Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, August 26, 1893, Image 7

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Nr.w Yoiik, Aug. 23, 1893.-lSpeclnl
Couiur.u Correspondence The follow
ing are tho important attractions this
week In Now York: Vnudovlllo nt Tony
PuHtor'B theatre; "Now South" nt tho
Madison Square theatre; Vnudovlllo nt
Proctor's; DoWolf Hopper nt tho Broad
way theatre; Vnudovlllo nt tho Casino;
"Tho Prodigal Daughter'' nt tho Amorl
can theatre; E. II. Sothorn nt tho
Lyceum; Lawrence Hanley in "Tho
tember 11. Tho oporn calls for an clalmr
nto scenic potting, in which tho fancy of
tho artist will find full play. Tho tint
Bcono la In Thibet, whenco Prlnco Paul
nnd hiflrotluuo aro projected liy electric
motor to tho plnuet Mars. Tho Prince
falls In love with Venus, who has been
divorced from MarB for 3.000 years' and
many whimsical complications follow.
Cnmlllo D'Arvlllo will play tho Prince,
Hollo Thorn will bo tho Venus, La llega
louclta tho Cupid, Hallcn Mostyn tho
Grand Lamn of Thibet, Harry McDon
ougo tho lloyul Electrician, and W. It.
Hamilton tho MarB. Corn Tlnnlo, who
was formerly a member of RIco'h bur
lcBquo companies, and who for tho past
As the Original Bunker's Dauyhtct.
Player" at tho Star; tho "Black Crook"
nt tho Academy of Music; "Tho Spnn of
Life" at tho Grand Oporn house. Now
York Is London variety mad. More
absolutely vnpid, utterly weak, nnd
wckedly ntrociouB in their imbecility
Bong nnd danco acts aro now given nt
the vnf lous roof gardonB than wero over
Boon on earth outside of tho canvuB
covered theatro of tho frontier mining
town. There aro dozens of English im
portations of th& fominlno porsunBlon
nnd tho variety order now displaying
their tousled blondo wigs, heavy, nwk
ward limbs and exccrablo dresses on tho
stages of tho different roof gardens.
They cannot sing; they certainly have no
protonslonB to good looks, and their
dancing reminds one of that of tho
educated elephant.
Chioaoo, Aug. 2i.-Special Couuieu
CorrespondcnceO-Tltts1 plays that havo
enchanted tho crowds week after week
still havo powor to charm. "Tho Old
Homestead" is still tho attraction at
McViekor's theatre. At tho Schiller,
"Tho Girl I Loft Behind Me," him con
tinued to strew very ripe strawberries
all over tho stage. "All Baba" has
drawn thousands to tho Chicago opera
house. Sol Smith Russell has drawn
tears and laughter alternately from
delighted audiences, in tho presentation
of "A Poor Relation." Mr. Nat C. Good
win has every reason to bo gratified with
tho popularity of Iub now play, "In Miz
zoura," at Hooloy's theatro. Largo
audlonces havo very warmly appreciated
"Tho Mountebanks" as presented by
Lillian Russel and hor gifted operatic
company. Imro Kiralfy's gorgeous
Bpectaclo "America" Is still tho wonder
and amazement of thousands. Buffalo
Bill's "Wild West" show grows in public
favor with every performance. Tho re
nowned Sandow is crowding tho Troca
dero with largo nnd Interested crowds.
"Tho Soudan," a spectacular molo-
drama, already scon In Lincoln, was pro
eonted to a splendid audionco at tho Lans
ing Thursday night. Tho play abounds in
climaxes, and thero Is some effective
flconory. It was recoived with marked
demonstrations of approval.
Richards &, Pringlo'sminstrols amused
a fair sized audienco at tho Funko
Thursday evening.
Forepiugh'B circus drew largo crowds
Thuisdny afternoon and evening.
John Dillon comes to tho Lansing for
a three night's engagement Monday,
September 11. He will probably opon
in his new piny "A Model Husband."
vOlo Oleson" will bo tho attraction
Soptember 14, 15, and 10.
E. E. Rico does not bocomo tho lesseo
and manager of tho Park theatre, in Bos
ton, as has been reported; but ho will
control all tho tinio 'at that houso, by a
special agreement with Mnnngor Crab
tree. Manager Rico's first production at
tho Park will bo tho nowv comic opera,
"Venus", with libretto by Charles Alfred
Byrno and Louis Harrison, and music by
Gustuvo Kerkor. Tho pioco was put in
iheareal at Palmer's theatro on Monday
and will bo produced, in Boston on Sop-
two yenrs has been with D'Oyloy Carto'r,
companies in London, will also havo a
prominent part. Tho Frantz family of
acrobats bus been engaged by Manager
Rico to appear in tho opera.
A Boston contemporary amuses itself
thcBO hot and piping times of pcaco by
compiling tho names of ladies and gentle
men of tho profession who have assumed
a "nom do theatro" Horo is tho list:
Henry Irving, John Henry Brodrlbb;
Miss Ellon Torry, Mrs. Charles Wardcll
(Charles Kelly); Mine. Sarah Bernhardt,
Mmo. Jacques Damalo; Mish Lillian
Russell, neo llellon Louise Leonard;
Mrs. Kendal, Mrs. V. II. Grimston;
Herbert Boerbohm Tree, II. Bcorbohm;
Miss Connie Gilchrist, Countess of
Orkney; Miss Fannio Daveniort,
Mrs. Melbourne McDowel; Stuart
Robson, Henry Robson Stuart;
Miss Rosina Vokcs, Mrs. Cecil Clay;
Denman Thompson, Henry D. Thomp
son; R. D'Oylo Carte, Richard Doylo
McCarty; Miss Minnio llauk. Baroness
Von lies Werteg, Mmo. Nevada, Mrs.
Palmer (neo Wixom); Mile. Christine
Nillson, Countess do Cussa Miranda;
Mllo Nordica', Mrs. Gowor (neo Lillian
Norton); Mllo Adolina Pattl, Mrs. Nlcol-
ini; Sig. Perugini,John Chattcrton;Ml!o.
Mario Rozo, Mrs. Henry Maplcson; Miss
Amelia Somervillo, Mrs. Fredorick.
In order to realize what changes havo
taken place in tho last twenty years ono
has only to comparo tho so-called "leg
bIiowb" of to-day with those which wore
tolerated two decades ago. It is not so
very long since tho old Columbia opera
houso and tho Parisian Varieties in Fif
teenth street, wore giving entertainments
of tho sort that called for occasional
interference by tho police. Denman
Thompson's "Femalo Bathers" was a
favorite entertainment In those days
and it is difficult to comprehend that
tho pious looking Joshua Whitcomb of
to-day was onco at tho head of nn
organization that was considered
dangerous to tho morals of tho com
munity. Twenty years ago there was
but ono actress before tho public who
was permitted to exhibit tho faintest
suggestion of underclothes, and that
was Lotta, and sho would not havo been
allowed to do it it sho had not takon
tho edge off tho offonco by singing
tho "Sweot By and By." But nowadays
wo havo changed all that. Thompson is
giving ?5 bills to tramps in a way that
would cauBo a real New England farmer
to bo locked up on the ground of in
sanity, whilo dances of tho kind that
woro onco considered such ' llagrant
offences aro given now with impunity.
It is doubtful it certain of tho modern
Bopontino dances would havo been
permitted in old days, and as for tho
quadrille of French "split" artists now
in tho "Black Crook," they certainly
would havo been stopped in short order
had they attempted to do at tho
Parisian Varieties what they aro now
doing every night in tho presence of
some of tho most reputable peoplo in
tho city. Now York Hun.
gagoment at tho Broadway theatro.
They will again bo henrd in "Robin
Hood," and may rovlvo "Tho Knlckor
bockers." In addition, they havo "Tho
Ogalallas," by Henry Waller and Young
E. Allison, which they produced with
success last season In Chicago and San
Francisco; and "Tho Maid of Plymouth,"
by Clay M. Greene and Thomas Pear
sail Thorne. Eugeno Cowles, the basso,
has reconsidered his determination to
study for grand opera, and has signed a
contract tor next season with tho
Bostoniaus. Jessie Barlett Davis hits
almi signed again, and "Fatlnitza" may
bo produced with her In tho title role.
It Is about decided that Margaret Reed
will take tho place of Camllle D'Arvlllo.
Genius arouses very little enthusiasm
among tho English people. Queer
actors like Mansfield, or mid actresses
like Ada Rohan, meet with more success
in London than Edwin Booth or Sarah
Bernhardt ovor did. Buffalo Bill got on
much bettor there than Pasteur. P. T.
Harnutn was made a lion of, but Ernest
Renan was not oven invited U tea
Jannuschek Is living in Brooklyn, N.
Y. Sho is writing a play.... Entirely
now and handsome scenery is being
painted for Annie Pixley's revival of
"M'llss In Soptember .... Stuart Robson
begins tho rehearsals of tho "Comedy of
Errors" September 1. Tho production
promises to bo tho most important in
tho career of this popular comedian ....
This season Lillian Lewis will appear in
Lady Lll, Credit Lorraine, Die Holmath,
Dio Ehro, Theresa Raquln, A French
Marriage and tho Crust of Fashion ....
Manager Wilkison announces that Alex'
andor Salvini will add "Hamlet" and
tho "FooI'b Rovongo" to his repertory
this season, opening Soptember 18 in
Cincinnati. John A. Lane, an experi
enced actor, for several years a leading
member of tho Booth-Barrott combina
tion is a recent addition to young Sal
villi's supporting company.... Joseph
Hawoith will essay Henry Irvlng'srolo
in "Tho Bells" at the Grand opera houso
in Boston, August 28.... Tho Thomas
W. Kcene company arc rehearsing in
Now York. This season tho tragedian
huB two leading ladles, Misses Emma
and Henrietta Vaders, and two leading
men, Edwin Ardcn and Frank Henuing.
His repertory will includo "Richard III,"
"Othollo," "Tho Merchant of Venlco,"
"Macbeth," "Romeo and Juliot," Louis
XI," "Tho Fool's Revenge," "Hamlot"
and "King John."
brlnlit lOioro liet
crown of Mart burnt
Massv hrr hair unit flnmliiu llko red ijold
Aml from tlio orient scnrus, Unit deep Infold
Her chaste while tirowi, tho patient fnco shines
Young nnireis mirer flock nlsitit hrr ilialr,
Tend'rlnir tho book, for thoro shall stand en
rol IM
Merchant, of whom tho swift archnrwcl tnM,
Thin In Hint Virgin that a (led shall twnr."
Oh, crimson iiiiilhl Oh, Mil pnslnnati
Oh, lip Hint pout mid droop tike clots of blood I
Oh, 1 1 roil eyelids Mincing as rlpo corn
In autumnl All tho lnnguors of tho south
Throb In thy veins! And nor row at tho flood
Wall, "It wero ttotlrr t had not Iwcn bornt"
Maurice Hewlett In Ixindnn Academy,
D. E. McCoy, formerly manager of tho
Crawford theatro at Topcka, has been
appointed manager of tho Funko, to
represent Mr. Crawford. Mr,McCoy is
a courteous gentleman of wido experi
ence, and ho will leave nothing undone
to advance tho interests of tho Funko.
Mr Martllng, his predecessor, is manag
ing tho Love opera houso at Fremont.
Tho BoBtoniana will opon thoir season
in Harloru on September 2T, and will go
to Now York again just boforo tho
winter holidays for a tour months' en-
Paris, tho most magnificent city on
either continent, has for ages held tho
proud titlo of "tho premier carnival city
of tho world." However, during tho
last ten or twelvo years an American
rival of no mean pretensions has con
tested for that high honor, and today St.
Louis holds what Paris bo reluctantly
relinquished, tho titlo of "tho carnival
city of tho two continents."
Not content with tho successful ox
hibitlonsof previous years, tho autumnal
festivities association has arranged a
program for 181).' J that for brilliancy and
variety wilt bo difllcult to improve uian.
Tho first of tho great attractions, tho St.
Louis exposition, will throw its doors
opon to tho public September 0 and con
tinuo until Octobor 21. Tho world re
nowned Sousa's baud has been engaged
by tho management, which in itself Is a
sufficient inducement to crowd tho
magnificent building during every con
cert. Special attention has been paid to tho
street illuminations, and on the evenings
of August .11, September 7, 14, 21 and
23, and October 3, f, 12 and 10, tho most
magnificent display yet attempted will
greet tho oyo of tho fortunate visitor;
electricity playing a prominent part.
Tho evening of October 3 tho Veiled
Prophet and Jiis followeis will parade
through tho principal thoroughfares,
and immediately after tho great ball,
which has received considerable prom
inence throughout the world, will be
Tho thirty-thlrd great- St. Louis fair
and zoological gardens, October 2 to 7,
will bo tho crowning week of tho carnival
seasou. This institution has no peer,
and is known in every land where tho
footprints of civilization exists. Tho
Missouri Pacific railway and Iron Moun
tain route being distinctly St. Louis
lines, and having at all times tho inter
ests of tho city in mind, havo made a re
markably low round trip rate from all
points on tho ontiro system to St. Louis
and roturn during tho festivities.
For further information in ro-ard to
rates, route, limit of tickets and a copy
of tho fall festivities program, address
nearest Missouri Pacific or Iron Moun
tain ticket agent in your territory, op 11.
O. Townsond, G, P. it, T. Agt., St. Louis.
"I do not suppose," said Ivlson, speaking
very slowly nnd distinctly ami looking,
straight Into tho other man's oyes, "that
you know exactly what you wero doing, hut
I say again that la no cxcum for you. W
havo been friends long enough to warrant
your taking "Idea with mo In almost any
thing ami oven to even to lying for mo II
It wero necessary."
Tho other man shifted Ida position nnd
wet his Him with his tongue.
"You did not remember, did you," Ivl
son went on, gripping and ungrlpplug tho
back of tho chair behind which ho was
standing, "that It was I who put you on
your feet, not only this last time, hut once
or twlco before? I am going to believe you
foruot tins foruot that to mo you owe
oven what little you have, for I don't want
to think of you as nn ungrateful man. No,
you are not ungrateful; you are simply n
fool. Von say that when he asked you
you wero so taken by surprise that you
could only acknowledge I had Wen willful
and wild and mixed up In ono or two nr
fairs not greatly to my credit as a gentle
man. And yet you ought to havo known
and remembered that your words were my
death warrant with her father. You did
know It, but why didn't you remember itr
What havo you to say for yourself V
Tho other man swallowed onco or twlco,
but he did not speak. Ivlnon, growing
paler every moment, turned the chair aside
and moved toward tho door.
"I am going," he snld, "becauso I do not
care to trunt myself with you longer. If I
did, I might 'forget and If I forgot I
would try to kill you. When you get your
senses again, you will see and understand
just what you havo done for mo. You have
ruined my life nnd hers, for sho loves me
through It all nod I nm tho man who
niado you. I nm going south tonight, and
it will probably bo for a long time. My
only wish U that, In tho years to come
until you are dend you will think at leant
onco n day that It was you who wrecked
the happiness of two peoplo who broke
her heart nnd brought tho old hell back
Into mine, and It Is you who will pay for
It in the end."
At last tho other man found his tongue.
"My God, Ivlsonl" he cried hoarsely,
"don't leave mo now let mo think, let nn
thlnkl I I how could I know what hu
wanted? He only asked mo if you had lioen
wild years ngo, and I said" passing his
band quickly over his eyes "what did I
suyf It could not havo been much, for hu
was hero but a minute. But I can fix it,
Ivlsou I can fix it somo way. How could
I know it was her father?"
"You couldn't know," answered Ivlnon
In the same clear, even tones, though the
other man knew that back of this forced
calmness tho devil himself raged in the
other's soul, "Is-cause, as 1 told you, you
were n fool. Until then you had been pass
ably sane, nnd It would seem that you
ought to have known enough to keep your
mouth shut, but you didn't. On the con
trary, you told him mow than he asked for.
You said that I wasa friend of yours, hut
yon thought no, you knew I had sown
my wild oats and then you told him what
they were and what sort of a crop they
were yielding.
"You told of the other woman, and nnd
all the rest. Could any mnn allvo have
given his daughter to me hearing that?
And yet nil tho time you were talking you
knew I had changed; tlmt I had buried
the past In a straight, upright present nnd
had kept it in its grave for years. Hut you
weren't content to let It stay there. You
dragged it out and showed it to him en
joyed doing It doubtless. And I made you."
The other man locked straight before
him. but he did not speak attain. Ivlson
took up his hat, drew his gloves from his
pocket nnd began slowly putting them on.
"1 did not come hero to preach to you,"
he said presently, "for I am not good at
that sort ef thing. I came for your own
good as well ns to tell you Just what 1
thought of ou. I have done that, and now
I say to you I never want to set eyes ou you
again. I have kept my hands off your mis
erable body tonight because I am not a
rough, but I warn you now that if ever I
see you again it may bo different, for It is
in my heart to kill you to kill you, do you
"Why don't you do it then?" said the
other man, turning his sunken eyes upon
his scourcr, his voice still hoarse with
emotion. "I wouldn't stop you. I know
all you say and more Is true that you
made me, and that I havo ruined you. You
couldn't possibly think any less of met ban
I do of myself. If putting nn end to my
unhappy life will make reparation for what
I havo done, i say do ttl Won't stand there
mid review the whole cursed thing, though,
for what Is post can't bo helped, Iu God's
name, Ivlson," ho cried fiercely, throwing
bis arms alKVo his head in his wild, dra
matic way, "what can I do now?"
"Nothing. You couldn't convince him
that you had wronged me, and I cannot
deny what you snld. All I can say to him
Is tho past is dend nnd buried, and he
shrugs his shoulders and says It is a very
lifelike corpse. You did not lie. No, you
did what is sometimes much worse aud a
good deal harder to do you told the truth.
When hut there Is no use iu saying any
thing else. Good night," and Ivlson closed
the door softly behind him.
Tho other man stood still until ho heard
him pass out into the street. Then, with a
Krirnu, lie same into mscnairanu mined dm
head ou his arm. From his earliest boy
hood ho
father's office, recommended hi in for an
easier placo and a linger salary tho poor
fellow was no overcome that ho qulto lost
his head and nearly fainted where ho at
with astonishment. As nervous and on
given to details as n nick woman, ho mag'
nlllod uvery smnll thing tlmt camo to him
and Jumped nt conclusion with n rapidity
which would havo put to sliamo any mem
her nt the opposite sex. Hut In n moment
of forgot fulness ho had simken, and In two
minutes ho had ruined tho life of nlmixt
his only friend.
For nwhlto ns he lay there, after Ivlson
had gone, ho could hardly understand It
all, but gradually through the distorted
lenses of hlsnorupuluua nature he saw what
ho had done, nnd ho wondered dimly how
God would punish him. Not for a moment
did ho think of blaming Ivlnon or unking
himself why tho mnn had not made Ids life
purer, so that ho would have had nothing
to disclose to her father. Willi character
Intto unselfishness he told himself the fault
was entirely Ids, and that tho sin he had
committed was unpardonable, unpardou
able, aud hardly knowing what lie was do
lug ho pulled tho little lllblu which lay Is
fore him under the tight and turned to the
Commandments to see If It wan there. Hut
before he found tho place, heenmo ton pas
sago which seemed to burn Itself Into III
brain, "An eyo for nn eye, a tooth for n
tooth, a life for a life." A life for n life!
He started to his feet as If some ana had
spoken Ids name and turned to his desk
There ho drew n sheet of paper to him nuil
What I told you of Ivlson yesterday Is a He
from beginning to end. Iliad a imrposo then
In bearing fnlso witness against him, for I lot
your daughter, and In a moment of wild hns'
that I might win her I said what I did. It ts u
lie, I repeat. The mnn In an puro an yourself
and Ills record an frco from stain. That oti
tnkolilmback again at onco ts the prnyer
tho command of tho man who tried to ruin
his life. Hhow this to him, and remember t lint
these aro tho last words of one who liofnre
you read thorn shall bo expiating Ids crlmo In
tiie oilier worm.
To this strange note ho signed his name
and put It In nn envelope.
"It will convlnco him It must," ho said,
turning to a small drawer aud opening It.
"Ivlson shall bo restored, but I"
Ho took from the drawer a tiny, pearl
handled revolver, and going to tho lire
place again stood iooklng thoughtfully Into
the blaze.
"I havo lied," ho whispered to himself
"lied about herl 'A life for a llfol' Allfo
Tlmn he pulled tho hammer of the re
volver slowly buck nnd cocked It.
A Gentleman
Who formerly resided In Connecticut, biiC'
who now resides In Honolulu, wrltesi "J'or
so years past, my wife
ntivl I Imvo mod Ayer's
Ilalr Vigor, and wo
ntttlliutu to It the dark
hnlr which sho nnd I
now have, while han
dled ef our noqtialut'
ancei, tun or a itocen
years younger than we,
arn either grny-hendcit,
white, or Imld. When
asked how our hnlr Iim
retained Its rolor nnd
fullness, wo reply, 'fly
thousouf Avar's Hnlr
Vlgor-nollilng clso."1
waa nearly buld, nnd
tho hnlr
kept full
ing, nut
o v o r y
dny, I
ATttH Ifalr Vigor, and very toon, It not
only checked any further lois of hnlr, but
produced nn entirely now growth, which tins
roiimlncd luxuriant and glossy to this day.
I can recommend this preparation to all In
need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is alt
that It Is rlnlmod to be." Antonio Alarrun,
jiustrop, Tex.
ME? 1 ,tvt9
As Ivlson started homo from the theater
that night ho hesitated nt tho corner of the
street nnd then turned hack nnd walked
slowly toward tho other man's rooms. A
curious feeling camo over him whilo ho sat
watching the play a feeling ns If ho had
dono something terribly wrong and some
thing for which ho could never make repa
ration. As the performance went on the
feeling becuino stronger until ho found
himself restless and distracted nnd wish
ing ho wero nut of tho plnco In tho cool
night air. Why he should feel so ho could
not think, nnd he stopped trying after a
few minutes of mental Inquiry.
When he hail got through tho crowd and
Into tho street, tho strange sensation left
him somewhat, but when ho reached the
corner, Instead of going homo or to tho club
as he had Intended doing, ho found himself
hurrvtuu toward the other man's little
bachelor apartments with no plausible rca
aon. Perhaps it was curiosity to see him
once more before he left tho city. Perhaps
only tho desire to look upon him nnd think
wlint n pleasure it would bo to choke the
miserable wretch's life from his Iwdy. Per
haps and this was the true reason, as he
felt later on his own trouble had made
htm com passionate for the man, and lie
would sneak kindly to him and try to for
give him. lie soon came to tho little street
on wiiich the other man lived, aud down
this street he turned.
Several men, half dressed and stupidly
excited, It scemid to him, were talking
among themselves In the hall as he camo
in, but as It was a largo house, aud those
who roomed there wero constantly going
and coming he did not stop. With a nod
nnd a murmur of recognition to those he
knew by sight, he pushed by them nnd up
the stairs to tho other man's room. He
turned the knob, but tho door was closed,
and a queer feeling, an Intensified return of
that ho had experienced In tho theater,
camo over him. Ho threw his weight
against tho door quickly, aud tho lock gave
Upon tho bed, with his eyes open nnd
staring at the celling, as they had done
for tho last five minutes, lay tlio man witn
a conscience dead. Kverard Jack Apple
ton In San Francisco Argonaut.
Dr. T. O'Connor,
(BnccMsor to Dr. Charles HoorlM.)
"'tis sod Fi'tntns without ths um ol Ktill.
rhlorolorui or lit bur.
niiv 1106 OHtrtvtUwHU block.
Chlci(o, Rock Island & Pacific Rj,
Best Dining- Car Service In tho World.
Bsmtmbe. this Line fcaa a Depot for- all
trains at ana-UwoolfanbartoorOaloafo),
olose to Uia World's Talr ttata.
An International Visitor.
It will bo new to many readers that the
mosquito Is now (Irmly established In Lon
don. It Is to be found in certniii largo ho
tels which are the resort of visitors coming
from tho continent, and the supply seems
to be maintained by constant Importations
from abroad. Visitors who aro familiar
with the noise and bite of the mosquito as
sert that it is the true nest in its worst
form, and thero Is no reason for doubting
their exertenees.
A ludicrous mistake In Identity on this
point recently occurred nt a large colliery
tu tho north of Knglnud. The men In a
distant part of the mine complained that
tho workings were full of "mosquitoes"
and refused to enter tho gallery. As It
take something worse than a mosquito to
frighten it collier, the manager went down
to explore and discovered much to his
amazement that tho workings were full of
huge, hornetlike, yellow banded fllen,
whose larviu were hatching out from the
wooden props which supported the roof, In
tho warm atmosphere of the pit. The buzz
and rustle of wings was Indeed formidable,
and the bite of tho supposed "mosquitoes"
would by analogy bo something very ter
rible Indeed. London Spectator.
A Noteworthy Carpet.
A curious history is attached to a carpet
used in the production at tho Prlnco of
Wales theater of the comla opera, "Poor
Jonathan." When the star of Napoleon
III was nt its zenith, an Auhussou carpet
of magnificent description was ordered by
the chateau at Com-
, General Flenrr for
nelKiie. but when it was seen by the em-
had been a sensitive, nalnstaktuu ' neror directions were ulven that It should
creat ire, careful nnd conscientious to such I be transferred to the Tullerles. In 1871,
a oe'reo that he became a byword In his I during the commune, thecarpct was appro-
own lamily, of high strung and Intensely
nervous organization, and with a tempera
ment as changeable as the weather aud
often affected by it. He was not a hand
some man; he was tall and thin and
hlooplug; his eyes, deep and hollow, were
nlwii's feverishly bright; Ids chin was
pointed and tils lips thin, giving one the
idi .i of h cruel streak In tho mail which he
Iu iiowlsu possesnd.
All his life lie had had to light his war
priatedaud with other artistic works dis
patched to Austria. The carpet has since
had several owners, but owing to Its size
has proved practically useless.
To Its present possessor It was sold for
150, believed to he about an eighth part of
Ita original value. 8o much Is thought of
this carpet, which in "Poor Jonathan" is
laid down in the reception room of the mil
lionaire Vitndergold by the maiiower of the
Prlnco of Wales, that he has had the
dresses of the characters appearing lu this
Hut 08, (CO, 975 and 190 a month, ac-
.inline to location. Address
Cumberland, nd up to Juno 10; after
hut date, cither Deer Park or Oaklund,
iinrrott county, Md.
n'.owl from one nositlnii to another so
slowly tliut sver he became Impatient at scene made to harmonize with Its colors.
t niesani when I vImhi, taking pity ou him ' Such a circumstance Is probably unique lu
iluy as ie brut over the books at bis I theatrical aunals. London Chronicle
U tii'Miilaoj
an llluit rat
ed folder ds
scriblut the
Mailen. The Droits
r f fruit mUln are set forth In dotill : also facta
r.l.iliaiiiihMii. mill, and oenaral fnrmiaa.
No other country possesses such a dMlrskl
rllmaU all the rear around. Write to K.L.
Palm r, P. A. Banta
or Ira ooar,
mines and towns of Now
Fe, Route, Ocaaaa, Me,,
k i
'tLA 4i4.A
.tfaiiaV'iY a.