Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, August 19, 1893, Image 2

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VlriKMit NurirW I'nrly.
Mr. mill Mm. L. W. Terry were greatly
surprised on their return from an cast.
crn trip and llt to thn world's IiihI Fr.
day evening, to llml tluit nbqut sixty of
tholr Mends In tho Unstl.lneoln Baptist
chtirch liml made preparations towel
emtio their return home. Tlmy assembled
nt the home of Mr. V, W. Speneer neiir
by, mul ill 8:.'0 proceeded In n Intdy to
the house, where the evening was spent
in social concrsntlnn. Tempting re
freshments were served, and the evening
passed very pleasantly to nil present.
Open Variy.
Misses Miuiil mul Grace Oakloy Have
a delightful opera party at Lincoln park
TlttirHilay ou'iilng in honor of Miss
Wordoti of Omaha. After the opera
the joung hostesses nerved delightful
refreshments The participant woro:
Misses Worden of Omaha, Sehn
Case, Kthel Hooper, Grace Burr, Mario
Marshall. Luoy Grilllth; Messrs. Harry
Lansing, Boss CurtlH, Guy Hurllnit, Wll
win, Winger, Frank Kitchen, Arthur
Wnlsh, Harry Kviins, John Lotterldgo.
Mhrr Wnlillng.
Mr. mul Mm. Sollgsohn celebrated
their wilier wedding nnntvorBiiry Wed
nonday afternoon nt tholr ri'Hldenco
1700 M street. Among thoso prcsont
were: Mr. mid MrB. S. F. Bach and
daughter, ot Chicago, Mr. mul Mrs.
GIrbo, ot KnnHiiH City, Mr. H. Wnlfson,
of Khiihub City, Mr. mid Mrs. A. Keens
loy, of Troy, N, V. and Mr. and "Mrs.
KanHley of thin city,
ten Crram I'mty.
Miss Miuido Beasloy gave a delightful
ice cream party at the residence- of her
sister, Mrs. W. W. Cooper, at 000 south
Eighth-street, Monday evening In honor
ot her friends Miss Josio Hart who
started for Denver and Mrs. O. E. Mc
Carty who Btartod during tho week for
the world's fair. Tho ovoning passed
'very pleasantly to all prcsont.
ttavola Club.
Ravola dancing club gavo u dancing
party at Burlington Beach last ovoning.
Invitations were Issued to a largo num
ber of friends outsido ot tho club, and
there whb a largo number in attendance.
Minor Mention.
The annual picnic of tho Ancient
Order of Hibcrniaua, which was post
poned from last Tuesday on account of
the Inclemency of tho weather, will bo
held at Lincoln park next Tuesday, tho
37th. Hon. A. 1. McQuick, ot Daven
port, and Hon. P. Jones Cosgrovo, ot
this city, will be the orators. A pro
f4rram ofjitldet, kjsports will be carried
out, a feature of which will Ihj a base
rball gamo lietweon picked' nines from
division No. 1 and division No. 2, Tho
Nebraska stato band will givo a concert
in the ovoning.
MIsb Daisy Tuttlo is preparing a con
cert to bo given by her in tho Y. M. C.
A. hall Tuesday ovoning, August 22.
I'ersonal Mention.
Mrs. L. Westerman is in Chicago,
'Mr. Will Westorman is in Chicago.
1 Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Waite are at Chi
Mr D. Q. Wing was a Beatrice visitor
Miss Gertrude Hll went to Beatrice
Mr. H. J. Hall Is attending tho Chi
cago fair.
Mr. M. D. Welch in at tho Columbian
Governor Crounso was in West Point
t Mr.T. N. Hnialing has gone to tho
world's fair.
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Sutter aro visiting
.InLutter, la.
' Mr. A. Koch-Amlriano was an Omaha
visitor Monday.
Muw May Dover left for Cromvillo.
Iowa, Tuesday,
Mr. Lew Marshall has returned from
the 'world's fair.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tibbots aro at
the world's fair.
Miss Lillian Dobba Is visiting frionds
In Lowell, Mich.
MUm Salllo Cox left Thursday for
Shenandoah, la.
Mrs. Samuel Shears was an Omaha
visitor Saturday.
Mrs. T. C. Munger is enjoying a visit
at tbe world's fair.
Colonel Harry Dobbins leaves today
for the White City.
Miss Daisy Odell Is visiting friends in
Grand Rapids Mich,
MiasWordeu, of Omaha la the guest of
Mlsslfaudo Oskley.
Hoa. Albert Watklns has returned
from the world's fair.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. 8. Stuart are at
tssdiag the world's fair,
Mrs. George Camp is visiting friends
V hi Des Moines, Iowa.
' Mr. Fred'Sotyser will leave next week
,-for his home in Boston.
Mrs.M. Hart and Miss Josio, are visit
iiut rstatives in Denver.
-, ,,. . j twtuvf, im vstiiaua was in
'UsmsJU during the week. J
Ro. 0. M. Lamhertson has returned
tsss Mtasml Fobtt, Wis.
', '.Miss HsttU K. Nswmeyer (eft duriag
s veekfs ImmlajH, Mo.
' , Of j.
Mrs. D. W. O. Huntington left Thins
day for Ocean Grove, N. Y.
Miss S. L. Yates, of Chicago, Ih visit
lug the family of Mr, Yatcfl.
Kov, h. I. Ludden and family hiivo
returned from mi eastern trip.
Mrs, M. Hushnell in enjoying u visit
with hor nlntor at South Bend,
Mr. Charles Alger returned Monday
from a brief trip to Wyoming.
Mr. and Mm. A. l Hyatt left for tho
Columbian oxosltlnn Monday.
Mr. 0. O. Whedon spent Suudny at
Maleom with Mr. A. Ollorman,
Mr, mid Mm. H. 0. Hartley aro en
joying it visit nt tho world's fair.
Mrs. T. W. Griffith and MIbb OIUo
Ltittii were in Omaha Saturday,
Mrs. F, W. Tucker left Monday for
Chicago to vlnlt the world's fair.
Kt-Governor Thnjer Ih in Ln Porte,
TexaB. Ho will return next week.
MrB. I. Putnam and daughter, MIhh
Florenco, left Monday for Chicago.
Misses Lillin mid Helen Hoover left
Thursday for tho Columbian exposition,
MIbb M. J. Gilbert mid ulecn MIbb
Desslo BoUnson, left for Chicago ThurH
day, Mra A. W, JmiBon and MIbh Sidney
Murphey left Tuesday for tho world's
Mr. Clinton D. King returned today
from it two weok'H vlnlt to tho White
MrB. J. D. Harris Iiiih returned from it
lengthy visit with friends in Salt Lake
MIbb Julia Ackcrmnn mid MIbh Tillln
Ackorman aro visiting in Memphis
Mr. Luto Morso is enjoying a vacation
of two weeks In Chicago and WiHconnln
Mr. John Dorgnn is ublo to bo out
again after mi illness ot about two
Master John Hill has returned from u
pleasant visit at his unclo's ranch near
Mrs. C. M. Hurd has roturned from u
sovoral weeks visit with frionds at
Poorla. III.
Mr. Louis Westorman Is visiting tit
his old homo in Decatur, Ills., and tho
world's fair.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Blair have ro
turned from a four months visit to tho
world's fair.
Mra. O. E. Bewick and children and
Mrs. M. Lockio, left Thursday for tho
world's fair.
Mr, Stockton Heath, ot Omaha, spent
Sunday in this city, tho guest ot Mr.
Oscar Funko. ,
Mr. J. V. Faflott, of San Jose, Cal., is
tho guest of his cousin, Mr. A. L. Bixby,
of tho Journal.
Mrs. J. W. Smith visited in Maleom
over Sunday with hor daughter, Mrs.
William Beeson.
Captain and Mrs. Phelps Pnino have
roturned from a Visit ot two months at
Plymouth, Mass.
Mrs. Hattio Mussolman and Miss
Edna Everett left Tuesday for tho
Columbian exposition.
Mrs. A. B. Stoele ot Herkimer, N. Y.
is tho guest of her cousin Mrs. O. D.
Harris ot 2001 G. street.
Mrs. John McBride has returned to
hor homo In Galveston, Tex., after a
pleasant visit in Lincoln. ,
Miss Ethel Hooper and Miss Seba
Case will leave Monday for a visit with
friends in Nebraska City,
Mrs. A. Rhodes and daughter Miss
May are visiting in Frooport, III., and
the Columbian exposition.
Miss Elvia Blako and Miss Clara
Irwin left Tuesday for u month's visit
at tho Columbian exposition.
Mrs. E. S. HaWloy and daughters,
Miss Florenco and Miss Hcnrlotta left
Thursday for tho world's fair.
Mrs. Lydia Holmes and daughter Miss
Laura of Kansas City aro tho guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gero.
Mrs. Zara A. Wilson will return today
from Syracuse where she has beon at
tending tho W. C. T. U. convention.'
Mr. A. R. Hall, of Donvor, Col., form
erly ot Lincoln, is visiting Mr. Charles
Butord, on North Fourteonth street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Undorwood und two
daughters aro expected to return to Lin
coin from Chicago some time in August.
Messrs. Edwin M. Lamb, R. S. Young
and 0. W. Fishordick have roturnod
from a hunting trip through Wyoming.
Mrs. Ruth M.Wood has roturned from
Wyoming, where she spent her vacation,
with headquarters at Sheridan Inn, at
Mrs. Ellen Miller and'; Mrs. Beckmer
ot Philadelphia, are spendlna tho month
of August with their sister Mrs. F. W.
Bartruff. , '
Dr. Benjamin F. Bailey departed
Thursday for an outlpg of two or three
weeks around the lakes of northern
Dr, R. E. Glffcn returned from a visit
to the world's fair Saturday. He was
accompanied home by his sister, Mrs.
Misses Elisabeth sad Katherlne Wes
ton, of Beatrice stopped in Lincoln
Wednesday on their return from New
castle, Wyo.
Mrs. J. M. Clark, who has been visit
log her daughter, Mrs. J. Q. P. Hikler-
braud, returned to hor homo In Pnwneo
City, Monthly,
Mr. I. W. Camp and daughter, MIbb
Clara left Thursday to visit friends In
Iowa. They wllhlnlt tho world's fair
before their return.
Messrs. John Fitzgerald, J, J, Butler,
William McLaughlin and Edward Ksner
will help represent tho state at tho
Catholic congress to bo held in Chicago
September I.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Biggor hnio
taken possession of tho pleasant cottage
at 1'JU Hotith Seenteonth street, which
ban been remodeled and rebuilt, making
a very comfortable and tiiBty homo.
Mr. Horaco W. Orr, of this city, wiih
married July 20 to MIbh Nellie J. Thomp
son, of Granville, N. Y. They have ar
rived in Lincoln titter a honeymoon spent
in Chicago and various olntH on route
from tho east, and have gono toliouso
keeping In a pleasant homo nt Twenty
llrst and South streets.
Mr. W. A. Eeker of this city tttis
married last Thursday nt Crcston,
Tou'i., to Miss Magglo McMantgnl of
that place. Miss McMaulgal ban vis
ited In Lincoln on several occasions
tied has a largo circle of warm friends
here. After a trip to Chicago and tho
east tho joung couple will return to
Lincoln and mnke tholr homo tit 1010 P
Htreet. They tiro expected to nrrlvo in
Lincoln about September 1.
Messrs W. F. Kolley, Frank L. Hath
away and C. Y. Smith returned Wednes
day from northern Wyoming where
they npont nearly n couplo of weeks
fishing and hunting. They report both
llsh and gamo plenty, and tho oxcollont
reputation for voracity hitherto enjoyed
by these gentlemen, lends a measuro
of plausibility to tho somewhat ambiti
ous yarns related by them of tho
animal productiveness of Wyoming,
though there tiro thoso who rcfueo to
accept one statement mndo by Mr.
Kclley, to wit, that ho caught ninety
bovoii trout in forty-five minutes, not in
cluding u largo number that hot gavo
A l.rmlliiK tlentocrntlc Authorlt) on
Lincoln' Noted Clttinn. p,
Evon in Lincoln, his own town, thero
nro many opinions of tho Hon. Patrick
Egnn. Tho following from tho New
York Siti is interesting as tho expres
sion of tho lending dcmocratld'r,new8
paper in the United States tho dem
ocrats as n rule ore not kind to Mr.
Tho Hon. Patrick Egnn, luto Minister
to Chill, has returned to the United
States, and this 1b a good thuo ' to Bay
that his conduct in tho , very dejicato
mid difficult complications between' tho
two republics wns thnt ot a (lrin,
patriotic, and worthy representative of
tho honor of his country. Aside from
somo injudicious partisan opposition
to his courso, tho attacks upon him in
this country camo prlncpltilly f rom thoso
Men Without A Country, tho Mug
wumps. It seems to griovo thoso .. gont
lomon ovory timo tho Unitod States
refuses to bo kicked without resistance.
Besides, Mr, Egan wns a friend ot Mr.
Blaino, and not a friond of England.
So ho was copiously abused and lied
That did not provont his serving his
country well and ho deserves woll of it
Mnroln'n Financial Napoleon Having n
Good Time In Omaha.
C. W. Mosher is confined in tho Doug
las county jail. Omaha. "Confined"
doesn't exactly oxprcss it, but that is
what Judgo Dundy would probably call
it. In reality, Mr. Mosher runs th'o jail.
Whon pcoplo call on him ho takes thorn
through and shows thorn tho colls und
tho prisoners, etc., just tho sumo as ho
used to show people over his bank. Ho
recoives visitors ot both sexes, and has
a good tlmo genorally. And Rocoivor
Huydon meantimo has not found it nec
essary to call upon him for assistance.
Tho question naturally arises, why Isn't
ho transferred to tho ponitontiary ut
Sioux Falls? Tho only answer that can
bo made to this query is that Judgo
Dundy and Mr. Bakor don't want Mr.
Mosher sont away yot.
At llurllngton lleath.
At llurllngton Hoach Ilia prcsont ha boon a
buy wpolc. Tho warm weather called out
Umo crowds, and hundrcda wont inbathlnK, or
sailed on tho lake, or rodo on tho iteamor, or
danced In tho parlllon. There hai boon a big
attendance orery aftornoon and ovoning.
Sailing tow moro popular evorydny. Eory
body nail now, and thoyachli aro In constant
demand. Tho management of llurllngton
Beach try to make tho public thoroughly at
home at thU resort, and they haro aucceodod
admirably. Thero U to much to do, and orory
thing it to pleasant, that pooplollketo goto
thn lake, Thn resort grows more and more
popular. Music OTory ereulng at Burlington
To o to the World's Fair.
Why? Because tho Great Rock Is
land Route has given groatly reduced
rates, and you can now make that pro
posed trip to see tho Big Show. Tho
rates apply on tho following dates:
Go Monday August 7, return Friday
August lbor IB.
Ask nearest ticket agent for full par
ticulars. John Skdastian, G. P. A.
Fine new line of business suitings
from 935 to $40 in Scotch and homespuns,
Jeckell Bros., 110 north Thirteenth
street, near Lansing theatre.
E l)T0
XtttS SV1PPUES TVt sflots
m T
ueKoat to tlmo
I Hove In. Adir&cl
Tlx 13caiy- las Cryinsi
Mr'T'L. ', -
,'-t?. vV)
-j- " '
ot, 4 "
Tlio JaTfionclas ' of
Coualn'M l?ltie Oacfords
Unless you have a good-sized
umbrella over your head and a
good pair of shoes on your feet.
As well as the money to pay off
the INDEBTEDNESS on your
church before
He will divide $1,000 among
the churches and benevolent
institutions of Ioincoln when he
has sold Ten Thousand Dollars
worth of goods.
'.When the SAfoES will have
reached that 'figure and you
should see that a pledge for
is handed in before Sept. 1.
Who sits at the
head of the table that I have his size
He will aid the sale by paying
For a pair, and they will please him.
Quite an assortment
of Ladles' Slippers suitable for evening and
party wear (there will be evenings and
parties before long) A variety of colors of
feredSatins, plain and beaded, per pair. . .
Red Goat, per pair
Elegant Black Slippers, per pair 0St9
What for:
Perhaps Tans
Gloth Top and Soft Sole In Black and the
Electric Blue.
In fact, large children will want shoes
and I can spare them.
A Dnl UA,I Cl.H..n
- "Grover's soft shoes
for TENDER FEET" take notice that they
can get what they want at a bargain.
- In Opera Tip and
Plain C. S., ever before $3.00.
I also have a full assortment of Ladies
high shoes In all styles, at remarkably
low prices.
Remember that my stock is very
large and complete.
M:m '.
Vv.s i'L'M
IL. -o
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SOo, Tto.
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