Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, August 19, 1893, Image 5

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Til f
3 ft. by 6 ft., $4.00.
30 in. Rugs, 2.75,
26 in. Rugs, 2.00.
3 ft. by 18 in., 25c each.
- 2 ft. by 4 1-2 ft., 50c.
.' , '
f ''
,i - -
(Continued from Eighth Page'(
heart was utmost broken when ho was
defeated by Fitzsimmons. IIo brooded
over this for months, und likewise ho is
now brooding over tho opinion which It
is claimed tho sports in tho oust have of
Tho result is thui his mind has becomo
temporarily unhinged, and ho is now at
St. Joseph's hospital undergoing treat
ment. IIo bus been thoro sinco Monday
and is pursued by the idea that his
friends, or Bomo of thorn, aro trying to
make away with him. Other vagaries
also run in his mind, and it will requiro
perfect rest to struightenout tho tangles
in his brain. Tho house physician at
St. Josoph's thinks that eventually
Dempsoy will bo all right again; but for
a timo it looked rather serious.
Dompscy has been drinking hard over
sinco ho has been in Portland, where ho
has a wifo and two children, nnd it is
thought that tho excess of liquor may
have had some cause in bringing about
tho trouble. Dempsoy has been a littlo
queor over sinco his defeat by Fitzsim
mons, and at tho time his friends and
intimates thought his heart would break.
Will Not Mrrt IrlnlMy.
It was announced in Now York
Tuesday that tho international prize
right for $20,000 betwoeu Jack Dempsoy,
of Portland, and Dick Burgo, of Now
Custlo, England, is declured oh", Burgo
declining to go on with tho arrange
ments for tho match owing to Dompsoy's
Tho Xt'V l.itlrHl,
Word cumo from St. Paul jesterday
that Doinpsoy Is now all right, and that
tho tight witn Burge will tuke pluce. It
is said that Dempsoy will begin training
Octobor 1 at Rockaway Beach.
O'DuiiiiuII Muy .Mitt Cliojimkl.
If Sloyo O'Donnell, tho Australian
hoavywoight, wins his light with Jack
Cuttanach, of, Providence, R. I., ut tho
Coney Island Athletic club, ho will prob
ably bo matched to light Joo Choynski.
Tlio club's board of directors decided
upon this move on Sunday night.
O'Donnell is in excellent trim, and is
coutldout of winning. Cuttauuch, how
ever, has been training hard, and writes
that ho feels sure of carrying oft tho big
end of tho 82,500 purse.
MIiourlaii Will Fight.
Frank Crosby und Hurry Shurp, notod
Missouri lightweights, have arranged
for a match, which will bo u fight to a
finish, according to Murquls of Queens-
i ,i
New cincl Beautiful ColorlnuM It Xtu;inlii'OciiiotM
lieyoncl till dovtlt tlit? lliionit T.lrio of l?itttri
ever lronclt to tlue 01t- of Tvlucolu.
fiAjraiituipe of &r&xy Ieioi?iiti
fcSAftfli iNS. 0?
bury rules, with three ounco gloves.
Tho contest will probably bo fought
boforo tho Athletic club of Kansas City
Kan., and will occur on or before No
vember 15. It will bo for WOO a sldo nnd
tho lightweight championship of Mis
siouri, ncithor principal to weigh over
133 pounds.
McCluk)'M Ilrmery C'uiiih After the
Hon ton Mnu Hint (tone.
New Youk, August 15. Somo of tho
stories now in circulation about tho
quarrel between John L. Sullivan and
McClusky at tho Vnndorbilt hotel Tues
day night lust, ut which tho latter Iircd
a shot at Sullivan, uro conflicting. Tho
spectators of tho affair say that tho two
men grumbled at each other for ten
minutes or bo, McClusky ail tho timo
edging toward the Lexington avenuo
door and Sullivan following him up. At
length becoming heated by some re
mark of tho ex-champion, McClusky
hauled otT und struck John L. Then ho
turned und ran for his life An hour
afterwards McClusky returned accom
panied by u crowd of partisans, and
blustered about, asking for Sullivan,
whom ho had reason to know wus not in
tho hotel. "There wus no pistol shot
iircd," said a man who was present, "but
once on this second visit McClusky
nourished a revolver. Then tho atton
dunts in tho cufo requested him to leave
and ho did so,' Tho opinion seems to
provail among sporting men that Mc
Clusky is peeking a littlo notoriety ut
John L.'s expense.
I.lniolii ItouiUtrr C'luli.
Tho matinee of tho Lincoln Roadster
club yesterday afternoon, the last of tho
season, was largely uttondod; there was
an unusual number of good races. Owing
to tho early hour at which TiikCoi'kikk
goes to preps it wiib iompossiblo to got a
detailed account of tho tiices in this
Mrs. Sam Weasel und son Henry ac
enmpained by Mrs. and Mirs Friend re
turned from Manitoti Col, whoro thoy
spent tho summer, enjoying tho invig
orating mountain air,
Mrs. M. Kohn und sister Mrs. Wise
went to Nebrnska City visiting rolnthes
1 and friends.
Do suro and put a box of Ajer's Pills
in jour satchel beforo travelling, either
ly fund or sou. l ou will fine them con
venient, efficacious, and safe. Tho best
remedy for costivenoss, indigestion, and
sick headache, and adupted to any
climate. s
Furs stored for tho summer insured
free from moths and theft ut F, E.
Voelker's, practical furrier, Y. M. C. A.
building. ,
i. t
HoiisAelxolcl Goods, Stoves, tc
Will Not Be Arbitrary With
- 1520 O STREET, klNCOLN, NBB.
Many stories uro uiloat concerning tho
clover moans resorted to by various poo
plo for tho protection of savings
banks endangered by tho pres
ence of n run by depositors, but
tho following related by a correspon
dent is probably tho best of all tho
stock, says tho Omaha Excelsior. A
certain Mr Kclloy was at ono timo, in
1871, cashier of tho Corrignn street rail
way company in Kansas City, and tho
accounts of tho company wcro kept in
tho National bank of Commerce Tho
much despised penny was not tlton in
general uso there as now. People woro
ashamed to pay for any articlo with
pennies, oxcept, perhaps, jiostago stamps,
and tho old-fashioned "faro Ikix" in tho
cars became a dumping place for them.
From 83 to 8T would be found in tho
boxes by Mr. Kelloy every day. IIo
usually dumped them in sacks und
stored them in tho company's vault.
During tho crisis of '71 tho peoplo be
came very much excited und Hocked to
tho bank in droves to withdruw their
deposits. Runs weto made on nearly ull
tho bunks in tho city und many woro
forced to suspend.
One day a run wus made upon tho
Kansas City Savings bank, und tho peo
plo wero lined up waiting their turns to
reach tho tellers, who wero pitying out
money by tho basketful, when a happy
thought struck Mr. Kelloy. IIo wont to
the police station, secured threo twlico
men to guard his treasure, loaded eight
sacksot copper pennies uion a wheel
bttriow and took them down to tho
bank. Tho sacks originally contained
gold and were labelled JS.OOO'' in great
"'"TV .vrmmg, nine name
nnold colored woman, who hud como to
Si' m- . .T,', w,y,n1cl ',
hy MiRtn i Kelloy, wha fo yo' put U
,.ii uiwiivj iii n.-u i iii:ii wurtu u-iiruw
I in our money ull out?" Kelloy replied!
, "Thufs ull right. This bank isn't going
, to bust. I can put mora money in here
in ono day than all jou peoplo cut) druw
out in six months," as ho trudged into
tho bunk with tho last sack. Tills dis
play of confidence on tho part of tho
streot railwuy company had u quieting
effect iixm tho crowd and thoy rapidly
dwindled awuy. Tho sucks contained
just 810, but it saved tho bank.
This is another littlo story going
around in regard to how u young Irish
cashier stopped a run on a bank sc:..e
years ago. Ho was paying out Bilvor
us fust ub ho could und, becoming tired
of tho job, seut ono of tho assistants
into tho back room with a bushel of
You About Terms And Prices.
. -
dollurs und instructions to heat tho
wholomass red hot. When thoy woro
dono to a turn ho began ladoling them
out to depositors. Tho first man who
received his doposit said something
about "Helon Blazes" and dropped tho
"entiro ludeltul on tho floor. Tho cash
ier then suld, cooly, "Gentlemen, you
will huvo to tuko 'om that way. Wo aro
turning them out us fast as wo can molt
and mould them, nnd it you can't wait
till thoy cool, d n it, you'll Itavo to
tako 'em hot!" Thoy waited.
Tho Chinese pay their doctor only bo
long as ho keeps them in health, Thoy
bellovo in preventing rathor than curing
disease. This is sound sonso, and ono
of tho strongest recommendations of
Ajor's Sarsaparilla, a medicine which
not only cures diseases but prevents
A full lino of Imported Sardines and
cunned soups. Miller & Gilford, opposite
Burr block;
Fruited ice cream sodu water mndo
from tho natural fruit, at Rector's Phar
macy. For Sunday dinner supplies call at
Halter's market, opposlto Lansing Thea
ter. Phono 100.
Miss S. E. Blakeslee, lino dressmaking,
at Mrs. Gosper's, 1114 O streot.
For all social doings the Nebraska
stato band or orchestra is what is
alwajB most desired.
lleufiieint C'Hiimit ll ( lircit
By local applications, as tho cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only ono way to cure deafness,
and that Is by constitutional temedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the Eustnchln tubes. When
these tubes get inflamed ,ou have a
t M till tl in i r I ii 1 it inttkiirfimt ltifitttwr
j mu, whon it , t,ltin,, d()Swl lltmf ,,;
aml u,w8 , in,iamuiati() CMIl ,
tl,ken out mul tlll tlI,JU rosto,ed to its
normal condition, hearing will be do-
H, , u , ,.,,, ,)f kn nnJ
caused 1) catarrh, which Is nothing hu(
an inflamed condition of the mucous
We will givo 8100 for any case of deaf
ness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Send
for circulars, fr
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
LirSold by druggists. 7.'c.
KjkhiiiI Kur IHirfini.
Dr. W. L. Da) ton, oculist and uurist,
No. 1203 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
Tin Union I'livlllii Ohi-np IUtr.
Only $30.00 first class to Ogdeu, Salt
Lake, Helena, SHkano and Portland
For full particulars call at city ticket
office 1044 O street.
60. 0WN PRI6E-
' v
Last week Tiik CoimtKU quoted some
uncomplimentary remarks by Eugono
Field concerning tho "littlo tin gods of
literature" who have erected thrones
along tho eastern coast of tho Unitod
Stutcs, meaning mora especially
Richard Watson Qildor, tho dilottanto
editor of tho Century, und tho Century's
literary pots. Tho Now York Sun took
tho mutter up tho other day, and said, in
"Ho has lately oxpressed a contemptu
ous opinion of our eastern authors and
declured that if tho west is ovor to huvo
any literature of any vigor, it must cut
loose absolutely from their enfeebling
influence. Apparently ho takes tho
ground that tho contemporary estimate
of tho value of their productions is too
high, und that consequently thoy aro
making mora monoy than their merits
entitle them to. IIo describes them as
a poor lot, and culls them very bad
names to express Ids contempt for their
timidity and nnmby-pnmbyism. If
thoy wcro out of tho way, ho thinks
literature would bo bettor off.
Mr. Eugono Field is a man of a de
lightful and various genius, and his
critical faculty is deserving of high re
' spect. Hence we hesitate to condemn
i his judgement of eastern authorship,
without careful consideration. He is
j speaking of tho authors whoso names
1 have been kept conspicuously before tho
public as tho literary leaders here
abouts, and whose fame is revered in tho
Authors' club. It cannot bo truthfully
denied that some of them are open to
the charge of feebleness which ho brings
against them. The contribution to per
manent literature made by the whole
crowd is piohahly small; and many of
them are still banking on a reputation
easilx won at a less critical period. At i
best, little of the present production is
notable. It is not up to tho literary and
intellectual average of ery much of the
repotting of the Sun; and the same may
be Kiid of most of the contents of tho ,
magazines. Intellectual vigor does not
often appear among those writers. They .
seom to bo afraid of each other, afraid
that they will bo sat upon by tlioirj
fiilluiiaif ttmv ll'rltii mitlliMlllt wlttim!.!
affectation, and honestly. Thus they
miss individualitx of stylo, und lack
spontaneity. They are more or less tho
literary humbugs that Mr. Eugono
Field culls them."
Foit Rknt A splendid residence near
tho capitol. Furniture for sale
house nowly furnished lust May, In
(iulre Courier otlico, 1131 O street.
1 I IB
i 4
' f
i w
,,? i' I'.1- V5 ,t '
Our entire Handkerchief
Stock for one week at
Gome in and examine
them, it will be to YOUR
1030 O STREET.
Real Estate Loans
On farms In Eastern Nebraska and iraprOT4
proporty In Lincoln, for a torm of yean,
Corner Klrrrntli and O St roots, Lincoln.
Nut Iks
. It. lloclx. lint iinruo unluioun. ilofoudiint,
will tako utiticp tliiitnii tlio -nth 1 1 ii of July,
JM, Knuik Jl. Ml)", pin hit lit herein, (Hod hk
petition in t!ii illntrivt court of I.nnnuter
count), SebiuAn, lunlint iii defendant, tlm
ol)ict ii nd tr.i)er of u itcli U to fettle nnd
unlet tln t(tl. fori'ur In tlio nid Kr.inW SI.
Miles, in woll ii tlio po"tesim thereof, to lot
olewn (It;, In lilirk Uwiitj-idx (.Ml In Duuaou'h
nddltlon to Niutli Lincoln, In I. nnoiixtor county,
Nehr.uka, mul to cancel mul ftaM) nnd hold
for nutmlit mul iIpciwh certain t-tx diss! to ltd
W. (I. 11ooIh for nld lot.recordeil OctolKr:)tli,
1871. iu ImmiIv p, nt paKO '-M, of dei-d nvonU tif
nil Id t'ount). You ar reiulriH to .niiwcr itjld
iielltton nu or iwtoro tlio lliatin or tv'pteinix-r,
ir'M r..ll Jl HU.M,
Dutcil Jiili
Ill ft
l KHJfy, irkiV Pi t . ssssssssssssssssssttlh. A fl . k . I lA'Mir f sJsllMrfliMrlsiYf Jh j,, ,iiirftsVBssss4sKsssW
JUUHBHHKaHBBnuWEHaHHHWHHHH rfisWf sTssV lllmssssssssBssssssssssssssssWMssilil if lis 'Jrt'OsssssMlssMsssMM'lissMtstsfrsHsssssilMsssMP sfn'im UMi