Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, August 26, 1893, Image 3

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    i! V
Furr HinonflL Bw.
Capital, $400,000.
Surplus, $100,000.
ItAK.woOD, President., .
i. A. IIanna, Vlco President.
F. M. Cook, Cashier.
S, 8. LirriMCOTT, Assistant Cashier.
. B. Freeman, Asslitnnt Cashier.
6APITAU, $250,000.00.
oncer and Director.
Jork IJ. W'RionT, President.
T. E. Bands, Vlco President,
J. II. McClat, Cashier.
P. K. Johnson, II. P. Lou, Tho. Cochran
E. K. Biter. .. T w Lowrcy,
W. L. Dton.
General Banking Business Transacted
Collection a Specialty.
CAPITAL, $100,000.00.
SURPLUS, $20,000.00.
CHAS. E. WAITE, Cashier.
QEO. H. SCHWAKE, Ant. Cathier.
0 per cent on Deposit raid at the
Savinss Bank
Cor. P and EloTcnth Sts.
ThconlySafe Deposit Vaults in Lincolh
N. B. Hnrwood.
N. C. Hrock.
Wm, McLaughlin.
W. A. Selleck.
C. T. Hoggs.
O. W. Webster.
Albert Wntklna.
Fred Williams.
Rachel Lloiil.
II. I), ltn'.hawny.
J. . Ilrlscoo.
V. J. Krnst.
II. W lirowti.
H.O Phillips.
E. It. Sixer.
Henry Vulth.
Henry E. Lewis.
o o o
-W7irlT?T TVQ Howtocconomwetlme.
; YY J1im1U tJ and money so as to sea!
10 A 1 1? "I0 world's fair to beet .
; JJ il-LlV. advantage, la a que-
tlon tlint ma hare,
'puzzled ou. Avoid mistakes by Rotting?:
posted lnntlvanco. Porliui sthelllustrntea.
folder Just Issued by Simla Fe Routo Is ;
.what you need. It contains viowa of world's.
Jfalr buildings, accurato map of Chicago.
.and other informa- ,
Palmer, P. A. Banta TJATTflVI? '
'.Fe Routh, Omaha, ItUIJ -J. .
; and ask for freo copy. ;
. .
E Tuition I Fall term, In even different
courses. Only hbih ade Independent
nal In tho state. The Finest Building.
Equipment, and Ablest Normal Faculty. No
experiment, but an established Management. 40
courses, 35 teacher and lecturers. A lire school
(or the masses. Write for catalogue.
F. R, B1ZER, Mgr. Lincoln, Neb.
all kinds of Repairing Promptly
All woik warranted.
308 So. 11th St.
Lincoln. Neb.
T. C. KERN, I). 1). S.
Rooms 25 and 26, Burr Block.
IV EC 13.
Pamphlets describing the
resources of
Hay ho had by addressing u, r. Hicnoison, u.
P. - T. A., A. T. A 8. F. R. R., Topeka, Kansas
Mention this paper.
FROM S2.60 TO S4.60.
Lincoln Stiff Hat Factory
Old Ilui DluHtil, Cleaned, Dyed and
vide an (ooii an new,
Ml kind
( Kviair
M'urk dune.
Mr. J. W. Winger is in Chicago.
Mr. W. H. Dawes has gone to Chicago.
Mr. II. J. Walsh him gono to CIiIciiko.
Mr Davo Ilowo was in tho city thin
Mlsa Lulu Clark wus an Omaha visitor
Mim Jessie Woods Ib vinltinK in Oska
Ioobii, la.
Miss May Hradloy Ib vinlttriK in East
Lynn, III.
Miss Mario Hoover Ib attending tho
worhl'H fair.
Mrs. L. W. Snow left Monday for tho
world's fair.
Dr. W. S. Tucker Ib attending tho
world's fair.
Mrs. A. D. drlffen loft Wednesday for
tho world'B fair,
Mr. C. N. Crandall left Saturday for
tho world's fair.
MI8L. 0. Hutlor Ib enjoying a vIbU at
tho world'fl fair.
Mr. J. K. Markoll, of Omaha, was in
Lincoln this week.
Mr. Edward llrown, of Grant, wns in
tho city thin week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Green, left Monday
for tho world'a fair.
Mr. II. T. Clarke, of Omaha, Bpont
Sunday In UiIh city.
Mr. Will Clarke, of Omaha, Bpont
Sunday in Lincoln.
Mr. R. H. Moffat of rullajiooBa, Ga.,
IB visiting in tho city. '
Mr. and Mre. J. L. Teeters loft Mon
day for tho Whito City.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Motcalf lef t Mon-
day for tho world's fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hulott, wore
in Lincoln over Sunday.
Mr. II. T. Dobbins, of tho News, left
for tho world's fair Saturday.
Miss Maude Oakloy has returned
from a pleasant visit in Omaha.
Mr. Fred Smyzor will leavo next week
for his homo in Brookllno, Mubh.
General Ainnsu Cobb left Wednesday
for tho Columbian exposition.
Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Mahew of Omaha,
visited in Lincoln during tho week.
Mr. L. J. Byors and Mr. George Run
left Monday for Minneapolis, Minn.
Mrs. J. B. Meyer and Mrs. W. II.
Green left Friday for Newark, N. J.
Miss Lillian Norton arrived in Lincoln
Saturday to attend tho conservatory.
Mrs. J. P. Wood, of Traor, Iowa., is
visiting her sister,, Mrs. John Zohrung.
Mrs. Hall, of Omaha, visited hot
daughter, Mrs. Oscar Funko thifl week.
Mr. Ed G. YnteB has gono east to pur
chaso goods for his new wholesale house.
Mrs. G. B. Reynolds, of Ellis, Nob.,
viBited her son in this city over Sun
day. Mr. L. Wepsel, of tho Coukikie, will
return to Lincoln with his family Mon
day. Mrs. II. G. Fredrlcks has returned
from a visit to West Virginia and Chi
cago. Miss S. S- Freeman, formerly of Lin
coln, but now of Chicago, is visiting in
tho city.
Mrs. Susan E. Conroy from Holidays
burg, Pa., is visiting hor sister Mrs J. R.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Carson has gono
to Colorado Springs to remain a couplo
of weeks.
Mrs. R. P. R. Miller and daughter
have returned from a visit with friends
in Donvor.
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Howell havo re
turned from an outing in tho Rocky
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hastings returned
Saturday from tho Atlantic coast and
world'B fair.
Miss Dena Loomis returned Wednes
day from a two month's visit in Chicago
and vicinity.
Mrs. M. M. Calm has returned from a
three month's visit to dhieugo, Keokuk
and Now York.
Mr. Lylo Chambers, and Misses Ger
trude and Emma Chambers left Tues
day for Chicago.
Professor F. W. Taylor, returned from
Chicago Thursday. Ho will remain in
town over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsland and Miss
Gertrudo Marsland returned lust week
from tho Black Hills.
Mrs. Zohrung, to tho regret of hor
many friends, does not improve as
rapidly as was hoped.
Mr. F. E. Bishop and Mr. Charles E.
Tingley left Saturday evening for tho
Columbian oxosition.
Mr. Itczin Welch, who has boon in
Colorado for several weeks, is expected
to return in a few days.
Mr. and Mre. E. O.Bradley, of Omaha,
returned homo Sunday after a visit of
several days in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Parish and
daughters Etta, Mabel and Edith left
Monday for the world'a fair,
Mis. J. M. Oukes, of Kirk wood, III.,
is visiting her friend Mrs. J. N, Hyder
or 801 north Sixteenth Btreet.
Miss JIulliu Newmeyerla at LionoLako,
Mo., whore she was called on account of
tho serious Illness of her brother.
Mlsn Mary Shears catno on from
Chicago to attend hor father's funeral
and will remain in Lincoln boiuo titno.
Miss Lillian Campbell has returned
from a several weeks vacation at tho
world's fair and hor old homo In Maroa,
MnBter John Harley left Thursday for
Sheridan, Wyo., to join his father who
Ib with a hunting party in tho moun
tains. Mr. and Mrs, A. H, Mendenhall left
for Peoria, Wednesday, summoned
thlthor by tho death of Mr.AIcndunluiira
Mrs. Cotter, accompanied by her
daughter, Graco and a number of hor
pupils left this week for tho Columbian
MrB. E. W. Emonds and son Robert,
and daughter Mary, havo returned from
Chicago, where thoy have boon spending
tho summer.
MIbb Muggio Murphy, of Horpol
Bheimcr's millinery department, left Frl
day evening for a twowoek'fl vacation at
tho world's fair.
Mrs. A. D. Guile has returned from a
visit to Hannibal. Sho waBiiccompanied
homo by her Bister, Mrs. McMlllen, of
Colorado Springs.
Misses Anna and Ada Closson left
Monday for tho world's fair. Miss Anna
will go thenco to Hillsdale Mich., to
continue hor college course.
Miss Maud Brighton, of Dollanco, O.,
is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dovore.
Sho will leave shortly for Holdrego,
where sho has accepted a jiositlon as a
Mrs. John B. Wright has returned
from Chicago. Tho many friends of
Miss Daysio Robinson, Mrs. Wright's
sister, will bo pained to learn that sho is
still very ill.
Mr. O. It. Oakloy and daughters, Mrs
T. W. Grilllth and Miss Graco Oakloy,
Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Oakley and Miss
Maudo Oakley will leave shortly for
the Columbian oxiKisition.
Miss Katharine Graham, of Alleghany
City, Pa., who has been visiting in this
city tho guest of Miss Anna Barr and
MIpb Gertrude Marsland, left for hor
homo Wednesday via St. Louis and
Miss Mary Miller of, Oak Park, Chi
cago, who has been visiting her sister'
Mrs. D. E. Thompson this Biimmer, will
go to Omaha Monday, where sho will re
main a couple of weeks before departing
for homo with hor mother. '
Mrs. J. L. Wright and daughter, Miss
Cora, and son, W. It. Wright, left Fri
day evening for thoir now homo at
Hiawatha, Kan., where Mr. Wright will
go into business. Thoy will bo missed
by a largo circle of friends in this city.
Dr. Crook, of California, who was re
cently elected chancellor of tho Weslo
yan university to succeed Dr.Creighton,
has been In tho city this week examin
ing his now Held of work. Ho is ac
companied by Mrs. Crook. At a meeting
of the oxecutivo coiumitteo of tho uni
versity on Tuesday, Dr. Crook formally
accepted tho chancellorship. Ho will
receive a salary of 83,000.
Mrs. John C. Allen returned Tuesday
from an extended visit in tho east.
After u Btop of four weeks with friends
at Cincinnutti, Mrs. Allen went to Sea
Bright, Now Jersey, a noted summer
resort on tho Jersey coast, spending
tho month of August at Sea Bright and
Now York City. Secretary Allen joined
Mrs. Allen in Now York. Thoy stopped
at Chicago on thoir return.
What do You Take
Medicino for? Because you are sick
and want to got well, or because you
wish to prevent illness. Then romembor
that Hood's Sarsuparilla cures all dis
eases caused by impure blood and
debility of tho system. It is not what
its proprietors say but whut Hood's
Sarsaparilla does that toll tho story of
its merit. Bo sure to got Hood's, and
only Hood's
At lliirlliiirton lleucli.
At IlurlliiKton Reach thu present bus been n
busy week. Tho warm went hor culled out
lurgu crowds, and hundreds went iubnthliiK, or
tilled on tho lake, or rode on tho steamer, or
danced in the. pavilion. Thero has been u liitf
attendance uvery afternoon and evening.
BallliiK Krows moru popular everyday. Every
body sails now, and tho ) acids aruln constant
demand. Tho inanaKcment of IlurlliiKton
Ileuch try to makn tho public thoroiiKhly at
homo at this resort, and they havo succeeded
admirably, Thero Is so much to do, and over)
thing Is so pleasant, that people like to goto
thu lake. Tho resort grown more and more
IMipular. Music every evening at llurlingtoa
The Union I'ueltlo Cut Rates.
Denver, one way $ 10.75
Donvor, round trip 0.00
Puoblo, Colorado Springs and Choyonno
tno same rale.
Chicago, ono way 0.15
Chicago, round trip j 10.40
St, Louis, ono way 10.05
St. Louis, round trip 18.40
Full information cheerfully given at
1014 O street, Bouthwest cor. O and 11th.
J. T. Mahtin, E. B. Sloshon,
City Ticket Agt. Gen. Agt.
A lino lino of canned soups, " con's
per can. Miller & Clifford, grocers.
"Tho Best" Laundry, 2208 O street,
telophono 579, H. Townsend ,fe Co., pro
prietors, Lincoln, Neb,
Thoro may bo some nicer and cooler
places to on joy a platu of delicious ice
creams than Chas. June's puvillion, but
thoy are not to bo found in tills ivelgh
The Umbrella, the Kmplre, the M30 and
the Circular Not a IMrlteiilt Task to Cut
Them Note About the Trimming.
Pockets anil Opening.
(Copyright, Isttkby American Press Associa
tion, There nru now four distinct nklrtn, known
respectively hh umbrella, empire, I M0 and
the circular, The circular la ncomplctoclr
clc, with thu center cut out for tho wnlat,
the rest falling In loose fold nil around and
with no (team except that In thu hack vcrr
like those of hud aeiiaou, hut fuller. It re
quire double width mntcrlal to cut thene.
Tho top la fulled Into the I wit to cause It to
flt over tho hlm.
Tho umbrella HtylureiiulrcH nine brondtlm
and la narrow at tho top and extremely fli
Ing, and generally miiiio kind of trimming
outlines each hchiii. ,
Tho einplroUcompoKodof eight breadth,
and tho IKK) la made very full and flaring,
ometlmes plain from top to bottom, but
more often with n flounce net on, which Is
cut In a part lid circle so as to gl vol ho np
pcaranco of nHtcond skirt, when, ni In neutr
ally tho cane, It la headed hy n narrow ruffle,
or thu joining la covered by some special
In moRt ensesj these are cut in tho form of
ft half circle, but In others thoy are cut In
sections, with the wide end downward and
the top of each hollowed out n little niul
tho bottom rounded to give Itn, flare.'
The empire skirt la cut much like any
other, hut there are eight breadths an
against the live. The' top of tho front
breadth mcasurcM from 0 to H Inches across
the top and flares to '. "J at tho bottom. It
Is cut lengthwise on tho fold. The mat I lx
breadths are 5 Inches across tho top and ic
pcctlvely It), SO and J at tho bottom. The
back breadth la 40 Inches all nloti(t and cut
to n short train In tho back. Tliotop of the
back breadth is entirely taken up hi plaits,
making this skirt 84 Inches around th
waist. In caao tho wearer Is more hIcik'.'I-
the breadths can bo Sloped In at lliu lop c.
gathered slightly to bring tt to tho re
quired size.
Tho pattern of n skirt Is so easily drafted,
given tho measurement of length and wabt
baud, that (unr Instructions are needed o'.b
cr than to say that they should bo cut on
tho straight and right side up where there
Is a nap or pattern. Where tho goods uro
alike, like plain silk cashmere, etc., tho
goris can bo pieced, as Is shown on tho dia
gram, by taking what comes from tho top
and adding It on the bottom, hut thlt hunt
advisable if theru Is plenty of goods. Some
times two breadths can ho got from ci.o
width of cloth by adding theso triangular
nieces. Sometimes by laylnit one breadth
(that means double) up and the other down
when cutting two can Ikj cut without
piecing, hut this will do only In cashmere,
plain silk, cottons and chevrons, cheviots
and plain napless goods of extra width.
Velvet and velutlna should never ho cut
"up and down," as there Is always a differ
ence In tho shading.
The stiff skirt lining now used may hoof
crinoline, horsehair or wigau. If of horse
hair, tho edges must he firmly bound with
strong material, so that tho hairs will not
stick through and irritate tho wearer, tho
fnslngtobocut just thoshapoot tho bot
tom and can be as deep as desired. It Is
bettor to have It uiado separate and cat
stitch it to tho lining, leaving tho lower
edge to coma oven with tho bottom of the
skirt. It should ho in turn faced with al
paca or black silk stitched on with a ma
chine. If three or four rows of tho stitch
ing are sewed around, they mako t!ic skirt
stand out better. When these aro Unit
hasted twice around thu bottom and then
cat stitched on, the edgo should bo care
fully trimmed and then bound with bios
velutlna, which comes In pieces for that
purpose. It needs more than one bunch,
as tho skirts aro so largo around. Tills is
to be hosted with tho velvet part to the
skirt and turned upward on tho outside
and basted with a strong thread, which is
to remain in. Then it should bo stitched
and finally turned and felled down strongly
to tho under side.
The bottoms of all tho stylos of skirts are
to Ik) treated in tho same manner, which
gives them a neat and perfect finish. The
bottom can then lie pressed, and it is reiuly
for tho pocket and band. Some simply pipe
the top, and this Is preferable finish for all
skirts to Ins worn with a lasiuc, but where
they are to lie worn with a short, rouud
waist a hand Is better, as It offers a means
of fastening waist and skirt together.
The aklrtsopeu in tho buck, and thu plack
et should Ih barely large enough to permit
thu wearer to get Into the dress, and it
should he lapped over from thu right sldo
and firmly stitched.
The pocket now Is often entirely omitted,
but it can be set in tho hack seam of the
lust gore. It can ho cut rouud or square, as
is preferred, lint must always ho faced with
thu drcsH material, When two loops are
sowed, one on each side of the waist blad
ing, thu skirt Is finished except for tho
The trimming most in vogue just now Is
thu narrow gathered ruflle, with rolled
French hem. This is but slightly gathered,
sometimes with n heading and sometimes
v. ithout. These ate set around the bottom
or at intervals tp liu skirt. Thu trimming
of it hkirt is so largely a matter of private
taste that it is not easy togivu directions as
to tho best style.
All the skirts where thu full cut lioltom
Is joined to thu rest have Mime trimming.
It may bo plain ribbon baud, Jet passemen
terie or velvet bauds or milliner's fold.
These last cannot lie described, but every
ono cuu learn to mako them by seeing it
1 " T f TV I ' i
lllas velvet and silk flat folds must bo
Hindu over crinoline to kecpshaM. Hows
of velvet folds of graduated width placed
at regular distance apart make n hand-t-ome
trimming, hut they must be sewed
i i hi the HtruluhtcNt Hue, for they look butt
ll lacy ure, not tad low thu tyro.
OLIVK llAlll'KK.
ProfE-eail" Dry
1141 AND 1
The. ttohuul for tlo ivrnaaaofl
Ileautlful.heollhy location, "JO arm campus, electric strretcar lino ran directly to cam
without chiiime. fJ.Vl.iMI In buildings, splendid equipments, superior iierniuinnihitlons, strong
faculty, experienced maiiaueiiieiit, comprehensive clrrlculum, thorough work, high moral and
(Jlirmlnn inlliience. ami low expenses lor simicnin.
Wo havo 'il course.
1 music, linn art. lien
itarten and model training schools (for both children unit student teachers), nru not eciallotl U
ho west.
tonny part of tho city for nil who attend tho Western Normal
And just sucli clusses us you desire. Write, or call mid sen us.t
H.irlnir ,nr,n ntu.iia Alirll 11. IKKI. fllifl rmitlnlloy 1U Weeks. Hi!
and continues S weeks. You can enter nt any
This palatial establishment la
ezcepuon 01 -xuraian, suian,
win ue reaar ty June i.
ArranHornontl of Hours OltKAT PLDNQR. t.adlsa, from I a. m. to 12:30 p. tn.
Dally Hunday. Usatlemsn, from 1 p. m. to II p. m. wwk days, nnd from H a. in. to
lip. m. Holidays. BOCIAI.UWUId-Un Monday and Thursday tvsalDgs 7.1U to 10.10 tb
plung will lit open to both sexes. Gentlemen on tuM evsnlng will be ndmllttd only
when accompanied by a lady and all atraagsrs to the Institution must procure nn Intro
duction before tbsy can purchase tlckits. Only ipeclal non-transferable ticket will be ac
cepted on eoclal evenings.
Special Notlooa-Oa Wednesday afternoon fro I to o'clock the great plunge can
b rented for private parties. Children under 12 will not be admitted unlras ai-companlsd
by parent or guurdlnu. Hoys niidxr 10 will he admitted during ladle hours when accom
panied by their mother or guardlnn. During June, July and August th great plunge will
n open i i
s open to botn eete from b a. m. to 8 a.
occnple a apace of CO feet wide b,v 142 feet In length and Is Iron It to 9 feet deep. It Is
filled with mineral water from th" company' own wells and Is absolutely pars and remark
ably clear and buoyant. There are 100 dressing rooms, two toilet rooms, tno hot and cold
shower baths, one automatic nredl bath, two rubber covered spring boards, a rait, a
traveling crane and ropes lor acquiring the art of swimming. Btvcral life preserver, mir
rors, tombs nud blushes, soaps and towels, etc, and the adinlsaloa to the plane with all
ol these privilege I but 2ft C--XS.
i . . . -"TT. T Zi )
Mis Rertl Rarr and Mr. P. never gtv Instructions In swimming to ladle a4 eultdraa.
nen and boys durlug udvertlsed hours.
'The Hot Suit Hatha are nmarkablv efficacious In snrh ailments a rhrumnllam,
dj'siwpsla, gnut. inala'la. kidney, liver auu nervous trouble and blood disease. 'I be but
(Milt department are probably the most Important ot tills ureal eaiunllsliiiieut and both
aexe may but he at thsaum time, t her being a separate unddistluclnparlmsut for ladl
and geutle men, with (killed attendant In eaih. If you are iick.or feel bad and don't know
eiactly what all you, try tbeeesnlt bathe lor a short tlmenud see the rt-ealt. It will be a
reveUtlou toynu. . . .....
The Bed RoomB are charming, they are well ventilated, handsomely fnralehed and
are for thearcoiuiuintntluii ol IIiomIii ill health who wish to Ink bath and remain In the
building, or for thus who with a ulgbu ludglug alter u Turkish, Itusslan or Cabinet bath.
Tho Reception Rooms unit Mrlvnte t'nrlors nrerlchly decorated and afford
much romlort and reel to ihoi wbo wish to while away an hour or two atler a bath. Th
latest fatblon book, periodical and Illustrated papers ai on convenient tables, l.uxur
lous divan., rocker and euy chairs arson every side. '1 be carpet are rich la color and
dtslgn. lie sure and visit this apartments.
The Barber shop Is In charge of careful men. The tools are sharp, the sarroand
Ings neat and comfortable nud the charge moderate.
The Ladles Hrtlr L)r-ssln Departmont Is very complot and Is supplied with
everything necessary for artistic and sa'lfiiclory work. he lady attendants are experi
enced and courteous and will strive to pleae all who .'avor them with
The Plain Bnths are very complet,i and a third ample actouiuiodutlons for both
sexes at the sun time. All tabs are while porcvlalu.
I'amphlets, te.iimonlals and nil Information may be recored by addressing Dra. it. u.
and J O. Kv.irett, umniiKlng physicians, II nud Kourtrenth street. Lincoln, Neb.
Vj0b N ML
velHrkei. ell per
druuuntt. Ak font.
In plain wrap
r'orsulo to Lincoln, by 11
Ive wrlttes gtmriinten lersre or refund the Money
Are Now Open and we are Serving the Purest and Most Delicious (
Ice Cream In the Glty. t
We Make a Specialty of Family Orders and will promptly deliver all Supplies
Reasonable Prices.
to InHpeot our New
Tito JvCitoaat ItlofiM,
Ift :- AMMurtincnt
Lowcat Prlooai.
Gooda H)mporluni
tlH Tonolioea,
art. dclsartc. elocutionary, courses and klndor-
You can enter at any time aad
Hummer term open Jnnn 30, 1AM
tlmo, however. Catalogue and circular free,
WM. M. GROAN, President, or
w. j. kinsley, secu ana r.
now open la all departments with th
ioirio canine aaa i
, Soman, and tbea
m. Pnllv
except Hon. lay. The great plunge
fusruuu-ed toeurun.i nervous di'w.tiu.ii s. Weak Memory. Ii.siif Urata
owur, Headache, W'okeluliien, I.o.iMsiihcMid.Nliintlr KuitMlons. Norvout
nvM.alldrulnsandln.sor xiwerlaljenurstivuOrraus ot cither sexcaiiM-d
Dyoveroxertinn,yemioirrrr, erMivuui KiuaiTu.ueiuniur.uiu
ufants.whlchlHatolnMrmltr.t'"iiniiiitlonor Insanity.. (n be carried In
box, 1 for VA, by mall preiulil. Willi a3 oraer we.
Mold bv all
tskn iiiiothj r.
Write tor free Mmtlesl Hook sent seh-l
KKU CO., MasouloTemple.ClUC-UO.
and W.W.HKllLABNl)K.n,UriOiltl.l
IWrClAFBIy.rIW Prop.,
' tii
r M
Vf -.ii
. i
' n
'jija.itft .
..ikivLi.'t.,j. ,-&i iiA:CAtisi 4 'ut. ii i a iBi j