Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1893)
X If. 'r THE Fust Mbtiohbl Biwi. O AND TENTH BTRKETB. Capita), $400,000. Surplus, $100,000. i- OFFICER I ' X. 8. Rabwood, President. , . Crah. A. Hamma, Vice President. F. M. Cook, Cashier. , . . 0. 8. LtrriNcorr, Amltnt Cashier. , a. 8. Femman, Assistant Cashier. ' iONAL LINCOLN, NEB. GAPITAb, $250,000.00. Oflcers and Director. Jonw U. Wiioht, President, T. E. Bands, Vice President. J.H.HcCLAT,Cahlor. F. & Johnson, H. P; Lao, Tboa. Cochran, E. K. Biter. T. W. Lowrcy, W. L. Dayton, General Banking Business Transacted. COLLECTION A SrECIALTT. LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $20,000.00. JOSEPH BOEHMER, Pre. HERMAN H. SCHABEEG, V. Prtt. CHAS. E. WAITE, Cathier. GEO. H. SCHWAKE, Ast. Cathier. B tef CCUt on Deposit Paid at the M3VOo:l,n AND SAFE DEP08IT CO. Cor. P and Eloronlh 8t. fheonlySafe Deposit Vault tit Lincoln DIEECTOR9. 8, 8. Rarwood. O.nrock. ,,., Wm. McLaughlin. W. A. Bclleck. CT.Bncn. . O.W. Webster. Albert Wpt kins. Fred Williams. Rachel Lloyd. H. b. Hn'.lmway. t. 7,. Rriscoo. t. J. Krnst. II. W. Brown. It.O.I'hUlips. K. R. Blzer. llonry Vcith. Henry . Lewis. 'LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S flAIRCUTTINGr o o o SHAMPOOING A 8PECIALTY, AT SAM WESTERFIELD'S. BURR BLOCK. .flTATiT TVQ Howtocconomuotlme. ! 11 J1UU (j and money so as to see : T? A 1 Tf lll world's falrtobest: ; 1 AU advantage, Is a quos-; tlon Hint may hare. ;puiilou you. Avoid mistakes by getting' . posted In advance Pcrlmiistholllustrnted. folder Just issued by Hntitn Fe Route Is; .what you need. It contains vlows of world's, 'fair buildings, accurate, map of Chicago,? .and other inforrrm- , .lertrfL1: SANTA FE! Palmer, P. A. Banta "DATIfPI? 1 :Fo Ituiith, Omaha, itUUiJll. ; and ask for freo copy. J . St.. ..................... ............ WCOLtf Wtwmm& rntt Tuition I Fall term, in eren different I Hit courses. Only high grad independent Normal in the state. The Finest Building. Equipments, and Ablest, Normal Faculty. No experiment, but an established juanagsment. 40 courses, 35 teachers and lecturers. A lire school for tho masses. Wrlto for catalogue. E. B. BIZER, Mr. Lincoln, Neb. j. o. ivioJvi3'r'x UPHOLSTIRIR AND CAIIINET MAKE"., Does all kinds of Repairing Promptly. All work wurrunteu. 308 So. 11th St. Lincoln. Neb. T. C. KERN, D. D. S. DENTIST. Rooms 25 and 26, Burr Block. JCIIVCOIvlV, - - 2VISB. FREg Pamphlet describing tb resource of KANSAS, ARIZONA, OKLAHOMA, NEW MEXICO and CALIFORNIA, May lo had by addressing O.T. Nicholson, O. P. it T. A., A. T. A 8. F. K. R., Topeka, Kansas. Mention this paper. , 'f FROM 82.60 TO S4.60. Lincolp Stiff - Hat Factory S. W. COn. TWBLFTH AND O 8T8. " ' Old Huts-Blocked, Cleaned, Dyed. and mide as good as new. All kind$ of Repair Work done. win I pan National ji. 7T) W W IS MAD 1 nn Hon. N. S. Harwood la In Chicago. Miaa Olivo Lnttu 1b visiting in Omaha. Miss Virginia Horn has gono to Chi cago. Mr. W. E. King loft Tuesday for Chi cago. Mr. O, Y. Smith has returned from Boston. Mayor Weir returned from Chicago Sunday. Miss Maud Burr left Saturday for Chicago. Rev. Lewis Gregory left for Now York, Tuesday. Mr. L. Weasel, was an Omaha visitor this week, Mrs. W. J. Mastin is visiting hor sister in Omaha. Mr. A. Koch Andrlano visited Oniahn Wednesday. Miss Anna Dick. loft, Friday for tho world') fair. Mr. and Mrs.,8. L. Miller are at , tho world's fair. Mr. Mnttson Baldwin hna returned from Chicago. Mrs. E. J. Hallott loft Tuesday for tho world' fair. Mr. II. R. Krug has returned ' from tho world's fair. Mr. and Mrs. E, Erb, left Monday for HopkinBville, Ky. Hon. R. R. Qroor, of Kearney, wub in tho city this week. Dr, D. P. Sims has roturnod from Chi cago and tho lakes, Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo R. Scott loft for St. Louis Tuesday, Mm. John M. Stewart 1b visiting friends lit ItoUlrcgo. l3x--GoVcrnor Thnyor has roturnod from Lu Porto Toxaa. Miss Stella Rico has roturnod from a visit to tho world's fair. Miss Anna Greon is enjoying n vaca tion at tho world's fair. Master John Hnrloy Is on n hunting expedition in Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gray returned Tuesday from Now York. Misses Minnie and Kato Mollck are enjoying a visit at Chicago. Rov. and Mrs. C. C. Lasby havo re turned from their trip west. Miss Kittio North is enjoying week at tho Columbian exposition. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hill woro in Boatrico Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Marshall and Miss Mario Mar shall havo boon visiting in Omaha. Mr. and MrB. Abbott and eon ChatlcB havo returned from an euBtern trip. Congressman Bryan is expected to pay Lincoln a brief visit next wcok. Dr. W. L. Dayton has returned from tho world's fair and an custom trip. Land Commissioner Humphrey visi ted Hustings and Kcurney thia week. Mrs. J. Brown, of Oculu, Flu., is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Kutzenstien. Mr. II. T. Dobbins, of tho New, has returned from tho Columbian exposition. Miss Emmu Moore, of Bloomington, III., is visiting tho family of Mr. J. E. Hill. Miss Jesflio Lander has returned from a week's visit with friends in Storling, Nob. Mr, W. E. Clarke, of Omaha, was in town this wcok, the guest of 'Mr. C. L. Burr. Lieutenant-Governor Thomas J. Mujors, of Poru, was in tho city this week. Miss Millie Hamilton, of Omaha, is tho guest of her cousin, Miss Sina Mastin. Mr. Fritz Westerman haB roturnod from an extended visit in Chicago and tho east. Messrs. W. Furnam Smith, Buldridgo and Clapp, of Omuhu, spent Sunday in this city. Mr. Julius Westerman, will leavo shortly for New York where ho will study nediciuo. Messrs. Wint, Howurd, Rathbum and Frank Huwloy left Sunday for tho world's fair. Mr. J. E. Murkell, of Onulm whh u Lincoln visitor this week. Ho returned homo Tuesduy. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Jones left for Chi cago Monday. Thoy oxiect to bb gono a couple of weeks. Mr. J. H. Weston and family, of Heat rice, passed through Lincoln Sunday en route to Chicago. Mr. Joseph Gurneuu, of Omaha, world's fair commissioner general, was in Lincoln thin week. . Mcstirs Phillip Jones, Hcnrich and Bowen left for Grand Island Wednesday to attend tho reunion, Miss L. H.LoomiB returned tho llrst of tho week from an extended visit in in Chicago and Omaha. . Mrs. P. V. M, Raymond and son huvo returned from u month's visit in tho east and ut.tho. world's fair. Secretary Furnas, of tho state board of agriculture, has opened stuto fuir oillces in thu Lincoln hotel, MIhs Chandler, who hits been visiting hcr.Bunt, Mrs. S. D. Loughildge, left Wednesday for Paola, Kan. Mrs. J. R. Brydon will return today after a two month's visit at tho world's fair and with Ohio relatives. Mrs. E. Lane and Miss Matilda Lane left Monday for Auborn, Nob,, after a visit with relatives In this city. Miss Mfnnlo Clark, of Cambridge, O., who has been visiting relatives in thia city, loft for her homo Tuesday, Miss Maud Ferguson, of Tecumsoh, is the guest of hor friend, Miss Kittio Flynn, nt 110 South Tenth street. Mrs. L. E. Ulrich left Friday for hor homo in Hopkinsylllo, Ky., after a pleas ant visit with trionds in Lincoln, ' Miss Myrtle Bohanan returned" Wed. ncsdny from Chicago nntl points fn the east. Slio was absont threo months. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Clark returned to Lincoln yesterday after a tour of several weeks through tho Rocky Mountains. MossrB. Ralph ,and Corw(n Haggard and Harry Shears loft Monday afternoon for tho Whlto City to spend two weeks. Mr. Nolson McDowell, of tho 'secre tary of state's ofllco,, returned, Tuesday from Chicago, whore ho spent;. threo weoks- i j , , - Mr. Fred Smyzor, who has boon Blind ing the Hummer with his' friend, Mr. Frank Burr, left for his homo In Boston Friday. Mr. J. M.Butlor loft Thursday for Boston to attend tho annual convention of tho Railway Clerks Mutual Benefit association. Miss Mary Miller, of Chicago, who has been visiting her slstor, Mrs. D. E. Thompson, loft Wednesday for a brief vUlt in Omaha, , , Mr. Qeorgo J. Gadd, of tho Western Union ofllco in this city, lefSunduy f6r St. Jnmcn, Minn., where ho huTiiccopiou a clerkship Itt a hotel. Mrs, L, W. Bllllngsloy and daughter, Miss Bco, havo roturnod from a month's visit at Colorudo Springs, Manitou and other points in Colorado. Miss Nottio Davis, who has been visit ing Mrs. D. E. Worthington,of this city for several weokB, has returned tb hot homo in Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Louiso Glosen and noico, Miss Long, who havo been tho guosts of their cousin Mrs, M. Nowmark left Tuesday fo. their homo in St. Louis. Mr's.W. E. Harding and-Mrs. E. U. Harding, who havo boon visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Webster, left Friduy evening for a visit in Kansas. Professor F. W. Taylor, who cumo on to Lincoln on business connected with tho Nebraska horticultural exhibit at the world's fair, roturnod Wednesday. Miss Mary Morrisey, of Gulesburg, III. left Lincoln for hor homo Wednesday ufter having visited hor cousins tho Misses Hogun, for the past four weekB. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Hathaway havo ro turned from the west, Mrs. Hathaway from Portland, Ore., and Mr. Huthuway from u hunting exHulition in Wyoming. Mrs. F. A. Fisko has returned from a visit of several weeks with friends in Toledo, O., and at tho world's fair. She was accompanied by Miss Grace Colo mini, of Fremont, Nob. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Smith and Mr. nntl Mrs. D. W. Smith, of Utica, N.Y., are tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Graham. Mr. und MrB. Nathan Smith uro the parents of Mrs. Graham. Mr. Rezin Welch returned Wednes day ufternoon from Colorudo whore ho has been spending tho past two months. Ho bus received much benefit from tho trip und is greatly improved in health, Mr. L. Wessol Jr. roturnod Monduy utter a two months sojourn at Atluntic City. Ho goes to'St. Joseph to-day und will return Monduy with Mrs. Wessel und daughter who huvo been visiting relatives tho past wcok. Mr. J. Russell Brydon returned Thurs day ufter a commercial tour of tho west in tho interest of tho wholesulo depart ment of M. Ackermun & Co. Russell reports this tho most successful trip ho bus over mudo through the state. Mr. und Mrs. J. I. Underwood, who huvo been spending tho summer in Chi cago, huvo returned to Lincoln. Misses Jennie und Mary Underwood uro visit ing relatives in Dayton, O., und will not return till some time in November. Miss Anna Everhart, of Philadelphia, is visiting Miss Amy Covert. Mihh Means, of Kansas City, und Miss Suuin, of Newton, la., who will act as brides maids at tho Means-Covert wedding, to occur Tuesday, will urrivo in tho city to morrow or Monday. Mr. O. R. Oakley and daughters, Mrs. T. W. Grilllth und MIsh Grace, and Mr. and Mis. R. II. Oakley and daughter, Miss Maud, left Saturday for tho worlds fair. Mr. Oakley und Miss Maud will go from thoro to Albany N. Y., where tho latter will attend school, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wolf, formerly of Lincoln, but now of Wyoming, aro visit ing Mr. Michael Noonau. Mr. Wolf is ro turning (o his homo from Iowa with his bride, who is well known in Lincoln as Miss. Alico Leahy, formerly tho popular principal of, tho JVeHt Lincoln school, Tho happy coujilo havo a largo circle of friends in Lincoln, who wish them much happiness and prosperity in their future home. "Tho Befit" Laundry, 2208 .O Btreet, telephone IVi.), H. Townsend Si Qi,i'ro' priotois, Lincoln, Nob. .1 HIQH CARNIVAL AT ST. LOUIS. TMC MKTItOI'OMH OK TMK MISSISSIPPI VAL- LKY AOA1N PKKHKNTH A PU00HAM OK ' FALL riMTIVITIKH THAT roll IIKII, 1.IAN0V AND VAttlKTY OUT- HIIINK8 THK OAHNIVAI. CITIES OP TIIK oi.u would, Paris, tho most magnificent city tm either .continent, has for ages held the jH-omJ title of "the premier carnival olty otx.the world." Howover, during tho last ten or twelve years un American rival of no mean pretensions has con tested for that high honor, and today St, Loufaliolds what Paris so reluctantly folimjulshed, the title of "tho carnival city ot the two continents." , Not content with the successful ex hlblttonnof previous years, tho autumnal festivities association has arranged a program for 1BI).'I that for brilliancy and vurloty will ho difficult to Improve Uon, Tho llrst of tho grout attractions, tho St. Lous .oxM)sltlon, wlH throw its doorrt opensto tho public September 0 and con tlnuo until October 21, Tho world ro now nod Sousn's bund lias been engaged by tho management, which In itself is a sulllcient; Inducement to crowd u. Inngnlllcqnt building during every con cort. ,, , Special attention has been paid to tho street Illuminations, and on tho evenings of August Jll, September 7, 14,21 and 28, und October 3, fi, 12 and 10, tho most magnificent display yet attempted will greet tho oyo of tho fortunate visitor; electricity .playing a prominent part. Tho evening of October ,'l the Veiled Prophot und his followers will parado through tho principal thoroughfares, and immediately after tho groat liall, which has received consldornblo prom ineflCQ throughout the world, will bo held, . -Tho thlrty-thlrd great St. Louis fair and zoological gardens, October 2 to 7, will bo tho crowning week of tho carnival bcusou. This Institution has no poor, und is known in ovory land whero. the footprints of civilization exists. The Missouri Pacific railway und Iron Moun tain route being distinctly St, Louis linos, nnd having nt all times tho inter ests of tho city in mind, have made a ro murkubly low round trip rate from all polntB on tho entire system to St. Louis und return during tho festivities. For further information in regard to rates, route, limit of tickets and a copy of tba fall festivities proirrnm. address nearest Missouri Pucitlc or Iron Moun tain ticket agent in your territory, or H. O. Townsend, G, P. A T. Agt., St. Louis. Clilcngo mid thn Itljt HiirlliiKtoti, Few pcoplo.even travellers, realize tho enormous business tlojMt .by Lincoln's big railroad tho liurllugton. One scarcely cut) got n idea of tho imort unco und extensive operations bettor than when leaving Chicago. In the mussivo union depot, whero such lines us tho Pennsylvania, tho St. Paul, tho Alton und others arrive and depart, no road stands as prominent before tho masses at all times as does tho Burling ton. There is not un hour during tho day from morning till night but one or more trains find their way in and out ot this largo depot; and it is a surprising fact that tho C. 1). & Q. runs out nearly twice us many trains. us .any other lino. In leaving Chicago, westward bound, ucres of "Q." tracks uro -visible nnd tho number of couches to bo .seen in tho yards, numbering way .up into tho hun dreds, mukes ono think that with such extensive equipment, a scarcity of cars would bo almost impossible. Along tho lino numerous jwrtly suburbs uro found in ono unbroken stretch for. a distunco of nearly forty miles, which ends at Aurora, and tho various beautiful towns show tho enterprise und push of thisgrcut railroad system. With frequent trains to all these points tho Chicago business man can reach homo at u distance of fifteen miles quicker and live more com fortably than in tho fur-off resident or tions of tho city. Chicago is yet very tamo in tho mutter of rapid transit, and until some far better project for reach ing distunco localities from tho business center is reulizcd, tho beautiful and healthy suburbs will continue to grow und prosper. Tho service and equip ment on through trains for tho west uro ot tho highest ordor and really unexcelled by any lino in America. Tho Pullman service in particular is always kept up to tho very best, and not oven tho famous limited trains from Chicago to Now York can show handsomer sleepers than some of tho now ones that now cover tho Bur lington rails. On tho contrary, tho writer just having returned from Now Yotk, found nowhere oust, with but ono exception, an equipment equal in ele gance, comfort und speed of trains that was experienced on the liurllngtoii. i Western people seem to realize this fact j us is shown by tho immense world'B fair ' trulllu. Every train reaches this city1 with additional coaches and thousands go and como from tho big White City, ami among their pleasures enjoyed away from homo never fall to enumerate their trip oer tho Burlington as ono of them. The Union Purlllii Cut Ititte. Don er, one way $ 10.75 Denver, round trip 20.00 Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Chejenno the sumo rate. Chicago, ono way.... , ,. O.Kt Chicago, round trij j 10.10 St. liuis, ono way lO.Oo St. Louis, round tri 18.10 Full Information cheerfully given at 11)11 u si reel, souuiwetu cor. Uand nth. .1. T. Ma'htin, E. B. Si.obho. City Ticket Agt. (Ion. Agt. JVIJ BLOCH & KOHPCS t Prosreaslve Dry Gooda ISmporliAm 1141 AND 1 143 O STREET if You Are Going To THE WORLD'S FAIR you should begin at once to inform yourself on the subject, so that you may use your time there to the best '. , advantage. You will not be able to see every thingyou may see what you are specially interested in if you go there informed at the beginning. If You Are Not Going To THE WORLD'S FAIR you should do the next best thing -know as much as possible ' ' ';n . about it. If you can't see it you can at least read about it. In either event you imperatively need a daily paper from the World' s-Fair city you need a Chicago daily, and The Chicago Record Will meet your SULPHO SALINE BATH ?." P1;! UblirtBUBt la sow open la all department with ta xoeptlonor Tarkisn, InsiUa, Xlaotrlo tsiluit sadkoau, ud ttas will ba ready bjr Jun I, ' Arranmontl of Houra-OURAT n.DNOK. t.adlm, from I . ni. to ti:M p. ss. Dalljr txrept Hnudny. Usntlomsn, from I p. m. to II p. m. wi k dajs, and from a. in. to P. in. Bandit SOCIAL BWIMtf-On Honda and Thursday sTtnlnir T.-30 to IO:TO ths plan will i npii to uotli srzi-s. aentlcmon on Hum rt.nlnir will us admlttwl only whsn accompanied by a lady and all strannsrs to tbs Institution mut procure an Intro dactlon utur thy enn purcbass tick its, Only special non-traoifrnlil tickets will b ac cepted on social erenliiRs. apaojal Notloea-Oa Wednesday alternoon from I toto'sloek the a-rent pluner can be rented lor prlritie parties. I'blldren nader Vi will not be admitted unit accompanied by parent or KUurdtan. Hoys undr 10 will be admitted during ladles bourn when accom panied by tbiilr mother or Ktiardlan. During Jun. July and Anauat the great pinnae will lie open to both ssips niy eseept Handay. The arrat pinnae occupies a apace ol W feet wide br 142 lectin length and Is from a to feet deep' It Is mint with mlm-rul water from tbucoinpany' own wells and Is absolutely pure anil remark ably clear and buoyant. There are lOOdrrsslna; rooms, two toilet rooui,to hot und cold bower baths, one nutomatlc nretll- buth, two rubber covered spring boards, n rntt. a trawling crime nnil rope for acquiring the art of swlmnilnir. Hevrral lite prveerTere, mir ror, combs ii ml iiiuahes, eonpH nnd towels, ste., and the admission to the pluajre with all ot tbea prlrllegv I out 20 OSMTsl. Ml Bertls tlnrr and Mr. P. Persr gtrs Instructions la swimming to ladles and cblldrwa. men and boy durlug advertised hours. Th Hot Salt Baths are remarkably efficacious In such nltmsnts as rhmmntlam, dysorpulu, gout, mataila, kidney, liver and nervnun truuMen nml blood iIIm-us!. 'I be hot anlt depnrtinrnts ar probably th most Important ot this urenl eslaiillebmeut au.l both seies may but be nt the siime I line, there belnu minratn h ml dlstlncl apart tnsnt for I miles and gentlemen, with skilled Httemlnnts In umli, If you are sick, or feel bad and don't know emctly what nils you, try theeesnlt bntbs for a ebort tlmeaud see the result. It will be a revelation to you. Tho Bed Rooms are charming, they are well vntl1ated, handsomely furnlthed and are for tbs nicoininoilatloii ot tlmaelii III health who wish to take baths and remain In the building, or for Ihuse who wUh u uUbU lodging after a Turkish, IIumIhii or Cabluet liatb. The Reception Rooms ana Private Parlors arerlcbly decorated and afford much comfort and rest to thow who wish to tthllenway anhonr or two after abatb. The latest fsshlon bonks, periodicals nnd Illustrated papers are on convenient tallies. Luxur ious dlvane, rockers and say cuiilm are un every aide. The curpets are rich la color and dtalgn. He sure aud visit these apartments. The Barber shop Is In charge of careful men. The tools are sharp, ths surround ings neat and comfortable aud the t hnrger moderate, Tho Ladles Hair UrnsslnR Department Is very compleU nnd iupplled with everything necensary for artistic aud satisfactory work. he luny atlendnnts are experi enced and courteous nnd will strive to pleaw all who favor them wlln nvl-lt The Plain Baths are very completH nnd afford nrnplo arcouiinodntlonsfor both sexee at tbs sstn time. All tubs are white porcelain. Pamphlets, titalltnonlals and nil Information maybe recured by adlreilax Drs. M II, and J O. Hverett, munaKlng physlclittis, II and Koiirteentli streets, Llm-oln, Neb. MHlWfjTMHaMMrMSJsjrjHBlj Concise. Modern. Practical. Inexpensive. Tttl YOUTH'S CYCLOPEDIA Now riiiidy hi two liirjjo octavo volume. Prepared by a corjm of tfacliora atal wlutaitlotml wiiteia exptemly for itflo of imjills and stutfentH In pub lic Htitl private dcIiooIb, BeminiiiieH and academies. Costing but a enmll fraction of Vie price of tho largo cyolopiedlaH, it is ten times moiu VHluahle for the purpose, bucaiisu it fits. Tcachfi-u are enthuHitiBtic in its praise, saying it ineettt a need which has been long and deeply felt. For agents It Is u bonanza. No competition! no other book like it; a positive and urgent demand for It. Wo havo a system of canvassing the school which Insures quick work and big results. First agent took 100 orders nt lO days, another Iikh tak.n orders for 1MW setB In 7 weeks, and says ' 1 have sold hooks for ten "years and this is tho best seller I ever struck," WF WANT AfiFNTQ vv,' w"1 Kivt' "" heIr 1,,r"' HT1tl W8nl totnakeblmoney. TIL If All I nULIIIO W give extra terms and oxcliislvo territory. Toacliors and Students who want prolltablo vacation work should write us. For full information nnd terms, address X.AT7REATB PUBLISHING CO., Lakeiide Building, Chicago, Z1L J VTe lvvitb 3VOtA - to liiNpeotour JVow ifOM MISSES ANA CHILDREN. 'JLMlO IfltOHt ICl3aM Tr .tC0Mt' Amaortinents Lowcsit Prloea mi men: to my buyers. need. - HOUSESL. ttuvrnm i ..'i 3 "I "'I fl Vl M . iwf'.i rjuwliwtUt&rUa - - br-tst tfi,- NUM$kkV ,i'lltK&A ' frtwirr . j" j