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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1893)
Tf-"'"T"" S Mf U " if o 0 . , i -vyr 4 fl ? , Mr VbLUME S, NO. 39. m U1NGOLN, NBBRA8KA, SATURDfl, SEPTEMBER PRIOB FIVB GENTS -, -T-s rm fV Saturday Courier: A. I A i S. 11 jr. w. ' m 41 r ,'JJ A u i h c I I1B Washington, Aug. 99, 1803. Special CovRiKRCorrespondeate. This city at its very lowest ebb of midsummer dull Bess, haa been aroused from Its lethargy by the sweet but emphatic voice of Mlaa Madeleine Breckenrldge, aliaa' Vinton, aliaa Paul-Pollard, diatinctly asserting her fixed purpose to have either blood or pecuniary vengeance, and forcibly reiterating; her determination to take her cause into her own hands should the "law's delays"- stand in tho way of that justice which she asserts is her due. In consequenco of the fair Madeleine's perturbed state of mind, it may well be that tho body guard of detectives, armod to tho teeth, with which the venerable Mr. Breckinridgo sees fit to surround himself on his wanderings to and fro, is not altogether de trop; though the idea of a still robust and able bodied man not being able to protect his person, without the aid of salaried Myrmidons, against tho designs of ono weak, if rather desperate, woman, is in itself so ludicrous as to havo bo come a standing joke, and does not go far towards proving the much "boasted moral and physical strength of the superior sex. Our silver-tongued Ken tuckiau, however, evidently believes "that "discretion is the" better part of valor." A great deal has been said about tho power of tho speaker of tho house of representatives. Any old member of congress will tell you that tho speaker holds the houso in the palm of his hand. The new member is surprised when ho makes his appearance on the floor of the house to find that apparently the speaker has more to do with passing bills than all of the other 356 members put together. He finds that it Is by tho grace of the speaker that he mskesany appearance on the floor of the hewse, T"and that if he wishes to gain considera tion for a measure It is not so much to llhsHpAMHSferta A the sneaker. He might have 354 other the speaker. He might have 35a other ,' members in favor of his bill, and if the speaker was opposed to its consideration it could not bo passed. Mon who have held the speaker's chair havo been openly charged with "packing" com mittees to prevent legislation to which they woro opposed, and with refusing to recognizo members who had a claim to tho floor becauso they wished to urge the consideration of obnoxious legisla tion. I asked Mr. Crisp to toll mo in just whut this peculiar power of tho speaker consists. He said: "The houso can consider only a small proportion of tho business which cornea before it in each congress. Some one must detormii what business shall' be considered what shall be put askM. The conusJrttee on rules, which determines this qgjfation, is the speaker's committee. Me holds the balance of power. Then are two republicans and two deatojJTats on the committee and the speak ia the fifth member." Recurring to the charge that haa been aade from time to tjrae, that speakers et the house ho arranged corn- dittoes as to infl legislation which It waa known th would have to con- aider, I asked Crisp if he thought that thespoal ranging a comi was justified in ar- ittoo in this way. "The speal ho said, "is often in fuenced up a committee by that he ki h to bo the sentiment of a Majority tho party on questions which th committee is to consider. Ike Will tho majority in tho house is the will tho party to the speaker. That is that ho can consider." i Ionian mot Henry Wattorson on homo from Washington tho y and usked the brilliant Ken what was tho news of the I capitol. "Oh, nothing much," Air. wauerson. "Xnore aro Iwo men in Washington who know Lout tho silver question. One is art, who owns all tho silver, and other is Daniel, of Virgins, who 'f - mint ' 1 Tmo recent advices received by Secro- tary; Morton from his agent in Europe, Mr, Mattes, fully confirm previous re pprlta regurding tho short ago of cortuln ffWiM U many parts of Europe, which, ho represeuts, is likely to guarantee a vei y uige demand for American forugo cr()ps, including corn, although he does nuk think it likely that much of tho latter will bo used as human food. Ho rejlreeentB thut tho tariff complications between Russia uiul Qormany aro likely IP jffd he coma thisoyCi e. Me 1 heJK an mata oi U ia the f . have lUfnce ftff- in aMnkinir Aged m Mwaf fttherdj feckiaa aatlorAl rtpliefl nly I all at Btew we fcaan to render the people of the latter coun try especially dependent. e. jk Unitedjatatee for their supplies v Ih connection with the gossip abewt Mn Greshams assistant secretary of state, Mr, Quincy, and the f appetite he has1 developed among 'Massachusetts ifemocrats for office, holding, this little story la totoV '-' "A young man desired a, position in the postoflce department;' and applied to his congressman, t He was told he could get no place until a vacancy should arts. He' waited several 'weeks; and one day.ttwben his money was nearly exnauaietj, ae went oown to me Potomac beach.4 He found there many brothers, and among them a young map whom ho recognised as a clerk in the division whero he had sought a place. The clerk ventured beyond his depth, and was drowned. When hia body, was brought to tho shore the applicant lost not a moment's time in 'hastening to tho congressman. "Now, ho said," "I can have a placet there is a vacancy." " "Whero?" asked the congressman. ''Why, a clerk in tho division" (nam ing him) "was drowned A this afternoon." "The congressman looked at him sadly." "I regret to inform you," ho said, "that you. are too 4ate; the place has been filled." "How can that bo?" shouted the applicant in despuir. "The man has just been drowned." "Yea, I know," replied tho congress man, "but tho pluco Iihb been tilled. It was obtained by a Massachusetts friend of Mr. Quincy's, who buw tho clerk go in, and guessed correctly thut he could not swim," A Will ted gepulchrr. I met hor at tho oa fide, ' At she trolled along the sand A dainty little maiden dangling flowers in Iter hand. Slio loomed coy, and somewhat iliyly Drooped her head, as on I passed, And my memory wandorod vaguely to some long-forgotten past. And I sot ray brain a-thlnklng, Aa 1 pondered o'er and o'er. Where on earth I met that maiden walking now In. m , .,.... ki -uuag ihd more. , j. 24Uusyw, Or 'mongst Saratoga's herd, Newport, Narragansett,8oabrightT but 1 failed to find the word. Then I suddenly romombered That I'd soen that dainty girl Do the sensuous danso du ventre in the Midway Plalsanco whirl. Tho Cynie. 8U8AN V8 EVELYN. A Unique l'uglllstlc Kncounter In Clil-cago-The Elite In It. Thore waa a good deal of talk in Chi cago last woek over tho prize fight for a purse of 11,000 that was fought in the stock pavilion up at tho fair grounds, but tjtfat affair, I fancy, must havo been voa tamo in comparison with one of a mownat similar nature mai took ace recently, so i near, in a Darn in the rear of a fashionable Lake avenue mansion. In thia case, so I am told, tho contestants were two radiant belles of tho neighborhood who, backed and seconded by their respective brothers, fought eight or ten lively rounds with gloves of the kind known aa "pillows" before an audience composed of the youthful elite of the locality. At the opening of the proceedings the odds ruled, I am told, about 0 to C against Susan and 5 to 3 on Evelyn take your pick; but long before the last round wagers on tho latter proposition could not find takers. The contest was finally declared against the stately Evelyn, who is quite tall and fair enough to make a most exquisite Elaine in a Tennyson tableau, and her van quisher, who is not nearly so pretty but very much more muscular, was carried off in triumph by her backers. The costumea in which the young ladies fought wero a sort of a cross between that of tho ballet and the sea, and ua the backers of tho vanquished maiden aro not at all satisfied with her defeat it is not at all improbable that a return match may be made in the near future. Town Topics. Kaccsat St. Joe, The St. Joseph fair has come to bo regarded as one of the great annual racing events of the west. This year unusual caro has been taken with the speed program, and tho purses that are hung up insure a most successful event. Tho fair begins Monday, September 18, and ends Saturday, September 23. On Thursday, September 21, there will be ono purBo of 110,000. There are alreudy over Bcventy entries for this race, which will bo a freo for all trot, Murthu WilkcB, Hello Vara, Little Albert, Green leaf und Phocbo Wilkes are among tho horeos already signed. A freb for all trot will occur September 22, for purses aggregating W.000. Nearly 150,000 will bo given uway in premiums. It is said that fully 000 horses are now in truiniiiK for tho St. Joe fair. Wn.l 111 NOTES Few people realise the magnltudo of tho installment business that is dono in this city. In furniture and house fur- ftishlng goods particularly a large per centage of the sales aroon the Install merit plan. "Don't you lose a good deal of monoy by these peoplo moving away with your goods or changing their real dencos, and other ways?" asked a Courier representative of tho pro prletor of. a large furniture house in this c(ty that does an extensive install meat business. "Well, yes," ho ropliod, ;,'but not as much as you might think. You see wo almost Invariably secure ourselves by chattel mortgago, and then wo keep a pretty closo look out on our customers. Comparatively fow move out of tho city, and as long as they re main in town it is a difficult matter for them to givo us tho slip. In larger cities installment houses aro occuslonod a good deal of roublo by their patrons moving around in order to avoid pay ment. In a big placo it isn't easy to find them. Various expedients aro re sorted to to trace hidingMtlcllnqucnts. I have heard of houses Bonding out through the general delivery letters something liko this: Delivery Department. ' Cincinnati, , . Mlin- (some nnnie), Madam (or Sir) t Wo hold n package iidilro'-eil to you, but our dollvorer falls to ilnd you at the nbovo address. Uy furnishing us with otir present nddress the package will ho promptly dullvorcd. Regretting tho unavoidable delay, I am, re spectfully, John Lino, Assistant Superintendent Delivery, Per H. P. 8. If not delivered within ono month tho packago will bo sold on our regularSnonthly "sales day." "This 1b plainly a violation of tho postal laws, but it is sometimes dono, neverthe less. Of course when tho unsuspecting victim sends in his or her uddresstho house pounces down and generally gota the monoy. And lots of 'em are cuught thia way." ,- . zaM.mvit-?a2!ZZ?!?'2Zzxir" T -.. m mm S ii sllmnii tilfas unique form. The Netcs, for instance, in its desire for a "scoop," ierpotrated tho following Monday evening. "An announcement that will awaken much surprlso an! regret Is that of tho death of Fred C. Hholcs, the woll known young business man, which will havo probably occurred ere this paper roaches its renders, from typhoid fever, at tho family home, IftX) It street. Deceased was about thirty years of ago and had worked himsolf into on Influential business position in this community. Ho was connected with tho firm of Cooper Colo Bros., was secretary of tho Cooper Hfidlfttor Manufacturing company, and was tho contractor who had just completed tho stand-plpo on South stroot." There is a popular idea that it is not in good taste to speak of tho "deceased while tho "deceased" is Btill alive, and inasmuch ub Mr. Sholos did not dio until several hours after tho News was issued, that enterprising paper com mitted a rather unfortunato solecism. Professor F. W. Taylor, who is in charge of the horticultural exhibit at the world's fair, modestly asserts that his department makes up for tho short comings in other features of tho Nebraska exhibit. He says there is no finer fresh fruit on exhibition than that contributed by this state, and that it ap pears to very striking advantage in comparison with tho wax works and pre served fruit displays of other states and this Is an indifferent fruit year in Nebraska, too. . Among thoso who got scared during tho recent financial flurry in this city is Mrs. Fodawu. She drew $7,000 in gold out of ono of tho banks) and had it locked up in a safe deposit vault, whero of course it does not draw interest. It is still thore. Tho case of tho farmer, Doodey, by name, who lost 1500 through a flro lust Saturduy is another warning to thoso foolish persons who are curying around or hiding monoy thut ought to be in tho bunk or invested in some way. He drew tho money out of u Lincoln bunk, and bud it sowed up in ono of his wifo'a dresses. When tho house cuught fire the dress was consumed and the 1500 wont up in smoke. Cases aro reported every day in which smullor uraounta wero list in one wuy orunothor. Whore a man has money burned up or stolen, ho immediately regulns his confidence in tho banks after the monoy is gone, Tho $80,000 or thorcubouts puld out by Rocoivor Huydon, of tho Cupltul Nutionul bunk, this week will huvo u good oiTect in this city. Most of tho money paid out went to Lincoln depositors, who can ubo the cash in their business to good ad vuntugo. .. Tho fulluro of occasioned almost . Meyer St. Co, much surprise us UH collapse of the Capital NaJ . Of course tho amount of ivolved was not anything liko tht sum that represents tho i 'of 0. W. Moshcr; but tho failure was a sensation becauso ipaoscd solidity of tho concern, i Louie Meyer haa for years led as ono of tho most i and substantial financiers in then No ono over doubted Loulo slvency,andho waa regarded aa most prosperous citizens of 1 Lii lure rightfully belongs with tho afteri of the Capitol National bank f.llui Moshor hadn't wrecked tho bank,-' ule Meyer would not have failed. 'he amount ho lost through Mo is variously estimated at fr mot 10,000 to $20,000. Then ho some other reverses and for tholi lonth ho has not boon himself, announcement of his failure Sincelt haa been utterly brokon in spirit, friends havo been soriouRly Meyst has been in business in Lincoln since lw72 or 1873, and ho has always enjoywt tho best of credit. Of luto years k4 has dealt extensively in louna and warrants, operating with monoy obtain! from Dee Moines. It is sup posed tlut his morcantilo business wua in good condition. The fulluro was duo to to hlajbatsldo financial operations. Ills brothertWllllo Meyer, who confined his uttonUoB to the store, goes down with tho wrelk. P .. People who have followed tho Moshor cusa will remember thut Judge Dundy very ginuiy allowed tlio uutiK wrecKor to stiyl out of tho federal ponltontury for aM indefinite period, so thut ho could assist Receiver Hayden in straightening out tieaffairs of the bank. This week Mr. Hayden, through his attorney, re quested Mosher's usslstunce. And Lincoln's Napoleon of flounce luughod. He pft his thumbs in tho urmholes of his yst and laughed. Ho aaid ho couldi't do anything. Mosher has boodanked and buncoed th'e public at very,furtr. Of course he never inten ded to render any assistance. In the meantime he continues to run tho Douglas county jail, spending most of his time on the streets, howover. 80N8-IN-LAW. A Philosopher's Reflections on th Sub ject of Ills Daughters' Husbands. My two sons-in-law, I see thorn in my mind's eye walking on either sido of mo, the 6116 short and slim with a spiritual countenance, tho other tall, handsome, und impressivo-looking. Their muin object in lifo sooms to bo to help mo on with my overcoat, and to guide my senile steps over street cross ings, though Dr. Meredith tells me that I am good for twenty years yet, and that I haven't an unsound organ in my body. They disagree with me in politics so politely that I am fool enough to open my best wine when they come to dinner. They dog my footsteps; they silently pass judgment upon me, and I shall never be able to shake them of! until I am dead. Why did they como to worry us? We were so happy before we know of their existence. Out upon them both! Alas, poor philosopher! Shall I be grudgo to my darlings the happiness that I have known in the too swiftly fleeting years of our married life? Love haa come to claim my flesh and blood even as it claimed me and Josephine a quarter of a century ago nevor to loose us from his silken chains. Love tho immortal, the transfigurer of souls, tho unsculer of eyes which in vain huvo sought the light which streams from eternity, thou hast como to work anew tho old, old story, oven though thy com ing rends my heart-strings. Down selfish, stubborn fumes of senile cyni cism! I bow to the law of life. Come to my embrace, Oh, sons-in-law; I lovo you, 1 bid you wclcomo to my heart, oven though you regard mo aa ono for whom tho grave Is yawning! Listen how bravely I cull Jim Jim Jim, a thousand times Jim. And you, tie other one, whoso name I do not know, but u hone fell purpose I have detected, when journumo is divulged to mo I will call thut too. From "The Opinions of a Philosopher," by Robert Grant, in tho Septeml)cr Scribnor. rirasantrlea In Ithyiue. Ho breathed a song Into tho air, Tho echoes bore the notes along, Hut the) would havo bnrno them bettor had Ho breathed an air Into tho song. I inner hud n railroad pass Hut that It wrung my modest nature To fro I tho trainmen took mo for A member of tho legislature. H. L. H. For rates und open dutcs of tho Ne braska stuto bund or orchestra apply ut the Couuihit cilice, Hill O street, tele phone '1'ii. ' I Republican politics in Lancaster county was novor in such a formont us it is at present. Never wore thore so many candidates seeking preferment and at no time was thore so much bad blood engendered so early In tho contest. No matter who may bo chosen, thore is almost cortnin to bo soreheads to placate and wounds to heal. However, every good republican is hopeful that party strlfo will bo avoided, and that tho g, o, p. will outer tho campaign with tho assurance of victory. Hero la tho array of candidates up to duto; giuo on thorn i Treasurer Maxoy Cobb, Denton. Sheriff Henry Hnnglnnd and A. C. Lnngdon," Second ward; Louis Otto and Orun Ensign, Fifth ward; Ernst Hunger und W. J. Hebout, Sixth wurdj Alva Smith, Mill precinct John J. Trompon, Hickmun; J, H. McMurtry.on tho fonco. County Judge I. W, Lunslng and W. S. Hamilton, Fourth wnrdj C. Y. Long, Sixth ward; John 8. Ulahop, Third ward. County Cfork-J. D. Woods, Fourth wurd; 11. C. McArthur, Fifth ward, und John T. McDonald, Sixth ward. Commissioner Joo McQruw and W. U. Taylor, Fifth ward; II. F. Mitchell, Contorvllloj E. N. Cobb, Uunnott; CIiiib. Miller, Vunkeo Hill; und many others. Register of Deeds John E. Douglas, First wurd; F. W. Bedford und John II. Fuwell, Third wnrd; W. O. Griffith, Fourth ward; W. H. Clurk, Fifth wurd; W. E. Churchill, Sixth wurd; John Hurnip, Seventh wurd; D. C. Berry und rat Doro, Luncuator precinct. Considerable perturbation was occa sioned in pollticul circles Wodnosdny evening by tho Hppurontly woll uuthen- ticutod rumor that certain republican wire pullers had met and fixed tho fol lowing elate: Treasurer Maxey Cobb. Sheriff John J. Trompen. County Judge-r-I. W. Lansing. County Clerk II. C. McArthur. Registor of Deods-W. O. Griffith. Commissioner Joo McGraw. A thorough canvass of and persistent inquiry among tho mon usually credited with an intimate acquaintance with the roachino failed to confirm tho tale, and tho belief is prevalent that a mooting waa hold and tho slato mado up within the biddon recesses of Captain Phelps Paine's extremely vivid Imagination. o Increasod intorest was added to the campaign Thursday by the announce ment that J. II. McMurtry, tho woll known real estate man, had entored the lists as a candidato for sheriff. When soen, Mr. McMurtry disclaimed any in tention of joining the race for office. Still the tale goes marching on. o H. C. McArthur is credited with being Woods' chief opponent in the race for county clerk, and he is said to have entered into a tio-up with Joe McGraw in the Fifth ward in order to shut out Gran Ensign, Bill Clark, Louie Otto and the other aspiring politicians. Mean time, Colonel William Clark modestly asserts that he carries the Fifth ward in his vest pocket, and the other fellows down there must come and see him. The pathway of the Singing Pilgrim is not strewed with the garnered flowers of summer these balmy September days. In truth, it is a thorny path to fame ho is journeying. Tho judge waa occasioned considerable surprise, distress and dis gust whon be arose the othor morning and found treason rampant within his tent. Colonel Long, his chief clerk, had thrown fealty to tho winds and an nounced himself a candidato for tho exalted position at present graced by his chief. The Pilgrim's wrath abso lutely waxed uncontrollublo, however, when bo was informed thut Colonel Long was religiously circulating u state ment to tho effect that tho judge wus a dofaulter. Colonel Long emphatically denied circulatlngsuch a s-tcclflo charge, but admitted that ho had said tho purty did not dure re-nominato Judge Luns lng, for If ho was again chosen ho would go down to certain, inglorious uud in gnominious defeat. Judgo Lansing straightway nailod tho false report, und Thursduy morning summarily fired Colonol Long. Tho olltical enemies of Judgo Lans ing seem to bo over-loaded with griov uncos ugulnst him, chief among which uro thut Joseph Wurzburg, ox-chairman of tho democratic county committee, is holding unico fut job in his ollico und thut Lunslng bolted Graham lust spring. They also urge thut Lunslng is u weak candidato and is suro to bo dofoated if nominated, In support of which they show that Lansing was a minority can didate when elected before, and rocolvotl over MX) votes less In romiblloan Lin. coin than tho combined voto in tho city of Judgn Whitmoro, democratic, and Wynn, independent, candidates for county judgo. But Lansing has mado a good judgo and will probably succoed himself. Speaking of register of deeds, tho race lma apparently narrowed down to Harrop, Griffith and Bedford, assuming that tho latter gets tho delegation in his own ward. Harrop has a largo following In tho country and many warm adherent In tho city. Griffith will havo tho forty live delegates of tho Fourth ward at hla buck, und will faro well In the northern part of the county. Hodford is also con slderod strong, especially in tho city. J. E. Douglas, of tho First ward, ovidontly holds tho key to tho situation and Is in a ttositinu with his twenty-one delegates to make either of tho ubovo named tho republican nominee for registor of deeds, and that's no He, either. Within tho past fow duys L.P. Gould, of tho Sixth ward, has announced him self us a candidato for tho republican nomination forjustico of tho peace, an. otllco which Mr. Gould is udmlrnbly quullllod to fill. Mr. Gould Is a loyal and hard working young republican, und his well known ability has won for him an excellent reputation us an at torney. Ho would bo it Kpular candi date, if olectod, '11 is ft-fisitilkllftiitt nmiitiv ftfinunnftltt-i aiiu iuiiniiVfiiii wi'iiua- vuiiiviiiiuii will be held Wednesday, September 20, ut 2 p. in.; tho primaries, Soptombor 18, Her flullar. She twangted a tuno on hor light guitar A low sweet Janglo of tangled sounds. As blurred as tho voices of falrlos are, Dancing In tho noondawn dalos and downs, And tho tinkling dip of tho strango refrain Han over tho rim of my soul liko rain. Tho groat blondo moon In the midnight skies Paused and polsod o'or the trellis eaves, And the stars in tho light of her upturned ayes, Sifted their lova through the rifted Isavaa Ollntad sad splintered In crystal mist . . Down tbs sHtUrta stria that W ta-rwa v kissed, O. the molody mad 1 O, the tinkle and thrill Of the ecstasy of the exquisite thing I The rod rose dropped from tho window sill And lay In s long swoon quivering, While tho dying notes of the strain divine Rlpplod In gloe up my spoil-bound spine. James Wllltcomb Riley. BA8E BALL PLAYERS' LUCK. Do They Knjojr lrealr Kieuiptton fruit Accident Than Other People. Tho recent serious accidont to James Ryan, the votran centor fielder of the Chicago club, has set float an unsual amount of talk about tho supposed immunity from railroad catastrophes) which follows base ball players. It la probable that the theory is not correct. True, Ryan's case is the first instance in many years where a prominent member of the big teams waa badly injured in a railroad disaster. But, after all, la it not only a case to prov the general safety of modern travel? National League base ball players nearly alwaya travel in Pullman cars, and the 'percentage of accidents to Pullman car passengers has always been much smaller than to the masses who patronixe day coaches of lighter weight. There are about one hundred and twenty base ball players in the. National League, each of whom travels about ten thousand miles a year. During the eighteen years existence of the National League it ia safe to say that its players have ridden in railroad trains to the extent of twelve million, miles as individually estimated, and in these twolvo million miles one represen tative travoller of tho National League haa been injured once. For a premium of twenty-five conts any traveller can secure an insurance policy on his lite agulnst death by accidont for 21 hours in the sum of $3,000. It is presumable that this premium is at least about twice aa lurgo us the risk. If, therefor a twenty-fivo cent premium is equul to a six thousand dollar risk on u dajs travel tho passenger should travel 21,000 dus und nights before he is injured. On un average traina run 800 miles in u day of twenty-four hours, and would run 19,T00,000 miles in tho 21,000 duys or one third more than tho jHjrcontago in the Ryan estimate. Huso ball pluyers uro no luckier as travelers than uro ordinary everyday people. lUnkswIII I' line, Monduy being lulior day ull the bankti will bo closed, Misses Sadie und Olive Gruhuiu uro in Chicago uttendlug the world's fuir in compuny with the fuuiily of tho Hon. William II. Hoover. Misses Cora Outcult und Nellie Hrun son huvo returned tiom Chicago. Something good, "White Loaf Flour" ei.10 per suck. Miller & Gitlord. 7. Jji M $ $ fl. 4 fll .fcfcAiigHiic !3L13tJbu. -4tjuSfc&.w. in .il.ii, iMii.i.(ift. nil 'iTi--i HJ.ffWJ