Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, September 02, 1893, Image 2

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Dancing 1'arty nt llurllnsloti lloach,
The Lincoln assembly No. !l, Pythian
Sisterhood, gnvo n grand '" "! outing
Ht Hurllngton llpneh Wednesday even
ing. Thero was ii largo ntimtior In at
tendance ami tho ovoning paused very
pleasantly to nil present, nnd wns pro.
nouncctt r thorough success, Uth Hnnn
dally nm! socially. Excollont music
WM provided by the Lansing orchestra.
Following In n partial lint of tho purtlcl
pants: Messrs. nnd Mosdames George
Hlsdon, Johnaon, llarktlnll, Vnnow, L.
Towneend, F, J. Chancy, S. 8. Oollyor,
"Will Hopkins, Honry Harth.F.J.Kclloy,
Frank llohnnnn, Edward Sixer, J. W.
Porclval, Loo Arnolt, Bponcor McFad
den, Kolwrt Hrown, W. A. Dllworth,
Foxworthy) Mesdaines F. A. llartholo
mow, Uahcr, Stlon, Eaton and Lnwlor,
Mlasca Lllllo Potora, LImIo Huford,
Fowler; Messrs. W. A. Boltx, G. A. Ona.
colgno, J. S Ferguson, Theodore Jacobs
A.T. Sccley, Judge 8. T, Cochrane, J.
A. Hostrom and Grata Unrncs.
ntfaMar KiMtrrtUyU Mulrat.
Professor Enatorday held hla mid-sum-
nior muaicnlo with hla pupils at hla
homo, 25.T0 Vino atreot Wednesday
afternoon. Those present and taking
part woro ub followai Minnlo Miller,
Maudo Howard, Ella Harper, Etta Iloss,
Miss Andorson, Mrs. Knntts, Minnie
Bowon, Alma Pike, Mlas Loofbourrow,
Mabel Garner, May Phllpott, Ellio
Plorson, Colla Mayor, Ada Carper,
Jennio Shade, Llla Watson, Uoulah Al
bright, Daisy Hlltnor, Daisy King,
Agnes, Maggy and Mary Mortimer, Vora
Jennings, Madgolona Dahl, Mabel Gush
man, Minnlo McOlay, Katio Carvoth,
Allio andVlrglo White, EllaHungor,
Nina and Holon Enatorday, Paulino
Meyers, and Masters Georgo Bwarmloy,
liertlo Buchanan, and Paul Hunger.
runner' Club.
The members of tho Lancaster county
farmer's ctub woro vory pleasantly ontor
talnod Monday ovoning by Mr. and Mrs.
N. H. Leonard and tholr daughters and
sons, who were assisted in receiving tho
guests by President J. L. ilermanco and
Secretary A. II. Drain. Thero was a
largo number in attendance. An ele
gant supper was provided and prepared
by the ladies of the club and was spread
ob tables in a tent, and It was not until
tter ample justice had been done to the
repast that the meeting was called to
order. Several delightful song were
sung with Miss Belllune at the organ;
then several recitations were given by
Mlas Watson; Miss Ella Leonard, Miss
Neva Hoxie and Miss Rachel Cook.
These were followed by a select reading
by Miss, Leonard. Mr. Leonard then
opened the subject for discussion by a
woll propared paper on applo culture.
He is mnkitur boiuo experiments which,
it successful, will bo valuablo and demon
strate that apple orcharding is a suc
cess. Tho forego plant was next dis
cussed by Mr, Branson In tho absence of
Professor Ingersoll. Blue grass and
white clover were recommondod for
pasture, whilo roil clover and timothy
were considorod best for hay, Mr, and
' Mrs. James Houk, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
,t Hoxle and Mr. and Mrs, Muggellon wero
welcomed' as new members of tho.clubi
, The club decided by motion to let the
j dttr of the Nebnuka Farmer havo the
j vs sthelr tent during state fair woek,
airi on Invitation of Mr. Polly tho club
,, decided to hold its next meeting at his
home, nine miles northwest of' Lincoln',
f September 31.
( Carawntar-ltoweB. ''
v The .home of Mrs. E. Carpenter, in
, ak Lincoln, was the scene o a pretty
t wedding Sunday afternoon. 'The -coni
tracting parties were Mlas Flora E.
Carpenter and Mr. Charles P. Boweu,
well known in this city.' The bride made
a handsome appearance attired in A
t white merino and trimmed with broca
ded silk. She is an estlmablo, young
lady and her popularity was .shown by
the many costly and handsome presents
( received. The ceremony was performed
inthe presence of only a few of the
immediate friends of tho family.' The
, happy couple will mako Lincoln their
future homo.
Dr, J. K. Maxon and Mrs. B. M. Childs
were quietly married Friday ovoning in
the parlors of tho Palace-dining hall at
8:30 p. ra, Rev. Lewis Gregory por
formod the ceremony in tho presence of
a few invited guests, among whom were
Dr. E.J. Latta and Mr. aud Mrs. A. 0.
Osmer. A pleasant social evening was
enjoyed by all present after the ceremony.
Hammock Party,
M(es Lucy Griffith gave a delightful
hammock party to her friends Friday
evening at her home on north Sixteenth
aireeU The fortunate participants
were: Miss Seba Case, Miss Katie
Kluetsch, Miss Jessie Leland, Miss Grace
Burr, Miss Alice Mat'ts, Miss Ethel
Hooper. Mr. Wilson Winger, Mr. John
Loiteridge, Mr. Roy Chapman, Mr. Ross
Curtis, Mr. Harry Evans, Mr, Frank
Cawwarelal Pilgrims,
The Commercial Pilgrims of Omaha
and Council Bluffs joined those of Lin-
eela Saturday in a picnic at Lincoln
paste.' A ball gaaae was a feature of .the
' tsrtakmsat. The game was won by
., tawvWtoea. An elegant supper was
' sscTsdat&o'ckek,adwa followed by
a council tiiootlng. Tho entire party
enjoyed tho plungo at( tho sanltnrium
later in tho evening,
Minor Mrnlion.
Tho Catholic Union club gnvo an
outing nnd picnic nt Lincoln park Tups
kny iifloriKKin nnd ovoning.
Tho oniploypsof FitKgornld'sdry goods
store gave n jolly outing nnd picnic nt
Lincoln park Wednesday ovoning.
The following party enjoyed n drlvo
ont to tho Ensign farm Tuesday after,
noon, returning by moonlight: Menrn.
and Mesdames Oscar F, Funko, and 0.
G. Dawcn, Messrs. D. G, Wing, W, F.
Kolly, F. W. Taylor, II. O. Dawes, W. F.
Meyer, Smith, Misses Sarah Harris,
Lulu, Margnrot and liertlo Clark, Bortlo
Burr and Ollvo Latta.
Tho W. H. nnd F. M. society of Graco
Lutheran church hold Its annual moot
ing Wednesday at tho homo of Mrs.
Crounso nnd elected tho following
ofllcorn: Mrs. H. D, Llchty, president;
Mrs. J, II. Humpo and Mrs. J. U. Mar
tin, vlco-presldont; Mrs. W. H. Freelojv
recording nocretary; Mrs. L. P. Ludden,
corros!ondlng secretary; and Mrs, C. J.
Ernst, trensuror.
A distinctly now idea is a stiff hat
with u soft band. It is probably onflior
on tho head than any other kind. It
confirms easily to tho ahaiio of tho head,
and no mattor how many "bumps" one
may luivo, tho hat iltn around them,
Pin chocks in men's gnrmonts will be
qulto popular. Quiet materials will
have precodonco and loud patterns will
not be in it.
Thero Is a tondoncy to mako trousers
wider than they havo been. Thoro Is
such a diversity of opinion about this
that thoro will hardly bo a rndicni
chango, every man suiting his own taato
in tho mattor.
Croasod trousers add much to n man's
npiearanco. Tho creases will bo popu
lar all winter, in bothbusiuossand drees.
In tho latter tho sloovcs also may bo
Whon you carry an unbrella havo it a
plain wooden handle. Avoid tho silver
and gold handles; thoy belong in tho
show windows only.
Director Klectml.
At a mooting of tho Young Men's
Christian association hold Tuosday
night tho following gentlemon woro
elected on the board of directors: J. H.
Cantlold.T. M. Hodgman, C. M.Jacques,
A. W.Lane, J. W. Adams, L. G. M.
Baldwin, 0. J. Ernst, F. W. Taylor,
Frank Strong, L. A. Baumstoad, C. J.
Olson, O. J. King, G. J. States, W. M,
Barr. W.M.Clark, B. L. Paine, W. B,
Dawes,. W. G. Maltland. A secretary
will probably be choson next month'
Ha4 Mut Aright, "
There was a dim liKht In the front parlor
when the briRaiids reached tho house short
ly before midnight
The chief sent the neophyte forward to
reconiiolter. In a moment he returned, and
agladimrae smile was visible In tho moon's
pale radiance playing about Ids lips.
"Noble captain," he reported, "a young
girl tarries with her lover there."
"Curse them," hissed the chief, "we are
"Nay, nay," exclaimed the neophyte ex
nltlngly, ''we havo only to wait a brief
time, and they will be gone. Even as I
stood there I heard him say good night."
The leader sneered in scorn.
"And Is that all the evidence, you have
that that they are about to betake themt
selves awayr" he demanded contemptu
ously, "It is, noble captain."
The old robber turned to his men. . i
"Company," u he shouted, "Attention!
About face) March!"
In the dead 6f 'nlifht there was no' sound
save the muffled tread of the retreating
bandit. Detroit Tribune. , vl , , t
A Optical mallear
i ,
t"8v they've ran the railroad; through
year farm, after all, slnoelaat season'"
"No, they hain't. That's ono of them
Harvard college chaps that's' boardln over
to Jake Herrkk's."-Llfe.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is one of tho fow
remedies which are recommended by
every school of medicine. Its 'strength,
purity, and efficacy are too well estab
lished to admit of doubt as to its
superiority over all other blood-purlflers
whatever, Ayer's Sarsaparilla leads al).
W. A. Coffin ft Co., grocers, 143 South
Eleventh street.
-dBY -wkVisvaV.' 'RA
mIlI.I Vl vA K Ia'm
T1i Niiw Flat had ChavUt Rich and Hand
soma Material StylUh Shad and Col
ra The Latatt Hat and Heaat Kelt.
Vulval and faathar Maek RaMc.
Special Corrcipondtaee.
Nr.w York, Ang. 81. Once in a long
whilo wo como ncross a costane that Is
pretty, graceful, neat and useful and
also ecnsiblo all at once. When wo do,
it becomes a duty to ''make a Bote of it,
Dnnsby." And so I have stack a pin in
tho nicest outdoor garment I have found
in four seasons, This (s a close rolln-
foto, mado of the now flecked cheviot,
lie color is two shades of brown with
whlto flocks all over It, so that it looks
as if tho fair wearer had been out in a
snowstorm, but tho material is rich and
handsome, yet very modest on account
of tho eoloring. Tho skirt was cut em
pire shape, and the waist was perfectly
plain. Thoro was n band of buck plush
around tho bottom of tho akirt and up
tho front, with a bolt, collar and epaulets
of tho same. Thoro was a littlo capo
that formod caps to tho sleeves in front
and formed n loose capo ncross tho back.
Tho skirt cleared tho ground all around
by half an inch.
This is ono of the most convenient
gowns for a business woman or for mar
keting or any other use to which a lady
could wish to put it. It can close down
the front with invisible hooks and eyes,
or it can be arranged by having the
Slush bands postiche. To make this
resa is an easy task, aa the akirt is plain.
The waist is a plain bodice, and the cape
is a width of the goods cut on the straight
aad lined with Ifght silk to match it in
color. The plush should be cat on the
bias and cross Btitchod down is the back
over wigan. The bands thus treated are
solid, and it is easy to catatitch them on
the goods. It would require bat S yards
of cheviot for this gown and If yards of
While the newest shades aad colon
how much brilliancy, there Are many
standard colors, and among them 'dark
blue, green and brown are favorites. Ker
sey color is pretty trimmed with brown,
and there i re numbers of tailor suits
mado all of kersoy. Whlto or darker
brown will them, nnd braids are to
betuod to a very unusual extent this
season, mostly very narrow soutache,
silk tailor braids sown on flat, or wido
and heavy herculea braid. Black fino
wools nnd silks are of tho richest quality
ana will require littlo garniture. Tho
satin duchess will almost stand alono,
It is so thick, and it is very lustrous with
a frosty bloom over it. Fino loco and
passementerie are the only trimmings
worthy of such a fabric.
' What odd shapes we find in tho n"
hats and bonnets! Some of them are
simply indescribable, and one needs an
artist's pencil. Thero is a shovel shaped
bat of satin straw bound with fine plaid
velvet- Theaqriare front is turned back
ward, and in the center is a bunch of
blue velvet cornflowers, and a straggling
bnnch of wide velvet leaves.' The' crown
and sides of the hat areliterally crowded
with .the flowers. '
There are other queer shapesfono of
them being scalloped into points, and
Abovejhe i oiuted brim there, are Mer
ca'ry wings field by a bow of .velvet.
These' wlnt, are sometimes, parrots',
again doves', nnd then again it would be
impossible to imagine what bird had
worn thetn.fai they will be made irides
cent, with, peacocks' feathers, such aa
grow on tho neck, and-humming birds'
plumes. Some felt hats in pearl gray
in the various liarlequin shapes will be
covered with white mistletoe or holly
berries and leaves, so natural. that t$
seems they must havo grown thero.
Bona of tbe Napoleonic and Revo
lutionary hats of felt, straw or velvet
are very becoming and really artistic
One that pleased me was of mordore
satin straw' turned un in a tricorne
fashion. Tiny ostrich feathers curled
over tbe brim instead of tho rosettes so
often seen, and two rich tips stood up in
front. In the back there was a close!
browB velvet bow held by a sauare,
rbinestone buckle. ,
The wide ruffles for the neck, made of i
ilk or velvet, are more elaborate than(
iver. Some are cut ia a half circle and i
let to fall la natural folds. This is called
1i" IT D
BW I taf
tbe ripple, and it Is very popular.
. , Ouvr. Harpi
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i, .''',' J. &T". Cousins and 'L'alrd Shober & . -,,,,v " ;W . .
; H'ft ;a . . Mitchell's celebrated makes. ' '". .' V &'.' -"'..
' ',..'' biddies' Kid turn'button shoes, ?- ,-, .t -, : V,,- ,ii;:v(.r,iv
, . ' Opera and Common Sense .Toe;' ".'''ir-Y-i Vuaeu . yiV,
. ; .,-.... former.prlce $5,00, now..-. .',, eJtO.OOJ, ) ,' "y,
' ".. ''k' ' ' ' "" '-. ;;-:."--r.v'V"--.'"v 'V'-. '?:-
1 , . ' 4' t ,1
,..'j. -oi i
. ,,..- ; ';''' Mitchell's celebrated makes. ,,,...
' -,'' I v
11 'IT' '.. 'V'- ' Ladies' Welt 'Button or .:". ;-. ,
' ' -- i.-.y. . .
. ' it
( -.-..
, u '.
. ' 4 !,' ',' .'
Gr sai;
, ;; YOU STIbb-HAVB Vi
In which to
purchase your footwear
and make a donation to
some deserving institution.
The final count
will be made and
the money apportioned
to the churches and charitable
institutions. You should make it
To see that
the institution of
your choice receives
a big slice of the fund.
In addition to this you should
bear in mind my special offers as
well as the fact that my STOGK is
Wlierecan you . .'
do better than the re- '3'v'
markable figures which are' - - ' .'
uucicu yuu- in .me -iuiiu,wing; , .
.m. - ,
. cousins ana Laira onooer '," --
r ard nil htuIa Tiac
Lace, all Style Toes. ',
, Ijr'.Ti ! l,
former price $5 and $6, now.
" ... ..:' VifiKH
Patent Leather Tip, Kangaroo . ' ' "'";', t" ,',;': rT ' "'""' ''
Shoes "(Congress) glove Fit. .:...'.:. ...;'. .i.$8.00.n M:
Handsome Calf,
some uau. ." . rHHit.
r, Piccadiliy.Toe, ' '-'! 'l1".
. . r '
Splendid value' for
1 'laVl "V
"'i$ imm
t ' t.
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