Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, August 12, 1893, Image 7
T7W1 : cc ., 4 It .- ii . yt Vr" i 8H& lntl, IM, . AmiTAN c. fUtUSHIB A blow from tho outaldo was tho only Ntpome. rrhot'i right!" shouted Iko m a second Mow caused tho door to spring on Its Mages. ''The sooner ye inako n holo through thot partition, tho moro likely I am to reach yc!" He emphaMxcd tho remark by draw ing the slldo and discharging his revolver through the nurture. A yell and nnud 4m shuffling of feet without greeted the hot. For time all was qnlot. Mosely drew Ike slldo again and roconnoltored. Tlie result was apparently not satisfactory. He mapped tho catch back suddenly and tamed sharply uihu Iluinly Jim. "It'sjest ea I reckoned," ho aaidquiot ly. "They're comin back ngin, and thin WM they've got a timber with 'em, and wet door is goln in. I reckon we'll make division of forcea." He drew the bolt pa the inner door an kg gnftWa Call him," he whispered. Humly Jim complied. A second later Brace atepped tlirough the opening. Th deputy grasped his, revolvers and disap peared within, Ike Mosely turned and faced the ranchman in the moonlight. "Pardner," he said, placing his hands , npon his shoulders and gasing into his res, 'ye don't need me to tell ye the! taia'll be ft close call for yon and me, and awbbe one or both of us is goln hone. Bat, by the living God, I'm hers to tell ye.tbet thar's no man I'd rathet flffet for or die alongside I" He pressed pair of shooters into his otnpankm'a hands a he spoke. , "2fow,then,"heaa4d, setting his square ahonlder againat the shoulder of Brnce, aad cooking his pistols, "let 'em come on, d 'era! They'll And thoy've got Mere than they bargained for, or else I've forgotten how to shoot!" A rash from without drowned his words as a blow delivered with tho force of ft battering ram caused tho door to leap inward. A shower of dust and plaster fell to the floor. A aecond rush aad shock followed. The door fell from its binges with crash, and tho moon shone boldly in and streamed upon the atone pavement. Brace and Mosoly ro treated into the shadows of the doorway. Hare, unseen by those without, tbey cov t ered the entrance with their cocked re volvers. The moonlight flashed coldly OS tho glistening barrels f nil in eight of aa excited crowd of men poising n heavy . "A aaosnent's pause ensued, The sol. ';', Mete, thiftkiftg that the weapons were those of tho sheriff and his deputy awl that Brace was In tho interior of the Jail, V were, averse to naascsary bloodshed. i At thk iaetaat thirs was ft crash of mn hotry w .the-NMr, accompanied by the Jhutmc of gtoss and tho whistling of ,baUels. , Tho leader of the party held up r'hsB hand to parley. ' '"I reckon you hear that, Ike Mosely," he said, with aa oath. "The boys are ratta your lockup frosn the windows. - Yea' ana-lit ea well hand that feller over quiet and peaceable before they take him out corpse. We've sworn to string him up, and ea we're ten to your one ye mm ',:. might as well be sensible and give in." '" "Yen think so, do you?" retorted the .sheruf through his set teeth. "I'll let you know I think different! ril allow ,', wet me ana dim Kin uoia oniy one end ;'of this jail, but thet's about what we 7s'eakalate to do. Of course ef yon kill MB W HI MIMIUIW i. Mil fc miWW , bio, but tho first man of you thet steps ftorosa tort doorsui u gone in I give vms that flat!'1 Tho sheriff had hardly spoken when IhO door of the iaaer room swung quick far back and Humly Jim appeared. He was not visible to tho taroag without. .Closing the door behind hint, he leaned gainst it His voice cam distinctly to to tho ears of Mosely aad Bruce. " 1 TW ain't no ase.ror me toltmt ia ) ' aar asoro tta ia aW," he said slowly. "Tlawau't no prisoner to mara. Least- thet's likely to tit away. ;Tht last volley settled Lem's account foe good aad all. X reckon., Th darned Matte killed tho wrong man. Praps tbet beta tho case you've got more use for me aerem front." Moeely was about to whisper eomehur ried command to his deputy when a sec- ' ond volley crashed through th inner room, splintering the woodwork and beam. Tbe sounds of talsterrino fusil lade had not entirely ceased before a rod v den nob borne on the night wind 'came to their ears from without. A low rum ble as of distant thunder shook the earth, aad the windows of the jail rattled with strong vibratory tremor. The crowd about tbe shattered door turned in sur prise. A clear, ringing cheer burst sud . donly upon th still ahrht. There was a sound of galloping hoofs aad a murmur of many voices, and with a sudden rush aad tumult a mounted cavalcade swept round tho jail, th moonlight flashing upon their brandished rifles. Ia an in stent th building was surrounded. Th leader of the party charged the group of soldiers before th doorway at a gallop, reining up hi bora so fieroely that th hoof sof the animal struck Irs n the resisting gravel. "Fallback abouted the imperative voioeof Colonel Hunt. "Fall back, now, alloc you, aad disperse! This baa gon far enough." ; 'At be aharp command Forakor'a men. raaUaing tbsywsr now between two sudden freak o' yonnt for a moonlight prtsoar sorter took tho nnud out o' thorn sojors, nntcirauy, uicini ur wiiat nngoi sent you down our way at this hour o' tho wlghtr Colonel William Hunt removed his hat, ntid tho moonlight shone full upon his ftorioun face. Cynthia Dallas Haggerrd trembling tn the doorway. "You've struck it, Mosoly," he said solemnly. "An out and outnngol and no mlstako. I ain't no call to tnko t. myself any credit for this yor nlght' bitnees. It all belongs to a woman a little gal ea galloped 10 miles to bring me word, and notwithstanding hex rid with us every step of tho way and put the blush to every man in my troop-ra gal ea I'd bank on ag'in half tho men I over see and who's too good adurned sight for tho best man in tho state." And even at this moment jmlo, breath less and dishevelod Cynthia Dallas stag gered trembling to the doorway and sank fainting on the threshold. CHAPTER XIII. With tho arrival of tho rangers and their armed investment of tho jnil at Bradford post the open animosity agaiusf Henry Bruco vanished. Such was the awe inspired by theeo frontier pollcothat no further attempt at outbreak followed. At 0 o'clock on the following day u mounted escort accompanied Bruce to tho courthouse, and a preliminary exam ination was held. Phil Kornochan had arrived during the night, bringing with him Judge Natchez, the ablest lawyer of the circuit. The prisoner found himself surrounded by influential counsel and friends. Tho presiding justice conducted tho proceedipgs with that perfect impartiali ty and absence of judicial dignity for which he was noted, With his hat on tho back of his head, a short black pipo in his month and untranunolod by coat, cravat or collar, he lent himself serious ly to the gravity of tho occasion. How far the judicial mind may have been influenced by the sullen presence of the more disaffected of Poraker's men in the courtroouf and by the armed demonstration of the night before it is impossible to determine. Judge Pember ton smoked alike impassively through the eloquent argument of the prisoner's counsel and the fiery appeal of tbe state's representative. But on motion of Judge Natchea to release Bruce on ball he cheerfully acquiesced. Ho further agreed to the application for a chango of vonuo, holding that tho present stato of popular reeling was hardly conducive to that calmness of deliberation which the law prescribes. His honor's phraseology is necessarily lost in the above paraphrase. Ho said, I believ, that ho "wasn't tryin no case In no place where everybody was dead sot on hangin tho prisoner first and hold In court arterward." But doubtless the legal principle of abstract justice was implied in this Lono Star dictum. Tho trial was set down for tho first week in September at th neighboring county seat of Oskaloo. Sheriff Mosely was overjoyed at thk decision. "Why, thet's right whar I was born and brought up," he said to Bruce, slap ping bias on the back as tbey left the courtroom. "I own thet place. Yer band, pardner; I congratulate you on yer luck. Whoa tbe time come round, I'll run dowathar and see ef I can't scare up a reasonable, f a'r minded and onpreju dioed jury ea'll view this business in a tru and holy light" Th confidence of Bruco ia his even tual acquittal was naturally Increased by this reassuring statement. None the was did Phil Kernocban re lax his exertions in his partner's behalf. He consulted earnestly with Colonel Hunt, who with a party of his men con ducted them back to the Mosquito val ley ranch. Judge Natchez a man of wide experience in Texan practice and pleading outlined several modes of ac tion, but was inclined to lay groat stress upon Sheriff Mosoly's co-operation and suggested that Mr. Buck Jerrold bo approached aaa possible valuablo ally. Accordingly a few daya later Kernochan rode over to tho latter'a ranch and held a conference with that gentleman. Mr. Jerrold had been already impor tuned in behalf of Henry Bruce. He had paid a visit to the Dallas ranch the previous evening and had heard from Cynthia's own lips an account of the storming of the jail at Bradford post and tho rescue that followed. Ho pa thetically had Cynthia wrought upon the sympathies ef her auditor that Jer rold' had been unable to resist the ap peal. Itwaa perhaps proof positive of thaf oowman's love for Mis Dallas and hty own generosity of soul that he prom ised his assistance, although In giving it he waa awar that he stood in his own light. He received Kernochan with that grav ity of demeanor for which he was noted, 'tempered possibly with a certain resig nation wmca udiih iue circauuuwcee Increased the latter'a good opinion. Ker nochan unfolded his errand in a few words. Buck Jerrold filled his pipe, lighted it, aad seating himself on a nail keg ia the dooryard reviewed the situa tion solemnly a follows! "Thar ain't but one argyment to bring to bear on th towa of Oskaloo," be said, deliberately eroaalag his legs, "aad thet's whiakyl Fve been down thar, off aad on, for th last 10 year, aad I aever HMpAsJMMhafBJ?7?BBBHHJBftftk SftHaLftLBLv Mil KHftHl aiittvv nnyuiui uiho to curry toavtcttoa In (hot thrlvln settlement-onlcss'lt Was a t)-sliootcr. nnd oven then I reckon whlsfcy'd Btnnd tho beat show, Yo see," ho wild, pullluic uttliostr.ipsof his heavy bootn and (lancing nt thorn as if fur in spiration, "tlio poppylation is thet rigid and nurrcr inluded that it needs suthin of thet nuturo to got tho milk o' human kindness to flow. They want uutliln U start 'em! "lit I could go down tlmr now in tho in terests of juutk'i) nnd jestfloat tho town, jest play tho millionaire and do tho generous thing It might cost yon uutliln but I reckon I reckon," nald Mr. Jer rold cautiously, "wo might net on honor able t ml scjunr deal, oven In thet benight ed Ht'ttlon,o"t "It's ag'in tho natur o' things," con tinued Mr. Jerrold, "to look for favor able results ou any other ground. Thorn fellers down that way, I reckon, are what Parson Coutrcfltt calls 'postimlstB' -thoy'ro malarial in their tastes, and they'd got things crooked on gen'ial principles. Accordin to their view, ev erything is crossgraiued from tho start. Thoy jest tmtch'ally look at things on tho bios bo to speak. "They'd allow, for instanco, thot Hen ry Bruco laid all night for Forakor out on tho San Morcua roadt that he round ed him up and started him on tho 'long trail' because ho was stampedin his plans nnd prospects. Thet's what they'd 'a' done, and thet's the way thoy'd look at it. You and mo knows different thot it waa dono in self defense, i But it'll need judicious maniporlatin to make them liberal minded and to git 'em at all charitably disposed. Thoy must b elevated to thot p'int. Then yo'll git justice Thoir moral natur sorter leave off whero tho rest of us begin." Ho paused and looked seriously at Ker nochan to noto tho effect of his words. Evidently gathering that, from his vis itor's previous opinion of tho town of Os kaloo, his logic was beginning to toll on him, ho summed up his position in a few words: "Ef I rco'loct, I was a lootlo onsettled myself that night in San Marcus, and I ain't no way sartin thet Honry Bruce didn't take a gratlfyin contract off my hands. You go to work, Mr. Kernochan, nnd engage tho best lawyers and argify ersthe stato can produce Thoinll be necessary, as tho prosecuting attorney is dead ug'in yo from the fust, but ez for tho Oskaloo part of tho bizness, mo and Iko Mosoly'U run thet. And I reckon," concluded Mr. Jerrold, rising and per mitting a grim smilo to relax the corners of his mouth, "I reckon tho jury at thet trial will bo in compytent hands." Phil Kernochan rodo back to his 'ranch under tho impression that the difficulty of combating local prejudice at Qakaloo was materially lessening. But Mr. Buck Jerrold was gloomy and dispirited all the afternoon. It was not long before tho delight with which Miss Stafford greeted tho release of Henry Bruco gave placo to a very dif ferent state of mind. In the enthusiasm of his return to the Mosquito valley ranch, she bad detected no change in his manner toward her. Accustomed from Infancy to her own way, the" idea of a rival in the regard she unquestion ably manifested for tho young ranchman had probably novor seriously crossed her mind. She had accepted the interest of Bruco complacently, laid claim to his at tentions aa if by a species of divine right nnd exhibited toward him a cer tain air of proprietorship with the pre Bumption of her sex when conscious of its attractions. To nuoto the words of Judgo Natchez, who was for profes sional reasons some timo a guest nt tho Mosquito vallev ranch, tho voung lndv's uimuuo wwaru neury isruco waa that of tho "holder of n first mortgago bond wherein the equity was decidedly micro scopic" Miss Stafford very Boon awoko to an Intelligent distrust of her position, and then to a conviction that her power was on the wane. Her mortification and chagrin to find herself supplanted by ono whom her prido in no sense recog nized aa an equal can well be imag ined. , Perhaps the first Intimation that Edith received of a change In Bruco waa in his manner of receiving her slighting allu sions and half contemptuous mention of Miss. Dallas. Originally he had passed these over with the good humored cyn icism of a man of the world. But now anything of the sort plainly Irritated him, and persistence in tho matter pro voked a retort or possibly a sudden sar casm. With singular infelicity of epl- thot Miss Stafford had characterized Cyuthia's devotion to Bruce during his Imprisonment as "kind" "really quite what ono would have expected a girl of her surroundings to havo done." It will bo understood that Bruco cher ished a different sentiment. His old interest in Cynthla--the inter est that ho had felt since that first day when alio had pooped down upon him in the gloomy chasm with her fragrant suggestions of hemlock and pine woke anew in his heart, nnd with it a sense of gratitudo from which, I trust, mankind, in tho rarity of feminine constancy, is not entirely exempt. This interest deep ened aa tho spring advanced and tho season slipped into summon He grew quite in tlio habit of riding over to the Dallas ranch and passing tho morning in Cynthia's society. Hero, although he persuaded himself that his attitude to ward the young lady waa merely such as a brother might hold toward an af fectionate sister, he was often astounded to discover with what winged feet the hours flew overhead, and that familiar objects took on a nudden association and charm from the witchery of her corn- pany. It waa doubtless this brotherly later est In Miss Dallas tliat prompted Henry Bruce to Instruct her upon the guitar an Instrument singularly calculated to overcomo shyness and restraint between persons of the opposite sex, and aa snch to be commended. If while thus em. ployed Cynthia found herself sitting at times very near Bruce and their fingers dangerously involved ia compelling mel ody from tbe refractory string, K was unquestionably due to her anxiety to be .....O.I...4 "-fnrwyy. and U while playing somo chord or explaining some accompaniment there stole into tho gontlemun's faco an expression so win ning and tender that tho girl's sweet eyca grew downcast and tremulous it was tho zeal of tho instructor doubtless that prompted this. Certainly for its oppor tunities nnd possibilities tho light guitar has reason to bo appreciated, and there slumbers in its strings a sympathy that proves n powerful ally to sontlment. nowlK'it, whutovcr may havo been tho oxiwrionco of her companion, Cynthia leurncd little from tho instrument of which hnr heart lmd not been eloquent before But alio ncquircd a certain dainty dexterity, nnd as this musical intercourso gavo rlso to much conversation and con fidential disclosure it was not long be fore Bruco was well acquainted with nil her girlish dreams nnd fancies except ono, in regard to which Cynthia said nothing, but preserved tho ovasivo Bllenco of womankind. It sliono in her eyes that kindled at his coining, in tho quick color that mounted to her cheek at his approach, in tho sud den delicious tremor that seized her when ho drow near, and tho indoscrib ablo thrill that set Iter heart to throb bing whenever his hand touched hers. In placo of that dejection that once op- Eressed her, a glad gayety and light oartedness attended all her movements. Joylaughodin tho sunlight, and mirth camo to her on tho wings of tho wind. Tho breczo that rocked tho treo tops of her bower, lotting slip bright shafts of light to stray within, Mt her all uncon sciously to singing. Old man Dallas noted the change nnd grow reserved and thoughtful. After Cynthia's daring rido to Bradford post he had taken occasion to read his charm ing daughter a long homily on tho "dan ger of young women showin all to onct how much store thoy set by any young foller." According to Alcidrs, it was tho dnty of tho box to "set back nnd let things hump themselves according to their natch'ral coiiino." Cynthia hod accepted this rebuko meekly. She was now uni formly affectionate to her father. Old man Dalian noted the change and grew retcrved ami thoughtful. "I reckon them now bonnets sho was talktn about must have got up to San Marcus," remarked this cautious skeptic, who was inclined to refer all feminine advance to mercenary motives. Find ing, however, that his daughter's caresses were quite gratuitous, he shook his head gravely with renewed distrust. It was only after a doleful rehearsal upon his fiddloof his symphony to "Married Lif e" that ho appeared to havo pierced the hoart of tho mystery. It was about this timo that Miss Staf ford ceased to allude to tho frequency of tho visits paid Miss Dallas by Henri' Bruco; it was about this timo that sho became apparently unaware that any such young woman existed; it was about this time that sho began to drop stray hints iu regard to certain admirers at the north, for whom sho cherished an ex travagant interest an interest which ipeedily began to manifest itself in cor respondence; It was about this time that she gave out that these parties were Im portuning her greatly to return home, but before doing bo she meditated a coup d'etat by which she trusted to wring the heart of her rival, and if posslblo "lure this tassel gentle back again." And so the summer days passed by until September came and with it the momentous trial at Oskaloo. TO nE CONTINUK.l). NEXT MONDAY 18 YOUR DAY x To Go to the World's Fair. Why? Because tho Great Rock In land Route has given greatly reduced rates, and you can now mnko that pro posed trip to see tho Rig Show. Tho rates apply on tho following dates: Go Monday August 7, leturn Friday August 11 or 18. Ask nearest ticket ugnnt for full par ticulars. John Skhahtian, G. V. A. Mr. Z. M. Hmlmtt Of Augusta, Me., sayst "I do not remember whea t begaa te talcs nood'9 g&mparlUai It m several year ago, sod I have found it does ase a great deal ol yocd la my deouuutff years. I am 01 Yars a smbUu sad 20 days old. and ay health It per fectly food, 1 bare no aches or palm about me. Hood's 8arsaparilla 'fMuUtoe My boweU. sttaulates any appetite, iSSHSpu sw M aieap) welt. I'doubt III Eiarafea am u made well jultci te weal of idjpe-Ml.' L. . Hauls, Krert, riamsaVgsT, iept M, 1IW. HOOWS PtLL sm a BOU.aeatl, psUlsn, aUaaakaaa aalaauBulSB. WBTWiar eTaaaaaraaaat iaW"""!!....'.... ff 1 fA' fl'.X.V." in Ira aLfxX 1 Ml mli .am .PSVLattnaamtw WVwl5im M Mil 1 Ib IHaUAM-l'i Hll r. &JEu Ml 1 TW-A IH Jsmrltf3LMll L tTaT nl m If 1 vf!i H 3fSCT4H'Wuv. I'il R r JjvmM ! VX 1 r unr lsB'T!Ks4LCi tOttaau m jr ffflW. k WA U A w av .ammffBetaft.wt. A. UK Vl V Wl Wu' SfeSS " tmnm " .TWPTCamjatasT7BTdf . ua x M I x xww t,pT7niA . ,,, uxr j x mji Htk YL7 h 1 M"J -r -Ms. T tt.. A r. ft .7 "Dauntless Scorcher," "King Scorcher," "Royal' bight Roadster," "The Majestic," "The Dauntless Compeer," for Ladies Also the Latest Novelty, the COMMON Never buy a Wheel Gor. 10th and M Sts. Found it at kAsr. JUST THE BOOK 1 HAVE BEEN bOOKING FOR. And several thousand others. I would advise all who would save time to go to . W. I5I0,WJVS, 128 SOUTH I ITH 8T THE EbiGANT AT S. E. MOORED, 1134 O STREET, ARE RAPIDLY DISAPPEARING. COME EARLY. HTIS -FOR- WEDDINGS RECEP1I0HS. BHL8. PHRTIES. LMPNS. ETC.. WITH AMPLE EXPERIENCE IN THIS PARTICULAR LINE, WM ARE ENABLED TO EXECUTE THE MOST Elegant At Popular Pricy, at the tame time guaranteeing CORRECR FORMS and and all the Very Latett Styles, CAbbING CARDS In this line we show all the New Effects and odd shapes together with new faces of script. Call and ses samples. Our work speaks for itself, TRECOURIEfi PUBUSHlKfi COmPBHT jfaae.1 Orders emolloitecS JVIoist PopnULlflLl? OIT THE) JDJLTT. T1 Wo hnvo now la stock tho most approved and best line of Wheels over bIiowii hero, and Invito you to call and gco the SENSE HICKORY WHBBL.. until you hnvo seen us Carriage Manufacturers.. WAbb PAPERS ir for 1893 which include several new and mi o Vflttl j.K2kKL.IS 'T?J,FWl'J,t. lE&xigpr&r&CL i j I . m .. K. WiVW!raia?SfpWKWSaafa