nrtlflrr,thn banker, the merchant, Om clerk, the clergyman, the doctor, the lawyer, tlio editor, tho reporter, In feet, ererr one who It not an Idler, all are laborer In the broad, crnerlo sense of the term all earn their bread by thosweat of their brow, and thejr are entitled to just ai much consideration ai the miner who drllla the hots for the dynamite cartrldce or wlnn the pick In the mountain! ot the far we!, It u e how thla system would operate even with the mjner, who, at the tad ot hU week's work, when he, the creditor, appeared for hla wae before his employer, his debtor, should bo told, It not In words In substance. 'Mere, take your pay In this slim which Is worth In purchasing power SO per cent of gold. Take It became I am your dobtor tor your labor, and to me belonss the choice of mode of payment. I know that the purchasing power ot our cur. rency has been soscaled down that you cannot now buy half the food and drink and clothing for the same nominal amount of wages, and that your wife and children are on the verge of starvation, but remember that you are swage earner, and that Wgea are the last thing to adrance, although the cost of living haa been much enhanced, Do not complain, for the great cause of fnecolnage haa triumphed.' The gentleman from Colorado asks I Can you afford to vote to Increase the value of the dol lart I answer t We do not vote to Increase its value I but we vote not to degrade or depreciate It. We can never afford to do that which Is wrong (wo can alwaya afford to do that which Is right." . CRISP'S COMMITTEES. What May be Ktpeetod from the fifty- Third Congress. (Special Correspondence. Washington, Aug. 81. "There is no mercy in politics." With this senten tious sentence an old habitue of thecapi tol summed up the striking features of the new house committees appointed by Speaker Crisp. The speaker hesitated about displacing the heads of the two principal committees and only came to his decision when convinced that what are called the exigencies of politics de manded it, but this cannot lessen the blow to Jadge Holmaa, retired at the close of his life from the committee where he had made his reputation, and William M. Springer, deposed from the head of the most important committee of the house, Just when it had something of historical moment to do. To Mr. Springer the loss iri prestige ia especially severe at thla time, as for the first timo in years he is threatened with a tight for the Democratic congressional nomina tion. A wealthy Springfield banker named Caldwell, according to the belief of Illinoisaaa here, will strive to get the nomination, and aa he recently proven twl the state fair being moved from Spring field to Peoria it is feared he may secure Mr. Springer's home county of San gamon. According to the unwritten westers political code, no man can gain a nomination unless backed byhisowu county. Ia selecting his new men harmony be tween the house and the administration waa aimed at by the speaker, and up pnrently has been secured, Possible combinations against the speaker for re election have also been guarded against by good committee assignments in state from which trouble might come. And with it all the speaker has stuck to tin rule that no man can have friends who does not stand by his friends. The south gets the lion's share of the committee chairmanships 82; eastern and middle states, 11, and western statot, 18. Of the Important chairmanships, tin' south gets ways and means, appropria tions, judiciary, commerce, rivers and harbors, foreign affairs, postofflcea, puln )io lands, territories, public buildings ami education. The eastern states havo as their im portant chairmanships only naval nf fairs and immigration. Tho western states secure military affairs, banking and currency, merohaut marine and fisheries, pensions, Indian affair tiuil labor, with Missouri having coinago and agriculture. The numerous chanw among nortboru Democrats and their short tenure of service is at least par tially accountable. The most Important committee, now that the bill for the repeal of the Ger man law is out of committee jurisdic tion, is the committee on ways anil means. The fact that Mr. Wilson ot West Virginia is chairman is conclu-iive evidence that the bill to be framed will be a complete revision of the tariff uul one thoroughly in accord with the viewt of the administration, for Mr. WiUou waa the president's choice for tho plirjc. Mr. Wilson says that the committee will go to work promptly and will prepare h bill making a complete revision, but in timated that he was favorable to an ad journment of congress until December, when the silver question is out of tuc way. It is the purpose to make suili tariff cuts as will meet the party plat form. Additional revenues for the bui nort of government will be raised by v.i. aicrease of the whisky tax. 'iflBBtHElmBBBm tBBSsflaBBtSr BbV'Jw bom, amos j. cumaNoa. The new committee on ways nm' means oonsUU of 17 members. Thi uew chairman ia a man of studious hab its who will give close, carefal thought to the preparation of the tariff bill and will make a brilliant prepared speech In ita explanation and defense, Hlsfrienl believe ha will prove himself not oul) capable ot answering attacks after u week of study and thought, but ot lead bag hla party and acting qakkly. The eWef daty of trWpiagdawa aaoro priatiofi devolves on appropriation committee. Mr. Holmaa's successor, Governor Bayers of Texas, enjoys the respect, esteem and coafideaea of the house to a marked degree. Ha is a poor speaker, but a hard, conscientious work er, fair, just and upright. His party has added to his burdens at the very outset by iacreasiag the membership of the committee from 15 to 17. It is an axiom at the capitol that the more men on an appropriations committee the lar ger will be the bills brought in. A con sideration of past appropriation bills will how the justification for the axiom. Ia the Forty-sixth congress the appro priations committee waa raised tram 11 to IS members. Of the three congresses preceding the Forty-sixth, two ware Dem- ratio and one Republican. Of the three (greases beginning with the Forty i, two were Democratic and one tblicaa, so that politics outs no Ag in the oomparuoa. The regular I appropriations for the three earlier congresses aggregated tl,Mt, 86S,9M.D7, or aa annual average of fl71,147,es.4; for, the three later con gresses, $l,8o9,964,818.91, or aa annual average of tS9S,880,808.18. Kiel wive of pensions, the annual average for the earlier ccngresses was $1M,7M,84.M and for the later congresses $1M,8I8, 18.70. These figures ia each case of course are exoluelve of the permanent annual appropriations for the public debt, etc. When I went in to ask him for this comparison, Governor Bayers said he knew the natural tendency of larger membership was toward Increased ap propriations, but he was well pleased with the membership and believed ha would be able to make aa exception to the rule in this congress. BWsVsVaBBtuV.i ii WjVjWjVjbbuu sasr ' MOV, J. a. onaaxirBunrgB. The presence of Amoa Cummlngsat the head of the naval committee means a more liberal policy toward the nary and appropriations for new ships. Mr. Cummlngs has persistently fonght for the new navy and has constantly advo cated an adherence to the policy of pro Tiding new ships each yeai . Mr. Bland's committee on coinage is pretty evenly divided between the silver and anttettvsr men. He faces a number of new men, including two of the most pronounced "goldbugs" of the house, Messrs. Rayuer of Maryland and Barter of Ohio. The other financial commit tee, that presided over by Mr. Springer of Illinois, appears to be opposed to state bank tax repeal. It Is not likely to re main unheard of, for Mr. Springer is a man fertile in resources and ideas and will make the most out of his place The foreign affairs committee, with Mr. McCreary of Kentucky chairman, will bo in thorough accord with the policy tho Rdminstration pursues 6n the Hawaiian quostiou. Mr. McCreary is a gentleman of culture and learning, and as a member of tho international mone tary conference and of tho foreign affairs committee for years has fitted himself for his present post. As chairman of the Indian committee Mr. Holmau will pare the Indian bill closely and will soo that no big claims, auch as were originally in last year's bill, aro brought forward. A significant fea ture of the makeup of the Indian com mittee is the absence of men on it from the Indian couutry. Rivers and harbors is practically un changed and is committed in advance to liberal waterway improvements, while public buildings is committed to a con trary policy, Chairman Bankhead hav ing opposed any new public building bills in the last congress, and with such success that the congress waa absolutely unique in that not a single now public building was provided for during the whole congress. Mr. Hatch and bis agri cultural committee do not show much change and later on will bring in anti options and pure food bills. No radical immigration or naturalisa tion laws will come from the immigra tion and naturalization committee, with Mr. Oeisscnhainer of New Jersey at its head. His selection waa opposed una valllngly by labor organizations on the ground that ho was against the Imposi tion of restrictions on European immi gration. Mr. Oelssenhainer has never taken a prominent part in the house, but in committee and quietly he steadfastly opposed measures Intended to operate as a bar to free immigration. The labor committee, now deemed of little importance, may possibly spring in to unexpected prominence before the congress is over in view of the demon strations of tho unemployed. Ita chair man is one of Chicago's bright Irishmen, Lawrence McGann. His colleagues are nearly all new members. Ot the other committees It is net nec essary to say much, they being practical ly the same as last year, aa ia the case of the judiciary committee, or else waiia portant CH.Mebuxat. R. a. . a. There Is one thing that seeau to tola My steps from happy majrrtatm. it ia sot scarcity of gold Wherewith to keep a earrt . Nor that I have not long atnss s With catting, boyish eater Bat eae saisglvlng osix e4 MDs atee glrU' use eti i If I should see her lyieenly htas) Done ap la Buaday". Journal, I knew I'd think her "tetter AsesT Of ssersd ta reals lafetnslt Oh, Bfttty assMeas, east anst west. wf aeiiei saiuaif i awjreeroa eetaari World's ValrRaaveiilrs Free. Lincoln people will have an opportu nity on Monday to obtain beautiful souvenirs of the, Columbian exposition free of charge, Mr. J. A, Dorsoy, tho en terprising dry goods morchant, 1121-23 N street has secured an unlimited supply of penholdors mado of aluminum, very attractive designs, with pens, and one of these souvenirs will bo prreentod to every visitor to the store on Monday. Tho pen holders aro in tho form ot a quill and are very pretty. Call at Dorsoy's on Monday and got one. A Week at the Fair For $ We have ten vacancies in a club of forty who are going to the world's fair at the above price. This includes fare both ways two meals a day and room for seven days. For further information apply beforo September 5 F. H. Ainsworth, E. O. Folhom, 1640 O street. 1130 O street. Hood's Pills cure constipation. They are, the best after-dinner pill and family cathartic. For Rent A. splondld residence near the capitol. Furniture for sale houso newly furnished last May. In quire Courior offlco, 1134 O street. A fine line of canned soups, 25 cents per can, Mtllor & Uinord, grocers. When you and your beet girl aro out for a stroll always make a boo lino for Juno ice cream pavilion Thirteenth and O streets. There may bo some nlcor and cooler places to enjoy a plato of delicious ico creams than Chas. Juno's pavillion, but they aro not to bo found in this neigh borhood. Fruited ico cream soda water mado from tho natural fruit, at Rector's Phar macy. . Jeckell Bros, now tailoring establish ment, 110 north Thirteenth street near the Lansing is tho popular resort for stylish garments. Furs stored for tho summer insured free from moths and theft at F. E. Voolkor's, practical furrior, Y. M. C. A. building. June tho caterer, Thirteenth and O streets is anxious to servo all parties, picnics and festivals with ico cream ices, cakos, etc., and will appreciate a call from all intonding entertainers. Mr: Anna Sutherland Kalamazoo, Mich., had swellings In the neck, or Goitre ycTbcaus?ng 40 Years greatsuflerlng. Whenshocmightcoldcouhlnot walk two blocks without fainting. She took Hood's Sarsaparilla And Is now free from It all. She has urged many others to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and they havo also been cured. It will do you good. HOOD'O PlLLS Cure all Urer Ills, Jaundice, stek nsadacbe, bUloatnsu, sour stomach, nausea. T)rV &00TJS III OR SHI. WEI OR DRY. THIS STOCK MUST BE SOLD OUT AT ONCE, COME AND GET WHAT YOU NEED WHILE THE ASSORTMENT JS GOOD. WE MEAN BUSINESS C. C. HOBKaVmON. Cor. 11th and N Steer BBBBH&9tS3i1HBE.vr 'ftx) gccHnjarmp! ' j? PgmBBBSBKT dam? ' BBBBBBMBsiBBBBBBnW: SiatSSiJSlBBBBBrJrJnWaMBBBBBBBBfc&s: iimt M W R 1 1 i Suitable for Dress Trimmings, foargest stock in the city. Ail colors and widths, from No. 1 to 80, of Satin and Gros' Grain, Satin Edge, and Velvet Ribbons. We are also showing New Fall Shades in Velvets and Velveteens. Funke's 'A Opera House Corner. Aftcmll Ordersi Given j rj- ; BEAUTIFUL 1015.. TO 1019 BROWNING WILL OPEN SOON. ' ,., e. WfrK flie entire Stock will lcky you. to wait. mm n, Weil piE It Iff & l&lM-UOO B XJ R N I TTJ I E I I HbibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbisbWbbbbbbbbWsbWbbbB bH I I Lbbbi HI I BBBBI BBBB1 I I BBBBI ll BBBB. IIBbI BBBB Rudge BONS ? Corner O and Twelfth Streets. Prompt Atterati on. & NEW STORE, O STREET, 'will toe ne-vv cttid It s Decidedly mi THE Line for the Fall and Winter and will begin at once to quote such prices In all departments as will make competition quiver. Gome In and see our new patterns and you'll buy nowhere else. M And all fancy and staple pieces at prices that touch the pocket book easy during stringent times. Won't you favor us with a call. Morri Cot. IV aTMISlST. KING Guvs w MI CHAMBER W PARLOR m SETS ft ," JMB-ii.rn Hg sasts el I i" t&MXBtitlMX. iAkiiitsfcir BO . !I i J i tfr.-,.Atf?.-fws& B