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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1893)
-! Moiming Courier. VOLUME 8, NO. 38. kINGOLN, NKUUASKA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1893. PKI6K FIVB GENTS Saturday A W I t ft r? if R ft! V 1 ? IV SI Washington, Aug. 23, 1803. Special Courier Correspondence That Speak er Crisp realizes that tho south is in tho eaddlo wilt bo Been from the mako-up of tho house committees. Out of fifty-two chairmanships ho has given thirty to tho southern democrats and but twenty two to northern democrats. There nro twonty-threo important committees and of these eighteen, or moro than two-thirds, have chairmen from southern states. Tho four great committees, ways and means, coinage, appropriations, and pensions, all havo southern chairmen and southern majorities in their demo cratic membership. ' . When Mr. Cleveland selected his cabinet I assured myself that tho im portant and conspicuous member of it would bo John G. Carlisle, of Kentucky. This gentleman has been such n vig orous and intellectual flguro in his wholo career us a statesman, and his opportunities ut just this timo to dis tinguish himsolf us tho chief of tho treasury department arc so numerous, that I cannot sco how ho is not tho first and foremost mun in tho government today. Now tho fact is, wo never hear of John Q. Carlisle Ho might as well bo idling away tho drowsy days in his Kentucky home, beguiling tho hours with somo rare old bluegrass brow, and shooting craps with tho village post master. In all tho financial excitement that surrounds us there is no sound of Carlisle Why is this thus? I do not undertuko to explain it to my self. Just how and for what reason ho has been effaced it would bo difllcult to say; tho fact remains that as tho secre tary of tho treasury ho has bcon, and is, a mere namo and mild promise. ""VThe-Bmall 'gcritleRianthRtplays the particularly lurgo part in tho present administration is undoubtedly Dunie) Lamont. I havo novor been nblo to regard Lamont as moro than a shrewd, orderly and enterprising person. His character and his capacity are, I should say, not superior. But ho is certainly Mr. Cleveland's intimato and beloved counsellor, and no matter what subject tho president hus to consider, it is La mont that is invited to confer with him. This has been tho cuso of luto at all times. Lamont, not Carlisle, is tho president's adviser and assistant in tho financial panic of tho moment. As a matter of fuct, while nominally holding tho ortico of secretary of war, Lamont is again Mr. Cleveland's privato Bccrotary. I am not sure that I, as an uncomprom ising Cleveland democrat, approvo of this condition. As I havo said, I am not a strong beliovcr in Lumont, oxcopt as a capable and foxy little man. I should not liko to think that ho was more than an adjunct and incident of Mr. Clovoland'B administration. It has long boon tho misfortune of the democratic party that it has not been ablo to act harmoniously ut tho required timo upon grave questions of state Evor since Mr. Cleveland's first inauguration as president ho has been harusscd and handicapped by opposition within his own party. Although ho hus bcon ablo to win tho peoplo to his way of thinking, ho hus novor boon nblo to secure anything ovon approaching u unanimous following of tho representa tives of theso same peoplo. Tho reason of this is not far to seek. Tho democra tic party lHcks statesmen in congress, and, most of all, an ablo loader in tho senate. Wero it not for this a picuyuno politician liko Sonutor Vest, of Missouri, could never havo created tho stir ho did recently with a speech containing tho sumo arguments wind much of tho identical lnnguago employed by him in recent mnguzino articles. Wore it not for this such a commonpluco mun us Senator Gorman could novor havo posod so long us one of tho ublost and wisest democratic sonators. Senator Voorhoes might exert a powerful ipiitieiiou with his forceful oratory if ho hud not tho unfortunuto faculty of nearly always being on tho wrong sido of 11 Cjaestion. It must, however, bo said to tho credit of Sonators Gorman und Voorhoes that they have ut least declared their inten tion of voting for tho repeal of tho purchasing clause of tho Sherman luw. Senator VoorhccB huB, moreover, done well in introducing his bill for tho in crease of national bunk-note circulation. But when Senator Gorman was placed at tho heud of tho "Steering Committee," itfffas u foregone conclusion thut the senate would tako no uutiou for some time. The result of tho luck of leader I 1 ship und unanimity in tho senate is that ovory potty politician is allowed to force his wny to tho front with vnpid, drivel ling speeches liko Senator Vest's, and, by boldly nrruignlng tho administration, achiovo a certain notoriety which ho could novor get as a reward of merit. Now, tho question arises, how long will tho peoplo allow this to go on? What is tho use of electing a man of Mr. Cleveland's ability as our president if ho Is novor allowed to curry out tho wishes of tho peoplo on account of the opposition of peanut politicians within his own party? Not for many years Iiub tho country had u president whoso views upon vital questions huvo boon so sound ns thoso of Mr. Cleveland, und it is high timo for tho peoplo to bestir themselves so thut such men as Senators Vest, Pugh, Hansom, Cock roll, and tho rest of tho free silvor cranks, will not bo nblo to longer provqnt Mr. Cleveland from carrying out his views on financial und other matters. If theso mon and their ilk wero a llttio moro farslghted thoy would bo ablo to seo tho undonl ablo fact that silver will only reach its projMjr piaco if Mr. Clovoland'B wishes nrouccodod to, and not until then. T. T. Mr. Outright, of tho Newt, is entirely mistaken. Ho is not nnd noyor has been tho "especial object of tho misguided onmioty" of The Courier, or of uny ono connected with this paper. On tho con trary The Coukiek hus tho highest esteem for Mr. Outright, whom it regards as ono of tho ablest nowspnper mon in tho city, und who hus duno much to add to tho popularity of tho News, The Courier, in thotfriondliest mnnncr pos sible, referred to tho course of tho News in endeavoring to shnpo tho politics of Lancaster county, und it is surprised ut tho irascibility of thut entertaining paper. From tho tone of tho reioindor to this paper's good nutured comment ono would imagine that tho News had bcon touched., at a vital point. People (and newspapers are tho Baniej gonerally do not wigglo and squirm unless thoy uro very uncomfortable, and if tho A'eu-s' enso is so serious The Courier is sin coroly sorry. It would recommend a couplo of bottles of Chamberlain's colic cure. But The Courier's kindly meant ad vico may do somo good, For tho News intimates thut it will preach "tho gospel of puro republicanism and reject chi canery, conspiracy, trickery and dis honesty on tho pnrt of uny politiciun or political party." Somo republicans who huvo not mudo uny allowance for certain privuto considerations, huvo concluded thut tho News hus ceusod to bo a repub lican nowspapor; but The Courier has felt suro that it would not entirely cut looso f.-om republicanism, notwithstand ing tho democratic and raugwumpish tendencies of those who have the paper in charge And if Tub Courier has, us it appears, caused its contemporary to "tako a tumble to Itself," to use u vulgar but expressive phrase, this paper is duly gratified, though it regrets exceed ingly the colicky symptoms of the said contemporary. o Chairman Bushnell has issued a call for a mooting of tho republican county central committee of Luncnstor county, to bo hold at tho Capital hotel this (Sat urday) ufternoon, nt 2 o'clock. Spouker Crisp guvo tho Nobruskan members places on committies us fol lows: Coinage, McKelghun; ways und menns, Brynn; agricultural, Hainorj public hinds, Mciklojohn; Indian uffuirs, Kern; public buildings und grounds, Mercer; election of president und vico president, Hainorj alcoholic liquor t radio, Halnor; oxpendituries in tho department of agriculture, Kern. Thero is no longer uny doubt about It. Grun Ensign is u candidate for tho re publican nomination for sheriff, und ho will bo a factor in tho tight. Thoro Is a lively prospect of an interesting contest for tho Fifth ward delegation. Tho prohibitionists assembled in so called state convention in Lincoln this week, nnd plujed at politics u couplo of day b. o Lincoln captured all of tho state con ventions this year. Tho independent convention will ho, held September G, tho democratic October 4, und tho re publicun October 6. Nono of tho candidates for supremo judge .wus present ut the meeting of tho republican state central committee Wtjdesdny, although Judge Muxwell was in, the city.. Thero was a decklod antbMuxwell feeling , among the re. I uUicuns prepeiit, 0 In HI B Tho completion of tho Burlington to Sheridan Wyo hus drawn much atten tion to thut enterprising (own and the surrounding country. Many tourist and hunting parties from Lincoln nnd Omnha havo visited tho Inviting coun try in Northern Wyoming to which Sheridan is tho stepping stnno, und tho impression mudo by this section, which has hitherto been practically impentra bio, hus been Invariably favorable. Another year thoro is suro to bo a much greater influx of Nebraska peoplo to this locality. It tho accounts which come from tho gold fields in Wyoming uro to bo believed, und thero seems to bo no reason for discrediting them, thoro is protty suro to bo u genuino boom on in tho near future Sheridan, which is only ubout forty miles .from tho Bald mountain placer mines, which uro just now tho contor of interest, would in that ovont, dovelop very rapidly. It is con ceded by nearly all tho miners and ox ports ut Bald mountain that wealth in untold millions is buried in theso great placer fields, tho gold being flno und im possible to savo through tho process known to Individual effort. Tho camp must, therefore, become a mnchlno camp, und with this knowlcdgo tho Fortunutuu company placed n Bucyrus amalga mator in tho Hold a your ago and began experimental work. Tho gold extracted hus risen from 81 per cubic yard to $7, und hus sometimes fallen to 83. Tho umulgumutor wus recently run for fifty one hours, but the management would givo nothing out for publication. Tho result isut piesent lockod up in u Shori dan vault in the shape of a gold brick, tho value of which may bo safely esti mated ut from 815,000 to 87,000. A second umulgumutor, with (Ivo times greater capacity than tho first, is now being erected ut Buld mountain. Com puting tho vuluo of tho ground ior yard at 83 it would clear .up 815,000 per. day, 105,000 ir Veeky or 84fiO,Otfjor'mo'h'thT' Lucius J. Boyd, mining and civil engi neer, who recently arrived ut Sheridan and hus already accepted tho manage ment of tho Dayton Gulch Plucer Min ing company, of Buld mountain, stntes thut ho believes tho Bold mountain gold Holds uro destined to become tho great est bonanza of this century. ' Tho arguments mudo by Mr. Webster against Mr. O'Shco's resolution in the city council, providing for tho submis sion of a proposition at tho fall election for tho voting of 850,000 for tho exten sion of tho sowers, the chief object being to furnish work for tho unemployed, weio quite sound. The effect of such a courso would undoubtedly bo an influx of tho unemployed of other cities, und it would bo practically impossible to dis tinguish between residents and non residents. What to do for tho relief of tho unemployed is indeed u serious pro blom, though hupplly it is not bo pres sing in Lincoln as in muny places. Agriculture offers tho only permanent relief for tho overcrowded cities. Thoro uro comfortablo rural homes all over tho country awaiting applicants, and yot tho average laborer insists in living in a ciy und eking out a decidedly precurl ous existence. Wednesday night during tho storm, tho electric euro on south Fourteenth street woro deluycd for u few minutes, and thoro was some animated conversa tion till along tho lino. "Tho curs in this town stop every timo thero is u heuvy dew," remarked ono iruto pnsson gor. Af tor awhilo it wus discovered thut tho delay wub caused by u lho, or rather a hoso ucross the truck. Tho street ruilwuy management gets a good deul of cussin,' but tho fuct remains thut no ono can point to u town of Lincoln's sizo with u bettor Bervico, und thoro uro very, very fow whero it is us good. It is plainly apparent thut tho munngoment is doing its utmost to increase tho efll cioncy of tho system. Mr. Vogan hns spoken, but notwith standing, tho students will bo allow 0 I to work for their living. Mr. Vogan muy bo u powerful mun, but ho can't prevent tho students from entering into rightful competition with other Inlxirors. Thoro is n striking resomblanco between tho union depot tho rulhonds wero going to build in Oiniihu, und the viaduct tho railroads wero tialiw ,,, build In this city. Neither is a particu larly sightly ornamont. For dances und outings thero in mi such music in Nebraska us thut supplied by tho Nebraska stuto oichestru. New Imported SwIbb Cheese Millur A Gilford, grocers, opjwaite Burr block. H PROFE830R MAR8LAND. AWfll Kiimm l.liiciiln CllliD'ii ArrUi- In jltnti KriiiK'lx'it mill Ik lntrvliitl. 'Krofessor Herbert T. Mnrslnnd, lately ofjtho Lincoln high school, arrived In Sm Francisco a few days ago, Tho Omnieleut thut city, suys ho hus just coiaploted two remurkublo scientific ex peditions in quest of rare fossils. One was) to Pino Ridge, tho famous scene of O&'rccont Sioux Indian outbreak, when h and others discovered myriads of a atrgngcly curious fossil, culled tho doll's corkscrews. Tho other wus to Pjjlllps county, Kansas, whero Protles sofTMarslund discovered 11 woalth nt rbjftocornuB, elephant and mastodon resaalns, of whoso existence nobody htt-kcrto dreamed. Tho Chronicle swi "Ha was deeply bronzed by the pMJrlo breezes und burning sun. Ho mm ho had come to California to study maMno fossils for tho Nebraska unlvor aitju which Is very enterprising In send lsff out expeditions, und would net as iMHuotor in sclonco ut tho Heed school. It ijas a singular story thut ho told in referenco to tho finding of tho phono mewl dovil's corkscrews. Tho cork screws nro us much as eight foot long aetial corkscrew in shape, and are ottou t inches through. Ho estimates thut e are 400 square; miles of them, yet go to say, notwithstanding tho vast borof scientific expeditions hitherto, of them hns boon discovered before corkscrowB aro silicate, and they uro d in a sillcious sandstone. In muny they stick through tho sundrock hills, tho stone being worn olf by elements, und tho silicate spiral, harder, hus remained. Somo of strange silicate spirals nro coiled about a contral spire, liko a grape-vino ubout a tree. Thero is at tho bottom or root of tho spire curious protuber ances' ouch way, und rising toward the surface of tho ground ut something liko thirtyono degrees." FA8HION8 FOR MEN. tit is just' us drcflsy to wear u turn IV - .. us a stunning collar. Men who tko formoryiecd not hesitate to wear them for a chance The fancy colored hnndkorchlofs which tho manufacturers nro trying to introduce uro not finding much favor with mon of good taste. Stick to plain white if you would bo above question. Negligo shirts should huvo link cuffs und it would udd to their appearance to crease them. Shoes will huvo a much nurrowor too this full. It in a mistukon Idea that tiarrow-too shoes nro uncomfortable. They uro fur moro comfortublo than tho wldo fronts, if thoy aro mudo to lit the feet. Whou you buy your fall hat lot It bo a black stiff ono. Laat winter trousers of light-colored materials woro very popular with men wh had a wardrobe Thoy will bo worn moro than over this year. Tim Nebraska Yearllasr. A fine contest took placeMonday at In dianapolis in tho purso race for yearlings between Atalino and Mury D, tho last-named filly trotting under the whip from the distance stund, beaten only u heud by tho baby from Nebraska. Atalino lowered her Knoxvllle record of 2:48 to 2:4.1. Her dam is tho dam of Alix. 2:10, ns a 4-yenr-old. Tim Missouri Fight. Charley and Johnny Daly wero at Kansas City lust weok, whore they went to try and arrnngo for tho bringing off of tho Sharp-Crosby contest beforo tho now club at Kunsus City, Kun. Ed Burke, Crosby's trainer, accompanied tho Dulys; they represented Sharp. Tho fight will likely tako pluee boforo tho club in question, although no definito arrangements huvo boon agreed on us t. Hugh Hullctt is homo again utter a ten duy's visit at tho world's fair. For Rent -A splendid residence neur tlio cupitol. Furniture for sale house nowly furnished lust May. In quire Courier offlco, 1134 O street, Tho finest grocery store in the city. Miller & Gilford. For rut and open dates of tho No brasku state bund or orchestra apply at the Courier office, 1134 O street, tole phone 2.VJ. llmnt' Scekfiii Kxi'tiralon. 11 Missouii Pacific Ry. August 22. September 12 ami October 10 18JK1, with stopover privileges, going but continu ous passage on return trip good for twonlj dajs, this gives very low rates, to Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma nnd othr lioints. Call at 1201 C street, Lincoln, Neb., Missouri Pacific office, J, E. II. Miller ticket agent, for further part icula s and tickets. Kyi' n ml Kitr Hurui'ou. lie. W. L. Dayton, oculist und aurist, No 12' O sheet, Lincoln, Neb. wm nifties ofjhb tlMJ tlM 1 IN CiiiMio,Aug. 21. Hpoolnl Courier CorresMndonee It is ono of lho first mutters of Interest to the world's fulr visitor, to seo tho building of the stuto or which ho Is a citizen. In most In stances tho visitor can look with pride UKn tho' building or his state, but this pleusuro is not ono which Nebruskuns run indulge in. I huvo seen the No Ii.'iihIui imii1.uh: it-ui made somo i.iestlgutiiu in tegurdti ot erit.ttu buildings built ut tho sumo cost, and in no Instance does tho Nebraska build ing compare with any other building of like cost on the grounds, and It is fur below muny built for much less. There is not u redeeming feature ubout it; it Is a more blot ujion tho landscape, and I think it would tako a simple mind to bo convinced thut 850,000 hud boon honestly oxpondod in erecting tho build ing und preparing the exhibit. I novor before suw 8M),000 represented by such plainness and cheapness. The building is plain and poorly pro Iortionod; ono end of it Is partitioned oir into apartments, which aro culled reudlng rooms, smoking room, and ro ception room. The stnlrwny is bucIi a a one us a mun miuht nut in u barn. It m is a straight, old-fnshioued thing. Tho Dest finished und furnished room Is tho commissioner's room. It is tho only pint of tho building that hus oven a suggestion of tuste A definite descrlp"- tion cunnot be hero given ot tho cooling room, whore tho commissioner keens the slide's champagne, us Slate Auditor mooro seems to liavo cut off tho hiiiui v of funds and tho slock ot chuinpngno Is low ut hub timo, and tho cooling room is not open to tho public, but onlv to a few of Garneuu's friends. The stuto exhibit is smull. and noorlv arranged. It gives tho Btrangor no Idea Of NobrUaku'u lrnuf rMiinnwa nm1 In. dulfcTheVrtuiwa.fortunt-iH getting a good location on tho grounds, us it is justj jnsido tho prinelpul en trunco, und i In full view of tho crowd, und If tho money appropriated bv tho stuto hud been rightly oxiondod und an utiructivo building erected, und u fair display mudo it would huvo given thousands u correct impression of No brusltu, who now must havo a very wrung one. Compluint hus como to mo in vurious wujb of tho reception glvon Nebruskuns at their own building unless thoy happened to bo of tho "four hundred." I huvo no knowlodgo of my own in tho matter, to havo only tho complaints mudo by others judge by, but muny of them como from sources which I do not doubt, und I bellovo tho attention given is not eutistuctory, and many ovon com plain of being snubbed. My observa tion here has, however, warranted mo in behoving that thoso employed about tho Nebraska building, will bo fully compensated for what they huvodouo, and what thoy will do, oven it Auditor Moore should refuse to audit another dollur for their salaries. This state ment Included all employed in tho build ing, oven the boy around thero who is built ou tho same plan as tho Nebraska building, und who Is satisfied thut ho knows every thing. His duties consist of ulwuyu wearing u cronmory smile, of being on hand tin hour or ao ouch duy, und telling visitor to tho building when it is ruin ing.BOithut they won't huvo to observe this for themselves. Tho crowd is Incrousinir. und I boo people from all parts of Nobrusku. Among tho Lincoln peoplo I huvushuken hunds with this week uro Mr. A. C. Ziemor, Mr. R. H. Oakley, Nolson McDowell of tho stuto Becrotury's office, Hon. J. N. I Kountz, Rov. Lewis Gregory, und Rov. Mr. Chupin. I also had a pleasant chat with R. fc. Norvul of Sowurd, und E. F. Wurren of Nobrusku City and F. D. Mulr of Omuhu. W. L. K. For a sluggish and torpid liver, noth ing cun surpass Ajer's Pills. They con tain no calomel, nor any mlnornl drug, but aro comixwod of tho active princi pics of tho best vegetable cathartics, und their uso ulways results in marked bene fit to the patient. For Rent A splendid residence neur tho cupitol. Furniture 'or sulo house nowly furnished lust Muy. In quire Courier offico, 1134 O street. W. A. Coffin & Co,, grocers, 143 South Eleventh street. Jeckoll Bros, new tailoring ostnblish ment, lit) north Thirtoouth Btreot neur the Lansiug is the ponular resort fnr i lish garments. A 8TATE8MAN'8 PROTOQE. CoiiUirxMiiiin llrMMnrlitu'a "I'liitonl'i" AtlVrllttn for MIm I'nlliinl. Tho press dispatches, commenting on- tho regret t able outcome or tho, Brookon-rldgo-Pollurd enclamlra In tho Capital City, speuk ot tho surprise In Wushing- ton society uver the outcome us If it wu not suspected by them thut tho relations)' so long known to many wero "nnytliliig except platonlc.'' This I cunnot accept us a true presentation or tl.n caso. Washington knows Its public men so will and so thoroughly understand' the proteutt business Hint thero Is no surer way for ho nustlsnect Ina- stranger will, In the gates to brlmr down uoii his head tho scorn anil derision of tho knowing ones than to mention pliitonlsm in such n connection. When the Hon. Robert Protection Porter, of the luto census fiasco, hud to discharge n small army ot clerks and wus compelled to conllno his forco to only tho comparatively fow who haul sufllclent congressional influonoo to mnko tholr discharge rnthor too hax unions to contemplate, tho Wasting tonlnns woro not surprised, however tha rest or tho country might marvel, to learn thut tho residuum was undoubtedly tho best beauty show in tho country 1 It wus, in tho vernacular, "onto tha game," nnd It well know that Plato had just as much much to do with It ns Kor Porter, mid no moreTown Topics. CONQRE88MAN BRYAN. Tim "Hun." TourliltiK Trllmln lo tlin liny Oriitor or thii I'lulln. The Hon. William Jennings Bryan. thu Boy Orator or tho Plutto, is u Jowol in the cur or Nobrusku und tin orna ment ot her First Congress district. Ho hus tho temperament and tho volco of an orator, and the laurels or silver sieecli aro bright upon his brows. Wo con-, grutuluto him im his honors, and 'tin with no grudging Bplrlt thut wo venture. to remind him that tho peroration ot , tho lurgo silvor speech with which ho delighted tho House on Wednesday, wai ot base motal. It glittered like a pyra-1 . mid or cartwheels, and many an eye in,, ucraaiMSjuijrttwiiMAfjwiMUIUKUedby, .A it; but thoro Is nothing in IfbuTgHtter and filigree Tho tteacock, says tho old saw, is eshiimed ot its legs. Hour, iC . you please, this specimen of Mr. Bryun'a sounding brass und tinkling cymbals: "Tlio dmiiocrntlc piirty Manila toilny between twoconfllctltuf forcon, Ou tlio ono alilo ititni! copornto Intoroiti of tlio United Htntri, tlio munsyod Intorrotn, nirref(M(I wcnltli nnd cnpltnl, Imporlnui, arrouant, comiiiiailonloii. They aro nblo tu nuUcrlbo miiKulflcniitly to cnmiialsn ftmJ. Tlioy nro nblo to cruih wltlt tholr nll-roTiilliifr Influenco all who may oppose j anil to thoio who fnwn nnd flatter thoy can brlnir oano and plenty. Tlio demand that tlio doniocrntlo party shall bocomo tho agent to oxocuto tholr merellcii docroei. "On thoothor ildo stands an unnumbered throng, thoso who saro to tho democratic party a namo, and for whom It has assumed to spook. Work-worn and duit-bofrrlmod they mako tholr mute appeal, and too ofton And tholr cry for holp boat In vain airainst tho outer walls, while others less doserrlntr gain ready access to loflUlatlro halls. This army, fast aud dally vaster, pleads with tho doniocrntlo party to be its champion in this terrlblo conflict. It cannot press its claims amid sounds of revelry ; It cannot march its phalanxes in irraud parade. No audy banner float upon tho broece. Itsj battle hymn Is 'Homo Sweet Homo' i Its war cry. 'Equality Uoforo tho Law.1" We hate to call tho Boy Orator of tho Platto down from tho silver-lined clouds, but wo must do it. Tho work-worn and dust-bogrimed aro just tho persona whoso interests Mr. Bryan is opposing; by his clamor for a cheap dollar. The man who works with his hands has but ono thing to soli; tho work of his hands. Ho is a creditor for ovory duy ho works. Ho is tho Inevitable und chief loser by un inferior nnd domorulized currency.. Tho "moneyed interests" cun tuko care-, of themselves in tho long run; thoso ot them engaged in tho sliver business, for . instance Tho capitalist can wait until bettor conditions como; tho luboring mun cunnot. What ho loses ho loses..' absolutely. ' Tho railroad hunds, tho smull farmers-, all tho worklngmeu of Nebraska would bo injured by Mr. Bryan's dollars; and tho silver sound of his sentences will not help thorn. New York Sun. A full lino of IuiKrtcd Sardines and canned Boups. Miller Jfc GlITord.oppoBita Burr block. Fruited ice cream sodu wutor mudo, from thu natural fruit, nt Rector's Phut-, inncy. For Sunday dinner supplies call at Hulter's market, opposite Lunsing Thea tor. Phono 100. Mountain lioso Pino Apple is bottoi und cheupor than any other in tlio mar. ket. Miller & Gilford. When you und your best girl nro out for a stroll ulwajs mako a bins lino for Juno ico cream jMivillon Thirteenth andiO streets. Furs stored for tho suminor insured roo rroiu moths und theft ut F. E. Voolker's, practical furrier, Y.M. (J, A, building, i V 3 Q iii&mV.'i-nHfov -i ..iJl . wtonUafc .&,, . - jut.tW. .. JW,. ..vavBL' 7ssm91